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Boot Camp The Show After After Hours

The Masculine Journey / Sam Main
The Truth Network Radio
November 30, 2024 12:35 pm

Boot Camp The Show After After Hours

The Masculine Journey / Sam Main

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November 30, 2024 12:35 pm

Welcome fellow adventurers! The discussion on favorite boot camp moments, continues right here on the Masculine Journey After Hours Podcast. The clips are from "Band Of Brothers," and "Rings Of Power."

There's no advertising or commercials, just men of God, talking and getting to the truth of the matter. The conversation and Journey continues.

Be sure to check out our other podcasts, Masculine Journey and Masculine Journey Joyride for more great content!

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This is the Truth Network. Coming to you from an entrenched barricade deep in the heart of central North Carolina, Masculine Journey After Hours. A time to go deeper and be more transparent on the topic covered on this week's broadcast. So, sit back and join us on this adventure. The Masculine Journey After Hours starts here now.

Welcome to Masculine Journey After Hours. We're in the middle of our post boot camp breakdown. Well, not breakdown, but summarized. We could break down. We're all tired, but no, it's just I got no words. Welcome to Sam's Breakdown. Andy, I need a thesaurus. That's all I'm saying. Yes, you do.

I need another word. What's interesting is I've found the Facebook feed. I'm sitting here watching you only on a short delay, so.

Really? Did you give us a heart? I can make you feel like you're here and I'll just stare at the camera. Just everybody freeze and I'll think. Make you uncomfortable like I do when you're here, but yeah.

Anyway, but no, welcome to Masculine Journey After Hours. We're talking about our favorite memories, moments, just things that really touched our heart from this last boot camp. And we could do a bunch of shows on it, honestly, and just trying to limit it to one thing is it's kind of tough. But I want to start before we get to a clip and start with our buddy, Michael, if that's all right, Michael, I'd love to hear about your first boot camp experience and, you know, whatever you feel like you'd like to share about it. Well, first things first, the clips make a lot more sense now. I had a great time. You could really tell that the Holy Spirit was full in that place. Everybody there is just full of love and camaraderie. And a lot of the lessons and the talks just seemed like they were aimed directly at me, even though I know it's everybody.

Some of my favorite things, though, is watching Robby in the kitchen. You know, it seemed like organized chaos going on by the end of it just came together magically and everything was ready on time. It was just an amazing experience. Yeah. After coming back home, it's like, oh, back to the real world, I guess. Oh, yeah. Yeah.

Back to the matrix back into just try to pray to Jesus every day to keep me in that same flow state. Yeah, it is. It's there's a little bit of a boot camp, not let down, but it's it's such a great for me, I just I feel really safe at boot camp. And not that I don't that I feel unsafe in other places.

It just it's a very safe environment. Right. You know, you're not really worried about being judged or you're not really worried about having to, okay, do I say this, you know, am I gonna offend people? Not not that I don't want to speak what I feel.

But, you know, you don't, if you're starting to push people away, they're not gonna listen to you. You know, and so but it's just a time where you can really just be yourself and know that it's okay and that you're accepted exactly how you are. That's true.

You know, and that's what I miss about it is you come back and you have to have varying levels of, you know, not not not masks, but defense, you know, a little bit of defense is up because, you know, not everybody is going to be as good hearted as the guys that are camp. That is true. And they are some amazing guys. It's, I've said it for years that there's it's a it's like touch tasting heaven to some extent. But especially for me, always, Saturday night, when the team meets together, praise talks about, you know, where we've been, what we're doing, if they're, you know, it's just like, can you imagine what it's gonna be like in having in heaven, you know, the same kind of thing, where you can just totally, totally just, you know, be who you are. And it's just and feel totally accepted, totally loved, and totally part of the equation, right?

Like able to contribute, and what you're doing makes a difference. Yeah. You know, it's something that actually means something, right? You can clearly see that, you know, guys are connected to God here in God that they've never, you know, never heard from God before, and moving into things that they've never been willing to move in, you know, when it comes to digging into your wound, let's be honest, I mean, that's painful stuff is.

And to see guys do that is huge. I think what's really pretty cool. I can't, you know, there isn't any status of, you know, hierarchy or anything like that, you know, in the rest of society, or, oh, this is, this is my boss, or this is, you know, my customer, this is this, these are just men, just men being men. And I don't know where people come from, you know, we don't really talk about that a lot. We just talk about things that matter. You know, I don't really remember asking anybody what they did for a living. Because at the end of the day, that really doesn't matter.

That's not why we're there. Not to downplay what anybody does. It's just, there's more important things to talk about than what I do, you know, Monday through Friday, or whatever your work schedule is. You know, it's it's more about the heart and more about what God's doing. And, and guys, I think, more so than any camp I've ever seen really got that this time. You know, and there were just genuine conversations going on, which was really pretty cool.

It wasn't really guarded or it was great. You know, what I've experienced, and I listen to you guys, you guys always excite me in your conversation. I usually have a Wednesday Bible study. And so when I go there, I share a lot of you guys, what you guys have kind of stirred in my heart to share. So I do appreciate that. And I can tell from just the conversation we've had here tonight, that is there a lot of stirring you guys' hearts. And that's, that's, that's the goodness of men's ministry. You know, that's what we do. We stirred a gift of it be fatherhood, or husbands, or whatever the case is, we stir that gift of that thing in their hearts, you know, which makes it go.

And that's awesome. And I can tell you, I mean, I'm glad to sit here with you guys and listen to what's happened and what you guys went through, even though you guys have wore out. We are tired. You're leaving trails. Yeah, we're dragging.

We're definitely dragging. But it's worth it. And I appreciate you guys making that hustle happen and even sharing it with your listeners. Yeah. And I can encourage the guys out there who are not a part of a men's ministry get involved. Yeah. Because that's where your impact, that's your strength. That's where God can use you, build you, make you, drive you, show you.

And you know, you can just be excited, become the better you that God designed you to be. Absolutely. Absolutely. Thank you, Terry. Robby, you have the, you have the first clip of the after hours.

I do. And, you know, to be in complete transparency, when I saw this clip, it was very frustrating to me. That's right. Maybe God needed you frustrated, Robby.

He always needs me frustrated. Because, you know, there's just a certain structure. You have expected that you're going to end boot camp with something from Brave Heart, but we didn't this time. We did it from the end of the Brand of Brothers HBO series.

Yeah. And it reminded me of like what it's like to leave boot camp. That you've had a shared experience and you had all kinds of different people from different walks of life, but all those giftings melded into what God was doing in this particular mission, what he was doing in this particular time. And that comes at a lot of different levels.

But my favorite one, I know Andy's going to like this, but is the idea of fathering men. That, you know, when you actually show somebody that you're really interested in them and really interested in helping them push into God, into their wounds, into these things and whatever, that you can see people come alive that normally you can tell they never talk. And all of a sudden, you know, they are more excited about their faith. But again, it's, as this clip points out, who they were before the shared mission really didn't have any effect on what the shared mission was.

And if you'll play it, then I'll talk a little bit more about what that means to me. Yeah. When we pick up this clip, they're all kind of playing baseball, just waiting for the war to be over for the war to be over.

Yeah. How we lived our lives after the war was as varied as each man. Carwood Lipton became a glassmaking executive in charge of factories all over the world. He has a nice life in North Carolina. Harry Welsh, he married Kitty Grogan, became an administrator for the Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania school system. Ronald Spears stayed in the army, served in Korea, and 1958 returned to Germany as governor of Spandau Prison.

He retired a lieutenant colonel. Get him round. All right, Webster. He's in company! School circle!

School circle! For easy company, it was D-Day plus 4-3-4. Fast man would have had it, Perko. Listen up. Got some news. This morning, President Truman received the unconditional surrender from the Japanese. War's over. Regardless of points, metals, or wounds, each man in the 101st Airborne would be going home.

Each of us would be forever connected by our shared experience, and each would have to rejoin the world as best he could. Yeah, it's kind of interesting that the day will come, right? That we'll hear the war's over. And wow, right? Right.

But in the meantime, right? We did something different at this camp than we had ever done. We took on the cooking. And, you know, I love to cook, and I've been doing that a lot on Wednesday nights, and so I had some experience for cooking for a larger group, similar in size.

And so God really had been fathering me, honestly, through what that process might look like. However, what I, like Michael said, it was organized chaos because, you know, you're in a kitchen you've never been in before. You're dealing with things that you've never dealt with.

You can't find anything that you want to find because you've never been in there before. And it was all sorts of things along those lines that made it extra challenging, especially the first couple nights. But then what happened was you would just need somebody to do something, and there would be people standing around. Sometimes there were campers.

Sometimes there were other team members. I go, hey, you want to come? And it wasn't like they wanted to come. It was like, oh, I get to come. And it was a shared mission that it was fabulous to see something that you would, to me, you would never see this in a job in your life, not this kind of cooperation, not this kind of joy, not this kind of like, oh, man, look, you know, I get to do dishes. Like Kenny, like you had to see Kenny on the dish patrol, like in order to fully appreciate any human being.

Like I had to pull him out of the kitchen every time that we went to have a talk because he was right into his program. And, you know, again, I love, believe me, anybody knows me, knows I love the talk. I love the covenant of silences. And I love what happens with men's hearts when they connect with God. But, you know, the different thing about this camp was watching men connect with something that wasn't necessarily their gifting. It was just their mission. We definitely had guys from all over the place, mostly around this area of North Carolina, but I mean, just where they just directly came from, you know, what's going on in their life. It was everywhere, you know, but you felt none of that when you were at camp. We were just a team that was there, which was really cool.

You know, regardless of what we're doing. And I went out and watched him play airsoft. That was quite fun. This was a pretty fun group.

And we're not talking about just the teenagers. You know, we had some, they had these higher powered rifles and I took the first headshot. I was like, you got to be kidding me. Like right on the top of my head, like from a guy, from one of my youth group.

I couldn't even believe it. Oh yeah. Yeah. And I'm like, man, dude, where are you aiming that you would hit me on the top of the head? It's not like I'm 6'1 or something.

You know, like that blood diamond video. Yeah, really. Should have been going, dear, dear.

Would have left you alone. I did have a cool experience with one of the guys who was from my hometown actually. Yeah. Yeah.

He a little younger than I am, but I went to school with some of his cousins and I think so we were both from Carthage, North Carolina. Good place to be from. Yeah. Yeah. So, but the, that was kind of cool. It's mentioned in a gladiator actually. That's right. It's a different Carthage, but it is mentioned.

How do you know it's a different? Well, I'm thinking Maximus has never been to North Carolina. I'm just thinking.

He's from, he's from Southern Rome. Okay. Yeah. All right. We'll move on.

I actually have the next clip and you've heard this clip if you've listened to the show. Cause I've used it a lot in the last few weeks and but I wanted to use it again here because I was able to do two talks this time and I really liked both of them quite a bit. But the new name talk, God continues just to win in all the talks.

God continues to unpack them for me. And, and what was really cool on the new name talk was that I got more clarity to some of the names that God gave me years and years and years ago, 2002, which was really kind of cool. I got some insight on some other things as far as my name goes, names have gone. And, but I want to go ahead and play this. And this is from rings of power.

And we've used it a few times over the last few months. And you have this character that doesn't know who he is. They just call him the stranger. And he's on this mission. He's like, oh, they just call him the stranger. And he's on this mission. He's on this adventure with two girl hobbits that he's become friends with.

And they're trying to help him by giving him just names or just throwing out names. And I want you to hear his response and then we'll come back and talk about it. What about Dodrick? Dodrick. All right. All right.

And why? It is a fine name. Nevertheless, it is not going to be mine. I know. Fredegar.

But don't you see? No one can give you a name. It is yours already. It is who you are. And when you hear it spoken, you feel your heart glow. You'll hear it one day.

I'm sure of us. We'll find out who you are. You know, our enemy likes to attack on so many different levels. He attacks, you know, at all angles, obviously.

And one of the ones that he consistently attacks at is the level of identity, right? You know, it says, you know, the character in there, which I won't tell you who that character becomes because you may watch the series. I don't want you to ruin it for you of who that actually is, the stranger. And you'll find out at the end of season two who he is. But he says that no one can give you a name.

It's already yours. But the world continually tries to give you a name. The labels the enemy throws at you constantly.

Thief, cheater, liar, you know, whatever. Right? The world is not without labels. Right? We try to categorize people by labels. Everything the enemy does is to try to give you a label.

Right? And it goes right at, often, the thing God knows is truest about you. You know, and so this whole talk of the new name has been so powerful and becomes more and more powerful, just like all of them do as we spend more time in them for me. Because there's just so many layers. As he peels back the next layer, there's another layer to the name and another layer to the name and in things that he knew about you that you probably didn't even know yourself or has long been beaten out of you by the enemy. You know that he maybe had a glimpse of it at one point.

And then the enemy smacks it down and, and God has to unearth that and get you to believe it again. You know, and it was really cool just some of the things that I had. But the coolest thing for me for the weekend, one of the coolest things for me for the weekend is my youngest son, Eli, responded to this talk. And so, you know, I now had both of my sons respond to this particular talk, the new name talk. Caleb did that for Andy a couple years ago or a year and a half ago, Andy? Yeah.

You know, and Eli has done it for me once before, when he was quite a bit younger, and he's 20 now. And it was just really cool. We didn't really talk about what he was going to talk about. I just knew whatever he had, he had it. You know, whatever he wanted to share. And so he got up and shared some stuff and he shared some things I didn't remember us necessarily talking about. You know, I don't, I don't really, when he said it, I remembered he and I looking up his name in Hebrew and what it meant, but I really didn't know the impact it had on him.

Or maybe it grew and had more of an impact as God's, you know, worked with him in it. And it was really kind of cool to hear his responses. And, and he went out at quiet time and got a little bit more insight, which is not my news to share.

So I'm not going to share any more than that. But, you know, he was kind of excited to tell me about some stuff God was working on, on, on that is it's, you know, going right out some things that he's been facing in life. And it's really, it's really neat to see what God does with that particular topic. Yeah. I love to see what he does with all the topics, you know, but often we get a name that we're like, I don't really know.

I don't really know about that. Or I don't know that I fit that, or I don't know that that's a good one. God, you know, like we're to question God, you know, and either we grow into him or we learn more about him. And it's exactly the right thing.

And it hits exactly what our heart needs. And so that that's one to play that clip again, and share a little bit about my son and just as a dad, as a fellow brother in Christ is how proud I am of him that he's on his journey, you know, with a father and, and going in directions that, you know, he'll teach me about down the road. All I need is things that just watching your journey on that whole issue is that, you know, it's your, I think your very first boot camp, right? You heard teacher and facilitator, those two, I can camp facilitator. Yeah. And then the last regular boot camp we did, and you're still moaning about your name, teacher.

Like I just, you know, I just not feeling that isn't quite Maximus Maximus teacher mess. Yeah. But he hears, he hears God say, well, they used to call me teacher. Yeah.

That was a game changer for you. And of course, Jesus, they did call him teacher. And then, you know, as you were talking about facilitator, and you still aren't feeling that one.

I wasn't feeling it. Yeah. I was sitting there going, the whole ministry has always been based on Sam's gift to facilitate. Yes. You know, we all know that Sam founded the ministry, but he doesn't run it as if he's, he's a facilitator.

He facilitates all the giftings of all the men that have always come in and, and, and it's so amazing that when you think about it, God did that before the foundation of the world. Yeah. Yeah. And that it, you know, the thing I was thinking about where you were doing this talk is he was sitting back there in the God kitchen, you know, he had gene cutting figs for him and he was saying, okay, we need to put a little of this in Sam and we need to put a little of that. And he stuck that down in Adam. Yeah. He had to. Yeah, exactly. He stuck that down into Adam so that someday, you know, you know, we would get a Sam, we would get an Eli, we would get a Caleb, we would get a Danny, we would get, you know, all the people that are sitting here.

And he knew that the combination of Sam plus Danny plus Terry plus Michael plus Harold were going to be, you know, lifting his name high and making much of, of what it means to chase after the heart of God on a show the day before, two days before, actually, I would say Thanksgiving EV is when we're actually recording this. We are. We are. Yeah. We are.

Harold. Yeah. That's a good point. Real quick.

Real quick. Robert, I had never thought about that. We all know about how Adam's sin carried on from generation to generation. But we don't think about what God put into him originally that carried on, you know, from generation to generation. Cool insight. But yeah, I want to real quick on Eli too, of just how much he's grown and he grew into his name. And he was able to articulate it. We can't play that clip of his original commercial. Yeah.

Or are you kidding? It was really I. Once in a while I'll get his old voicemail when I call.

I don't know how it does it through the thing. And it'll be, hi, you've reached Eli. I don't know who that is.

But now it's like, hello, you've reached Eli. I mean, Robby remember whenever he was graduating, I think, up into high school, was that right, Sam? Maybe. He turned 16, maybe. Well, 18 in high school.

Well, whenever. Oh, yeah. Oh, his 16th birthday.

Yeah, his 16th. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah. When you guys went out Jeep riding.

Exactly. That was fun, man. That was a great time. We'll have to do that again. It really was.

With Caleb Manning. Well, Harold, about boot camp, you know what's some things that come to you? Yeah, well, my favorite memory, I had to sit and think about it for a little while. But my favorite memory involves Sam.

You may have heard him tell about his story where his older sister separated by 28 years, if I'm remembering the number right. That's right. That called him motor mouth and you have nothing to say and yada, yada. And I sat there in class watching Sam have very much to say and being very animated in saying it.

There's enthusiasm. He's a fantastic teacher. And so I would heartedly agree with the label that the teacher fits him tremendously. He has a lot to say to us. He's very honest. He admits things that would not be admitted in most places. But it's okay because the rest of us have admitted the same kind of thing. So we share things that we wish we hadn't done, but we admit we did do it. And that's one of the really great things about this group.

Oh, we got one minute left. Yeah, in the ministry as a whole. And Harold, thank you so much. That's a testament to God's continued work in all of our lives, you know, that he continues to take us out. If you're not familiar with what I was talking about on the New Name, there is a scripture in Revelation that talks about that there will be a time when God gives us each a white stone with a name written on it between us and him.

Right. But that doesn't mean you have to wait until you're dead to get those names. You know, Jesus had many names. God had many names.

We still have many names. The Holy Spirit has many names. And so do you. So just spend some time asking God, God, what is it you think of me? And if you're hearing something condemning, that's not from God. That's from the enemy. But if you're hearing something convicting, go with him and say, God, just spend some time with me. But let God love on you this Thanksgiving holiday and love on others. Well, we'll talk with you next week.
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