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The Line of Fire / Dr. Michael Brown
The Truth Network Radio
November 24, 2021 4:30 pm

Let's Talk!

The Line of Fire / Dr. Michael Brown

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November 24, 2021 4:30 pm

The Line of Fire Radio Broadcast for 11/24/21.

The Line of Fire
Dr. Michael Brown
Living on the Edge
Chip Ingram
Living on the Edge
Chip Ingram
Chosen Generation
Pastor Greg Young

The following program is recorded content created by the Truth Network. There's a whole lot to talk about today on The Line of Fire, and that's exactly what we're going to do.

Phone lines are open. It's time for The Line of Fire with your host, activist, author, international speaker, and theologian, Dr. Michael Brown, your voice of moral, cultural, and spiritual revolution. Michael Brown is the director of the Coalition of Conscience and president of Fire School of Ministry. Get into The Line of Fire now by calling 866-34-TRUTH. That's 866-34-TRUTH.

Here again is Dr. Michael Brown. It is the day before Thanksgiving, and the phone lines are open wide. 866-34-TRUTH, 866-34-87884.

How wide? You can call and talk to me about any subject under the sun. You want to have a conversation with me?

Let's do it. You want to weigh in on yesterday's broadcast where we talked about the Kyle Rittenhouse verdict? You want to weigh in on that? By all means. You want to weigh in on other cultural issues? By all means, give me a call. You're upset with me about something?

Want to give me a piece of your mind? 866-34-TRUTH. You got a Bible, theology question, some other question you want to ask, personal practices in my own life? Give us a call.

Phone lines are wide open. I've got a bunch of things I want to talk to you about as well, but the phone lines are wide open today, and let me wish you a blessed Thanksgiving in advance. Pray for grace and joy if you have family time, good time with the Lord, time to rest and catch up, and think of those grieving at this time, those in pain, those suffering terrible loss. May God's grace reach them and help them. Since the broadcast yesterday, one of the victims in the Wisconsin Christmas Parade massacre, little boy dies. Yeah, so before that, it had been people in their 50s and up, all tragic deaths, including a couple of grandmothers in their 70s and others, now little boy, and others still in critical condition.

And further news about that. In fact, let me just start there. I want to ask a question. I'm just asking. I'm just asking. The murderer or the alleged murderer knows the answer to this, and God knows. So I'm asking a question.

All right. For months and months and months, the secular media, left wing politicians, others have made the Kyle Rittenhouse case a case of white supremacy, which was never the issue. It was never, ever the issue. And he didn't go there as a white supremacist to kill blacks or other people of color. It was never about that. The media, President Biden, others made it into it and are still making it into it.

Even after the jury verdict, even after that, you hear this day and night, day and night, day and night. Now we go to the driver of the SUV, Darryl Brooks, who allegedly willfully drove into the crowd, swerving to hit as many people as possible. That's what all the eyewitnesses say. Police say that he was swerving to hit as many people as possible. It wasn't out of control. That he drove into this crowd.

This is fifty five miles from Kenosha, Wisconsin. Now, Facebook pages associated with him, social media accounts associated with him, show him to be a racist. If this is the same person, show him to be someone who hates whites, wants to do an end with whites, make an end of whites and who praises Hitler for killing Jews. And according to one of my colleagues, was a black Hebrew Israelite. Now you've got someone that's already a racist. You have black racist, you have white racist, you have white racist on all sides. That's a fact.

That's reality. It is it is sinful humanity. It is not depending on which culture you're in, you're going to have a dominant group, ethnic group, racial group, religious group. And if they're racist, then they have more power to keep down others. But racial hatred. Judging one group as inferior or not worthy of fair treatment or not fully human. Whoever the group is, that's racism.

All right. And that is throughout the human race, throughout the human race. And there is slave trade on all sides, different colors, trading different people. This is sinful humanity and where we find it in our own hearts and lives.

We recognize it as sin, confess it, repent and seek to make things right. OK, so here's my question. It's a question. But it's a it's a question that requires a lot of circumspection now.

Is it possible? Is it possible that there is blood on the hands of these left wing journalists, politicians, others, whoever they were, Hollywood voices that constantly beat the strum of white supremacy, white supremacy and evil Kyle Rittenhouse and he's worthy of living and he's the murderer, got away with it, the racist white supremacist murder, got away with it. Now you have something less than an hour away with a man, according to the reports, if this is all accurate, who himself hated whites, wanted to see him killed, even talked about himself and others said, quote, we terrorists. All right. If this is all this account, I mean, everyone's saying it is, but just say if.

All right. Is it possible that the media, this constant race baiting stuff helped push this guy over? He's responsible. Whatever he did, he's responsible. If he did this all intentionally, as said, he's a murderer. He's responsible.

OK, that's not the issue. But there's the also is this a question, is there also blood on the hands of those who kept beating this white supremacist drum? Because, you know, look, you have it under the law that blacks are three fifths human. They're going to be mistreated.

And that was the case for decades and decades and decades in our history. Mistreated under the law. You have the media presenting blacks a certain way in a demeaning negative way. You'll be treated a certain way. And you have a system set up where they get in your way. You can lynch them.

Then you're going to have white supremacists going out lynching. That happened in our history. We know that laws can promote certain behavior or encourage certain behavior. We know that words can do this. We know that things you can provoke, provoke, provoke. That was my that was one of my issues with Donald Trump, for whom I voted, that his words were often provacatory and divisive and inflammatory. And stirred up all kinds of hostilities and divided us beyond where we needed to be divided in the house. Divided can't stand, as Jesus said.

Is there blood on the hands of the left? Again, details have to emerge. I'm asking you a question. But even so, it is a reminder. We must be responsible, especially we who have audiences. We can speak to thousands or millions.

We must be responsible with our words. If you've not heard, the jury in Georgia reached a verdict in the killing of Ahmed Arbery. So you had the father and son directly involved in his shooting death and the third man following along and videoing. All three guilty of murder. All three guilty of murder. Now, I don't know details of this.

When I watched it initially, I was absolutely I was sickened. Just all I saw was the video of him being chased down and then shot to death. Obviously, the the argument was, well, he was you know, he fought for the head, his fists or he he fought for the gun. Either way, you know, you don't take the law in your hands and chase an unarmed person in shorts and a shirt.

So it's not like you've got you know, he's in a car with armor or something like that. You don't chase him down with guns. You do not do that.

You don't do it. And he was posing no visible threat to anyone at that moment. Were they guilty of first degree murder?

Should it be less? Whatever, whatever the right verdict was, was that reached the all pronounced guilty. Bottom line, guilty never should have happened. From my viewpoint, they never should have been doing what they were doing. And no, they didn't have a right to do it.

They didn't have a right to do it. If you think someone's in your neighborhood that shouldn't be there and you got two of you in a vehicle with one person unarmed. You can drive up and say, hey, what are you doing in our neighborhood? Now, if you think someone does it or someone's acting suspiciously. Right. And and you drive behind them while they're jogging while waiting for the police to show up. But you don't go with the gun.

You don't do that. OK. Verdict has been reached there.

And but when I first saw it, I was absolutely sickened and wrote about it immediately. What now? Here's a big question. Would he have been chased down if he was a white jogger in that community?

Well, he was seen in house. I understand all the different. I'm just asking questions.

All right. Look, the reality is that certain people in certain settings like I don't expect to be. Look, there have been athletes who go into someone's, you know, rich athletes, black athletes going to some exclusive neighborhood, driving in and and they're going to some party there and they get pulled over by police. What are you doing in this neighborhood?

Because rich white neighborhood not used to seeing blacks there. So these things still happen. These things still happen. This is why we talk about them.

These these are realities. We want to want to address them as honestly as we can. Right. Why?

To further and forget. No, no, absolutely not. And, you know, sometimes I wish I had more time to look at all the comments that come into our shows and social media. But between all the platforms wrong, we can literally get tens of thousands of comments over a period of months or months. And and there's no possible way to review all of them, let alone answer even some of them. And if I just answer one and not all the others, it just can't do it. But but you can judge what I'm saying, whatever you want. That's between you and God. You evaluate it. But but my goal is to is to promote understanding and get people communicating and listening to one another and hearing one another's stories and perspectives.

And then filling in one of those blind spots. And then when I differ with you, I'll tell you, I differ with you. If you differ with me, you tell me.

But let it be iron sharpening iron. All right. Let let that be the case.

Eight, six, six, three, four truth. I saw just the video evidence of Achman Arbery. To me, it looked like he was murdered. That was my perception.

Looking at it, I looked at the Kyle Rittenhouse video, my perception. He acted in self-defense. In each case, that's how the jury ruled. In one case, a white kid shooting other whites.

Right. Found not guilty. The other case, three white men involved in the killing of a black man. The whites found guilty. Hey, that's what we have our courts for and our juries for. That's why we do what we do.

And to make it all about race all the time is to make a big, big mistake. We'll be right back with your calls. Eight, six, six, three, four truth. It's the line of fire with your host, Dr. Michael Brown.

Get into the line of fire now by calling eight, six, six, three, four truth. Here again is Dr. Michael Brown. Just a special reminder, as we are committed to seeing you healthy spirit, soul and body.

Let's talk about bodily health for a moment. So our friend Dr. Stangler, who is the sponsor of this broadcast, helps us reach more people, helps us help you and get this broadcast out freely to more and more people. So he reached out to us, his office did, and said, why don't we do something special for Thanksgiving? So instead of the normal 10 percent discount that you get, it's a 20 percent discount until the end of November 28th. All right.

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So it's a nice cycle of life there. All right. Eight, six, six, three, four, truth, eight, six, six, three, four, eight, seven, eight, eight for my last little point. And then we want to go to your call so you can weigh in on anything I've talked about or or.

You could call with any question on any subject whatsoever that you want to talk to me about. Literally, as long as it's appropriate for public Christian radio, you name it, we're good to do it. Last thing I want to say, a year or two ago, I said something honoring maybe a Martin Luther King day about Dr. King, but not wanting pushback because of a lot of revelation shortly before that about his alleged immorality. We had heard about that for years, but it seems to be worse than known.

And even a case where he kind of looked on the other way as well as being raped. And so there was there was a lot of tarnishing of reputation. So I posted something and said, look, we understand he was a flawed man, but I appreciate X, Y, Z. Well, I got blasted by people saying, why bring up his flaws? Why point that out?

There's not the time for this. And my whole reason was because I didn't want that to be the subject. I wanted the positive to be the subject, but I didn't want to be tone deaf. I didn't want to be sounding ignorant of the pain that may have been inflicted on others in the womanizing, et cetera. So I I made that comment.

Well, I wrote an article a couple of days ago commending the spirit of an attitude of Dr. King compared to BLM and say, if we care about the dignity of black Americans and the well-being of black Americans, then we need to follow the spirit of Dr. King versus the spirit of BLM. I get people blasting me. Well, how can we talk about his faults and his flaws and his adultery? So remember what Jesus says in Matthew 11 and Luke seven that, you know, the people criticize John the Immerser.

Right. He's demon. He's demon possessed. He doesn't get drunk. He doesn't. He doesn't drink wine and eat meat. And then Jesus eats with people and drinks with people. They say he's a wine barber.

He's a glutton. And he said, it's it's like the children. We we played a happy song for you. You didn't dance. We played a sad song for you.

You didn't mourn. Right. So, hey, I do my best to speak the truth in love and and to be a voice for moral sanity and spiritual clarity and to serve you. And it's usually with faith and truth and courage so that you can make a difference for God and in the world in which you live and never even please anybody. Excuse me, everybody. You're never going to please everybody.

The goal is to please him. The Lord. Amen. Eight, six, six, three, four. Truth. Let's start with C.J.

in Boise, Idaho. Welcome to the line of fire. Yeah. Thank you.

My call. You bet. So real quick, before I ask, I just want to ask, is it OK to go like kind of back and forth a little bit?

Just because I had a little bit of a deep talk topic. Well, we'll give it a shot. Yeah, let's give it a shot.

OK, so the other day I had a. A comment that I made in the YouTube live chat that you had about Robert Maricana and I have a somewhat of a back and forth, love, hate relationship sort of thing with Rob. OK, that's going to be challenging to go back and forth when we lose the call. So let's see, C.J., if you can reconnect. But we lost you there. Eight, six, six, three, four.

Truth. By the way, we got some phone lines open. If you've tried to call and especially on a Friday and can never get through, today's a great day to try to call. But we'll see if we get C.J.

reconnected. In the meantime, we go over to Independence, Kentucky, with Justin. Welcome to the line of fire. Well, thank you. I had a question about.

No, actually. So whenever after Noah got off the ark and God made a new covenant with all of mankind, that seems to be the first place that God permitted animal flesh to be used as food. So my question is, what was the purpose for that? I've seen that their relationship changed as far as like it said scripture says that now there will be a fear in animal. They'll have like an instinctual kind of fear of you and you can eat all animal flesh. Right now, it would seem based on the Genesis one commission and for for human beings to rule over the rest of creation, that there was something either an ingenuity that was that was in human beings. Of course, you had domesticated animals as well, even then. But the fear and dread, was that a new thing that happened then or is it simply mentioned?

And that's a fair question. But for sure, the big change is that that you could now eat flesh animal flesh. And that was not given before. Before that, it was plant plant life. So you could eat fruits and vegetables, things like that, but you couldn't eat animals.

Why was it different after the flood? There are different theories. And what you have to realize, sir, is that you and I are reading the same Bible. And it's not like there's a lot of information outside of it about this.

You know what I'm saying? It's not like we have 10 other books and records back from Noah's day that give us more information. So we're speculating, we're speculating. But some have argued. And again, I'm just giving different viewpoints. I can't tell you for sure.

I don't know. But but some have argued that the condition of the world before the flood was different than the condition of the world after the flood. Which is why fairly quickly you see life spans going down, down, down, down after the flood and not being what they were before the flood. So that somehow the flood had a certain devastating effect on the planet as a result of which the conditions changed for the whole world. And it was now fine to eat meat as well.

Beyond that, we're so that's speculating. But at least we see that the the life spans do go down dramatically after the flood. Now, again, I've I've read younger, older scientists debating this on different sides.

Right. It seems that even before the flood, there was this distinction between clean animals and not clean animals, which was obviously not about eating, but about sacrificing. Clean animals could be sacrificed to God, which is why you brought more of them on the ark, because many would be sacrificed and unclean animals couldn't. But it's not even said the exact same way as far as the dietary laws. Later in Leviticus 11 and Deuteronomy 14, we have Tahore, which is clean and Tommy unclean with the flood.

You have Tahore clean and low Tahore, not clean. So even say it a little differently. But but beyond that reason as to why this was allowed or why a certain violence was allowed, we're speculating. And it's the kind of thing that makes for interesting conversation. But we really don't know. And then for the Israelites, they are told they have to be selective in the food that they eat and don't eat.

And the reasons for that are also debated. But have you heard any theory that appealed to you beyond what I've just said or that you thought could be interesting? Well, I have no formal education.

I know I haven't. I have no formal education. I just like I'm heavily reliant on scholars like yourself and, you know, and others. Walter Kaiser. Yeah.

I also. Well, anyway, the key thing, the key thing, Justin, just say this is that scholars only know so much because we're still dealing with, you know, we have background. Sometimes we have background from the ancient Near East and other things. But in a case like this, it goes so far back.

You just don't have a lot of other accounts to to to fill you in. Go ahead. OK, one more question. So I heard I heard one of your one of your what one of your shows where you where you talk to the scholars and and one of the guys mentioned that it it probably had something to do because you see this kind of formula and Leviticus chapter 11 where it's talking about like those that split the hoof and chew the cud. Right. So it probably had something to do with you can't eat animals that eat blood like they're guilty of eating blood kind of thing. Yeah.

Or just. Yeah, they're scavengers. So they're eating other animals. They're eating things that are unhealthy carcasses and stuff like that. Yes. So that that is a reason that many find in the dietary laws that they themselves are eating unhealthy things and eating blood and therefore they're not to be eaten.

So that's certainly part of it. Hey, Justin, thanks for the questions. It's the line of fire with your host, Dr. Michael Brown, your voice of moral, cultural and spiritual revolution.

Here again is Dr. Michael Brown. Welcome, friends, to the broadcast. We've got some phone lines open. Eight, six, six, three, four, truth. Whatever's on your mind doing things a little differently on this day before Thanksgiving.

Eight, six, six, three, four, eight, seven, eight, eight, four. Before we go to the phones, we see. Can I hold this up? Yeah, I can just got this in the mail completely unexpectedly. I didn't know it was coming. Got this in the mail on my way up to the studio today is not afraid of the Antichrist in German kind of angst from Antichrist. Yeah, it looks it looks nice. Yeah. So thrilled to get it out in German.

There you go. Also, just got an email. My junk folder. If you're going to send out spam, try to proofread the English. So, of course, from a completely bogus, endless, bogus email address, it's allegedly from Citibank. We've must locked your account. We've must locked your account and then attachment you're supposed to open.

I'm not going to open it. All right. Eight, six, six, three, four, truth. And we're going to try to reconnect with C.J.

in Boise, Idaho. All right. We got our phones connected properly now.

Yeah, I think I had my headphones in, so I think that my headphones sort of just kind of disconnect call. I don't really know. All right. The thing that happened.

So let me just take a second. You were asking me about Rabbi Meir Kahane. He was an activist, ultimately assassinated when he was in the States, an Orthodox rabbi who was so pro Israel that he was militantly anti Arab. And on the one hand, had a lot of excellent warnings for the Jewish people and important insights about Jewish culture and life and morality. At the same time, really, and stirred racial hatred against Arabs and basically did not want to share the land with the Arab peoples. So ultimately, he was he was assassinated.

Of course, he has a son involved in Israeli politics, but is is considered, except by the extreme right wing, to be a radical, destructive figure because of his rhetoric. Yes. So over to you.

Absolutely. And so so a big portion of why I want to potentially have a small dialogues. I know obviously it's on a radio show, but about him is because he's a complicated figure for me personally. On one end, he's somewhat of a hero of mine because nobody, it seems, stuck up for Jewish people except for him. And it's something I very much admire, you know, someone who's willing to just have that kind of love for their own family members and people and friends and things of that nature. And I very much admire his teachings on Torah as well. In fact, it had me, even as a Christian, had a lot of new respect for the Torah that I never had before. Just kind of listening to some of the stuff you would say.

And yet on the other end, as you said, you know, he's got the his some of his rhetoric. And, you know, some of my own, shall we say, brethren in messianic Jews have have directly felt negative impacts of kahanism. But what I wanted to get to ask about is I don't know how exactly the view of those things, because the things he did, he's doing well. Like there's a movement to reestablish, you know, religiosity in in Israel. They want to have a temple and they want to have the Levitical priesthood up there and they want to have, you know, the teaching of halakha and stuff like that in the land. That all derives directly from kahana. In fact, the founder of the Temple Mount Institute, Rabbi Yisrael Ariel, is that he was the second person on the party list for kach back when he actually won a seat.

Yeah. So here's let me just jump in here first and say the the growing trend towards religiosity within Israel, that's something new that goes back before kahana was ever born. So you have the religious Jews who've been living there.

Basically, an arrangement is made kind of a marriage. OK, we'll support your secular state, but we have to have autonomy. And you have to basically where it comes to religious things like weddings, then all Israel has to live by our laws. So that's that's been the way it's it's been. That's kind of the the union. And then what's happened now is the Orthodox, especially the ultra-orthodox population, has grown and grown and grown and become more and more influential and more and more involved in politics. Then it creates a real pushback from the rest of the nation. It's like, well, you can't tell us how to live.

You can't push this on us. But but that kahana is more responsible for right wing politics than anything else in terms of his emphasis and his legacy. It is extreme right wing politics with with racial hatred mixed in. Now, you say, how do how do you balance that out? Well, it's the whole package. So if you had an amazing, phenomenal, incredible, gifted kindergarten teacher, this gal could absolutely in in engage the kids and get the kids to learn and get them interested was absolutely amazing, but had a massive drinking problem and on several occasions drove out of control and killed people.

She goes to jail. This doesn't matter how good a teacher she is reading a biography about Jim Jones with the People's Temple. He was massively committed to socialism. And at a certain point, it just became his ego and his persona. But he felt it was so critically important to stand with poor communities and to fight back against discrimination, against blacks and things. So we had these deep values, but it was a deceived cult leader who ultimately is a mass murderer of hundreds and hundreds of people. So when I add something, I hear you totally. But part of the thing that complicates this for me, you know, you brought up Martin Luther King earlier.

Yeah. And Malcolm X, I think, is another good example. But I think to really bring this home for us as Protestants, I mean, Martin Luther, right? The man is what he said about my ancestors, because I would not be considered holistically Jewish, but my ancestors were and you directly is terrible. It's awful, right?

It's absolutely horrible. And yet he's responsible for the Protestant Reformation, which is such a beautiful and I would argue, God driven thing. And it's like, how do you balance the fact that Hitler could not have possibly risen in Germany without Luther with the Protestant Reformation? And I see something similar here where you have like all these people. They want to make Aliyah and they want to return to the land as as worshippers of Yehovah when so many don't and all this kind of stuff.

And that's all in their eyes. It's kahanism, right? And yet at the same time, we have this this messianic Jewish problem. And Karaite Jews, too, they are feeling the horrible effects of some certain religious nationalism as well. And so I it's not that I don't I don't I think you're giving kahana way too much credit in terms of his influence, that the Aliyah movement again exists outside of him. The massive influx of Russian Jews was a direct result of anti-Semitism in Russia.

The influx of Jews from France is a direct result of the rise of anti-Semitism. Many of the people coming never even heard of Kahana's name or would not even think about him, especially Russian Jews. I think you cannot put him in a class of influence like a Martin Luther.

You're you're you're comparing a big fish in a small pond with a big fish in a giant pond. And you really so you see certain personal experiences, you're running into certain people, but his influence is nowhere on that level. It's revived in certain ways because of a more extreme right wing political faction that that's growing in Israel. As for Martin Luther, I hold him in tremendous tension. I cannot think of a single good thing he did or good thing he said without the remembrance of the horrible things. It wasn't the horrific things about the Jews, you know, set the synagogues on fire, forbid the rabbis to teach under penalty of death, deprive them of good jobs, herd them together in ghettos like gypsies.

I mean, utterly horrific when it came to the peasants, the peasants war, but one hundred fifty thousand killed. He said, I come I did it. I did it.

I commanded it to happen. And, you know, just real sicko things. So I look I've talked to church historians, professors and said, when you teach on Martin Luther, how much time do you spend teaching on these things? And one of the top historians looked him and said, we don't a little bit embarrassed. So we've got to hold it in tension, appreciating the good, but grieving over the bad. And when it comes to Kahama, the biggest legacy is the bad, because you have enough people pro Israel, enough people pro Aliyah, enough people pro Torah, et cetera. So I've read some of this stuff and it sounds prophetic.

I mean, some of it is is incredibly insightful. And wow, he saw things coming before they came. But this is the reminder to us here. And I'll say this last thing. I in my chat, in my book, Donald Trump is not our savior. An evangelical leader speaks his mind about the man who supports his presence.

They came out in October of twenty eighteen. And I one of the points that I made, the takeaways is that character does count and morality does matter. In other words, we got criticized. How could you vote for Trump when he's such a lousy character and was such a bad character in the past?

And we said, well, we don't like what he did in the past, but we appreciate all the good he's doing here. But character does count. Morality does matter because of his character weaknesses that pushed so much animosity towards him that there was actually a push against the whole Republican Party on a certain level, you know, losing a majority in the Senate and then this wave of votes against him. Now that he's out of the picture board, people are just dealing with the left wing Democratic policies.

There's this massive push back against them. But the divisiveness they brought. So the character does count.

Morality does matter. That's the way I'd sum it up. Right. So if I were you, what I would do is if there's some really good things that Kahana said that are worth repeating or worth sharing that uniquely come from him, then you do what I would do with Luther.

I would say I grieve over X, Y, Z, but separate this from Kahana. This is an excellent point. Or here's where he gets even misrepresented or demonized even more.

Let's look at him in a balanced way. And then the reminder that all human beings, even the very best, are still mixed in some level, which is why we don't idolize people. So I'll give you the last word. Yeah, and I appreciate your insight here tremendously, because, you know, even in my responses, it's not even that I disagree with you as much as it is that I am, you know, eternally kind of struggling with this. Yeah, yeah.

Understood. And I will say, I think Kahana's influence is a little bit more insidious than people might think. You know, the Temple Mount Institute, which is responsible for the new Levitical priesthood and, you know, Yehuda Glick's group, is actually founded by his sort of second in command. And he was also the keynote speaker at the very first Noahite conference. Yeah. But even so, though, I mean, I said I'd give you the last word, but since you brought that up and you want me to respond.

And yeah, and I love it to push, you know, this way we can get deeper. But even so, within Israel, the Temple Mount Institute is not influential. It's not really a major consideration to religious Jews and secular Jews hardly know about it.

And the Noahites remain a fringe group, very much fringe group with percentage wise, a very, very small number of Gentiles overall. Hey, CJ, thanks for the dialog. We'll be right back with your calls. Harry Randi, you're next. It's The Line of Fire with your host, activist, author, international speaker and theologian, Dr. Michael Brown. Your voice of moral, cultural and spiritual revolution. Get into The Line of Fire now by calling 866-342. Here again is Dr. Michael Brown. Do you get my emails?

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So this way you can find out And if we're blessing to share with your friends, if we've helped you, then share that blessing with others. All right. Let us go back over to the phones. Hang on.

Where what happened to my. All right. All right.

Something seems to have frozen away. Hang on. There we go. There we go. My mouse has just reappeared.

Let us go over to Grand Rapids, Michigan. Harry, welcome to the line of fire. Thank you, Dr. Brown.

How are you? It's I'm one of your supporters and I don't know if you remember me. My nickname is Hal. H.A.L.

Hal Leith. And you sent me your book on music. Power of music. Right. And you sent me some of your your worship music and things like that. All right. Great.

Great to meet you by phone. And thanks for your support. I just before my question, I just want to plug that book.

I mean, I gave a great video review on Amazon. All my Christian musician friends and even non Christian friends should read that book. It's a great overview of history and a great just a great kingdom encouragement for the musicians. Awesome. Friends, that's the book, The Power of Music.

God's Call to Change the World One Song at a Time. Thank you. Yes, sir.

Yes, sir. Well, you know, I've been studying, you know, I was never really sure if the creation is old or young. You know what I mean? And I was reading about about about a year ago or so. I was reading and I something just dawned on me that when Jesus cursed the fig tree, it withered immediately. As a matter of fact, in Matthew, it says how soon the fig tree withered.

The disciples were astounded. And could it be that because recorded history, even in Wikipedia, says the span of recorded history is roughly 5000 years. Think about that. If if we really evolved and of course, we don't believe in evolution. But what I'm saying is that if the creation was billions or millions or even hundreds of thousands of years ago, we would say that the human intellect would have had a longer recorded history than 5000 years. Yes.

So. So, yeah, the argument would be from from scientists who believe in an old earth. Let's not even think about Christians for a moment that there was an evolutionary process with human beings over a period of hundreds of thousands of years, and that they would claim that there is archaeological evidence or or at least evidence of fossils and carbon dating that would point back to that. And then they would look at larger issues in terms of of stars and earth and so on and argue for an old dating. Now, as everyone knows, I'm not a scientist and I lead the scientific debate to scientists. A young earth creationist would argue along the lines you are in terms of when you can actually see, OK, here are human beings communicating in certain ways that goes back to a certain point. Evolutionists would say, yeah, that's when human beings reach that point of communication. But then a creationist, young earth creationist would say, well, Adam and Eve were created.

How? As adult human beings, fully formed adult human beings. So they would say, why can't God create the universe fully formed as a mature universe? Because everyone would agree, for example, if you have a tree and you have tree rings and so you can you can see how old a tree is. So why would you have a tree freshly created that has, you know, these tree rings as if it's hundreds of years old? And the answer would be the same way Adam and Eve were created as mature. And others would say, well, is God trying to trick everyone, make it look old?

So that's the debate as it goes around. What I'm trying to say, though, Dr., what I'm trying to say is that could it be that the age to earth is very old, but just like the fig tree was withered quickly, it aged so, I mean, it aged years and years and years in a few seconds after he cursed it or a day or so. And so my point is, could it be that the the the earth is the same? It was cursed. The ground was cursed. The earth was cursed. And like the fig tree age, supernaturally, could it be that also the earth did? And like you think about it, if the script of humanity only goes back 5000 years to the Sumerian script, that's a very short time. I mean, of course, you have you have you have cave paintings and things like that that go much, much earlier than that. Right. So that I don't know, again, because I know so little science.

Sounds like it's possible. In other words, a scientist could get up and say, well, for X, Y, Z reasons, that couldn't be because of this, this, this, this. But Young Earth creationists would often point out that a lot of the changes we see on the earth are the results of the flood. That people have not recognized how much the flood changed the world. So what you'd be saying is that after human sin and God curses the earth, so it then would spread through the whole universe. That would have to be the whole argument, then that the whole universe was cursed and hence the whole universe kind of aged overnight. So the questions would be, well, you know, light being transmitted, star shine and life being sustained. How does it all work? That's why I'm too ignorant of science to give an intelligent answer. I don't know how it works, but all I'm trying to say to you is this is when I get off the phone, if I could leave, I wrote a pamphlet. It's on Amazon, 18 pages, real short, called How Soon the Fig Tree Withers.

If you could give me a review after if you have time in the next few months, I'd appreciate it because I laid it all out really shortly, succinctly. And I really think, you know, I just think because the ground was cursed that that the earth could be old, very, very old, but also very young. It's OK. It's OK. Thank you so much.

Yeah. Let me just say this, Hal, and thank you for the for the kind words and the support again. I'm going to ask one of my colleagues who is who is more academically scientific than I am to take a look at it as as well. And we'll go from there. But feel free to to send me a link. So this way, I won't forget to do it.

And and what we'll take a look at. Hey, blessings on you, man, and blessings on your your Thanksgiving. Do I have time? Yeah, I have time for one more call. Randy in Orlando, Florida. Welcome to the line of fire. Dr. Brown, this is Randy.

Hey, Randy. Hey, nice to talk with you. I think I've been listening to you for, I don't know, maybe a couple of years now.

I've listened to many, many live episodes and I like the vast majority of everything you say. I appreciate you very much. Thank you. Bless you in the name of the Lord. I pray for you and your ministry. I love a lot of your attitude about the charismatic. You know, I've read a lot of Smith to Willowsworth and John G. Lake and all all those things, because I'm looking for a lot of the same answers you're looking for.

I think a lot of people are. Why don't we see the power anymore? You know, I mean, instances we do like the Lord just blessed me.

I passed a kidney stone a few months ago with no pain. Wow. And yeah, I've never. Right. And the Lord knew I didn't want to go under this procedure.

I think a lot of people have their doubts about the medical community in general right now. But other than that, you know. Well, I'll tell you what, Randy. Yeah, I don't I don't want to interrupt. I know this is your last call.

Yeah. And I've got a limited time. I want to make sure I can answer you.

Yeah, go ahead. OK, well, I would like to ask you maybe to do something you've never done. I've heard you give away books, but there's a Jewish woman.

The Lord led me to help take care of the last five years. Show me to her in a dream before I met her. She's born in 1948, 73 now. The devil's been really bad to her. She's almost blind, almost deaf, but tough old gal still fighting and hit by cars, walking to the store and stuff. And but she she doesn't believe in Jesus yet, but she knows I do. And she's a very hard person to love. If if you want to learn how to love somebody that's unlovable, this is the woman.

But she's changed so much in the last five years. And, you know, she knows the Lord's blessed me through it all. I've come through some hard times.

But if there's any way I know you wrote something over 40 books. I've seen you give books away. She lives on nine hundred dollars a month. She's trying to sell her house.

I don't know if it's going to show. So are you looking for us to to send something for the reader? Listen to or help financially?

Yes. She's a prolific reader and she loves people that are doctors and stuff. But she would probably read every one of your books if she can get on.

I can't afford. I'm helping. So, Randy, here's what here's what here's what you do, Randy. Stay right there.

OK. It's going to be a moment before our call screen gets to you. And kind Chris, let's make sure they.

Grayson knows to do that because he's on another call right now. I want to send you two books that I wrote that I think would really help her. The real kosher Jesus. So our team will let studio know the real kosher Jesus and resurrection.

Investigating rabbi from Brooklyn, a preacher from Galilee and an event that changed the world. So Grace is going to come back with to you in a moment. All right. When he does, he's going to get your name and address. And we will send you those two books.

The real kosher Jesus and resurrection. If somehow there's any misconnection here, just go to our Web site, ask Dr. Brown, Doug and say you're on the air. It'll get to us and we will send it out.

We will know the books to send. All right. There you go. Grace is on it right now. God bless them.

Friends has an awesome Thanksgiving. We've got a best of broadcast tomorrow. Special broadcast for Friday. So be sure to tune in back with you live on Monday. Another program powered by the Truth Network.
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