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Pro-life Arguments that Win; Keys to a Blessed Marriage; and Theology and News Updates

The Line of Fire / Dr. Michael Brown
The Truth Network Radio
August 9, 2017 4:31 pm

Pro-life Arguments that Win; Keys to a Blessed Marriage; and Theology and News Updates

The Line of Fire / Dr. Michael Brown

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August 9, 2017 4:31 pm

The Line of Fire Radio Broadcast for 08/09/17.

Matt Slick Live!
Matt Slick
Running to Win
Erwin Lutzer
Renewing Your Mind
R.C. Sproul
Wisdom for the Heart
Dr. Stephen Davey
Our Daily Bread Ministries
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North Korea chinooks to Google's censorship to some special pro-life and marriage.

Guess we got all come your way today stock for the line of fire with your host activist and author, international speaker and theologian Dr. Michael Brown your voice of moral cultural and spiritual revolution Michael Brown is the director of the coalition of conscience and president of fire school of ministry get into the line of fire now by calling 866-34-TRUTH. That's 866-34-TRUTH here again is Dr. Michael Brown. So where are you right now at this moment as I'm speaking to you from my radio video studio where you are you driving in your car listening on the radio or you sitting at home or somehow plugged in at work and you're able to listen in the online you listen to this broadcast after the fact.

Meaning, not right now. Wednesday was today. August 9, 2017 will be passed to in the afternoon Eastern standard Time relisted by podcast, maybe your one of the joggers that listens by podcast, or driving in your car another time or taking one of your walks or working out or whatever sitting is. Maybe you listen your cell phone via our line of fire app where you are wherever you are welcome to the broadcast.

Thanks so much for joining us this is Michael Brown your voice of moral sanity and spiritual clarity in the midst of a society in chaos in the church. All too often in compromise. If you listen to us long enough over the years, you know that the issues that we talk about are not peripheral. The things that we may bring up one day that seem obscure will seem quite relevant. The next day you know it's important for all of us as God's people to understand what's going on in the world around us so often we lose sight of the forest because of the trees it can happen to me connected to any of us that there's so much swirling around us that were not able to look at the Lord sure issues and the larger symptoms. It's almost like an earthquake hits our city, but we're just aware that their tremors in our room. What's going on in our house or something funny going out. We don't realize there's something larger happening, but it's important friends that we aren't like the sons of Issachar first Chronicles chapter 12 verse 32.

They were part of David's army part of David's fighting men. The ones that came to him and have grown to turn the kingdom over to him after the fall of Saul Sosa Braun David establish his kingdom and moved it to Jerusalem. And when you read the listed first Chronicles call beginning in verse 23 when you read the list of of all of those that were with David their mighty men, their soldiers, their warriors, their tens of thousands of them. Ultimately, hundreds of thousands of them and trained to do battle here and trained to do battle there at all these different kinds of things and then you read about the sons of Issachar 200 family heads doesn't mention their weaponry does mention their battle tested this this is any of that. It says they understood the times and new. What Israel should do. It's not just a matter of what's going on in the world around us. What time is it what's really happening. It's a matter of what time is it and how do we respond what time is it and what do we do. Remember, Jesus wept over Jerusalem in Luke 19 and he spoke of all the calamitous things that would happen to the city and in fact the temple that was destroyed 40 years later, has still not been rebuilt going on. 2000 years later.

Remarkably, he wept over Jerusalem, he saw the suffering that was going to come to his own people, and he said all this is happening because you didn't understand the time of your visitation.

You didn't recognize this moment in history when the Messiah was in your midst, day in day out for years, performing miracles for the glory of God and showing people to him shouting to the nation. I am he didn't recognize that this is was going to happen. Friends, it's really important to understand the times and the seasons will direct number, cleansing, and by the Expo line of fire with your host Dr. Michael Brown your voice and more cultural and spiritual revolution. Here again is Dr. Michael Brown.

I want to talk to about North Korea. But first a little bit more about times and seasons. There are plenty of things I don't get plenty of things I don't understand plenty of things Ray have to reach out to colleagues and friends give me insight on this plenty of things where I need to step away and praying. Get the heart and mind of God, and there are other things right feel like I have the pulse of what's happening in understanding of what's happening and those are the things that I share with you what where I feel I have insight I share that with you where I don't either.

I don't address an issue I get your insights are bring on other guests.

Many people wondered 13 years ago. Why was I starting to address issues having to do with homosexual activism, why, why was that matter to focus on it all became clear to me very quickly that this had become the principal threat to freedom of religion, speech and conscience in our nation, and that those who came out of the closet. One plus the cost to get from their perspective.

It was a matter of equality and liberation from their perspective was amended with the same rights you have the will to live our lives as openly and probably as you do understand their perspective and understand the perspective though since I had a nest for this.

This is how I am wired or made or the slab just like this who you are and was a matter who we love it.

I understand the arguments of compassion for those are different with that being said, I did invest time and energy into this and and write about things.

To this day, because why like to do this. I got some focus on the issue are no there thousand other things I like to focus on deal with Mrs. Nevers something in my own life. I struggled with, so it's not like hey here I'm Jewish. I will reach out to Jewish people.

That makes sense or the going to the nations over and over galaxy revival and the nations of the gospel of nations that make sense of the years to biblical scholarship and and I hate seeing error in theology teacher so I want to help teach you but when you're dealing with an issue that's never touched you directly those of their struggle with homosexuality. Things like that. The reason I'm addressing is because it's an issue in the society right and if I if if I had the inside 20 years ago which I didn't. But if I did 20 years ago and it and I started to say hey listen friends a few years from now marriages can be redefined in America and to manage will be able to marry, I would. I would been laughed out of church after church.

If I was on the radio would be left off the radio now.

I did reference this as early as 1989 and end of the American Goslin present some courts are really recognizing these things, but in terms of where it's gone and how it's got nothing to change the whole transgender issue.

I certainly didn't see all of that coming 20 years ago. But as I have seen it coming last 13 years of raise my voice of some of the alarm. That's were on the air.

That's why right is what we do what we do to get the message out meant to say okay here's how we respond to your cell reach out so we stand up here so we speak about the way, if you haven't read my latest article, may I strongly encourage you to do it over and asked her to it's called don't let them silence us to major players in the left are trying to silence. Many of us on the right. Don't let them silence us with practical steps we can take to work together so that does not happen. Having said all that, we go back in history a little bit. Not only did Jesus address this issue of times and seasons right before his crucifixion but a little bit before that he was in dialogue with the religious leaders and they wanted him to perform assigned to demonstrate that he was the Messiah.

Remember Dan that he's feeling sick driving out demons, setting captives free and teacher, like no man ever talked with the authority of God upon but they were looking for some type of cosmic sign that's were drafted step because he was performing signs. Once miracles day and night, and God himself as Peter Sisson in and asked to was attesting to him signs once miracles and Jesus will often point to them like John Tanner.

John 14 one contact speaking to a crowd. One can't take speaking to his disciples, but hate the works that I do. That's evidence that the father is working in me that's the proof of it though they were.

They wanted some abstract cosmic kind of sign it caught on fire from heaven or split open the earth or do something, bring man you whenever something something like that and he said it's wicked and adulterous generation that seeks sign and that he rebukes them. He says you can tell the weather and the skies like this means was good about that tomorrow. You can you can predict the weather. But you can't recognize this time and moment when the Messiah is standing right here with you. We know that you read through the Old Testament, the prophets would urge the people.

For example, Hosea 1012 to the northern tribes of Israel. Now's the time was a contemporary of Isaiah.

Some of the less prophets ignore this right now's the time to repent they didn't instruction came Isaiah 55 word to the people seek the Lord, will they may be found call on him while he's near that there's a time God's draw near the windows of repentance. The gates of repentance are specially open now. Zechariah 10 one tells the people asked for the rain and the time spring rain spiritually and literally.

There are times and seasons for the rains. Leviticus 26 explicitly says this is one of the blessings of obedience that you have the rain in season, you don't die the same thing spiritually. There are times and seasons of of God moving in God, pouring on the spirit. Those must be seized and recognized so I I am the product friends of two revolutionary movements one of which almost totally destroyed my life. The other of which will be transformed my life.

What happened in the 1960s. What happened in the 1960s, we refer to it as the counterculture revolution assertively had had roots in the years and before that, he goes after 60s into the 70s but the 60s were a pivotal time in our nation's history and 1968 was the most pivotal year and all of that.

I've mentioned this many a time, but none will drive many books on the 60s. I have whole books that just focus on 1968 as the pivotal year. Not just in America but in several other nations as well. One psychologist pointed out in his book that if you fell asleep in 1960 and woke up in the year 2000, you wake up to the divorce rate double teen suicide triple you wake up to report a violent crime up four times prison population up five times you wake up to children born out of wedlock up six times people limited out of wedlock out of wedlock up seven times how how remarkable is that you and the shift was that from 1960 to 2000 shift was from 1960 to the early 70s, a major shift and ready taken place. You can see it in the movies that that won awards in the 60s, a sudden and dramatic shift. You can see it in the TV entertainment you can even see it in stats from the 70s that that man were using prostitutes less left.

Is there a more moral but because the girls were more available and on and on it goes. By the way it was that, notably from David Myers about falling asleep in 1960 wake up at 2000 that inspired me to write the introduction to saving a sick America if you ever watch the trail yet it's based on that introduction.

Just go to saving a sick to watch but it was that concept of falling asleep when you're wake up another that gave me the idea to have a man during TV night with his family in the suburbs of Pennsylvania that he falls asleep while watching leave it to beaver 1961 wakes up today and watch the trailer and then you can download that introduction and the first chapter absolutely free at saving a sick America.calm and when you're there if you do free order from Amazon or Barnes & Noble Christian book review order from. If you do preorder you can then submit that information there and will send you a free e-book five ways to pray for America, but during the 60s read the whole sex drugs and rock 'n' roll thing yet, the sexual revolution. Read the rising of radical feminism, you have the rising of the gay liberation movements will take place in the 60s and you have the upheaval with the assassination of John F. Kennedy in the five years later the assassination of Martin Luther King there a few months after that cessation of Robert F. Kennedy, a traumatic time for the nation. The protest against the Vietnam War and the positive movement also of the civil rights movement. Moving forward, a time of upheaval and young people. We were looking for spiritual things everywhere. We were looking all around. We get we were looking all around, we were looking at Eastern religion. My friends and I would sit around and get high and talk about spirituality and do we have a soul. Is there a God is there an afterlife and an it was a time of great spiritual seeking but from the outside. It just looked like a time of rebellion. You know a lot of churches were sent were out here any minute, look at this.

It's the final apostasy 67 Jerusalem back in Jewish hands after the Six-Day War.

This is the time of its the end it's all over right here any minute.

That's why her, but I got saved and 71 were out here any moment and and and look at the generation gap. A look at the wicked, young people are these of the things that the Bible prophesied and on and on, here we are now over 45 years later, here we still are, and that some people still talking the same way yeah right here any minute without saying, wait, wait, wait, that's what he said 50 years ago was happening in the 60s wasn't just a time of rebellion is just a time of apostasy that was there was also a time ritual seeking and most of the church.

See the line of fire with your host Dr. Michael Brown get into the line of fire now by calling 8663 here again is Dr. Michael Brown Qu�bec friends along for 8664 truth we continue my monologue here about times and seasons. What I'm saying about the 1960s is that most of the church in America that was culturally aware saw this primarily as a time of great apostasy, not a time of great harvest.

Most of the church did not see this is a great opportunity. A great moment when young people were looking for something more. They sought as a time of great rebellion, wickedness and sin understandably look I got caught up in that whole season as well.

So my first rock concert at the age of 1319 68 certain Jimi Hendrix experience at the New York Philemon and just drawn into that whole rock lifestyle and rebellion in sex, drugs, rock 'n' roll, know that the whole appeal became a heavy drug user circuiting height 14 shooting heroin 15 dramatically say that 16 yes I was partying I was in rebellion. I was I was in sin I was feeding the flesh.


All true 100% true.

But at the same time my friends and I would sit around and talk about spiritual things and that was in the air everywhere.

The Beatles brought that the Eastern religion influence in a lot of stuff happened that was quite dramatic and for the most part the church didn't recognize that in the midst of this counterculture revolution, young people are asking questions about the meaning of life and the purpose of life. It is our only purpose here to fulfill the American dream to have a nice car by your house bigger better house than are our parents did is that it is at the meaning of life. They were asking some good questions. The financials in the wrong places. There were people to recognize what was going on they began to pray, they began to cry out to God for harvest of souls in God began to save hippies and radicals in those earliest days. We had some very straightlaced Baptist churches that started reaching out to hippies and these hippies are coming to meetings and their studying the Bible while tripping and smoking weed and stuff in there. They're getting saved, little by little the changing they start sharing the gospel with their friends.

So that's what happened to me. My best friends get saved I go to church to pull them out. I get saved I start leaving other people to the Lord and as I traveled around the world. Since then it's it is remarkable friends. How many people I know that got saved during that very same season.

Late 60s, but especially early 70s, maybe 70, one year I got saved this year. I hear more testimonies and more people so many people I know in Jewish ministry got saved that year with year after its remarkable something was happening called the Jesus people movement or the Jesus revolution to the appointed time magazine put on its front cover and in June 1970, but on its front cover just what four years earlier had a cover is God dead that's about Jesus revolution remarkable to see what God was doing and and things changing on a dime think you'd say it's too late. It's never gonna happen.

Changing dramatically so here much of the church sleeps its way through the counterculture revolution not seeing the great opportunity for harvest in anything around here any minute. They're the best selling book in those days was how Lindsay's late great planet Earth and then what happens after that. Well, that the Jesus revolution and multitudes of young people guts starts getting saved around the world, hippies, radicals, rebels, the most unlikely, traditional church building is getting saved traditional church services getting saved, and the church.

For the most part slept its way through that revolution. Yes, slept its way through that revolution as well. In other words the church to that of new wineskins for the new Weiner had very few spiritual fathers for this influx of young people often did not really preach repentance and help people grow as disciples so it's estimated that as many as 75% of those who profess faith in Jesus at that time.

Within a few years fell away.

This will happen. Close friends and Bonnie walked to the Lord for some years that of a process of years.

The fell away and I believe with many of them there to be good spiritual parenting. If there had been an appreciation for what God was doing a working with him in a more conscious way witnessing the results we saw so where does that leave us now when it comes to world of people. North Korea threatening to attack Guam with a nuclear warhead and Donald Trump president Chuck make clear you. You mess with us your you're messing with fire. North Korea military very strong when in years past, wargames have been runners computerized wargame simulated wargames. North Korea attacking South Korea, North Korea, it comes out on top as impoverished as the nation is. It is strong militarily and even if we could bring devastating judgment on the North Korean military have a set affect the people. These are critical moments right now know why I don't have a sense I could be wrong here, but I Pearcy don't have a sense that right now. Run the edge of a world war that's about to break out the bring in Russia and China and that use nuclear warheads and that the world and a few years ago is very different than at the say I don't sense that coming right now. I think all the big players have have too much to lose to just let something like that happen. Of course we pray for divine restraint.

Who knows what people want to do. We pray for divine restraint. But have we thought that this could be the time for the liberation of the people of North Korea who have been the most depressed people on the planet and for years this is been rated the worst country for a Christian to live the number one worst country, the, the worst government-sponsored persecution worse than strict Muslim countries.

That's how bad it is in North Korea. But you know when the Holy Spirit fell mightily in the early 20th century, the great revivals that swept Korea they were in the North. It was only after the partition between North and South Korea in the years following World War II and the Korean War was only after that that the gospel really spread south before then, say, the time of the Korean War. I've been told that maybe two or 3% of the southern part of Korea was actually born again, that number jumped to 25, 30%.

Some cities 40% are member flying on Korean air while was going to ministry Korea one time and everywhere on the plane people reading Bibles and I go to Korean shop owner you're just a little corner grocery store, saying it in Korean. There had a Bible out just amazing and church buildings just popping up everywhere at mega churches with hundreds of thousands of members of the privilege of speaking in some of this place quite remarkable.

Korea needs a fresh wave of revival right now for sure. Especially for the young people in the South. But all that to say that that the greater movement in the north and that many people, Christians either fled south or when underground regarding present and create own prison whole families. They got an issue with the pencil in prison whole families it's brutal it's it's horrific. All that to say that this could be the moment South Korea is been praying and praying and praying and praying this could be the moment for the liberation of North Korea for the toppling of this demented Imperial dictatorship. So as we looking at the war situation. Pray for divine restraint this also pray for the liberation of North Korea come back, stay here, it's the line of fire with your host activist, author, international speaker and theologian Dr. Michael Brown voice of more cultural and spiritual revolution get into the line of fire now by calling 86643 here again is Dr. Michael Brown thanks friends for joining us today on the line for each 784. You may have been listening a couple of weeks ago when we got a gut wrenching call from a Christian woman who taken a job when she was a single mother at Planned Parenthood and was in agony of conviction over it was weeping over the phone and saying those babies there killing and and that was on a Friday. We told the you you can't go back there.

You gotta leave and in fact she called on Monday so I'm not coming back folks from a ministry that we work with the public ministry they been working with her. Since then she's looking for a new job in making sure the things your moment of life week. Just check in with her today and she's doing very well. The whole idea that shout out your abortion or this is just something lighthearted is so horrific, so mind-boggling, the wrong, the question is how do we convey these things to those who differ with us. How do we strengthen believers to address these issues.

I'm speaking now with Josh Brown and she is with the equal what rights Institute and involve the pro-life movement since he was 18. His primary passion is help helping pro-life people would be more persuasive when they communicate with pro-choice people.

Josh, welcome to the want of far thanks for joining us today. Josh you there every I can hear you now. Yes sir, thank you for having me. Sure, sure thing hate before we we talk about what you do before you give us some tips and help our listeners bring winning pro-life arguments and learn to communicate in a winning way, what is the equal rights Institute which the larger work, how are you doing what you do for a nonprofit that my brother and I brothers a lot of graduate from Viola. We want this nonprofit three years ago in order to help elect people to be more like Jesus and to make better arguments have more productive dialogue so we say that our mission is to train pro-life advocate, think clearly and honestly and argue persuasively and basically what that means is that we spend most of our time training pro-lifers to do to to write in the areas of practical dialogue of the nitty-gritty things that we learn by going to the fire of several thousand conversations with pro-choice people, relational, apologetic the art of cultivating friendship with pro-choice people and famine change in that contact as well as regular philosophy are some pro-life arguments that are better than ever. So I love the way you framed it right right right.

How do we actually help connect with people. How do we change their minds were really interested in one of the arguments that are not only philosophically solid but one of them was actually In the mind of someone you think baby very differently than we were fascinated by the you know I was debating Prof. Bart Herman years ago about suffering does the Bible provide an adequate answer to the problem of suffering and I've never been in an atheist, but my wife Nancy when she came to the Lord.

19. She was an atheist and had been since she was about eight years old and I would I would discuss some of my arguments with her ornament being a well-known agnostic and I would I go through. She's not doesn't work.

I said not. It's a great argument. She's not but that you have to atheist or so that means I said no, it's a good hard mess up. They can be great arguments in our own eyes, but if if they don't reach other people what's the good of it exactly your white rock. Yeah.

And every so often she tell me point good arguments I tell you what. When we come back Josh, I want to role-play because you you have debated leaders from Planned Parenthood national abortion rights action league NARAL Georgians for choices and others.

And then of course you had endless one-on-one conversations in your always try to be empathetic restaurant to see okay how can I really rate relates his personal way that they feel and understand. So we do some role-playing when we come back and unobtrusive arguments at you. I'm sure you heard them over again, but you can help us respond with truth and compassion. Be right back in the line of fire with your host Dr. Michael Brown voice of more cultural and spiritual revolution.

Here again is Dr. Michael Brown thanks for joining us on the line of fire. I am speed with Josh Brown as president of the equal rights Institute for information, go to equal rights If you have a question if you are interacting with those who would: cells pro-choice. Those who believe abortion is women's right, interacting with made Christians that don't know what's the big deal about abortion. Got a question will take some calls potentially as well. 866-34-TRUTH Josh, let me ask you this. First, just in terms of a mindset. It's very easy for any of us once we begin to present her views to want to win the argument, and I've I've heard for decades and you can win the argument and lose the soul.

How do you get the right mindset and attitude of heart before you even start the conversation.

That is a great question and I basically agree with that. Other than the digger can win an argument and Luke the person I'm a lot more interested in the in the long game here with me that I'm going to have multiple conversations in the Bible talk about relational apologetic, but I can have dozens of conversations with a friend about abortion and maybe only in the last one, but a person, finally have all of the obstacles that are in their mind cleared away so they can become pro-life. So I think we want to model Jesus here and really love this person. I'm certainly answer their arguments. We want to have Avenue to the thing that they had going on in their mind but we also want to show them a picture of what what it means to be pro-life.

It is a means of caring about the new caring about people and set a new caring about the pro-choice person regarding want to humanize them and not just the unborn isolates. Let's role-play a little busier. Let's say I'm I'm a woman and I'm contemplating abortion, and you're talking to me listen by your man, you can't tell me what you know we are carrying a baby inside you got no business even having an opinion about this production crew. I am a man, and I think there is a an element to what you're saying that I actually agree there is an extraordinary variance all knowledge that you can have about pregnancy and childbirth that I just never can.

I can try to be empathetic. I can try to understand but you and I both know I will never really understand what it's like to be pregnant and go through childbirth.

When McCormick wrote a quick analogy to give you why I think it's okay for me to have an opinion about the virus 15, at a lick and I looked over and I feel woman doing something kind of weird but her car into a lake. I look closer, there's a baby in the back is probably where I'm going with this.

Now let's say the woman is going through massive postpartum depression, something that you and I both know that I have a man and never really understand. I can try to be at the back but I can't really understand what it's like to get the postpartum depression so that can affect my attitude about her neck and of the all angry and both mental and it out there like I do feel really bad for her. Like what's going on, or person and I feel trapped into the extreme. Often, but I'm also going to jump in and try to help but I want to love them.

But how can I be the most helpful to both people. Even though I'm a man and can't experience postpartum depression and that is reasonable to me. So if that's true I think is reasonable for everyone to be able to talk about. This is your credited Rick with her argument and not too judgmental, but also be careful with the logic were talking about a really. Let's let's face the facts, the law doesn't consider this murder as if the Lord considered this murder in a row V Wade wooden existent and be be arresting every abortion doctor at you yourself recognize that there is a difference between a fetus inside the womb that hasn't breathed the breath outside and a baby outside and we have laws. Everything is treated differently so recognize it. You may call her baby but is just a fetus until that kid is as breathing outside is just a fetus. I'm merely referring to a level of development between a white basically and we do pregnancy and childbirth but have you having you compare how can you compare a 10 week old. That's Jim Daly being formed in the womb with a one-year-old child bouncing Iraqi and compare the two. I think the question is what makes the Bible. What if the thing that actually make the you and I both have equal rights: and so when trying to figure that on her figure out what make make the most spent a lot of different people are different views about what is the thing Anna that makes morally. Matt, I think the thing is that working if something like human being human itself because a lot of the better answer the really really significant problem because I think that human that is why we have value. I think that even though it 10 week embryo is a lot less developed than smaller than, but one-year-old bouncing baby boy describe it in, but both morally Mac are bodily friends.

If you're just tuning in and see Dr. Brownlee being so nasty was discovered remotely here so I just in case you're just tuning and this is just ran from equal rights Institute, go to equal rights with a got all types of ways to equip you and and help you write so back to the back to the role-playing look. America is not a theocracy, are you you have you you. The fact is, if you want a Christian. If you believe the Bible you wouldn't be doing what you're doing you are trying to impose your religious beliefs on me and are very Constitution and Bill of Rights. The separation of church and state says you can't impose your religious rights on me and that's what you're trying to do the portal. I agree with not a preoperative art or life because of religious. But I think you're right. The law shouldn't say my friend during the growing movement of anything if an agnostic pro-lifers and pro-lifers from the LBP. LBP depicted new movement start with all would be a little offended figure thing that you have to be really the pro-life know they would say that know if this is wrong to kill him. And even if an agreement is going to kill human and the unborn child is a human being is that a person like you and I am legally offer philosophical reasoning, not for relatively alright so let's let's not break this down and will just give you a scenario here and in France if you if you're listening think the key thing is whatever is thrown at you that that you don't get thrown in the worst case scenario if someone raises a point you have an answer for receipt of that's a great point you make a really excellent point you want to show the person that you understand their point that you're sensitive to even if you end up differing that you want to demonstrate yeah I understand your point and I care about it. Here's where I differ. In a lot of people soak. I can see it. It makes sense.

But look, let's I understand that rape and incest return at less than 1% of all abortions but since this comes up endlessly and since Christians are are are compassionate people, caring people. What look. I can imagine I'm a man. I can imagine what a woman goes through, she's been raped and that the trauma of that. Then she finds out she's pregnant. She's look at that man is a monster did that to her, violated her now she's got a go through your real force.

You and I the man reinforce her to go through that pregnancy can change your body is gonna change your whole life give birth to that baby even if she gives up for adoption.

Everything is changed in her life and the rest of life wondering about that kid.

Many all the only way to to get rid of the trauma is to say, okay, recommend it right here and and and that monster is not to produce a baby with me, so we just can terminate the pregnancy here and now and then try to heal and sensing a powerful argument that what I'm in a new paradigm to spend 90 part of my time pining on the ground with appropriate person in helping them speak. The thing that they don't get about pro-life people with her that I actually hate Rick baby, you would think are the obvious, but that's not obvious the birth of people, especially if you're a guy like you spent a lot of time talking about how I think rape is the worst thing that I know about it. Something that I think a lot of work despite it is confused by now. I've I've even talk to people who made comments that implicitly blame the survivor right because of the decisions that they made before the right and that's really really wrong and we got it illegal if they weren't really hard to prosecute rapists without been in the right survivor through uncomfortable situation but can't talk about that stuff and how difficult it would be to be pregnant right survivor and in all of that but in the end because I think that the reason is wrong to kill people or one of the reasons is going to kill people is because they are our valuable human being the person then I don't think that someone's person noted like depends on how the person with the vehicle able to spell it up.

I thing like the reason that I'm against great is because it is an act of violence done against an innocent person and the reason I'm against abortion is because it is an active file against the human person. So we start with real empathy because we do care and again were.

Our goal is not just saving the baby's life, but helping the mother as well so they would. Let's listen a few more minutes on the other side of the break here with Josh Brown of the equal rights Institute and let's find out some of the progress that they're seeing some of the things that are happening we are gaining ground.

Yes every day that goes by. Babies are aborted. It's tragic and it's by God's mercy. America stands and yet we are gaining ground, hearts and lives and minds are being changed the line of fire with your host Dr. Michael Brown. Your voice is more cultural and spiritual revolution there again is Dr. Michael Brown.

It's more for us on the modifier. Yes, we are your voice more cultural and spiritual revolution and I am speaking with Josh Brown who is the president of the equal rights Institute for not more to get equipped go to equal rights Josh obviously been involved in campaigns and you see lives changed. We work together with certain ministries organizations we have in common and were always getting reports of of lies being saved babies being born couples moving forward together. Babies being adopted just just lots of good reports, and return about human beings, human lives that are growing up to thrive in and bear fruit in this world what's happening on the larger front are our minds and hearts really being changed.

Is there a different climate in schools. Things happen with young people. I notice a lot of hostility to the pro-life movement. What some of the good that you're seeing yeah I think it was a really exciting time to be a part of the pro-life movement because in our organization is a very narrow focus were not doing lobbying. I don't know how lobbying work. I don't know whether West Wing or house of cards is more realistic like under collaborative other people doing back and work [the research center loved by my counselors by going all the often ministry were focused on helping especially young people, but just pro-life advocates in general to have really great productive one-on-one conversation.

We work a lot with high school and college.

And so it is so exciting we get to go out. For example, in August because of the life conference and it was a couple times down early 2000 2500 college student, you know, filling out the venue and all kind. They are passionate they Eric cited their smart and what coolers their learning from the past couple of generations of pro-life leader. I'm not a guy that likes silicate on the pro-life movement. There is a lot of awesome stuff going on in the pro-life movement data. It can be done a lot better as part of our organization, but what the young people are what are there learning from the thing that of work from the past couple generations of the things that are not working as well and looking at taking all that knowledge and becoming more effective young life after death. So I'm thinking of a wave of fantastic like that. But now the brightest of the getting ready to come out and take over the pro-life movement. And I can't wait that they went up yet, and thank God for the pioneers and those who sacrifice my gun and sent abortion clinics for years and years reaching out with love and make a difference.

And yet, everything we do we learn from over the years and here and there you have a bad apple, but when you think of how volatile this issue is and how many people that involve the bad apples really been few and far between us with the media wants to focus on but has any pro life movement.

So when when we see the militancy of some on the left. Some of the demonstrations if if this can be a protest by the Planned Parenthood clinic being built in a certain city or restrictions on on abortion and enacted and you've got sin with his militant feminists and their throwing tampons and and you know shout your abortion movement to set seem to you to be more friends are mainstream these days that whatever wave I think where it like mainstream for a very short window of time by don't think it's going to last, but likely there will be two hours of my college At the and we have in the worst of it from the things I don't be like will happen if you file your artwork in Berkeley, but we've prepared feeling vandalism happen. I met Albert weird you know short window where you'd be a lot of people on the left that are like that they're embracing the things that liberals like plastic. We were very opposed to like and from what like our best � we can't really know we don't have a ball bat but our draft yesterday, looking out there that they're just more more people on the left that are embarrassed by that and you know we would be embarrassed by pro-life person or thing opening the people on the left are embarrassed by people who seem so afraid of having an open dialogue about a situation adulterated not only mixer they don't hear pro-life argument of whether nobody can hear pro-life argument. So I think birthday and some of the worst of it right now like on college campuses.

I think it's going to get better as elective sort of reform their own and they looked when we we every believe that were right about this facility have the opening and last thing I touch on this in the whole chapter in my new book, saving a sick America that comes out next month. I get a couple chapters dealing with abortion and things that we can do to become a culture of life again. But obviously the most fundamental thing for us as believers is that every human being is created an image of God, and that's what were different than the animals. And that's why every human life has a certain dignity. Are you able to convey that to people who may not even be believers in the Bible, but the concept somehow somehow getting across to them that were created in the image of God and depend on the cover of a moderate here were of every conversation.

If it very difficult judgment call MS prayer without sometimes will get a conversation with an atheist and very quickly it will turn to religion and we will let it go there because like art got at the moment is that this is what the person needs the most pro is basically trying to figure how do we love the person the most right now for some time, but mean love you, and by sharing with them. Why, I think there's a guy that walked out of his own in 2000. Sometimes what people need in that moment is a pro-life argument so that the direction on you to go based on what the going on for them or some people what they need the most to become pro-life first 50 like it is wrong to kill babies with the pretty note that work, albeit considered anything to get people to speak, and something that were focusing mainly on specular arguments for that and then hoping that that and then turned to the bigger question of why going wrong.

What is the soul and a bigger question like that, but sometimes I go the opposite direction to God. It's Artie socially website will define their don't find an email with the prescribed q. week. We republished a lot of content a lot of articles a lot of prepunched out all geared toward practical dialogue for how to help you to have better conversations with your purchase brands also find a course that they can buy with more thematic full approach with all of her argument and all the dialect of the things that we learn from what time spent on college campuses talking to you. You got a link to an amazing video. It's not about the nail on the death of the website is shared, it should with my family. After watching it, but it but it's it's about so goat friends go to equal rights to admit a link you to this viral YouTube video, especially husbands was get a kick out of it but you said one of the things you really learn more in recent years. This is a greater ability to identify with. When you're speaking to a greater empathy order to realize what matters to them in a conversation which then enables you to speak in a life-giving way to them. So friends visit the website get equipped, whether you are one that is actively involved in the pro-life movement or just a believer who cares and is in dialogue with folks in social media fellow workers get equipped bistro so that we can make a difference. Keep up the great work and appreciation editor. All right, that was Josh Brown from the equal rights Institute.

Have you still not downloaded the free intro and free first chapter of saving a sick America having had all right, so go to saving a sick It's free download the intro first chapter think that get you grip this morning. I think of it, you grip the rest of the book and you can find out what to do from there watch the trailer to let your heart be stirred North Korea to nukes to Google's censorship to some special pro-life and marriage gas.

We got all coming your way today it's time for the line of fire with your host activist and author, international speaker and theologian Dr. Michael Brown your voice of moral cultural and spiritual revolution Michael Brown is the director of the coalition of conscience and president of fire school of ministry get into the line of fire now by calling 866-34-TRUTH. That's 866-34-TRUTH here again is Dr. Michael Brown in just a few minutes I am going to have light full conversation with Dr. Paul Chappell. We are going to talk about his new book copies, co-author of the book are we there yet marriage a perfect journey for imperfect couples to have some fun in a few minutes can be practical, life-giving, but first to talk about some other issues. Michael Brown, welcome to the broadcast. If you have a question of any kind that you want to ask me Bible related theology related culturally, politically related question of any kind whatsoever which one asked me, by all means give me call 866-34-TRUTH 784 little later in the broadcast I will take some calls. The discussion about King James version continues to go with intensity and I would say more light than heat. If you have not yet watch my 40+ minute discussion about strengths and weaknesses of the King James and why I stand against the King James only mentality that alone is the inspiring mistranslation of older translation should be rejected.

Then be sure to go to Astor to Brown to work and watch it. It's in the digital library. If you want to add that to join him in the comments section over on YouTube just click in no particular YouTube is looking now. There are already census was posted what not even a week ago about a week ago ready 610 comments just on the YouTube discussion there. And some of them are detailed and illiterate and clearing and maybe later today. Otherwise, tomorrow or Friday to share some fascinating things with you from the King James translators themselves from their lengthy preface to the King James version of the Bible all it is fascinating and eye-opening. By the way, if you want something that refutes King James only as him the idea again that the King James Bible is the one and only inspiring mistranslation and so many of the arguments raised by King James only people just read the preface by the King James translators. That is the strongest argument you could find against the King James only argument, but that being said I wanted article about Google and others on the left trying to silence us is that it is the trackage of the radial no no, but to the extent that we have Internet communication.

They have the ability Google, Facebook, YouTube, Twitter and other Internet giants that went so far to the left. They have the ability to to strangle your communication to cut it back dramatically. They can just do it. They cannot like something in an punisher website, Facebook has done something and in the last six months or so with Ahab just squeeze things that it's not just my site it's it's hundreds of other sites of the Lords and conservatives for everybody that can be debated, but something that would normally reach a million people. Instead reaches 100,000 people in just a change things in their algorithms so I've got practical suggestions as to what we can do to make sure that we don't get silence and I'll share some of those with you in a little while but what's what's fascinating is that Google if you search on Google and type in the words fine bigotry you get this definition intolerance towards those who hold different opinions from oneself intolerance towards those who hold different opinions from oneself, which is exactly what Google is guilty of so they nailed the definition and now they're putting it into practice. They are articulating it.

They are demonstrating it so Google defines bigotry and then from there it demonstrates bigotry will be right back. Her plan and gives the line of fire with your host Dr. Michael Brown into the line of fire now by calling 866-34-TRUTH here again is Dr. Michael Brown. I said that no-fault heterosexual divorce is done more to destroy marriage than all the gay activists combined and were sharing more and more about couples that are been married 2030 years more getting divorced receiving young people putting off marriage often see what happened with your parents and hat. I want to go through that and if the family falls apart in the family strength is going to come down to the strength of a marriage. In many cases the family full support society falls apart. Well, that's why it's always good to focus on these issues and my guest Paul Chappell, pastor of Lancaster Baptist Church with many other decades of ministry credentials has co-authored a new book or we there yet marriage a perfect journey for imperfect couples up all welcome to Lana far thanks for joining us today. It's great to be with you. Thanks for having me. Well, tell me what prompted you to write this book. Number one and number two why should we listen to Paul Chappell. Well, I suppose the answer to the second is just because what were saying is biblically based in that were thankful for the privilege of opening God's word for over 30 years in a local church and in flushing out what we teach and preach the Lord blessed our our marriage and our ministry. So were thankful and we really wrote the book because of what you just said a moment ago we really believe that the be a covenant between a man and a woman before the Lord in marriage is something that must be kept and we wanted to encourage families. We do a lot of counseling. I do a lot of the couples retreats and seminars and we receive your tax day by day and that we wanted to try to be an encouragement to married couples as they all walk with Christ on a daily basis and so will you and your wife Terry wrote the book hello if you been married, we've been married 36 years and we have four children are all serving in the ministry of of the Lord Jesus Christ. A few of them are here with us at Lancaster Baptist Church and West Coast Baptist College in Weber's on planting a church here in Southern California. As well, so were were thankful and were blessed with the Lord is done, we often hear the term PK, pastors, kids, and many might think well this guy has it easy.

He and his wife are ministry pastors and church and that's where the consultant right.

But in many cases kids raised in pastoral homes and in real rebellion, anti-religion, anti-God antichurch so you have the same challenges everyone else has.

And yet you seen your kids grow up and share your values and obviously watch what you and your wife model together and it was attractive to them to think there's something special about Paul and Terry Chaplin. That's what you been able to pull this off. No, I really don't. I just believe that we try to be consistent with what we what we say in who we are at church and what we say in who we are at home, and I think I think the children saw that you know they're all in their in their late 20s and in the up to the mid-30s now, but I think they would say that we also had a really loving church family that I could go on with that but give an illustration. The, the leaders of the church.

The deacons of the church on an annual basis with our kids birthdays just do something kind for them or just to try to buffer the children a little bit and let them know they were left so I think between the consistency at home and some of the loving leaders in the church. They were really really blessed and were thankful. They chose to follow, not just the past in ministry, but a path in marriage. That is pleasing to the Lord. So let's let's look at some nitty-gritty questions friends the new book.

Are we there yet marriage a perfect journey for imperfect couples co-authored by Paul and Terry Chappell. The question that we address moments ago about young people putting off marriage stats show that in 1960, 72% of Americans were married, 2014 it's 57%. I think it's a little bit lower today. Why then is there. This decrease in couples getting married.

I think you mentioned a couple of items, or at least one that really is is a part of the situation that is they have grown-ups and broken homes. They have grown up grown-up in in real stressful environments and and secondly the millennial generation are taking more time with the inner education there going there wanting to get into their careers. Whether it's feels that someone might see in the critical side are not accepting responsibility. I think it's just more of a of a patient spirit that they have an and sometimes more of a collaborative spirit. You know, wanting to just be involved in their group simply involved in their career path and not not seeking to settle in the same sense that we did and could that be related to perhaps some of the faith-based issues of a lack of commitment or lack of growth like I couldn't say exactly but there's less desire for relational commitment in the marriage that's for sure. With the younger generation.

So I think between the broken homes and just the mindset of patients were seeing less people get married and then of course we have to be honest with the fact that the statistic you read is was not just the Christian family.

So when you think about the broader sense of the culture and the lowering of the moral standards in our culture were seeing so many people. Of course just lived together outside the bonds of marriage which is of course are tragic and does not does not lend itself towards any kind of stability in their life or the culture long-term rights of the white why bother me I'm okay single. I don't want to get hurt, right, you know, I have relationships here and there in white. Why bother getting married white. Why should I pursue this well you know marriage as we know from the book of Genesis is ordained of the Lord and God. God saw Adam, he saw that he was alone. He saw that he needed what the Scriptures we call a helpmate and that he created Eve. And of course there are many in our society who been think that because of the order of creation that somehow the Bible demeans the role of a woman and nothing could be further from the truth and and in my case I have a wife that's far superior to me in many areas intellectually and often spiritually but she excuse my helpmate. She comes alongside of me in and though I think the Lord for the companionship and God saw the need for companionship and when it comes to the area of of biblical companionship, intimacy and procreation. God has a plan.

This plan is marriage, and for a Christian young person. We cannot tell them that in every case. Marriage is mandated by God, but it certainly ordained of the Lord as a wonderful way for of their life development and it's something that if we model it properly and impeach the benefits.

I think it's a natural desire for most people and in their single life soon so just tell me, as it is a married man my witness and I been married 41+ years so I can go on and on with this, but what would you say to a young manager would Terry say to a young woman. The benefits that the things about marriage that you simply cannot have on your own. Well I think there's the synergistic benefit of coming together and accomplishing more together than you would have accomplished separately and for us. I would say that has included all of the ministry aspects of serving ministering single and couples. For example, I sometimes talk to young men who are I wanted to go to ministry and it it's challenging as a single man to lead no married couples in and deal with some of the things that they have as far as need to questions I would say the area of not only ministry opportunity but companionship and that just the opportunity to encourage one another as you dream and as you as you live for the Lord and certainly with respect to the opportunities God gives us to witness for him to share his gospel so you know if something that the Lord has ordained and we've we've seen it work well when it's worked. When we follow the Scriptures yet insist that the nature of the soulmates that you have the unique compatibility is a man and woman the different ways that you relate to the world and to God, and you bring that together and the understanding you have for each other, especially as the years go on its it's really extraordinary and I'm sure you going about the Bible says it is iron Dartmouth iron, so a man sharper the countenance of his friend and, you know. My best friend and when we discuss issues on Tuesdays.

Honest enough to help me and that might be in the way I deal with a staff member or with when we were younger with the children or the need to create a memory or the need to spend more time with one of the children and there's just a lot of things in life in general that a spouse that is godly and walking in the spirit can help you become a better person and certainly that's been the case for me and then when you you add in that in normal circumstances you can produce children who are the unique, the unique offspring. The unique creation of you two and the Lord because one may solicit marriage is wonderful but has challenges and issues somewhat challenging those slits. Let's tackle some of the same.

The book comes out October 17. So this is it an advance interview.

I'll tell you will become back on file. The line of fire with your host Dr. Michael Brown get into the minor fire now by calling 866-34-TRUTH dear again is Dr. Michael Brown if you'd like to find out about this October at seven are we there yet marriage perfect journey for imperfect couples go to all we there yet all one word or we there yet and the first thousand preorders also get special benefits you can find out about that and or we there 86634 speaking with Dr. Paul Chappell call through the book with his wife, Terry, you've got different topics in the book including it looked different in the picture, paying with foreign-currency.

It's a 2 Lane Hwy. unexpected turbulence, etc. so let's let's unpack a few things in the minutes that we have left. It looked different in the picture explained that overly that the chapter that deals with expectations and we restart every chapter in the book with little experience we've had. Maybe even in a foreign country, but certainly this chapter was a picture. We had a very resort that we are going to a visit in Mexico and it really turned out to be quiet until somebody stories about you know take a journey on a one night horse instead of down the beach through the little village in Mexico in nature, but you know what one of the greatest challenges in marriages is entering into a relationship with an expectation that is anything but a biblical expectation and because of that disappointment follows in and when we follow the life of Christ. He challenges us and he models for a servant hood and when we enter into marriage with the expectation of serving our spouse and loving our spouse with the Christlike love that lessens the disappointment in this chapter really deals with the heart of entering into a relationship and the importance of not just painting a picture in our mind of what we selfishly wanted to become or to be but to follow after a heart of servant hood. As we enter into the relationship and what would you tell a couple that they're serious.

Maybe there goes 20 years old serious about marriage in and they really want to get married in your your their pastor is a common story I the they're really in love.

They been together three months.

What would you tell them as the pastoral and obviously this can be in your books. What would you tell them.

Of course, we always want to tell them to take the pace that is set by their parents and in that case get counsel and then we talk to them about developing a Christ centered relationship that would include prayer and and even some Bible reading together as a couple. We talk with them then about spending time not not excessive time together alone spending some group time spending some time alone, but just really learning what is the spiritual gift of this person. What is their strength, maybe even how do you handle some of their weaknesses and and just allowing the Lord to confirm and the Bible takes speaks about letting the peace of God rule in our hearts, and it needs to be God's peace, not just the emotion it takes a little time to get through the layer of emotion into the level of conviction that this is the person that God is leading me to write, paying with foreign-currency. Well, you know, one of the things you learn when you travel, is that you better check out that currency rate and what we found is that when it comes to currency. There have been some some miscommunications as we traveled because of that we have gotten got really ripped off in this chapter deals with just understanding some of the different needs that are spouse house and and learning how even though the culture has changed that biblical roles have not changed and that God intends her husband to provide for his wife. According to the Scriptures and the wife for her husband and so we talk about some of the current season. Marriage the currency of respect, the currency of of the communication we talk about the vehicle at the currency of really what it means to understand the heart of the spouse and so this is a chapter that really deals with getting to know your spouse and then learning how to fulfill the need of your individual spouse and last question for you is if you had to isolate focus on what is the most common issue or pattern that comes up with couples and struggling marriage after years of marital counseling and meeting with folks in your congregation if you had isolate one or two that would be for most issues that come up. The most off them over that the will.

I really believe the first one would be of the expectation issue that comes up mostly with younger couples that come into a marriage with false expectations and they have to really come back to what the Lord has for them. The way of serving a belief. Secondly, because of the proliferation of all of the pornography and in them and all of the media issues you deal with a lot of of of issues that are dealing with either lust or unfaithfulness or that type of sin issue and now you're dealing with repentance and restoration. Those are always tragic, but you dude you do have those coming up in our churches today and then also I think there's a another real issue with just the lack of contentment. It seems that the so many people will hit phases of life where they feel like you know what I deserve more or the should of been more and so you you really have to come back to the issues of contentment and commitment and and following after the teaching of God's word and walking in the spirit not in the flesh. Hi friends, here's a books that you'll find very practical coming out October 17. We there yet go to are we there yet he Paul blessings on your endeavors. And thanks for joining us great great to be with you. Thanks a lot Archer thing right 86634 to sigh will take some calls in the second half hour, this hour so very sure it'll get some calls. I do want to give you some insights into things that we can do together so that we will not be silenced by those who want to silence our voices but earlier in the broadcast I talked about understand the times and seasons and talked about North Korea threat of nuclear war and just my my own sense obviously could be wrong, nothing thus saith the Lord the just, I don't sense that were on the precipice of a massive Third World war with all the major players Russian China and American others getting involved in a nuclear holocaust type. I don't sigh. I would think that many of us would know that we are on the edge of that in the through the spiritual warning signs of natural warning signs would be much louder, but certainly North Korea's unpredictable enrolled and certainly there is nothing totally rational about the approach to the world that the leader of Korea has, but in the midst of all this. What I want to put out is. Could this be the time of liberation of the nation. South Koreans have been praying with cheers for decades for their brothers and sisters in the north and others around the world have been praying for the persecuted church and in North Korea.

Could this be the moment that the regime the dictatorship is toppled. Could this be the moment that through a series of traumatic events, the nation opens up the rest of the world and freedom comes to the nation that out of your prayerful consideration as I think part of what's going on in the larger scheme is God, always at work behind the scenes. It's the line of fire with your host activist, author, international speaker and theologian Dr. Michael Brown voice of more cultural and spiritual revolution get into the line of fire now by calling 664 through here again is Dr. Michael Brown once heard someone on the radio say the war for strata silence you.

The more you should shout out your views all the louder. That's the season were in now, when many on the left be on university campuses get on intranet, be it in other settings in the business world are doing their best to silence those with dissenting views and they do it in the name of diversity and tolerance, this is Michael Brown. Welcome to the line of fire broadcast so good to be with you today if you'd like to call them with the question of any kind give me a call at 8663 freight 784.

Maybe I'll get to this tomorrow. Even though most 32 is Thursday. It probably is appropriate because we often talk about the Bible and Bible translations, but just going through the preface to translate his preface to the King James version of the Bible. What a read it is and how literate these men were not just that how literate they assumed their readers were the historical analogies. They quote the things having to do with the Roman Catholic Church.

The references to ancient texts inversions the coach of the Latin there assuming their their average reader is much more educated than your average reader today but white, some stuff that is absolutely refuting to the King James only mentality and found in the words of the King James translators themselves and their lengthy preface which is no longer printed in the front of most King James Bible split for a long season was so can't wait to get into some of that with you maybe tomorrow deftly won't get into that today, but do want to say this, we have our liberties even though they're coming under attack, we still have our liberties and we need to seize the moment and use the liberties that we have.

There is no reason for us to be put in the closet. My latest article is called don't let them silence us if you go to Esther to SK dear Brandon or you can read it today and and I I'm I list four points. There that we can all do because we are watching increasing intolerance from the left one of my colleagues, coworker, and in my own congregation told me a few years ago he saw a large corporation where he was working that more and more and more you're getting marginalized unless you openly and actively spoke out on behalf of LGBT activists, so it used to be that that people would come out and and now that the company was accepting it turn to the point that if you were not an active supporter of LGBT activism, you would be marginalized and that's what ultimately happened 70 lost his job and it was directly related to that marginalized. This is reality. So especially torment out intranet communication for things one must shout our message out more loudly, persistently and accurately than ever before.

The more of us to do this the better and and this will be very hard to censor us all in which you we need to challenge Google, YouTube, Facebook and twitter to do with his right must expose bigotry, intolerance and double standards were we see them as private companies. They can do as they please.

But since they champion diversity. Let's hold them to it. Three. We can support those who develop viable alternative to some these other platforms. This may take some time but there was life before Facebook and YouTube. There can be life without them. We can also financially support those voices we believe and thereby helping them to be less dependent on intranet generated income for, we should establish a ways to stay in touch with each other periodically on her Facebook page or post a link to my website encouraging followers to sign up for my weekly emails and even offering a free e-book below. If you have incentive my emails do right now.* this way we can stay in touch.

Regardless of what's going on and I'll send you a great free e-book when you sign up so this way Facebook does shut me down one day we won't lose contact with everyone so friends let's determine we are not going to silence her plan and it's the line of fire with your host Dr. Michael Brown your voice and more cultural and spiritual revolution. Here again is Dr. Michael Brown friends. We got a great email today from a young man will will call Darren wanting us to know how our ministry helped him come out of homosexuality.

I may be able to share that with you in a little while, 8663 freight 7884. Any question of any kind that you want to ask that I can help you with my own means. Give me a call. Let's go over to Hollywood, Florida. Our friend Isaac how you doing man I'm doing great actually work on first year for your ministry that deftly kept me encouraging up as I got the college and my question actually pertained to Michael after college I was a spare for the summer semester I got my first date of the outreaching to the Jewish people. There and I just you know most of the kids that University for specular

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