Welcome to Chosen Generation with your host, Pastor Greg Young. No topic is off limits and everything is filtered through biblical glasses. And now, here's your host, Pastor Greg.
I can. And welcome back to Chosen Generation Radio, where no topic is off limits and everything filtered through biblical glasses. I'm your host, Pastor Greg. And my very special guest is the, well, first of all, let me just say hour number two. And if you missed any parts of hour number one, I encourage you to go back. We'll have that up for you at the website, chosengenerationradio.com.
That's chosengenerationradio.com. And we'll have that up for you. I'm very excited to welcome my next guest to the program. And we're making a couple of minor technical adjustments as we bring him in.
He is the candidate for the 16th district of Florida's congressional district. And all is well, all is well. Martin, can you hear me, my dear friend? I can hear you.
I hear you and you look marvelous. And you look, I love the Miami look background. Or is that Lauderdale? Actually, you know, it's Sarasota. Oh, even more beautiful.
Yeah. It's the Ringling Bridge. You know, we used to have a drawbridge over Sarasota Bay until about 20 years ago. And then we built this single span bridge and everybody thought it would be terrible. And it's become iconic. It's like our Sydney Harbor Bridge. It is a beautiful place.
I mean, anybody ever gets the chance to come down here. It's like San Diego without the woke. There you go. There you go.
Absolutely. It's not woke. It's awake.
And that's really a good thing. Oh, no. I guess my technical guy put his head in the corner there. Hey, it's okay. It's okay. We're fine.
We're good. You know, that's interesting. A lot of people talk about that. We had a school board member the other day say that, you know, it was good because there was a lot of woke people there. And I made exactly that comment. We actually have some campaign T-shirts that say awake, not woke.
Who knew that woke would be a phrase? We've got a lot to blame over for. Well, there's no doubt. There's no doubt. You know, it's interesting.
And I know that you've been here in the United States for many, many years. I had Trevor Loudon. I don't know if you know Trevor. Yeah. So I had Trevor on to open the program today. But I find it interesting.
And I'll have Mike Zagba on following you. His dad, they're from Venezuela. And, you know, talking about because his dad was there when Hugo Chavez and George Soros took over Venezuela, right, and destroyed that country, which was a beautiful country. But it's interesting to me that people who have come from foreign countries come over here to America pursuing the American dream are the ones that have to tell the majority who have grown up here and become apathetic. Hey, wake up, dummies. You're losing your country.
Well, yeah, it's absolutely true. If that comes back down to the old thing, you know, my dad always told me people don't value things that they didn't earn for themselves. When, you know, I didn't crawl over the border, but even people who crawl over the border, not that they should be here.
They're in search of something and they come here because they believe in the American dream and they believe in the Constitution. You know, I came here because I looked at my country and Britain and obviously, Trevor, you know, from New Zealand, they've seen three, four generations of switching away in Britain after the Second World War. You know, we let go of our greatest Englishman of all time, Winston Churchill, a new way.
You know, we were tired. Twenty five years between two wars, millions of people died. And so they were seduced by socialism. The thing that happened in Britain was the same thing to an extent that happened in America, which is that in Britain, the Labour Party brought in National Health Service, which was allegedly going to be a better way. They brought in the so-called old age pension. And in America did the same thing with Medicare and Social Security.
And the idea would be that this was a new start. But what it actually did was create a sense of dependence from cradle to grave on the government, which is the antithesis of the opposite of what America was meant to be. And here we are, 75, 80 years later, and we're paying the price because now there's no consequence for anything. There's no meritocracy.
Now you get a trophy, whether you win or whether you lose. Well, you know, you think about that Woodrow Wilson to, you know, to Roosevelt, right? I mean, two of probably the most influential socialist communist presidents that have ever sat in the White House. And yet, you know, one started the United Nations, the epitome of the globalist movement and the other one started all of the social programs that were supposed to be temporary and government funding them by stealing our money through taxes. Why incredible, you know, 16th Amendment, obviously Woodrow Wilson was the president when that passed. Do you remember the interest or the rate of tax initially was 2% and it was meant to pay for the First World War.
And by the end of the war, I believe the highest rate was 70%, the classic bait and switch of all socialists. And, you know, we talk about the media and how we've been lied to by the media in the last few years. This has been going on for a lot longer than that.
This goes right back. How did we ever have a president in FDR that was in a wheelchair and almost nobody knew? Quite incredible. And it is that was lies and that this is dishonesty that's been perpetrated on the American public.
You know, I was laughing earlier, perhaps not really that funny. Someone said something about COVID. And I said, you mean the biological weapon perpetrated on America by the Chinese? Yes. Yes. You know, I'm not a scientist.
I don't need to be. We know where it started. But here's the thing. If you went out, any nation state went out and rose in economy through the world. And what better takeover could there possibly be? And why aren't we, you know, never mind Taiwan, why aren't we on the borders walking into China? Why are we letting it go? And that's because we've got China Joe in the way in the White House.
And, you know, history is going to look back on that as potentially the greatest crime ever perpetrated on mankind. An extraordinary thing. And yet what has the response been?
Masks and a vaccine that doesn't work? Oh, it works. It works, Martin. It's doing exactly what it was meant to do. Peter McCullough was on my program on Monday talking about exactly what it's meant to do.
It's meant to kill people. And that's exactly what it's doing. And Steve Kirsch went on to Fox and said that on Tucker Carlson and Fox then attacked him for it. And Naomi Wolf went on and pulled up independent verification to show that what Kirsch said is 100 percent true. And the CDC and the FDA and Fauci all knew it before they even released this garbage on us.
Well, it's almost like a movie, isn't it? You've got these evil characters like Fauci and you've got, you know, the people in Congress there and everybody shaking their head. You know, remember with the Warren Report, that was the first time we'd ever used the term conspiracy theorist. And, you know, it was done and designed and they found that it worked till you put people out to be crackpots and, you know, talk about them with a tinfoil hat on. You know, maybe history is going to look around and show that the likes of you, the likes of me, millions of Americans that were duped and seduced by the promise of a free lunch and a free life were the people that saved America. I mean, I don't despair.
I'm a positive person. But when I look at it and people talk about George Orwell and 1984 or whatever else, it couldn't be more accurate. And frankly, if George Orwell had written 1984 in 2022, nobody would buy it because it wouldn't make any sense because we're already living it. Well, you know, I think about, you know, there was a James Bond film where the guy, you know, is going to release a virus and he already has the antidote for that virus. I can't remember the name, but you know what I'm talking about?
It's one of the James Bond movies. And literally as I was watching this and I've got on my blog because Nan Su from the Epic Times and I literally went through step by step telling people over two years ago that this was a biological chemical warfare attack on the United States of America. And then we spent almost four hours going through and telling them exactly how China was doing it. And now all of a sudden we've got a few people that are waking up and going, hey, you know what?
I think maybe it might have been a biochemical warfare attack. Hello. Come on, people. I mean, look, if you knew anything about General Pachepo and Russia and the disinformation campaigns of the 1940s and the 1950s after World War II, then you would understand exactly what's been happening to America. You mentioned Bond movies. You remember the evil third party to that was Spectre, you know, and they were talking about, you know, you look at the Chinese and you look at what they do and, you know, and they talk about, I think Joey said that a number of times that China is not our enemy. Well, they're certainly not our friend. The truth is that we have to be. Oh, my gosh.
Yeah. You know, this is this is a Trojan horse. You know, we actually have, you know, they talk about raiding Mira Largo and trying to get hold of a bunch of papers that I don't suppose President Trump's ever read anyway and not looking at the shiny object. They're not looking at the fact that you've got a president with dementia who's got clear, direct financial links to China. And God knows what, you know, we know about Hunter Biden's laptop, but why would you assume it would stop there?
Why would you assume that he isn't actively participating in an attempt to overthrow our republic? And let's be frank, turning up at the former president's home is reckless on its face because all that happens logically if the Republicans have any co-owners, which they don't. But if they did, next time round after you win back the majority, the next thing you do would be knocking on Joe Biden's door.
But they won't. And that's been a mark. That's the funny thing is that we're playing flag football while the Democrats are playing contact. And we're getting smashed in the mouth every week. And the likes of Mitch McConnell are saying, hit me again.
That doesn't make any sense. Well, and that is and we're going to be going into a break in a minute. But when we get back, we'll really dig into this. That's the reason why I know that you're running for Congress and you're running against, you know, a rhino, a long term rhino, someone who who thought that it was a great. And I remember sitting down with a guy named Harvey Hildebrand here in Texas, who was our state representative, and having a conversation with him about, you know, well, you know, we got to compromise. We got to do this.
We got to do that. We had a super majority in the House, a super majority in the Senate and a Republican governor. And none of the Republican Party platform was being passed.
None of it. And his excuse was, well, one of these days the Democrats are going to be in charge. And I said to him point blank, you know, if you guys keep not doing what we sent you there to do, you're absolutely right. The Democrats are one day going to be in charge, but it's going to be blood on your hands because you have the majority right now and you keep killing the legislation that we sent you there to put through.
They did it with Ryan and McConnell in Trump's first two years, and they did the same thing with Bush and they did the same thing with Reagan. We'll be back with more with Martin Hyde here on Children's Generation Radio. I'm your host, Pastor Greg. Hi, I'm Tim Scheff, certified natural health practitioner. I want to introduce you to a product that I think will interest everyone. A product called Natural Sleep, available at cgrwellness.com.
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Naked products do not treat, reduce, cure or prevent disease. You can support Chosen Generation and make a tax deductible donation by visiting www.chosengenerationradio.com and now back to Chosen Generation with Pastor Greg. Here we go. And welcome back to Chosen Generation Radio where no topic is off limits and everything filtered through biblical glasses. I'm your host Pastor Greg my very special guest Martin Hyde live from Florida where he is running for the 16th congressional district seat in the state of Florida. And you know a lot of people are of the oppression Martin that Florida, you know Governor DeSantis who is doing a fantastic job that Florida is kind of locked up but we've got Marco Rubio who really has shot himself in the foot quite frankly with some of the things that he has done some of the rhino behavior that he has had he's shot himself in the foot but we've got Marco Rubio who's in a battle with an incredibly leftist radical senator. You're in a battle with a rhino right now and so people shouldn't just assume that even in a place that's doing as well as Florida is doing that there's not a need to seriously get engaged and get involved in what's going to happen in 2022. Well we all get the government we deserve it Pastor and the truth is that Marco Rubio voted for red flag gun laws which are flagrantly unconstitutional you know you have to process the argument that somebody can simply say that somebody is dangerous with no evidence whatever else you can take away their constitutional rights they also pushed it on the military personnel under their uniformed military code and you know it's completely wrong my opponent voted for HR 8 a couple of years ago which was an extended background check bill which and the registration and then you know registration turns into confiscation they want to know not so much who's got the guns as the people they don't like who's got the guns and we know why the second amendment was passed it was to protect us against a government of tyranny and we've got one and the question is what would happen if you took the guns away and I'll tell you what happens the same thing happened in Britain in the 90s when they outlawed the right to have a gun they did the same obviously in Cuba and in Russia they did it in Germany once you take the guns that's it once you've taken away the ability for people to look after themselves and as far as Marco Rubio is concerned Marco Rubio is a great example of an establishment Republican I don't know what he believes or what he really thinks but he's only got himself to blame to be in the cross hairs there Florida is in a good place because of Ron DeSantis but don't forget he only won by a handful of votes over what turned out to be a criminal drug addict in Andrew Gillum less than four years ago imagine if that guy had been in charge of the state Florida would be California now we'd have income tax we'd have been locked down we'd probably still be locked down and you can't make this stuff up so when you're talking about you know participating and apathy and indifference just think Andrew Gillum as the governor of Florida during a pandemic and how that would have shaken out and it was literally less than one percentage point that separated us you know dogs shine down on us there and make sure that we dodge that one but be under no illusions Val Demings is an absolute socialist communist and the question of what happens if Val Demings becomes a senator it's more a question on the national state right because that flips the number yeah absolutely absolutely so talk to me we only have about a minute about a minute and a half left talk to me about what you intend to do when you become the congressman for the 16th district of Florida what would that look like for Floridians well what it would look like for Floridians is that a promise made by Newt Gingrich in 1994 would be actually taken up which is the push for term limits the real problem that we have in this country when George Washington was offered the presidency for life is he said we don't want another King George.
Congress doesn't have term limits and if we don't have term limits you end up rewarding the establishment whose job is only to stay in their job. You won't get any change when change isn't necessary my opponent took $5,000 from Bill Gates. Bill Gates isn't a Republican.
Why on earth would Bill Gates give money to my opponent only and squarely because he knows he's a globalist and that's the future that they want yeah no doubt about it no doubt about it the only concern I'll tell you Martin that I have with term limits at this point is is the problem isn't you going into that office the problem is all the peripheral people that are in that office that have been there and literally all the changes is the name on the door and then the information you begin to get is filtered through those people so you stop hearing the truth and if we're going to do term limits somehow we've got to get rid of all that staff all that support staff literally that office has got to be cleared out at the end of that term and everybody's got to go not just the Congressman or the Senator not just the guy whose name's on the door I agree 100% I mean President Trump is right about raining the swamp it's all of the special interests you know the FBI might want to take a look at the people up there and staff turning up and doing dawn raids on their house you know when they went to my campaign manager Robert Stein's house with an arsenal of weapons a guy in his 70s didn't make any sense at all you could turn up at these big pharmaceutical big banks big insurance companies particularly the big media and IT companies and take a good hard look at them and whose interests they're serving because they're not serving that of the American public well they all know what the basis was they ought to show up at the Planned Parenthood facilities where they're selling baby parts for goodness sake and not arrest the guy that points the video camera at them and shows you that that's exactly what they're doing talk about trafficking that is just disgusting Martin Hyde be sure and select Martin Hyde in the upcoming election find out more about him at his website give him the website real quick we've got to jump out martinhyde.us martinhyde.us martinhyde.us h-y-d-e Martin always a pleasure to have you my dear friend and keep a seat warm down there in Florida I'm going to make it down there I'm just one of these days I'm going to make it down there I love Florida we loved it when we lived in Clearwater God bless you my dear friend Thank you very much Pastor God bless you bye bye now immune health anti-aging and healthy cell replication vibe is available in a 32 ounce bottle for home use or very handy one ounce travel packet for life on the go the first time I tried vibe I had more energy in about 20 minutes I started thinking clear you can believe I slept better get yours today at cgrwellness.com coupon code chosen gen radio at checkout receive $20 off your first order $50 or more that's cgrwellness.com coupon code chosen gen radio get yours today it's been evaluated by the US Food and Drug Administration make the products do not treat, reduce, cure or prevent disease everyone is being affected by higher prices at the pump maybe you've seen the meme where the 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support them we don't want Latinos we want the real deal and Martin is one of those guys well another one of those guys that's the real deal and I've been so it's just been such an honor to get to know him and have him on the program here with me and I'm so pleased to have him back with me on the program and he is a former Hollywood producer he's still producing films but now he's producing Christian flavored films he is speaking on behalf of well on behalf of his former country and what happened there and hoping to open the eyes of Americans to what is going on here and in particular addressing the issue of how the values of conservative America align with the Hispanic community I want to welcome to the program Michael Sabka Mike welcome good to have you thank you Pastor Greg it's always a pleasure being here with you thank you thank you so much well you know I got to tell you man I've got it written down right here and I keep referring to it over and over again here it is it's right here in my notes open borders Uniparty infiltrated education system and an apathetic middle class America shocking with Martin a little bit about that in our last segment because he was saying you know what do you think what you know what what do you think the issue is and one of the issues and we talked about the apathy issue is is a huge thing that you know 70 years ago coming out of World War II and the Korean War before we got into Vietnam everybody was like hey we understand how bad communism is I mean I grew up I was born in 1962 I'm 60 years old I grew up with you know get under your desk right to protect yourself from a potential you know nuclear bomb okay I grew up with communists are evil communists are bad anybody who professes communism you need to immediately you know say hey you know no bad guys don't do that what have you but you get into you know people that are in their 40s now and they're like well no you know it's just it was just the wrong people were in charge Marxism is good Absolutely yeah no it's crazy yeah I always love that one when they say you know it was just the wrong people were in charge well what about the ones right now that are in charge you got people like Biden you got you know Kamala you got George Soros in charge I mean come on well but you know what but the problem but Mike come on now orange man bad that's the you know they've made they've made they've made this all about Donald Trump Donald Trump and irrespective of it I like President Trump okay I like his policies I honestly I do believe people say to me well pastor but he you know what about his the things that he listen somebody needed to punch some people in the nose somebody needed to draw some blood somebody at the head the leaders needed to say what needed to be said and that's what he has done I period okay but all of that is set aside what we're finding this isn't about Donald Trump is a is a is a caricature a fixture that Pete that the that the left can attack and point at and try to get us to divide over the bottom line is is they're pushing Marxism on us that's that's what's happening at the end of the day that's right that's right well two quick things they're they're not coming after him they're coming after us come on out of the you know somebody they can point their finger at but they're really coming after us but that's you're right it's all a distraction it's all because they're behind the scenes they're just pushing their Marxism they're pushing communism you know and you know I'm gonna just take a minute here pastor if you allow me because sometimes the audiences need to understand a couple things about these concepts you know we throw these things out there like Marxism communism et cetera so first of all there is Karl Marx so Karl Marx wrote the the concept the idea he was the idea guy right in the mid eighteen hundreds the Communist Manifesto all these other things that he wrote horrendous things in reality when you read them and by the way everybody should read this stuff don't be afraid don't say well oh man I'm gonna get if I read this book I'm gonna become you know brainwashed by the book no no no read it so you understand our enemy you know the art of war by Sun Tzu know your enemy and know yourself that's how you're gonna win battles so Karl Marx writes this thing right but it's just an ideology you see ideologies don't go anywhere without feet on the ground so that's where Lenin comes in so Leninism is is the party you know he said look we gotta create a party a structure of people that are gonna carry Karl Marx's idea into reality okay but some of the most brutal people one hundred million people murdered one hundred million people murdered and let me just add this and then I'm gonna throw it right back to you but you know they talk about because there's somewhere between seventy one and seventy five million Americans that voted in the last election for the the ideology of a free America the ideology of a constitutionally free God fearing God loving America okay and and and so they say well yeah you know they listen there's too many there's too many of us for them to want to take us on ladies and gentlemen they exterminated one hundred million people in one year in one year they starved out nine million people in the Holodomor in the Ukraine in between thirty two and thirty three in one year they starved out nine million people I I just want people to grasp in their heads okay don't sit here and think oh well there's too many of us they won't they won't try that please look what I mean you can and now you can talk in more recent times look what they did to the opposition in Venezuela when Chavez took over they killed them they killed they imprisoned them or they killed them and they just disappeared and that was in the hundreds of thousands that's correct that's correct and so imagine that you have this ideology with a party now that makes it a reality but puts it on the ground and you know Pastor Greg it wasn't a big big amount of people it was a small group of dedicated people and that's what we call communism you know the merger of Marxism and Leninism so you have an ideology that now is being put into practice that's what we call communism so this is just to clarify what people out there might not be you know aware of of these concepts that we throw around all the time so now you're talking about these really really bad people out there now I always tell people this when we talk about Venezuela, Iran, some of these really really bad bad actors in the world I want to tell you something right now Pastor in your audience there is not a single good guy that is going to go out there and face these people and win alright they will chew them up this is what they're doing to Biden he's this nice guy you know and you know they're chewing him up to pieces okay so why Donald Trump why Donald Trump you're talking about Donald Trump being you know well this that the tweeting the attitudes the you know he's arrogant all these things but God chose him for a reason because he is a fighter he goes after the bad guys he knows how to put him down on their knees with like how he did with China with the with the trade you know all the embargo right the embargo the trade the you know the tariffs the trade tariffs yeah pieces he knows how to act against these big time bad guys right because why because guess where he grew up and where he made his business in New York City you got some of the worst people you can imagine some of the biggest bad guys in America because remember you're sort of the financial center of the world so imagine the scum and the swamp that is in New York and so he fought that his whole life God is training him for the bigger picture big big worldwide war that is being waged right now so all the people that are wondering like oh gosh but you know his personality they forget about that you need a fighter out there otherwise get this faster they're going to chew us up to pieces well and let me give you an example of that there's the the general council for alliance defending freedom Kristen Wagner was invited to Yale law school for a panel discussion and she and the panel had to be escorted out by security safety police escort out because this free speech panel was shut down by by law students at Yale so so don't think that this is oh there well no but in civil society this couldn't happen no law students at Yale were so violent that the police had to escort the panel out that was there to discuss free speech we'll be back right after this my passion is the fight for freedom my father fought for a World War II defending our country today we are no longer fighting with guns instead we are fighting an ideological battle for control of our country by contributing to causes that support your constitutional rights I am Patriot Mobile Hello I'm Mike Lindell CEO of MyPillow retailers shopping channels and now even 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the USS Enterprise and the USS Boxer and on a tin can during the Korean War served in the Navy came back in the late 1950s from serving over there and went to San Jose State University when he was at San Jose State sitting in one of the classrooms the professor began to espouse communism and Marxism and how America was this imperialist country that had gone into Korea and had no business being there and they needed to embrace Marxism and all just a bunch of propaganda and nonsense and my dad I remember him telling me this story he stood up and he said stop you kids cause you know he was a little older than some of the kids in the class having served in the military he says you kids don't understand this stuff is bad this man is lying to you you need to stop lying to these children I've been there I've seen it I've watched it first hand and you're a liar a liar Mike they took my dad they didn't correct the professor they threw my dad out of San Jose State University so they could continue to teach Marxism in the classroom in the late 1950s now you came over at 18 in what year?
1984 okay and what happened to you? well I was studying the Judeo-Christian principles of the constitution and the founding of the US at church and this gentleman brought in some things about the John Bush society talking about how communism had infiltrated America for over a hundred years even I did not believe this guy he's a good friend of mine we're still good friends thank God for him cause he introduced me to so many things and I say that because it's so important for us to teach others so anyway he said well listen if you don't believe me just go to university you're in college right I said yes go to the college and listen to what the teachers are really talking about and teaching and guess what he was absolutely right they were already saying how our founding fathers were bad people they were slave owners they were racist America was not founded on any Christian principles they also at that time they hated Ronald Reagan openly because you know he was this conservative that was blowing the place up basically the establishment and I loved what Ronald Reagan did and so it was already there and then our big issue on campus at that time was evolution versus creationism and then there was a lot of the gay pride stuff they were trying to bring in these gays and we were fighting that on campuses and I'm telling you they were violent against us so you talked a minute ago about what happened in Yale and what's happening across the universities and what happened to your dad in 1958 right? and you know it's mind boggling that in this beautiful amazing free country that our universities you know the institutions that are supposed to be teaching all of these great things that America is about they're shutting people down they're shutting voices down especially us the right but they shut other people down believe me you know when they brought in Venezuelans into the campuses back in the days when Chavez was still alive and communism was destroying Venezuela they would bring these Venezuelan experts and refugees and stuff because they thought that they were going to say good things about Chavez and when it turned out that they didn't like your dad they booted him out I knew them I knew something they might they brought me I was already established in the film industry so they would come to me for advice and they would say why did these people bring me to the campus and then when I spoke the truth they kicked me out and I said buddy welcome to America right now not the truth they want you to say yeah well and Marxist infiltrated school systems and then these guys would tell me but Mike that's just like Venezuela when they infiltrated our school systems and I said yes that's point number three in my list of four that you just said and it's happening right here well and it's and sadly yeah I mean sadly it's hard to find an education or a school funded by public money that is not you know just flat out espousing what you're talking about from CRT to the LGBTQ to this gender fluidity the pornography that is being shown to our children I read some stuff about that yesterday on the program and I had to actually not read some of the information that was in there because I literally couldn't read it over air but some of the description that was there if I stood out on the sidewalk in front of the school and attempted to hand that material out to children as they walked out of school I would be arrested for handing out pornographic material to kids and yet that same material is being read to the children as part of their classroom assignment but something that you mentioned that I wanted to really focus in on because early on it was so destructive and that is the battle between creationism and Darwinism and the idea that there was that there isn't a creator that God didn't create us that we somehow had either a flashbang beginning which then led to us crawling up out of swamps but that is a very very important idea in the Marxist religion in the religion of secular humanism you have to get people to swallow that, what is it that red pill if you will in order for them to begin to embrace the rest of it, can you speak to that for a minute? Absolutely Listen, Marxism number one goal of Marxism is removing God out of society replacing God with government so if people believe in creationism and we're teaching it in the schools, right? it means we're putting God at the center of everything, hey listen he created us and he created men different than the animals and all these other things but mainly God created us and he's our creator, but if you take that away and you say well no there was never a God, we came from the swamps, we came you know there was big bang, well you succeeded in basically persuading these children to believe like in science you know science figured this out, there is no God, we came from here so it is ultimately part of the Marxist culture of taking God out of everything and replacing it eventually with government being your God well and I'm just going to jump in and say this too, that's the reason why we're having the seminar that's happening the webinar that's happening go to my website ChildrenGenerationRadio.com there's a place to register there at the and what it is about Mike is it's about this issue of the demonization of American Christians and it's going to be Frank Gaffney is going to be the moderator of it folks you've got 4.30 pm eastern today 4.30 pm eastern today the demonization of American Christians it is such a critical thing for us to understand it is happening Mike I appreciate it don't go anywhere hang on just one second folks I got to take a break I'll be back Alan West from ACRU will be with us we got a hold of him and he will be with us at the top of the hour Mike Sabga hang on just a minute I'll be right back with Mike don't go anywhere I got contacted by attorney Tom Renz over the weekend who represents some whistleblowers within the Department of Defense so these are whistleblowers that have been extracting data out of the Defense Department database they have noticed a very alarming increase in instances of certain conditions compared to a five year average they also have evidence that with myocarditis the data has been doctored already I'm the one dealing with the medical boards I'm the one watching the witch hunts I'm the one fighting them off and I'm the one telling them where to go I'm going to keep doing that 9-28-2021 Project Sallis weekly report Project Sallis is a Defense Department initiative where they report and they take all this data that doesn't exist supposedly and they give it to the CDC for watching these vaccines on that date and around that date I have numerous instances where Fauci and that entire crew were saying it's a crisis of unvaxed it's 99% unvaxed in the hospital in Project Sallis in the weekly report the DOD document says specifically 71% of new cases are in the fully vaxed and 60% of hospitalizations are in the fully vaxed this is corruption at the highest level we need investigations the Secretary of Defense needs to be investigated the CDC needs to be investigated you can buy now the fact that there's at least suspicions that the Defense Department is doctoring with the data I would contend Senator that there's not just a suspicion in August when the report was run on acute myocarditis in the DOD website there were 1,239 cases and now when you run it it's down to 307 in January of 2022 there were 176 cases and magically they are now down to 17 there is a word for that it's not suspicious we have in the military the single best data set we that exists because we have baselines in there and acute disease across all categories in the preceding years five years leading up to the vaccination year was 1.7 million that introduced and mandated a COVID-19 vaccine for our U.S. military when they had only lost 12 service members total to the disease and in the 10 months of 2021 after that it jumped from 1.7 million all diseases to darn near 22 million that was a 20 million increase we need to not be calling this suspicious with all due respect we need to be asking hard questions of the DOD and I will close by saying they are charged at least in part with protecting the sanctity and welfare of the brave men and women who are defending this country and right now these numbers indicate something is drastically wrong and I know of only one reason that databases roll math backwards who are you so sorry my name is Lee Dennis I'm a human rights attorney that's working with Tom on the whistleblower issue in the military I would ask that Congress listen to these whistleblowers put their testimony on record these are brave men and women of very high rank in the U.S. military because not just do we Congress in this building need to hear about it the world needs to hear about what is going on I will listen to them we will take their transcribed interviews we'll grab gather their data and again I put the Defense Department on notice they must preserve these records so we can investigate thank you by the way I just gotta I have to show you this is what we get when I investigate I mean this isn't to do with this this is after a couple of years trying to get information out of another agency and we finally get the information and it's all redacted this is how the administration the federal government the agencies comply with congressional oversight we're glad to share with you Senator because we have quite a bit of those that aren't blanked out and we also want to tell you listen the side effects the only one that they're recognizing that's an outright lie I've got the Pfizer documents Pfizer said in their FOIA documents that they released they said we're looking for these side effects the FDA said we're looking for these documents we've got their documents showing what they're looking for they're not sharing it with the American people because they're covering this up corruption was the word of the day and I think it needs to be reiterated
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