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Clash of The Comedians

Kingdom Pursuits / Robby Dilmore
The Truth Network Radio
October 19, 2024 3:18 pm

Clash of The Comedians

Kingdom Pursuits / Robby Dilmore

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October 19, 2024 3:18 pm

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This is the Truth Network. Oh, man, do we have a show lined up for you today.

I'm so excited about it. We've got Sergei Rakuba. He is with Mission Eurasia. And if you're like me, you're not familiar with Mission Eurasia, but that's why Sergei is coming around to talk about that. And so Sergei, for those of us listening that are not familiar with that, tell us a little bit about Mission Eurasia.

Okay, Rabbi, it's so great to be on your show, and thank you so much for the opportunity. So Mission Eurasia is a mission organization with focus on training the next generation of leaders for ministries in the countries of the former Soviet Union, that area we currently call Eurasia. That's why Mission Eurasia. And while we're trained in equipping them, so for ministry, when they are ready to take the torch and continue carrying on ministry, leading churches into the future after so many years of godless regimes in all those countries in the former Soviet Union. So we are also equipping them not just with knowledge, strategies. We're providing training for them, but we also provide resources for their ministries. And in a time like this in Ukraine, for example, we equip leaders with all the resources they need to continue reaching their communities in such challenging times. So that's what Mission Eurasia is all about, to train, to equip the next generation of leaders who continue bringing the gospel into all the corners of that former Soviet Union territories these days. Darrell Bock Right, and I guess, you know, God had you guys in place for such a time as this. I imagine you existed before the war in Ukraine, right?

Rabbi Yitzhak Tzurin Yeah, sure. You know, Mission Eurasia was yeah, thank you for all these good questions. Mission Eurasia was founded, soon the Soviet Union collapsed, and that dates back to 1991. The need was just enormous in all those countries, especially Russia, Ukraine, and all the rest of the countries, Baltic countries.

And our focus then was on to train, you know, the church planters, you know, the opportunity was just absolutely amazing. And so when the war started recently in Ukraine, and our main hub for our ministry, from which we were coordinating all our work in the rest of Eurasia is in Ukraine. And so in the first two weeks of, since, I mean, when the Russians attacked and they were just advancing to take over the capital of Ukraine, Kyiv, our ministry center was on their way. So they took over that town, it's called, I mean, the town of Erpyn, one of the suburbs of Kyiv, and took over our center, because it was apparently convenient facility for them to house their special force troops. And a few days later, when Ukrainians, you know, pushed them back, and they were kind of retreating, so they just simply exploded, you know, just blew up our building.

And that's where was lots of resources, like Bibles, New Testaments, you know, and all what we had there was a large building. So and that's how we got involved, you know, so we just simply could not help but get involved in helping communities in a time of war, and all the leaders we've trained, you know, so we kind of mobilized them to get on the front line of this spiritual crisis in a time of war, providing humanitarian aid resources, and reaching out to communities, you know, refugee and displaced communities. There are a lot of children that were impacted by this horrible war, you know, so we believe there are up to 8 million children, Ukrainian children, including like kind of minor teenagers, that were impacted and whose families were uprooted because of the Russian bombardment of their towns and cities in all those eastern Ukrainian territories, and they had to move to a safer place.

A lot of them ended up in neighboring countries like Moldova, Poland, and others. And that's where Mission Eurasia is involved now, you know, through all the leaders we've trained, through all the networks of this next generation leaders, we are continue helping now responding to the tremendous need, humanitarian need and emotional need, spiritual need in that country. Darrell Bock That's a – actually, I've been looking for the right segue to put these two ideas together we have on the show today. So one of the humanitarian needs in any situation is laughter, right? I mean, especially if you've been around me for very long, you know, I love to laugh.

I really, really do. And, you know, this may sound off out of color, but it just is, you know, how I see things. So we – I was doing a funeral actually Friday, and like you would do at a funeral if you're a master, you ask a lot of questions about stories, right? And one of the stories that this brother of the 86-year-old lady who was deceased, you know, he remembered when they used to feed chickens in the barn, and one day his sister was supposed to be gathering eggs with him, and she didn't gather the eggs the way he should have, or he felt like she should have, and so he got mad at her. She said something snappy back at her, and he took a bucket of eggs and he poured it on her head. Not watching that – not realizing that his father was in kicking distance, at what point in time, you know, he found his father's foot in a particularly difficult position. And I said, you know, from my standpoint, you know, that idea wasn't all it was cracked up to be.

You know, it was kind of a bad yoke, you know. And, you know, even though it was – it was a – yeah, obviously, but people want to celebrate life, right? And part of celebration is laughter, and so we have also on today's show Randy Myers, who has an event you may know.

He is the host of Let's Do Church on our light network, but he also has a game show, Let's Do Church, and then he also has the Clash of the Comedians, which is coming to the High Point Theater, actually, in November the 16th. What an event this is going to be. And so that's our other interesting sideline to what we're doing today, is Randy, you're excited about this event, right?

Oh my goodness, Robbie. Yes, I am excited, as excited can be. We've been doing so much planning around this event, and the funny thing about when you're planning an event, sometimes you can get real tied up in the difficult parts of it, but the real basis of it is, you know, we want people to come together, we want people to laugh, you know. People need to have laughter in their life, they need to have some joy in their life, they need to have some encouragement in their life, and that's what this event's all about in part. Right, and you've got some famous ventriloquist coming and comedians, right?

What you got lined up? Absolutely. We have comedian Steve Brogan. He is actually all over the land. He's been on forums like TBN, Good Morning America, the Comedy Connection, Fox Network, and the Today Show with his brand of comedy, and it's not just ventriloquism.

I mean, when you look at how he brings his figures, as they call them, to life, and the funny things that he makes them say, they're really creative, I'll put it like that. And Willie Brown. Willie Brown is the other one.

He's out of Atlanta, Georgia, and he's been on TBN, Showtime, Jenny Jones, BET Comic View, and Def Comedy Jam, just to name a few. But more importantly, both of them are going to be right in the Triad at the High Point Theater on November the 16th. Right, and you need to be there too, or you even got events, things for churches. We got all that to go into today, but we're just going to give you a warm-up. Of course, we got to play shenanigans here in a minute when we come back, but again, so honored really to have Sergei with us, Mission Eurasia. I'm very interested in finding out, as I'm sure you are listening, what's currently going on over there and things that the church is doing, how we can be praying for the leadership over there. So I'm excited about this show.

Stay tuned. You're listening to the Truth Network and Welcome back to Kingdom Pursuits, where we hear how God takes your passion and uses it to build the Kingdom. And certainly you can hear that in Sergei Rokuba with his mission, Eurasia, and oh my goodness, what they are doing for such a time as this. And they have an amazing website, and Sergei has an amazing YouTube video, which are both highlighted at If you go to, you're going to see Mission Eurasia, and again, all that's right there and available for you to connect, pray with, donate, whatever you – God puts on your heart with that, as well as Randy Myers, who is – let's have church.

He corrected me during the break, but my mind is, you know, a terrible thing to wave. But it's Let's Have Church is the name of his show and his game. But he's got this clash of the comedians that's coming up, again, November 16th. And wait till you know how your church can be involved in that.

We're going to get to that, as well as much more of what's going on in Mission Eurasia, what's going on in the Ukraine. But those who are listening to the show have expectations that Robbie's going to play shenanigans. And so speaking of comedians – yes, here we go. Yes, it is time to play shenanigans. And it is your opportunity to try to figure out my dad joke.

So here is Randy's chance. And again, Sergei, if you feel like you know one of these, just don't hesitate to jump in. So speaking of comedians, what would a comedian – why? Why would a comedian see no reason to go on stage? What do you think, Nick? Why would a comedian see no reason to go on stage?

Stage fright? Similar, but not very funny. No, they think that people are going to laugh at him anyway, right? Okay, all right. So how about what's a comedian's pronouns? There you go, Nick.

Try that one. What are a comedian's pronouns? Pronouns are all the rage. So if you're a comedian, what pronouns might you be looking for?

Well, I like that he, he, he. I was so close, Robbie. You were.

You were. So this one I really am expecting somebody to get. Sergei, you might get this one. What's the difference between a surgeon and a comedian?

They both split your sides. They can. I like that.

That's good. In fact, they'll leave you in stitches. Or they might kill you. They might slay you with their jokes.

You know, that may be the case. But in the case of the surgeon, right, they can afford to move out of their parents' house. Oh, and of course we've got to have one of these that's a classic dad joke. So Nick, this is where your specialty comes in. Why do mountain rangers make such good comedians? What do you think? Why do mountain rangers make such good comedians?

They pique your interest. I like that. That's good. Did you get it, Nick? No? Maybe?

They're hill areas. There you go. Did you like that, Sergei? So at the end of that, you knew I would actually have a joke that you can call in and win today. So this one is unlike a Bible riddle. It's more of a Bible-themed riddle. So this one is from Eve the comedian. I don't know if you ever thought about Eve being a comedian, but why did Adam wake up to Eve counting his ribs? If you know the answer to that, you call us. 866-348-7884. Why did Adam wake up to Eve counting his ribs? Yes, that's what's happened and I bet you're going to wonder why that happened.

866-348-7884. I'm going to get a special prize for you today. If you can answer that one, Nick, tell them what they're going to win. Yeah, you've lost your microphone. Oh, okay.

Sometimes that happens. They're going to get a chance at special prize where I'm just going to pick out from you for the Kingdom Pursuits Prize Vault, which has all sorts of books. I have a gospel back scratcher that I've been saving for just the right person. Who knows what I might have for you? I've got games. I've even got cards from Let's Have Church. All that's available in the Kingdom Pursuits Prize Vault and all you have to do is tell us why did Adam wake up to Eve counting his ribs? 866-348-7884.

866-34-TRUTH. But getting back to the more serious part of this show today, which I'm very, very thankful for Sergei and his ministry, is that the current situation as you see it, Sergei, in the Ukraine and what are the kind of needs that you're really up against right now? So the needs are absolutely enormous, Rabi. I regret that, unfortunately, Ukraine, if we can say in political terms, becomes more of a hostage, if I can say, in all the political games, in the international society. But the need in Ukraine for support is absolutely tremendous.

So besides that Ukraine cannot win this war without international help. Consider that there are millions of people whose lives were destroyed. And we're talking about one third of the entire population out of 44 million was uprooted. So they lost everything in their lives. They lost their communities, homes. They lost their loved ones because of the Russian relentless attacks on those residential quarters, you know, in all those cities and towns in eastern Ukraine. And they had to move into a safer place.

But moving to somewhere else, you don't have anything except just your own clothes, you know, on your back. And carrying children, you know, so that's what you can imagine the picture, you know, so that's the need in Ukraine today. And Mission Eurasia is getting involved, you know, with many other organizations, and there are quite few credible ones who are there on the ground helping. And that's like Samaritan's Purse, you know, World Vision is there, Convoy of Hope, World Help, and so on. And working with the local churches, we're trying to provide resources for national leaders, national churches to reach out and help this needy displaced families and refugee families. Since the war started, Rabi, we as Mission Eurasia were able to provide enough food to deliver 300,000, over 300,000 family food packages. And one food package contains enough food to sustain a life of a family of three to five people. That's a lot of resources, you know.

And I'm so grateful and I know that many of your listeners got involved and also are helping, you know, helping people in Ukraine. But the need is, it's endless. And it seems like we're moving, you know, to another winter season there. And winter is quite a harsh season, you know, in that area.

It gets real cold. And we are planning to provide generators, you know, for people that they can continue kind of cooking, sustaining their families, heating their space. We're also building wood-burning stoves, which is such a simple, you know, way to help a family, you know, so that, you know, Russians are destroying all the power grid in Ukraine, just intimidating, you know, population to move.

But then without power, you cannot do anything in the wintertime. So this wood-burning stoves help people to survive. And we ask people to help us. You know, we are providing what, real nice, real kind of sturdy, a well-built wood-burning stove for a family for $250. And if your listeners can visit our website, you know, this is a very simple way to donate. And we would hugely appreciate if people can join this partnership, helping Ukrainian families, Ukrainian churches to survive such a challenging time.

Darrell Bock You know, and most – I'm sorry, most of our listeners are in the southeast part of the United States. And so I don't think we really can grasp how cold it gets where you probably can. So yeah, how – you know, when they're facing those kind of winters, it's not like it's 40 degrees outside, right? Omer Shai You see, in the wintertime, let's say starting in November, you know, so they will be facing like 10 below zero. And when you go farther into December, January, February, you know, so the average would be 1520 below zero. That's, I mean, that's cold, Ravi, you can imagine that. And if you don't have power, you basically left out to yourself, you know, unless you have something to heat your space.

And you can cook on to, I don't know, to help your family to survive. So I would hugely appreciate your listeners, you know, to help us with it. What also Mission Eurasia is doing, we're working with pastors. There is a phenomenon, Ravi, when the Russians started, you know, lots of people, I mean, Russians started the war or invaded, you know, of course, lots of communities, they started running, you know, for safe places from all those eastern Ukrainian territories. But many pastors, they stayed there. And all the congregations, you know, members of their congregations, you know, so left, you know, they found the phenomenon.

So in a week or two, their churches were packed again, but with new people, people who were scared, and they realized that the churches that's the place where they can find spiritual support, emotional support, humanitarian support. I hate to jump in on you, Sergei, when you're really, that's so impactful. Again, we'll be back in just a minute.

We've got to go to a break. And when we come back more with Mission Eurasia, and of course, Clash of the Comedians, that's coming up. You're listening to the Truth Network and Welcome back to Kingdom Pursuits, where we hear how God takes your passion and uses it to build the Kingdom. And we're so grateful and honored to have with us Sergei Rakhuba with Mission Eurasia, as well as Randy Myers with the Clash of the Comedians, which is an event coming up. These are Christian ventriloquists, you know, pretty well-known Steve Brogan and Willie Brown that are going to be there that Saturday. It starts, the doors open at three, but the show is like two and a half hours of this, right? Hilarious if you like the puppets, and I do like the puppets, and they're going to have that. But also, they got something really cool going on with 10 churches that are going to be involved, that are going to have sort of a, well, you explain it, Randy.

Absolutely, absolutely. What we have is in the middle, in the mist, in the dab smack in the center of the game show, it's going to be, I don't know if it's going to be that close. People are like, wait a minute, that's two and a half hours divided, but no, somewhere in the game. It's going to be a competition called the Big Ten Ministry Showdown. And what that is, is we have 10 ministries. Actually, we only have seven right now, so we're putting out that clarion call for three more. But these 10 ministries are going to come together, and they're going to sharpen each other.

Iron sharpens iron. We're going to ask them a question from the Book of Acts, and they're going to have a certain amount of time to answer. And the ministry that stays up the longest and answers the fastest is the one that's going to win a $500 love offering right there on the stage. So it's going to be awesome. We already have seven, not just ministries, but we also have a Christian baseball team that's come on board.

The High Point Cougars, and the team captain is Prince Zion Odom. And he's really excited, good young man doing a lot of things in the community. So are they going to ask questions about Acts 248? I don't know if you're familiar with that one.

No, it doesn't have 48 verses, does it? Well, here's what I know, is that there was this lady, she was being robbed, and you know, this man, you know, you've heard, and all of a sudden she says, you know, I claim Acts 248 against you, you know, like that. And the next thing you know, the burglar just gives up, you know, please come and answer, you know, what in the world was, why in the world would you give up to this little old lady?

And he said, well, she had an axe and 248. You gave me my intro into that. I'm going to use that for my intro, by the way, Roger, into that round.

Thank you for that. You've heard it. I've heard it, but not told so exquisitely. Oh, no, I didn't tell it exquisitely. But I just wanted to get it out there because, you know, I remembered as you were saying that, I was thinking, wow, they're going to ask this, on the book of Acts, it's the natural acts, you know, of the not so apostles. But anyway, in that particular case. But nonetheless, I'm excited it's going to happen again November 16th. And if your church wants to take part in this competition, maybe even your Sunday school, right?

Yeah, absolutely. It could be any ministry, a church, a ministry in the church or whatnot. So if you go to, or if you go to Let's Have Church's Facebook page, you can see part of it. It's just Let's Have Church at Facebook.

And you'll see Randy's picture right there. And you can find out the details on how you get your church involved or how you can come and enjoy this event. It's absolutely going to be fun. And I look forward to what God's going to do there. And again, it's all Christian comedians. And again, for some really good causes, all the proceeds are going to the Yield Youth 501c3, right? The High Yield, yes, absolutely helping.

You know, if I try to say that right now, I'm going to be a comedian of my own right. But it's all about helping young people to have their visions come to reality and their dreams come to reality in the world today. High Yield Youth.

So how cool is that? So getting back to the Ukraine, and really mission Eurasia. So I am curious, you know, clearly that all of Eurasia has to be terrified over because kind of like the last thing anybody in Eurasia wants to happen is for Ukraine to fall, because that just opens the door, doesn't it, for more?

Yeah, of course, you know, so the entire region, Rabi, has been kind of in turmoil. Again, because of the direct war nobody sees now or see any end to it, you know, and how to end it, except, you know, so that if international community can help, you know, to create more pressure on Russia to stop their invasion. Russia does not see Ukraine existing, you know, so that somehow the dictator, Vladimir Putin, he hates Ukraine and he does not see that Ukraine has its right, you know, to be an independent country. And the rest of Eurasia, other countries, you know, there are quite a few of them are under the pressure of Russia and live in fear. So they don't support Russia, you know, so that Russia will somehow punish them economically or whatever, you know, so they can do.

And that's what's happening now. So the entire region, you know, is in more confusion, you know, so they see what's happening to Ukraine and like Moldova, even Poland, you know, so they're not part of the Soviet Union, but they are part of the old former Soviet Union kind of, you know, control territory. They're terrified, you know, or Baltic countries. And so people live in fear.

In Moldova, people I know, so that they live with suitcases packed just in case if Russia moves, you know, so they will get on the run, you know, so and leave the place. So that's what's happening. And that's why, you know, so we need people to continue praying, praying so that God will stop this war. So somehow God knows how to will take care of Putin, you know, so that, you know, so he drops all those imperial ambitions of a conqueror.

We know that if he destroys Ukraine, he's not going to stop. So but, you know, we pray that God will intervene and somehow take care of that dictator and pray so that God continues providing resources, you know, through his faithful followers all over the world, helping millions and millions of displaced families, you know, refugee families who suffer because of the senseless war there in Ukraine. And so also we would hugely appreciate, Rabi, your listeners. And I know you have a huge audience out there who have heart and who can help help Ukrainian family or help Ukrainian child. By the way, Rabi, we are kind of started gearing up, preparing for a new Christmas project for Ukrainian refugee children.

I mentioned at the beginning of our conversation there about eight million Ukrainian children that suffered because of this war. And so there will be, you know, facing challenges this winter, but they won't have a good Christmas if nobody gives them a nice gift. So Mission Eurasia, working with our partners, we're preparing 100,000 Christmas gifts. We call them a gift of hope. And those gifts will be packed by volunteers in Ukraine itself.

You know, we have warehouses and churches in the western part, far away from war. And then they will be delivered to children who live in shelters, you know, who live in the temporary places, you know, in dormitories, you know, with their parents are trying to provide, you know, so just to put a smile back in their faces. But those gifts, they will content lots of things, you know, that kids love. But most important, you know, we're printing special children Bibles and very nice, colorful Bibles that children love. So I mean, each those gifts of hope, you know, will have a children's Bible in it.

So if your listeners can go on our website, which is so easy, and right on the front banner there, you will see the picture of a child holding that, the gift of hope with the Bible and just click that little Bible. Darrell Bock A very happy looking eraser. Yevgeny Tovar And we would hugely appreciate it. Darrell Bock It's a beautiful picture. When I saw it, I was like, man, that's outstanding. You know, I just think it is outstanding that God, you know, somehow or another, he's aware of every child.

And he's aware of every need out there. And I really, I couldn't help but think of that. The wood burning stove idea is genius, right? That, oh my goodness, here these people are freezing to death.

They've got no power. You know, what do you do? Well, you create wood burning stoves. And again, you can go to, You can go to, either way. Or you can, if you want to, you can go to Let's Have Jer- excuse me, you can go to if you're wanting to go to High Point. And so God's got all sorts of opportunities. We got one more segment coming up with Mission Eurasia.

You're listening to The Truth Network and Darrell Bock Welcome back to Kingdom Pursuits, where we hear how God takes your passion and uses it to build the Kingdom. In my case, you may know that one of my passions is, in his presence, is fullness of joy.

And I certainly love the idea of joy. And so I hope, since nobody called in with my very difficult riddle, I knew it was hard. And so I'm not shocked that we did not have a caller today.

But Eve, you know, she's a bit of a comedian because Adam woke up that morning and she was counting his ribs. You know why? Darrell Bock She was tickling them? Darrell Bock Tickling them?

Darrell Bock Close, close. But actually, you got any ideas, Nick? Oh, that's right, your mic's out. You probably had an idea, though. You knew what it was.

She was wondering if he was seeing another woman. Nick Loper I get it. Darrell Bock Yeah, there you go.

Anyway, that's the whole deal. But again, Clash of the Comedians coming up. Real quick, Randy, what do you want to make sure people know?

Randy Hall I just want them to get the vision for the event. It's a variety show. It's set on the bed of lettuce of the Let's Have Church Game Show for those that know it. It's a hilarious game show from getting it in.

It's right on the light at 10 o'clock. But then in the midst of it, we have the comedians that are going to be there, ventriloquism that's going to be there. We have the Big Ten Ministry Showdown, still looking for those three more ministries. Doesn't have to be a church, can be a church choir, could be a choir community choir, doesn't matter. Christian baseball team.

But that's going to be there too. So it's really a variety show that's all about unifying people from all around the area in the body of Christ under one heading. And also, many times there's people that don't have church homes.

You got a church, get to talking, you can invite people to church at the event. So very, very near and dear to our heart. Darrell Bock Yeah, that's wonderful.

That's wonderful. And again, Randy, excuse me, Sergey, Sergey, we just have a couple minutes left, but I want to make sure you got said anything you didn't get a chance to say today to our audience about Mission Eurasia. Sergey Simhey I'm going with several other pastors from Middle Tennessee here, especially Brentwood Baptist Church. Senior pastor Jason Strother is coming with us, and he will be one of the key speakers at the event we're putting together for pastors, Ukrainian pastors, church leaders all those eastern Ukrainian territories, from the war zone territories. We are bringing them out to western, safer places.

There is an area called Carpathian Mountains. We rented a space there and want to provide a safe place for them to recuperate, to rest for them and their spouses. At this retreat, we will be providing encouragement for them, training, and also sharing resources so that they can take back to their congregation when they continue ministering to their communities there near the war zone. We expect 250 people plus, and I would appreciate people to pray for safety. Traveling in Ukraine today is not a safe adventure, if I can say. I would appreciate people praying for us, for all these pastors, and also we still need resources to provide this opportunity for Ukrainian church leaders, for Ukrainian pastors, so that they get recharged spiritually, so they get encouraged, and they go back and continue ministry to all their communities there in those destroyed, devastated places when Russia continues relentlessly shelling those territories.

So that's what I just wanted to say again. But overall, Rabbi, thank you so much for the opportunity, and I know your listeners are faithful followers of Christ, and if God touches any of your heart, guys, you know, so just please get involved with Mission Eurasia, and help us to shine the Gospel in the midst of all the destruction that war brings, and by helping those who are in need. And this is just kind of, you know, on behalf of all Ukrainian people, I want to offer gratitude, you know, thank you all.

Bless y'all. And I just think, you know, if just one of those churches had one of those one burning stoves where people could come and get warm, in that situation, again, you can go to, or you can go to Kingdom Pursuits to find all that information at, you know, if you, man, give one of those stoves, what an amazing thing, what a difference it would make in one family's life, and I imagine several families would share the fire, would share the warmth. I have no understanding what it would be like to be in 30 degrees below zero and not have any heat.

I did, however, one time as a Boy Scout camped in the Upper Peninsula Michigan, and I experienced 16 degrees below zero overnight, and I can assure you, I would not want to experience it ever again in a tent. So, I can relate to that stove in more ways than you know. Again,, and of course, let's have church, his Facebook page shows you so many details on that, or I am so grateful again for you guys, Sergei and Randy, and for all you listening today, and thank you for listening to The Truth. We've got so much truth coming at you. You've got encouraging prayer, followed by the masculine journey starts here now at 12 o'clock, and then it's time to man up with Nikita Kolov. So much truth coming at you on The Truth Network. This is The Truth Network.
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