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The Joy Ride #69

The Masculine Journey / Sam Main
The Truth Network Radio
October 7, 2021 5:00 am

The Joy Ride #69

The Masculine Journey / Sam Main

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October 7, 2021 5:00 am

Welcome fellow Joy Riders to the Masculine Journey Joyride Podcast! On this podcast you will hear funny stories, exchanges, and thought provoking moments that will amuse you, make you smile, and draw you closer to Jesus Christ in your journey of life.

People like to watch sports for the big plays and excitement. People also like to listen to the Masculine Journey to laugh and learn with guys who love the well as hear some Harold is old jokes.

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Welcome fellow adventurers to the Masculine Journey Joyride Podcast. This is a brand new show from the guys you know. I'm talking of course about the Band of Brothers. My name is Keith and I'm the producer for Masculine Journey and Masculine Journey.

In this podcast, you will hear funny stories, exchanges, and thought-provoking moments that will amuse you, make you smile, and draw you closer to Jesus Christ in your journey of life. That people just jump on whatever bandwagon they feel like they should attach to. And they attach so easily to things that aren't even part of their lives and that's part of the social media.

I don't think things have changed as far as how people are. In fact, in the 70s when I was a police officer, it drove me nuts and I nearly got hit once when I was helping out with an accident because people are looking at the accident, not where they're going, not at the folks that are trying to get them through there safely. And we've got one person that's trying to get us through all this and I don't like the word safe to begin with.

Because it's an illusion. But our only safe place is in God's will and that seems awfully dangerous. So, but that's the best place for us.

Different kind of danger. Yeah. Right. You know, and I think you're right. You know, Robby, you'd made the point before the show that, you know, why do people go to certain events?

You were talking a little bit about that. You know, why don't they go to hockey games for the great extent because of the fight. So they go to NASCAR or stock car races.

They want to see the crashes, right? And, you know, back in your day when they used to do the chariot races, Harold, right? I mean, Ben Hur, you remember that stuff? Yeah.

You know, they put the little spiky things on the wheels. It was like stepping it up a notch at that point. We couldn't do it in the backyard any longer.

We had to build a coliseum. So from the guys on Masculine Journey, I'm Keith and we'll see you down the road. This is the Truth Network. They're part of our spiritual family. They're new to the faith.

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