This is the Truth Network. The heart of every man craves a great adventure, but life doesn't usually feel that way.
Jesus and the truth in life. Welcome to Masculine Journey. We are in 2025. That's crazy.
Not yet. Well, yeah. It is. It's 2025 as this show airs.
So, yes it is. So, it's crazy that 2024 is already come and gone. Isn't that nuts?
That is really nuts. Yeah, you know, it's I know they say time goes faster the older you get I wish Harold is here so we could Really see how quick it goes. Well, it goes quicker. I can I am blown away Yeah, because as I was telling you before that show in 2025 I'm gonna turn seven, you know that and I was thinking about when I was a kid, you know, I thought well in 2025 I'll be 70 like and then now here I am. Oh, man. It was just a just a moment ago Oh, I know.
It's yeah, it's crazy. And you know, I used to Maybe it's pessimism pessimism setting in I don't know I used to always look forward to the new year and the new opportunities and then I realized it's just Wednesday to Thursday Most my problems Wednesday are still gonna be there Thursday, you know, it boasts the challenges But it's not a reason to be pessimistic. It is a reason to be optimistic There there's newness in the air.
Oh, of course. Yeah So as a part of that part of how you can know there's new things are gonna happen They're gonna be kind of cool is revisiting old things That's happened and so part of our topic for today is what is our favorite memory of the ones that are here today with us of 2024 in regards to the masculine journey that can be boot camp related. It can be radio show related It could just be your personal masculine journey that God takes you on. But what's some of your favorite memory? what's your favorite memory or favorite memories of Of the year and so it's always good to kind of look back and and see what God's been doing Yeah, I like to take my camera roll, you know And I did that, you know over the last few days and look back to see what God did and it blows my mind That all the cool really cool things that I got to do last year got to take part in.
Mm-hmm. And of course You know, this is a big part of my life always and and and the friends that we have here in the band brothers But it's it's really a treasure and you know as you were thinking about it the masculine journey one of my favorite memories of the masculine journey and in 2024 It's gonna sound a bit feminine, but it's when one of you guys kissed me Oh, yeah, it wasn't me wasn't me. Yeah, it was Terry because I was telling him how you know I always kind of struggle that idea of you know, kiss the Sun less he'd be You know this idea of a holy kiss exactly.
What is that and about that time? He just puckers up and slaps And I mean I will never ever as long as I ever live forget that But the funny thing is is since that happened, you know It's not unusual for me to just reach over and you know When when we hug just kiss him on the neck or whatever and it really isn't as horrible as it sounds Yeah, but anyway, it's part of the masculine journey is is that according to Tammy? I'm good with a holy handshake Just say holy hug would be good for me.
Well, you might need a Terry initiation to say yeah, yeah Put you on his list. Yeah, I'll tell you Hear this evening or this afternoon really hear this Kind of go from there. But yeah, that's what we're gonna be talking about And there's lots of really cool stories from the last year, you know We've had a couple boot camps which we do every year and in each one, even though we have the same Topics we go through, you know, it's the same basic talks, you know at every boot camp.
None of them are the same never They never are the people are different God's doing something different the the warfare is different at each camp You know, it's different foods different, right? You know it you would think that it would be the same but it's not it's completely different every single time They're they're each very unique You're welcome. Very unique Yeah, yeah, so Danny you have the first clip of this show So if you want to tell us a little bit about 20 25, that would make Quite an honor.
Wow number one the first show of the year. I may need to rethink that I may need a plaque. It just makes sense.
Yeah They need a better clip. They made it we Made a plaque to commemorate this or something. I don't know. Yeah.
Well, that'll be my memory for next year We do this show terribly here next week. Well, you still celebrate with the guests with you Yeah, so the well my clip is from secondhand lines and it's called the speech It's where hub gives Walter a piece of a speech that he talks about. I don't know that in the movie You ever give the whole speech, but there's a part of the speech that and and he's he's He's I'm looking for word I'm not gonna find it but he's imparting truth to this young boy Mm-hmm, you know cuz hubs an older man and he's you know been through some stuff and they have an interchange there and you know the the statements that he made just just kind of The sum of a lot of my year this year and so we can play the clip when we talk about it on the backside You cold son Those stories about Africa About you a true one Doesn't matter it does too Around my mom. All I hear is lies. I don't know what to believe it Yeah, if you want to believe in something believe it just because something true. That's no reason you can't believe in it A long speech I give the young man sounds like you need to hear a piece of it. It's the piece Sometimes the things that may or may not be true or the things that a man needs to believe in the most The people are basically good to honor Courage and virtue mean everything the power and money money and power mean nothing That good always triumph over evil and I want you to remember this love True love never dies.
You remember that boy? Doesn't matter for true or not you see Man should believe in those things because Those are the things worth believing in Got that That was a good speech So thanks Yeah, I heard a pretty good sermon yesterday and and the words water and seeds and fruit came out a whole lot and and I just happen to be sitting here thinking about that, but the Hub is talking about the truth and the things you believe in and It it's in the fiery trials of life. I think that we come across and You really do define what you truly believe You know because there's a head knowledge of stuff and then there's that heart knowledge of stuff you walked out and one of the great overarching memories I guess of this year and well since I've been with you guys too is that Knowing that you know the stories that we tell You know from the podium at boot camp or here on the radio or at an entrenchment or something or true stories like like hub stories That been through and you know, some of them aren't glamorous, you know he had just told because Walter asked him what happened to Jasmine the woman that he loves and And since she died in childbirth and you know, he lived that and then he went back into doing you know what hub did and which was fight very well apparently and but to say all that is you know, we started this year pretty early on at an entrenchment at Robby's Church and Met some people there and you know now, you know, we're kind of shell are kind of involved there some But you know meeting new people all throughout, you know boot camps and and seeing people that You've known for several years now And you know, my friend Tony comes to boot camps and you he and I go back long before I met you guys And he was part of our ministry in Asheboro but hearing the stories and getting to know people and Knowing that true love really never dies You know people can make your life hard for them to love But if you truly love them, you should be all-in as we were talking about a pre show and you have had several incidences Family members this year that it's been tough to love them But I've ultimately what God has taught me is I've just commanded you to love them Doesn't matter how they react doesn't matter if you get anything back doesn't matter. You just need to love them And in that there there have been some some awesome memories some tough memories But but overall what has taught me is that that true love never does fail And I've said it on here before my wife says she that's how she knows God is real because God is love and love never dies because God never dies and So to love phone people and to get to love on people at the capacity that we do On so many different levels and you know the laughter and the fun But yeah, when when the rubber meets the road and and the fires on You know, you got people around you that love you. They may even kiss you on the neck or whatever but yeah, I think but that that to me that kind of summed up, you know, especially 2024 and And probably gonna be more so 2025, but that that's just to me to know that I can love people From a different level.
I guess that makes it. Mm-hmm One thing I like from that from the clip. We just said that was a very good speech. Mm-hmm. Not saying the speech In pre thought yeah, it's something that he lives and believes in practices Mm-hmm.
All right. Yeah, it's fundamental to who? hub became right, which was you know, the thing I love about that speech is You know Walter is trying to get hub To be his uncle. Yeah, and Hub is his uncle But I don't know that hub has ever accepted that role completely and in that Intimate moment that they share right there that Happens that it and the other side of that discussion when the hub offers that, you know, he he becomes his uncle and You know think how many? Conversations you've had with people that at that moment Well, you know it or not. You became their uncle, right?
Yeah. Yeah So we're getting ready go into break as we come out of break We'll continue to talk about this topic go to masculine journey dot org If you want to reach out to any of us our first name at masculine journey dot org is our email We'll talk with you after the break What we have at our boot camp is something that makes you stronger and gives you the strength to go on Your regular walk with God. It's something that will make you be bigger than you were when you got there the first one I did I had no clue what I was walking into and then Realizing that other people are in the same boat and you know how open everybody was to share their struggle It was a great group and a lot of contacting with that could be done It is a tight bond of men everybody's the same and each and every time that I've come to boot camp I've learned something different and not one man that's ever been there Neglect not to take time out to talk or to share It's serious business and you need to come one time you break break with the men and fellowship feel that Here here the people pray and get down to earth about what's going on in life to get real register today at masculine journey dot org Good friends making good memories Little bit of sun shine and good vibes. Yeah, that's all we need And we ain't gonna worry.
Hey, you need a hurry Everything is going our way. We're gonna have some good times with good friends making good memory Welcome back to masculine journey. We are talking about good times with good friends and good memories And so that's Cochran and company is the name of that artist that did that song I'd not heard of it till I found it the other day on on YouTube and I really enjoyed it I actually downloaded a couple of their albums and it's a Christian band That's not necessarily it's more of a secular song that one but more Christian either way doesn't mention God straight up in it. But it's kind of hard to have good times with good friends and without good memories without God being involved in there somehow and so In part for me you can do what? Yeah, exactly So God's written in there whether they mention him or not, but it's good.
Yeah, it's good. It's good So I want to go back to your clip for just a second because as I was listening to it I've heard that clip several times we use it at boot camp and and things, you know When he says, you know, if you want to believe in something believe in it and You know, we're at that time of the the year where we're doing words of the year again We're praying for those and and God's given me mine and I'm looking forward to it when we do that that show But one of the first words that he gave me I don't think it's the one I had to repeat He held me back here for my next word. Yeah, I didn't get advancing and to the next grade but But one of the words was believe it was one of the very first words he gave me and I may have been that one I had to repeat, you know, cuz really if you don't understand what you truly believe It's it's hard to really build on that right because everything comes out of that comes out of your beliefs Like do I really believe God is good? Right. Okay.
I can't just walk the fence on that. I believe he's good or I don't you know I mean, there's some things that get questioned and and so just really the good fundamental thing is what is it that I believe? What I believe about God what I believe about my heart.
What do I believe about these things? You know and it's it's a game changer for you know completely but it's it's what Jesus said You know out of the heart the mouth speaks Yeah, and if you stay around somebody like Robby made the point of hub you knew this is what he believed Because this is how he acted upon it because your actions will follow what you believe Your mouth will deceive you and deceive others But when you truly believe that that you know, what if I love people no matter what and I do it then You know you do it no matter what and you know that that God's God's gonna honor that some way shape fashion for may not be like I wanted to plan barely ever is, you know That's why I'm not God. Thank goodness. But uh the but that's the reality of it. I think Yeah, agreed. It's called faith. Oh, yeah. Yes. That was my second word actually He gave me faith right after Believe those are my first couple words.
But anyway, we're on to the next clip Robby. And so that would be you Do you want to set it up a little bit? I do I do. So this is From a movie that I use clips out of all the time a river runs through it because has fishing and you know I love fishing and and and there's so much about the Trinity because it's a father and two sons and In this particular clip the movie is if you ever watch it will reach out and hurt you because one of the heroes of the movie Paul the the younger brother dies and Of course the father's heartbroken like you would be if you lost a child and in this movie there's this clip and I I actually went looking for because Anybody that knows me well and with it that's in this circle knows that my favorite memory always a boot camp is gonna be You know at night when when we meet together to pray over the cards We have men fill out prayer cards. And so every night before we go to bed. We we meet over those cards and we talk But it becomes like heaven to me and I couldn't feel more loved and I couldn't feel more accepted Just to be weird Robby whatever it is that I am You know at my core I can just totally be myself around these guys and just feel like I'm just totally loved and tell all the dirty laundry of what? I'm going through in my life or whatever But the neat thing is that a lot of times it's not till boot camp. I really hear Oh, man, Andy's going through this or Danny's going through that whatever it is, but it boot camp because the the setting is so intimate and We've worked so hard together and here we are at a time of prayer. And so there we are with God and each other and it feels like heaven to me and So I went looking for a clip of love and acceptance And What I got was this Which talked about the the father asking the son? Did he tell me everything because the brother had died Paul had died and the father's wanting to know this But I was blown away by his sermon That he preached on the subject and I think he might be too If you'll play it as time passed my father's struggle for more to hold on to Asking me again and again had I told him everything And finally I said to him. Maybe all I really know about Paul is that he was a fine fisherman You know more than that. My father said He was beautiful And that was the last time we ever spoke of my brother's death indirectly though Paul was always present in my father's thoughts I I remember the last sermon. I heard him give not long before his own death each one of us here today will at one time in our lives look upon a Loved one who is in need and asked the same question We are willing to help Lord, but what if anything is needed? Or it is true we can seldom help those closest to us Either we don't know what part of ourselves to give or more often than not the part we have to give Is not what and so it is those we live with and should know who elude us But we can still love them We can love completely without complete understanding you Know that just It's it's such a beautiful thought that I mean if you're like me or anybody else imagine that what he said is so true the people That we know the best Quite often we don't know how to help we don't have the words We don't have and what we do have is not necessarily wanted however, as Danny pointed out or And hub pointed out and certainly the Bible in 1st Corinthians 13 points out love never fails It it just doesn't and so as we love completely then we can see What the brother failed to see in Paul and the more I've listened to that clip I listened to it about four times before I actually got it That no, you didn't tell me everything because Paul was beautiful you you missed out on The glory of God inside of that person in spite of what their behavior may be in spite of what all happens and I and I heard recently and I love this and I just keep repeating it to myself that you know often the people that need to be loved the most are the people who deserve it the least and That's so true in our families.
It's unbelievable, right? This went through the holidays like wow, and you know, we feel this in so many different ways but it's it's fascinating to me when I think back at boot camp of Being in a setting where we really see that kind of love and acceptance Not only for each other but again a lot of times there'll be prayer cards with some pretty tough stuff Right that you're like, whoa You know but those are the ones that were honest. Mm-hmm. Those are the ones who really trusted us, right? those were the needy out loud and You know, we're so grateful for for that opportunity to pray into that Yeah that use the words. I was going to use needy out loud because you were the first one That I remember in a while To kind of just break that seal with the group, you know We do try to be very transparent as brothers, but I think as any person There's some things you just go.
Well, I'm kind of working on that I'm just gonna hold that back for myself or I'm a little embarrassed to talk about this or you know Whatever the case may be or I read some of these cards and they had some real issues, you know This isn't that big a deal, you know All the things that the enemy tries to get you to minimize it to hide it to shove it back down I remember the boot camp where you passed out the cards and you said, you know We're gonna be needy out loud and you let that charge with our group, you know And and we've seen us all respond at different camps You know where God will just lay it on our heart and and we know and I think we knew It was always a safe space first there, but you kind of broke the door down and said it's truly gonna be safe You know because you shared some stuff that was very vulnerable at that particular camp, you know Not that you hadn't before but it's just the one that comes to memory and and to me that was a game-changer in the group You know that yes, it's always been fun and there's always been laughter and there's always been love there But it got even deeper and more intimate, right? Yeah as we've continued down that and And it is kind of funny that you know um, you know grant kind of let the cat out of the bag a little bit earlier that you know, We do record these earlier in the week. And so it's not quite 20 25. You're right grant That doesn't happen till tomorrow night at midnight. So we're recording this on on Monday night this weekend since actually Chris It's New Year's Adam because Adam comes before Eve. Yes, exactly I didn't see you reading the script.
Yeah. Yeah, and so but I don't remember I was going to that But you know we do you did kind of let the the cat out of the bag on and that which is fine You know because we really don't know What the week's gonna unfold? You know, I mean honestly because we're recording talking about something that hasn't necessarily happened yet And so, you know, it is kind of different for us and I completely lost my train of thought So we'll just continue to move on. Well, this relates back to your train of thought Their memory from boot.
Oh, yeah There's a man that is in the past is with Christ, but he lost faith and wanted to get back and I talked to him and we talked for for evening. Mm-hmm. And then Bob was out baptizing in the lake And this man came running up the up to the lake and dives in Baptized me Wow Yeah, yeah, that's awesome.
It really is. Yeah It really is I was you know, just reflecting on the idea of you know, what what could happen this week Before New Year's Mm-hmm is it's the challenges that are unbelievable. But anyway, yeah We'll go to masculine journey dot org to find out any information of what we have coming up We don't have anything posted quite yet. We're still working out the details of our spring boot camp We do have one coming up. So we promise we will have one We're just trying to nail down all the details on it and we'll get back to you as soon as we know We'll share on here. But what you can do is you can reach out to us via email at masculine journey dot org It would be Robby at masculine journey dot org Danny so forth Sam Sam It could be Sam you can talk about topic choices prayer requests anything like that reach out to us. Let us love on you We love you. We'll talk to you next week This is the truth network
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