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Kingdom Insights on the Elections, Lessons from Lamentations, and Your Calls

The Line of Fire / Dr. Michael Brown
The Truth Network Radio
October 17, 2016 5:00 pm

Kingdom Insights on the Elections, Lessons from Lamentations, and Your Calls

The Line of Fire / Dr. Michael Brown

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Well the elections are almost upon us. I'll get some spiritual insights for us today stalking for the line of fire with your host activist all the international speaker and theologian Dr. Michael Brown your voice of moral cultural and spiritual revolution Michael Brown is the director of the coalition of conscience and president of fire school of ministry get into the line of fire valves like always 866-34-TRUTH that's 866-34-TRUTH your Jim is Dr. Michael Brown election is being ranked by corrupt media pushing false allegations and outright lies in an effort to elect Hillary Clinton, Pres. according to a report on the 41% of voters say the election could be quote stolen in from Donald Trump this is Michael Brown.

Welcome to the line of fire. All we got a lot to talk about just flew in from Newark, New Jersey this morning and a surprisingly delightful weather at this time there are still some are technically with the elections will be here in what three weeks and one day I want to do my best to give you some spiritual perspective.

Some insights what's happening in to talk to the issues with you number to call to join the broadcast 866-34-TRUTH 866-348-7884 I asked this question on Twitter I got in 778 votes so far you believe elections are quote rate in some way and that there is a conspiratorial attempt to see Hillary elected 65% of my Twitter followers. Respondent said yes 23 is presented no 12% said not sure that my Twitter followers are overwhelmingly conservative and overwhelmingly not in favor of Hillary. But I'd say that only 50% may be a real strong from people in these 50% would've much rather seen another candidate, but that is interesting, and according to Geraldo Rivera.

Not exactly a diehard conservative. He said I have never seen the mainstream media be so partisan that there are a lot of things to talk with you about today but I also want to discuss this issue is, is there some kind of fix in it.

Is there real danger of voter fraud is that how the Democrats always winners that that no more truthful than a Martian conspiracy or something like that. What about the media. I would have much more respect for the liberal media. If the liberal media was open and honest about its bias.

In fact, let's see here. JJ grab clip number seven. This is Sunday's today show and this is New York City, former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani discussing the issues of media bias, but I do think it is very unfair is the media coverage of the election in which anything said about Donald Trump goes right to the front staff of five days there for six days and Hillary Clinton says horrible things about Catholics, evangelicals, G-77, one thing that I write will cover.

Although not ethically I'll eject interested in entire segment on the salience not on the show the same intensity and by the way the WikiLeaks emails are available to the public. Anyway, I can read them. People don't let it pushed on the edge of the times he's appear she's done it.

Now I don't I don't doubt that part for second.

I don't doubt the extreme liberal bias of the New York Times or the Washington Post or CNN or MSNBC or ABC or CBS or NBC it just be better if they were open and honest about it just be better if they said yeah we we are all in for Hillary Clinton.

We are all in to oppose Donald Trump to say luck is Sean Hannity hiding the fact that he is biased towards Donald Trump. Does anyone think you're getting impartial news there, at least when you go to Breitbart or Drudge.

These right wing sites this and will give the pretension. There, you're just being fair and balanced so they are clearly strongly right wing conservative if if the New York Times is. Others would just say what everybody knows you were in the tank really clip monitored and paid off their politics, their biases are clear enough in their pushing things as if they're getting impartial. That's what concerns for cleansing by the Expo line of fire with your host Dr. Michael Brown your voice and more cultural and spiritual revolution. Here again is Dr. Michael Brown and I have no doubt but that the vast majority of the media believe sincerely that Donald Trump is the the lesser of the two candidates and they are campaigning crusading applicants and I've no doubt that there is a sincere motivation from their point of view.

Yes, so that's Geraldo Rivera, the other the left-wing media vast majority of the mainstream media obviously is against Donald Trump but that does not give them the right to report unfairly rich reporting bias ways unless they say we want to make clear, this is our position. This is where were coming from. These are our values then they put it out. 8663 for 87884 number to call.

Do you think that there is a conspiracy to rob Donald Trump of the elections.

Let's just say that he could with let's just say that enough Americans would vote for him. Is there a conspiratorial effort to stop him from being elected either with voter fraud or with collusion between the media and Clinton campaign were other groups were things are done behind the scenes, perhaps in illegal ways. Do you think so again 866-34-TRUTH 7884 I wrote an article over the weekend that has taken off.

It's really gotten a lot of attention and gone viral. It is Christian conservatives be assured that Pres. Hillary Clinton will declare war on you now can explain more about that in a moment, and I can give some pros and cons regarding Donald Trump in a moment as well.

But when it comes to the coverage of WikiLeaks and I mentioned that in my article, the, the release of emails from John Podesta, John Podesta, who is the chairman of the 2016 Hillary Clinton residential campaign.

He previously served as Chief of Staff to Pres. Bill Clinton and counselor to Pres. Brock Obama so he is as high-level and insider as you get as high profile and influential Democratic insider as you get high-powered obviously super well-connected so his emails have been released and correspondences have with other people within the campaign and they are utterly damning. I guarantee you if these had been emails from Trump's campaign manager, or previous campaign manager or someone very close to Trump, the media would be on this day and night. They wouldn't even be talking about that the sexual comments on the tape or the allegations that have come against him, for they will even be mentioning that I would be utterly immaterial. I mean the insults towards Catholics and other conservative Christians. I mean, could you conjure a mess and and and vice president Rights physical vice presidential candidate in Kansas nothing to apologize for.

Where is the media I why are they all over this day and night in reporting the latest scandal because they don't want it to be reported because that's not the major news to them because that's anti-Hillary news that makes it look very very bad. So one of the most damning revelations and again, this should be shouted from the rooftops.

This should be absolutely shouted from the rooftops that John Podesta was upset when he found out that the San Bernardino killer. The man involved in the San Bernardino massacre was a Muslim. He was hoping it was some little white American got it would've been better for the narrative. What I mean. This is absolutely, utterly outrageous and should be shouted from the rooftops by all media that cares to get truth out, but does it know now here's your theory.

I heard this during the primaries and I pooh-poohed it? In the back of my head that I pooh-poohed it because I don't go a lot for conspiracy theories only because they could be endless and infinite without any evidence without any facts and I've I've I've heard enough conspiratorial theories and things that I was personally aware of that I knew were totally false. Totally false. So, so I I am very careful not to just believe these things, even if it's makes you wonder because it's too easy to believe myths are right and you never get that the substantiation for them and then get up look. Are there problems with Hillary Clinton's health could be. I wanted to laugh at this, but Donald Trump has called for drug testing before the next debate I mean they do this before before fights you know to make sure the athletes are not using it, not using illegal drugs to get competitive advantage. They do this in sports. Three and of the Olympic Games and an end date of this regular professional sports to make sure the athletes aren't getting an unfair competitive advantage. Though Trump was there be drug tested before the next debate or their potentially legitimate health issues with Hillary Clinton could but I've watched some videos like look look about this is got like I lazy I look if you look at this this site are likely she's seems listening to someone she has that the well-known habit of nodding her head as she listens to reporters? She's not in too much. It looks like Parkinson's. I look at this like, grasping at straws, so I am not just going to believe the latest conspiratorial theory. Okay. But during the primaries, the theory was that liberal media was giving Donald Trump massive free advertising massive free air time. Millions if not billions of dollars worth and the coverage on Trump would be 10 to one. Sometimes 50 to 1. All of the other candidates combined, and the theory that was put forth, then people mentioned to me was that the secular media is doing this because they want Trump to win and there there is now evidence for the Podesta emails from the Hillary campaign emails that have been released that yes they they they wanted they want the media to put forth either Trump cruiser Carson because they thought those would be the three easiest for Hillary to be and that overwhelmingly the media gave free coverage to Trump I meet your memory put on CNN and it be like 1/2 hour speech of Trump and they display the whole thing without interruption. A think have never seen a site that happened with any candidate in the theory was that they were doing that to prop him up so that once he was propped up, then Hillary would be able to defeat and that that was the whole plan that the same media that would build him up would later destroy him.

Now I was curious about that, but not inclined to believe just because of my disposition towards conspiracy theories, but to be honest as I watch things unfold. You have to wonder you really have to wonder, 86634 that and I want to come back to some important insights, spiritual insights, in a moment, let's go to Silver Springs resort to Silver Springs affect our phone lines were jammed out dress openings 866-348-7884 yet another low WikiLeaks example Podesta emails Henry campaign. Dozens of journalists were invited to. Off the record dinner so that is that where they get their talking points is that where they get their strategies. Is that what is this it again friends if it was Donald Trump who was doing these things. His campaign was doing these things, the secular media would be all over this would be headline coverage day and night, day and night, day and night. I remember when I lived in Washington DC and our congregation was was active in the pro-life movement and anniversary of Roe V Wade know to be very very cold January 3 week of January.

Very cold day in and we were watching the news and it was the anniversary of Roe V Wade, and there'd be a massive pro-life march in DC massive I mean several hundred thousand people every year without fail, and were watching the news one day to see how it's covered in all the local news and sure enough it's not the first item on the 11 o'clock news or the second or the third it's reserve for the end of the show, throw a story and not not reserve the end of the show because it's the big news and they want you to wait and they keep announcing know this was, throw away and then they did not show any crowd pictures they did not give any numbers instead they interviewed a couple pro-life people and a couple protesters given the idea that was about equally attended as opposed to maybe 1/4 million pro-life marchers and 20 protesters bias bias bias yes social engineering. Okay, it's not on the level of say North Korea where the people have no access to the facts but you talk about putting forth misinformation and giving wrong impression. That's what happens, it's Gary thank Lou got Internet of things. But how is it heavy freedom. There hey these are legitimate questions on the paranoid, but it's curious at the very least, ugly.

The line of fire with your host Dr. Michael Brown get into the line of fire now by calling 866-34-TRUTH here again is Dr. Michael Brown is in a handful above the bright right wing website like Drudge or Breitbart pipe up a bit more extreme Inc. I enter an AM talk radio, which really start now. You gave him you know people on one side of the other side of the political spectrum really someplace where they can. Yes so so again there are other alternatives to the quote mainstream media. If you if you listen to Rush Limbaugh if you go to Fox News if you go to or You know that you're going to conservative sites or conservative radio or TV stations, with varying degrees of conservatism. Fox in certain ways. If you across the board. There might be less conservative than, say, Russian and less conservative. Certainly than Drudge or Breitbart but you know she getting their worship of the others in a supposedly just look Fox Fox make may claim to be unbiased as well, but for the most part you know what you getting release others no more just reporting the news Veritas were just reporting the news right sure you're on a given example of something else.

JJ gripped at number eight.

There was a firebombing over the weekend. Hillsboro, North Carolina, and this was a GOP headquarter building. It was firebombed all right and and this was this was written spray-painted graffiti reading Nazi Republicans get out of town or else okay, a GOP Executive Director Dallas would have said the office itself is a total loss.

The only thing important was that nobody was killed and they very well could have been.

Now this is this is horrific right of course it's it's renounced by by Hillary Clinton and theirs ago fund the page started by Democrat say this is not who we are.

This is not what we do.

Nonetheless, this was an attack on Republican headquarters and this is what was written. Nazi Republicans get out of town or else so this is Brian Stelter, CNN's newsroom yesterday. Listen to what he has to say to their than a Republican in some a death threat of her endorsement is example of how how overheated the rhetoric as another example, out of North Carolina today. The firebombing of a local GOP office have no idea who's done this when I was a Republican or Democrat.

A moment no idea could be some queer, extremist import of resin sort of radical hope will get more information soon for that kind of action is unacceptable and I need to have the temperature come down on all sides right now shortly. Donald Trump is the lead in terms of raising the temperature at this moment.all high on so basically Donald Trump is responsible for the firebombing because he has come with this horrific rhetoric now, I understand the argument that it is the rhetoric of Donald Trump that has provoked this type of reaction and this level of hostility in America.

The flipside, you could say this proves that Donald Trump's rhetoric is justified because you have these ugly extreme forces in America. Either way, we as God's people must lead the way in speaking the truth. Yes sounding the alarm but doing it with wisdom and doing it with love for those with whom we differ and doing it with respect within the body.

In the midst of our differences. Otherwise, we will bite and devour ourselves, let alone set a negative example for the nation by let's go to the phones we go to Rosa in Brooklyn. Welcome to light a fire now, but not all Inc. Democrat on line. I have anybody out on any count, but I doubt I don't and other background. I don't know what I and I couldn't get the link to my heart and are well thought out your story. You just jump into this roast is a break coming up.

It really it. It seems unavoidable to say that some of the same media that help prop up Donald Trump is trying to destroy him now.

They help prop him up. They help prop him up to win the primaries and their trying it tear him down to lose the election. It seems hard to deny that. Let's just say the hostility they have towards him. Now was not the hostility they had towards him. Then the type of coverage coming his way. Now is not the type of coverage that was coming his way. That look it up and take crews. They were negative on cruise Pac-10 had been a be more negative on him now. There will be a flip-flop follow that they were they were hostile to him and reporting them negatively then and they they do it all the more. Now that Elise would be consistent when comes to Hillary Clinton. Thank you for the call Rosa thank you for your integrity enemy that its integrity to go from Democrat Republican, but that you had to follow your conscience reverent legend. So thank you Outlook yesterday. Was it the hundredth anniversary of the hundredth birthday of Planned Parenthood for the city of the 7 million babies that never had a birthday because of Planned Parenthood staggering and remember what Hillary Clinton said it's in my article. Just go to the line of and look for my latest article.

Don't forget that Hillary Clinton said 2015 that deep-seated cultural codes, religious beliefs and structural biases have to be changed. This is Hillary Clinton 2015, and a ready in 2011. She put pressure on Africa and other nations, you have to change your views on homosexuality.

If you want American support or else as I say at the end of my article that if you vote for Hillary Clinton that you are handing her the tape to gag your mouse and the rope to fasten your hands. II hold to that clearly. And it's in writing. Be for one you have been forewarned. White special programming note tomorrow nine charismatic calling day to be heard by interview with Pastor Bill Johnson bigger not charismatic Pentecostal question certain things wonder about certain things in the hospital.

Certain things tomorrow is your day to call in divorce because brand-new videos often are digital library should go to the line of

Click on the digital library check out the free resources waiting for you. These words are definitely worth considering. Being virtuous does not always demand a heavy sacrifice, but it does demand the willingness to make a sacrifice when what is the in other words, doing the right thing. Does it always cost a lot but sometimes it does and in those moments, sacrifice is absolutely required is like when Jesus Christ came the only way human beings could be redeemed from sin was for Christ to sacrifice himself our sacrifices for others are small.

His but important nonetheless.

You are called on to make a sacrifice today for a do the right, this is David Jeremiah encouraging you to get on the road discover God's sacrifice en route Route 66, driving the word home log onto Route 66 start your journey home today.

It's the light a fire with your host activist, author, international speaker and theologian Dr. Michael Brown voice of more cultural and spiritual revolution get into the line of fire now by calling 66343 here again is Dr. Michael Brown thank you much for joining us six or truth.

My joy to be with you on the broadcast today. Just looking at an article let's see public, the Center for Public integrity, and according to this report. This is just to have ours ago posted by Dave Leventhal journalists shower Hillary Clinton with campaign cash for fewer making contributions to Donald Trump that is perfectly legal. There is nothing illegal in this, but it just shows you where these journalists are leaning where these people send symbolic conservatives just need to infiltrate these networks and easier said than done.

Easier said than done what we can do is amplifier voices everywhere. We have everywhere we have access to amplify my voice on radio amplify my voice and writing.

We can do that other voices be amplified to get truth out encourage more people to look independently and and and search and research for themselves and in fact a large percentage of Americans today do not trust the media and its broadly stated, do not trust the media so so that being said, it does not lessen the fact that people still get bombarded with certain things and that most people are not motivated enough to check out everything for themselves, and Satan is this fair coverage is this unbiased coverage if you just keep hearing things being being slopped on and and and muddied constantly that's that's going to skew your your perspective.

So according to this article New Yorker television critic ugliness of the spam a newly minted Pulitzer Prize winner spent the Republican national convention pinprick and presidential nominee Donald Trump is a misogynist shyster running it quote an ugly and xenophobic campaign.

When this guy didn't disclose her dispatcher. She contributed $250 to Democrat Hillary Clinton in April. Now this is $250, but at zero Trump.

In other words, she wants Hillary Clinton to win if you want to do that, of course, of course, it's just overwhelmingly.

The point is, and you'll find the same thing with universities overwhelmingly secular universities.

The donations go to Democrats why because they are overwhelmingly liberal, so they are overwhelmingly biased in that way, and who they are, that's their worldview that's their mindset.

Several conservatives would be biased to have that balance how that that's fine.

Whichever biases we do our best to be honest and objective upper human beings.

We have our convictions we have are viewpoints we have our experiences, our backgrounds, so short, this can be biased but let's just have it when you're college that half the professors see things one way the other half the other way or that 1/3 runway. 1/3 no, neutral. Is there the other way as opposed to 70 or 80 or 90% coming one perspective, especially in some fields org 521 or three to one.

Choose one of the lease coming from a perspective that would be anti-conservative. Yet that's the reality. 86634 yeah and and thanks thanks for the reminder Matt, the Center for Public integrity won the 2014 Pulitzer Prize and the headline is buying of the president 2016. So this is in its Dave Leventhal and Michael Beckel reporting this out.

We come back out.

I want to give you the basic conservative argument for voting for Donald Trump and then the conservative argument for not voting for Donna hello get to both perspectives become the line of fire with your host Dr. Michael Brown voice of more cultural and spiritual revolution. Here again is Dr. Michael Brown thank you much for someone to far 48788 before I give you basic conservative argument for why vote for Donald Trump versus why not vote for Donald Trump again both conservative arguments feel free to weigh in 866-34-TRUTH 87884 want you to hear this.

This is Fox news Kristin Fisher JJ clip number four and this is about campaign director for Hillary Clinton, John Podesta, lamenting that it was a Muslim that some American Caucasian whose name is killer in the 2015 San Bernardino massacre clip number four another email that's really right.

If my route is response to the San Bernardino terror attack. Someone said that tweet from Chris Hayes which read anything is now reporting a neglected attending St. Farouk believed to be one of the people involved in the shooting twit adapter assignment that a guy named St. Farouk was reporting that a guy named Christopher went to shoot herself. One of Clinton's top lamenting the fact that the shooter had a Muslim name. Yet, this is outrageous again revealed by WikiLeaks. This is giant news. You tell me that if this was the Trump campaign that there would not be cause for Podesta's resignation and this is one example out of scores of horrific things and in the campaign and the demeaning of other groups. Conservative Catholics, and so on you, there would be howls across the nation outrage calling for his resignation call for Hillary Clinton immediately denounced him illicit Ted Cruz basically had to insist that one of the senior guys step down after passing on submit allegedly made Marco Rubio look bad in a biblical, there is if my career was dissing Scripture was was actually the. The exact opposite. The exact opposite of an because he forwarded that it was like that. The one is a detailed Cruz had to ask him to step down and I felt he had to.

At that point for integrity say what the test is done is 10 times worse hundred times worse and over and over and over the Cruz guy made an innocent error as far as I could tell he believed the videos with with captions and it was it was mistaken but that again double standards, double standards that let me give you another example of double standards. Okay. Another example of double standards is yours on the flipside, conservatives absolutely outraged over Bill Clinton's immorality in the White House, in the White House literally physically in the White House. He did some of the things he did, then lied about right and outrageous about Alanna condemning.

May you find mercy at the foot of the cross and just talk about the moral outrage among concerns and I was one of the lungs outrageous thing, how I can spend the president is degrading for the whole nation, and he did have a degrading effect sexually and otherwise. As as as a hate anything goes in and you know in Europe as liberals. It is your flick quits because a good president. Everybody has affairs and that that that's how hardened much of Europe was written, but now when people or grieved over allegations sexual allegations with Donald Trump same Christians were grieved over them.

Other Christians that we are just being pharisaic you're just being religious.

Oh, we weren't being pharisaical and religious went. When we had a problem with Bill Clinton's infidelities, but now with accusations Donald Trump's infidelities, and certainly horrific things he said about women that that were being pharisaical and religious and and try to cast the first stone.

I mean, double standard, either right then. Right now were wrong then Roy now but the don't look at outrage then and now outrage that people are outraged now, we're just religious know what that means is we got party of party affiliation. It's more important than anything that's what it means that that we see through colored glasses that were sold pro-Democrat was so prorepublican a reciprocal or position that that that we we have double standards and that's one way to spot bias honestly get a look at your life like that that that when you treat others differently because you don't like them than you treat people you do like.

Give an example your accusation against her pastor. He was caught in adultery since God's man of God's true family knows it for your thoughts course is not true at all pan out to not trip then you hear an accusation that some TV preacher that you don't like is caught in adultery like you know it, will it wait standard you have any more evidence about the one than the other. All you have is hearsay about both the one you one you defendant that you condemned, why personal preference. Now it's one thing to say hey I know this person lost-I can see that being true and this other person.

I don't know. I mean it could to help us on true, but it could be. I don't know that's fair. Once Outlook II know the person that I don't know what to say, look, the witness of the person preachers and they don't preach about sin, and they're so loosey-goosey on this and I've had my questions Rizzo would be surprised, but we we so easily defend the ones we like and condemn the ones we don't like it that that's not righteous is not righteous.

My making sense, Hunter can't please anyone who wins the bodies of both of your older like your show.

I'm trying to honor the Lord and speak truth and help us in the midst of selection decision to season to be righteous now us all the news this pressing his name incorrectly forgive myself. He was one of the leaders in the Ted Cruz campaign is now supportive. Donald Trump, but he absolutely was not originally a supporter of of Donald Trump but he says this is real basic to him. This is an email and his website is Saul's newsstand. If Hillary Clinton wins Clint will continue Obama's policies.

Regular country down can support open borders and amnesty for illegal immigrants. Clint does not respect the sanctity of life. Clinton is an avid supporter of gun control. Clint will point to the three Supreme Court justices, with the goal of moving the court to the left clinical report 250+ lifetime federal judges to the bench across this country.

That's big. We don't talk about that much to hundred 50+ lifetime federal judges to the bench across this country that will quote fix and expand Obama care, custody and working Americans even more. Clint will continue to Obama, Clinton foreign policy, which is Mid-America week will SF safe Clinton does not support religious liberty then assaults us if Donald Trump wins trouble shake up Washington for better or for worse.

Trump will build the wall and attacked the illegal immigrant problem Trump is taking a pro-life stance Trump is the NRA's endorsement supports the Second Amendment. Trump's name respected conservative judges that are on his list for the Supreme Court. Trump as conservative lorries advising them on appointments and policy. Trump is about to repeal and replace Obama care Trump will make America militarily strong again. Trump gets the left's attacks on religious liberty and will support the principle of religious liberty. He says okay so you say, what if he doesn't do everything he says or I just don't trust him.

Well, maybe the seafloor, then the center sure, but who isn't.

However, this is about leading our country and settling the policies that will affect generations to come. We know exactly what Hillary will do and it's the opposite of what virtually all of us believe, speak of conservatives with Trump is laid out policies. Most of us agree with my sister Mia and even if he is not 100% there. There is no doubt Trump will be better than Clinton on virtually every policy. Most importantly, trumps judicial appointments will not be the same as Clinton's left-wing activists that would change our country for decades to come.

It's really that simple. He says a protest vote for some third-party or non-vote by Republican conservative voter who would have normally voted Republican is helping elect Hillary Clinton president. That's a political mathematical fact for the sake of country think long and hard and I encourage you to vote Trump so this again is solved the news this who was one of the leaders in the Cruz campaign.

His website is Saul's needs Are there conservative reasons valid conservative or biblical Christian reasons not to vote for Trump and come back to the other side of the break or their biblical Christian principles by which we should vote for Hillary, I say no I know some other Christians of Argie, for I dogmatically wholeheartedly say no NO defend you. I'm sorry Sherry my deep conviction or their biblical conservative reasons not to come think there are sure on the other side of the break I here on the line of fire with your host Dr. Michael Brown.

Your voice is more cultural and spiritual revolution.

Here again is Dr. Michael Brown thank you so much for joining us to day on the line of fire. 866-34-TRUTH 784. I didn't have a chance to get to this yet. In the first hour of make it to it more in the second hour.

You can always catch all of the broadcast. By going to the line of you can subscribe to the podcast for free.

You can listen online live for the full two hours. If you miss any. We can just go to the website later in the day within a few hours of the broadcast. We are online. The show was posted again it's free thanks to the generosity of our supporters. That is the line of, but here's a major story. I don't know how much you can associate on the liberal sites. In fact, all I'll check a few of these is as we go and see if it's being reported that on the conservative sites like Breitbart and Drudge and others so it's it's being shouted from the rooftops. There is a video that is been released by James O'Keefe's project Veritas Veritas features of course video staying Democrats effort to incite violence at Trump rallies were starting anarchy here campaign fully into according to this, there are individuals or organizations that are in daily contact with the Clinton campaign and supposedly the video reveals this of his red reports haven't seen it that I've been able to check into the claims, but that if you see some some violence, something starting up a Trump campaign that it looks like a Trump supporter is getting violent toward someone or trump supporters is creating in an uproar.

Stir those are actually plants and that this is fully supported by the Clinton campaign now again major accusations.

Is it a smoking gun that is this some major news that that was a second meeting report, the liberal media that's that's another question, but I'm looking here.

Let's see CNN no CNN there is no there is no report of this on CNN that I can see. Let's try MSNBC and see their MSNBC and anything there. I'm not excited. Certainly not expecting that that is my point is McCormick journalism.

It's one thing to report and say we are still awaiting evidence it's it's another it's another thing I hear here. Think of MSNBC Donald Trump is underperforming. Mitt Romney debunking Trump's quote rig claims and and on and that that none of none of this is one story number seven what does the latest WikiLeaks dump reveal that story number seven okay but is is there a conservative argument to not vote for Donald Trump. I say yes there is yesterday's now I'm not necessarily endorsing this plan. I understand I do understand and hear the here's the argument goes like this.

It's not just a matter of appointing the right Supreme Court justices yet Donald Trump may do that and even federal justices and Hillary Clinton will and SMS but that Donald Trump has the potential of degrading the entire country. This is the conservative argument the Christian argument against voting for Donald Trump that the campaign has been so degraded. Remember it was candidate Trump in the primaries boasting about his manhood during a debate you think is the presidential debate that everything gets so debased that the whole culture could be dragged down and that with that you have someone who is so quick to let things get under his skin and so quick to respond on a personal level. If you haven't hasn't stopped doing it potentially an inch away from the presidency. What makes us think that what what makes us think that he he would have a different tone. Different demeanor different behavior that he would speak differently if he was the president so there is the concern of having someone volatile someone who could so easily lose his cool. What happens if he does that with another foreign leader. What happens if he is now sending out tweets set at attacking you know leader of China, leader of Mexico, so will he heed really be a statesman that I would.

I would hope so, but I was hoping would misstate Sabina the fact that in the last few weeks he gets into a twitter battle of about a former Miss universe contestant Miss universe whether or that he gets into a twitter battle about Saturday Night Live skit about the second debate this past Saturday night the no known no don't want to be doing that sir and got them set aside publicly. I've written publicly. I'm rooting for him and others. I want him to really type out the carcass ticket but I'm praying that he will really listen to the godly counsel around okay and I'm praying for that okay that that he would listen to the godly counsel around that he would really hear it and receive it and take it to heart that he would that he would humble himself that he would control himself because I would like to vote for my can vote for Hillary Clinton. I'd like to be able to vote for him. So I'm I'm not here to attack him would be hostile towards them or to seek to drag him down.

Okay that's that's not the goal but I fully understand why other believers say. I can't vote for him in conscience and I've got a respect that.

Okay challenge if you say your Christiana vote for Hillary Clinton. Yes, I will challenge you on that just being candid right we can have an honest discussion before the Lord in both get down on our knees and say, God shows her blind spot shows were missing. Shows were wrong shows were right, but I do respect and understand why many Christians say look, I just canceled for Donald Trump is in pride a major major issue in God's sight isn't recklessness with the tongue, a major, major issue.

What if you have someone that could be volatile that could make a decision about nuclear codes subduing to that. I don't think you would either, but I'm sure people telling us. The 20 just stop, don't respond set out like this get you to say hey funny skit or don't say anything ago. Don't say this during the debate don't don't do that. So the fact that he has not shown that restraint is a point for real concern. Hence people saying what would happen as president he could be destructive, and otherwise now Wednesday and have Lance Wall Mount Kaman spent a whole hour. This is written about God's chaos candidate have an answer for everything I raised, but to put it on the table for you today to prayerfully consider and work through member to check out our brand-new videos and articles on the line of extending our special resource offer from last week as well. My bottom line today. Clear lines are being drawn in the sand leave the people of God must have clarity within well the elections are almost upon us.

Get some spiritual insights for us today. It's time for the line of fire with your host activist and author, international speaker and theologian Dr. Michael Brown your voice of moral cultural and spiritual revolution Michael Brown is the director of the coalition of conscience and president of fire school of ministry get into the line of fire now by calling 866-34-TRUTH. That's 866-34-TRUTH here again is Dr. Michael Brown thank you so much for joining us today on the line of fire.

On this Monday flew in from Newark, New Jersey a few hours ago and delighted to be with you had a great time ministering in Sarah fifth managers out of the been there before. Or here's another call 866-348-7848 6634 to 2 join in the discussion today. According to the respected conservative journalist, author, thinker Thomas Sowell according to Tomasello doubt what what Donald Trump said is bad right so so no diminishing that no lessening that no whitewashing that quick, so what yes what what Donald Trump has said is indefensible. But would Hillary Clinton is done is much worse. The article October 11.

Published on national review headlines Hillary Clinton's actions are worse than Donald Trump's words. He says Trump's offenses do not make Clinton the better candidate because her actions have harmed Americans and her policies are dangerous. Donald Trump's gutter talk about women shows yet again that he is bad news. The problem is that Hillary Clinton is far worse. Donald Trump's talk is indefensible. He says, but Hillary Clinton's actions as Secretary of State carry out the Obama administration's foreign policies of cost many lives.

In many places, including the American ambassador and others killed and Ben Ghazi. Now you add to that the email scandal which within the FBI has caused outrage because she was not prosecuted. The ongoing scandal being revealed in the WikiLeaks dump which keeps showing horrific emails from John Podesta, the campaign manager of Hillary Clinton and others in close to the campaign. There's enough going on her policies in terms of abortion are prominent policies concerning homosexuality leading me to write an article over the weekend. If you haven't read it yet. I encourage you to Christian conservatives. Be assured the president, Hillary Clinton will declare war on you these things would justify what Tomasello is saying.

And again I don't doubt the overall accuracy of what he saying I'm just sympathetic to those who say may be true, but I still can't vote for Donald Trump. Then someone urge me today. Dr. Brown, if you don't encourage everyone to vote for Donald Trump.

That is a vote for Hillary Clinton. All limiter I differ with all the light I take seriously what was was urged on me to consider but but here's here's what I differ with if you were planning on voting for Hillary Clinton and you read one of my articles discouraging that you heard me passionately arguing against voting for Hillary Clinton on the air and you were thinking of voting for so you don't vote at all. Then that's one less vote for Hillary Clinton. Follow.

So if someone's thinking about voting for and are certainly many Christians who are just as many Christians voted for Barack Obama and my arguments stop you from voting for. Even if you don't vote for Donald Trump. Now what I have helped do is reduce the number of votes really cut down. Let God be God, a Mid-America get what's coming.

Some say whoever is elected its divine judgment, but I want to urge you to at least go before God and the fear of God as a father does Michael which way you wanted what Trump is elected president will happen to the church if Hillary was elected would have for the Expo line of fire with your host Dr. Michael Brown into the line of fire now by calling 866-34-TRUTH here again is Dr. Michael Brown thank you for being part of the webcast have a question put out in the first hour we got to the caller to dealing with it that that let me put this question out for you are right, do you believe that in some way the elections are rigged is as Donald Trump has alleged that, here's the exact way that I I posted on Twitter you believe elections are rigged. I put "rigged in some way and that there is a conspiratorial attempt to see Hillary elected 66% said yes. 23% said no. 11% said not sure now out of my twitter followers maybe 5% at most would be voting for Hillary. Maybe this is not a pro Hillary crowd that it is not overwhelmingly pro-Trump either. This may be many pro choppers but not overwhelmingly pro-Trump stuff on this interest question asked in the first artist if there's any truth to the idea that the same liberal media that propped up Donald Trump and give a massively disproportionate time during the primaries, so that he would win is the same media seeking the Teradata. In other words, it was intentionally done. I will think you can deny that the tone is changed. I think you can deny that the attitude is changed.

I don't think that's in dispute.

What is in dispute was was it intentional from the start Malachi try to give the benefit of the doubt, and as a broadcaster, myself, and is as a writer myself dealing with news issues and things like that.

I I I do my best to evaluate things honestly and yeah I I have my views you know when you're listening to me exactly what you can again in that respect.

You have a pretty good idea on the land on certain issues, but if I was just conservative first Christian second, this show would sound very very different. If I was patriot first follow Jesus. Second, this show would sound very different.

So I when I see Wolf Blitzer reported were Jake Tapper or whoever Don lemon or whoever else. It is root reporting on on CNN. I I yeah I know where there. There political leanings are and I know that they are certainly liberal renal Rachel Maddow on an MSNBC absolutely know these things, that a mystery and they wouldn't deny them.

Gosh, I I'd like to give the benefit of the doubt that they are on some level trying to show integrity and with the reporting and if you challenge them they would take it personally that know you you you are being so biased that you not accurately reporting the news again as a friend just did note on Twitter that the goal is to report the news, so here if I have a new strategic but let's think of here.

We use sports as an example. Okay you live in a certain city, then the, the vast majority of the coverage is on your local teams that's understood that's going to happen right and at the same time when they are reporting the scores you expect to get all the scores all right, let's get you the latest from the NFL and the they run through the scores so you you would expect to get all the scores reported right here is an injury update and hear the stats you'd expect to just get those facts, but there be more coverage on the local teams but you wouldn't get the scores reported and accurately or you. You wouldn't guess limited scores reported because you're expecting the excess, the new its sports news right and yet when it comes to reporting the news newscasters can choose what they want to emphasize and what they don't, or if they don't make the choices than the producers do or the or the scriptwriters do someone's making decisions about what gets filtered out and it's undeniable that things are filtered in a heavily biased way and you know if you go to one network man.

I just need a little of that perspective. I get that you get another network to get that respect and remember when Hannity started was Hannity and Colmes actually like that because you get your viewpoints challenged.

If your conservative hand is gonna lay out his points and Colmes got challenge of your liberal whole of Colmes's Gilleland's choice is his points and Hannity's an account that I felt was positive here. This is live talk radio anybody differences me can call in and in fact tomorrow. Would we do in the first hour, but we may we. We may do it in the two in the second are as well, tomorrow's non-charismatic calling day and I interviewed Pastor Bill Johnson last week a charismatic leader.

Many were critical of it. We should harder on him and said hey folks, we had the phones openly encouraged his critics to call in and they didn't so slick you got a question if you noncharismatic and you question things are moving to this teacher that will by no means will call in and will discuss it. We do that five talk but when the watches of networks that is not the case, 866-348-7884 yeah Chris Wallace on moderating the debate and that's can be Wednesday night at eight, timekeeper, not a participant. He said you're not a participant are there just to make sure that they engage in the most interesting and fairest way possible and I take it very seriously.

It's not a TV show that were doing. I hope he does well with glass moderators absolutely did not. Very few of the moderators of through the debates have an objective method primaries as well have clearly been unbiased and just put information out there and yeah force the candidate to respond to a question if they're not, that's fair or cut someone off is going to lawn it yet but whatever you do, do it in an evenhanded way, 8663 for eight 784. Let's take some calls and I got I got a bunch of other things to discuss with you today of us go to Pineville, Kentucky, Tyler, welcome to the line of fire and Dr. Brown are you doing very well thank you pleasure talk to call and appreciate everything I'm calling from a non-Christian perspective. I'm not a Christian at all really believe in integration of the Bible or anything like that. I enjoy what you do but I'll actually go to college. Howard, you vote for trunk and encourage other people to vote for job and the reason is that I believe the morality of leaving ethic.

I believe in God and I believe that the pro-life movement or rhetoric, but that a telemarketer movement is morally abominable is equal with the Holocaust. You know you abortions over the past 50 years. So anyway, I was going to redo something for the Bible it but you consider it like it exited when the midwife Pharaoh want to kill the midwife children and they lied and they neuter their lying mind bad like it in a bank vault with men. Nonetheless, they chose the lesser of two evils in order to gain a greater good and you know if adult Hitler running against Donald Trump Donald Trump you don't want to stop the Holocaust, but he happened to rate people or you know do sexual misdemeanor in his private life. I think originate onto the law cannot another take on. You have to vote for that you get.

I think Jesus would do so my question is what you think about that out. How could you justify not voting for trunk given cocoa the blood in what you think about that guy. I think it's a very strong argument. It's it's one of the reasons that II could well vote for Donald Trump. It's certainly the reason that from the rooftops. I shout out why we cannot vote for Hillary Clinton. Again, I've got a cut on but I want to go except for then II understand is in the world, not right right so soon. Yet, this would be that this would be the argument. The counterargument okay I I find it a strong argument and it's an argument that I could easily use right there. The counterargument would not be Donald Trump's sexual indiscretions are sexual sins or whatever or not it is one of the question about my date right making David raped and killed.

I would vote for David Beckley running out of pro-life policy here right again. I understand you. I understand that led you about what the affidavit is not Donald Trump's list the sodomy that he killed any murder right now. I got a million right so here's the counterargument and watch the standards I just got a couple questions for you if you can stay through the break room on the David Trump comparisons that comparison to me.

Yes, Trump has done wrong things David committed horrific acts, but David all his life was a man after God's own heart, characterized by that assault gutters.

He sought to please him earnestly all of his all of his life in the mist of terribly and when confronted later repented deeply. So I have a horn, can David could teacher the argument would be Trump in the White House so volatile under control that he could end up causing us to go to war with our enemies and have horrific loss of life, bloodshed, catastrophe, tragedy of another level of fire. We will file the line of fire with your host Dr. Michael Brown get into the minor fire now by calling 866-34-TRUTH dear again is Dr. Michael Brown drawing us on a lot of 7884 so mom and I want to go back to Tyler in Pineville Kentucky and get some more of your calls about the elections, but as a set.

At the end of the last hour for those who heard it. Here are all the arguments and lay them out why we should vote for Donald Trump and their various very strong arguments. Religious liberty is very major with pro-life justices in Supreme Court for a major one other other things, it would be very important if Trump or like a snub. Here are the reasons why many Christians in conscience could not fall for him and him does not, God hates pride is that when the things that he he lists there is a certain degrading of the culture that could come look at what just happened in our nation me that the the base level of where we find ourselves can look at headlines with this the mudslinging and not a lot of it of course has come from the Trump campaigner in Donald Trump's own tweets, then you have again the volatility of things. This would be a man with the nuclear codes. What happens if we get into some unnecessary battle with China or Russia or or what what could potentially happen.

So that's why some Christians say it's I can't vote either way can vote for Hillary Clinton can vote for Donald Trump. I respect that I'm urging everyone not to vote for Hillary Clinton. I might personally vote for Donald Trump.

I'm so not going to be endorsing anyone and that of had a whole other article on that reasons for that, but though those should be Tyler the.

The answers that that many Christians would give. It's not the fact that he was a sexual center or whatever is married three times, but rather the person that would be in the White House could have a destructive effect on the nation as a whole, or inflame all kinds of other tensions and problems that could lead to bloodshed in the streets or bloodshed and an unnecessary war. Hence, hence the concern about it on shore, grandpa read it at work. I didn't vote for Donald laughter I want to vote for the primarily particular board and I really like but I get. I bet you Hillary Clinton were killing Jews by the million you would say all other issues� Yet we may or may not get the one note, but I do know that there challenges right now. Now it just so happened they're not going to adult youth are killing unborn eight everything demonstrated by the million 50 million whatever apologize for partial-birth and it just seems to be if they were killing adult this wouldn't even be an issue there underneath lapis of its confusing to people even in the Christian community and not get a call on I am in a good light. Bit by bit, just like that if you even felt much harm. The Littlechild made the bounty Hunter Roger no I would encourage people to vote. If nothing else for the Supreme Court judge you have to be proactive you have to take it budget to do nothing.

If there's a guy Eric Don to kill a baby in front of me inoculated but not do nothing or vote for Hammer both forgotten with them. I would that be in my column. I tell them to send us the lesson and use argue with you because that is a again I told people I would be one issue and that would be my one issue and I've said the same in the days of slavery. So I'm the last thing I do is is is arguing that it is argue against your position, but let me ask you one thing, you you you clearly have biblical values in terms of morality."

Exodus you quote the words of Jesus. Yet you say you're not a Christian you don't leave the inspiration of Scripture you love the shown respect me so what are you police were you coming from. Okay well I come from a Christian background and a Costco charismatic auto Southern Baptist in the and I went through several bouts of relief and unbelief that I don't really charismatic years ago started reading the Bible about audiobook I got all the and you want to muck scholar to have one eye level Beckley, but for me personally it was a compelling like they were immediate objection, and in my heart of hearts� Accurately� I love you and I love the Christian faith in magic but make I would be coveting the greatest thing that is not true but yet or anywhere that back on the pump very interesting. So would you say that you're still on a journey.

Yeah me, but I promise my family.

I would never stop looking at the argument, I believe in God you look at it as a child just encouraging this first thank you for your honesty and thank you for your kind words and thank you for your compelling moral argument which I again on the can argue with that, in the way of less outlet let the listener spirit can be impacted by it. The only thing I'd encourage you to do. If you haven't done this is to seek God, earnestly look. You know I'm I'm into intellectual things. You know I don't shy away from them, but I would really encourage you if you haven't done it to really earnestly seek God by which I mean, say, God, I know you there believing you show me the truth. I want to follow you with all my heart.

I want to please you. I want my life to have meaning you honestly put me here and create myself. I have a hard time believing the Christian faith is true there.

Some of the objections to the Bible and to Jesus and but I I just want to follow you and please you, would you show me the truth that I know that I know that I know it because ultimately we are to love God with our heart, soul and mind right so we don't turn it off within there other things like if if you married the love you have for your wife is not just based on computational conclusion that you wait out the pros with the cons there something else going on in Jeremiah 2913 Deuteronomy 429 Hebrews 1160.

Also, the same thing that the God rewards those who diligently earnestly seek him so much. You haven't done that but I just want to encourage you to this with, say, God, I've got to know you II want my life to count.

I want to live the way that's going to please you and and that that you can put your blessing on so I can I can fulfill my mission here on earth, but I've got to know certain things without any possible doubt and and he can do that and you and then with that you keep asking the questions you keep getting good answers with the perspective changes that make sense that make perfect, and I think that I'll try to do that, take my call to hear me out all you bet IntelliSense thanks for it for being open and honest and I just want to do this and got a break on architecture of the calls on the inside of the break. I trust you recognize what I took some extra time with with Tyler here. There's a Jewish woman who was a missionary Nigeria now. When I met her she was an Orthodox Jew she once believed in Jesus to become an Orthodox Jew after being pulled away from the faith.

When I met her she was very religious Orthodox Jewish woman but had questions and we engaged in dialogue on offer printer several years and and then my wife Nancy said you know I really feel like she's looking to man for the answer, don't talk to don't meet with her just encourage her to seek God and is painful for me to do, but I knew Nancy was right and she really did and she first got back to me and said okay I don't have you know I likely would you believe, and the subject and then some months later she said I know she was the Messiah.

No more questions and follow the case now serves as a missionary Nigeria the first of the fourth lesson. What was it was of all my arguments that turns your heart is when you told me I just thought the father reveal yourself to time. It's the line of fire with your host activist, author, international speaker and theologian Dr. Michael Brown voice of more cultural and spiritual revolution get into the line of fire now by calling 66343 here again is Dr. Michael Brown welcome welcome to the line of fire broadcasting 63487884 the number to call. I've got a question for you got it newsletter email newsletter from a colleague a few days ago and she said just heard general newsletter being sent out about the elections segment is a woman how offended she was by Donald Trump's comments and the allegations against him. That was why she was going to vote for Donald Trump and she she quoted what a friend of hers said that God can use a Sampson more than a Jezebel. God can use a Sampson more than a Jezebel you agree with that. There was Donald Trump would be like a Sampson type figure with all these extraordinarily obvious rough edges and moral weaknesses, etc. however, he was a man. God used was Jezebel's is wicked and and she brought Israel into deeper idolatry and ultimately destruction. God can use a Sampson more than just really think that is true. So you think it's relevant to the elections. 8663 freight 7884.

Let's go to Richmond, Virginia Ross, welcome to the line of fire by Dr. Brown.

Are you doing well. Thank you and your I don't believe that that's possible, but all things are possible with God. Goal and then affect God can use anybody to accomplish his will and purposes.

I called originally when your expression that vote for anybody else's vote for Hillary, for example, if I vote for Gary Johnson that I'm older Hillary because I'm not going for top and you and MS just to clarify for those just here to get the hang of how excited I inside it. That's an argument.

My argument is that I am urging people not to vote for Hillary and that if they were going to and don't that's one less vote for Hillary. But the common argument is if you don't vote for Trump, then you're voting for Hillary so that's what you responded to. So back to you right right exactly how your work, but that� Talk and that topic planned for the steerable versus intelligent, informed vote and I have a problem with the plan here versus making an intelligent choice now so that I like them that your your box at the end of that before the commercial break was on was awesome and thrown under five you know the original reason why I got all yeah mom. Then I listen to your talking to the other gentlemen about vote for Trump because of the antiabortion situation you just nice for those just tuning in, so the young man Tyler from Kentucky who said look single issue pro-life.

If let's say the Democrats were killing Jews slaughtering Jews is like the days of the Holocaust and Donald Trump. It was Donald Trump versus Democrat candidate doesn't matter what kind of person is, of course, you vote for him because he can stand against that and its subs is strong argument that Donald Trump would appoint pro-life justices from what we know the truth that would prove appoint pro-abortion justices and therefore if we if we sit the election out. If we don't vote for Donald Trump.

Then we are not standing up for life, which is a strong argument right and I am a man aspect of thinking that a fantastic accomplishment. Tyler them I would also suggest Becky check out the Loehmann's road to salvation and become part of John in the fusion afforded by grace we are saved so I got might help him on his journey. Ironically, currently right of a book about the aspect of your talking about our struggles look state.

The majority that lead you back yeah I was blessed she was right. There was a fascinating process because a Sicilian man placed in a Christian home pleases God and ethics is having a hard time believing gospel through encouragement to seek God the holy. Thank you for your plan's and by the Expo line of fire with your host Dr. Michael Brown voice and more cultural and spiritual revolution.

Here again is Dr. Michael Brown, unwanted fire, 866-348-7884. Let's go to Clay in Raleigh, North Carolina. Thanks for calling the line of fire high on are you there like to read and write what you said about about minor child. You don't just speak because it says in the book of James.

You know that any wisdom that we need that God and it seems that he has a lingering question and I'll be on twitter just figured they would plan what you were God created that for that conversation that happened for him to be able to talk to you and calling like you did and you know that is no accident. God is the creator of everything yeah and what you're getting people to calling about this election going. You know there's still much that people are trying to get building through me. You know God got God created man and woman to be together to create a child and then you know you're having parking to go and abort the child. You know God is not until October. People because you know, go to church and a good many double studies per week. God is not happy when there is division and subtraction is extremely happy when there is addition and multiplication and the lien that he had for each other. That's what failed in the book of Romans chapter 8 verse 29 that got for new hope and pray brother towered with an additional coat to be able for or know about him calmly about okay for the election thing I am not voting for you to one of out to October, but for you know if I found Jesus Christ about about your vote for because that's the most important thing in this world that we need to do God's will. In regards to the overall situation and I do one sentence just to say this could we understand that Jesus is our Savior and Lord and were living for him and we we preach him and we make him known and we we want others to follow him. But when you go to the dentist you not looking for Jesus to be that dentist when you go to the grocery store you not looking for the checkout person to be Jesus.

When you when the police officer pulls you over. Not looking for him to be Jesus.

So why would you be looking for the president to be Jesus and what you vote for him, but you couldn't vote for any of these candidates were not bad, you know, I know that people or you know really subjected to the client thing the enemy near the ballot.

Thou shalt not bear false witness.

My question is how can people stand so many people out there in this world stand to be a part of a person who was lying so much and you know I'm am a former military man and energy know what she had this last person skin to defend Hillary Clinton. I just reason that you consult and and I'm not arguing with you she should cancel for Trump but what your reason I'll give you thousand results of a frilly, could we get on that.

Why would Jennifer Donald Trump. I'm not afraid I'm not going for him.

You know, I would like to see America beware used to be situationally you have to know inside your heart that you cannot go to four more years of what had been going on complete destruction that I thought you said you were voting for either candidate.

Know what I mean maybe maybe I need to clarify the item is just interesting to me that people are making such a mountain out of a mole. You know good you know what every different equipment. I don't think you did. I think it's been brought into give him a bad night and you let let let me just let me just say this of the issues I think for most of us are not.

Did he commit the sexual sins in the past.

I think that's the biggest thing the big issue is what kind of man is he now. And how would he lead the country that anyway thank you sir for calling 866-34-TRUTH by the way I normally don't read the comments that come into my articles because we have articles over the Internet and sometimes they get very busy with comments and can have hundreds of comments and then on our social media pages and elsewhere. We have hundreds thousands of comments so obviously I'd try to read but I just just out of curiosity. Just out of curiosity, I clicked on the comments to my article on the stream which is Christian conservatives.

Be sure that Pres. Hillary Clinton will declare war on you and I just spotted the top comments, meaning the most recent one because I have been to sort by newest and it's from Jack JH to the ignorant fear mongering of this post is unbelievable speak of my article presidents do not appoint Supreme Court justices, they only nominate and when the president nominates us to be confirmed by Congress first yeah were all aware of that we use appoint colloquially its colloquially its widely used and the understanding would be that Hillary Clinton overall would appoint liberal justices she'd nominates them and eventually they get through Congress dislike Obama's appointees did he goes on, many Christians oppose laws that would a prisoner put to death LGBT people. Clinton is hardly the only one who is criticize these types of laws, sir, is it sir or ma'am maybe it's ma'am, I can see the picture. Maybe it's ma'am the Jack manager for Jaclyn. I guess that's not the issue here is not imprisoning or putting to death LGBT people. Hillary Clinton wants African nations to embrace same-sex marriage and have pro-homosexual curriculum in the children's schools to be honest majority people are fed up with this type of article we heard it all before. When Obama was reelected when Obama was elected when Clint was reelected seriously. My mom said people were telling her was the end of American freedom is back in Kennedy was elected Islands based on one's abuse are all tired and effectual relevant scramble for decades you still expect us to take you seriously. Jack wake up with all respect, I don't know what world you have been sleeping in first. To be honest majority people fed up with this type of article.

The articles gone viral. Okay it's here on the stream site alone its insured 34.8 thousand times since Saturday night. Okay, just on that website alone here on my Facebook page.

Since it's been posted all that refined this year on the Facebook page. Where can I let's see you get this up to date and I'll tell you since we posted it on the S Dr. Brown Facebook page. It has reached. Oh I'll tell you one second it has reached so 445,000 people and be assured of the 6000 times.

There were 380 accounts. This just on a master to run Facebook page and other websites.

It's getting a lot of attention so that's the that's first thing the second thing is the things we want about what happened. There is an ongoing restriction of religious freedoms and liberties under the Obama administration exactly as we warned years ago as we detailed in writing. Years ago, wake up to reality. So sorry to say your head is in the sand when it comes to these yet guess Jack is a woman, but thank you for reading it and and weighing in at 866-34-TRUTH. Let's go to Lynette on long island welcome to the line of fire apparatus for Dr. Brown thank you, for taking my car. I pray for you and your staff and your ministry ministry. Clara regularly trade Player. I wanted to break back on thank for that year. Take a lot of time to focus on Christian attention on our responsibility to be actively involved in pray and to to really consider what were going to do with the election when I'm going to kill at that point again. Okay, scan it and I'm voting for a chump Presidents' Day on. I think that way because I don't enjoy that her stand particularly, but I feel that we have to you live in and look beyond that that personality is a what he in favor of the wet, Hillary is in favor of what they again and and also see make sure that my motive is correct because I think that what happened a lot of time in the past it back on evangelical they would split track lie in a particular candidate or by a black people have to be African-American lament, but which exploit particular candidate and putting more antitrust and I depend on the person and on God and their main reason that God is let it come to this point where regardless of where we stand. I think everybody realizes that the left side got a touch off, thank you for saying that a break is yeah the big lesson to learn.

Donald called five against Hillary. Five. Don't put trust in the man the church. Thank you. The line of fire with your host Dr. Michael Brown get into the line of fire now by calling 866.

Here again is Dr. Michael Brown of broadcast. Today, by the way, according to another report about WikiLeaks. Some of the dump of emails from the Hillary Clinton campaign, which should be major, major news, but are being downplayed by the liberal media. Trust me, if these were coming from the Trump campaign. This would be far bigger news than the sex scandals relates sex scandals.

But according to this report used in Chronicle reporting updated today Hillary Clinton saut�ed cruises Canadian birth as weakness's birthplace in Canada and became a joke for Hillary Ken's camp early in the presidential election cycle and emails hacked from Clinton confident John Podesta and published by WikiLeaks Greenstein briefly discussed what to make of crews when there could be any fun to be had with his background never remember. Remember this is that the same campaign that allegedly started that the bursar rumors with Barack Obama. But in any case has mocked Donald Trump for being part of the whole birther movement in here. According to this growing campaign was a delicate cruise being being born in Canada and what could we do with that 86634 let's go to Vernon and Zephyrhills, Florida.

Welcome to the line of fire.

Thank you Dr. Brown. Yeah, I wanted to mention not I like what you said about a Jezebel or Sampson and I think it's a very good illustration. I think prompt is a Sampson. He the Scripture is very clear in Romans nine met God can give sovereign in his eternal purpose. We purposes something you can call somebody that may be an unrighteous man Fen/Phen wasn't a very righteous man, but Jezebel was an abomination to God and bird.

Clearly, Hillary Clinton, she supports everything many things that are abomination.the shedding of innocent blood homosexuality sheet she supports sees the world through the eyes of the present day idolatry boat it very clear that that a very good illustration and I mean Pharaoh was an evil king but God will call him and will use them up to be the most powerful man in the world to be humbled through Moses, so the whole world would be the one true God. There can be an unrighteous man that God certainly used for his purpose because he is called of God in their enrollment, but I'm not talking about who's going to be saved or can be lost. It's talking about who God call anybody follows the context that God is the potter and he didn't like calling for purposes of service as opposed near the primary emphasis on on salvation yet so I read this.

Listen when when I have my have people close to Donald Trump speaking into his life on a regular basis tell me that is listening. So where's the fruit when we can see the change. I understand that but the fact he surrounded himself with godly counsel. The fact that his views have now shifted in certain ways, morally, to strong conservative views and you must be a defender of Christians. As is in Congress is that is it's it's still what happened and therefore you say well I hope the same people surround them.

If he gets elected and I would think they would and he still has he completely duped Mike Huckabee as we do. Ben Carson is a completely Duke James Robison is a complete review Tony Perkins had a discussion about that with the news editor Eric columnist in the last 24 hours as he duped all these people, or do they see something that many of us don't see the key thing is if we vote for him and he is elected. If it does happen.

So, still longshot right now but as a wash. I got this for if it does happen, then we have to do is pray as if it was Barack Obama or Hillary Clinton the White House. In other words, absent up in her trust in the man put our trust in God of what we need to do as the church is for Hillary Clinton. Many of the things she holds to yes or abominable.

She herself is a sinner from Jesus died so that could hurt abomination which he holds too many of these fees, or abominable, of course, Jesus died for her salvation.

We pray for that.

Hey, thank you for the call Vernon.

I appreciated 866-348-7884. Let's go to Andy and Forney, Texas. Welcome to the line of fire by Dr. Brown hello Carlisle to go ahead and argue I'm fine thank you I'm ecstatic to copy. I called Joe I was glad that you had asked about people doubting they would give out for and and out and here I was on the phone waiting to be on but I did get you beyond how to address.

Bandera felt that the Lord showed me that Hillary Clinton did have a Jezebel spirit so I began to look at things back at the bell in the Bible and at the thing that struck me most was at an revelation that God had fixed against this church for an putting up with her and I think that most, if it be incorrect about for her and get a break my heart. He is very evil. Now, why do you I'm not arguing with you in terms of the evil nature of some of the things she holds in her mind she's doing the right thing. The licensing the progressive thing and I've urged us to have the love of Christ for her at the same time some the alarm don't vote for her and and as I close my article on Christian conservatives. Be sure the president, Hillary Clinton will declare war on you.

I close that article by saying these words, if you vote for her.

You're handing her the tape to gag your mouse and the rope to fast your hand so I'm sure that once a defender.

Quite the contrary, I want to urge everyone not to vote for her, but in your mind what makes her policies review she herself so evil. She believed in and everything that God she believes in abortion spec killing by going and marrying man women marrying women, although things are mentioned in the word and are not posted it at at. She seemed to have a reprobate mind. God hey Angie thank you for winging all the more reason to pray for God's work in her life and in the family wants done more expected things over the years the eye will thank you I will shout from the rooftops. Do not vote for Hillary Clinton.

And if you can't find your heart to vote for Donald Trump. At least if I can encourage you not to vote for Hillary Clinton or the debtor.

Well I was buzzing about the number but we have just a few seconds left of the broadcasts.

I won't do that friends make sure you go to the life I website the line of check out my latest articles and videos. Check out the digital library and look at the new videos we've we've posted. We posted my article with Bill Johnson was generating lots of comments, pro and con.

A mark on your send my video on your sin will find you out woo yeah worth looking at all on the website for modifier delegates. Also, you can support us and join our team is only my bottom line today. Donald Trump gets elected don't think all great men, God raised up despite his flaws and then pray hard sure that's what America needs

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