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The Joy Ride #28

The Masculine Journey / Sam Main
The Truth Network Radio
December 17, 2020 5:00 am

The Joy Ride #28

The Masculine Journey / Sam Main

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December 17, 2020 5:00 am

Welcome to the Masculine Journey Joyride Podcast! On this podcast you will hear funny stories, exchanges, and thought provoking moments that will amuse you, make you smile, and draw you closer to Jesus Christ in your journey of life.

The guys were listening to a clip of Linus explaining what Christmas was about. As a result of the clip, Harold had a question for the band of brothers to answer.


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Looking for that perfect Christmas gift for the family? Why not a chicken? Stick a bow on top, put the chicken under the tree, and who knows, you may even have a couple eggs to fry up for breakfast Christmas morning.

Give the gift that keeps on clucking. A chicken. Okay, maybe it's not the perfect gift for your family, but it is the perfect gift for a poor family in Asia. A chicken can break the cycle of poverty for a poor family. Yes, a chicken.

A chicken's eggs provide food and nourishment for a family, and they can sell those eggs at the market for income. When you donate a chicken or any other animal through Gospel for Asia, 100% of what you give goes to the field. And the best gift of all, when Gospel for Asia gives a poor family an animal, it opens the door to the love of Jesus. So give the perfect gift for a family in Asia this Christmas. Give them a chicken.

Call 866-WINASIA or to see chickens and other animals to donate, go to Welcome, fellow adventurers, to the Masculine Journey Joyride Podcast. This is a brand new show from the guys you know.

I'm talking, of course, about the Band of Brothers. My name is Keith, and I'm the producer for Masculine Journey and Masculine Journey After Hours. In this podcast, you will hear funny stories, exchanges, and thought-provoking moments that will amuse you, make you smile, and draw you closer to Jesus Christ in your journey of life. The guys listen to a clip of Linus explaining what Christmas was all about. Clearly inspired by the wise words of Linus, Harold quizzed the Band of Brothers.

I was debating about whether or not to bring this up, but since you guys have brought levity into the situation, my question is, why was the glory low instead of high? I got nothing. You're not allowed to ask a question without being able to answer it. Harold, the rest of the shepherds were asking the question. What did you ask? Okay, guys. So from the guys on Masculine Journey, I'm Keith, and we'll see you down the road. This is the Truth Network.
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