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Dr. Brown Answers Your Questions

The Line of Fire / Dr. Michael Brown
The Truth Network Radio
October 21, 2016 4:50 pm

Dr. Brown Answers Your Questions

The Line of Fire / Dr. Michael Brown

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October 21, 2016 4:50 pm

The Line of Fire Radio Broadcast for 10/21/16.

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Item ready. You've got questions. We got answers. Let's do it. It's time for the line of fire with your host activist and author, international speaker and theologian Dr. Michael Brown your voice of moral cultural and spiritual revolution Michael Brown is the director of the coalition of conscience and president of fire school of ministry get into the line of fire now by calling 866-34-TRUTH. That's 866-34-TRUTH here again is Dr. Michael Brown. You can literally ask about anything if it's fit for Christian radio.

Anything you want to ask me about what it has to do with the elections would has to do with the things of the spirit with her has to do with moral cultural situation America has to do with the Bible verse or theology of limiting his related calls today.

Sure you got questions. We got answers 8663 freight 7884 and as always I want to encourage those to call who differ with me on certain points that we can have a constructive conversation. All right, 866-348-7884. You got questions, we've got answers as we do every Friday.

I do want to share a few more thoughts on the elections as well, but my interview with Pastor Bill Johnson from last week we posted on YouTube is just an audio interview that we posted it on YouTube and it's getting more views than most of our videos there and the comments are quite divided their comments.

There are folks thanking me for the interview and say what a man of God Bill Johnson is brother saying he's a false teacher and heretic. It's a shame that I had him on the air. Somebody would posted on Twitter that if I stand with Bill Johnson and anyway I'm holding hands with Satan, so I'm not surprised by the level of division that that proves nothing. Either way, but by the way, but what distresses me is some of the rhetoric law ask a simple question okay will let's let's go to the website of Bethel and see what they believe is a heretical nobody can go by the statement of faith. I will then share some of the heretical things is to just give me a call and explain it so I am ready to defend anyone on here to to defend the truth and to seek the truth and to apply the standard of truth to me to you to any so that we can be right with God and most effective in serving him and serving a dying world, and wherever I after Patrick you have to repent or we have to make a correction by all means we do it.

That's that's life. So I wanted to share some that happened with me many years ago. Okay 1982 I was teaching Korean Christians in New York City 1982 into 1983 and why was teaching I came in one day and they were. We were in a building in Manhattan, specific to an older building in Manhattan ethic on the 12th floor and I was teaching all day and we had a break for lunch and then chapel and half the day I was teaching Hebrew introduction of the biblical Hebrew and the. The other half day minor prophets subjects at that Old Testament subjects and I came in one morning and the room was filled steam. I mean, small room, maybe 20 people in it completely filled steam. I may just filled with steam is like a giant cloud was in there and I thought once on nights.

I guess one of the he's must be old heating system or something� Middle of winter and so I guess that's what's going on there was anything I didn't say anything versus filters filled with steam electric like a cloud in the room are heavy heavy thick fog real thick so as the class went on, after a while they finally dissipated so II since everybody what was it like a clouded steam and in the room and they look to be with the guys. What we talk. I sent you notes what community to whole rooms is still covered and one of them said maybe from our coffee Rev. Brown with a smile thought I was the only one who saw nothing unusual happened that day I prayed about it, I felt the Lord said that was a sign of his presence on this. Just like a pedophile with Israel as a sign of what is going to do that semester.

We had a mighty outpouring of powerful outpouring that semester as instructors on unscriptural possible that that is 100. The line of fire with your host Dr. Michael Brown. Your voice is more cultural and spiritual revolution there again is Dr. Michael Brown.

Thanks much for joining us today on 148667884 before I go to the phones want to assure that story about what happened with me in 1980 to 1983 teaching Korean Christians in New York City seeing it look like steam cloud filling a room for good. Of time. It is 1/2 hour hour before it dissipated and it was as real to me is the people sitting there. What I share that I share that because it was a genuine experience from the Lord. He he did back it up with out with his with his presence numbers. We really did see God move and it's nothing ever looked for had it happen once or twice a much lesser level years after Libya took another story of some that happened during the browser of our whole class saw the manifestation of God's glory like that. But all that being said, there is zero. In the Bible to say that these things won't happen, or can happen zero there is good reason to think they might happen and if we don't put our faith in that look for that major on that in a here. I've been doing radio eight years and I don't believe ever talked about until today I Lefevre put it in my books. So select the big thing we talk about and yet when when people say something like that happen in service.

I have folks get outraged in this craziness is correct what what what what's wrong with that if that became the big thing over going to go look for this or somebody was putting on some fake saying to give that impression. Like smoke. No machines or something that minutes for this fraudulent. But the thing itself. There's no reason to reject follow. There's nothing in the Bible against it.

There is even scriptural precedent that your safety could easily happen and then again it was back by by God's very real presence. So sometimes people react to things that there's a reason react to what I get so upset is of such a thing could happen anyway just want to share that with you. 866-34-TRUTH. I will start with Tim in Providence, Rhode Island.

Thanks much for calling on fire.

Dr. Brown yes sir hair lawyer doing very well thank you Eric Parker. I really love or everything you dear I like your YouTube video call a timeout. Thought I very very uplifting and very encouraging and very informative little bit about myself. I just finished a Masters degree at Providence College" study and an evangelical you are not what you know about you, but in the Catholic school. I went there to do close to my house I felt about Myrtle God want to go long story short, I really felt called to get a PhD in Hebrew Bible.

Experimenter mentioned that story about the smoke-filled room in your teaching biblical Hebrew. But I was very disappointed because I got rejected from every school that I applied at dear mostly schools around here New England Brown Boston College BU and I had an acute hack. Hebrew, have them borrow it you gay and so is a 27-year-old man really debating whether that's the Lord, and you want to do something else, or whether you want me to take another crack at it all about NYU, connected with Matt, happy got there.

There I know you went there but it's want to hear your life what you think about all that that desire that all that I feel I have yet is getting rejected correctly this Year he Tim. I think it's healthy that you haven't made an idol out as it so that your stepping back and singled what you want, which you will even though I ended up getting my PhD, which I'd never plan to do when I started college thought was was nowhere in my mind to do such a thing at a certain point my Masters, PhD studies did become an idol in my life. We know Paul says in first Corinthians 8, that knowledge puffs up, but love builds up and just the whole thing of scholarship and wanting to know this and know that if the top of the field. It's kind of a heady thing and it was it was a negative in my life. So I lay it down before the Lord, and he really burned up the desire and then gave it back to me as an idol, but as a tool so the factor singled what you will will you say I'm going to do something else. That's a healthy thing that's a good thing.

This number one number two is as far as the what you feel in your heart. The calling to do this do have a sense of purpose with it. You do have a goal in terms of getting a PhD for certain purposes.

I just feel you're supposed to do it right, Michael. Period. Year after year by the Lord to bring light to direct by your community, I really feel that there are a lot of doctors currently in the church. I don't make outdated wanted to get it correct things, but in reality I feel it there so many of your things in the Bible that could benefit the church more clear teachings were brought to them and more research of the language. And of the year� All like Trinity Hearn and Mike Gillick that had a lot more room for explanation object within the canonical books of the Bible. I feel that the afterlife I'm I know one time. I think you got a good body on your show you the author of on fire on the print but feel that a lot of churches built each annual acute may not have a definite belt but I don't think the picture in the Bible is everlasting torture. I think the picture is moral of everlasting death, like what whatever part of your I feel that the advanced education in the in the languages of the Bible in an ancient source. On know that a doctoral program could help me yet would help me to bring more light and more clarity within the Christian church.

A lot of things got it yet will associate those commendable many reasons. Tim and obviously once that I myself affirm and I'm glad we've been able to be a blessing to you what what I would do is this. It's is perfectly fine to go to sexy University can answer. I went and you've got folks at NYU like like Mark Smith and Ann who basically took over the seat that was held by Barth Levine, who is my principal mentor. There is absolutely brilliant ancient near Eastern scholar you got other folks there. They may have very different views about Scripture.

So you have to go in understanding up incarcerated at a Catholic school so you are familiar with that of you. I would I would apply again in that direction, but it seems that you haven't looked at the other options, namely Gordon Conwell which is which is in your neck of the woods. New England or a Gordon Conwell author Mark Kierkegaard offered Dr. know that Gordie got a nap.

Got got it okay to realize that an offer, PhD, the other of the other option you may have to relocate but then again of God's, and it you pray about it would be going to place like Trinity, which has some of the top Semitic scholars certain in the church that are there men like Philip on grammar and and Dick ever back and Kyle Lawson younger and others and in a true tremendous atmosphere in terms of their men committed to the word, who love the Lord but are our top physical and Semitic scholars as well as inner ear figure 9 are you Marilyn a call yesterday during the commute reader why client school record light like Browning Boston College. If you are not actually NYU card. I think that will like that, especially in New England. They have or and Trinity got my Hebrew instructor apathy.

Actual: Trinity your training area. Incredible, but no one in New England knows about. I think you compared my journey to your you have such incredible influence in the Jewish community went to a school that was primarily Jewish and had Jewish scholars that and so for me in the New England area.

Oracular got called me Carolyn Garlock minister. I don't think that evangelical school out in the Midwest going to give me the import platform like or New England or New York that will then again, it's up to God to open those doors, but that may be your thinking limits of the last thing in my mind was if I go to NYU than asking to have clout of the Jewish community of the fact is, you have the scholarship or you don't and you have a legitimate PhD or you don't and and you either have a good seatbelt but just want to present that that you may be overthinking this view of him saying, you may see this as a father, your will, you know how to open door shall have a closed doors and there may be another another set and it could be that God wants you sitting under men of God during the season. They can also be speaking into your life or or having a relationship with you to really help you get the right focus as to how to use the studies for the glory of God.

So I'd I'd encourage you to talk open the door future clearly sought the Lord find, but again you you may be overthinking things and never had Godzilla I temp sublessees could tautly delay the Lord sees you and guides right back with rest calls for cleansing the Expo line of fire with your host Dr. Michael Brown to the line of fire now by calling 866-34-TRUTH here again is Dr. Michael Brown you got questions, got answers my joy to be with you. 866-34-TRUTH 7884 hey if you live in the greater Charlotte, North Carolina area. We start our annual missions conference are fire international missions conference. We have missionaries coming in from around the world who share what's going on the mission field.

It's inspiring. It's challenging, it's edifying that we help raise funds for the work they're doing around the world of the first meeting starts tonight get another meeting tomorrow night. I want to find out about it or a congregations right near the Charlotte motor Speedway fire church right because the Charlotte motor Speedway starting at 7 PM tonight so if you're nearby plants come out tomorrow night as well. But these be powerful meetings you will be blessed and you have the opportunity to sell into the mission field around the world. Okay, let's go to Audrey in New York City walking to the line of fire.

Hi Dr. Brown I got to meet you in your and in New York city. I don't remember the name of the Technol 60 substrate over by Central Park and you probably don't remember me. There was a lot of people at the idea. The Saturday night meeting at the ethical natural center. Yeah yeah what's what's funny is when I announced it on the radio and we put on our website. We can only put the address they would not allow us to use their name because they felt that I was I was hateful because of my stance on homosexuality, but they still it is how the basics of yet here I think that every young person I grew I met a Pentecostal church but I consider the church and now a more liberal Pentecostal church I went to a more productive pinnacle of the church going up and every so often we would have that same experience of the misspelling of the sanctuary and maybe at 135 years something like that. And whenever that would happen. The presence of God would be so heavy everyone. Everyone children.everyone would be in worship. It would just amazing to see and to experience often that women speak for it, but I have experienced that at least three times, type in my life as a as a teenager and so the reason for the call. I just wanted to that outage reading protocol. I'm really concerned about the presidential election. And I'm concerned about. I don't feel like the media is giving a fair presentation on the issue on the on the on the candidate on Hillary and on O'Donnell. I think that the liberals more on Hillary and it seemed like I was really shocked to see Micah liberal Control may control the media more have more time and access then the conservative and I feel like the Christian community, especially in the African-American community are in the dark about the various issues and I mean I think is really late in the day, maybe not generally you know I'll open it up. Even though WMC is a Christian radio think that the payment tended to what ABC said CNN basis and sent first thing in this is been going on for many many years. I have an article in a video so if you go to the line of and just click on the digital library type in media you'll see recent article on the extreme bias of the media, but then I tracked this back at 2030 years when major media leaders were surveyed about their beliefs on things and they were overwhelmingly almost all radically pro-abortion and their values were so different than ours. So there has just been almost a blackout into it in before Fox News with all its flaws, but before Fox News or before Rush Limbaugh or other voices again, with all their flaws. Now there's a lot more you call conservative right wing media a lot more voices that are out there mark the van and below are a host of them in extreme white websites like Breitbart and Drudge give all their flaws as well, but it can be frustrating. Audrey and even these so-called facts check a fact checks fact checkers in a political distance fact checking and Snopes doesn't start checking people been calling them out now because there fact checking is completely liberal and biased.

So if you're online of the stream is a great place to go I publish regular articles. There, but they also are addressing the news and their they're doing it from a godly perspective and then we need to pray that either conservative clearheaded biblically sound. People will have more of an opening in the secular news networks via third the mainstream cable or that God would raise up a whole new network. II preached a few times at Faith Church in Hungary. It's the largest mega church in Europe about 70,000 members and some years back. They bought the fourth largest TV station in the nation. But it's the number one news station in the nation at secular. They kept it secular. They have guidelines in terms of speech and you can't say certain things and be profane or wrong, and they do have viewpoints that they hold to, but they remain secular so they got massive national leadership viewership, and Sunday mornings they they air their church services watch by quarter million people around the nation last year during Gay pride week. They aired a two hour message type.

I present homosexual activism at their church. They aired it on national TV and the pastor said to me, what you doing in America. Why don't the Christians work together and have a network where they get you know the truth out and many times Nancy and I have said to hand it off. If only there could be a godly network where all the junk that and let the bias be exposed. Whatever side it's on. But we are the moment the news is reported that you go there. An hour later and works take it apart critique it and exposing the bias and so let's let's keep praying. Thankfully, there's a lot of conservative radio right there and in New York is as well. There is the conservative radio that Salem also owns that some of what was at the answer.

I think it's called 997 and on the trip you got you got folks like Dennis Prager and others on but gather the overwhelming stuff you get on TV is terribly biased it is. It is terribly slanted and their reasons for there is somewhat of a Christian abandoning of secular media. Then there are others that discount strongholds and conservatives have a hard time making their way up because of their viewpoints. Let's pray that God continues to expose it. The good news is Audrey that there's a lot of distrust for the mainstream media today II know people are influenced by yes and it's grievous, but there is a lot of distrust and let the bias be exposed wherever it's found in the truth triumph.

That's what we continue to pray for Audrey and again, go to the line of

Click on digital library. Just type in the word media and you'll see my recent video on extreme view that media bias and my recent article right documented.

Further, thank you for the call. I'm taking calls for another 90 minutes to listen on the radio get on the phone and call 866-34-TRUTH all when you're on the website only date you left or special resource offer a powerful new documentary about Jerusalem.

It's the line of fire with your host activist, author, international speaker and theologian Dr. Michael Brown voice of more cultural and spiritual revolution get into the line of fire now by calling 664 through here again is Dr. Michael Brown, welcome back to the line of fire, 866-3487 84 Michael Brown delighted to be with you. You got questions, we've got answers. Let's go to Brent in Alexandria, Virginia.

Welcome to the line of fire. Dr. Brown I'm doing very well thank you Mike all want. I want to thank you for one your sculpture and go to the tremendous spirit of revival that I believe is on you and what you share and I was a missionary just before I I asked my question was a missionary in Spain for almost 25 years 20 churches over there after I started explanations of dollars and the Lord moved on us to move back to the US. We spent two years in New York City and only take on a pastor in the suburbs of DC and obviously America has changed a lot in the 25 years and the one thing that I I keep hearing the Lord say to me is that revival is coming to this nation. But if somebody that's been instrumental in important and what I believe was a real and legitimate revival in Pensacola and other places does one ask you if you could you could comment on non-what you think is needed today. Yes, and we need to be doing to call Margaret our nation back to God. Yeah, a few things really quick then first. What would you say it in a nutshell, the biggest changes in America over 25 years that you enter the country well gone on your display, politically speaking.

For example, we brought Lila coming in the many of the positions of the Republicans today were the positions of the Democrats 25 years ago I started being concerned about morality and I, but at the same time, we become much more secularized when I when I went through when I went to Europe and went to Spain, which a lot of people thought was a missionary graveyard missionary last three years. It was a place but it totally thrown off gone totally phone not really Roman Catholicism and entered become totally secular and NS probably repeated all over Europe as a whole. But since America has become much more like your become probably in some ways, intellectually wise or we might think thought we really have turned our back on God as a nation and as a society are not thought about Christians and talk about. Overall, in the right and and alternators are shocking.

My son was in her school, a few blocks from from Union Sq. in Manhattan, and the kind of things that were taught in the kind of things that were argued for you know of what is normal today. Many people regarding transgender issues.

Homosexual marriage, abortion, I mean if you if you stand up and save it homosexuality is wrong that abortion is murder your errors or is 25 years ago. That was not the case, there's always been people different views and so so the further we move from God as a society be the crazy are our ideology and our thinking has become it's was that we no longer have comments or what will set a score and obviously being in Spain. The challenges you face serious and without the living power. The spirit very difficult to think of really advancing the gospel in a setting like that but Brent inch in short, we must get desperate.

We are really too complacent.

We live in the way too much on on the arm of the flesh. We have way little vision of or so little vision of who God is and what God can do. I would say that you start in your own circle. Start with your own life seeking God earnestly that you can't live without a greater breakthrough you read about revival you teach on it. You preach on it into your people are hungry and thirsty. Not in a depressed way, but in the sense of hope and expectation and then when God begins to move you go with it. Whether it's an extra service or an extra hour or an extra prayer meeting you begin to go with it until a God breaks through and then from there let the fire spread will be right back on file is the line of fire with your host Dr. Michael Brown get another minor fire now by calling 866-34-TRUTH dear again is Dr. Michael Brown you got questions God answers 866-348-7884 so Brent one more word my book holy fire.

If you haven't read that I'd really encourage you to read it. It's a book meant to help prepare the way for revival in the book that I co-authored with Pastor John Kilpatrick, who was the pastor. During the browse revival and then editor Larry Sparks did a terrific job putting things together is called the fire that never sleeps. So my book, holy fire, preparing the way for divine visitation time for holy fire obscure assessment of my book time for holy fire and then was John Kilpatrick's the fire that never sleeps. If you read those get your congregation reading them. Let let the hungry be encouraged to keep going after God and then on a national level. We have to keep exposing our bankruptcy showing who God is and what he wants to do, but were not going to see the type of breakthroughs related to people desperate and this much.

I also know if God begins to move powerfully powerful and people aren't desperate hungry. The rejected it because it would be too much and too intense and too demanding. I expect revival as well. I also expect great shaking in our nation. Thank you for calling 866-34-TRUTH 7884. Let's go to Pisa and Brooklyn.

Thanks for calling the line of fire hello yes go ahead earlier.

You will get a dog. You know I would be an unusual abundance of them I saw you doing about it would be great. What did before. That little word in the build up a bit and I and you you would be an elective. I know you know God did been no question about that. At the battle lasted when you what it Larry said about we cannot change the doctrine of or belief is the contemplation of the Christian was on the fun without me even a little God, I adore known to make a statement that absolutely value for God and by the word of God and decide for you. You have a shop she's just like it and I'm saying I expect you to let you get in the water for the planet from that maybe you � somebody at the beaker that they don't become what ever Christian hearing that that that statement from Everest additional reading of both the portable unit can hear a statement about a comment from a candidate that the fire is that the pilot cannot listening yet so let me just jump in first thank you for the gracious words I appreciated.

Yet there is no possible way I really hate the fact that I may offend some of you but I don't care because I have to speak what's what's right. Those who spoke out against slavery offended proslavery Christians, but it was a necessary offense because those proslavery Christians sin against God's and against evil. So under no circumstances if you say I love Jesus, should you vote for Hillary Clinton. She is the most radical pro-abortion candidate we've ever had. And yes, she did say in 2015 that including abortion and other things that deeply held religious beliefs need to be changed.

She is also a right.

She is also radically pro-homosexual in the speech in 2011, an international speech offended leaders all over Africa.

They were outraged by her basically saying you're going to have to accept the American gay agenda in your country are acting right so. Under no circumstances do we vote for her. If the elections were today and I've been wrestling with this for months. I would vote for Donald Trump's president basically as if I was voting for a general in an army or as if I was voting for a boxing trainer to get boxes and save in other words, I understand the weakness as I understand the horrific ugliness of things in his past. I understand all of that it would way it would be a vote against Hillary. But that's okay look I'm not looking for you to be the Savior. I'm not looking for you to be a man we pray for that. We have godly counselors around you speak into your life, but I'm just looking future to do a few things as president better than Hillary would and in the meantime, urgently telling church when you wake up where the mass where mass civil where we end up with our candidates when we at we are in a mess. It's up to us to help get America back on track so that's that's wrong. Coming from and interestingly the the articles. The articles that I have written warning against voting for Hillary, one that there's blood on your hands if you do, and the other that you're giving her the tape to gag our mouths in the rope to tie our hands. If you vote for those articles have gone viral, meaning that they have really struck a chord with many people who've read them. I thank you sir, 866342. I fully understand if you say to me like I just can't vote for Donald Trump. I understand that but I will dispute you if you say can vote for Hillary Clinton. Estes rank if you say your follower of Jesus 866-34-TRUTH for truth. All right, let's go to Brad and have run Indiana booking to light a fire.

Take care brother Brown thank you Eric. I prescribed. YouTube channel and everyone throughout. You know I get the update into my email box and I just watch something that was really interesting your talk about the now but not yet. Jeremiah and property out, you know, it begins, but in a little bit there will be a correct fulfillment in the current effect.

It's been bothering me for a long time.

It just crank it up again. You and the millennium.

He talked about the reestablishment of animal and I think why sacrifice your the ultimate final effect by torso yet. That was one of the questions and then I could come up with another idea being that is escalating out is what you know about your thoughts on the Jewish people trying to cut you should look perhaps because of the witness of the two witnesses and then you think that could be part of the yes so to answer the second question first with regard to Revelation 11 chapter in the two witnesses. The exact meaning of that the interpretation of that didn't have primary past reference is it a spiritual lesson for thou this speak of a literal two witnesses at the end of the ages speak of something else. This is not clear to me in terms of of what what the meaning is, or how to apply what is clear is that as Gentile believers come to the Lord and walk in the fullness of the Spirit in the fullness of the love of God and the fullness of forgiveness of sins they will provoke Jewish people of faith. That's clear from Romans 11 chapter so the prayers, the witness life in Jesus of Gentile believers will be used by God to help when Jewish people so that's that's clear as to your first question, there are several passages that seem to point to animal sacrifices and millennial kingdom. The first, there are some Christians that don't believe will be a millennial kingdom is footprint. I am one who says that but I believe there will be that when Yeshua returns to the earth at the end of this age that he will set up his kingdom in Jerusalem and rule and reign for thousand years. And that's when passages like Isaiah 2 and Isaiah 11 will reach their fulfillment and Ezekiel 40 through 48 speak in detail of the new temple with animal sacrifices the end of Zechariah 14 refers to sacrifices. There are a few other passages that point in that direction. So there. There are a couple of answers that are normally given to the spread I deal with it extensively in volume 2 of answering Jewish objections to Jesus if you don't have that just go to real Messiah dog, Jewish outreach website, real and in the objections you can just scroll down for the theological objections that the deal with this question.

But there are normally two ways of looking at it. One is yeah is in the temple was sacrifices and just as the sacrifices before Jesus looked ahead to him and pointed to him now in the fullness of what he's done. The sacrifices will look back to him just like communion but faxed it looks back to him you. We do this to remember the cross until he comes. So that's one answer it. If that's the case, if that's what it says. So be it. On the flipside on the flipside, others do say no Hebrews makes very clear the passages in the New Testament make it very clear that there will be no such thing, that there will be no physical temple or survey note animal sacrifices. So what you do those passages actually the passages have other difficulties in them for for other reasons but some would just say that those were images that were given to Old Testament prophets and what they speak of his worship and approaching God forgiveness and things like that so that was just their way of expressing it in there to be understood metaphorically and spiritually. Other save that's a week interpretation your your misapplying it across religious to say. You say that this crucial Jesus theory, but again either. They will be looking back to with the Messiah did on the cross. Just like the cross sacrifices looked ahead to him or they have a spiritual metaphorical meaning and application.

Perhaps the physical temple even has a spiritual metaphorical meaning and application become a temple of the living God. More get on that volume 2 for plan by the Expo line of fire with your host Dr. Michael Brown your voice and more cultural and spiritual revolution. Here again is Dr. Michael Brown, welcome back fire you got questions. We got answers. That's what we do every Friday.

If you just tuning in evolution before week we covered all from what Scripture says about various issues to the original languages to theology to the elections tomorrow and cultural issues to Israel, the Middle East, Islam, surf your questions appropriate for a Christian radio then give us a call 8663 freight 78840 we go to John in Baltimore. Welcome to the line of fire round about braziers or God bless you say about your natural clear middle ear, Christian, Christian by the Bible, not just by word-of-mouth and for those that don't believe in God like to say if you don't believe in God, miracles, control mortgage, record your own air to breathe out my statement about that.

I called in for is. I think sometimes the politicians say statements are true. What they don't say about we the people understand and not fathered by curriculum like Mr. Krupp said in one of your speeches, what have you got to lose.

I think what he was. If you explain to the people what he was trying to say is you been under the Democrats.

All this time.

What will change if Bob become electric megabyte will be better so you get the louvered web and I'm going to vote for tropical separation at a birthday both evil or at least use the least of two evils and God bless you and have a blessed lecture set. Thanks John. Listen, there's no question that Donald Trump would save himself the tremendous amount of trouble if he was more careful than what he said if he thought through the implications of what he said now of part of the stylus to be bombastic and if the goal is to get attention and create controversy then you don't want to be precise.

You know you don't want to to say things accurately. EE was gonna throw it out there. So, for example, I've said and enforced many didn't have to be a rocket scientist to say this, that during the debate when he was asked what he accept the results of the elections he could've said of course absolutely without hesitation if their fair and legal course. But if there is fraud. If the rate you better believe him to challenge them everywhere. I know how this legal and righteous is things duly been stirred up, but he wouldn't have said anything that was objectionable. Nothing said it probably would not agree to the firestorm that it did in the firestorm is actually been healthy and that it's got a lot of people talk about what is there fraud in one of things get cleaned up and what it will these dead voters on record and in the high on why don't more one objective voter ID to vote you could vote all these different places in assembly loopholes and sky people think about the negative again is that you if you lose this illegitimately you might have some kind of uprising.

So, yet he needs to be more clear and absolutely many black Americans were offended by the what you have to lose statement and he he did mean what you said the Democrats have not helped her that they they have perpetuated the welfare system that makes you dependent on them and does not advance. Rather, he keeps you down.

It hurts you and hurt your families is been one of the most destructive things here.

There is room for legitimate health. If you believe it otherwise has been the most destructive things in our recent history in America and I'm going to help change that and help empower you and help create a climate we get jobs in and so on. Yet he could've said that and what he had to lose was obviously unwise statement.

Thank you. I appreciate it 86634 should let us go to the rest scar in Des Moines, Iowa. Welcome to the line of fire, where belief in every and all delete delete that I appreciate all that fight that II love you and I I put them back did not let it go, but I would like to know talk about what Ronnie brought food to eat cake order rate knowing and not we are united we we talk about no merit and that we should talk about that wrong because like great yet we talk about all we talk about no matter what corner we are really we are people that you're going and we need going to be better not wait on when they hate each other in it and we have developed that it you're not. I am let I'm doing a lot of work I want and they acted like 50,000 year that in early and coming. I don't think with the server that you and I we talk about why yes of you to this again I will shout from the rooftops. Do not vote for Hillary Clinton. Better to stay home do nothing for Hillary Clinton. You are voting against religious liberty and freedom. You are voting for the further destruction of marriage and family.

You are voting for the slaughter of the unborn, right up until the last day of the ninth month and the fact is many, perhaps most late-term abortions are actually just for elective reasons.

So under no circumstances do we vote for her. Has Donald Trump.

So a lot of division yes, has he stirred up hatred. Yes is one of the division unhealthy. Yes. Should he have been more careful with his words. Yes. Is he racist. I don't know that I don't know that if we vote for him and he selected is there gonna be other damage he brings will he further divide the nation will he stir up racism or hostility towards others, will he alienate our allies. Those are legitimate concerns will he. In general, vulgar eyes. America will will he bring judgment destruction us in other ways. Hillary, her weight him his weight. It could be. That's why, if he is elected.

We cannot look to him that he simmers can be the Savior of the fix-it guy. We gotta pray earnestly for salvation because he's hearing the gospel over and over from men of God speaking into his life. So we have to pray that are really here, and humble himself and repent and put our trust in God and not in man but at this point I would vote for him. The choices are too stark and I do believe that he is seeking to do the right thing and a few critically important areas like pro-life like Israel, like religious liberties and I would be voting more against Hillary Clinton than for him.

If the elections were today. But I continue to pray in process and few things I thank you for calling.

I appreciated folks stay right there. Stay right there and get your calls in the next hour.

Those that are leading you now remember, remember, brand-new videos, brand-new articles, all free on the line of the library and joy.

My bottom line. Today whoever selected. Don't put your trust in person. Something about our number ready.

You got questions. We got answers. Let's do it is time for the line of fire with your host activist and author, international speaker and theologian Dr. Michael Brown your voice of moral cultural and spiritual revolution Michael Brown is the director of the coalition of conscience and president of fire school of ministry get into the line of fire now by calling 866-34-TRUTH. That's 866-34-TRUTH here again is Dr. Michael Brown, welcome to the line of fire. This is Michael Brown your voice of moral sanity and spiritual clarity in the midst of a society in chaos of the church. All too often in compromise. It is my joy to be with you and on Fridays. The phone lines are even more widely open than other days of the week you got questions. We got answers anything, anything, anything that I can help you with. If it's appropriate to ask me talk about on Christian radio, then it's appropriate and fine for us right so just to be clear, you can agree with me you can disagree with me you can be probing on a spiritual level on a political level theological level cultural level on world religion level with everyone asking about my joy to be of service to you. Now before we go to the phones. I just want to say a couple of things about the elections. One is the whole Bible were not voting for a pastoral voting for president were voting for commander-in-chief. Yes, I I've heard that argument for many months and I thought often.

It was somewhat cheap.

In other words, it allowed us to overlook serious concerns with candidate Donald Trump.

That being said, that being said, what I've now had to do is just lower my expectations when it comes to being president.

The words if if my expectations were. I want the person be here, here, here, here, here, as a writer to get that alert to hear hear hear our Lord again. Now the question is how long is it going to still vote.

I believe I can vote and I believe I should vote right but I've had to lower my expectations forget when I voting for past. Yet we understand that we understand that were not even voting now just for typical president. That's where things are at soul will make that clear.

Also I saw a really shocking clip. Megan Kelly was pressing Donna Brazil on Fox news couple days ago and Donna Brazil.

According to WikiLeaks link in the email she said okay have gotten one of the questions. One of the Bates going to questions and should she gave it to the Hillary Clinton camp ahead of time so she had verbatim the questions that was going to come up in the debate and it you know it. It's almost like your boxer and some as you start the fight and Ron try to punch with a certain touch and you're told it's coming to just stand there, ready for or or a football game. There gonna do this bizarre trick Plato ever does in the first game to catch offguard. But you told your told her to do it. You think shut down by me. She was caught and in that regard, with her hands in the cookie jar and when they Kelly asked about you. Some Christian Einstein persecution is not persecution when you're caught a lie is not persecution when you're caught acting deceitfully. Well, how can you be ill acting righteously. When this was stolen. These documents were stolen. I'm not celebrating what WikiLeaks did on celebrating hacking but if I had some horrific email Ron talk about to rob a bank tomorrow okay and that gets someone hacked my computer that gets out okay and what is it, well, what they did was wrong it was that it was possible to expose we get ready to rob a bank.

So Donna Brazil only personally but she spoke of being a Christian and an acquittal was 70 with persecution when you get caught in a lie. This not persecution. Illustrate your phones that your calls on the phones become the line of fire with your host Dr. Michael Brown get into the line of fire now by calling 866-34-TRUTH here again is Dr. Michael Brown all right yeah just looking at some interesting articles about polling for the presidency that you got holds the majority showing Hillary Clinton up some substantially than others. Having Donald Trump of experienced posters that we've we've never seen. We've never seen so much a variety we weave.

We would never see them so all over the place so that we we we don't know. You can have a shock. Either way, there would you never Hillary Clinton landslide you have Donald Trump landslide. We shall see. 866-34-TRUTH. All right, let's let's go to a window on the start. I will start with Rose. We will start their office to start and I start the wrong place. Okay, that's good, Stephen, Fort Mill, welcome to the modifier I tell you today fine.


I agree with you that we do have to vote Christian faith that we have to vote between the two candidate. However, really going spirit to remember that earlier about America got real well by heartbreaks provide nation I would be utterly double stated I think if I didn't mind it.

God planted about Israel. While we lament the fact that we live in five want the great Christian nation, think again. This, like the rest of the world, God planted going forward and a little bit like Peter talk about you, but you're not going to go and be provided by you think of God, I think that's where we have the focus yet in 20 fact Steve.

The promises are given to Israel in the Bible not given right to America and Israel. Now there are general promises that any nation can take hold of you. Note Proverbs 1434 righteousness exalts a nation, since a reproach to any people so things like that absolutely that that holds for all and I do believe that there are covenantal things where the founders of our nation really look to the Lord and really felt that there were divine purposes for American and we do have an amazing history and in a short time, America has done an incredible amount of good. Also, a lot of bad, but then the promises in the Bible have to do with Israel, the, the ultimate accomplishing of of God's purposes on the earth has to do with Israel and I'm always more concerned when I see America weakening and its relationship to Israel and more concern for America that I am for Israel to speak about Derrico for God or God, but because we were technology.

Regarding the clock right point. I believe the renovation preserve Israel will America that will not completely differently and I think God's providential matter.

Make sure the real became a nation. And used in that manner, but we still have to look at the fact that we are far from where our Celtic property rights of so that the when you see how God has used America.

It makes us realize it's critically important for the world for America determine the right direction.

We are the world's most influential nation for better or worse whole world is influenced by what happens in America for better or worse, by all means we need to be praying and cry out to God for repentance, beginning in the church and then for a massive awakening in America. We need to do it with a sense of desperation because there is no guarantee that America is here to the end of the age of the where is that written so let's pray as if there was real urgency because there is thank you, 8663 for 87884 we go to Anthony in Richmond Virginia welcomes the line of fire. My call, my comment basically about how having a collection everyone encountered horrible are our choices are made in the country.

The reader is what you go up in the Pollock political realm understand that electoral victory flow from cultural tradition. In a very concerted effort in the country from decade to destroy the religious foundation of America and what I'm thinking is that very few prominent Christians or individual Christian pastors are doing anything significant or meaningful to be evicted after the a lot of weak people not speaking out a lot of weak Christian leader not you know, naming people by name or explaining how effort is underway, attending that everything all right when the church is dying or already dead sister Selassie. I haven't Christian leaders for decades been sounding the alarm and and and saying that that something is wrong and you know I mean be groups like the Moral Majority is over for for better, for better or worse, be it be at in ministries like Focus on the Family that raise their voices did pastors preach when America that were messed up an incident. I believe there's been tremendous compromise been a leading voice calling for repents of the church for decades, but I don't I don't think that that no one or or hardly any, have been bitten doing. I feel like there are plenty of people say were messed up her heading in the wrong direction. Elitist Alex Franklin Graham on a regular basis.

You know Chuck Colson leaders like that in you know getting their voices as loud as possible. Organizations like family research Council, and yet if if we put our trust in the political party or latch ourselves to a political party that will be disappointed and many white evangelicals have done that with the with the Democratic Texas with Republican Party, but certainly people would say things are with you Esther average person on the street you know what Christians think of America though sadly that is ever going to how they think were immoral regardless and there we we we may not always got the message across to the most balanced way that I think many know that that were grieved over where things are at.

Did you not see that all okay. Everyone out there like Franklin Graham and there are all well and a few others, but I think it's time that there is nearly all hands on deck. At that point we can have your character looking for broadcast and they haven't informed their congregations about the deputy of being engaged in double society voting and voting for people who uphold tradition down there. I think they're part of the problem and I think everyone but I think it way too many of them I write that one of the student-athlete right way too many not think about these things, but I think the biggest issue goes back to what you said to start with that, that the way the elections goes the way the culture is going and I think the biggest thing is informing the church we had a vote each like it. We should vote skies and all that encourage people get involved the big things is be the church.

But let's live out were supposed to live out, let's about godly holy lives. Let's let's live out lives of solid families and and ministry. The hurting and the needy and moral values. Let's live those out.

Let that become dominant through our lives better believe the elections will change accordingly thank you I appreciate that. 8663 for 87884. All right to what we just get a minute before the break, so get your calls.

On the other side of the break. It's interesting that a lot of people in America right now seem to be concerned that there's a lot of voter fraud and as I say that something pops into my junk mail voter fraud in America really and it's it's from a conservative Christian organization. Yet there's a lot of concern about that and I would say rightly so a lot of the system is corrupt. Donald Trump said the debate that the fact that Hillary Clinton is not indicted by the FBI just in that respect indicates that the system is rigged and I agree it's a travesty that she was, not indicted for what she did with her email server, a travesty.

That's why many within the FBI are absolutely mortified and within the department of justice as well. Absolutely mortified right will be right back with your calls, 866-3487 84 question that asks.

The line of fire with your host Dr. Michael Brown voice aboard cultural and spiritual revolution.

Here again is Dr. Michael Brown thank you so much for being part of our Friday cast you've got questions. He got answers this is Michael Brown delighted to be with you if you're blessed, but we do if you appreciate us being on the radio stand with us. We are listener supported. Often I have to travel out and speak.

I love speaking ministry and other places. But I have to take funds that come into that to pay for the radio is where we don't make money be on the radio we pay to be on the radio. It's our joy to do it to be able to serve you. But if you can stand with us and help us.

That would be awesome. Just go to the line of fire that were click on donate, you can find out about the great benefits of being a monthly supporter torchbearer or you could give a one time gift. Either way, we thank you in advance. That's the line of click don't if you listen for some years substations we've gone over eight years now, how about standing with us.

It would be awesome. All right to the phones. Let's go to Elizabeth we don't let's go to Charon in Raleigh looking to light a fire hi Michael, my question is as the mountain of evidence of the reality of extraterrestrial continues to grow highly as Christian biblically began interpreting and discerning the information. I'm not sure there's actually any evidence of so is there ever been a verified siting unit where there's no no dispute, just like every day we get planes in the air because again talking about someone coming from somewhere else. The technology involved in everything in the idea that they travel. You know, millions, billions of miles to pass by and swing back up his is a bit suspicious but beginning example something is indisputable, undeniable, since you mentioned mountain probably have thousands of examples to give me the most concrete indisputable example of that you can think of so over Los Angeles 70 exactly what year, but there was a unidentified flying object that was above the city but under the spotlight on it and raining down like thousands of antiaircraft mission.

It is slowly moved to and then Mike faltered all reducing shot at with tons of antiaircraft okay as I've never heard of that, sir, and by dying promise you it is real.

I know that the claimant is a subsets of over Los Angeles you had an event where there is an unidentified flying object hovering there and there were thousands of volleys of antiaircraft shot. That means there are hundreds of thousands or millions of eyewitnesses, many of whom are alive today, multitude on alternate lot right so that would mean then that they've all been kidnapped, with rare exception, that all footage has been destroyed.

It is no wonder you, something like this are your talking has something quite extreme. People director may they meet up and make talk like that might turn out like hiding there ignored the incident to Los Angeles. Okay, let's say right now New York City okay so ever since the days before cell phones in the 70s but something like this is definitely a video footage somewhere you have cameras out and all of this okay and I also like this happen right is I'll be 30 or 40 feet people it's hundreds and hundreds of thousands and it's all over the news and before you can shut it down.

The whole nation is heard about it but is not the case. Almost invariably the ones having these experiences have common bizarre beliefs almost invariably if if you look at go to an ancient alien's TV show or socket.

Almost invariably the main proponents have these weird out there New Age multiple God beliefs. Many of them blatantly anti-scriptural in their thinking.

So who's more open to demonic deception, short Morocco, ignoring like many state that believe in the reality many astronauts are just an end in there's also been the increased number of videotaped no Barry I'm usual UFO sighting in the back beer yet but but but dense mass. They okay so you have all the astronauts. How many of said they've actually seen some severe they believe in the possibility of this okay, but how many have actually said.

Yeah, we've we've seen these things is it a majority seminar. That's less than a minority.

It's the rarest of rare exceptions, the same with with heads of state things like that but I don't have the lease problem with some type of demonic manifestation or angelic manifestation and I'm not even saying the Bible makes it impossible that sentence is life on other planets. Okay so I have I have nothing in the theologically that says it's impossible for there to be life on other planets. According to the Bible. That's number one number two. I know that there's a very real demonic world in a very real angelic world and that these beings could take on some type of corporeal foreman who knows what where they manifest themselves out of can travel so I don't I don't even say that it that I would rule that out.

I just even when I spoke at length to a guy that was one of the meet with me after meeting in Phoenix years ago and nobody would listen to him and nobody would believe him and I did my best. As I tell you what great you got the general. That's an eyewitness regular talk to McCarthy.

I flaked out, never, never heard from again.

II just am skeptical number one because the great number almost all the lead proponents share bizarre theology beliefs that are absolutely divorced from Scripture and in many cases hostile to Scripture. That's one thing. The second thing is the evidence, the so-called verifiable evidence from the more I look at it the more it's it's not there, the more skeptical I become. And the third thing if if you think of what's happened say with a cell phone and its development or computer and its development over period of decades, who in the world knows with the military has who the world knows what other nations have who the world knows what kind of stuff could be out there. I mean, look, we dropped an atomic bomb in the 1940s wears technology come since then.

I mean if if we just look at the technology advance in Internet, cell phones, computers and things like that in the last 20 years if you say okay other technology is growing at the same pace that we should be able to close our eyes and be on Mars in the second soap just one less thing out of curiosity, what are your beliefs about about the Bible.

I am very much believer are you coming up only of alignment collar for maybe a year and 1/2, but as Christians were called to be the bearer of the truth that I really spend a lot of time trying to investigate and understand of the surface level truth, but some of the more oppressed truth, and the more I dug in, the more I look like the more evident of this reality. Yes, hey, I'm all for that.

I'm also seeking shoes and when things get buried when there are conspiracies let them be exposed of just encourage you as a biblical follower to put your whole emphasis in life and growing in Jesus versus new follower growing in Jesus, knowing the word better if there were extraterrestrials, that's about you another 81st concern. Okay, there's a partisan life.

This will encourage you not to lose your focus.

Perhaps there many other answers the question. It's the line of fire with your host activist, author, international speaker and theologian Dr. Michael Brown voice of more cultural and spiritual revolution get into the line of fire now by calling 664 through here again is Dr. Michael Brown. It is my honor, joy, privileged with you on the air today. This is Michael Brown. Thanks so much for tuning into the broadcast. It's Friday you got questions, we've got answers 866-34-TRUTH 878841 quick note and then we are going to get into your phone calls today I I started the broadcast wrong two hours a day, minute, he just tuning in. Now getting our last half hour so we make sure every half-hour is distinct and complete in itself. We know, maybe two, Hanford 34 minutes. 20 minutes is driving in your car, so we return make every minute count, but I started off the broadcast hour and 1/2 ago. Talk about so that it happened while teaching a New York City teaching Korean Christians in the early 1980s to to the biblical Hebrew and in Old Testament literature and the room when I came to teach was completely filled with look like steam from a boiler that is felt like like a cloud like a thick cloud of the room that you could even hard to see anybody sitting in there. It was so thick I'm in a thick heavy fog.

After half-hour hours finally dissipated that I was only sought and God use that as a sign God use it as a sign that his presence was gonna be there in our midst. That semester we had deep repentance. People really being touched by God and renewed in the Lord. Even nonbelievers coming in during chapel skeptics getting touched by the Lord will fast-forward now to 1997. It's the first year of our ministry school grounds revival school of Ministry which continues as fire school of ministry continues to this day, and Bob Gladstone one of our core faculty members who still part of her team teaching. Now, almost 20 years later, Bob was teaching Old Testament survey class is a specialist in New Testament but loves the word was teaching Old Testament survey class and was talking about the tabernacle now I I was teaching the next class and it was her first semester.

So all the students were together they're all incoming first-year students and they were all in his first class and then there can come to mind.

We start with it with 120 students. The first semester so they it's time for my class and the class was going on some of my class, but the class I'm waiting and waiting. Finally, Bob Gladstone consents faces almost white is Dr. Brown is a because each request and I think I think you need to see what's happening and I went to his class people on their faces, weeping understanding, jumping up and down some were so excited that it literally ran around the building.

Others on the knees on her face is pray he was teaching on the tabernacle and he was talking about how the presence of God. The same God who fills the universe that that holy presence was localized there in the tabernacle, the presence was localized in the tabernacle, and one the students said Mr. Gladstone, isn't that kind of like what's happened here in Pensacola with the revival that this is been intensifying of the localized presence of God. And next thing many I don't know if it was all but many, I think most of the students saw cloud come in, just like the Israelites saw a pillar of cloud, the pillar of fire company that looked exactly the same but Israel sought they saw cloud come in the room and he started screaming that this is not someone suggesting anything or coming up with was not anybody's mind.

Suddenly, the cloud of God's glory came in.

People started screaming, crying out to God, getting on their faces praying and it the presence of God was so real that the class just went on and on and we never got to my class because of the invasion of the Spirit's presence there is not a syllable in the New Testament that says that that won't happen. I have many reasons to save course things like this could happen.

I don't know that it ever happened again the same way in the 20th sense that other times a visitation that I just want to say you got does this because of things that him to God for people to just dismiss it as a line back with your call. The line of fire with your host Dr. Michael Brown. Your voice is more cultural and spiritual revolution. Here again is Dr. Michael Brown back to the line of fire 63487884.

Let's start with Adam in Westchester. Welcome to the line of fire. Good afternoon Dr. Brown good afternoon. Thank you so much for everything that you do you like the world.

Thank you, you're very welcome.

Everything I want to talk about America must be educated and reeducated as to the founding of America and original intent of constitution and Ben Carson and Eric attacked us in the October 18 event provide us. They offered us a wonderful presentation of justice done in a distant idea and then what I wanted for it was realized that this election this presidential election is only a moment in time.

In her effort will have to be made thereafter. Still to be life after the national election still connected me to pursue this education so we understand what the true goal is education must be first and foremost one of the places in which I have done this to the wonderful college called Hillsdale College and they are leading the effort to do just that.

I implore all listening to take their free online courses they of intro to the Constitution, Constitution 101 Constitution 201 presidency in the Constitution there wonderful courses that have just enriched my life completely in achieving those goals of understanding original intent of constitution is the declaration of the everything that went into the founding and creating of the country and you hear this too often now that you know the look Adam, Stephen here within our public schools to Stephen studying the documents, let alone really understanding what you're about what the founders were about with the purposes or about certainly are secular universities around American colleges and universities that I can get that of the Christian schools. Some trust to do a good job with it, but I wonder if it's something that we overlook on a broader level. If Adam is it such a massive issue that you you can stagger it when you think of its like okay how you get this information out. That's so basic to who we are in and helps us understand how the nation runs. For example, give it give you simple simple little illustration I don't mean you mean you know this but for everyone listening. I let's let's say you've got a bunch of of four-year-olds that are over at your house playing. They are under constant supervision and you make sure the room is is is safe for kids like that they do not have knives laying around her open electrical outlets or things that they could hurt themselves or others with and there's there's gonna be a lot of supervision if you got a big open backyard your wash because the little kids so that's the way it is with them. Let's say you had a bunch of 20-year-old inmates from from the local jail and you said okay listen guys, we need you to innovate. Do some community service here and cut the lawn in several houses and Anna come back in like three hours.

You don't do that. Is there inmates and they can't be trusted to come back in three hours what's my point that certain things presupposed certain levels of maturity.

If I'm going to say okay hey listen I need to get this job done. I'll be back in a week and take care of it when you obviously trust that person a certain way know their work history, no there there honesty so it's it's often been explained that that our Constitution the way of America was set up was only based on Americans being a moral and religious people. It would work and have one state church and you did have people that were rank nonbelievers. Bruce understood there was a mere moral and religious people who could therefore be trusted with this kind of liberty as otherwise doesn't work, that's what you end up with some kind of tyrannical rule or anarchy. So just that simple concept that our Constitution was formed with certain presuppositions and that the freedoms that we have can only be truly enjoyed basin as being a moral and religious people just understanding that makes us realize what we don't have more government involvement in this and this and this. What we don't have a dictatorial rule over this and this and this and this and this really going the way of anarchy the way of dictatorship or the way of revival. This is really not not not much choice and you're out there people educate themselves turn off the TV, Fox news and they go look for answers. The answers are out this counter.

Dr. Brown a little too late. I wish it was earlier but you were out there for the past 20 years doing the same thing and I was just, you know, in fanning thinning and being disobedient, but you know I eventually woke up my wife witnessed to me and I will say I can also lost time. I am making up for lost time. You are correct I I am running atom bomb without Dragon yes yes thank you for the Hillsdale reference and they have things that are free that are educational there is a there's a book by a young colleague name Joshua Charles Dennis Prager actually wrote the forward to record liberties secrets it's about the founders and their their wisdom. I have a book that will be coming out a little less than a year from now why I talk about some of the founding of our nation.

With that means for us today but but Adam without question these things rather many homeschooling families is extraordinary homeschooling families homeschooling moms there educating their kids in these things. At this point to get back to what was basic we have to be radical and countercultural, but let's do it and and keep up that the good work studying and then sharing the servicing talk with folks at work. Hey, did you know this disc is he ever this 340 million people right right but everybody knows somebody let's spread the word.

Were we can make a difference. Thank you sir and so glad you're in the family of God.

We go to Winston-Salem with Kim welcome to light a fire.

Thank you Dr. Brown, registry file and 78 believers name be blotted out, of the book of life you Kim. I remember your voice and I remember your call and you asked some very acute thoughtful questions which I appreciate. So can you believers name be blotted out of the book of life in in particular when you sit with the judgment. In Revelation 17 of those whose whose names have not been written in the book of life and in Revelation 20 verses 11 through 15 those whose names are not written in the book of life, those are thrown into the lake of fire. When you look at that US okay we got have our names written in the book of life.

Otherwise, were one big trouble. In Revelation 35 in the same way as Jesus is speaking to the church in Sardis.

The victor will be dressed in white close and I will never erase his name for the book of life, but will acknowledge his name for my father before his angels. So can you believers name be erased yes can now list a couple things.

And if you follow question will do it.

I am totally secure in the Lord.

I put my trust in him. He who saved me will keep me. I never worry about losing my Salvation Army I'm going to convert to Hinduism or Islam or become an atheist, or is it of becoming ultra-Orthodox doing that I Jesus would not those thoughts don't enter my mind.

I put my trust in the Lord. He's my Savior's mouth, Omega, beginning and end author and finisher.

By faith he who began a good work bring to completion of any conflict out of his hands on a non-unconfident secure in that at the same time I I don't play games with sin and think like you never fall under happened to me just like I believe that God will providentially protect me from dangers I drive it, etc. but I also know if I'm foolish and spend all my time texting and look away from the road.

I get an accident like anybody else. So we don't want to live with spiritual schizophrenia. My names of the book today without God writes my name in pencil.

He erases it up and save lost save lost but is it possible for someone who wants to the Lord to turn away from him, deny him. Jesus said if we deny him, he'll deny us turn away from him, deny him walk away from God and refuse to follow him absolutely Scripture seems very clear to me in many verses in the New Testament and here is Jesus saying if you walk in obedience. Your name will never be erased from the book of life. So can you believers name erased.

Yes you are. You are very welcome, sir. Much appreciated yet and you know II remember the voice of because I'm the last time you called.

Also, when I saw Kim I just assumed it was a female name. Of course there many many male cams and Kim's a male name as well that I remember the question. So thank you for asking you my stepbrother, believing that once saved always say okay I won't debate that if you go to my website.

The line of just click on the live the digital library or just click on� Listen to those in the past shows and you'll see shows are abdominal eternal security. Once saved always saved search for those with the key thing is practical practical trust in the Lord, not him, let him carry you start the work bring to completion. Flipside the face of the game at Plano get three gold don't open the emergency during the for cleansing and Expo light a fire with your host Dr. Michael Brown get into the line of fire now by calling 866-34-TRUTH here again is Dr. Michael Brown. I got one last segment of far you got questions. We got answers you missed any part of the broadcast. Just go to the line of and when you're there.

Just click on listen to the latest broadcast archive. Within a couple hours of the live show I just address the question. Can you believers name be blotted book of life to be Scripture clearly says yes and there's email question from Miguel resist, loves the Lord wants to follow him, but Miguel explains the struggles still fall short every day of the big issue is the big issue is this am. I will fully refusing the Lordship of Jesus. I will mean a momentary lapse were I know I shied. I know I should lay on the horn when a guy cuts me off. I know I should check out that lady walking by. I know I should lose my temper with my kids. I at at and I do, Lord. I'm sorry. Forgive me, wash me, and I'm back on track and that's an aberration on time at some say undo undo someone saying I don't care.

I'm sure with the Bible says I want to have this affair.

I want to do these drugs I wanted. I don't care on the live my life and they persistently live like that either. They were never safe.

If they die like that you live there safe or they forfeited their salvation for the person's as I want to please the Lord, but struggles in my prayer life. Today was very shallow, delighted, and I was ashamed of the gospel and reach out today. That's called growing that's called being in this world so I would bathe myself in the Scriptures. If I struggled with assurance verses like Philippians 16. Passages like Romans 828 to 39. I would bathe myself and those realities, I would read through in Ephesians 1 and and find my security of being in him in heavenly places in and then out of that place of security. I would now understand the seriousness of following the Lord, and was required of us as believers and Miguel, I'd encourage you to get my book, the greatest controversy, the grace controversy. It's an easy read just a couple hundred pages.

Let me encourage you to get that book the grace controversy.

I think you'll find it really, really helpful of let's see.

Tim asked to think that physical healing while we are here on earth is guaranteed in the atonement. My take is that reconciliation or hitting a relationship with God's will is guaranteed that physical healing seems to me that the context of Isaiah 53 focuses on transgressions and iniquities. I believe that God is heal physical sickness over here that were supposed to pray for it, but is often God's hands that ours would reveal physically or not, on earth, but in their thoughts. When you have a chance attempt. Thank you for the important question I studied this very hurt extensively in the 80s and 90s my doctoral dissertation was on the Hebrew word for healing event was a philological work I constantly was engaging Scripture in it that I wrote a book called Israel's divine healer.

The came out tenure. That is my dissertation, 85, Israel's divine healer and 95 very intensively addressing these issues and I believe are making a foster caught dichotomy will be separate since sickness in the Old Testament.

There is no way that an ancient Israelite would think about being alienated from God because of sin while being sick at the same time and not thinking there's a connection. Hence, they would say heal me from sin, meaning heal me from sick I'm sick because of sin, so he only because of sin, so I look at it like this physical healing is provided in the atonement. Just as victory over sin is provided in the atonement and everything we need to live for God in this world is provided in the atonement.

However, because of limitations of the flesh, the struggles we have in this world we don't perfectly overcome sentimental, perfectly experience divine healing so look at it as all flowing from the cross and something we should pray for and asked for and if we fall short run to say I God chose not to do it. We continue to ask and we continue to grow to see God touch more more people after all these loot literally are life-and-death issues to work with us for partner position. Just think of it, though. Everything we need is provided at the cross flows from there in this world, but we don't see everything realized in this world.

Some of the weight the world to come. All right, let's go to Anita in Princeton, New Jersey.

Time is short so please dive right in. Yes Toronto at a logically and that I would break at something healed and on and I can walk and and I believe I was delivered. Here was that's how was it some incident that happen. How did you get out from the spirit of fear could could you put a finger on it. Well, though I have been walking where things like take charismatic pinkeye of charismatic and I thinking out on this has never happened before. So it's quite comedic claim and identifying explains my friend to edit fault very flat like I I hear you. Here on because of a health issue and when it does work I can even write but I know very seriously and I believe God's mercy of delivered me from the spirit of fear here and I've been blocking and at which with out you will laugh at. Yet Anita for those that have a hard time relating to it.

There are two things to me that come into play. And thanks for sharing the testimony one Jesus says to Jewish men who believed in him, but were just coming along. He said that you'll know the truth and the death will set you free. So I will owe one of one of my colleagues who said who was paralyzed by anxiety attacks. Decades ago, said that that basically it's it's truth that kills the lion and when when the ally dies. The fear disappears. So one thing is the truth that hearing the truth hearing a scriptural principal sum I can go on and we can become free. I know one man who was in prison he was a homosexual activist and professing Christian he was on drugs.

He ended up in prison and in prison a man minister to him that a prisoner was a believer. He realized he was bound by a spirit of fear of man and when he got free from fear of man. His homosexual desires left him is happily married and living a normal life. Something figured out. So the one thing is the truth. Something that happened we hear truth, the light goes on and we find freedom. Truth will set you free. The other thing is the presence of the spirit, the Holy Spirit comes one thing that the Holy Spirit does is set The street not the only thing that one thing he does so often when the Holy Spirit comes simply liberty people start getting healed physically and free from other things. Hey, thank you for sharing. I continue to enjoy the liberty based on God's truth. If Francis can stand with us, that would be awesome to do it by going to the line of fire and clicking donate your listener 40. Thank you for your help. My bottom line today pursue the truth.

Live in the truth that you thinking

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