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Focusing on the God Who Does the Impossible

The Line of Fire / Dr. Michael Brown
The Truth Network Radio
March 8, 2017 4:20 pm

Focusing on the God Who Does the Impossible

The Line of Fire / Dr. Michael Brown

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March 8, 2017 4:20 pm

The Line of Fire Radio Broadcast for 03/08/17.

Truth Talk
Stu Epperson
Summit Life
J.D. Greear
Family Life Today
Dave & Ann Wilson, Bob Lepine
Love Worth Finding
Adrian Rogers
Love Worth Finding
Adrian Rogers
Love Worth Finding
Adrian Rogers

The world around us is all messed up yet America is shaky, but God remains God. He's a worker of miracles which glorify him today stalking for the line of fire with your host activist, author, international speaker and theologian Dr. Michael Brown your voice of moral cultural and spiritual revolution Michael Brown is the director of the coalition of conscience and president of fire school of ministry get into the line of fire now by calling 866-34-TRUTH. That's 866-34-TRUTH here again is Dr. Michael Brown one big big difference between this radio broadcast and typical conservative talk radio, which is not downing or criticizing. But one big difference is one big word, namely God God God is at the center of what we do.

God is at the center of how we think that it may be the same for some other conservative talk show host, but our goal here is always ultimately to point people to the Lord. Our goal here is whatever problem we put before you to say there is a solution from above, there is an answer. So as much as we talk about all the madness in the culture in all the shaking in America and all the crises around the world. We do so, not in an alarmist way as if the sky is falling, but rather in a constructive way to say God has a better way.

There is an answer 866-34-TRUTH 866-34-TRUTH 7884 Piers Morgan to do today glorify the Lord and encourage one another to glorify the Lord so that everyone listening what you're going through personal trauma with you're going to family trauma with you're going through national world, whether you are depressed what you are dying with.

You are a hopeless or discouraged boundary messed up in one way or another whether you're just pulling your hair out over what's happening in the world around you. Whatever your situation only tell you there is hope and if you come from church culture church background where you would have testimony services or testimonies in service church which I got saved virtually every service which have testimony.

It was short, normally we sing to three songs and then who had a testimony. I often have a testimony and it's then up Sheridan sit down someone else testimony and in prayer requests and then maybe offering them a little more worship than a message that we come to the altar and pray for a while and up in a list testimonies encouraging. I have been around other believers and we start telling stories of what God is done and suddenly the atmosphere changes.

I mean suddenly go from gloom and doom in depression and in hopelessness and fear to hope to encouragement to faith, because you hear what God is done. That's why the Scripture is so full of testimony to what God did in history. That's why the Gospels tell you the same stories over and over again. It is for the Old Testament repeatedly points back to what God did, so that our eyes will be in the right place and even on a practical level when when I made a radical lifestyle transformation with God's help with Nancy's help, beginning August 24, 2014 from 275 paths skews me to 100 at 180 pounds in less than eight months, not by dieting but by lifestyle transformation change way change my relationship to food is your story recounted in breaking the stronghold of food. Once I got over the food addictions. It was about three days of of of withdrawal worse than get off drugs for me in 1971. Well once I did that, then the issue is renewing my mind and every day Nancy would send me a new testimony of someone who was following the same lifestyle guidelines that I was with send me a story and these were dramatic, and these were incredible, and these were amazing and those stories encourage me. Those stories help me those stories bless me with they could do it I could do it and if they could change so dramatically I could change so dramatically God is not a respecter of persons will have mercy on all who call out to him through Jesus. So if you have a genuine testimony that which human beings would call miraculous and possible give me a call today 866348788 for the second hour will get interview medical doctor put out a book, testimonies, all from medical doctors like that.

The line of fire with your host Dr. Michael Brown voice of moral cultural and spiritual revolution. Here again is Dr. Michael Brown all right here we are 866-348-7884 the number to call this God still work miracles today is God still do impossible things today that this God still heal the sick as God still deliver depressed than I listen listen here. Here's why this is so important.

It's not just important on a personal level.

It's not just important in terms of what's going on in your own life. If your drug addict right now.

Maybe you're a believer know you know the Lord and you're experiencing a crisis may be your marriage is falling apart you're wondering is there any hope. Maybe the doctors have given you, no hope physically and you're wondering, is God still healed okay that's important is life and death.

That's big, that's major and and I affirm the importance of these things on a personal, individual level, but I also address them.

Because if God can deliver personally.

He can deliver nationally.

If God can save personally. He can save nationally. If God could set a person free he could set a society free so I'm looking at this on a personal level I'm looking at this on a national level as well and just looking at social media as as folks began to respond when I when I posted this and I said were going to be talking about God working miracles today. Just looking at some posts when men talk about his child with a brain tumor and the third MRI.

It wasn't there. It had disappeared all II know people who have died of brain cancer.

Some that we prayed for one particular for 2 1/2 years and we lost him tragically tragic for for his whole family.

Obviously II understand and I I understand that you can't just snap your fingers and manufacture miracle whatever you want. But God does intervene in God does heal miraculously on looking at another one. Talk about delivery from 12 years of drug addiction. I hear over and over from people have stories that in the natural wood been written off in the natural notice that there is any possibility of any chance, and yet God himself, intervene, and God himself did miracles 866-348-7884 by the way, before I share some things for my own life and for my own experience and encourage you to check out my latest article on the line of it's getting a lot of attention very quickly was Franklin Graham right to call for Disney boycott.

What we do, but still with consistency. Otherwise, our critics will have every right to call us hypocrites was Franklin Graham right to call for a Disney boycott's my latest article on the line of that limit two story from early on in my life as a believer, so most of you know came to faith in 1971 at that point I was a heroin shooting LSD using hippie rock drummer 16 years old Jewish kid full of rebellion, full of pride full of anger full of self-indulgence with drugs and drinking alone. Drugs even more than drinking known as drug bearer Ironman because of the massive quantities of drugs. I would take input into my system.

I thought that made me cool just typical youthful ignorance and idiocy.

In my case. Thankfully, many young people are smarter than I was about these things but that was my lifestyle and I was caught up with it and loved it and thought it was great and the whole hippie scene in six drugs rock 'n' roll the 60s and counterculture revolutionary value man-hours. I was my tune.

I wasn't looking for God and believe in Jesus but God pursued me got over my heart to faith in his son. When I really cried out to him really said Lord I want surrender to you, received his cleansing love and I said December 17 at their 71 on their put a needle in my arm again was free from that night on, never did put a needle in my arm again. Two days after that civil ever get high again that a couple times of minor temptation. One strong temptation. That was it.

Basically, a minute was pretty easy by God's grace to get off drugs much easier to get off drugs and to get off chocolate 2014 answer him to tell this is not is not exaggerating alright so right before I got saved I came down with hives don't know what prompted it. I remember meeting with Dr. mom. My mom and dad brought lives a doctor would try to figure out what it was that had that it cause this and try to see or was it baby of the slick and where was my lower back and different things and maybe it was in a laundry detergent switched in about seven some reaction for your out the closet was but it was it was it was his miserable look there plenty of of sick. This is worse than this. This is one of these really obnoxious ones just this terrible itching these pink blotches would just swell up all over his red blotches and and it would start my lower back in again and go all over the back and and then the legs and in and just then then the arms and add the itching and just you want to cry. You were so itchy and you can get away from it and and a member in a will is it Aveeno something like that.

You take a bath with that you know and then it would ease it a little bit and it was right before I got saved and it was miserable and member the doctor prescribed some drugs and he said look, it's going to take about 24 hours before the start to take effect within you see them taking effect and then by the time you're done taking them you want. Once you don't see any any side effects any problems any any itching, and then you could stop taking them. You know what and so anyway I taken them in and studios getting better and along the swing I've come to faith, but I'm brand-new I am brand-new and I I don't know how a lot of things work this much.

I heard that if any two of you agree on anything.

Prayer will be done so I knew is always important in the church those they were two or three are gathered through Jesus is in the midst so was important to come together as for one reason we come together. So I remember a brand-new believer in the highs breaks out and limited have the medicine right there. Either way it's going take 24 hours to take effect because it wasn't taken at that point it breaks out again and I'm starting to itch and since my transmittal of night stop start scratch and is now's the swelling in and out spreading all over my body and it just was miserable. I member crying out for healing. Crying out for healing, but I members are sprained by my bedside. I wasn't sure if God would hear me or not because I was praying. A lot of you say you were that ignorant. Yes, I was that ignorant. I didn't know I just knew that if to agree that something would happen.

It was like magic a minute really understand, but I wasn't sure of it. I was that that would give you a clue of how new and how raw I was right and it's it's winter of 1971. That story will that that detail will be important in a moment. So remember, I think I woke my mom up just whenever you get the bath thing ready and that the Aveeno and that whatever put the cream. I forget what it was but ill got a little bit better and then I started taking the medicine and that you know but I did. I think a miraculous answer, but I thought maybe it's because I'm by myself. Maybe when you pray by yourself. Nothing happens. Could it be, is it possible anyway. I take the medicine and I take it every day and thankfully after several days, everything is good and I don't have any itch of any blotches of any sign of anything so magical off the medicine I'm on my way into school one day brand-new believer, went to school it's winter so I've got long sleeves and Dakota right final shirt and a coat going to school and of 1971. Suddenly I just feel like a little. It's a mile sentence little skeletal itch on the back. This sums, what's what's happening here. That's that's on and think it way to second wait a second you're hives are coming back. Hives are coming back and wait a second you have any medicine with you because you thought your over and even if you did it takes 24 hours to take affect your ongoing school that take a bath it's going on Aveeno Creole what are you going to do and I member just I think all mine, all mine. This is little sense of panic. I does only Hazen's eyes met, it was miserable if you had a bad was miserable and the next thing I can feel all know this burning down my back is this what would happen. First, spreading them aback by the target school was a 27 minute bus ride for the high school we went to I get there and I get into a classroom. We had a little homeroom classroom for the special school is particle student faculty education.

This little cost for today was 6070 students and there in the special program we have.

We could do we want to do and there was one guy also brand-new believer and he came in the room. So now I could agree was so good I could agree with some and at this point, I rolled up my sleeves as a home owner because the thing all blotchy big ugly red lot up and down my arms and just itch is just terrible and I disagree with. Make the two of us were the only ones in the room right that suggest agree with me in prayer for healing.

We prayed a quick prayer.

I never prayed out loud how we disclose her eyes and prayed at Nixon room filled with people, I got distracted during the rooms filled everybody walking around. The next thing I realize was less than two minutes. When the second, the itching all the itching, gone, gone.

I member I rolled up my sleeves all the black disk of this appeared all of this.

Gone. Gone for good action.

Hey, that was an early intervention that was God saying I'm real say I feel today made fresh air on the line of fire with your host Dr. Michael Brown. Your voice is more cultural and spiritual revolution. Here again is Dr. Michael Brown transfer joining us on modifier 866-348-7884. Listen it's it's wonderful to hear it's it's wonderful to hear that that around the world. God is working miracles. It's wonderful to hear about miracles in China and India and Africa. It's wonderful. It's wonderful to hear about things God did in the past.

In biblical days, but what about where you live, what about your own life, but to hear and the now what about present tense. What about your own situation and can God help you find your way. Can God give you wisdom. Can God give you guidance this. We do not have this magic crystal ball or additional genie in a lamp thing and we just okay God I need is okay God it is not about me it's about him, but he is a God who works in this world and he is a God who meets you where you are and helps you in ways that only he can.

That's why we have a Savior. Listen, if God cannot help you overcome sin in your own life if he is unable to help you because your case is different, then he's not truly God. If Jesus can't really save you because your case is too unique and too complex that he's not really the Savior if the Lord can't deliver you because you are really, really, now that he's really not the Lord. Those are simple facts and when I talked to people from around the world. People who were former terrorists. Yes, former terrorists, people who were former prostitutes, people who were former gang leaders, people who were former chief atheists, skeptics, people who were leaders in other religions. Muslim leaders persecuting Christians who are now devout followers of Jesus. I realize that truly our God is the Savior. I realize that truly our God is the same yesterday today and forever. And if we cry out to him.

We can see change, not just on a personal level but on a familial level through our whole family, not just your whole family we can see change, and our communities, not just in our communities. We can see change come in our nation not I don't think one person praying alone is going to be able to see change come to a whole nation but I think that corporate prayer from many believers around the world as we take our responsibility to God seriously and responsibly for him seriously that we can see impossible things happen. Look, I first preached in India in 1993, 1993 was first time and now 24 trips there in 24 years.

The ministry that we work with has now planted between seven and 8000 churches in tribal regions and engine out in other cities of the locations in India, but they stay first started major outreach and a mountain area called pie Daru in the state of Andra Andhra Pradesh and it was maybe a in the old days. Maybe roads are better now, but was maybe a 45 Hour Rd. treacherous road up the side of a mountain or side of mountain student to get to pie Daru in the tribal area from the city of Visakhapatnam would be based and that the first year there, 1993, 1993 we we we took probably from arriving from leaving our houses. Nancy diet and through the friends from leaving our houses to arriving in pie Daru. This is pretty much one thing after another. After that we got there was but I think over 48 hours of travel on train rides car rides and soul. And anyway, God broke through a very powerful way and we ended up going up. We were gonna be walking up one of these mountains and and then going over to them such as those that never got there because we end up ministering to demonize girl.

Her father was walking back this wearing a loincloth and note system drab sure was not drab just shaggy falling apart shirt and and with this girl who had terror in her eyes. She had burn marks on her that the witch doctor try to burn demons out of her. She had marks on her on her arm with a title reference should broken free of the mother and the father were there. They just brought it to the village doctor and he couldn't help her. We heard the story, we began to minister to her and and after couple hours of prayer. She was set free and that the family prayed to receive the Lord and it happen. I'm just in this mountainous area, you could see not far from where we were done from large animals there were bears and tigers that populated the area not as is as primitive as setting a site is as I could possibly describe to you. Okay, not far from there. There were monkeys playing in the trees in the night before. We had a powerful spiritual breakthrough and I proclaim the words of Isaiah 61 the spirit of the Lord is upon me, because his anointed me to preach good news to the poor and and just speaking these things not not that I was the prophet from Isaiah 61 and I was the Messiah but proclaiming these words of these were God's words of liberty that these were God's words of freedom and restoration. We proclaim restoration freedom to the captives, and because of the loudspeakers there in the fact that this was the tribal area. This not from miles and basically through the whole tribal region, they could hear the preaching and I proclaim the words in Hebrew, and then in English and they were translated into Telugu for the people there.

We had a powerful altar call this the most powerful woman had ever seen in the history of the ministry in the tribal region and there was a sense. With that being assigned the next day assigned the next day where that young woman was set free, that this was a sign of liberty coming to the captives the next month. That was that was February March 1993. The next month.

They did their annual outreach into the tribal region were students from their ministry school and others that he graduated from ministry school went out. The women stayed back and prayed and fasted that the men went into three dangerous difficult areas and preached the region was almost entirely on reached at that time and him to get a letter from India is before the days of faxes or emails they get it.

We get a letter saying we had the most miraculous breakthroughs we saw signs and wonders like we've never seen there. We saw more people coming to Lord that we've ever seen. And now, if you go there every single tribe has a church in every single village has a church.

The whole place has been reached. It is an extraordinary start. We know the people firsthand.

And we know those who been beaten for the faith and in one case a man is slaughtered for the faith, beaten and burned in his family told if if if you sentence the police will kill you and Heather the extraordinary privilege and honor and what how can you describe it, the privilege of washing the feet of that that martyrs will wash washing her feet when the music is a serious overstuffed with the gospel spread there and we saw wheat we we saw we were there, something happened. There was a breakthrough in response to prayer and fasting captors reset from timeout I'm stuffed. I'm an eyewitness to friends. My friends live there, and minister there. I know the leaders that work with them. This is something that genuinely happen. Our God is alive and doing the impossible. Today, I will encourage you to believe him for things that you and I cannot do we do what we know how to do, but we rely on our God to do the impossible is the same yesterday today and forever. Right really go to the phones come back here and a lot of fun. It's the line of fire with your host activist, author, international speaker and theologian Dr. Michael Brown voice of more cultural and spiritual revolution get into the line of fire now by calling 86643 here again is Dr. Michael Brown not only I was in was in Florida and a couple came up to me your testimony. I'd not heard from Dave Brown's revival with Michael Brown retirement God's miraculous intervention, the God who does the impossible. A personal level and corporate level. That's what we need right now in America.

That's what we need. If you voted for Donald Trump is not the Savior. If he didn't vote for Donald Trump. You know, is not the Savior. Congress is not the Savior.

The media is not the Savior that the church is not the Savior. Jesus is the Savior to the extent we join our hearts, minds, lives with him. We can bring that message of salvation to the world but I was in Florida the Florida a few years back ministering in a couple wanted to tell me personal story about a young man there. Their son, their son or the son of good friends of theirs. Remember the story itself distinctly. He was a lost drug addict lost.

I believe they lived in Indiana lost drug addict.

He was so messed up that they basically threw him in the back of a car and drove to Pensacola to take him to the services. The Brown's revival and in the kid young man at that point just slept. He was so out of it so high on drugs is he slept in the backseat of the car that was entered and recommended they get to the meetings element drag him against his will and use a lot of it. They get to the meetings he hears the gospel he response to the altar call and he gets instantly and dramatically not to say but set free from drug addiction by the power of God. He literally comes home a different man and he told me he has been doing stateside missions. We are reaching out to to the worst of sinners and to those hurting here in America. He is full-time now basically a missionary to America that was miraculous conversion. Multiply that tenfold across America. Multiply that a hundredfold across America.

Multiply that from every walk of life, skeptics, atheists, getting miraculously born again Monday. Most Mondays mind tooth Muslims, Hindu, there is such a thing as jubilees but not Monday's Muslims, Hindus, getting miraculously born again drug addicts and alcoholics getting miraculously set free heterosexual young people into the party scene homosexual young people into the party said getting miraculously wonderfully transformed set free and on and on and on friends friends, this is what we need in America the great solution to America is the great commission.

The great solution to America is the great commission that comes in the power of the spirit. I'll talk you more about that in a few minutes. First we go to the phones.

An anonymous caller from Springfield, Virginia.

Thanks for calling the line of fire. Are you going Dr. I'm doing really well.

Thank you.

I love your show. Thank you, are the art, not market, but the most recent one word.

I was unemployed for a year. Michael had a great job of that happening decided to mow the lawn and the worst idea, moment, and you know, arrived in THE problem not problem and family physical events: five decided to pray about it last year and I've been praying and praying and praying. Nothing came through loud applying while praying under the job training.

Nothing came through the Academic knowledge to me like pretty Dr. Frank and our heart. So much so okay will not last as this is another I still like their playing pranks not seen a change. You fell by God, pray and fast. What happened next for and it's the line of fire with your host Dr. Michael Brown to the line of fire now by calling 866-34-TRUTH here again is Dr. Michael Brown.

I respect as I was looking at our schedule for this week. We have different guests that will be booked out.

Sometimes weeks in advance. Sometimes we get a guest. The very same hour because of something happening in the news that's urgent, but we had a guess that becoming on the second hour. Dr. Scott Cole Bob, a medical doctor talk about the book physicians untold stories when I stepped back and looked at at at the day, I thought you know what this list take a break from politics with take a break from social cultural issues take a break from focusing on problems around us and those kinds of issues and let's just glorify the Lord with Fisher testimony let let's talk about his miraculous intervention. Let's encourage one another with a personal and corporate level. Hence the direction of today's show right so the speaking with anonymous caller from Springfield Virginia to talk about being out of work. You made a wrong choice rather work your praying and praying, praying months ago on your suffering, a lot of negative consequences in your your life. Because of this you been praying, praying, nothing happens, and now you you feel prompted to pray and fast before you tell us what happened, why do you think this was so important for you to fast in a week. We can earn something from God's not like if we go on a hunger strike. He's obligated to answer what you think is the power fasting.

I think that there are cowards out there are evil and that no I'm fine. Are they not know and to bring down the strong and you know Jesus that the articles 15.

We try to cast out the demons but we credit Jesus that there are strong that they'll come out without praying though.

I think there are some powers that go against the enemy doesn't want Dr. Ben-Ami got along our financial breakthrough are locked get destroyed in in our marriage in our life and law sort of thing so of course I felt as though I prayed it back accurately break through that barrier dotted my fate girl tire that point where I know that God will license was not earning something. It's a matter of more slowly giving ourselves to something matter more fully giving ourselves to God and say okay this is so important that that abstaining from food or food or drink whatever it is and I'm giving myself in a focused way to pray. Say no to the flesh, and focusing on God. The best way I know how to engage in in a spiritual battle to give myself to God in faith, and when you did that tell us what I've how long did you fasting what happened so I our day. Aaron active birthday. I like, Monday I got word from my employer that not show my current employer that I barely get any hours. I am not become an on Monday.

Well then you go back to where I met which was impossible because the reason it was something very impossible to do to get back where what the following day, I went back and when I got there the people already told me don't do it you know it's not an alert and I will turn back and let all your pump and tell me like go I went up there and I started people I talked about too much to supervisors that something you knowledge is getting the runaround basically think when I can out thought about the leave.

Then all of a sudden up and one of them to you on this matter. You know what I have opened.

Yeah. And I want to get your here it is possible in I was just amazed that I like that happen, and not only I get back, but my compensation is unabated more than one which is I know I don't. So I just come to the Scripture, the Mayor of Hamlet.

Immeasurably more able to do what we ask for American according to the work that so you get praying to God and want to give hope to anybody out there that if they are thought desert of unemployment and you smell like God is not coming through for you maybe adjust your faith.

You need to step it up and maybe prance your faithful, because all it takes a bit of paint below the mouth. Is this and that is not extraordinary. The first, the fact that after praying, fasting finish that another next to you get bad news. The next day.

Things go from bad to worse that the place we just try to stretch together a few hours to do something that there are closes and then you feel to do something that is natural is not possible in your told by runaround. It's not possible and then it was gone and it in a look, I understand this is not some of being raised from the dead right. I understand that this is not about all of America being saved but it's these specific kinds of things these like one of my friends used to say when I pray coincidences happen you know it's it's one of these things skeptics can explain it to where they want makes it just a coincidence or you just took the initiative, but you know the reality you know that when you felt prompted to give yourself to fasting immediately. In this case a breakthrough came in and the lessons are very very clear hey II appreciate you sharing that and glorify God on the job there. I'm sure you will.

And yet another testimony to his faithfulness solicited here to take away here is your take it and by the way, some is a hit, but not all the manuscript say fasting and prayer that this kind will become self professing person to saber prayer yeah and in other manuscripts.

Perhaps later fasting and prayer, but we have enough examples in Scripture of the importance of fasting and breakthroughs with fasting, many of us have experienced that I member years ago years ago.

I get to the take away from all this in a moment, but years ago we were just under attack. It was it was for Nancy and I one of these times we felt the unique spiritual attack coming against us.

Come against our family and one of these things were both simultaneously experiencing the same type of spiritual conflict and spiritual battle were not intellect, naming notes, the spirit are spirited. We just knew what was going on and and I remember I got a way to pray for a few days and is just this friends had an apartment that was empty and literally a habit of a mattress on the floor and had like a lightbulb in the ceiling had a working refrigerator. So if I wanted to get some food and keep in there I could do that.

I think a chair was completely Spartan and Nancy drop me off there and I was can stay there for like three or four days and pray and seek God and remember this meeting with the Lord. Meeting with the Lord.

But this thing that was hanging over us.

This this problem that was harassing us wasn't going away. I just felt that the end of day and 1/2. Whatever. In the midst of a just a fast so in the midst of getting along, praying during these days, I give myself to fasting and praying and crying out and I just felt I remember the day when I felt the breakthrough came. The breakthrough came, something happened because there is no earthly solution to the problem. It was a harassing, difficult problem and I remember at that moment. At that moment the sensor breakthrough and basically got home and that next week everything turned around and the door opens, that had been closed and solution presented itself that hadn't been there and boom thing left and it'd been months months of challenge and in one of the worst spiritual times for both of us for either of us in our entire lives to this day and this was decades ago. This happens and that that seeking God in prayer and fasting. The breakthrough cancer.

So here's the take away God is a rewarder of those who diligently seek. Here's the take away if you keep asking knocking seeking the breakthrough will come. Here's the take away if you seek him with all of our hearts find him know he's not there just push button get a miracle but he is a real prayer answering God for those of your listening role. Your eyeballs noises of this Christian preacher on radio listen. I'm first and foremost servant of the Lord. A child of God, a minister of the gospel right and and I am a radio talkshow host who is unashamedly all the things I just said servant of the Lord minister the gospel, a Jewish follower of Jesus, so I want to encourage you as a believer and that's why friends I wake up every day with hope. That's why I see all the bad news and see all the chaos and all the shaking around us, and I recognize the gods moving in the midst of it and that he is truly bigger than all of these things and that if we seek him. You see the impossible happen in America. In fact, we come back I will share another story for my own life that we come back.

I want to ask you some questions about which is less likely it's going to encourage your faith which is less likely. What I mean you find out when we come back right here on the line of fire.

66337 file line of fire with your host Dr. Michael Brown get into the minor fire now by calling 866-34-TRUTH here again is Dr. Michael Brown. I believe if I never saw one.

I would still believe it because it was written Scripture if I never saw a sick person healed. I still believe that God heals today because of the clear testimony of Scripture as I wrote in my book, authentic fire I am solo scriptorium and therefore charismatic because the clear testimony of Scripture. I therefore believe in the gifts and power of the Holy Spirit for today what Paul said in first Corinthian's to to the Corinthians that his speech and preaching was not preaching was not with enticing words of man's wisdom, but in demonstration of the spirit and power to their faith should not stand in the wisdom of man, but in the power of God so one little thing that happened I can give you an example after example after example after example like this. We try for physical healing took the deliverance from drugs and things like this Mr. call talk about praying and fasting in the breakthrough were impossible.

Door opened to get back in old job that he had foolishly lost. Well, let's see. This is probably in the late 19 late 1986 early 1987 and I was trying to finalize arrangements for going to know I'm sorry to forward push for run 1994. That's right, I was finalizing arrangements to preach in Finland and another trip to preach in Italy.

I spent a lot of my time in those days and overseas ministry and the arrangements just got kinda stuck they the were not locking in.

We are trying to make plans and my secretary worked with me to try to make plans for traveling for other things like this and of unable to walk things in and no waiting for the fax, the commander of the call and so on praying.

One night little frustrated because try to make plans and try to finalize this happens next month and I I feel in prayer that everything will work out tomorrow. Everything will be clear tomorrow but Italy about seminary to be locked-in and getting a call from a woman I hadn't been in England to minister since 87 that's why was sick and 87 I preaching and 87 had been there now seven years and I just have the sense tomorrow everything for the place from Finland and from Italy and getting a call from England, so sure enough, the next day secretary calls and she wants me to know yet God got a call from was a call from one of the countries fax from the other and all the arrangements being made to lock in those dates for Finland, Italy and call from someone in England that I didn't know never connected with before the serious is that interesting. Just as the Lord laid on my heart and I can't say how many times things like this have happened through the years. So later that they set up the phone call. The gentleman calls me and he says I do the same. Leaders conference, but 120 leaders from UK and other nations come together it's three days to an end like you to come and speak at a leaders conference and stay over and preach at our church with 700 people in and do some of the meetings well there and and he said I don't know anything about should ask of the Lord laid on my heart that I'm supposed invite you to read one of your books for the Lord somehow supposed invite you I said I don't know anything about you, except for later my heart is at the call from England today is to go to England, minister. That's I got set up.

I found out how he got my book was whatever happened to the power of God, with the subtitle is the charismatic church slain in the spirit down for the count still in print today still highly recommend that you read it happen was that he was visiting a Scottish pastor who had a church on Long Island right and excuse me, he was visiting a friend and preach for church allow Scottish pastor would preach for church along and and what happened was when the Scottish pastor was there. They asked him around the church bookstore and set a pick out whatever you like is only one book that he saw that interested in my book. Whatever happens, the power of God because I preach the church goes back to Scotland. My friend from England is visiting him in Scotland sees that one book in his offices on taking and reading it reads the book and feels impressed. You need to invite this guy. The speaker drama leadership conference and he became a dear, dear friend. To this day is an interesting something like that with larger kingdom implications and in the connection.

It was very critical in years that followed the friendship and the relationship that we had.

This is the God that we serve.

He can do things like that to direct your paths to do things that literally change the course of history. I would encourage you to look to him and seek him like never before. He will come through.

He will get you through him if he doesn't do it the way you expect he will be glorified through it so which which would've been more likely I will.

The whole article about this multitude of let's think about this which would be more likely to years ago. I tell you Donald Trump will be the next President of the United States. But there will be a national revival. If you have pick the future years ago. I think the vast majority would say I think a national revival is more likely let's go further, let's go for 32 years ago. I tell you Donald Trump will be elected as president United States and one reason that many Christians will vote for him is because he is can be a champion of the pro-life movement and will keep his word to the pro-life camp and analects strongly pro-life justices to serve on the Supreme Court, which is more likely that that will happen or that there will be a national revival incident, national revival is legal it happen.

Numbing Donald Trump is a perfect man, when you voted for not setting the point I'm saying were living in a day were highly unlikely things are happening were highly impossible things are happening and if that's the case, we should say hey want to go back to Scripture which is all things are possible to him who believes why not go back to Scripture.

It's is with God nothing shall be impossible.

Want to go back to Scripture one that dust off your old Journal of testimonies when I share stories as a family together as friends and glorify the Lord talk about what is done to build your faith for the present for your own life for your own ministry for your own family from church from community for your own nation.

Why not do it. He is the same yesterday today and forever, 866-348-7884 number the call. I know I'm out of time for this are but I got one more hour and I am going to be talking with medical Dr. Scott J Cole baba about his book physicians untold stories, miraculous experiences, doctors are hesitant to share with their patients or anyone wow sowed stucco baba 26 of the physicians will talk to my friends I'm living in the midst miraculous with Jewish ministry right now I'm living in the midst miraculous with God opening the biggest doors ever in our lives hundred to one big and that is overhead to bring the gospel to the people of Israel to the Jewish people, especially living in the land of Israel and will encourage you to partner together with me the sacred work we need your help. This is a joint effort, to the extent we have more workers to the extent we can continue to get more materials on Hebrew on the Internet and other ways in written form print form video for the extent we can do that we can reach millions of people to I am in a significant portion of the Jewish population, we can reach with your help as we partner together join forces with us.

When you do when you become a monthly supporter torchbearer will send you a copy of the real culture.

Jesus in hardcover will send you a powerful DVD for my 63 series film live on location parts of America send you an audio CD of highlights from our life in Israel last week broadcast go to the line of join our team today. My bottom line.

Yes, with God all things are possible. The world around us is all messed up yet America is shaky, but God remains God.

He's a worker of miracles glorify him today.

Time for the line of fire with your host activist and author, international speaker and theologian Dr. Michael Brown your voice of moral cultural and spiritual revolution Michael Brown is the director of the coalition of conscience and president of fire school of ministry get into the line of fire now by calling 866-34-TRUTH.

That's 866-34-TRUTH here again is Dr. Michael Brown hits the exaggeration is not hype say all things possible with God. You might say of God's doing so many amazing things of God's doing so many amazing miracles.

Why aren't there more stories and testimonies older all around us throw around us. In a few minutes you could hear from a medical doctor who, together with 26 other doctors wrote a book on miraculous experiences that doctors are hesitant to share with their patients or anyone. The first hour I just spent glorify the Lord. Some personal stories pro-life of a call from the listener to some illustrations of the living God working in a living way, meaning that yes we talk about moral cultural issues here in this broadcast but our solutions are ultimately gospel based and to the extent we can have faith in the living God can have hope for change today and a better tomorrow.

You know what before I bring on Dr. Scott Cole baba me grab one quick testimony here we go to Fort Worth, Texas, Jessica, welcome to light a fire good afternoon Dr. Brown good afternoon.

I'm all ears back, and I just bought every year I made it.

Even among the work easier in the back neurotic Kevin identify high and does excellent cannot identify no longer feature I can now I Jessica let's let's focus on the bad. First, what kind of seizures did you have. I email it humility, communicated a ring and you like a genic injured brain lesion.

Click identify identifiable on MRI, but target with a mystery because they just chalk it at the track at which the medical community movement, public speaking, cognitively, and what will happen when you had the seizures and I don't remember Alex shake I would tremble.

I would not recall it dying. I thought the contract and background body aches and and how long did the last four would you understand afterwards. One would laugh and measure and it went on for about a year and my yikes I and that's obviously traumatic in them and the doctors can't figure out you just put you under more stress so so how did you get free.

What happened, it would approximate income limit to the honor, I began to enter the holy Scripture is that all of the condition of our heart like the parable of the error described as I began to overcome and be delivered by the washing of the water of the word and is renewing my mind and really renewing our Dr. Brown I finally began to line hearing, for in the word and tremble and yeah it's it's profound and it's simple just to how long ago was that I talked your kidnapping, here is your free 12 your seizure free yeah and listen as you're talking someone else is listening and say hey she got so free I could get set free and and doctors do amazing work, but many times doctors know that they can help in other times doctors can't figure out what's going on and sometimes that's all God at work to say look to me and I'll deliver and he knows how to deliver and he knows how to keep destiny for me. Dr. Brown, everyone all right. What a great way to set things up today as we are about to talk to a medical doctor.

The author of, or the compiler of the book physicians untold stories. Jessica I and my listeners together with Joyce Lord is good thank you call her plan by the Expo line of fire with your host Dr. Michael Brown your voice and more cultural and spiritual revolution. Here again is Dr. Michael Brown thanks for joining us today on the line of fire as we focus on God's miraculous power, God's power to change lives on God's power to change communities. I God's power to change nations the living God alive today. You might say if he really is God if he really is doing the impossible really is the same yesterday today and forever. Then then why don't doctors talk about this more.

What is the medical profession talk about this more wasn't just some preacher out there talk about the miraculous hey my focus today is to encourage you to build your faith to help you strengthen you and I can think of no better person to speak with right now. Then Scott Cole baba Medi-Cal Dr. practicing internist and skews me.

He interviewed 200 courageous physicians came forward with 26 of the most miraculous experiences of their careers. So the stories these 26 stories all from physicians now published in a book. Physicians untold stories and I was asked a few months ago that I want to get a copy of this book is a sure thing. I started reading it I thought there some incredible stories in here. Let's let's bring Dr. Cole baba on the air with us to encourage your heart, identical baba, thanks so much for joining us today. Thank you for calling the preacher hate up.

Let me ask you this just is a generalization, the miraculous the unexplained stories of divine intervention are they more common in the medical world and them we might think. I don't.

I think the common all over.

You know, for all of us. I think the doctors because of their position and because they are involved with life and death situation, sometimes involving patient probably have a little bit more experience like this just because I think God intervenes and is looking out for all of us to him and I think he acted through doctors. In many cases, perhaps more than others, but I think it's it's a phenomenon that that if you if you believe you look around everywhere. Miraculous things are happening all around us all the time and and obviously because doctors really slicing the situations because they know the way the body should respond in certain situations and should respond.

Medicine works and doesn't work in that sense, they would have an even closer view of things that would be unexplainable and that they might just have to say, hey, what can I say this is a miracle. So in that sense doctors could be eyewitnesses to the miraculous more than your average person. I think they are but you don't ask, don't talk about this because they're afraid of being criticized.

You know if your doctor. You probably have a doctorate. If you went to your doctor you thought I had a dream about you.

I dreamt that you were to have this particular problem, and I therefore I do this test and certification to be true. You'd like that but you think the stock little bit off metal all the doctors were afraid that people would criticize them if they came forward with the story. I was delighted when we had so many doctors that were willing to take a risk to come forward and tell these amazing story. Yeah, and this is so interesting that the concept of risk and that was looking at the seat in front of me with some background and I reread early you to read 200 courageous physicians takes courage to do it because someone could think they're flaky look. If I was just an average person going to a doctor and and you know the doctor said I had a dream about you and get a run for his test. How many people are going to say that's wonderful, Dr. around in the back with all my friends hearing their somewhat you know, but plenty of others like what you getting three year charge me for yet a dream, not a test that makes no sense. And yet you talk about people who were responsible people who are educated people who are good at what they do tell you what, let's let's give some specific examples get my guess that Scott Cole baba this KO L BA BA's book physicians untold stories do you have a story in the book about someone having a dream because of which they ran a certain test for sure, but I Dr. from doctorate starting from who is now a County coroner because he became allergic to the plastic from the operating room had a dream about Doug a good friend who is an appellate judge, and he dreamt that he saw him dead, and that it was a very vivid dream, it wasn't the kind of agreement you forget when you're the first few minutes you wake up in the morning you forget your dreams and you cannot go off today. This was a dream that was so vivid that he saw them in a coffin in the funeral home and it was so vivid that he had to call them up the next day. He said rich like his. He told Dr. Jorgenson told the individual that he needed to get a physical because he was concerned because he thought he said he saw death while his friend, the judge laughed about that that you know that's kind of funny but I have never physical for about three did get a physical physical is perfectly normal. He did all the good doctor that all test EKG chest x-ray laboratory.

Everything was fine. And so the judge went dark. Dr. Jorgenson said this might have a physical I'm happy with me. Now I'm fine the guy told me that my doctor told me that I'm finally don't need have anything else done.

Dr. Jorgenson still have no such feeling about this dream so vivid instead. I don't I don't accept that you need to see my cardiologist because this was such a vivid dream, so he was going out on the limb know to to tell him to do more than them. His own doctor told told the judge to do so he went for cardiologist to have an ultrafast CardScan which was terrible stress test followed which was awful was a bit of the hospital right away. They did an angiogram.

Yet what's called a widow maker, plus several other major coronary lesion. It was so bad that they did the bypass surgery the next day they were afraid if they waited another day could die from from his from the disease. He lived many years after that perfectly healthy and he thanked Dr. Jorgenson and this is the creator for intervening in his life and in literally saving his life with a dream that's that's extreme and that's in the book is in the book you physicians untold stories just want to reiterate that for four listeners.

So how do you and we tell a bunch of stories and encourage folks to get the book and read it be encourage BP edify how you integrate faith in science, in your own life. Are they of the two contradictory concepts, powers, forces, or do they seamlessly integrate in your own life, you know, I think for me I think they integrate because you know there are there are strange things that happened all of us and them. My my partner for example, has this little voice we talked about this, not a literal voice with the feeling that he got in he was doing a physical and an individual for preoperative exam for a total joint surgery and after he saw the person later on the day he got the feeling that he he needed to do a stress test again. He did justice a feeling they could get out of his head and so he said he said to me when I get that feeling. I'd I don't ignore it because I know that there's there's something that's trying to help me with my practice and and helping to guide me and he did but he did the stress test began. This individual had attempted coronary disease ended up in the bypass before his total joint surgery.

So I think many doctors actually do listen to these little whatever they are, premonitions, or little hints from above. Whatever you call them and and actually use them in their practice. So I think doctors do integrate religion or spirituality with with their their medical practice and I think it is very compatible. You know that what it was about the atmosphere, saying the medical school or the scientific community is is there often kind of an anti-God mentality is if it's anti-scientific, to believe in God you encounter that over the rest of your training and that's one of things that drove me to write this book because I see the world becoming more and more secular and I I've had some some some strange experiences myself and it helped me and guided me in taking care of patients and I think know many doctors start of the company for some unknown reason with some of these bizarre neck incredible stories and I want to get this out, but people know there is something else out there that that it's not just science. There is there is there is a there's a force out there that the creator I don't care what they call it, but I call God and and they can call it what they like but there's something that that that helps us and and that's beyond science and and the doctors that wrote that they came up with the stories had experiences that you can explain scientifically at all this so that the scientific conclusion should be supernatural interventions. Yes, that if you want to be scientific and rational that we look at all the evidence and the evidence points you to the supernatural or point shoot specifically to God, then rational scientific inquiry should follow that.

Instead, we often think of rational scientific inquiry is synonymous with unbelief, but it ought not to be. I got to be you follow the evidence wherever it leads. And if it leads to the only logical answer here is supernatural intervention from an intelligent, caring, being that's the way that you have to go all right. We come back to ask to hear another story from the book physicians untold stories by compiled by Scott Jake. Obama may be a favorite one in his own life if if you if you have something miraculous that's happened in your life may be divine intervention in the midst of something incurable. Just call eight 664-8780 the line of fire with your host Dr. Michael Brown get into the line of fire now by calling 866-34-TRUTH here again is Dr. Michael Brown thanks friends for joining us on a farm speaking with Dr. Scott Cole, baba. He is the compiler of the new book physicians untold stories and it is miraculous experiences. Doctors are hesitant to share with their patients or anyone identical baba II know that every story in this book is precious to you but was there one in particular or couple that just right if they're so shocking they're so hard to believe that they raise eyebrows except you know you know the people involved.

You know the veracity of of their their practice, their character, their story wanted to. In particular, just go ahead. There are number stories and the doctor in the book there left the dock that I interviewed and and the ones that I selected were Dr. my new really really well. I know some of these docs were 30 or more years and know of their character and the one story I would tell you now is that about a dock that I should deliver two of our kids and so I've known him for for many many years. Dr. Jack Heisler and Jack tells a story about is his wife was delivering their fifth child, and it's a particularly moving story to me is one of my favorites and she was it when the when the wife of an obstetrician delivers the baby everyone for fluttering around to make sure that to all the right things and there were two obstetricians in the delivery room in the above three nurses them and Joan Heiser was delivering their fifth child, and that after the delivery. The Graham O'Hanlon who is the midwife who is Joan's grandmother walks into the room save Joan's life and with two obstetricians. There she was able to recognize the fate in favor life and they go back until little history of Graham O'Hanlon.

Grandma Emma lived in Ireland and during the that the time that she lived there that the brightest of the Catholics were fighting and the her real father was hiding priests and secret rooms in our house. He thought this was a dangerous situation for his little daughter. So he sent her to this country to grow up and she became a midwife and was a very spiritual individual should help, but the deliveries and if the pig patients could pay she would work for for free. No donated her time to all kinds of good causes and help the poor, and so forth.

But she became the spiritual leader of the family and when she got old she moved in with Jones mother and Joan would say that she got in trouble. She could always make it to Graham O'Hanlon's lap and she be safe so they were very bright good friends and and their love really was incredible bond and so when friend John was delivering the baby after the delivery should start the housing payment they were doing some of the procedures after the delivery, and so that time trial in which is the anesthetic that you gift by mask was the drug of choice, and so they were about ready to put the mask of Thailand put Joan into unconscious state and then Graham O'Hanlon walked in the room stands at the foot of the bed. She was dressed in a little white dress with a with a little blue polkadot sweater vest her hair up in a bun, and she shook her head that she didn't want Joan to take the trialing and so Joan pushed it away and she suffered some of the pain and them. No one knew that that Joan had eaten a large meal just before she went to labor and after she puts the trialing away. She vomited the entire meal. Now had she had the trialing on in the mask. She was aspirated and she could've died from aspiration of all of the that the meal that she vomited and so Graham O'Hanlon basically saved her life and John says that she made it back to Graham O'Hanlon's lap one more time. Their love transcending time and all eternity. Because Graham O'Hanlon had died 22 years before I saw it in your in your view, the circumstances here. It's not just coincidence. It's it's someone having a sense and there is no logical reason for right could even be counterintuitive if they go with it and they get this kind of result correct you this was an amazing experience that she had been Graham O'Hanlon lockup Roman gone so you can explain the scientifically business something she spent in an Dr. maybe maybe one example from your own life that stands out to you in terms of divine intervention but would you show your listeners you know I've got one is not in the book. My editor threw it out. It's one of my favorites on the put in my next book, and doing my I'm a I'm an only child. Okay, so I'm terribly spoiled and everyone knows that the only grandchild to our family is very close my mom and dad and I were very very close and you know I've I've lost other people as a doctor, you know, you lose patience. So, here and there because they get old and they have cancers or whatever and so I'm used to that. But but when your mother dies.

That's a whole different thing and that of every took took me is pretty hard thing to lose my mother and so you know you wonder will ever see her again. You know, can she participate in our lives. And you know when one of our kids would have the whole homerun of the baseball game. For example you like to run to the phone pick up the phone, call your mother but she's not there anymore. Wonder if if she could still feel that that three-day report card of the homerun or whatever and we good to go on vacations a lot with my family. I love those and I remember a special vacation. We went on to Cape Cod with all of our family and we have seven kids. I'm not sure where they all came from Seven kids and they all came on vacation with us. This is a really special night we had a great day. We as a beautiful sunset.

The boys were cooking which we quickly doing vacation on and went on to the store and them. We bought some pies at the store bought five pies, which is about what we need for the crowd that we have and they were cherry pies and when we were buying the pies boys are talking about their favorite pies and I grant my mother used to make up rhubarb pie from a plant we have the backyard and it was delicious. And every time we go there after I've been married we'd speak into the kitchen with all the kids may grab spoons and we deal out of the pan back with the dishes we just know golf at the pilot would finish it off and was really incredibly sweet and delicious rhubarb pie are talking about that this perfect night that that we have this on vacation Cape Cod with good enough grandma was was here she would she would bake us up rhubarb pie. So we got done with our dinner and it was just one of those incredible evenings that you never forget because all the kids were happier was talking with dutiful day my wife served as the cherry pie. I took a bite.

I got goosebumps up and down my back because it wasn't cherry pie was rhubarb pie.

I looked at the box and I could was clearly marked cherry pie you could is a logical explanation that the cherry pie know that the factory may have been put into rhubarb pie. David put the jury box, but my interpretation is that she was there that my that she was she was without special special visit that you want us to know that she was there enjoying that the family the family about that's that's definitely a different one and one of the office of personal significance, a adductor new. You gotta go and see your patience again. But thanks for sharing that. Thanks for putting the book together in the God be glorified through it. I appreciated Brown appreciated all right, friends, 8663 freight 7884 is the number to call in there there's a story that I read from physicians and told stories that I want to share with you is edified by the service. It's the line of fire with your host activist, author, international speaker and theologian Dr. Michael Brown voice of more cultural and spiritual revolution get into the line of fire now by calling 6643 here again is Dr. Michael Brown. I have a question for you today. Luke's gospel first chapter. Angel Gabriel comes to Miriam was married in this world. Miriam Huber name comes to Miriam virgin young woman probably had teenager at that point tells her she did give birth to the son of God. What what a serious kidding me she's not heard the story before catches are completely off guard.

She believes she does believe the angel Kozan to tell her that her older cousin Elizabeth was too old to have children. She's gonna give birth to the forerunner of the Messiah, the forerunner of the son of God. I will question why does God do things in such impossible ways. Okay virgin Miriam Virgin Mary understand the issue by having an earthly father not tainted with human sin. In that respect and ending son of God's will the Son of Man be. I understand that, but why was John the Mercer born from one who strolled have kids, what, why, why not just a normal birth. Why make it so difficult why this Abraham not have a child with Sarah until they're both too old to have kids. He hundred sheet 90 why why is because God delights in doing impossible things God delights in working through unlikely vessels, God delights in doing things that demonstrate nothing is impossible with God.

And I want to encourage you today. In the midst of all the shaking we experience in America, there is never a moment of total, in our nation in the midst of all the chaos worldwide and in the midst of all the problems you might be facing.

Personally, could be bankruptcy it could be a death sentence you just been given from a disease. It could be a fractured family could be a kid on drugs.

It could be any manner of things I want to encourage you.

The God we worship is a living God, the God we worship is not just a distant God, but he is a God who is near the God that we worship truly has all power the God that we worship does impossible things that the God that we worship truly loves and cares about us the full put our trust in him. We can just push a button and just have a happy life without conflict in this world. Jesus said, you will have tribulation is always good. Every difficulty we face.

There will be problems. There will be challenges, but in all of them and through all of them. We can overcome in God's grace is more than sufficient and cry out to him. We will see him do impossible things.

That's want to share with you today. That's right one. Encourage your heart, and when encourage you to give me a call still can have some time for some calls only tell you some of the stories but I have time for some calls. If you are the direct recipient of America. So the doctor said was incurable be a physical healing be at a breakthrough in personal life. Deliverance from some life controlling think you are an eyewitness to the power of God, give me a call 866-348-7884. This 866-34-TRUTH that is the number to call and don't want to share this story yeah I got them in my hands a book by Scott Cole baba physicians untold stories and there is a really interesting one right is the beginning of the book here is this it now is not the one different one to find it and share it with you until your personal story from all the lies from early in the marriage of Nancy and I the marriage of Nancy and I was missing me with. Either way, the early years of our marriage. Amazing stroller share with you. Encourage your hearts today on encourages and encourages and encourage hope that's all right then a lot of fire right that the line of fire with your host Dr. Michael Brown voice of more cultural and spiritual revolution. Here again is Dr. Michael Brown and II haven't shared the story in a long time and I wanted those of you who listen regularly you expect me to comment on the latest things happening with the trump administration or latest issue with WikiLeaks and CIA or Planned Parenthood and abortion, or the latest battle in Texas over transgender bathrooms or what not to boycott Disney over the exclusively gay moment that's being promoted beauty and the beast, or where Israel stands in terms of security and the world or host of other things, recover regularly old no shortage of topics to talk about in there all worthy of discussion things we have talked about and plan to repeal Obama care.

The Republicans have anything better than that I haven't and more issues about immigration and refugees and so on. Really talk about those things will continue to affect you can read my latest article good a lot of line of and read by latest articles. Franklin Graham right to call for a Disney boycott.

It's a number of different sites and getting a lot of attention, but you can read Yet those are important issues, but it's important that is. Everything we are people of faith in everything we are people who believe God and everything were people who walk with God, and know him and have a relationship with him.

Jesus says in John 10 my sheep you're my voice. Nowhere does it say only through the Bible nowhere does it say that and the same Holy Spirit that led people in biblical times is the same Holy Spirit who lives in us. Today it as as as believers, as followers of the Lord and the same God that work miracles, then, is the same God, working miracles today and there is testimony to them. In case after case after case after case around the world. Okay, so, so Nancy and I married March 14 of 1976, which means next week.

Yeah our 41st anniversary. We known each other since the age of 19 and that was two years before he got married and we been together ever since.

And what a wonderful, wonderful bride that I have can imagine life without Nancy Kemp getting begin to imagine it. Think of it, so were married, and 15 months into our marriage. Her first child is going to be born and in those days, the idea of having homebirth with a midwife was was almost unheard of. You don't do that you go to a hospital and that's just what you do and I remember Nancy saying hospitals are for sick people are not sick. One of the baby home is YOU'RE the one having the baby okay so we we went to these childbirth classes was called the Bradley method.

I believe husband coached childbirth which basics close is your wife suffers every foot to help the breeze. This this conflict. Labor is labor. Anyway, we went to those classes and she ran up a lot in all different things and they were trying to find a midwife and in those days it was really hard, lived on Long Island, but somebody knew somebody that could get us to a midwife and and is all done seekers. I'm telling you it was a secretive thing. We had a drive into Brooklyn and be interviewed by midwife. There who really softened were serious about this and why we wanted to do it and talk to Nancy get our perspective and then based on us passing that interview, we were given the name of a midwife on Long Island relived and we we met with this midwife and this great gal from Jamaica and just seem like a real competent and confident person in the one you want there for the birth your child, but because of legal situations and concerns, yet have a backup.

Dr. this this made perfect sense if there's any problem really had a backup doctor and you know the ambulance can take in this hospital.

This Dr. etc. and the issue was that if you're more than two weeks early or moving to Bexley after the hospital because they reckon the risk any any type of homebirth that can have complications so were coasting along in life. I'm finishing up college and we had fun this is to do that that my dad set aside so I can get through college and and then you just working part time while in college and Nancy worked is there working part time and and and then you're pregnant and and then stopped during the pregnancy and everything is good but once we had this whole arrangements about two weeks early. Two weeks late. Nesta started feel the pressure must first child and young people got married. She just turned 21 hours today 521 and you know all the pressures you feeling now as a young mother and pregnant the first time in everything going on in and she said to me you will have everything to work out yet. I just feel short she just looking to me to pray and know that everything will be okay and as we got closer, she said he is sure everything's going to be fine and to be able at the baby at home. I said yeah I will begin with the deadline, but I notably love the big baby houses like what you mean the end of the limited debuts QSII don't know much. I just noticed a beer right and she's very very strong that she is a strong relationship with God, but that vulnerable season carrying the baby she was looking to me especially to cover nests very natural special unit in a relationship husband wife that's that's part of the role the husband to be the one that's protecting in the midst of the pregnancy and having a baby in all of these things so as we get closer. I'm thinking okay I'm figuring this out. You know it's gonna be two weeks early throughout the tour, praying the prayer praying is okay goods true shooting incident going to labor two weeks early.

That's good. Okay everything good because I actually I'm finishing classes now and I have business. No extra classes I'm taking him to be finishing in the late late May and whatever words and so on. And okay, good.

So that's good so I'm gonna gonna finish.

That's it. That wisdom of God in and get to finish my finals and I had all these different language files is different tests and classes and take him to get to finish my finals and then good and then baby will be born enough to be born girl no ultrasounds at that point right okay and I get to the finals and every eye you know soon as I finish the test and run to the payphone I call home. Everything okay yeah okay good to know. Maybe she went to labor laws. Take the test and the slight problem loads now were getting past due date and I'm praying and see. She said to me we can meet the deadline. And I said I don't know but I know you have the baby at home. Everything 75 six Hezekiah BSI. I don't know I just I snow everything will be fine.

I just had this deep sense on the inside. Everything is gonna be fine. So what happens is what happens is when I getting closer and okay I think I need to fast and mumbling a fast break through and so on and and and II go fast and and I remember Francis didn't even make it to lunch. A started getting a headache as I don't have it once all the great man of God. You getting fast for lunch.action. So now we were getting. Now we get close to deadline and see the midwife, the whole bit nests for increasing pressure.

We do everything we know how to do you take a long ride on a bumpy road take long walks to drink this to clear out your system. She is doing everything no baby, no baby, no labor's we are friends come over and out. My friend, I would pray all their prey will not really cry out to God because it's the deadlines like the next day talking tired that so much for the praying all night we go and see the midwife and because everything looks fine. She gives us a few more days, but we have to see the doctor would have to see the doctor. So we have this appointment to see the doctor and that's saying it at this point without past two weeks without past two weeks and that's the rule.

If it's best to reschedule the hospital but because things looked all right gives us a few more days after everything to clear up the system everything to go to labor everything that I have a baby.

Nothing happened. She want to get a shot to induce labor because he got in the hospital the whole bit someone to do it naturally and so we fungus to Dr. and I'm still praying evidences for the praying all night the Fred nothing nothing nothing no breakthrough. I can't pray I can't pray effectively. I just have this sense, everything is gonna be file you have the baby at home so so we go see the doctor and the doctor goes the whole examinee. Okay this is what we just get almost 3 weeks late. He said although he said you're not labor by suicide this Wednesday would have you not labor Friday. That's this it you gotta come in and Bremen could be shot to induce labor.

And then she said was, I can immediately get a mean extra this annexed or that medic you know so is everything is gonna be unnatural and for Nancy. This is very important to do naturally.

And I remember so that get that next night the pray and I remember I said to her will to meet the deadline.

I know it for the first time he fed the always of that for the first time. I know it were going to meet the deadline. I know it and that night I go to pray because now we got this is the next day and this is it. She's not labor sky going have induced again for her.

It was a big thing and I remember his midnight to start praying and I'm going to the Lord, and of seeking his face and on Mondays and and I go to Luke 11 Error on the line of fire with your host Dr. Michael Brown. Your voice is more cultural and spiritual revolution. Here again is Dr. Michael Brown. Here's the situation the night of June 9, 1977. If Nancy is not in labor by the morning. We have to go to the hospital and she has to have her labor induced, and any hope of natural childbirth is over with and again it for her is very important for many labor induced fit C-section. She had drugs to help during pregnancy and your birth the baby is glorious and wonderful. So it is no it just for her for Nancy was important to do naturally and is no reflection or anybody else whatsoever. This would be totally clear on it so I told her I know I know I finally have the assurance really meet the deadline and this is the one deadline that was the real deadline. The others were artificial. That's why never had insurance. I got my knees to pray to member. The neighbor's downstairs or play music is, allowed his midnight set a bad attitude towards authoritative forgiving African from heart and I'm reading through Luke 11 also mentions that everything in Jesus is giving promises for Prather it in and after giving a pattern of prayer and in answer to the disciples requesting he says he encourages us to ask, seek and knock everyone who asks receives.

He who seeks finds minoxidil's openings is what managers you what man among their and this is Matthew seven. Luke 11 power passages.

This is what what man is there among your face and asked for bread, will give him a stone fiesta for fish give him a snake instead. If you being evil. How to give good things to children is Matthew seven know how to give the Holy Spirit excuse me if you being evil.

How to give good things to children Matthew seven how much more of the heavenly father give you things to those who asked Luke 11.

Give the Holy Spirit to those who ask and encourages us to Tanakh boldly even like waking up her friend at midnight. If you have any and I was supernaturally full of faith. I was supernaturally full of faith and I was ready to stand my knees and pray all night and I knew that region of the breakthrough and this would be labor by the morning. I knew it I knew it I knew it I was absolutely sure all these weeks leading up to it. No assurance of tongue all these weeks just this assurance we have the baby at home. No assurance we meet the deadline, and finally the final deadline for skinny 21 days late and that that's when I knew that I knew the regatta meet that deadline, and the babies can be born at home and I'm on my knees praying everything God it was just it was so clear. It was so clear what can I say it was so clear. It was as if God himself was telling me unpromising you Michael and Mike, I'm telling you this is a truth telling you is as if it was just face-to-face clear through the work and and I resent God you knew that on this particular night I would be on my knees praying and you knew that I would believe you that what you wrote was true, and if you didn't mean this. Then you'd be a deceiver if you actually didn't mean what you said here then you'd be a deceiver and an end that deception would would reflect that you do when we tell the truth as you said something that you knew I would take at face value and believe, according to what you had written and you knew I believe you and if you didn't mean it to be. The scene is not and I was in the midst of this prayer of just knowing that I knew that I knew the promises were true and that that was an answer.

The guy was sending and that she was going to labor now and she comes walking on bedroom and she wants me know what's up with going off. The word broken in and that she was since the beginning of labor and she had just waited a little while to tell me to be absent insurable meet will be compared on the clock when she news is two minutes until I started pray.

I was ready to be praying through the whole, but it was two minutes interested. Pray oh she had a challenging labor almost 24 hours in difficult labor and yeah it was labor and or for storage and wonderfully born and and and June 10, 1977 but I share that with you just because of this reality. First, God's timing.

God's timing is not what our timing often is right that someone God's timing is often different than our timing and we need to trust him explicitly. That's number one number two is that he is faithful to keep his word. He is a God who makes promises and he keeps his promises. He's not a God of idle talk. He's not a God who speaks in empty ways. Yes I believe in reading promises in context, yes I believe in rightly interpreting the word no I don't believe we have a God.

This just at our service at the push of a button like like some genie coming out of the lamp.

The lease is the transcendent Almighty all-powerful God whom we serve, whether he ever did anything for us or not, but the fact is, he's good. The fact this is a loving father. The fact is, the stories in the Bible and not just there as stories and I could see time after time after time in my life were specific reading from God was life-changing were clear word from the Lord was life-changing were God's power to heal reset free was life-changing, not just what I heard about taking place somewhere else when it was seen with finalize and witness with my own eyes and years ago when I was reading some literature by 80s I was going to share one more story of this book of physicians untold stories but but actually won't be won't be getting to it. But, but I I out. I remember it was reading some atheist literature.

Some years back and that in the days where Richard Dawkins and Christopher Hitchens and Sam Harrison and and others had had it a bit more attention than today. So was trying to understand your arguments and read more of the literature and I just started to Journal and or or make notes in one file about miraculous things I witnessed firsthand divine intervention things that had no rational explanation.

Look, it's it's one thing it's one thing if you were terribly ill and and then you woke up one morning completely fine. It's another thing if you were terribly ill. If you went to doctors and the doctor said we are so sorry there's nothing we can do for you and the Lord tells you on such and such a day you wake up, totally healed in five different doctors will examine you and say it's a miracle and that's what happens this. It gets your attention to get your attention and I started to Journal things, be they prophetic words be the healing be they divine leadings interventions. NS Estrada asked if I wish, I wish I'd written them all down over the years, consider many just forget over the course an elephant with over 45 years following the war, but the more I wrote them down the Morris Adele I I would have to deny reality. To deny divine intervention I would have to deny reality. To deny God's ongoing hand, I would have to deny reality.

I would have to be irrational. I would have to shut my mind to evidence say I have not seen the leading of God, the goodness of God. The intervention of God, not just I was feeling gloomy and then the sun rose in the morning.

No, not that that not I needed some encouragement and then open the Bible and I found a good verse. No, I mean something far more were specifically you say hey that was the hand of God. Put your trust in him and put your trust in them not just for yourself.

Go to God for our nation. We can have a great awakening America's best days can be had your own best days to be ahead as you put your trust in the living God friends we have thousands of hours of resources for your website go to the line of fire.

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