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Favorite Boot Camp Moments Part 2

The Masculine Journey / Sam Main
The Truth Network Radio
November 16, 2024 12:30 pm

Favorite Boot Camp Moments Part 2

The Masculine Journey / Sam Main

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November 16, 2024 12:30 pm

Welcome fellow adventurers! With the fall boot camp mere weeks away, the guys continue sharing their favorite moments from the boot camps of years past. The clips are from "Open Range," "Picard," and "LOTR." 

Be sure to check out our other podcasts, Masculine Journey After Hours and Masculine Journey Joyride for more great content!

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This is the Truth Network Welcome to The Masculine Journey. This is Andy sitting in for Sam and Robby. They're both out so I'm by default sitting in the hot seat this week.

This is my time. I haven't done this in a while and looking forward to it but we're glad to have you with us and we're continuing on last week's topic which is, Jim, you were here. I was. Yeah. And the topic has not changed. No, it's not. It's your most significant memory from bootcamp.

Yeah, 2.0 or version 2. But yeah, Danny and I weren't here last week and we're just going to continue on that theme because there's so much to it. Bootcamps, man, they became part of my life. 2012 I think it was, the first one I don't think I've missed with the Masculine Journey team. I've done them in Colorado with the Wild at Heart group and a group from Ohio. I've done several bootcamps with them. Shout out to those guys.

They usually listen to the show. But just this idea of going after God's heart for men and what he intended for men has changed my life and everybody sitting here I believe. So we're just going to jump into it. We have memories but a lot of those memories are built around clips and you're probably going to hear some clips that you've heard on this show many times but we're going to talk about the memories we have from the bootcamps and how God came after us but also some of it will be what we thought about the first time we heard these clips played.

Or the impact that they've had on us. So before we start though, I'm going to shout out to a guy that's going to his first bootcamp, this next bootcamp, November 17th through the 21st. Michael, just tell me what you're thinking about. You've heard a lot about it.

You sit in on the radio shows. What are you expecting from this first bootcamp? Well, I'm definitely expecting to get to know God a little better, maybe even myself. I'm meeting a lot of good people. I've already met you guys, which you guys are awesome. I'm just very excited. We did not pay him to say that.

Well, Andy didn't pay. Overall, I'm very excited and I'm looking forward to it because I think I'm going to have some stories to share too. Absolutely, you'll have memories. I'm glad you said that too because I believe that's really what I'll experience. We find God, we go after his heart, but he comes after our heart and when he does, we learn a lot about ourselves. He guides us through that process because who knows us better than anybody?

God. All right, so we're going to open this thing up. I'm going to go ahead and play my first clip because it just makes sense.

No, it really is because it touches on really what you're introduced to when you first come into a bootcamp. It's from Open Range and you've got this Charlie Waite and he's this gunslinger and boss and they're free grazers on Open Range. There's a guy that's trying to kind of rule them and push the town around and you hear this interchange at the tavern. Charlie pushes into something about stepping up and being men.

I'm just going to go ahead and play it and we'll get reactions from the team after it plays. Thank you, Mac. Ralph. Ray. Corey. Wesley. This is Ralph Peterson.

He runs a general store. That's where I was when the dog got free. You thought it was the free grazers, I expect? No offense.

Personally, I don't stand with others around here about free grazers. There's a fight in your store about a week or so back. Some of Baxter's men jumped our friend. There's a big fella. Yeah, saw the whole thing. That big fella broke one's arm.

Be a gun hand named Butler, would it? That's what they say. Felt bad about your friend. Is he all right? He's dead. Too bad.

Seemed like a nice young fella. Shame what this town's come to. You could do something about it. What? We're freighters.

Ralph here's a shopkeeper. You're men, ain't you? I didn't raise my boys just to see them killed.

Well, you may not know this, but there's things that gnaw at a man worse than dying. Anybody? So why I played that, though, for me, when I first saw that, and it kind of touches on battle or warfare, but it really goes after a man's heart, and you can get into life, and you can become very passive, and you feel like that's even the right thing and the Christian thing to do, but you have an enemy that's pushing you around, and God puts these core desires in you to cause you to rise up. Anybody know the core desires?

Anybody want to rattle them off? Battle to fight, a beauty to rescue, and an adventure to live. I should know it. I'm working on that talk.

If you don't know it, we're in trouble. But it just speaks to, that's really what grabbed me. Usually you start core desires, you get into the brave heart. All those things cause something to rise in you, and if you've been passive, if you've been beat down, if you've lost some battles and you just check out, that right there, that whole clip, it will cause something to rise within you.

It did me anyway. The kind of thing with this whole genre, Andy, if you ain't careful, is you get the sense that you've got to be a great outdoorsman. You've got to be something that maybe you're not, which steps into the poseur. But the reality of it is when your heart begins to come alive, there are some things in you that come alive that you really hadn't known what to do with. Because even church circles told you, you've got to put those things to the side or something like that. But these are core desires. That's the talk. That comes from the heart of God.

You don't have to be an outdoorsman, but you will have a sense of adventure in you. Yeah, for sure. It's so important for us men to have that called out in us. And you becoming alive in who you were meant to be will actually feel like posing at times. Because we've lived in the false self and the hidden self for so long. As you become kind of like a butterfly from a cocoon or whatever, as you spread your wings, it's going to feel weird or whatever. And I went through that experience. But again, that is a memory from boot camp. I can feel and sense, I can remember from boot camp to boot camp that transition to where I began to feel really who I was and stepping into those core desires.

This has been percolating in my brain since the opening. Because I was thinking of my very first boot camp. And it was a weird one. It was in Alaska. And it was a week long. And we spent most of the days fishing or having adventures. And it was almost overwhelming.

But in looking back, and that was in 2003, looking back at it, I have two very strong memories. One of them was Aubrey Folk, who I'm an early riser, so was he. Probably same age range as our resident sage over here. And not a whole lot taller, but one of the most godly men I've ever met. And he was a businessman. He wasn't a pastor.

But very generous. But he started every morning. And I'd hear him out walking around the camp singing, this is the day the Lord has made.

I will rejoice and be glad in it. And it didn't, I mean it was repetitive, but it didn't get boring. He kept singing it over and over. And that was how he started every day. And the other, and this, you're talking about he's a man ain't he?

Well this is the definition of a man. He's an Alaska native. He's a fisherman by trade. I saw him swimming in the water, tried to get a line off of his propeller until he could barely talk. But he wasn't getting out until he had it done.

We did finally get him out. But Bill Nash, just wonderful man, he came out of one of the meetings and I hadn't really talked to him, didn't know him, but he just burst into tears coming out of there. And we talked about what hit him, which was basically his daughter had tried to commit suicide. And he ran out of there quickly and just lost it.

And those were men's tears. And he has become a very close friend. He actually got married recently. Carolyn and I kind of urged him to do that. His wife died a little over a year ago. But she had been close for quite a while. And he said, is it too early?

I said, not if God tells you to do it. So he contacted a woman and within, well, the second time he talked to her he proposed that they were married a couple of weeks later when a friend showed up in town and had the ability to get a marriage. That's definitely your core desires right there. Adventure, beauty. But those were the most important things. Those two men were significant in my life. You also connect with your brothers. Relationships are built. Danny, you came and you didn't know anybody. You brought a friend and it just took off.

Just the relationships, right? Oh yeah. It was literally walking out of one ministry.

It was kind of similar, but we didn't do boot camps and stuff like that. And unbeknownst to me that I was walking into this crowd. My life truly would never be the same again on many different levels. Amen. I think all of us can say that, how much God's changed us. So we want you to come to a boot camp. We experienced life in it. God came after us November 21st through 24th.

Go to to sign up. What we have at our boot camp is something that makes you stronger and gives you the strength to go on your regular walk with God. It's something that will make you be bigger than you were when you got there. The first one I had no clue what I was walking into and then realizing that other people were in the same boat and you know how open everybody was to share their struggle. It was a great group and a lot of contacting with everybody. It is a tight bond of men.

Everybody's the same. And each and every time that I've come to boot camp, I've learned something different. And not one man that's ever been there neglects not to take time out to talk or to share. It's serious business and you need to come one time to break bread with the men and fellowship, feel the atmosphere, hear the people pray, and get down to earth about what's going on in life and get real.

Register today at Welcome back to The Masculine Journey and that's from Braveheart. If you've watched the movie, you probably realized that. But I tell you, that music tears me up because that movie has so much in it.

In fact, we use it quite a bit in Core Desires and Sonship. And that is boot camp to me. If you come to a boot camp, you might hear that in between sessions in the background music. And there's something that it used to get me when I would hear that approaching boot camp, it would come on and your heart just goes there. Just that music. I mean, there's a connection there.

So anyway, go ahead. It's the outlawed tunes on alcohol pipes. That's right. Indeed, we might hear that in a coming up clip. Well, that's one of the things, Andy, is we're setting up the sound equipment and stuff like that.

When everything is rolling, that is played before the sound checks. It's almost like your soul says, boot camp has begun. This relates to something that Sam wrote me. Shame dies, dies when stories are told in safe places.

That's exactly right. And that's what you'll see at boot camp. Not only do we talk to God and allow him to talk to us, but that is a memory from boot camp.

What we do is a lot of times you'll get, it's your choice. Nobody's going to make you put a gun to you and say, you got to share your story, but you'll have an opportunity to share your story if you choose with an individual or the group. And whenever you do that, indeed, shame dies whenever you do that sharing of the story. So Danny, let's go to your clip. Now we're going to talk, we're kind of trying to lay these and we're not going to just overtly come out and say it, but each one of these clips that we have kind of tie to a different theme.

And I think you wanted to talk a little bit about the wound in this clip. Yeah, this clip is from the series Picard, which is a spinoff of Star Trek The Next Generation with Captain Picard. And he's later on in life. And yeah, we are deep seated Trekkies at our house. And I mean, I don't think there's been a Star Trek series that we haven't watched over and over and over again, except for the original series.

Michelle doesn't like it. Anyway, but this is this is like on the final episode of this series Picard. And there's been a character that goes back to the next generation. His name is Q. And he's he's a godlike creature in a queue.

And they're all named Q, which is really confusing. The and he has just popped into Picard's life and made his life miserable at times. But there's always like a lesson to be learned somewhere along the way. But he's kind of mischievous and but this is their last meeting. And the interchange in between them speaks so much to kind of how the you know what he listened to what he tells Picard.

And Picard's response is so much like the interchange I've had many, many times at boot camp with God. And but but the the reality of God coming after your heart and healing those wounds that you know, because only God can go backwards and forwards and everything, but we'll play the clip and I'll talk about it a little bit afterwards. My old friend, forever the boy who was an errand turn of a skeleton key broke the universe in his own heart, no more. You are now unshackled from the past.

As I leave, I leave you free. But why does all this matter? Is something going to happen for which I will be required? Must it always have galactic import, universal stakes, celestial upheaval? Isn't one life enough? You asked me why it matters. It matters to me. You matter to me. Even God's had favorites.

And you've always been one of mine. Two times almost out. I have one last surprise in store.

What's wrong? Quite the opposite. You know, the reality of that is that there have been so many incidences and covenant of silences and stuff like that at boot camps and, you know, even times away from boot camp that part of what I've come to realize is that God coming after our heart. You know, Q's talking to Picard, he talks about the skeleton key.

Well, what you don't see and hear there is that Picard walked in, his mother hung herself in a room where they gazed at the stars and stuff together and he found her. And that was a wound that carried him way through his life. But he had found some freedom in that. But, you know, there's so many things like that in my own life. But I've lived most of my adult life looking for what cosmic purpose something has and some of it does. But the reality of it is really and truly what God is trying to get across to Danny Marsh and probably many others is you matter to me. And what I really want you to see is the beauty in what I really created you to be. Just be. Because if you just be, cosmic shifts will happen. And that's so powerful to me that when the wounds heal and there's so many layers, you know, we play tons of Shrek.

I think Shrek is as popular as William Wallace at boot camp. But the thing is that he comes after your heart in so many different ways and there's so many things that happen. And that you become whole and you realize that in that wholeness, you don't have to pose, you don't have to, there's tons of stuff you don't have to do anymore. You just be. Just be who he created you to be, right?

The light and caring. Yeah. Yeah, exactly.

Light yoke. Yeah. And so you mentioned the term a couple of times and we've talked about it a little bit. God coming after your heart.

So it may be you guys may have gotten that term. Whenever I first came to boot camp, I was leaving and Robby came up to me and just meeting these guys or whatever. And I was pretty reserved. I was pretty beat down at the time. So I just wanted to be left alone.

I mean, I enjoyed everybody coming after me and loving on me, but they were very respectful of my space or whatever. But he came up to me and said, how did God come after your heart this weekend? And I didn't even know what he was talking about, to be honest with you.

Of course, I knew God loved me or whatever, but it was a matter of saying God took a step towards me, an action towards me. And that's not what I was really coming for. I was trying to I was big on my mind. I was trying to get a lot of knowledge back so I can get my, you know, my marriage back is really what I came for. And I knew it was a God thing and there was other stuff and there was a lot of stuff that my heart was exploding, but I couldn't I couldn't answer him.

I don't even know what I said. But as the years went by, I got more and more and more understanding of what how did God come after your heart and he continues to do it. So that's a boot camp memory. That's good stuff.

Anybody got anything? Harold? One of the things that I discovered that I didn't expect to discover is how coming to boot camp changes the way you see movies. Before boot camp, you know, I saw movies over the years. What I didn't realize is how much God is in movies where Hollywood didn't know or intend it to be. So exposure to movies like Defiance, Gladiator, Braveheart, and one of my really favorites is the one with the two old guys that get their nephew.

Secondhand lines. I knew you were going to say that. So, you know, there are things that we encounter in boot camp that causes you to look at things outside boot camp differently than you saw them before.

And I think that's a memory that that I cherish out of boot camp. Yep, it definitely definitely does. We may have time for the next clip that sets it up well. The next clip is from The Lord of the Rings, Two Towers. And you have, basically the message is, and I'm not going to give all the characters, Jim, you got it? Well, Gandalf is coming to the king and letting him know what's happening.

And his daughter is as well. Theoden wants to protect the environment and Aragorn steps in and calls him out on not being the warrior that he needs to be. It's a taste of the terror that Saruman will unleash. All the more potent he is driven out by fear of Sauron. Ride out and meet him head on.

Draw him away from your women and children. You must fight. You have two thousand good men riding north as we speak. Eomer is loyal to you. His men will return and fight for their king. They will be three hundred leagues from here by now.

I cannot help us. I know what it is you want of me, but I will not bring further death to my people. I will not risk open war. Open war is upon you.

Whether you would risk it or not. So what you have there is, it goes along with the open range, but this is a man trying to protect his kingdom and he feels like if he risks, if he goes to battle he's going to get wiped out. The enemy is coming after you and that really shook me when I realized I've been a passive man and I'm going to have to fight this. It's a losing battle if I don't fight back. We are in a battle and that's one of the main points.

Absolutely. If you're not willing to fight, you'll be taken out. Again, come to boot camp this weekend of November twenty first through twenty fourth.

That's the weekend before Thanksgiving. We'd love to have you. You've heard some testimonies on what to expect. We want you there. Come see us. This is the Truth Network.
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