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Updates on Congress, Healthcare, and the Supreme Court, and Some Important Perspectives from a Christian Millennial

The Line of Fire / Dr. Michael Brown
The Truth Network Radio
March 21, 2017 4:40 pm

Updates on Congress, Healthcare, and the Supreme Court, and Some Important Perspectives from a Christian Millennial

The Line of Fire / Dr. Michael Brown

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Yeah let's talk some more about abortion. Pro-life what God is doing what we must stand up for stage for the line of fire with your host activist, author, international speaker and theologian Dr. Michael Brown your voice of moral cultural and spiritual revolution Michael Brown is the director of the coalition of conscience and president of fire school of ministry get into the line of fire valves like always 866-34-TRUTH that's 866-34-TRUTH your Jim is Dr. Michael Brown, isn't it ironic is had an interview yesterday a jarring interview with co-author of a book about Kermit Gosnell, referred to as the worst serial killer in our land a man who not only killed babies at all all stages of development in the womb.

But even kill them outside of the womb is an ironic that as we talk about those things I get an email from someone with an update about a baby miracle someone who could and can see was able to want to share that with you in a moment but will want to hear some voices today. Some African-American voices because abortion many ways this unique attack on black America. What's an attack on all the important it's an attack on the child in the womb. It's an attack on the mother. It's an attack on the father. It's an attack on society as a whole is an attack on life, but it is especially high in the African-American community and many would argue that by design of Margaret Sanger in the early founders of Planned Parenthood, who lifted certain people, groups, or the poor were immigrants or others as is somehow less worthy of continuing on in the human race will talk about those things today, but with hope and life. This is Michael Brown you're listening to the line of fire if you'd like to weigh in if if you are a woman who had an abortion, maybe you know the Lord. They been walking with the Lord but want to share a warning to others. It is the young woman listening maybe just a teenager just accidentally turned on the radio today. If you got a word for maybe you are you are you fathered a child and encourage the mother to have an abortion and you'd like to weigh in as well if you think you can argue for quote a woman's right to choose my phone lines are open 866-34-TRUTH 7884. You know what struck me when this really struck me in this conversation especially important the day when Justice Neil Gore.

Such is in hearings again in terms of his confirmation as next Supreme Court justice and obviously the big big big big big issue before everyone. The biggest issue. The issue of life issue of abortion. And with that, the issue of religious liberty is the great questions in terms of Which Way, Justice Gorsuch would rule. But the very reason he was nominated by Pres. Trump was because of his strong values that would be constitutionally based. That would be in the footsteps hopefully of Antonin Scalia would be someone who would be a strong pro-life justice, but it is it is important that we have these discussions, we do it redemptive length and without fail, when we brought these issues up on the year and women have called who had abortions, I mean some women who had abortions 30 or 40 years ago when they begin to talk about Christian women who know their sense of been forgiven and who know the will of God. Many of them break down crying.

Many of them still feel the pain still feel the loss so I want to say to each woman listening. That's contemplating abortion, there really is another human being inside of you as a mother home. Only you can carry a baby I cannot a man I don't I don't I don't have the ability to conceive that I have the ability to carry a child and have the ability to nurse a child of God, made uniquely with that gift of life, and if somehow you can't see it through that you're terrified of what would happen if if you have this baby. You don't think you can care for the baby or whatever the implications are it was the result of a rape or some abuse and sex life. You didn't want to have that that that's a human life with incredible potential side effect made image of God can have a bright future. If you want that baby others that do this pro-life pregnancy center somewhere in your state or city call them.

They can give you hope will be right back.

The line of fire with your host Dr. Michael Brown voice of moral cultural and spiritual revolution. Here again is Dr. Michael Brown had processed the referred to as that the children would be born alive and that they would then take scissors and place them at the base of the skull and slip or sever the spinal cord. Of those children that were born alive. This is some of the testimony against Kermit Gosnell in jail for multiple murder charges and justifying what he has done emphatically in a plane extended clip before you can watch the entire video. I strongly encourage you to do that. Our digital library asked Dr. Brown's or Gaius Katie or just in the search engine typing Gosnell G OS and EL all you want to watch this video. I reposted it last night. I thought we we need to do it after the interview that I did with Ann McElhinney, one of the authors of the Gosnell book yesterday. It's a video you want to watch again asked Dr. just resist search Google search window there.

Click on digital library, then search typing Gosnell G OS and EL L and you read about the Bible and Kermit Gosnell plane extended clip for you within the next 20 minutes sold and it'll be taken from our video where he he talks about feeling justified in what he did after reading the Bible. 866-34-TRUTH 87884. Here are some African-American leaders Johnny clip number two. Some African-American leaders who are standing up or who stood up against Kermit Gosnell took them to. I hope that they'll be some folks in Congress like Thaddeus Stevens and Charles Sumner wove 100 years ago looked at slavery and said we're better than this and so they thought until slavery was bent was hope that they some brave women walking in the cottages of Congress and in their communities like Harry just note there are some people who are better than Gosnell. America is a better than Gosnell. Yes sir and amen to those words and may it be so many courageous pro-life leaders be raised up to help turn the tide. So I just looking at some of this interaction on Fox news, Neil Gore, such interacting with Diane Feinstein about Roe V Wade and this is so this is what he has to say quote he's talking to Chuck Sen. Chuck Grassley about it.

Roe V Wade decided in 1973 as a president of the United States Supreme Court is been reaffirmed in all the other factors that go into analyzing precedent have to be considered a good judge will consider it as president of the United States Supreme Court worthy as treatment of precedent like any other Sen. Feinstein first Democrat to question and then immediately followed up and and cited the importance of the issue since she said Pres. Trump quote said he would appoint someone who would overturn Roe corsets told her once a case is settled that adds to the determinists he of the law.

What was once a hotly contested issue is no longer a hotly contested issue be moved forward out. I suppose he's saying from a legal basis. This was hotly contested. It's not hotly contested, but he certainly knows on a national basis and state basis for his state seeking to outlaw abortion or or pass personhood acts or beating heart.

Ask for things like that. He knows this is a live issue among voters know some of the voters like me voted for Donald Trump. One main reason being Supreme Court appointees. He certainly knows all of that as I was speaking in measured terms as well, but the dollar continued.

She asked him if he considered ropey way quote super precedent and a decision.

It cannot be a return. He said it has been reaffirmed many times I can say that she quickly at yes dozens but as report notes. He was careful in his first several answers today not to tip his hand and how he would side any potential issue to come before the Supreme Court quote I've offered no promises on how I rule. In any case to anyone, and I don't think it's appropriate for a judge to do so and what what what would you expect him to say now I imagine if this was a liberal justice coming forward, they would have no problem saying how they would rule on some of these cases in the liberal way and that would somehow be acceptable. Like I could be wrong.

I have not followed all of the Supreme Court hearings in enough detail or or or reviewed them to say how they responded that my memory is that the more conservative the less you can tip your hat about which way or tip your hand about which way you're going.

The more liberal the more readily you can if I'm wrong on that.

Feel free to correct me 86634 should, but this issue now that we are focused on the issue of abortion. The issue of can we turn the tide. I did a poll on Twitter yesterday and I asked my Twitter followers to believe Roe V Wade will be overturned in the next 10 to 15 years. Yes no were unsure yes 35% no. 41%. Unsure 24%.

I can guarantee you if Hillary Clinton had been our president, then the nose with a bit off the charts and the yeses with a been very few because we know she would appoint do her best to get nominated and and appointed a liberal justice and as many as she could. During her presidency. That's what she would do just as we expect Trump to do the opposite. So there is in that sense, that window of opportunity.

But then, even with Gore such I'm not sure where he would stand inch in terms of issue 70 with homosexuality based on the church he attends another quotes that I've read the New York Times seem to indicate that he would be pro-LGBT activists than one conservative leader said why with the New York Times announced that New York Times doesn't want them in your times is not a fan of corsets, so they try to make him look bad to the conservatives will get behind was a fair question to ask, but where he would go. I don't know what ultimately my trust is not in a manner my trust is not the Supreme Court and listen. The Supreme Court could overturn Roe V Wade, but unless we have more of a culture of life and reverence for life and respect for life, in recognition of this, the humanity of the baby in the womb, and more respect for the sexual act suit so that it is more something that is associated with marriage and family than just recreation and fun and pleasure, unless we have a larger change in the mentality in our culture, we will not be a pro-life, profamily culture, and that's bigger that's more important than Supreme Court. Yes, it matters, but what is bigger. What matters more is a change of the hearts of the people in a generation old. Let's just see here. Clip number five.

This is from documentary 3801 Lancaster that was the address of Gosnell's abortion mill American tragedy and will you hear more from this when we play the extend Qu�bec. What will plan on doing it in the next segment will play this extended clip for you but here's Kermit Gosnell quoting the Bible. I really like never through regular reading of the Bible covering part.

I really will go and I remember the breath of life beginning on one God really marveled very clear that later is irrelevant to quote Genesis 2 about the creation of Adam because there was no womb in which he was living.

He's created out of the dust so he does not exist as human being until God breathes into him. God is breathed into that baby in the womb that only so Gosnell killed babies that could survive out of the room and he killed babies outside of the womb, and where did he dispose of the bodies it's to glory, even to talk about. We talked about yesterday more than enough so he said II Art Deco. I can't believe the court or even hear it a little bit further context. We come back in a plane extended clip for each six minutes and change but I want you to get the video for yourself right through website to the line of and we with this little search window there just typing Gosnell GLS any yellow and you want the video you want to watch a video about Gosnell and the Bible right.

It's a house of horrors.

It's it is powerful. It is descriptive, we quote from him. I'll be sharing as well as written a play that for you in its entirety.

When we come back so that you can see some of the depravity here and then recognize that this is part of the larger culture of abortion, which is why the media barely reported on this back in the news big time because of the best-selling book on Kermit Gosnell and Alan Robertson from Duck Dynasty said he was embarrassed by how little he knew about it because the media did express best to suppress this you think the liberal media should a shot at this one for the rooftops of civil disguise bad.

We all agree but it's it's an aberration is not what really happens in abortion clinics. The problem is the problem is this is part of a larger culture that will be right back here on the line of fire with your host Dr. Michael Brown. Your voice is more cultural and spiritual revolution. Here again is Dr. Michael Brown to share is that I provide this in care of my daughter to receive Gosnell speaking.

According to reports when the DEA and FBI raid at Dr. Garza's abortion clinic in early 2010, they discovered blood on the floors, sterilized equipment, 47 baby stored in freezer. Gosnell's medical license was immediately suspended.

Evidence was gathered, which eventually did to the death penalty now Taking Pl. in Philadelphia. Death Penalty Trial Take Pl. in Philadelphia course sets with three life sentences but a few days after the rate which and his crew.

Gosnell reached out to local news station against the advice of his attorney offered to do an interview and said oh yeah Sherman.

This is just provide the care the way I would for my own daughter alright so here's where you go right.

Here's Rego go to start Click on digital library and typing. Gosnell and what you will see that is slide down you see the Bible and Gosnell's house of hard as you are about to hear it. Now in its entirety.

Johnny, go ahead and play one of the most horrific stories in recent years was the revelation of Dr. Kermit Gosnell's house of horrors his crimes against the unborn and the newly born were so severe that he is now in prison for his crimes to the shame of the secular media. They primarily ignore this story completely. The volatile child, the accusations of his attorney, that this is a target is elitist and racist prosecution of a doctor who's done nothing but give back to the poor and the people of West Philadelphia media secular media almost completely overlook this in particular the liberal media. But now he's in jail you want to talk about a lesson in self-deception. He's in jail. His son comes to him did you really do these terrible things he reads through the Bible and after reading through the Bible. He now finds comfort for his actions. Listen to what he had to say on air are now what I don't want to live. I really have a lot of reading that I back on solid ground and Mark bought and I really like never reading of the Bible covering part. I really will go and I remember the breath of life beginning of 1932 marveled very clear that life. I earn.

There are many who believe that there are many terrible pertinent people are coming due year is usually real shocking thing not just talking about your average abortion doctrine the atrocities they are guilty of against children in the womb, but were talking about someone who who allegedly joked as he snapped the spinal cords of babies who who killed babies. Once they were out of the womb. Once they had breath once they were really frail. He just said about life starts with bread. They were breathing. We were talking about accounts of quote infant beheadings and severed babies feet, then this is horrific. And yet he reads the Bible and finds comfort put aside the complete misinterpretation of Scripture for minute. Let's think about the self-deception. It reminds me of the Nazis have a lot of Holocaust literature and the Nazi's treatment of their prisoners of Jewish men, women and children. Others utterly barbaric ardently in human I don't understand how a human being, a feeling human being could do what they did to children and babies. I mean you're talking about having people dig a pit they did this giant pit that you have stripped down and then you shoot that that they they they set the pit on fire and then you shoot them in the people fall into the burning flames. Here's little baby here's here's a one-year-old child. Why waste a bullet just throw the baby in the flames then Nazis did that and that's one of many atrocious horrific things they did, but then the same Nazis would go home and play with their children all baby has a boo-boo come to daddy and give him a tender hug and the wife was discouraged that the husband put the arm around her and encourage her because they were caring human beings and they were murderers.

The extraordinary nature of self-deception.

Some of them go to church and sing the hams and read the Bible and find justification for what they were doing. Dr. Kermit Gosnell shame on you Sir for using God's word to justify your crimes against his creation. As for Adam and Eve. They were never in the home. They were created by God. So they came alive when he breathed into it and it was just breath it was his animation as well as his life going into them, but Sir according to court records. You killed babies that were alive as well. They were breathing in the Bible makes clear that when God creates us now he starts in the morning read Psalm 139 Sir over and over and over until it dawns on you that that God carefully form those limbs that you tore up in the spinal cords that you you severed in those heads that you lopped off God carefully form that human being that you slaughtered in the womb. You did it for pay. Take that to heart.

Sir Jeremiah chapter 1 God says to the prophet before I formed you in the womb. That's the same word for form same Hebrew word for form that used in Genesis 2, when God formed man of the dust of the earth.

Now he forms man and woman in the womb. Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, and in reader Luke the first chapter John the Baptist, just as a baby in his mother's womb leaps why because he's already filled with the spirit and married Miriam the mother of Jesus comes into the room and she's pregnant with the Messiah. She's pregnant with the human being the Messiah and John in in in in his mother's womb sense is in jumps in his own Sir, your miss reading the Bible to justify your sin. Here's what you need to do along your prison cell, to the stark reality that you have been guilty of murder. Not once.

Many times, and then come to the amazing reality that Jesus died for those sins of sins of murder and then cry out for mercy.

Cry out for forgiveness. Jesus can forgive you, you can be locked in your prison cell free on the inside but deceive yourself no longer yield to Kermit Gosnell, 8663 for 87884 and well the horrors continue the blindness continues, but scales are lifting. Yes, the supreme court hearings are very very important very, very important, but for sure for sure the most important thing is changing individual hearts and lives the most important thing is changing the attitudes of human beings through the gospel through prayer with us put our energy into great awakening even more than we put our energy into political right. It's the line of fire with your host activist, author, international speaker and theologian Dr. Michael Brown voice of more cultural and spiritual revolution get into the line of fire now by calling 6643 here again is Dr. Michael Brown solicited again ultimate society is good change for the bottle brother from the top down, meaning the hearts and lives of people or change that will have a ripple effect upward to the government, but the government itself will not change the hearts and the minds of people, 8663 for 87884 here's a testimony to share with you as we talk about abortion as we talk about the Supreme Court hearings from Tricia.

I wrote your show a few years ago about my troubles to be able to have a child specialists after specialist informing that without I VF so in vitro fertilization I would most likely never have a child struggle with this and wrestled with my story, was discussed shortly on the air while I never had peace to go through IVF after grieving and pushing through the pain surrendered by womb to God not let me jump in on the man I I can't relate fully to what it would feel like to be a woman wants to have a baby and can you say but what about a man it's impotent. Amanda doesn't have the capacity to impregnate a woman, obviously as a father I can't relate to that either. But yet that would've been very painful as a man, and I would've felt like I was failing my wife and ensure there there be pain associated with that that would be unique and I would sit I would say there is unique pain associated with being a woman that cannot have a child and an because she's also going to carry that child and and and have a certain identity with bearing that child the pain. I think of even more acute. But either way acute for the mother or the father that's unable to reproduce so she said after grieving and pushing through the Panama surrendered by womb to God. I thank him for my wonderful husband, family and job.

I was able to put the truth of God's goodness, despite any circumstance from my head into my heart moved on. So let's focus on that for minute she's saying that although she did not feel like she was experiencing God's goodness she knew intellectually it was true that regardless of what's happening in her life. He remains good and that intellectual truth that that absolute reality permeated her mind, her heart, her emotions as well so fast forward, she says.

My face grew and my trust was established on his goodness. Months later I was pregnant, cripple!

No IVF. My son is now one-year-old John Joseph.

He is dedicated to the Lord as long as he lives is dedicated to the Lord wanted to update your listeners and encourage anyone dealing with infertility go through the pain with God and watch his salvation is near. Obviously, if that's you you're listening and you saying him my husband and I pray about that right now. Do we go with some type of artificial insemination to go with IVF to what should we do all this is between you and God is a decision between the new goblet be encouraged by Trish that got open dream.

I know others have trusted God for children did not have children.

They've adopted children and they are they have raise those kids and that is their family and they been supernaturally blessed by being a mom and dad to those kids and we rejoice with you in that. What a blessing to those kids who were adopted, but many of you will say no God wants to give the kids he's going to do it. Others will think is no different than taking medicine. Same with IVF to give and take medicine. I pray for healing, but I take medicine hey again that's between you and God are other issues we won't get into here could be encouraged by Trish's testimony that she just surrendered her life to the lower right. If I can have kids, you know that the only way as is with outside help. I just don't feel right about that event that I trust God and worship him is good either way. This was the result she got John Joseph-year-old now she will share with your listeners. I thought today the appropriate data use of the breakup of your calls for the Expo line of fire with your host Dr. Michael Brown to the line of fire now by calling 866-34-TRUTH here again is Dr. Michael Brown ideology that is quote ready infected the bench. This was in the hearings yesterday, Franken referred to quote Roberts court just on Roberts aggressive think you soon.

Bench would further quote infected with this moment in our history and our nation's history calls was a nominee whose experience demonstrates an ability to set aside rigid views in favor of identifying common ground and crafting strong consensus opinions. The roots forget the Constitution forget the original intent of the Constitution and forget the clear values set forth by our founding fathers and instead just come up with things that we liberals can gather around that would be an acceptable consensus opinion. I imagine considered to Cruz yesterday reminded Congress not to want to you so you here and now. Chuck Schumer is not a one of you voted against Neil Gore's attorney was being confirmed for the federal bench earlier some years before, why in the world would you oppose him now, unless it is ideology driving you rather than qualifications. Even liberal Bar Association of forget the exact title they gave him the head of unqualified call for the well qualified a city's well-qualified despite having ideological differences with him. According to Michael Needham, CEO of Heritage action for America judge Neil Gore such as a nominee very much in the mold of the late Justice Antonin's glia Pres. Trump deserves credit for his campaign pledge, but knowing a nominating an individual who who will based on his record. Interpret the text of the Constitution rather than create unwritten rights supposedly hidden between the lines of Faith and Freedom coalition chairman Ralph Reed said Pres. Trump on 81% of the evangelical vote in no small measure because he made an ironclad pledge that if elected he would fill the vacancy in the US Supreme Court with a strict cost constructionist would rip respect the Constitution of the rule of law, not legislate from the bench so Trump did that to his credit, but even if justice course which became the ninth Justice to replace thou Antonin Scalia my trust is still not in the court. My hope would be that they would make some righteous decisions in major cases regarding religious and religious liberty going life running, family, marriage and other things like that but my trust would still not be in the Supreme Court for quite a few reasons, and where justice course which would add ultimate land on certain things. We still don't know we have expectation. We still don't know 8663 freight 7884.

Let's go to Germantown. We won't go to Germantown I was going to but we won't 866-34-TRUTH it was related but I get a move on John Agrippa number 10 at as we are talking about the heart of abortion. This this clip comes back to mind today it is one of the most extreme overstatements that I've heard from Christian leaders brothers in the Lord that the gentleman that you hear on this tapered Todd Friel, Phil Johnson talking these are men as far as I know who love the Lord care about Scripture care about truth, who care about God's people who hate deception, we would have much much much in common, but we have very strong differences on aspects of the charismatic movement, and I have been a critic of extremes in the movement for decades is one within the movement and and others would say will the whole movement is extreme. Obviously, I reject that is extreme position is and what's that got to do with abortion. Stay right there, hang there about to let you know as we go to clip number 10 Jesus culture. They are huge 15 minute worship songs, monotonous groaning and it's all about all common fellas, and fellas like the river flow and Phyllis were hungry for you. Does the evangelical church need to be doing anything to be addressing this issue, which is not fixable.

It's a bigger issue than even abortion because abortion slaughters, infants, and will deplore that and all that but these are false prophets who are ushering people into hell by God can't help my brothers for the perspective that deeply seriously erroneous perspective, claiming that the leaders in Jesus culture or false prophets who are ushering young people into hell ushering people into hell. Therefore, this type of worship and the services are worse than abortion is abortion you know is wrong with this you think is right and it's leading you to hell. God help them.

The position of course have sought interact with these brothers contracted some Phil Johnson. I once on the air. Other times by email Todd Friel and I a few times by phone again.

I recognize them as brothers.

I respect their love for the truth and their desire for the things of God and their desire to keep the body free from deception and I grieve when I believe they themselves are wrong in their positions. Hey, I believe that this charismatic worship that's often repetitious. I believe that I believe often the content of the songs is lacking these things that have been addressed for for many years. I also believe that sometimes a very simple song. A very simple expression simple lyric repeated before the Lord can often be of great value because it may take time just to calm your heart, mind, to meditate on the truth of which are singing to to concentrate on the one you're worshiping to to really ask him Lord I'm serious about this, really, really wants to change a lot.

I really want to glorify you length and and these things can often take time before the war and do I find it bad that young people by the thousands are singing songs like God I'm hungry for you but this, this is worse than this is worse than abortion. These are false prophets leading people help what we talk about my trouble by young people singing it. Let the river flow with it the life of the Holy Spirit flowing me or singing fill me fill me and it is the filming song may be to repetitious that you could make that claim by the other young people sing it. Sincerely, Lord.

You provide the fire will provide the sacrifice know not the sacrifice of the cross now will know that singing that. In other words, Paul says in Romans 12 offer your bodies as living sacrifices, what went when Abraham was going to sacrifice Isaac and he said God will provide the the sacrifice you that. Pointing to the cross. Ultimately, in terms of its spiritual meaning in their God provided a RAM instead of Isaac in Genesis 22 but here young people say Lord you you you set my life I find here's my life, Lord, you have that alter their hunger lay my life on that altar.

Fill me with a sink. Fill me with the newest iPhone fill me with the best wireless headset. Fill me with the newest car fill me with the latest soap opera the sole purpose of what I know those infill below with your presence filming with your goodness. Fill me with your love. I think some of our worship to be to repetitious. I also see a lot of repetitious in the Psalms we recited truth in NC could tell what all the longhouse urges the longest of his mercy endures forever Lord is good for his mercy endures forever, and the truth in it that's repeated use of let's all respond to truth right well this is also responding to truth, but but to sit to brand it is worse then of portion of why there's deception I say it with pain. I don't say it to bash and again thinking of the subject.

This clip comes up to say boil boy just where we should be fanning those funds just where we should be reaching out to those young people.

Second argument talk more about young people's a good transition.

Just as we should be encouraging their passion and in seeking to ground them in more truth and ground them in greater understanding of Scripture and greater understanding of what it means to be a disciple and and helping them live these things out and said instead that the whole form of worship is being attacked.

Instead, the whole mindset is being attacked. Instead, leaders recall false prophets, leading people to hell. That is, with grievous and look there at charismatic practices. I differ with their non-charismatic practices. I differ with. I find it to be an abuse where were someone is loud and obnoxious just to hear their own voice and I think that's being spiritual and I considered abuse. When people sit there like how you want like wooden Indians.

Yeah the old man's have your thing that the same Christians that shout like Comanche Indians or other Indians from from our history on the weekend.

You know the warcry and the chat that was associated in our culture with Native Americans and when it comes to church service this it like wooden Indians.

I find that an abuse I find it abuse when people want to get in and out of the service in the shortest possible. At times and get on with their day is of worship of God doesn't demand some of their time or hearing a solid exposition of Scripture doesn't demand some other time.

I find that an abuse I finally abuse of some is out of order. Charismatic service of fun dismissive and falls asleep in the pew in a noncharismatic fund, both, so there we will file the line of fire with your host Dr. Michael Brown get into the minor fire now by calling 866-34-TRUTH here again is Dr. Michael Brown NFL owners don't want to pick him up because they don't want to get the weight from I just saw that I said I remember that when I get a report that the people of Kentucky as they like it when people actually stand for the American flag right Donald Trump talking about Colin Renick, the San Francisco quarterback who is now looking for a team on which you can play that number one. He is not perform well the last couple of years.

That's the biggest issue. Another issue is he has a lot of political baggage associated with them. And now he's saying hey whatever team he goes to. He will stand before the national anthem.

Hey listen, you reap what you sow. I take certain stands on certain issues.

People may respond to be a certain way a publisher may not want to work with me.

Radio station may want to drop me TV network may not want to have me on for an interview.

But if I feel it's unjust.

If I can't be misrepresented in the cause of justice, personal vindication, I may address the issue. If there is an equity in the system but hate for him to stand on certain issues on the Jewish follower of Jesus as a Jewish follower of Jesus on the be rejected by different parts of the Jewish community. What's less life fungicide can be rejected if you stand for certain things and be rejected by other parts the site it's that's just given so calling Renick in saying that he wouldn't stand for the. The national anthem is he wants to draw attention to what he felt was injustice against black Americans and and and mistreatment by the police and things like that. Well, he did it on the one hand is jersey sales went off the charts.

On the other hand, teams got cold feet towards him.

He say what he did a good thing because it got discussion going on. Sit there better ways to get discussion going without dishonoring veterans. Those who sacrifice for his freedoms without painting was such a broad brush that you now create other inequities and injustices, but either way, has in place throughout the season hasn't played out what now now is see is he being a hypocrite. He took his stand. Now it's gonna cost them financially so he took a standby sitting south to hay River I go on like to bring in this negative baggage on the Stanford national anthem.

In other words, now this can cost him his career that it's gonna cost them millions and millions of dollars he could have gotten as a player. Now that it's really going to hit him where it hurts his pocketbook is being a hypocrite and saying hey. From here on. No trouble from me is that the case could be that's possible it could be or or it could be that he said hey I got the discussion going.

I wanted to get the discussion going. I got the discussion going and now it's I accomplish my purpose. I never said it was gonna be for the rest of my life. I got a national discussion going fresh way. I got other athletes involved law enforcement people talk about things I've accomplish the mission. I got no grudge with the American flag as I was doing could be.

Who knows. He knows God does many men not even fully understand his own motivations, but I'm not here to judge and I'm simply here to report that it's interesting the team struggling to pick him up now. I would dare say, even though he played poorly, that there's a team out there that would have wanted him if not for the baggage. In other words, if he was an incredible player and and could be a franchise quarterback and lead his team back to the Super Bowl as he once led the San Francisco 49ers to the Super Bowl is the Baltimore Ravens where they lost in the last seconds of the game, then probably a team would take him. Despite the baggage because they want to win, but when you have a quarterback who is not doing well, then, has the baggage you become somewhat of a pariah.

Why even why even wrestle with why even have the controversy ultimately want to keep peace on the team.

866-348-7884. Right to what I am. I'm short on time got a break coming up and we start a brand-new hour so I'm in a hold off on any calls and then restart with calls the beginning of the next hour however of the meat ask schismatics to be praying with us. We ask you to pray with us of I'm scheduled to do a major debate Thursday night. Kennesaw State University campus.

The gentleman I'm debating is been preparing a lot of Orthodox Jewish lawyer had some health issues and his doctor said can travel. He absently wanted to can travel.

So we are looking for replacement. The there is discussion going on to see if there someone willing to replace him on short notice.

If not, will we just do a lecture with open my Q&A and reschedule the debates with right now it's up in the air and just two days away so please pray for the gentleman that I'm debating us Norman for his healing for his full recovery and that God would enable us to go on with whatever would be best for his truth and for the Jewish community in greater Atlanta, Georgia, and for the Jewish committee worldwide that would have the potential of watching this online and in other ways right so pray with me for God three best. Pray for the health of Mr. Norman and pray for God's very best if someone was ready to step in a short notice if I was given an opportunity say the David debate with a rabbi of some of us debating him and that person dropped out and I was asked if I was there. If I could fill in and I had you know an hour's notice of outdoing a heartbeat with joy if it was some of the biblical issue is very familiar with some moral and cultural shut. I do in a heartbeat with joy, but of course we want someone that feels comfortable that they've had adequate time to to prepare and be ready.

We want the best representation of the traditional Jewish position against Jesus being the Messiah for the fairness of the debate for the fairness of those listening so either there will be the right candidate that steps forth or I'll do a lecture and then enable rabbis and those that are there. If they are to ask questions and then will do our best to reschedule the paper. Please be in prayer for Mr. Norman and for God's best and will keep you posted. Because this is coming up just two nights from now to thin out just on Thursday night and speaking of Jewish ministry. When you join a support team this month.

We never done this before, but when you join a support team this month solely what 10 days left to do this, you become a torchbearer helping us with a dollar a day or more. So $30 more per month as our is our thank you gift and to equip you want to send you an exclusive hardcover edition of the real culture.

Jesus can't buy it elsewhere along with my TV episode from think it through. Call Jesus can't be the Messiah, will we respond to Jewish objections and highlights of the audio interviews we did on radio from Israel at our tour a few weeks back.

So all of that is our thank you gift, you become a torchbearer and help us reach the lost sheep of the house of Israel help us with our work all around the world including being on these great radio stations with my podcast so go to the line of and join us today use is invaluable. My bottom line today. Let us, with the help of God fill a culture of life. So what is really happening among the millennial's we can get a better perspective today is time for the line of fire with your host activist and author, international speaker and theologian Dr. Michael Brown your voice of moral cultural and spiritual revolution Michael Brown is the director of the coalition of conscience and president of fire school of ministry get into the line of fire now by calling 866-34-TRUTH.

That's 866-34-TRUTH here again is Dr. Michael Brown. Well, there is a new book out called growing young six essential strategies to help young people discover love your church, Sean McDowell, himself an apologist and professor in the son of the legendary Josh McDowell gives us an overview of that book and I want to focus on the book so much with the subject of the book what's happening with young people in America in the second half of this outer our outer but our soul and the outer part of the hour can be joined by Liberty McCarter herself millennial staff writer for the streamer I write all three, four, five articles a week to hear from her. Get some of her perspective as well. What's happening with young people here somebody call 866348 784-348-7884 and IE I would love to hear from you if you are involved in youth ministry and you can give me a feel on what you see maybe been involved in youth ministry for years, what's happening now compared to five, 10, 20 years ago. If you been around that long with them. People facing today that may be different with eight faced years back what's happening in your church and your pastor or leader you can talk about the trends in your church with young people may be a young person yourself what's happening with your friends.

Are you finding it harder and harder to live as a disciple, refining it harder and harder to go against the grain refining more of your friend Sanders got a be more in listening to your gospel message and being more open, 866-348-7884 is the number to call. I got I've got a an email that was just sent to me by an individual who identifies as Susan and says just read your trance sanity article were read what Susan has to say in a moment effect.

Let me read that now the Reno focus on young people just read your trance sanity article I've written several with that title or subtitle dealing with social trance can only be called trance sanity care about every individual who identifies transgender but we talk about social trends which we have to identify strengths sanity Jesus is. Thank you for your current in Scripture-based article on this. I am a transgendered person. I struggled all my life I turned from God and did what I knew was wrong many years ago I was born a male. And now live as female flesh 15 years God started calling me back a couple years ago I rededicated my life to following Jesus and living for him what he can do for a lost person. I can't change the things I've done to myself and ones that loved me.

God showed me that I should not promote or be in that community because of the insanity of thinking God for giving me for taking my life in my hands was easy. It has always been forgiving myself that has been hard, I'm still a work in progress.

I spent time with my Lord and Savior every day.

My past is not mine anymore. My future is in God's hands and again thank you for the article I get target of articles and news promoting the lifestyle while how poignant and obviously quote being a work in progress, so more this individual that you know you know from birth know this individual is done to himself, herself in your sight this individual known as Susan today makes Susan completely whole to serve you with fullness in a way that great blessing as well as joy to your heart prayed in Jesus name her by the Expo line of fire with your host Dr. Michael Brown your voice and more cultural and spiritual revolution. Here again is Dr. Michael Brown to deal generation we've got a deal with imparting the values of the older generation based on Scripture to the younger generation with the values of the older generation up in this place. We've got to do our best to correct them and where we have passed on a superficial face to the younger generation we've got to do our best to address that as well and where we have set bad examples we need to repent of the bad examples that we have set yeah no rocket science there that's evident and and if we are to see change come young people. The younger generation they have to experience God for themselves they have to experience God for themselves. It can't be grandpa stories and Grandma's stories, grandpa God for grandkids. They have to experience God their own lives. He has to be real to them. Otherwise they'll just have a form, otherwise they'll just have something that becomes an empty tradition look at what happens to Israel. What happens to the people of Israel when, as a people as a nation. They did not experience God from generation to generation what happened. We see what happened.

For example, Joshua the 24th chapter that the children of Israel serve the Lord as long as Josh was alive and the elders were alive, we experience God for themselves.

They'd seen God's mighty victory over the forces of darkness. In Egypt they had seen God's mighty victory in the Exodus and the conquest of Canaan as long as any of those elders were still alive. Some would been little children when these things wrapping some of been young men when they were happening as long as they had these memories and these realities they could leave the nation in the right generation. But when they were gone, resort to do it. So every generation must encounter God for its self. The older generation ports the values the truth is the realities the stories.

The testimony sets the example and then and then does its best to introduce that next generation to the Lord for its self, so that generation can now experience God and for whatever reason, for any number of causes. Even the narcissistic nature of our society as a whole and young people raised with more entertainment options and any other generation in history, and all the distractions of the Internet and texting and cell phones and issues that we didn't have to deal with growing up, and then many of us not not transmitting a vibrant phase to the next generation or ourselves participating in the narcissistic superficial generation around us. The culture around us. We have really found ourselves in a difficult position. Now many young people leaving the church. Of course, never rightly plugged in, not so much because of some hostility God but others disinterest so I'll

We've all heard the grim news church attendance is declining across denominations and young people disengaging from the church dealt the largest hemorrhaging is in the liberal churches, the so-called mainline denominations. The further people go from the gospel, the more these churches are hemorrhaging in the churches that that most faithfully hold to the preaching of Scripture and believe in the life and power of the spirit. They are either growing or not hemorrhaging the same way so Sean writes in an effort to address this problem the team for youth Institute has released new book, growing young successful strategies to help young people discover what your church. So it's by Carol Powell, Jake Mulder and Brad Griffin is it what makes growing young unique is that it's based upon an in-depth study of scholars national ministry leaders and youth ministry experts as well as researching visits to 363 diverse congregations who have effective ministries, young people like the previous book, sticky faith, this book is based on careful research and analysis. There are few things are particular appreciate about growing young first. The authors recognize that there was hope for the church today. All is not lost their congregations truly engaging in equipping the next generation. Second, young people should not be an add-on to the church, but the heart of the church.

When this is done right.

It brings a true vibrancy to the entire congregation as the authors observed of the good news is that we breathe generation gaps. Everyone grows young third at the end of each chapter, there are practical steps for church leaders and volunteers to take to help their church grow young. This is a book of research stories and application of Andy Stanley, one of the most influential pastors in America. He's been very gracious to dialogue with me when I've had questions for him or challenges about certain things he said or preached is been very candid and interacting with me and the points is reinforced is reinforced biblical orthodoxy, not a spokesman. I've never listen to a full one of his messages or read one of his books and fall maybe tomorrow loss, but he's well most influential pastors in America, with maybe the largest mega church in the nation.

I think you may have surpassed fellow students congregation in terms of of growth and numbers and so like him or not agree with him or not.

Andy Stanley basically says he wants his service to appeal to a 15-year-old from not stating it exactly right that the spirit of it is right that he wants his service to appeal to a 15-year-old she she wants kids to be eager to show up to church and they can't wait to get there and worship God and hear the message and he's convinced if they are being drawn in, and they are being ministered to the whole church will be healthy that you have a vibrant program for married couples and you have vibrant programs for the elderly and you'll have vibrant programs for all manner of different people and that's his philosophy get on that. A spokesman asked anything but a mother's representative and not defending but I'm simply saying is that interesting that in his mind that's a priority. Any he tells the story, the one part of one of his messages that I that I did listen to it and by the way, it's not that I'm so arrogant to think only to listen to messages are virtually never listen to whole sermons or read stuff I read lots and lots of stuff to read a lot faster and I just a lot more okay and if somebody authors out there worthy of reading and some e-books were the reason that have to choose what I read and don't read right so it was no visible observances. If there's an arrogant statement, no I don't mean that at all, but he was talking about silly if you growing up and and you wouldn't think of a punishment where your parents say we are not going to church tomorrow.

Your ground, your average kids like on sleeping you kidney call had ground though they don't want to be grounded with a kick out with her friends over the weekend grounded with her curfew is have to be home earlier in the night that they don't want that, but grounded yourself in church on Sunday. You know what a punishment is that, and yet and yet what what is really really interesting is anti-status is it that his kids growing up that be the worst thing they don't want to miss the you service that they don't they don't want to miss being with the other kids not just to hang out with the kids, but to connect with God to hear the word that was his respectable that would be wonderful. So if there is were not talking about when talking about substituting a basketball game for the sermon were not talking about substituting a movie for the Bible study were not talking about substituting a pizza party for the worship were talking about having a service where rather than just a gala get some young people have young.

No, what about all the kids of all the families growing up.

What about all the three, four, five-year-old kids that are growing up. That is soon to be exposed to most ungodly stuff in generations been exposed.

What about the 15, 16 years old kids that are an incredible peer pressure these days and bombarded by a median social media, the likes of which the generations or had to deal with what what what about them while they are money to give their leadership of the congregation understand that, but what about say hey we want them to really know God and really encounter God and really learn from God and really grow in God because after all they are the next generation and they are the ones that right now in many many ways are more liberal and worldly than their parents, which would point to the parents not raising them and in the fear and admonition of the Lord. The beauty of the Lord in intimacy with God not pointing finger. All of us that are parented don't point fingers. Those kids will we know if our kids come out well thank God that we struggle, you know. And then they go through a hard time. Hey everybody chooses for themselves ultimately saw a blessing on city was like the arm, the expert on the expert everybody else's Nono select. Let's face the facts together. Let's let us take inventory together.

Let's determine together that that we can see real change come in, then it must come in let's let's make pouring into young people important part of had the joy of bleeding ministry schools for many, many, many years now, so a regular basis on pouring into kids on a weekly basis as young as 18 pressure high school and in many others, 20, 23 years old. I have the joy of doing that all the time and in not only does it give life. It brings life would be right back in the line of fire with your host Dr. Michael Brown get into the line of fire now by calling 866-34-TRUTH here again is Dr. Michael Brown I agree Howard. From a practical standpoint of young people are drawn to the church. The church is will literally die die out.

That's what happens in societies when you don't have a younger generation coming up behind the society dies out 866-34-TRUTH so we must have renewal.

We must have renewal among young people. I'm constantly running young people on fire who love the Lord. I have friends who who lead prayer movements and they have thousands and thousands of young people completely sold out to the Lord living for Jesus with passion.

So God is moving. God is moving, but let us be realistic about the real needs. I would go to Central Texas jerky a welcome to the line of fire OR Dr. Brown hello Dr. bracketed yes I can do. Search wanted to thank you for your ministry, and I pray that God bless you, are tremendously and I have really been impacted by the single-line and I just wanted to say a blue card? But 7000 name of the Lord yes thank you sir, and thank you for that for the good word and the problems there are mama young will be from 25 similar very similar background departed the Lord and Leonardo exposed to the word of faith movement that brought into the faith that I went back to you know that this really radical great message that preached the last five years that it really impacted my life but but also at the same time you know of personal study the Scripture, I come to realize that you know a lot of what the traditional church done is not completely un-biblical like the American evangelical holidays are not biblical. And of them changing the devil worship from data from Shabbat to fund the biblical but my mama. My problem was was mainly anti-nomadism and really really really affected me spiritually not know where to go and and I just wanted to address the fact that a lot of people know maybe 25 years old and the fact that the user are leaving the church.

From my perspective, which the fact that they're not fulfilling your Romans chapter 1 verse 16. You know, they're just not preaching the gospel in our preaching repentance, but not preaching conviction of sin, not bridging holiness that a lot of churches I go to the modern church is there. There really are like positive messages that that early are are on impact. And if you wanted to say anything about that sir. Yeah, that's absolutely I would just want to comment on it. First, let me encourage you to do your best to plant your feet in the middle of the stream where your whole focus is on growing in the Lord knowing Jesus intimately living a godly life before him and and and boldly sharing his word and if if you swung to a hyper grace side of extreme grace message.

Let's see swung to the left. You also swing to the right were you you you put overemphasis on say Old Testament law and things like that so I would say I would say wall.

It's fine to look at those issues and look at the biblical holidays and things like that. I don't believe that God is grieved as as of millions and millions of people worship Jesus is Lord on Sunday, especially Gentiles, to whom God didn't give the Sabbath so just encourage you not to make that your main focus, but I want actually affirmed the major point you're making. And that is that a soft spineless message will not draw serious commitment that a watered-down message will not draw serious disciples and that if you if you want serious people then then you need to preach a serious message and was interesting from this book that I was noting show Metallica's 10 helpful findings and he says so number three churches that successfully engage students don't water down the gospel or the cost of following Jesus.

So this whole mentality that if we soften the message if we lower the standards if we bypass the cross if we don't talk about sacrifice and service will draw people in note number one God won't back that message number two people who really want their lives to count and and and are looking for purpose. I could be drawn to some water down compromise message you don't have people pushing and and and and giving themselves to a sport that demands nothing of them. You don't find them, disciplining themselves and and and exercising and controlling their weight in their diet, pushing and pushing and pushing and pushing to be part of something that requires no commitment know when there's a commitment. That's when the get serious about it.

And certainly your generation, sir has drawn up with has grown up with more extreme sports more extreme expressions. More radical activities and just a run-of-the-mill stuff seems not to appeal to the younger generation as much and and hate and just watch a video game at Cindy's extremist play video games.

What's up with this movie with their your headset on its can be as dramatic as anything now that I can just walk into some lame church that that borders everything down and it's all the same for everybody. Mama stay home for that in fact was remarkable, sir, is that studies have been done for decades that have indicated it in the in the words of a German theologian with heart Kahlenberg, to paraphrase that basically people looking for religion looking for something other. In other words, if they just want something that secular and worldly. They'll stay home. Although go to the bar although hang out with their friends and some other activity reason they're going to church is because they are looking to experience something other than just the secular world and when we think the way to grow the church is just to make it more worldly and secular. Not only is that walking in the flesh run the spirits of gobble resisted but it's also counterproductive in terms of that's not why they're coming so aim answer, we must preach the full gospel, we must call for repentance. We must preach holiness. All out of the love of God and the compassion of God and the life-changing grace of God. The message of holiness. The message of grace or just two sides of the same coin. The message of faith and the message of repentance are two sides of the same coin. That is what this generation must year and we were older must lead the way in the living it out and exemplifying it and showing what it really means.

Thank you for weighing in a God's grace be yours. May you thrive.

Lord I'm so glad he saved you and the master life was, and just as he save me out of the mess mine was and thank you we come back I'm going to speak with Liberty McCarter and begin to get some millennial perspectives as well. We may be able to take some calls 866-34-TRUTH be sure to go to the line of and check out my latest article. It's not fair when a male weightlifter competes with women say what yeah yeah that happened, and more and more all in my latest article not meant to incite hatred or anger towards anyone, but meant to say, come on, let's wake up to reality.

This is cultural. It's the line of fire with your host activist, author, international speaker and theologian Dr. Michael Brown voice of more cultural and spiritual revolution get into the line of fire now by calling 86643 here again is Dr. Michael Brown. So what is happening with young. Is this really the ultimate the me me generation is that young people are inheriting shallow faith from their parents or we negatively caricaturing a whole generation not recognizing the many fine qualities among them. In particular, it's happening among them spiritual. This is Michael Brown.

Welcome to the line of fire. I have been wanting to chat with a co-contributor to the stream. I write 3 to 5 articles a week for the stream. James Robison's publication and I often look at the articles of Liberty McCarter. She's a staff writer for the stream holds a bachelors degree in journalism from Patrick Henry College proves the work in Washington DC's radio producer for W emails we can talk show in the first Liberty Institute Plano, Texas. She resides in Dallas-Fort Worth there with her husband and their beloved cat get a cat update as well, but Evans now, let's chat. I want chat with Liberty and I've seen her smiling face and stream, we never chatted before this moment, so liberty welcome to the line of fire for having me Mike, my joy everything good with your husband and the cat everything going great and cannot start happening are really content all right will get good display. Make sure there are no urgent updates to bring an liberty. I assume with the name liberty that you were raised in a Christian home.

I all right and then Patrick Henry College tell me a little about that school, college degree mall at private college and didn't get downturned and Northern Virginia near Washington DC and are there are a lot of colored candy to kind of be jokingly required to at the hospital college spent a lot more diverse group that didn't and can bear now and their main thing is that our is a Christian college and had a dedication to a classical liberal art and curriculum until the thing that I really appreciate the lame education Eric that they got it tell you what to think and teach you how to think any erotic people coming out of PT with even diverse political views that there are very thoughtful and I think that an liberty general roughly the student body. There, the size of the school now three 5400 felt pretty strong right so yummy to me that that's wonderful in terms of the atmosphere there in the pit and the real ability to create a certain environment and then obviously you've got have a lot of funding to make that happen.

It's because he can't just run on tuition and so it's it's a great vision. It's part of the larger counterculture vision.

That's a lot to ask about it. So how old you know liberty. I am drinking 23 Rossi done a lot of ready for 23 is a pretty long bio there, at least I can say have seven kids that went out so that's we discussed that with the cat.

For the moment later a jet just in one minute before we get to our first break GU sink that that my generation is sometimes guilty of negatively caricaturing your generation.

And I think that is true are a lot of good.

My millennial generation harmed their audience by the way we were raised and there are definitely get an inherent five of every generation. Thanks. I did get a lot of potential, and I think that an them in a conservative and Christian millennial's really take the lead. I think we can take the country check.

All right, so I I want to hear more of this hopeful side and get a great perspective from a young woman who loves the Lord and loves the older generation does not have a chip on her shoulder but could give us some insight into some of the untapped potential of their generation and will will talk about what talk about some other things of beauty and the beast and some other liberties got an interesting perspective on that as well. So all that more we come back the car you can read her writings on the screen that stream the war. The line of fire with your host Dr. Michael Brown voice of more cultural and spiritual revolution. Here again is Dr. Michael Brown the first half-hour this hour.

I was giving a few quotes from Sean McDowell's article on a new book, growing young six essential strategies to help young people discover and love your church and I mentioned I mentioned that of .3 of the 10 helpful findings that he had were churches that successfully engage students don't water down the gospel of the cost of following Jesus. I have friends involved in international youth ministry say the younger generation is under challenge. I'm drawing with Liberty McCarter, who writes for the stream liberty. What you make of that statement that your generation is under challenged directly).

I read. Here are Occurring in care and it looked like it. I would rate an identical church and had a great Christian family, and I use. Culture anchor like an in order to try to keep young people. Randy tried to make Christianity call.

A lot of times are like the clapboard subculture and predator, getting teenagers on what they really needed the fundamentals of faith, knowing how and apologetic and how to defend their pain and what the cost actually began money just try to make Christianity think burning call for teenagers. They get out the real world and they don't actually now how to defend their thinking. A lot of them don't even really know what they believe and I'm thinking that's definitely a problem yeah it looks to me as as a teenager.

Heavy drug user I can tell you that getting high and going to a rock concert was more exciting than a pizza party where the youth leader was a clown. You know that you did the churches I can view the world better than the world is the world but we need to do is unapologetically be who we are oxen with wisdom and cultural sensitivity. But if you want to it in your view, again, your one person but your you're exposed to others you interact with other young people you have your finger on the pulse of what's happening as much. As you can tell me in your view, some of the most outstanding qualities of the millennial generation are monitored and anchored in writing or compassionate. Now a lot of people codified millennial figure protecting time that protest might be misdirected but that the thing about millennial drilling in care about other people there that empathy walking another people shared wanting to improve condition, but in our July and they're very common organic indicative that reinvent Dell millennial their often characterized as lengthy and because I think they have trouble finding jobs right out of college. That and a lot of millennial thing you look at the click extracts that workaholics are now working very hard to take it on electric hot attempting to ban anything.

Another benefit and an opportunity millennial every spiritual error checking organized religion an unprecedented number but I've read articles recently from millennial, but I know that I am an they don't really identify as a Christian anymore. Maybe they never get ahead. There still here telnet stop all and I know that there's something more and I think that like the many archives oriented but in the real opportunity there for Christian millennial and Christians in general to show them the lame show them what that spiritual fulfillment really right. So let's let's look at something where we seen the younger generation is so long in embracing the goals of LGBT activism, and in not having a biblical mindset on this a biblical understanding of marriage, family, gender distinctions, etc. put the positive spin on another was why might they be so drawn to stand with those that identify as LGBT ardent when Remington second and millennial the very thing they don't want to see people marginalized our thinking, and butter at the refugee or I get credit for not only compassion think a good thing that offer because the way our culture has gone in recent decades, keeping arrived, an individual at best a check millennial. We were taught growing up.

You can be whatever you want you can do whatever you want to know you doing here kind of thing and fell. You see that individual event and they were never really taught. Why not somebody wants to be transgender. They want to be gay. I don't really have a reason and reason why that not a healthy 20 yeah so there are different sides to it that. In other words, it's not just were in rebellion were casting off Scripture for for some it is, but for others it is that empathy Billy's a nice kid. Billy gets ostracized at school in the boy's pick on him. Those are nicest kids I know why can't Billy marry Bobby so there is that the micro empathy and lack of understanding of the macro meaning of marriage and family and and then so many come from broken homes.

Having been raised in in that healthy environment so that's good to contribute towards it and as well and with the individualism. How much do you think that the uniqueness of social media plays into that.

In other words, the results of thing is a selfie before.

Recently, another people could take a picture themselves. But the phenomenon of the selfie of the phenomenon of just posting what I just ate and how I'm feeling. Does that tie into the individualism archive like my generation and early 20s right now.

But really the first generation to grow up with that new technology that does the media and now it is very okay. You can anybody can have a pot farm. Anybody can become a content anybody can get anaconda blank on their statement, whether political or what they had for lunch and I think it really have an exact great that an individual at the neck already common in our culture, but one interesting thing is that even millennial now are starting to recognize that at extension with media and technology, and they were growing up with and help me to get now a lot of millennial really able to form healthy human relationship and whether it dating a friendship and not something that people are starting to be an even talk about online and in different forms. Thank we don't know how to really interact with people and form relationships mechanically and felt isolated. Even now he felt connected yes of the discussions have to health hazard at a certain point, things fail. I I grew up again in the 60s, the whole counterculture revolution 62 now and there were there was this whole push, the hippies would have a better way of life and to live communally and drop out of the madness of the world and I wants a documentary about the 60s and in this anthropologist said you know if it could have been done. It would've been done in other words, it it it just didn't work for everyone to to withdraw from life and it was going to live on a commune was sharing everything at summer to do a princesses no work for society that the same way we break away from God's standards with marriage and family.

We we pay the price and look I got a computer in 1985. That was my first computer. So as I was 30. Thence of had a net since lower half my life. But as things and I wired and so on. I found it harder to just focus without distraction.

If you just reading a book versus looking at something online you have to focus certainly see your generation just grew up with. That's the norm. That's the reality. Even if your texting on your phone it's filling in the words for you and and so on. So it's interesting to see that people recognize some is broken down.

I've talked to marriage counselors dealing with kids while she's a young, young adults in their 20s were married that have sexless relationships because the being raised on pornography and promiscuity and they can have a normal healthy relationship so these things don't work long-term and and what you're seeing is is is something that tells us we can reach out so speak to us.

How do we reach out effectively to this generation raised in a unique setting like never before.

If you were talking to a pastor Christian leader. What would be some of the first things you want that person to understand why now. Right after that important thing here to Scripture, and what the Bible got not watering it down or what generation you're talking to.

Even My people.

People need to know the complete truth of what they're going to go me and on. I think people really need to felt the church into focus on strengthening those beliefs are people who already are believers that way we can learn to articulate the millennial Question and a lot of them are open-minded and their net though you approach them and if they hang down. This is what I believe after you believe. Let's talk about it and kind at that year you record my view thing that millennial language and NNU now had actually articulate what the gospel fact, I think you can start to share millennial at Wyandotte marital Hall that they have that relational home can be filled by Jesus Christ, and here I'm Christianity chilly and compassionate.

Obviously the Bible fact that people are oil any questions that you think the church into a better job, even in our American culture of really selling 11 that compassion and that Christ hi and I think sometime you know were subversive focused on what were again and I know a lot of people of Benton millennial really. They want to see at the church in action and I think they're open and I think, and if they can really see that lab that worked best to be known for and that Dell know the truth that we have to be committed to.

I think that could open guard. I came into every one of those things, liberty, and sometimes just a pastoral leader or solicit difficult generation. Just be still here when you say this here this so is there another way you can get the same message across the way that hearing because we say it would hearing some very differently and we're doing it by connecting you to be some interesting insights we come back here on the line of fire with your host Dr. Michael Brown. Your voice is more cultural and spiritual revolution there again is Dr. Michael Brown. Thanks much for joining us as I'm with order 22 stream stream.or talk about millennial's in different perspectives and again one thing she's urging pastors, leaders don't water down the gospel don't water down the gospel yet be because a watered-down message that was like a change in one's life.

Number two young people gonna see through it. Number three. They want to be challenged. Liberty, I wrote about the beauty and the beast movie, not because it was a big issue to me. But because of the actress and producer made statements became very volatile. This can be exclusively gay moment. Same-sex couples can have a real surprise so I sort of. If Christian parents are offended by this. I understand that for good reason. We did start this argument but but you raised a very, very interesting perspective which is in your article. Let's be honest, Disney has been, sexualizing characters for a long time, taught us about that well on now. I think the obvious green traditional heterosexual element that is different" game element that my dealer that every secular organization that your company and further can impress what ocular and secular culture and now the LGBT pride that secular culture and a popular band that can interconnect out reflecting and they've actually been in caring for a long time to get you conduct, but traditional Disney contractor and yes, they were in heterosexual romance burn fat gain were very young left of the Disney princess that actually like only 15 or 16, but they look very X wall from the cartoon on their 20 product that little girls are playing with.

Though I think that Tarantino not getting contact with her evil and they should be forbidden and that parents should be careful you know when your little girl is watching out what kind of image is she getting about her body, her sexuality or romance in her mind. I get all by watching me and then now that's why I'm not the kind that there was a small again. Note team went at getting to be such exhale and even affect that because this just wanted me dead air secular and I could fetch high think it kind it is to be expected, yet it's interesting many many years ago with children's cartoons. I noticed as I got older that there were adult jokes that were thrown and it was kind of commonly done, way, way back when things got to see more innocent maybe. Yet this ridiculous violence that would take place in in them but but it was all in a slapstick kind of thing but there would be these adult jokes embedded in it and and you still have that in some some family movie you you realize you got your your five-year-old sitting there think what is this is a G rated movie, but there is a subtle little things thrown in there that's that's one thing it's almost this ha ha did you catch that, but it reminds us that there is always a message behind the message. It's never jugular you got sophisticated screenwriters and producers, and they've often got an ideology they're conveying and its other than her predators. All prayer children as much is that they have a message they want to get out and Hollywood's constantly getting that message out. Trigger an email and I thought it over the weekend so her parents think and the hall game element of the director of talking about kind of amount delay.

Thank Mike don't think out and add older movie and if you're looking for it and you can see whether talking about, but there's no gain character. I love you or anything that might be obvious and that you know one thing I would like to eat and when were talking about an imprint purely practical level from Disney or other children's entertainment company is in. Don't focus on romance and sexuality, anyway, kids not getting template find the time.

They're very young and often apparent to be the one to talk about the think that there can and impart their own belief that opposite thing never and if you like to get it ready yet wise words that again things that soaps may not just focus on right. We gotta be quick on this but another article on the stream just came up a few days ago where you say that the Atlantic so sick of publication.

The Atlantic acknowledges that secularism is hurting America. The church should take note. Give us a quick summary of the right arm stared at people, both on the left and the right are leading church meeting organized religion. And while many people thought it secular writing and lightning actually conduct outside Elmore name and why device that, when it comes to politics and though I think the really great opportunity obvious that this could happen, but I think a good opportunity for the church's bank now while the rest of the secular world, both on the left and right getting one like that more vicious toward each other because they don't have to let them cry in front of the church can shine a light and shadow.

When the Galactic core wet love for neighbor whether or not you agree that we can really shine and cannot example, you absolutely what we gotta do is keep the perspective that that liberty is bringing ptosis to be redemptive. Look at what's happening in the culture and rather than just throw your hands up be redemptive and Reading to see what's wrong with the generation be redemptive see what's right see what can be built on so in end point of fact, there we we must reach the younger generation and many love the Lord are deeply committed and many would make ideal disciples, if we can rightly reach out to them and connect them so liberty I keep doing what you doing keep raising your voice keep setting a great example and the joining of the generations. That's what's needed change America's my last question a minute or less. Are you pessimistic daily. As you look around your generation society. Would you have some kind of optimism I get this current time after hearing think event happening. I think I think about my generation. I think that even though a lot of people are leaving the church. I think you're starting to see a lot of people, including my peer day. Hey, we need to get back to the basics.

We need to strengthen our faith, and when you can really get back to let our faith is all about, you know, politics is a Favor that doesn't mean we should be involved in culture, but I am really starting to see that and I think as Lee and millennial than others strengthen our own faith and have a start raising families and imparting that strong faith down to them.

I think that in a couple generations we can turn around. Hey, I am. I live with an absolute hope and confidence that will give us a great turn around and we've got to for your sake, for the sake of your kids will keep working together to receive change. Can God bless you liberty great all right so friends you can read liberties written and read my articles on the stream a great place to go. You get a wide range of godly perspectives.

You'll get insights politically, economically, spiritually, on what's happening in the culture. So take advantage of the resources that of course everything I write there, everything I read in other websites over videos. They're all in one place all that our digital library are unique, one-of-a-kind digital library. Nothing like it online at the line of fire delegates waiting for you there and few blessed by stand together and help us. My bottom line today. Don't know throughout the young generation. They are the hope of America months reach them with the gospel

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