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The Joy Ride #201

The Masculine Journey / Sam Main
The Truth Network Radio
January 1, 2025 5:00 am

The Joy Ride #201

The Masculine Journey / Sam Main

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January 1, 2025 5:00 am

Welcome fellow Joy Riders to the Masculine Journey Joyride Podcast! On this podcast you can expect to laugh and smile with Godly men who love the Lord and want nothing more than to honor and glorify God. So sit back, relax, and enjoy the Joy Ride.

This week, the guys wave goodbye to 2024 by looking back on their fondest memories from the past year. 

Be sure to check out our other podcasts, Masculine Journey and Masculine Journey After Hours for more great content!

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This is the Truth Network. Truth Network programming like The Masculine Journey and Masculine Journey After Hours. In this podcast, you can expect to laugh and smile with godly men who want nothing more than to honor and glorify God. So sit back, relax, and enjoy the joyride. Greetings, joyriders. Happy New Year Auld Lang Syne's and whatnot.

Well, 2024 is now in our rear view and what a uneventful 2024 it was. Now, is he kidding or is he that oblivious? Yes. Anywho, since you're listening to this podcast, you must want to kick off your year with a laugh. I think we can handle that.

I think. Let's give it a shot, shall we? This week, the guys start off 2025 with a look back on 2024. There's a joke about Lot's wife in there somewhere, but I digress. The guys share stories and memories that they experience in their masculine journey in 2024.

So, dear friends, join us as we venture forth into the new year. But rest assured, you can expect the same quality of shows and laughter from us here at The Masculine Journey that you always get. Is that a good thing? No, seriously, I'm asking, is that a good thing? Well, I guess we'll find out together. Let's roll the clip. Darrell Bock Maybe it's pessimism setting in.

I don't know. I used to always look forward to the new year and the new opportunities, and then I realized it's just Wednesday to Thursday. And most of my problems Wednesday are still going to be there Thursday, you know, and most of the challenges. But it's not a reason to be pessimistic. It is a reason to be optimistic. There's newness in the air.

Darrell Bock Oh, of course. Yeah. So as a part of that, part of how you can know there's new things that are going to happen that are going to be kind of cool is revisiting old things that's happened. And so part of our topic for today is what is our favorite memory of the ones that are here today with us of 2024 in regards to The Masculine Journey? That can be boot camp related.

It can be radio show related. It could just be your personal masculine journey that God takes you on. But what's some of your favorite memory? What's your favorite memory or favorite memories of the year? And so it's always good to kind of look back and see what God's been doing. Darrell Bock Yeah, I like to take my camera roll, you know.

I did that, you know, over the last few days and look back to see what God did. And it blows my mind that all the cool, really cool things that I got to do last year got to take part in. And of course, you know, this is a big part of my life always and the friends that we have here in the band brothers.

But it's really a treasure. And, you know, as you were thinking about it, The Masculine Journey, one of my favorite memories of The Masculine Journey in 2024, it's going to sound a bit feminine, but it's when one of you guys kissed me. Darrell Bock Oh, yeah. Yeah, it wasn't me.

It wasn't me. Darrell Bock It was Terry, because I was telling him how, you know, I always kind of struggle with that idea of, you know, kiss the sun, unless he'd be, you know, this idea of a holy kiss, exactly what is that. And about that time, he just puckers up and slaps. And I mean, I will never ever, as long as I ever live, forget that. But the funny thing is, is since that happened, you know, it's not unusual for me to just reach over and, you know, when we hug, just kiss him on the neck or whatever.

And it really isn't as horrible as it sounds. But anyway, it's part of The Masculine Journey is... Darrell Bock Is that according to Tammy? I'm good with a holy handshake.

Just saying a holy hug would be good for me. Darrell Bock Well, you might need a Terry initiation, just saying. I'll put you on his list. I'll tell you.

I hear this evening or this afternoon to really hear this, so kind of go from there. But yeah, that's what we're going to be talking about. And there's lots of really cool stories from the last year. You know, we've had a couple boot camps, which we do every year. And each one, even though we have the same topics we go through, you know, it's the same basic talks, you know, at every boot camp, none of them are the same.

They never are. The people are different. God's doing something different. The warfare is different at each camp, you know. Darrell Bock Food's different. Darrell Bock Food's different, right. You know, you would think that it would be the same, but it's not. It's completely different every single time. They're each very unique. Darrell Bock You're welcome. Very unique. Darrell Bock Yeah, so Danny, you have the first clip of this show.

So if you want to tell us a little bit about it. Darrell Bock Of 2025. Darrell Bock That's quite an honor to be number one, the first show of the year. Darrell Bock I may need to rethink that. Darrell Bock I may need a plaque for this. Darrell Bock It just makes sense. Darrell Bock Yeah, yeah.

We may need a better clip. Darrell Bock We may need a plaque to commemorate this or something. That'll be my memory for next year when we do this show. Darrell Bock Well, terribly here next week. We'll celebrate with a kiss with you. Darrell Bock So from the guys on Mastering the Journey, I'm Keith, and we'll see you down the road.
Whisper: medium.en / 2025-01-01 06:18:56 / 2025-01-01 06:21:39 / 3

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