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Dr. Stengler Answers Your Health and Medical Questions

The Line of Fire / Dr. Michael Brown
The Truth Network Radio
October 8, 2021 4:30 pm

Dr. Stengler Answers Your Health and Medical Questions

The Line of Fire / Dr. Michael Brown

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October 8, 2021 4:30 pm

The Line of Fire Radio Broadcast for 10/08/21.

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The following program is recorded content created by the Truth Network. You've got questions?

Well, today Dr. Mark Stengler has answers. We're taking your health-related calls and questions today. It's time for The Line of Fire with your host, activist, author, international speaker, and theologian, Dr. Michael Brown, your voice of moral, cultural, and spiritual revolution. Michael Brown is the Director of the Coalition of Conscience and President of Fire School of Ministry. Get into The Line of Fire now by calling 866-34-TRUTH.

That's 866-34-TRUTH. Here again is Dr. Michael Brown. Welcome friends to today's broadcast.

This is Michael Brown. For many years, we have reserved our Friday broadcast for Q&A. You've got questions, we've got answers, but today we're doing something different. My friend and physician, Dr. Mark Stengler, is joining us today. He has been voted the leading naturopathic doctor in America.

He actually voted Doctor of the Decade, author of dozens of books, daily newsletter. He's had TV, radio shows, and we've been using his supplements, his health supplements, for years. We partnered together to help you as best as we can, and we said, well, let's just do a show where I can ask him questions. But you can call in today. So any health-related question, whether it's COVID-related, whether it's nutrition-related, just general health-related question, any question you have, we're going to take calls. But instead, Dr. Stengler is going to be answering your question.

This is going to be ask Dr. Stengler your medical questions. So here's the number to call, 866-34-TRUTH, 866-348-7884. Mark, welcome to the broadcast. Thanks so much for joining us today.

Hey, Michael, great to be with you. Well, it is a joy to have you, and I want to start off just by asking about the philosophy of being a naturopathic doctor. What's different in your approach than traditional Western medicine? Yeah, well, yes, as a naturopathic medical doctor, essentially when I went to medical school, we were trained in a variety of different types of systems. So we were trained in the regular stuff people are familiar with, diagnosis, lab tests, x-rays, MRIs, pharmaceutical drugs, minor surgery, things like that, but also trained in other areas such as nutrition, supplements, natural hormones, intravenous nutrient therapy, Chinese medicine, things like this. So when we see patients, what we try and do is look at the person holistically.

We try and use modern technology to figure out what's going on with them, and then if possible, we try and treat them with diet, exercise, stress reduction, prayer, things of that nature. But if the patient needs pharmaceutical medications or needs surgery or invasive tests and things like that, we do that. So we basically use the diagnostics very similarly, but our treatment often differs. We try and use the least invasive treatments first, if possible. Obviously in acute situations, you know, you may not be able to do that.

But just a different philosophy in how to treat people. And then, of course, by using more natural techniques whenever possible, the risk of side effects drops dramatically. The ability to work with the healing systems of the body works much better. And when you talk about chronic disease, we really have a lot to offer. This is what the scientific literature has shown in the last 20 years. When you're trying to prevent and treat chronic illnesses, certainly a lot of these nutritional therapies have a lot to offer in terms of helping people, again, prevent and treat chronic health problems.

All right. So I've got a question about the human body and mushrooms. When we started, Nancy and I started following the guidelines of Dr. Joel Fuhrman, his health nutrition guidelines and changed our lifestyles dramatically. He emphasized every day having greens, beans, onions, mushrooms, berries, seeds. And in your immune wellness supplement that I take daily, we'll let our folks know about how to get these at a special discount, but the immune wellness, it uses mushrooms. So what do mushrooms have to do with immunity?

How did God set this thing up? Yeah, it's very interesting. Well, mushrooms have actually been used in other cultures medicinally for thousands of years. So in Asian medicine, Japan, China, places like that, they've been recognized for their ability to help the immune system, to help prevent infections, to help treat infections. And so modern research has shown that mushrooms contain these very unique substances. The general category is called polysaccharides, which is just a long sugar chain, not bad sugars, but good sugars. And more specific, they contain these substances called beta glucans. And so when we ingest mushroom, and these beta glucans are absorbed into our intestine, we actually get an immune response that actually heightens our immune response.

And so we get cells like our natural killer cells kill bacteria and viruses, things like that, as well as cancer cells get activated and they function at a higher level. Now in Japan and China, interestingly, oncologists prescribe these mushroom extracts, like the maitake, the Coriolis. They prescribe them as cancer drugs, actually. They inject them into patients, they give them orally. They're considered cancer drugs. They have hundreds of published studies on them, showing they're safe and effective. And over here in the West, people can get them as dietary supplements in terms of immune enhancement. And again, mimicking, we do mimic, at least what I do as patients, we mimic what the published literature has shown in terms of enhancing the immune system in a safe and effective fashion. So very, very interesting. And few doctors are aware that there's hundreds of published studies on these, what we call, medicinal mushrooms. So we're not talking about the mushrooms that people would have done in the psychedelic days, right?

We're not talking, not that kind of... Oh no, but it seems like those are making their way into psychiatry these days, too. Amazing. Amazing. All right, friends, we're going to go to your phone calls shortly.

866-348-7884. Can you just give us a hint of the miracle of the human body in terms of some of the things that God put in us with regard to immunity? You know, the whole question about vaccines and then what if you had COVID or other things, being immune.

How does this actually work where you get sick, but then the body counteracts that? Yeah, well, when you look at the immune system, it really goes against any type of Darwinian evolution type theory. The immune system is multilayered, multifaceted, has many, many specialized cells. It has a vast communication network that not only communicates amongst different immune cells, but communicates with our bone marrow, communicates with our brain, communicates with our digestive system.

Very, very complex. And while we understand a lot of it, there's more being discovered all the time, but basically you can look at it in three different lines of protection, if you will. We have the physical barriers like our skin. We have the mucous membranes that line our respiratory tract, digestive tract, our reproductive tract. Then we have a second line of defense, what they call the innate immune system, also referred to as the nonspecific. These are like white blood cells that go around in our bloodstream, our lymphatic system. Maybe you've heard of terms like macrophages, which are little Pac-Man that go up and recognize and gobble up viruses and bacteria and fungi, things that are foreign to the body. Natural killer cells attack these organisms too, also attack cancer cells.

And so they will gobble up or destroy these intruders to begin with. They also then take a part of the protein, let's say from a virus, and then they present it to another part of the immune system. We call the adaptive immune system. This is where you hear about the antibodies of B cells, which make antibodies for an immune response. You have T cells, which also give a response to whatever is invading the body as well.

In addition, our immune system releases all sorts of different types of signals, wakening the immune system, getting a response that releases things like cytokines, these chemical-like ingredients, if you will, that mediate an inflammation and immune response, other proteins like complement. And so they're basically saying, hey, immune system, wake up. We've got a problem here. Let's take care of it.

So, you know, a poor analogy, but some of the analogy people may understand. It's like you take all the different divisions of our wonderful armed forces, Navy, Marines, Navy, Fields, et cetera, and all working together in harmony to take care of a problem. So very impressive.

Yeah, amazing. Hey, friends, let me just encourage you, if you haven't gone there yet, We've never worked with a partner in our 13 years on the radio, an official sponsor.

Dr. Stengler is very careful about who he partners with in this regard., all of the health supplements that Dr. Stengler's organization produces. There are a number of them that I've taken daily for years with great personal benefit to supplement my healthy eating. You'll find out about a code you could use there. You get a special discount when you do this, especially for our listeners and viewers. And then with every order, there's a donation made to our ministry. So

And last quick question, and then we're going to go to the phones, 866-348-7884. Any health related question you have, love to hear from you today. So when you actually manufacture these health supplements, the woman largely involved with this that set us up in the process, partnering together, was explaining things to some of my colleagues. But there are rigorous standards that you go by. What makes this different than just maybe something you could just get in the store somewhere inexpensive? What's the difference between supplements that are produced at the highest standard versus where you just pick up somewhere else?

Yeah, I think there's a few different things people need to realize. And as we all know, there's many, many different supplements out there. And they range from poorer quality and potency all the way up to excellence. And you can see examples by numerous companies in all the different categories. What I did years ago was, being a naturopathic medical doctor, I basically wanted formulas that I would use in my clinic with patients, so therapeutic formulas.

Not only that, they had to be very pure. When you come to an integrative clinic like ours, you certainly get patients who have a lot of sensitivities to chemicals and fillers and dyes and things like that. So what I did was, when I make these formulas, I look and see what the published studies use for doses. Now what you'll find is a lot of supplements out there. They have things maybe that were in the studies, but they're only using a fraction of the dose.

And people don't know them. So they're not likely to get a therapeutic effect. So first of all, we put in therapeutic amounts like the studies use. Number two, we avoid using things like fillers, binders, dyes, things of this nature. So they're very pure, very clean. And some people are sensitive or some people don't even know they're sensitive. You're taking away that potential allergenic component to it. Very, very interesting.

Yeah. And again, folks come to me with medical questions because they hear Dr. Brown and tell them, listen, this is not my field. And that's why on major issues like that with COVID, the vaccines, we point you to other experts, but we'll take calls in this regard as well, as far as COVID, as far as vaccines. And if you could just give 30 seconds before the break, then we come back, we're going to go straight to the phones. If you could just give one word of wisdom about our attitude towards COVID today in 30 seconds, what would that word of wisdom be?

Well, in a few words, I would just say, be more confident in the design, the God given design of the body and use common sense through lifestyle and dietary factors, which definitely have a protective effect and then use wisdom in terms of using conventional medicines as well when it's vindicated. Got it. But again, friends, let's start with the healthy system that God made within our bodies and working with that.

It's been absolutely life changing for me. Okay. We'll take your calls as soon as we come back. 866-348-7884. It's the line of fire with your host, Dr. Michael Brown, your voice of moral, cultural and spiritual revolution. Here again is Dr. Michael Brown.

Thanks, friends, for joining us in a very special edition of The Line of Fire. First time we have ever done this, but our Friday broadcast joined with Dr. Mark Stengler, and he is a medical doctor as opposed to a Ph.D. in Semitic languages. Now, he's also an apologist. He does outreach all the time and is in the Word and teaching. He could answer a lot of your Bible questions, too, but he's on with me today to answer any medical health related questions that you can as best as you can over the phone from a distance.

And again, if you haven't gone to, it's the place to go for all kinds of healthy life supplements. All right. Without further ado, let's go to Donna in Minnesota. Welcome to The Line of Fire. What's your question for Dr. Stengler? Hello, Dr. Brown, Dr. Stengler. I have a couple of questions. The first one is COVID related. What is your opinion of the antibody infusion? Yeah, I don't have any problem with it.

We've had patients go to private centers when they've had, you know, the beginnings of COVID. I don't have any problem with it at all. Okay. Okay. Next question. Second day of symptoms. I'm kind of.

Yeah, fantastic. The second question is with mucus or phlegm, like in the throat and such, it seems like I've had this problem. It comes and goes over the years and mostly like at night.

And it's just there. And if I cough, it's like worse, you know, it's just there at the back of my throat, can't get rid of it. I do try to drink a lot of water.

What other recommendation would you have? Yeah, when I hear that from a patient, normally what's happening is the patient has undiagnosed other food sensitivities, maybe say like dairy products, sometimes we creating the mucus as a response, or they have environmental allergies, you know, creating the mucus response. So mucus response is a normal response by the body into some type of irritation, usually like an allergen or food sensitivity. So a couple ways a person could deal with it if the person doesn't have other obvious, you know, environmental allergies, like the sneezing water, your eyes right now that I'm more suspicious of foods, and I'd say for two weeks, try a restricted diet with reducing or restricting dairy and wheat products.

And if you improve greatly, you kind of have your answer. If you do already have environmental reactions, you're noticing you could use an air purifier in your room during the night because the pollens are highest in early morning hours. And then third, we have patients use a supplement called N as a nice N-acetylcysteine NAC. And that's a natural mucolytic.

It breaks down mucus things flow through better. And so those are just some some things to consider. Okay, and dairy and wheat are the main culprits? Yeah, usually, I mean, there can be different ones depending on the person, but by far those are the most common ones that we see with with patients.

And if you improve a lot, then maybe you can just see how much your body can tolerate those foods and rotate them and while getting, you know, excessive mucus production. Hey, thank you for the call. And Dr. Stengler, as Donna was asking your question, I was smiling if someone was watching. It just it always fascinates me when someone has expertise in one area. And as I listened, I remember I sent you a text once of an issue I was having just shoulder, neck pain, et cetera.

And you said it's either ear infection or tooth infection happened to be tooth. Nail that just by text. All right. Eight, six, six, three, four truth.

Let's go to Angela in Alexandria, Virginia. You're on the line of fire. What's your question for Dr. Stengler? Sorry. Good afternoon. This call pertains to my husband.

First of all, thank you for taking my call. My husband had a negative reaction to the flu vaccine back in 2009. And because of the COVID mandates and stuff, he works for the federal government.

And of course, everybody knows what's going on with that. So we have some hesitancy in regards to taking the vaccine for COVID. So I was wondering if he could give any other type of, I guess, advice or recommendation. Yeah, well, if you don't mind me asking, if you don't mind me asking what was the reaction exactly? He broke out in his face real bad with something you would thought it was something like chicken pox or shingles or something and had the high fevers and all that type of stuff. Well, you know, it's a different type of, well, it depends which vaccine you get. I mean, if you get the Pfizer or Moderna, it's different type of technology. So, you know, there's probably a very, very low chance that you'd have an adverse reaction. Obviously, you know, his doctor, he has a new doctor he didn't have with the flu vaccine.

Maybe he should talk to your doctor about it. I mean, it's possible, you know, he could of course have a reaction, but statistically it's probably still a very low probability. You know, that just because he had a reaction to the flu vaccine, he'll have a reaction to the COVID. I mean, it's possible, something to be concerned about, but I still think the probability is quite low.

Okay. So, is there any type of like, I mean, I don't know, like a test or something. I guess the only way to find out is until you have, you know, the vaccine and if you, you know, have a allergic reaction or something, because we were looking at trying to get a medical waiver, but of course you basically, you know, have to suffer a severe reaction. What is it anaphylaxis? Yeah, that's all they would say. Yeah, and that's just something more like anaphylaxis where, you know, you can't breathe and stuff like that. If, you know, neck swells, face swells. Yeah, they're probably not going to, you know, excuse you from requiring it.

I'm not saying I agree with the federal government on that. I mean, I don't, but I'm just saying probably medically, it won't work. I mean, I think the good news is if, you know, he decides to get it, I mean, the likelihood is very, very low, but let his doctor know. I mean, possibly they want, would want to have, you know, he was just should stay around the clinic longer.

If he gets the vaccine than typical, maybe instead of, you know, 15 to five minutes, maybe for an hour or two, maybe his doctor would want to have a steroid like prednisone as a prescription in case he does get a reaction later at home and stuff. So there are some things they could still do to, you know, be proactive. All right. Thank you for the question, Angela. May the Lord give you and your husband wisdom in this situation with, with the mandates. It's, it's really a very difficult situation for many Americans right now.

And one where, where there needs to be some corporate wisdom because so many are facing this. Mark, you were, you were talking to me earlier today about quercetin and COVID. Can you talk to us about that? Well, it's quite interesting. You know, we don't hear anything in the media about quercetin. Quercetin is a natural compound.

Do you find it in foods, say like apples, onions, in different, in different foods. Do you find it in plant foods and quercetin has historically been shown to have an anti-inflammatory effect. It's good for allergies, but in 2021, you know, they conducted two studies and what's interesting. They were in a very mainstream medical journal, the journal of general medicine. And what they did is they looked at a highly absorbable form of supplemental quercetin. And the first study was in patients in the hospital. They were diagnosed with COVID. Basically what happened was the patients got normal treatment as you get in the hospital. And then half the patients got normal treatment along with supplemental quercetin.

And then they kept on it for 30 days. And basically what they found was those who got the quercetin had significantly less length of days of symptoms. And they also had a significantly less intensity of symptoms. So they had that study published. And then a second study came out also in the journal of general medicine and using a highly absorbable form of quercetin. And this is people in an outpatient study. They were not in the hospital. And so half the people, again, got the regular standard of care. The other half also got, you know, the quercetin.

And they followed them for, you know, several days and basically the same thing. They found they had a significantly shortened time of turning a significantly reduced amount of time converting to a negative test as well as their symptoms. The severity of their symptoms is greatly reduced. But here's a natural compound extremely safe.

No one seems to know about it. Published in Indian Home People, not just animals and testing studies. And obviously it has some pronounced effects, even studies in the hospital setting. So my patients, I have them use quercetin preventatively. There is some research which shows it makes it harder for the COVID virus to attach to your cell receptors. We've heard about these ACE2 receptors that the COVID virus likes to attach to the blocks.

These receptors make it more difficult to enter the cell and cause infection. So, you know, it's not toxic. It's not expensive by my patients take it preventatively. And then if they have COVID, I have them use the dose used in the studies, which is about 1000 milligrams to 1500 milligrams a day in addition to whatever else they're doing.

But to me, it's just a no brainer. Of course, proof of my lack of medical knowledge is the one medicine I mention, I mispronounce. But every day in my own diet, I have two or three apples, along with other fruit, and then a large amount of onions in my salads every day. And it's been daily for seven plus years. So I imagine it's helping my immune system just getting them in naturally.

So we got a break coming up, but I guess it's a right assumption. Yeah, that's going to help you. I mean, of course, there's also been shown as some preliminary studies of the anti cancer. Now in this study, though, they did use a very highly absorbable form of quercetin, which you have in your vitamin mission, vitamin mission website, too. And you absorb it 20 to 40 times more than typical quercetin. So you get very good therapeutic blood levels.

So that probably made a difference, too. Got it. All right, friends, check out the supplements. This is this is why we're doing this. It's the one thing I've been so enthusiastic about sharing because I know this is going to help you with your overall health, because they're first class, high quality supplements, whether it's trying to sleep better, whether it's dealing with arthritis and joints, whether it's dealing with immune system or general vitamins, go to You use the Dr. Brown code, you get a special discount when you do tell your friends, family, we want to spread the word to as many as possible. If you're a pastor, tell your church. They're all invited to go there as a benefit of being friends of our ministry.

And then again, with every order, a donation is made to help us get on more stations, reach more people. We'll be right back with more of your medical questions for Dr. Mark Stengler. Stay right here. It's the line of fire with your host, Dr. Michael Brown. Get into the line of fire now by calling 866-34-TRUTH. Here again is Dr. Michael Brown.

Thanks, friends, for joining us today on a special edition of The Line of Fire. You've got questions, we've got answers. But today I'm joined by my colleague and friend, Dr. Mark Stengler, and he's taking all of your medical related questions. Just got a text that he and his son Mark Jr. are off to the mosque for evangelism.

Right after this interview, we go every other Friday. All right, friends, if you've got a medically related question, 866-34-TRUTH, Mark, you go to a mosque. How do you go about doing evangelism there? Well, we wait outside, and when they're done their prayers and stuff, which our time's about 1.15, 1.30, we just start talking to them, have some literature, just try and have some dialogue with them.

And then we talk to them about the historical Jesus, not the Jesus of the Qur'an. Do you find much hope in this? You know, we do. There's always some people who will talk to us. I'd say probably every time we go, we have about four or five good conversations. Obviously there's some people who don't want to talk to us and say certain things, but no, there's always some people we have some good conversations with. Wonderful. And have you seen that you get people thinking as you dialogue?

Absolutely. When we were there two weeks ago, we talked to some, I think, relatively new converts to Islam. They were of American descent, and really did. We kind of went over the evidence for the historical Jesus, you know, Old Testament prophecies fulfilled in the New Testament, you know, the evidence Jesus died on the cross and was resurrected, contradicts the Qur'an, and we should say, hey look, you want eyewitness accounts? You've got independent corroboration at that time by historians, or you want to go with something written, you know, 500, 600 years later, which contradicts the eyewitness accounts, and the history tells us. Yeah, and that's the simple way to ask, you know, don't you want to ask the people that were there when it happened, versus someone talking about it 600 years ago.

All right, a question before I go to the phones. Your opinion on the Merck and Pfizer oral COVID drugs versus them versus hydrochloroquine or ivermectin? Well, first of all, I think we look at the most recent data on the hydroxychloroquine and the ivermectin.

In my opinion, they definitely show efficacy. Now, I think the problem with these studies when people come up with negative studies, when certain people focus on people with late-stage COVID infection, maybe in the hospital for, you know, five days, you're on a ventilator and all that, obviously it's hard to, you know, treat no matter what you use. But to look at people who use these medications like hydroxychloroquine, like the ivermectin, preventatively or in the, you know, first several days of COVID, I mean, the literature comes out quite impressive. As a matter of fact, this is in mainstream medical journals now. I have right here from the American Journal of Therapeutics, the July-August edition, so this is very mainstream, and they reviewed all basically the studies, better quality studies on ivermectin, and their summary is with moderate certainty, the evidence shows a large reduction in COVID-19 deaths using ivermectin, has good safety and low cost, and it's likely to have a significant impact on the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic globally. And this is from mainstream medicine. I do prescribe a lot of ivermectin for my patients, as well as the quercetin we talked about, the vitamin D, proper diet, exercise, stress reduction, prayer, kind of a multifactorial approach. But my patients who are not vaccinated, I certainly recommend they be more proactive. It is a very contagious disease, and so yes, I prescribe the ivermectin a lot, along with the supplements we talked about, too. Got it. And out of your supplements, is there one that's been the most popular over the years, or in recent years, especially with COVID, out of all the supplements that you produce?

Yeah, I think there's three. First of all, our vitamin E K2 is used a lot. Why is that? Well, I mean, there's plenty of studies showing that people that have deficient levels or the lowest levels of vitamin D in their blood are more likely to die from COVID. And there's good reasons for that, because vitamin D does play a very direct role in how your immune system works, and it also helps to control inflammation.

And when you look at it, COVID really kills people or injures people because of the tremendous inflammatory response that is occurring. And vitamin D is one of the natural ways that we can modulate inflammation in a healthy way. Quercetin does that, too. It's one of the mechanisms for quercetin. So the vitamin D, very popular. Most of our adult patients, they take one capsule a day with food.

That's 5,000 units of vitamin D. We have the K2 in there because you also, when you take vitamin D and you enhance your calcium absorption, which is good for your bones, but the body's designed so that vitamin K2 directs the calcium into the bone. And not a lot of people are eating fermented soy products and getting that natural K2. Then second, the immune wellness, which has those very well-studied mushroom extracts, like the maitake coriolis out of Asia, has a stragalus in there, too.

Using that for long-term immune support. And then the quercetin. The quercetin, it can be hard to keep in stock. We have a bunch of it now.

We actually get that from Europe because we've got the form that the published studies use, I just told you about, the exact form called the quercetin phytosome, which actually comes out of Europe. So those are the three that people are using a lot. Yeah, and the first two you mentioned, I've been taking for years with personal benefit and help as well. All right, wonderful. Again, friends, you can get these all at and you'll use the Dr. Brown code when you're there. Okay, back to the phones. We go to Naomi in Maryland. What's your question for Dr. Stengler?

Hi, yeah. I was wondering if he has an opinion about the use of cannabis and or nicotine in the treatment of dementia. Yeah, I haven't seen any good research showing they're effective.

Matter of fact, many people smoke marijuana and so forth. And the studies including that at Harvard showed it's detrimental to cognitive function. So I'm not aware of any good research on that. I mean, there's a few things that have been studied in early-stage Alzheimer's disease naturally. One is called acetyl-L-carnitine. You can look up the literature on that.

There is some good research on that. The other one is called cetacoline. Cetacoline has research on it for early-stage dementia and Alzheimer's too. Now, of course, they don't cure the disease.

It's still progressive, but those are two of the more reputable things which have human-published research on them. All right. Thank you. Thank you for the call.

Yeah, go ahead. I was just listening to two videos before I listened to yours. And I was listening to they were talking about nicotine receptors in the brain and also cannabinoid receptors in the brain. And they were talking about treatments at specific times of the progression of the disease actually helps improve the disease itself. And I just wondered why I haven't been hearing more about that.

Yeah, to be honest, I haven't seen much of that. I actually had an article published a few months ago in the Journal of Neurology where I did a review on CBD, the use of CBD for neurological conditions. And I didn't see any literature which showed any evidence of benefit for Alzheimer's. I mean, the thing with Alzheimer's, if you think about it, let's say those items you talked about had some temporary benefit. I mean, it's still not doing anything for why the disease is progressing with the amyloid plaques forming and so forth as part of an inflammatory response.

But there's a very good book written by a medical doctor who did research at UCLA, Dr. Bredson, B-R-E-D-S-E-N. And he had a book called The End of Alzheimer's, but basically goes in there to the published research he did at UCLA by using diet and exercise and certain nutrients and natural hormones and stuff and how he was able to get reversal of Alzheimer's, which is interesting because that's his specialty, was Alzheimer's disease and he did at UCLA. So I recommend you go to that as a resource. All right, thank you for the call and the response. Dr. Stangler, if folks want to get your newsletter, your free newsletter that you put out daily with medical updates, advice, what's the best way for them to do that? Oh, sure. I've got a few different websites, but,

Got it. All right, so that's where you go to get the newsletter. And then we met, I was speaking at a conference and doing apologetics and Israel-related conference. That was your home church and each day there were different people responsible for hosting or providing food so you were all into my diet, like, yeah, this is how we live, et cetera. And then I began doing my blood test with you every year, so super comprehensive blood test. And remember, friends, when I started with changing my lifestyle and healthy eating, I weighed 275 pounds. My blood pressure was as high as 149 over 103. Cholesterol, the bad was high, the good was low, and all kinds of other issues. So we do these blood tests, your folks will draw between 11 and 14 vials of blood and then I get a report, it's like 30-something pages, but you've tested thousands and thousands of people, healthy, unhealthy. Where do I fit on the scale in terms of overall health that you can tell by the blood tests? Yeah, I mean, based on your blood test, I mean, for a patient 45 and older, you are in the top 2%. If we went more like one higher, like over age 65, yeah, you'd probably be in the top, you know, 0.2%. Yeah, and so friends, all to say that these lifestyle choices and then healthy supplements with them, these really work. This is not just mysticism and guessing and you can hear the expertise that Dr. Stengler brings to all this, the depth of knowledge, but it's working with the systems that God set up.

That's the beauty of it. All right, let's grab another call. We go to Bobby, hang on, just trying to go to Bobby in Texas. There we go. You're on the line of fire. What's your question for Dr. Stengler? Yes, sir. Can you hear me okay? Sure thing.

Amen. Well, I am calling in regards to the vaccine, can this vaccine for COVID-19 cause a side effect called transverse myelitis? If I understand this directly, it's injury to the spinal cord. Can the vaccine do, can it cause something like that? Yeah, I haven't seen anything on that. It certainly is not a common side effect, you know, the RNA vaccine. So I don't know if it's, you know, a rare one. I mean, you know, the main vaccine or COVID vaccine risks are blood clots, bleeding disorders, and myocarditis, inflammation of the heart. Again, and that's stillness, you know, very small percent of people. So, but no, I have never heard about the myelitis side effect. All right.

Hey, Bobby, obviously if it's out there, it's nothing that is common. Hey, thank you for the call and the question. All right. We come back on the other side of the break. We're going to get to as many more questions as we can. Again, any health related question, medical related question, nutrition, how the body works question. This is the man to ask Dr. Mark Stengler and to get your special discount on all of the health supplements that Dr. Stengler's organization produces, plus a donation made to our ministry with every order go to and share this video, share this podcast with your friends. It's the line of fire with your host, activist, author, international speaker and theologian, Dr. Michael Brown, your voice of moral, cultural and spiritual revolution. Get into the line of fire now by calling 866-34-TRUTH. Here again is Dr. Michael Brown.

Thanks, friends, for joining us on this special edition of the line of fire. You've got questions, we've got answers, but medical and health questions rather than the normal Bible theology, apologetics, culture, Israel questions that we take on Fridays. I'm joined by Dr. Mark Stengler. Again, visit Find out about all the healthy supplements available there. We go back to the phones with Kendall in Fort Worth, Texas.

I'm in Fort Worth right now. Kendall, welcome to the line of fire. Hi, Dr. Brown.

Thank you for taking my call. My question is, I've been having water retention, like puffiness in my hands and my feet, and every so often it just hurts really bad, especially like if I'm outside in the heat. One day I was drinking a body armor, and I realized that as I was drinking it, my pain started to go away.

Is that some type of deficiency I have, or what do I do with the water retention and the aching in my hands and feet? Right. I couldn't hear.

What did you say that you were drinking that was helping? It was a body armor. Oh, body armor.

My vote. Well, yeah. I mean, it certainly could be your most likely low in potassium. You've got to have a balance between your sodium and potassium.

That certainly could be an issue, and why you know it's invented, perhaps that drink you have had adequate potassium in it. About 10% of people are salt sensitive, which means they get water retention really easily with more than just average amounts of sodium. Most Americans don't realize you don't need to have around 2,000 milligrams of sodium a day.

The average American, when you look at studies, they're getting more like 4,500 from eating out, eating packaged foods. You really should try, in conjunction with your doctor's supervision, try a lower sodium diet, start analyzing what you're getting for salt in your diet. You might be surprised how much you're getting, so you could get better control over your water retention.

Obviously, from a medical perspective, we're always thinking about other things, too. How's your kidney function? How's your liver function? When someone has water retention, how's their heart function? I don't know your health history, but if you're a relatively healthy person, you're probably just having a balance between the amount of sodium you're getting, too much, which is very, very common in America, and then not enough potassium.

You're not getting enough potassium-rich foods, a lot of the fruits and vegetables, possibly. That's something you should look into. Okay. Thank you so much.

All right. Thank you for the call. The question's 866-34-TRUTH is the number to call.

Let's go to Chad in North Carolina. Welcome to the line of fire. Yeah, I had two questions. The first one was, if you have to take the vaccine, what would be the recommendation as far as what you guys have found to be the safest?

The second thing is, I'm in the military, and basically, we've all been told that we have to take it or we're going to be kicked out, and then for all the years we've been in, no benefits or anything like that. That's more from a moral standpoint of... Right, right.

Well, a couple of things. Maybe if I could, Michael, I just want to comment on one thing, which I think our media and government really is just a boat on, and that's this fact of natural immunity. It's pretty interesting to think that if you actually go to the NIH website, they have a January 26th post in 2021, the headline says, Lasting immunity found after recovery from COVID-19, because immune systems of more than 95% of people who recovered from COVID-19 had durable memories of the virus up to eight months after infection. The results provide hope that people receiving the COVID vaccines will develop similar lasting immune memories.

We now know it's probably more like six months. I think it's just a shame for people who had COVID and maybe like this person here in the military before they had vaccines and went through it, and he doesn't want to get it, but he's kind of being forced to. I think that's really unscientific, really unfair.

To answer your question, no one really knows. We don't have any research what to do. What we do with our patients preventatively, theoretically, and I have patients who get vaccinated and those who don't, and I just support them what they want to do. I do have my patients that are very high risk. I do, because we have good relationships, I'd tell them they probably should consider the vaccine. For example, the other week I was talking to a patient who's 68 years old, he's got diabetes, he's about 80 pounds overweight, he's got high blood pressure and he's a smoker.

I said, well, you're probably one of the people that should definitely strongly consider getting it. But that being said, what we do for people preventatively, we have them take glutathione. Glutathione is a nutrient made of three amino acids our body makes. You also get it in foods, like in vegetables, like apples and broccoli, for example. It does help ourselves to detoxify.

It also is very unique. God has us design our body where glutathione actually helps with a genetic repair, DNA repair and so forth. It also supports liver and kidney detoxification. So I'm a big fan of glutathione. I think making sure you're well hydrated and, you know, for that small risk of blood clots, you could talk to your doctor, but you could take aspirin.

A lot of our patients take high dose fish oil as a natural blood thinner. So these are just some things to consider. And if there was one vaccine out of the major ones available that is considered, or in your opinion, is the safest or the best, would you recommend anyone if Chad has to get vaccinated?

Yeah, I'll give you my thoughts on it. I mean, I had COVID and I have natural immunity, so I don't know. I'm not considering the vaccine anytime soon. But when I talk to my patients with this kind of quandary, and again, the problem is, you know, information is changing all the time.

For me, if I was to get one, I'd probably get the J&J only because it's one shot. It's not using the new technology. But, you know, it's not without risk, too. So it's a good question. It's a hard one to answer.

Got it. And Dr. Collins, resigning from the NIH, what are we to make of that? Well, I think they have a lot of questions to answer.

I think they need to answer why they spend billions of dollars every year from the American taxpayers. And we're not seeing anything on people. You know, there may be 100 million Americans who have natural immunity. Where's the studies on that?

Where's the studies on masks and what kind of environment are they effective or not effective? I mean, a lot of basic things. Why is it we're going to end up having more people dead from COVID this year than the previous year? You know, if, you know, everything's headed in the right direction. On a personal level, I'd really love to spend one hour with him. You know, off topic, I'd love to spend an hour with him and ask him, why in the world would you believe in Darwinian evolution from a biblical perspective and scientific perspective?

Because neither supports that type of viewpoint. I sure would like to, you know, share with him for an hour, but not like I'll get that chance. Yeah. Hey, perhaps the Lord will open the door. I mean, his own story of coming to Christian faith is important. But then the questions about some of the evolutionary views obviously are troublesome for many. Let's see if we've got time for one more quick call.

Beth in Oakland Park, New York. If you could dive right in with your question, time is short. Thank you. Yes. Doctor, I would like to know if, do you know if the vaccines could affect balance in a body? For example, I have some fibroids and my job is basically harassing me, but that.

All right, did you catch that? Could the vaccine affect hormonal balance? You know, there's not a lot of literature on that. We do know that, you know, some women's natural cycles change for a period of time. So obviously there can be a hormonal effect, whether it's lasting or not.

I mean, I don't think anyone knows. I mean, if you want to get the vaccine, you have uterine fibroids. I mean, I would not get it just because of that condition. I mean, I'd be more concerned if you got, you know, history of blood clots, you know, bad vaccine reactions in the past, autoimmune conditions.

Those would be, you know, more concerning to me. Got it. All right. Thank you. Thank you for the call.

Sorry, we don't have time to get to more calls. Go to America's natural doctor dot com. Sign up for Dr. Stangler's newsletter.

It's free. You'll find it super informative with medical information and practical advice. And again, Dr. Stangler, obviously holistic treatment is the best people living a healthy lifestyle, eating well, exercising. That's important. But right now, if you were just recommending to our listeners and viewers, the most important health supplements, if they're concerned about COVID, I know we talked about this earlier, but just one more time, if you're going to recommend the most important things that you'd encourage folks to get from vitamin mission dot com, what would those be right now? Yeah, absolutely. It would be the corsetin phytosome, the immune wellness and the vitamin D that, you know, get working on your diet and exercise. People have the biggest problem with COVID are those who are overweight, have high blood pressure and diabetes. So, you know, those are the things, you know, people need to focus on.

And last thing, we've just got 45 seconds. Obviously, you've got a sharp mind. You're medically educated. You're well versed in a lot of scientific issues. And you've looked at creation apologetics, all that. Do you really think that those that believe in natural Darwinian evolution are really believing in a system that simply is not scientifically supported?

Oh, you're absolutely correct. I mean, basically, I tell people and I'm talking to other doctors, scientists, I tell the truth. We're in a post Darwin era. The science has shown Darwinian evolution doesn't work. Anything that's built on trying to build a higher level organism out of random mutations, which is basically coding mistakes in our genome. I mean, it's it's laughable.

We know that it's an impossibility. So Darwinian evolution is dead now. You know, the Darwinian evolution of proponents. They may die hard.

Actually, we're at a hard break at a time here, but it may die hard, but it is dying because truth will ultimately try and pay. Dr. Stengler, thanks so much for joining us. It's a joy to work together. Thank you. God bless. Another program powered by the Truth Network.
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