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Boot Camp The Show After

The Masculine Journey / Sam Main
The Truth Network Radio
November 30, 2024 12:30 pm

Boot Camp The Show After

The Masculine Journey / Sam Main

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November 30, 2024 12:30 pm

Welcome fellow adventurers! With the fall boot camp now complete, the guys go over some of their favorite moments. The clips are from "Braveheart," and "Blood Diamond."

Be sure to check out our other podcasts, Masculine Journey After Hours and Masculine Journey Joyride for more great content!

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This is the Truth Network Podcast. If you can get back, you know, for most of us at work, you know, at least get Thanksgiving off. You know, and some of us get Friday off too. And so you can have like a little bit of a retreat after, you know, having had boot camp. And so it's kind of nice to come back and just work a few days and then be able to take a few days off and kind of recuperate a little bit.

But there's a lot to think about, a lot to talk about. It was a great boot camp. This was – I love all the boot camps, but this was probably in my top five favorite boot camps.

And I don't know why. It was just so, so good. I could see God just working everywhere in the boot camp, just on all levels. And it was pretty amazing, you know. What was some of your guys' initial thoughts from the camp? Darrell Bock Well, in my case, you know, we had a completely different kind of situation in that we were cooking. We were doing the cooking, and that was really cool from a standpoint of watching everybody chip in and all that took place with that.

And, you know, my personal opinion, we ate much better. Darrell Bock Yeah, we did. Darrell Bock We ate really well. Darrell Bock Yeah, it could be why I'm feeling some sluggish ness still. Darrell Bock I mean, I don't want to wet anybody's appetites, but we had brisket, you know, that was actually an amazing taste treat. The first night, the second night, we had baby back ribs that literally, I mean, fell off the bone, and they'd never been boiled. I mean, they were. And then we had New York strip the third night and Seven Foods of the Promised Land breakfast on Sunday morning, which people asking for the recipe for that one.

And it was just, you know, that aspect of it was completely different. But I loved Andy's prayer right before the show. It really kind of touched me, like, man, God, I'm not near as thankful as I need to be. He thanked God for the group, right? Like, we had a group from the Winston-Salem Rescue Mission. We've never seen such hunger for God, for God's word, for worship. Like, these guys worshiped on Saturday night. That worship experience Saturday night was one of the best at any boot camp I've ever, nowhere even close, I don't think, to what that was. But then, you know, we had a good group from my church, West Asheville Baptist, and pretty much my entire youth group as far as the guys were concerned of the youth group and one of their dads. And it was just a neat thing to experience something like that with the people you go to church with.

I've never had that, really. And, you know, there's just a lot of angles that were new and fun, and, you know, I'm like Andy, man. I just can't believe what God did. He showed up in so many different ways. Andy? Yeah, I agree.

And Rabiel will deflect, but I'm going to say it anyway. He did an awesome job in leading the kitchen ministry. But it also forced us to kind of pull together and help each other out. And I think we've talked about some of that camaraderie we had. And there were, you know, not just us as a staff, but there were also a lot of the attendees that helped out. And we had Kenny always serving well. And it was just a good time all around.

I really enjoyed it. This is one of my favorite times of leading the Airsoft and how integrated the guys were. We actually brought in some rifles into the competition. And so it was a bit, you know, just how God moved on the hearts. You could tell the hunger, the questions the guys asking us to pray for them when we left or they left. And it's just a good overall boot camp, like Sam said.

Danny, you got anything? I was just sitting thinking about walking into the cabin when I got there Thursday and there laid one of those Airsoft rifles and I thought, oh, we've upped the game now. Didn't know I should have come packing, you know. Yeah, no, it was just an amazing weekend. The weather was really pretty accommodating.

You know, it wasn't too rainy at any point. And it was good. We were able to have a really good bonfire. It was just nice all around.

I wouldn't have done anything any different, I don't think. Hats off to Art and Grant for the bonfire. Yeah, absolutely. Absolutely.

We had just lots and lots of help. But we'll get to our first clip. And Danny, you actually have the first clip. Only because you submitted first. So let's just clear that up. Well, it just makes sense. It just kind of makes sense. Because it was first. It was first.

Well, it's a clip we've used at boot camp, you know, the audio and video, but we've used it on here several times. Matter of fact, I just re-gifted it because it is Christmas season basically. It's not Thanksgiving yet.

You can't do that. Well, people got decorations out. I mean, anyway. Well, depending on where you live, they might have decorations out year round.

Yeah, there's some people around my house that just never take them down. It's from Braveheart and it's the scene in William's childhood where his father is going off to war and he gets killed and his uncle Argyle shows up. We use it in fatherhood and sonship. And so we can play the clip and we'll talk about it afterwards. Here we go. I know. I know you can fight.

But it's our wits that make us men. Saying goodbye in the wrong way. Playing out loud tunes on out loud pipes. It was the same for me and your daddy when our father was killed. First, learn to use this.

Then I'll teach you to use this. I guess I should probably set up what we're talking about. We just kind of jumped in unless we already did and I wasn't paying attention. We're just kind of sharing our favorite moments of boot camp. And we've talked a little bit about boot camp, but that's what the clips are referring to something that ties into part of our favorite moment. So, yeah.

Yeah. Well, this clip, I got to do the core desires talk this time and the diving into the talks before boot camp. And I think all the material that you look at and how God just kind of just kind of just walks you through this process, in my opinion. But we talk a lot about God coming after your heart. And that's kind of the setup for the weekend is how he's coming after your heart and in all kinds of different ways. But what I wasn't expecting was the way that that came about. That, you know, we did some prayer cards and stuff and I read one and it just impacted me so much.

It wasn't so much a request. It was like somebody wrote down their answer they heard from God about being a beloved son. And, you know, it impacted me.

I kept a card and read it over and over. And then as the weekend progressed, I had several different conversations with people that a man who talked about how he adopted this kid that moved in down the road from him that became his grandson, basically. He adopted him and then just poured into his life and, you know, that's always a two way street. And the story was just awesome. And then there was a father and son and ultimately the boy had been adopted and how this man had poured into this young boy and, you know, raised him up. And that's boot camp.

That's this message of how God comes after us because he wants to father us. And we need adopting. We needed rescue. We need all of the above.

And it was just really a cool scenario in my opinion. Darrell Bock I'm good. Good. Harold? Harold Jones One of the things that came out of that clip, even though I'd seen the clip a few times before, it just really thrilled me when I heard it this time because it said it's our wits that make us a man.

So the fact that I'm 5'6 doesn't exclude me from being a man. That's right. Darrell Bock Okay.

Okay. From top to bottom, just all the campers were – all the attendees were great. You know, I got to talk with a lot of them this time and get to know a little bit of their story.

A lot of them I'd like to have known more about their story, but you only have so much time when you're doing different things. But I think it was just a universal hunger for God this weekend. And I think that you could just feel it in the whole camp.

Darrell Bock Yeah. The thing about that clip that I think is so earth-shattering kind of was for me the first time I understood what was going on with Mr. Socks there, Uncle Argyle. But, you know, when you do the Sonship talk – like you can watch the Sonship talk as many times as you can watch it, but the first opportunity you have to do the talk, you have to figure out all the fathers that God has put into your life.

And this was an example of young William Wallace. The first character you heard talk about, you know, you need to use your wits that like Harold was talking about. Well, that was his earthly father, but he died almost immediately in that part of the Sonship talk. And the next thing you know, God is sending in another father, which is Uncle Argyle. And I'd always thought of God as the backup plan. Like, you know, well, if somebody becomes an orphan, God's the backup plan. You know, he'll be their father. Or, you know, somebody else, you know, here comes a grandfather or whatever the situation, it's the backup plan.

But no, no, no, no. God is like this master, you know, symphony conductor who is bringing in the exact father that you need in the exact season that you need. And when you do that talk and you begin to think of the fathers that you had, it's amazing.

Talk to you after the break. What we have at our boot camp is something that makes you stronger and gives you the strength to go on your regular walk with God. It's something that will make you be bigger than you were when you got there. What brings you here this weekend? So I met Robby and he invited me to come to the boot camp and there was just so many doors that were closed before I was able to come here, but God allowed these things to happen. And I said, you know, God, I'm going to, I'm going to ultimately acknowledge what's going on for all these doors to be open for me to come to this camp.

I just want to see you. So throughout that time, since I've been here, you know, just the illumination of God speaking to me through my heart and through my mind and through my soul was just, it's went to a whole other level since I've been here at the boot camp. The covenant of silence after the talks and being able to go out and just submit myself to being able to hear from God and what we've been working on. And it's just been transparent in my life, the level of the sanctification process, the discipleship process, and coming here, I feel like this is exactly where I'm supposed to be. Register today at

Welcome back to Masculine Journey. That was a bump in and I think, was that Bethel music? Yes. Yeah, Bethel music.

And all right. So the reason I chose that bump, it was what I thought was going to be my least favorite part of boot camp. It was a surprise from Robby. And I know if I say this, some guys are going to go, I'm not going to go, but no, they're, I saw, we had, you know, we have a worship, a couple of worship sessions, you know, one Saturday evening and one Sunday.

And I saw a little bit of a video play, you know, where people were doing like these moving gestures, you know, like worshiping through moving, doing some gestures to the song. And Robby was getting real quiet about it. And he's like, I didn't want to show that quite yet. You know, he's telling, telling David. And I told David, I'm like, I'm not doing it. I'm like, I know Robby wants it, but I really don't want to do it.

That's like way outside my comfort zone. And so, you know, then, you know, Robby has a way of getting people to participate. And I got to say, it was fun. I enjoyed doing it. It was a different way to worship.

I'll give you that. But what I enjoyed more was looking around the room and just seeing so many of the guys that completely, completely got into it, you know, that were just really worshiping in a different way that, you know, I would have thought it would have been just crickets, but it was as opposite as it could be. And guys were just thoroughly enjoying it. And it was a blast. It was a lot of fun. And, you know, definitely I think God laid out on your heart, Robby, but it was a pretty cool part of the weekend.

It was one of my favorite parts from the standpoint of a biggest surprise for me. Darrell Bock Yeah, well, that particular morning, Danny, you know, we started working in the kitchen most mornings about two or three o'clock. And I don't know at the time when Danny came in, maybe it was four or five. Whenever he came in, and we had the worship music just blasting me and Gene in there. And Danny was like, man, you're making me cry.

He was. And we just had the best time worshiping. That whole day was just a day of worship like it really was. And that night, long before we got to that song, you know, my heart was totally like, I don't know if I've told you, Andy, you just picked the perfect songs to really set that song up so that when it when it broke, people were ready to really dance.

Yeah. Yeah, it was the most even before that part, it was the most I'd ever seen the guys participate in singing. You know, in a in a in a worship session, it was, I was at the point, you know, because I was running the light, I was lighting technician over there with the light switch.

And, you know, I could I could see everybody, you know, and everybody, you know, for the most part was singing along, you know, and that was pretty cool because you don't normally see that, especially in a group of guys, you don't you don't see that very frequently. But with the cool part of the other side of me walking in on I mean, they did have music Blair and it's like 430 in the morning, and I'm hunting coffee, you know, the old on yards. And you know, they're probably you want me to turn down?

No. And because I'm listening to songs, I said, What are you playing? He said, This is my playlist. And I was in shock, to be honest with you, because I learned something about my friend Robby. And because for whatever reason, nothing that Robby's ever done that I know of is, I just kind of thought he was indifferent to that kind of worship music, just that kind of deal and just kind of, it would be all Hebrew all the time.

Yeah. He got some Hebrew, you know, going on. The monks walking in, you know, and I get to talking to him about it and just listening to his playlist. And I went, Wow, this is really cool. And it just, I think it I think it let us bond a little closer, you know, it was just really cool. So it was a great morning.

That was a great day. You know, they it's like Andy said, in his prayer, I don't know that we could be grateful enough to God that we, you know, for such a time as this was such a group, you know, and certainly the campers are something. But when you think about the band of brothers that God has put together for us, to be able to walk with such amazing people of God all the time, and, you know, even sitting there now Terry's with us.

And other guys that weren't able to make it to camp like corn, you know, we got, we got more that are standing out there. But like, man, it's amazing. Yeah. It was really cool. It was really cool. Andy, you have the next clip. So if you want to tell us a little bit about it, or go where you want to go with it.

Sure. So Sam did my favorite talk, sonship talk, and standard Braveheart clips and all always get me but at the end, and we've done this before, but it just didn't hit me like it did this weekend was he used a clip from blood diamond and blood diamond. The story behind that is you've got this man, Solomon Bandy that he's with this Archer guy, that that's Leonardo DiCaprio character if you've seen the movie, but they're looking for a diamond that was hidden. And the son Dia has been kind of drafted as a child soldier into this Liberation Army, and really been brainwashed to not acknowledge his father.

And so they're digging for this diamond that was hid. And Solomon is digging for it and Archer kind of said, Hey, look, and the son walks in, I've just told you the whole clip, but walks in. And it's just a powerful scene where the father calls to the center reminding back to who he is. Yeah, and the son's probably what eight somewhere there.

Yeah, probably about that age. And so that way, yeah, it is a visual clip, but you'll get it. There's enough dialogue, you can get what's happening. Here we go. Keep digging, huh? They'll be here any second. Come on.

Keep digging. It'd better be there, huh? Yes. You got it.

Have you got it? Huh? Yes.

Got it. What are you doing? Yeah.

Yeah. What are you doing? Of your mother loves you so much. She waits by the fire making plantains and red palm oil stew with your sister. And you do baby. The cows wait for you. The wild dog wants no one but you.

I know they made you do bad things. You're not a bad boy. I am your father. Who loves you.

And you will come home with me and be my son again. One thing you need to know is that the whole time that that father's making that speech, the boy's holding a revolver in his face. Yeah.

Yeah, thank you, Harold. I was going to mention that. Yeah, it's sometimes I feel like we get, you know, the enemy brainwashes us. He gets us to thinking that the father is the enemy.

And, and that he's not for us. And, and that father just calls out the identity calls him by name. And then he calls out the things that he likes. And the thing that makes him who he is. And the child just breaks down and ends up falling into his father's arms. But just a powerful scene of where we go our wayward ways from the father, we do our prodigal stuff.

And our God comes after us and calls us out of who we really are. Yep. It's kind of tough being on the phone. It's like, do I need to send?

And that's all I got or anything. No, no, no, it's just, I think you're, you're hearing the effects of a lot of us being tired or just like, okay, my brain's got to reengage again. I keep forgetting you can't hear a nod. Yeah, we're shaking our head as you talk is just most of them. Most of them don't rattle.

So if you do, yeah, a few rocks over here. Yeah, I love the aspect of that. That they made you do bad things, right? Right.

And or they tricked you into it or whatever. And, you know, one of the major themes we saw from this camp was issue of forgiveness, specifically people forgiving themselves, right? Yeah, that did seem to be a theme. Yeah.

And God really came after that. Oh, yeah. And a lot of what the guys asked us to pray for after this camp was that they would be able to help forgive themselves. Yeah, it's pretty consistent. It's been part of I think most of our stories. Oh, very right.

You know, the able to forgive oppressors sooner than forgiving ourselves. Right. You know, and that's, that's pretty consistent. And the enemy just has a good way of getting you to hold on to that one way or another pride, you know, embarrassment, whatever it might be. He knows what works for you. And he tries to get you to hold on to that.

That's not even yours to carry anyway. Yeah, so you think about that eight year old boy trying to process that I'm standing here with a gun on my father, right? And yet the father is so gracious. Like you could tell that he was his beloved son. And you know, that's what made the impact on allowing the boy to be able to get past, you know, that label and it's only the father that's going to be able to help us forgive ourselves.

Right. It's impossible without him saying, Look, look, look, look, look what I did. Look what I look what I went through, so that you could have this. It's your son.

It's yours. You know, it's beautiful. Yeah, just the father's grace in the midst of that. And you did get to hear, as people have said, God's voice, you know, coming through, you know, because God knows very well what we've done. I mean, this guy, this father speculated, you know, our Heavenly Father knows for sure what all we've done.

And you know, His grace is still there exactly like that for us, which is pretty cool. Now we don't have a boot camp. Well, we do have a boot camp coming up in March, but we're not going to start talking about that quite yet to have you register for that. But I do want to say if you want to go to something between now and March, we do have a lot of friends that have boot camps. Some will be on the air with us from time to time, but we always have friends that have them coming up and sometimes they're in Kentucky, Ohio, lots of different places that they have them. We were more than happy to recommend a place if you want to get to one, just reach out to any of us at our first name at And anything we have coming up will be at our website eventually at The one thing we would ask for you to do this week is just as we go into Thanksgiving, thank the Lord for everything you have and love yourself well. This is the Truth Network.
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