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The Joy Ride #202

The Masculine Journey / Sam Main
The Truth Network Radio
January 9, 2025 5:00 am

The Joy Ride #202

The Masculine Journey / Sam Main

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January 9, 2025 5:00 am

Welcome fellow Joy Riders to the Masculine Journey Joyride Podcast! On this podcast you can expect to laugh and smile with Godly men who love the Lord and want nothing more than to honor and glorify God. So sit back, relax, and enjoy the Joy Ride.

This week, the guys discuss the things they want to leave in 2024, and the things they want to bring into 2025. The clips are from "A Man Named Otto," and "Seinfeld."

Be sure to check out our other podcasts, Masculine Journey and Masculine Journey After Hours for more great content!

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What's Right What's Left
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This is the Truth Network. In this podcast, you can expect to laugh and smile with godly men who want nothing more than to honor and glorify God. So sit back, relax, and enjoy the joyride. Hey Joyriders! New week, new joyride. The clip you just heard is from a movie called A Man Called Otto.

In the clips, you will hear Otto is teaching a friend how to drive manual and it could be going better. But why am I playing this clip? See, it's like this.

The topic of the masculine journey this week is about leaving certain things behind in 2024 as we move forward in 2025. In the clip you heard, the lady was getting frustrated, and it's one of the things I want to leave in 2024. There are times when I'm trying something new or different, like at work, and if it doesn't pan out how I envisioned it in my mind, I'll get frustrated and angry.

And sometimes I let that anger fester all day. But let's continue with the clip. I suck at this. I suck. But I almost hit the car. It's like this. Oh my god.

It's a hybrid, okay. Okay, I should go back. But I'm very close.

I don't need to go back? And here we go. So press in on the clutch and give it a little gas. Slowly let out on the car.

Press in on the clutch. So there you can hear the panic in her voice. A lot is going on and she's getting overwhelmed while Otto is getting angry. The second thing I would love to leave in 2024 is my anger, specifically while driving. It's a bit of a sore spot for me. So a car is stuck behind Otto at a green light and he's not happy about it.

But let's hear how Otto handles the situation. What is wrong with you? She's learning how to drive.

You do not have to learn how to drive? Calm down old man. If you honk that horn one more time, it'll be the last thing you do. You hear me, huh?

Caprinde? Now you listen to me. You have given birth to two children.

Soon it'll be three. You have come here from a country very far away. You learned a new language. You got yourself an education and a nitwit husband and you are holding that family together. You will have no problem learning how to drive. The world is full of complete idiots who have managed to figure it out and you are not a complete idiot.

So clutch, shift, gas, drive. OK, so while Otto wasn't completely patient with the guy in the truck, he was with his friend and he was encouraging, which is what I want to bring into 2025. Patience and understanding. So do me a solid, everyone.

Keep old Keith in your prayers, you know, to let go of the anger and be more patient. I figure if I can be more patient to start the year, then I'm less likely to sound like this at the end of the year. It's only a few days, a couple weeks into 2025 and it seems like holidays are already a long time ago. Maybe it's just me. What holiday? Exactly.

Yeah, there were a couple of them in there. But no, it just seems like, wow, it's already on to the new year. The cold weather. Well, the cold weather has not been fun. Yeah, it's not as cold as some places that you're listening, I'm sure, right now, but it's been cold for us. It's North Carolina cold. We actually had snow on the ground.

We did. And ice that stayed for a couple days. You go a little bit north and it's got quite a bit of snow. They've got five inches and such. Oh, yeah. And such.

It's the unsuch part. The freezing rain and the sleet and whatnot. Well, and then the whatnot. That's a totally different category. And such and whatnot.

You can't really be done without those. No, we haven't grown up in 2025. But today's topic, what we're talking about is something that I saw in a meme or whatever you call it when a meme, whatever, a little picture thing.

All right, I'm not tech savvy. But it's it was as you're coming up to the end of 2024, beginning of 2025. I sent this out to the team, because I'd read it and it made me ask myself the same question. It says time to decide what you want to leave behind and what you want to take with you into 2025. And so the topic for today's show is, what are you leaving behind and what are you taking with you?

And so that's what we'll be kind of talking about as we go through. And it honestly was a pretty good exercise for me to do. I don't know how you guys felt about doing it.

But it was a good thing to a different spin on the end of the year. But to say, Okay, you know, let me look at some things a little differently. So to speak, you guys can they can't see it on your head on the radio. I can hear it in here. I just we can't go to the live feed. Yeah, we're on the video now.

Three of our listeners can, you know, see our hearing impaired listener. It looks like he's agreeing. There we go.

Andy's in agreement. But yeah, all right. So anyway, not all of you speak at once, but that's okay. Was it a good exercise?

Danny? I'll just look at you and put you on the spot. Well, I struggled with it, to be honest.

Okay, I'm glad you're being honest. Yeah, deep thought was not one of my giftings. So I'm saying what I thought about was when you brought this topic up that you what is it you want to leave behind and that's a classic there that, you know, leave the pain of the past behind whatever in 2024 was not a stellar year for us. Some pain, you know, and some lessons learned. And so my idea behind this, we brought this topic was I want to leave the pain behind only not dwell there, because it's very easy to just kind of wallow in the in the pain in the situation of stuff and carry that with you and it weights you down.

In order for, you know, Andy was talking about hope. So that leaving that behind, but but carrying the lessons of the wisdom of what maybe God was trying to teach me or you know, the lessons of life that come, you know, wisdom comes from experience a lot of times. And so that's kind of my idea behind this. Yeah, I want to carry the lessons of wisdom.

And, you know, hopefully to navigate similar situations in a better fashion, or taking what I already know, into into another situation, and not getting bogged down in all the pain and that kind of thing. So that that was mine in a nutshell, I think. So basically, you couldn't find two clips. I didn't notice. I didn't find any better way to have said that would be you were smart enough that yours was all in one clip where we had to have two clips. Don't Yeah, yeah, yeah. I was just giving you the comeback for the I was gonna leave sarcasm behind in 2024. It just didn't make the list.

Yeah, it didn't make the top of the list. So some of us have began recently to submit more. I used to be the one that they that was always the Yep, yep. You wouldn't you call me you clippers you clippered clippered or well, the reason why we want to make sure we had enough clips for the show. Yeah, people coming in and out and stuff.

And Sam started cement multiple. And I and I did tonight too. But it's just it's just you. Sometimes, when somebody's there to they can borrow a clip or you can, you know, sell it to them kind of like a letter on Are you standing up for Danny or standing up for yourself? Condemnation joking, I guess I went into defense mode explaining it was really defending the whole idea of of doing that. So I'm just messing with you.

You know, not trying to stare you down. You just don't fall for it anymore. Yeah, that you listeners don't care how the sausage is made. You know, it's just like, you know, he thinks things kind of hard these days, doesn't he? He does. I go to a defensive mode. That's what I'm giving up for this year's being defensive. Really? Sure. It doesn't sound like it's working.

I mean, I say that was a question mark at the end of that. They're gonna leave it behind in 2025. It's really hot. It's gonna go cold really quick. So from the guys a masculine journey, I'm Keith and we'll see you down the road. This is the truth network.
Whisper: medium.en / 2025-01-09 06:08:19 / 2025-01-09 06:12:22 / 4

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