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Masculine Journey Fall Boot Camp 2024!

The Masculine Journey / Sam Main
The Truth Network Radio
November 25, 2024 5:00 pm

Masculine Journey Fall Boot Camp 2024!

The Masculine Journey / Sam Main

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November 25, 2024 5:00 pm

Welcome fellow adventurers! This is the live episode of The Masculine Journey, from Fall Boot Camp 2024!

Be sure to check out our other podcasts, Masculine Journey After Hours and Masculine Journey Joyride for more great content!

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I never knew before until listening to you guys. The last couple of days has been really opening up ways that showed me that He loves me. And also to go out and to let my family members know, you know what I'm saying, now that I know how to love, I can love them the way God loves us. That's great. One thing that God shows us is how to love well by loving us well as we move through that. That's awesome. My prayer for you is that you continue on after this boot camp, just moving in that direction and pushing into Him.

Yeah, I thank you all guys for having me here. How do you plan on loving them? How do I plan on loving them? Yeah, showing them. Spending more time with them. Not only that, when I do get around them, just hug them. Just let them know that, you know what I'm saying.

I can't make up for the past, but I'm here now. That's all that matters. Good. I like that.

That sounds really good. Well, good, James. Good to have you with us. We'll get on with David here in a second. Are you doing okay?

Yeah, I'm good. I just want to say how God's been coming after my heart this weekend is through the food. You know, I'm an eater, man.

You look like an eater. Yeah, I know the listeners can't see me, but if you could, you can tell I can enjoy food. Robby's been cooking this weekend with Gene. Man, the food has just been incredible this weekend.

It has. It's been wonderful. Now we have David. David, tell us a little bit about yourself and what brings you here. This past year, God has just been doing amazing things in my life as far as He saved my life, honestly. For the first time since I was 15, I'm going on eight months sober.

Oh, that's awesome. Being at the Winston-Dome Rescue Mission gave me an opportunity to be here and come in. I did not know what to expect, but now that I'm here, God has been breaking down walls, breaking down barriers, and just being able to worship Him authentically by myself. He's been confirming and validating things that I've been hearing my whole life from, whether it be ministers or my own family.

It's just been humbling. What kind of truths has He been laying on you? This morning we had a session about finding our name in Christ. I went down to the fire pit, cut some worship music on. The two words I heard were messenger and worshiper, which is amazing because my father named me David for a reason.

He wanted me to grow up to be a man after God's own heart. I was telling the fellows this morning that I didn't really like my name for so long because I didn't understand the gist of it until I started studying the name of David, the story of David. Being here, even now I'm trying to fight back tears. Tears are authentic, man.

We're trying to bring them out. Not that I'm biased or anything about your name, but that's a really good name. You would say that.

I would. You spoke about your new name, but this weekend so far, how has God been coming after your heart? He's been making me realize things that I didn't know, such as my downfalls, my wounds, just everything that God's been teaching us over the weekend. The relationship with my earthly father, I lost him when I was 15, so me having that prolonged relationship, I did not have that. Now I realize that I never went without a father.

Now that I've been studying and listening to you guys, I know that I need him so I could be the man that he wants me to be, which I didn't learn from my earthly father. Even then, I still wouldn't have known everything I needed to know because I was not listening to the right voice. We listen very easily and then just ignore it. It's like we want to listen, but we don't really listen.

We just kind of ignore things and change our mind real quickly. I'm glad you're spending more time with good thoughts of God. That's wonderful.

Yes, sir. I appreciate you. Thank you very much. Thanks, David. I tell you, when you hear about people getting into God and what they first learn and where they go and how they go through that, it is one of the best thoughts that ever come through when you get to hear people's other stories.

We talk about our stories all the time when we're up on stage and outside the stage. When we get to sit here and hear the impact that God's had on other men's hearts during this thing through our stories and through the words that God places on our heart to speak to them, it's just impactful. That's one of my favorite things about this weekend is just leaving here refreshed and ready to go. Okay, good. We're on Norris.

Norris, it's been great getting to know you here this camp. How are you doing today? I'm doing fine. Yeah? Yeah. You staying strong so far? Yes, sir.

Is God coming after you this weekend? Yeah. It's very challenging. Tell us how it's challenging for you.

With the faith that you got to connect with and the relationship that you have to build with them, you got to be sincere and real with God. I have learned that. I learned what Band of Brothers really mean here.

I thought it was just brothers playing the band. Yeah. Yeah, but it's like bonding, building a relationship with people that you never even met in your life. It's very challenging.

I love it. That's the thing about it that I really enjoy is that it's hard. It's not just, oh, you just go do it. It just comes easy.

It's something you have to work in, something you have to put time into. You have to give to get. Yeah. Yeah. How have you been giving this weekend? I've been praying. I've been reading the Word and staying focused and just listening to what He has to say because He told me a couple of years ago that He is my Father. Yes. When my daughter was born, that's what He told me in the delivery room.

I am your father and you are her dad, so I want you to take care of her. I raised my daughter in His name and His Word. That's beautiful.

Yeah. It's been a walk, but I feel like long as I got Him on my side, I'm good. I can make it through anything. Well, you'll make it a long ways with Him on your side, Him at your back, Him at your front because He's everywhere. That's the thing that really, I think, is a stretch for a lot of us is to figure out where are we in this. It's like you're right where you need to be.

Yeah. Just start looking for it. Start growing in it and start moving in it. How has God come after your heart this weekend? It came to me like building a relationship with my brothers that I was distancing myself from like Mr. Ross, Mr. David. I was distancing myself from them, but since I've been here, I've built a trust with them. Hopefully, they understand, but I have a different relationship, so when we go back to the mission, our relationship will be totally different. It'll be spiritually and it'll be respectful.

They'll understand me and I'll understand them. It takes time to grow in all this. Yeah. It does. It does. Norris, one thing you mentioned there, you're talking about how getting distant from that, that's what the enemy wants. As I talked about in the warfare talk last night, he wants you to distance yourself from the people that you care about and that love you, that God wants to be in your life because he wants you to isolate from that.

That way, it just opens you up for the attack. Yeah. I've seen that. It's a rough one, man. My prayers are for you, man, on that. Fight the good fight.

Keep strong, stand in faith with the Lord, and he'll get you through it. Yeah. I just want to stay connected with the boot camp because I love what I've learned and I love what I've seen. I would love just to stay connected with y'all and just be a part of it because it helps a lot and I can help others too through the boot camp.

Yeah. Well, good thing to stay connected with us. For you and for our listeners, you can always just email us. Our first name, like Rodney at the or Robby at I think it forwards to another email for Robby, so that way, you can still get it. But any of our first names, anybody on the team, if anybody ever wants to connect with us or ask us a question, it's just our first name at

Yes, it is. It's easy to connect. What's really good is that even though we have a tough time sometimes getting people in and doing things, once they realize, oh, it's just that easy, it makes it so much easier for everybody to connect and stay connected. I value these connections we make on the weekends with the men that come here, whether it's men that have been here multiple times or new men. It's the highlight of my weekend, just being able to sit here and talk to them and get to know them and hear their story.

So we're going to welcome Mike. Mike, how you doing this weekend, man? Awesome, man. Awesome. So far, how's your weekend been? This is my third time out.

Awesome. It's been very eye-opening, great experience. The brotherhood, that's a big part of it, so it's been great so far.

Yeah, it has, it has. So anything about this weekend that you want to share that maybe have been brought to light or high-opening experience for you? The biggest thing is God has really touched me this weekend with the wound. One of the issues in my own personal life has been struggle with anger.

Well, I have learned this weekend that the key to releasing that anger starts with forgiveness, forgiving those older wounds and the people that created them. And that's been a big thing. That's how he's pursued me this weekend. So that's a major thing for me. I always look forward to the name part of it. This week was just an affirmation of Beloved. There was no extra to it, but that was important. You were my Beloved no matter where you are or what you're doing.

Yeah, that's awesome. These weekends are impactful for everybody involved, but it's so awesome to see. You come into this weekend, like you were talking about, you're looking forward to the new name and everything like that, but just to see where God's actually going to take you because it's all on his time, it's all on his agenda. We can come in here thinking, okay, man, I got a wound to really work on. This is what I'm coming in here the weekend to work on, and then maybe a sonship that God just really hit you with. It's just impactful. Yeah, because we're only partway through the weekend.

We've still got a lot to go. So tell us, how has God come after your heart this weekend? The biggest part, like I said, is dealing with the forgiveness issue, the anger. Through my life, anger has been a pretty big issue.

It's popped its head in many ways, and God's dealing with that. Until you can work on this forgiveness part of it, that's the root of the anger. Is there anything more, what he's said to you about that? No, no, I just... Okay, just wanted to make sure. Yeah. Okay. All right, well, we do definitely appreciate you coming on and being with us. Thanks for having me.

Yep, have a great time. That's one of the things they're trying to figure out. Okay, he said something, I hear something. Is it from God?

Is it from somewhere else? It's never always easy. No, no, that's where the discernment comes into play. We hit it on it last night. We talk about it in a couple of different talks, but the enemy man, he knows the words that God are going to say and how God says it to the point where he can take that and turn that around. You're sitting there listening to it and you're like, is that the enemy or is that God?

Which way do I go? We have a seasoned boot camper on with us right now. Tony, how's your weekend been? It's been great. It's been challenging. It's digging a little deeper.

Sure. Yeah, that's always the hard part too, isn't it? You want to go deeper, but is this the right time to go this direction or do I go another direction? So where is God taking you this weekend? Pretty much like our previous speaker, I am being led to deal with some anger issues and I was asked yesterday by someone if it was because of some unforgiveness and I said, no, no, not on my part, but you know, when you dig a little deeper and listen a little more intently, yeah, possibly there are some unforgiveness issues on my part, but God is he's peeling this onion and getting to the sweeter and sweeter towards the core and it's you know, this, like you guys said, I'm a seasoned boot camper and after about my second boot camp, I thought I got this thing whooped. You know, the Christian life has become a little easier. The enemy stepped up his game too, so God has helped me to step up my game and my faith. Yeah, that's one thing that, I mean, you hit the nail on the head on that man, is as soon as you start pushing into God and you're like, man, this is getting easier. Oh boy, he says, oh, you think it's easy now? Let's get at it. And you know, he just comes at you, just keeps pounding, keeps pounding.

So Tony, you're doing a great job, man. Yes, I did not realize the depth that God can go with you. If you're willing to open up, he'll go deeper and deeper and you purge and outgrow things. Yeah, there's no end to that depth. It will just keep going and opening up.

That's where being on this radio show now five, six, seven years, whatever I've been on, it just keeps going deeper and you learn more. Like I just lost part of my memory here back in about August when they said, Hey, you gotta go do this. And I'm like, what's going on? Well, they found absolutely nothing physically wrong with me, but yet there's things that I just don't remember as well.

I've pulled back, tried to get some air, get some sleep and things just, it's not like, oh, here's just all fixed or no, here's all what's wrong. It's you just have to learn slowly. And that's the biggest thing for me that I have to learn is you're going to learn, but you're going to learn slowly and just go through that.

Yeah. I mean, it's just like our good friend and brother Danny says, and we haven't really talked about it too much in this dog. It's like an onion and there's layers and you're just peeling back those layers as well as we're going. And you know, more boot camps that you come to, if you're listening and wondering who should come to a boot camp, you should, because you can start peeling back those layers and really start getting some healing.

There's always another layer. Always. So first time boot camper, Hayden, how's your weekend been so far, man? It's been pretty fun.

Um, it was, it met up to my expectations. Like the preaching has been really good. Just listening in and like learning new stuff and how Satan can tend to attack you. Yeah.

And just different ways to overcome that or like the ways he attacks you and how. Yeah. Yeah. I mean, as Robby or Rodney just said, you know, um, we're only halfway through it, man. We still got a lot to go, but you know, it sounds like you're picking up on some, some good stuff. So, you know, first and foremost, I'm glad we're meeting your expectations on that. So that's great. Uh, one thing I want to point out is, you know, as much as we get up here and talk and go through these talks, it's all about you and God, man.

And it sounds like you're really pushing into them. Um, you know, I do want to ask you a question, you know, how, how has God been coming after your heart this weekend? Well, I used to have like trouble with how does, I know when Satan's coming after me and stuff. Yeah. And so I've always wondered it, but throughout the weekend, it's just given me like ways, like how it comes after you when you get closer with God or as you're praying or something and you think of all the other things other than what you're actually praying about and just how to like tolerate that and just be like, okay, God, I'm focused on you and only you.

And I don't want to deal with Satan and then just goes away. Yeah, man. That's good stuff right there. Yeah. I mean, just as we talked about, um, last night, Sam talked about it some more today with those agreements, man.

You can hear the voice of the enemy when they're using always and never, um, especially when you're praying, you know, Hey, you know, he never prayed that before, you know, he's not listening to you, so you can pick up on that, man. And you're doing a great job starting it, starting on that. So, you know, proud of you being here at your first boot camp, man. I'm you enjoying it. You having a great weekend? Yes, sir. Well, that's awesome.

So Howard, how was the shooting yesterday? Do you seem to enjoy that? Oh yeah, it was really fun. It was a great way to like spend time together, meet new people, enjoy, like brotherhood, meet new friends.

Well, that's what I thought about too. It's like, it's a good chance for, cause we have what, four, three or four, four young guys and it's like a good chance for all you guys just to hang out and have some fun, talk, get deeper. Is there anything that came out of that that you would like to share with us?

Um, I don't know. We all just really had fun together, just competed, had a little bit fun and just talked about it after, I guess. Yeah.

That's one of the things I thought I saw you with you guys was like, you guys are poking at each other and just having fun with it all. It's just, it seemed like a really good time. Thank you. Yeah.

I definitely appreciate you being on today. Yeah. I just have one more question before we get to our next camper. Aiden, how's the food been this weekend?

It's been great. Yeah. The best part though, Rice Krispie Treats.

Rice Krispie Treats? Hey man, you're right. That's one of my favorite parts too, man. Aiden, we appreciate you being here at bootcamp and joining us on the radio today. Thank you, sir.

Yeah, that's one of the things too. I love the Rice Krispie Treats. Those were so good this year and there's so, every bit of the food has been provided by Mr. Dilmore. He's been the chef, he's been the order, he's been the cooker, he's been the feeder, he's been eating, he's been it all and it has been wonderful. Best part of it all is we don't have to leave a tip on the table for him.

Maybe we do. I haven't figured that out yet. You haven't left one? No.

I wasn't supposed to say anything. Well, I guess we'll have to do that. Alright Michael, you are in, you are ready, you're ready to roll? Yes sir. You sure? Positive. Alright, tell me everything that's happened this weekend.

Just kidding. Alright, we gotta, just wanted to know, what's the biggest thing that's happened for you this weekend? What have you learned?

Where are you going with this? I know this is kind of all new, you've been jumping in and helping in the kitchen, you've been out hearing the talks. Tell us, how has this weekend been for you?

It's been amazing, honestly. I've learned that I'm not alone in the struggles that we face. That you guys have a really good insight and a way of exploring how to get closer to God and facing the wounds that we've been dealt by the enemy. A big thing that's been reaching to me is just forgiveness.

You know, forgiving myself for past actions, forgiving people that have wounded me. And then looking to God as like a father, you know, and the experiences that he wants us to go through in order to get closer to him. Yeah, there's a lot in that and when we look to him as a father, it's like, well what kind of father?

It's a good, holy, perfect father and that's something that we do not get to spend time with a whole lot. So that's really good. Anything else you'd like to share with us? Just that, you know, I'm glad to have brothers at arms, you know, people that I can relate with that know the struggles that we all go through and give us some insight on how to find the answers to solve those.

Yeah, that's the most important thing. You know, if we have any listeners out there listening, I mean, the fight is real. You're not alone.

No, you're never alone. So now we got Gene, the extraordinary sous chef of the weekend. Oh yeah, double duty, definitely. Yeah. It's gotten so bad, Robby has literally had to shove me out the door and say, go spend quality quiet time with God when I'm walking into the kitchen. So yeah, it's been a trip. He'll do that to you.

Oh, he's done it three times so far. Yeah. So Gene, how's your weekend been? Outside of the cooking? Outside of the cooking, you know, I had one question hit me like a freight train like, like yesterday.

I'm an Iraqi freedom veteran. I've been home for a while now, obviously, but I've been going through my struggles and a question just hit me this morning and was like, am I grieving the Holy Spirit by asking, asking to deploy one more time? And it's like, oh wow, that's yikes.

That's the last thing I want to do is grieve the Holy Spirit. But yeah, it has been so much information to absorb and process that the hard questions hit you at the worst times. And you just, it's just been real, it's been challenging in that respect, but it's been great because it's been necessary for that to happen.

That's great. And real quick, I just, I mean, you don't want to, I want to hit on this, uh, real fast with you, but I hear you got a book out there. I wrote a book based on my time in Baghdad as a prison guard. And that's one of the reasons I wanted to deploy again because I've struggled so much with every other area of my life. And it's like, God, I, if I can't get answers to my prayers and I can't get forward progress cause I find, I feel like I'm taking just a constant beating. It's like, just deploy me one more time and let me just, just feel capable and competent and whole again, you know? So yeah, that's, uh, it's based on my time in Baghdad as a prison guard. The name of the book is we did not deserve the crapper, the prison we entered, but never fully left. And it's, yeah, it's, it, it took a lot out of me to write that book.

It took 10 years to write it because there were so many collaborations. Yeah. Well, that's real awesome.

Jean. Um, you know, it's been a great bootcamp. If you're interested in coming to a bootcamp, please go to masculine and as our good friend, Sam says, he says, love someone well. Yeah.

If you can love someone well and bring it along, you're doing a really good job. We just want to just let you know that masculine journey is the place to be. Uh, we love it here. If you can make it to a bootcamp, we'd love to have you. When's our next one? March 28th.

All right, Robby. March 28th. Nice. I would have to, Holy Spirit said chime.

March 28th. Oh, we would love to have you. Oh my goodness. We've had so much fun with so many people that showed up to this one. It's like heaven, right? Yes. It's wonderful.

Hopefully we can bring a bigger smoker with me next time. This is the truth network.
Whisper: medium.en / 2024-11-25 19:14:45 / 2024-11-25 19:25:10 / 10

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