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WED HR 2 050824

What's Right What's Left / Pastor Ernie Sanders
The Truth Network Radio
May 9, 2024 12:03 am

WED HR 2 050824

What's Right What's Left / Pastor Ernie Sanders

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The explosive new film, Flynn, Deliver the Truth Whatever the Cost, exposes secrets behind the government's takedown of General Michael Flynn. Flynn knew what the intel world had been up to.

He ordered the first audit of the use of contractors. This set off alarm bells. He told the truth. He was the most dangerous person for Donald Trump to hire. They had to get rid of Flynn.

Flynn, Deliver the Truth Whatever the Cost. Available now. Watch it today. Go to Donate and listen to the podcast at All right, we're back and now we've got a clip about a young woman who had, well, she had been sold into prostitution as a young child to the Ku Klux Klan. You know, that organization that Joe Biden thought was so, yeah, and she was what? Three years old, folks.

Yep, so go ahead and bring down the clip. Dedicated to restoring women who have been trafficked. It offers a long-term trauma recovery program, as well as educational and job training opportunities in an effort to help victims heal. It started when I was three, actually. Galea Ahava-Mierra's own grandfather took that step by selling her for sex to his fellow members of the KKK. That went on up until he passed away when I was almost seven. That trauma then led to a lonely life of drug and alcohol abuse. I actually had been on life support for nine days due to an overdose, and no one came to the hospital to see me, no one in my family at all.

When I woke up after they had taken the machines off, there was a social worker there from CPS, and that is how I got out. I got put in foster care. After aging out of foster care, Galea hoped marriage might provide a new start. Sadly, her husband continued the exploitation and even became her pimp.

He actually would sleep with a pistol under my pillow with his finger on the trigger for me to just be able to reach out to someone and say this is happening, it wasn't possible. Her breakthrough came during a secret Skype call with a trauma counselor who told Galea about Rest Stop Ministries, Tennessee's first long-term program for female sex trafficking victims. They partnered with another agency and sent a rescue team to Ohio to get me out of that situation. These women come to us broken body, mind, soul, and spirit. We have a trauma-focused therapist, and we have clinical case managers creating comprehensive healing plans that help these women deal with whatever they need to deal with to be completely rehabilitated, made whole in Christ. Founder and Executive Director Rondi Smith explains the ministry's holistic approach. We tell these women when they come through the door, your life has been hard, but the bravest thing you've ever done is walk through these doors, and the healing journey is going to be just as hard.

And if you'll come and just focus on doing the very hard work of healing, we're going to take care of your every need. Part of that healing includes a nine-month curriculum called Good Hope Farms that provides education and employment opportunities. They are learning job skills, paid hands-on.

They're being paid to learn because they need to be ready when they transition, and when they start working and earning, and it boosts their self-esteem, and they realize there is hope for me to transform my life. Hope actually born from tragedy, according to Smith. This is the beautiful kitchen that you walked through to come here to my office. This is what that beautiful kitchen looked like in February of 2014. The matriarch and patriarch who lived in this house were murdered. A bomb exploded in their kitchen. While seeking a location, she met that couple's daughter who co-owned the property. Laura said, my mother always wanted to serve the last and the least and the lost. She was the kind of person who wanted to give radical hospitality to broken women.

She always wanted them to have a place at the table. Everybody needed a home, and she said, I can't imagine a better legacy for the memory of my mother, who was the one who named this property when they moved in Good Hope Farms, because she said to her children, kids, we don't just have a hope. We have a good hope, and his name is Jesus Christ. After purchasing the 25-acre property, the growing ministry focused on cultivating that hope, turning evil into good for Laura, her family, and many trafficking victims. We have seen in our eight and a half years being open, 57 souls who have come through.

And you might say, well, that doesn't sound like a lot for eight years. Remember, they can stay here two full years. So many of them now are living independently for the very first time.

They get their driver's license for the first time when they're here. We had a resident who came here with no teeth because her pimp had knocked them out with a bat, and she got a new smile. Due to this type of trauma, the ministry must take care in its approach to sharing the gospel.

And Smith says testimonies of lives changed are especially gratifying. We have a group of women right now. They've claimed a church here in town. They go together as a community. They love it. They are on fire. They would all testify to you if you could talk to each one of them today, that they know that God has been their answer. That includes Galea, whose name in Hebrew means beloved, redeemed, shining light. Since completing the program, she helps others at a short-term rehab facility in Nashville.

Everyone at rest stop has walked beside me. When I was struggling, they were my legs so I could stand, and they would hold me up until I could walk on my own. Watching my clients come in broken and hopeless and helpless to the day they leave and watching that transformation is one of the greatest blessings. A transformation she hopes to provide to other survivors.

There is love out there, the love of Jesus and those people He put in the path, but you don't have to do it alone. There's hope. There's healing. There's freedom. Charlene Aaron, CBN News, Lebanon, Tennessee.

All right, we are back. And you know, one of the things that I've, it just seems amazing to me how so many, so often these children that are used in sex trafficking are sold by their parents. I mean, it's bad. And it's really, so many stories. Unbelievable. Even those children we talked about coming across the border, many of them were sent and sold so that the parents could survive in their home countries and sent their children on and the gangs took over and the, you know, the children suffered the same effect, you know, problems that this woman went through.

Only she was rescued early. Some of those children are prostituted out till they're basically killed. Yeah, well, my brother, you know, has been running that minister, that orphanage there in Mexico for years.

And he would tell me how often these drug dealers would come in and they would tell, they would have these women, these young women, single women, they might have two or three kids. And he'd say, well, you can keep one kid or two, the rest got to go. And they would just abandon that, abandon one of their children or two to help the other survive there. Yeah. And then he would take them in, the orphanage would take them in and give them a good Christian education. Yep. And then the more and more they found out they could sell those children and get them across the border. And I bet your brother would tell you he's getting less and less children because of the gangs, right? Yeah. You have, and again, this is Joe Biden, Joe Biden.

See, we keep telling people this because you won't hear it and you have Joe Sixpack out there that is clueless. And when I hear these people talking about what a good president, and I hear these women on C-SPAN, you know, and C-SPAN used to be, they would be fairly even, you know, they would give you a level playing field and they wouldn't be biased. And that's changed a lot with them. They, you could tell there's a lot more bias towards the left in there today for those people.

It seems like there aren't any real journalists left out there anymore. But anyhow. Well, part of the reason I wanted that story told is... Hey, wait a minute. Yeah, Wendy just, Wendy's here, which you finally got in. Oh, great. Hey, Wendy, are you here? Yeah.

I am so sorry, Pastor. I fell asleep. I just, I just lay down for a little bit and I just knocked right on off. Uh huh. Well, okay. So because of that, it was sleep, not whether you weren't losing power lights and all that happy stuff. No, no. I mean, uh, no, I just, I told my son, hey, I'm supposed to do a show with Pastor, you know, if I, if I fall asleep, wake me up.

And, um, he got distracted and forgot. All right. Well, we've got our sleeping beauty back here tonight. Yeah, I'm so sorry about that. Um, I... Well, now you have to, you're going to have to stay till midnight now. Oh, I know. I know. Well, it just, it just shows you I needed to sleep, I guess. Yeah. Sleep is a wonderful thing, isn't it?

I, I love getting some of that myself. But, um... You, I don't know how you do it. You keep going like an energizer bunny.

Yeah, I never thought of myself as a bunny, but, uh... Yeah, I don't want to get that image in my head right now. No, no, no. Yeah, I would. Anyhow, listen.

What do you have for us, Miss Wendy? You always got a good program. Oh, well, um, um, one of the things that caught my eye was an article recently where they're so close, they're so close to the universal flu shot. Have you heard about that? We were just talking about that, the one that covers every kind of variant, okay?

They got the super shot, yeah. We just, okay, so, yeah, so the 80,000 variations, that one? Yeah, we have, yeah, we have that big article by Dr. Mercola here, and he, uh, yeah, and so, uh, no, we, we just mentioned it.

We didn't really go into it, so you better give us the load on it. No, how scary is it to me if the COVID vax has caused so many problems with, uh, heart and all our mental problems? I mean, there's a, we did a whole list of all the side effects. Now they've got one that's going to cover every virus. That scares me.

That sounds horrible. Well, it's still, it's still kind of an experimental, um, but they're in animal trials right now with it, um, uh, so, so the whole thing about it, you know, the universal flu, they've been working on this for a long time, um, because, you know, they, they don't tell you, you know, they, they pick usually, oh, by the time the flu shot is, is rolled out in October, they have picked a, almost eight months ahead, the quite virulent or the four strains of the influenza they think will be showing up, uh, the next flu season. So it's kind of an educated guess to see how close they are.

And, um, that's the reason they say sometimes they don't get it quite right. It's a different mutated flu and that's why the flu shot isn't as efficient as they had hoped. So they want to skip all that and they want to have a flu shot that's so broad spectrum.

It doesn't matter. Um, but science is contending, they need more aggressive serums or vaccines to stimulate a better immune response and to help train our immune system to work better than it was created to do. So this is why the universal flu shot is no different than any other serum they've been working on. They, they really have packed this one though, as you mentioned, with 80,000 variations of what is called the hemi or hemagglutinin antigen called HA.

And if you recall what an antigen is, do you remember what an antigen is, pastor? Poison. Poison.

Yeah, it is. So it's either toxins, chemicals, bacterias, viruses, or some other substance that is very foreign to the human body. So they've loaded this serum with synthetic, uh, glycoprotein to supposedly offer blood closely, offer better protection against the pathogens. They use the glyco engineered platform and chemical enzyme methods for developing vaccines. So the hemagglutinin antigens or the HA are glycoproteins on a massive scale that are applied to the surface of a virus. And this promotes viral entry with viral receptors to fuse with the host cell membrane. And once this occurs in the theory, it's the hemagglutinin antigen are also on the toxic side and they say it would help protect against the virus. So they're saying this will create a stronger immune system response. And the researchers are reporting their animal trials have showed a very strong response when they gave ferrets or mice, um, an infection of the flu and then the vaccine supposedly protect them. Now the Duke Human Vaccine Institute intends to develop this vaccine into a broad protection universal flu shot. And when it's done, the universal vaccine will replace the less reliable versions of the flu shot.

You know, cause the pathogen changes and mutates. Now, the research did get published in the May, 2024 Journal of Science International Translational, excuse me, Medicine. And it was funded by the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Disease and the National Institute of Health, which by the way, both of those were partially responsible for funding the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Disease and the NIH for the Duke's regional biocontainment laboratory where all this research happened.

This is in Raleigh, North Carolina, just not too far from here. Well, I know that I wanted to do though, a deeper dive into the report that we're providing this information, um, that science is making better vaccines supposedly for our future. Oh boy. But if you, if you question that when, when science says that they're doing it for you, few people question it. And one, one paragraph though in the report caught my attention. I don't know if you guys saw the whole report, but it's, this was by Dr. Nicholas Heaton. He's a professor of molecule genetics and microbiology at Duke Human Vaccine Institute. He said that vaccines teach the immune system to create or to react to pieces of the virus that have been specifically tailored to the versions of influenza that are expected to be the most threatening in the coming flu season. And the reason we need a new flu shot every year isn't because the vaccine wears out. He says it's because the influenza virus is constantly changing the surface proteins and uh, that the vaccine intends to target. So Wendy, the, you said 80,000 different variants are in this shot?

Yeah, I'm going to cover that. And how many is like a standard flu shot now have variants wise? Uh, usually it's a quad virulent, it's four.

So it's going from four to 80,000. Well, and, and I'm going to cover that these variations and Is that really malarkey? Are they really serious on that? Or are they just inflating a bunch of words and similar things? Well, I mean, you and I can't, can't, you know, confirm any of this, you know, um, it would have to be other scientists that are, you know, uh, they know what they're doing in scientific research with regard to serums to catch any of this if it's hokum.

But I mean, I don't, I don't know if they would print that in the journal article and, and, and risk being called out on it. So, um, but getting back to what Heaton was saying, um, I don't know if you caught what he was saying about the standard flu shot. So what he was saying, he points out that the vaccine is tailored or programmed to instruct the immune system to only see a quote version of the influenza or better described as a specific location on the viral surface that the immune system is attracted to by certain surface proteins. Remember, I always said proteins are the key with regard to these serums.

They can control, they can control cell functions. So when influenza mutates and the proteins change and the vaccine is considered ineffective, therefore with flu vaccines, the immune system has been given a set of blinders, basically, using proteins to only see what the serum wants it to see and nothing else. So it's called suppression of immunity. And this is also what science calls training the immune system.

So what do you suppose years or decades of these types of treatments that you're given your immune system will do to its natural human functions? Well, mess it up, right? Go ahead. Mess it up. Oh yeah. Anytime you start to mess with, anytime they start doing something, it messes up God's order, right?

Right. Pastor Larson, you're right, the osmosis-essler research report says this, and they said this January 2024, a suppressed immune system is weakened to the point that it cannot mount a proper immune response to protect the body from pathogens such as bacteria, viruses, or other infectious microorganisms. Therefore, people with a suppressed immune system become vulnerable to the immune system and are vulnerable to various infections and diseases. So when science is telling us that the disease, the bacteria, virus, and other infectious microorganisms can actually weaken an immune system, just imagine the damage when you're injected with serums full of these infections and what it's doing. So this is why people who get flu shots often get sick with influenza. I ask, is it any wonder the elderly have weak immune systems and science says they need specific vaccines with more adjuvants for a more powerful immune response? I'm like, is it any wonder that in August 2021, the British Medical Journal stated 4 in 10 people have weakened immune systems? Could it be the result of what science calls vaccine efficiency, which are loaded with pathogens and massive adjuvants, aluminum, for instance, and mercury that will cause a state of immune collapse, basically. So each generation has a weaker immunity, and it's passed on.

And this has been so subtle, subtle enough, over time, it hasn't raised any alarms. So the masses are not developing stronger immune systems with the application of vaccination, but weaker immune system. This falls under the business plan to create the need for medical treatments. So your next generation flu shot, this serum, it will have an immune system, it will look at a different area of the influenza viruses, and it's called the stalk, okay? So that does not mutate.

This is what science is telling us. The viruses have a head, and then they have a stalk. And they have been programming the usual regular flu shot for the immune system to look at the head of the virus, because that's where they put a protein for it to focus on.

So now they're saying, hey, guess what? The stalk doesn't mutate. So in theory, they're saying it's supposed to keep the serum viable and will help the immune system identify the part of the influenza that doesn't change and create supposedly an antibody protection. So this is the theory, and this is still through protein. They're still putting blinders on the immune system. They also gene edited, get into your variations, they gene edited 80,000 variations of the hemagglutinin protein antigen to bind to a viral stalk region. And we're told that the immune system produced in the animal trials more antibodies, and they were happy with that. So and also, by the way, they have also theorized to cover our races, we might want to also code a section of protein antigen on the head of the virus, just in case there's different viral selections of a certain pandemic. So they reported about 100% of the animals that they infected with a supposed, quote, lethal dose of influenza.

None of them died. They were protected by the vaccine, we're told in the animal trials. And as we found out in the COVID experimental drug, a lot can go wrong.

And it sure as heck did. So personally, I'm not going to like, let them, you know, experiment on me with a dose of anything. All vaccines are now made with the mRNA technology, which messes with the immune gene expression of cells and makes us more vulnerable to disease. Let me let me interrupt you if I can, because to condense this down, it sounds like they're weakening the immune system. So they're making people weaker, more dependent on them, the new drugs that they will be producing, the new serums, the new drugs, whatever you want to call it. In other words, they're creating the market, they're weakening our natural systems to create a market for newer, more expensive, more designer drugs. And this is all for making money, not for healing people, not for getting rid of illness, getting rid of illness, but to channel things so they have to have specific drugs for specific things, because our bodies can no longer function and do it on its own.

Is that about right? Right. Well, they're re-engineering or altering the immune system over time, too. So each generation, your genetic code is transferred to the next generation. So each person has a weaker immunity.

So we pass on a weaker system instead of, like, when I put a calf drink colostrum, it gets the protections, all the antibodies the mother has, the calf gets, and now you're saying they're making that where the mother's milk will pass on fewer antibodies, fewer protections. Well, and the other thing is, is not all mothers nurse. So a lot of children aren't just getting... Oh, yeah, right.

They'll get it at all. Right. So, and I'm just not speculating, or this is a theory of my own. This I heard from Dr. Anthony Norris in 1995. And Dr. Anthony Norris and I had a conversation. He was the chief virologist of the FDA. His tenure was in the 70s.

Very ethical person, lovely man. He was on Phil Donahue and show in 1976. He's the one that kind of blew the lid off of the swine flu as being a hoax. It wasn't a real pandemic. Phil Donahue was live.

It wasn't taped. So you couldn't put that genie back in the bottle. So he told people that the swine flu doesn't exist. It was a vaccine that was created for pig farmers, and it killed the pigs so the pig farmers wouldn't have anything to do with it. So he said the drug company is very plain.

He did not, he did not, you know, stutter as Pastor Sanders says. He says, you know, the drug companies need to recoup their losses. So the only other market was human. So they got cooperation from media to create this fake swine flu. And Norris said on Phil Donahue, do not get this vaccine.

It will give you Gillian Bray. And that was the last year that you could sue a drug company for damages after that. They, they, they came up with the, you know, vaccine court and gave the drug companies immunity, but, um, he got fired. He couldn't, you know, from the FDA, um, he also told me that in his tenure at the FDA, he had access to all the raw clinical data on the vaccine trials. And he said to me, vaccines are not what people think they are. And I said, well, uh, what are they? He told me they're vehicles to deliver, um, or seed the body with the disease. So he says, and it'll corrupt you in your weakest genetic areas. And keep in mind, these are, these at this point aren't mRNA vaccines.

These are vaccine pathogens that are, um, heart, you know, they're, they're grown and, and harvested on eggs or whatever. Um, and, and, and, and it takes a while to make a serum back then. So these are quite a few years, didn't it?

A couple of years. Yeah. So it costs millions for a vaccine company to make stuff. So this is why it was, you know, serious financial business. But the thing is, is it kept, he says, it keeps, it keeps the, um, drug companies and the medical complex in a steady line of patients. And since it will affect you differently based on your genetic code, uh, not everybody has the same side effect or outcome. So it was the perfect cover for drug companies because not everybody would get autism or Tourette's syndrome or encephalitis. So can't possibly be the vaccine. So it was, it was, um, so, so I said, okay, uh, so what about all this antibody protection that we're told? He says, vaccines give you fleeting, if at best antibody protection of a matter of weeks, not months or years.

And I asked him, I said, yeah. I said, so is that why they give booster shots then? And he goes, no, he says, the reason they give booster shots is because the, the serum is so toxic.

If they gave it to you and all in one dose, it would kill you. Oh, wow. And so I'm like, is he any of this stuff that you're saying? Did he tell in any other, uh, uh, media forum or that's on record on the internet or anything? Well, actually, um, I'm sure there is, um, he, he, you know, was fired and, um, he had a very nice British accent. So he was originally has spent some time in England and, um, he, he, you know, and he, since he was kind of blackballed after he kind of spilled the beans on Phil Donahue, where he said all this, right. And, um, so he, so he, uh, went into teaching. He opened a foundation so you can actually probably find a lot of his records and reports there. He, he opened a foundation that would help people that were injured by that, um, and that's, and that's where he, I think he was born for that. To be honest, he was, he stood up against the establishment and career wise, he put it all on the line and then he, he started a foundation. Now he died in his late eighties and, uh, not before seeing his great grandchildren. So he had a good life that way.

He had great family. So, um, but he, he told me, he gave me virology 101, basically. And, um, and this is how it goes. All righty.

You would either. Let me jump in for a second. We'll be back right after this. Hey, will you make me a promise? She said, as he walked in, he said, tell me what I can do. And she said this to him, tell mom and dad about Jesus and all the pain that he had to bear, tell mom and dad about heaven above, tell them they can see me there, tell mom and dad about Jesus, tell them what he's done for them, tell mom and dad about Jesus, please, so I'll see them again. And she said, I know I'm dying, but that's not why I'm sad, I know I'll go to heaven, but what about mom and dad, I told them about Jesus, but I could not make them see, so when they come to my funeral, tell them about Calvary, tell mom and dad about Jesus and all the pain that he had to bear, tell mom and dad about heaven above, tell them they can see me there, tell mom and dad about Jesus, tell them what he's done for them, tell mom and dad about Jesus, please, so I'll see them again. She said they dropped me off at Sunday school, and I'm so glad they did, but how great it would have been to be in a church service with them, she said, promise me you'll tell them, as she faded off to sleep, he said, sweetheart, don't worry, that's a promise I will keep, tell mom and dad about Jesus and all the pain that he had to bear, tell mom and dad about heaven above, tell them they can see me there, tell mom and dad about Jesus, tell them what he's done for them, tell mom and dad about Jesus, please, so I'll see them again. All righty, we are back, and you know Danny Ray, I don't know if you even know Wendy, but Danny Ray went home to be with the Lord over the weekend.

Yes, I heard. He was a long, long, long time friend, over 30 years, him and I were closer to 40 years. Anyhow, he wrote that song for him and I, but we both recorded that song, the two of us, and so it was just, from what he told me, that was a true song, that was a true story, and so. Wow, he was an amazing talent.

Yeah, he was, he really was. Well, to answer Pastor Larson's question, I pulled up, get this, the Washington Post did a story on him upon his death, and this was July 3, 2014, talking about him being a vaccine specialist forced into retirement after public disagreements with superior officers at the FDA regarding the effectiveness of influenza vaccines. He did pass away in Hyattsville, Maryland at the age of 95.

The cause of death was congestive heart failure, according to his daughter. They recognized he had been the chief urologist at the FDA. He also served at the Bureau of Biological Standards and the National Institute of Health, and he often argued, according to the report, about the research that was carried out regarding vaccines that supposedly prevented especially influenza. Let's see, he, oh, he got into trouble in 76, we were mentioned this on the Phil Donahue show, where $135 million was appropriated by President Gerald Ford for the vaccine, and 140 million people were vaccinated against the swine flu that fall and winter, and he was very much outspoken about it, saying he was very skeptical about the vaccine histories. He was challenging because he said that there were no true research that would prove that vaccines weren't just a theory, that they actually worked, so he was very outspoken about it, and then just talk about his, he was head, also the Senate Committee of Oversight and Department National Institute of Health, so he had quite a good public record until around 1976, when he kind of exposed the truth on the swine flu, and then he was pretty much ostracized, but he did continue to teach and educate people regarding the health and well-being of the immune system right before the break. He actually, before we finished our phone call, he was telling me how your immune system actually functions, and so if you eat, breathe, or absorb in a pathogen, your body chemically communicates with your immune system about the nature of the foreign matter or microorganisms, so that the immune system's gathering information about what type of infection it is, and you've probably heard the doctor tell you that if you come in contact with, say, someone with the flu, there is a seven to eight day incubation period. Do you remember hearing that?

Yeah, yeah. Okay, so in that amount of time, your immune system's gathering information, he says, about your infection, and then by the time the immune system has made an antibody to attack that infection, and a fever comes up, and then your immune system is managed by your macrophage release, that's your killer T cells, that's your antibodies, they are temperature specific, so when your fever starts, then you know the immune system has released the killer T cells or your antibodies, and this is where the war goes on in your body, and you feel terrible, you feel sick, and you feel terrible, so your body communicates to the immune system what it is, so you can make an antibody, and it can take five to seven days to do that. Okay, so when you get an artificial infection, he told me, which is an antigen or toxin or a virus, a bacteria, some sort of microorganism that's injected right into your body, which they inject it intramuscularly, that's in your muscle mass, that's why they pick your arm or your thigh, and they'll inject it for your gluteal, you got muscles in your buttocks, so they'll inject it there because there's a blood flow there for the muscles, and usually in two hours, that serum from that vaccine is now in your blood system, so he says, but this is an artificial infection, this is going right into the blood within a short amount of time, and your immune system has had no warning, has had no communication by the body, it's just appearing, and your immune system has these little sentry soldiers, almost like a security force, because your immune system makes half a dozen type of immune system cells, and one of them are called patrolling cells, where they patrol your blood system, keeping a lookout for things, foreign matter that shouldn't be there, and so it's in the blood system, and your immune system encounters, let's say, these microorganisms that came from the injection, well they didn't get the memo, these immune system cells are programmed through your thymus glands, so this is where all the information the body gets, and then your thymus gland instructs the antibodies what cells, which is your normal cells, and what is an invading cell, so these patrolling immune system cells haven't been educated as to this particular invader, because they didn't get educated or get the memo on it, so it thinks it's supposed to be there in your blood system, so there's no engagement, your immune system doesn't do anything. Hmm. I know, I was shocked, I was just, I mean, you know, and I'm telling Dr. Norris on the phone, I said, so why are we getting these shots if they do absolutely nothing at all, or very little of a benefit, and he told me there's a million reasons why.

Yeah, they're called dollars, dollars. That's what he meant, that's what he meant. Yeah.

Yeah, because he says, you know. These people are evil. Right, it's very demonic, and so he said, you know, and much to his chagrin, because he, you know, believed this stuff when he was educated, you know, about it in virology, you know, he thought, you know, but when he had access to the raw clinical data at the FDA, he could see, he could see the true truth about the vaccine trials. Now, they destroy all the raw clinical data now, you can't even see any of it, but you can't really, you can't really, you know, you know, cloak the raw clinical data, it is what it is, and so this is how he pieced it together over a 10-year period, and then God showed it to him, to be honest, because this is, now, now with the technology, the vaccine, the mRNA vaccines, now they control cell function through proteins, they've gotten sophisticated with these switches, they can switch on things and off things, and I truly think vaccines, they actually can test batches, you know, people think, well, they're just tested over in Africa, well, they have done that, but you can see areas of the country which will pop up with kind of outbreaks of stuff. We had one, what, about five, seven years ago, where the Upper Midwest had a measles outbreak, I don't know if we recall that, and then there was doctors in America and Canada that looked into, because this was a new measles vaccine that they were using, so they looked into it, and the doctors were shocked to find out that the measles in this serum wasn't even an organic version of measles, it was a re-engineered one, and it was more virulent, and this explains why the kids, and the people that got vaccinated with it, actually got measles, and they got it a more serious case, they were infected longer, and they shed off the virus longer.

So, you know, here, doctors didn't get that memo, they were experimenting, and it was just, you know, this one area of the Upper Northwest, so that tells you they were just experimenting with a batch, a certain batch. Well, you know, Dr. Mikova, he, this big article, it's a really big article he has here, he goes into all of the different drug manufacturers, and he gives you a list of what the side effects have been. He's got Moderna, he's got AstraZeneca, and this AstraZeneca, they haven't changed there from the very first one, they used the very same vaccine, and they said the variance and the COVID has changed so many times, that the AstraZeneca is virtually totally worthless, okay? And so, then he goes on and, but he tells you here, Dr. Mikova, and the long and the short of it is, avoid vaccines, period. Take no vaccines.

Do not take them. That was the first time I had heard, when I was talking to Dr. Morris, he called it an artificial infection. It's not a real infection. So, you know, a real infection, your immune system has a chance to mount a defense, and this one, and now with the new serums, and I, you know, you have to wonder about autism, why is it mostly males that get autism? And if you think about it, the Amish children don't have autism. And didn't autism skyrocket once so many vaccines became mandatory?

Well, in part, you are correct. So, reading a lot of virologists' reports, doctors like, from Dr. Morris, you know, he, he graduated in the 40s with a doctorate in microbiology, so these guys would, you know, stand up and tell you when something was, you know, fake. But he, he said that he really didn't have a lot of the neurological conditions you see today, like Tourette syndrome, autism, and some others, until they started combining, and this was like in the mid 80s, they started combining the virus vaccines for the kids in one shot, so.

I've got to jump in, Wendy. Two things very quickly. In 18, or in 1912, their book was published, A Guide to Health, by a fellow named Mahatma Gandhi. And here's, here's what Mahatma Gandhi, in his book in 1912, wrote. Vaccination is a barbarous practice, and it is one of the most fatal of all the delusions current in our time. The vaccine is a filthy substance, and it is foolish to expect that one kind of filth can be removed by another. Conscientious objections to vaccination should stand alone, if need be, against the whole world in defense of their conviction.

So basically, when they started combining measles, mumps, rubella, the MMR, and the DPT, the diphtheria, tetanus, and so forth, in shots, this is where you saw more of the neurological conditions. Yeah. Wendy, we're up against, we're up against the clock right now. Tell the folks about yourself. Oh, sorry, again, my apologies for kind of sleeping through my, my radio spot. They can give us a call for a free catalog at Apothecary Herbs.

Our number is 866-229-3663, 866-229-3663,, if they want to visit us online,, and we got a Mother's Day sale, so it's 25% off, and details are online, so they can stock up on all kinds of things, cleanses, and heart attack packs, pandemic hits, and so forth. All right, thanks. Well, how much time do I have, Stile? All right, folks, we're down to the most important part of the program.

Wendy's important, but there's somebody more important, and that's who. He reigns from heaven above, and so we get to this point every night. We, you know, we talked about all these things that are happening here, but, you know, the good news is that God is on the throne.

He's in complete control, and everything that He said would happen in our future will happen, because, again, God is in control. You cannot break the Word of God. It can't be broken, and so here we're at that point where, you know, I have a friend who, one of the ladies in the church had this thing about corn syrup, you know, the bad, pardon?

Yeah, the bad type of corn syrup, and she would always say, you shouldn't take that, it's got this corn syrup, and Kevin said, listen, he said, I just bought a whole gallon of that, he says, because I want to be really sick when I die. But, yeah, he don't want to die when he's healthy, but anyhow, the thing of it is, we're all gonna die, and we know that, right? And so it's not a tragedy to die, that's gonna happen. The tragedy is to die in your sin.

It doesn't get any worse than that, because when you go into eternity, you're gonna go in there one way or the other, you're gonna go in there saved, or you're gonna go in there wishing you had been saved. So, folks, the bottom line is this, we just want to tell you, now is the time, the Lord Jesus, he died in your place, he did it for you, he did what you could never do for yourself, he did what God the Father had demanded, the price to pay for sin. A holy God was offended by the sin of man, and so, folks, the Lord Jesus did what, again, he was the only one, he was the only one capable of that substitutionary sacrifice, he took our place upon that cross.

Now, he did the heavy lifting, but listen, his blood, you're only gonna get covered by his blood. If you do this, do exactly what he said, he said, you pray to his Father and ask for forgiveness of your sins and your trespasses. Then he said this, he said, once you've done that, see, because God is always, will always honor a commitment, he's always faithful, then you call upon the name of the Lord Jesus, and what it says, what it means there, is you believe that Jesus Christ, okay, is the Son of God and God the Son, that he took your sins upon him on that cross, but now, here's what, he's telling you that he's got to be number one, you've got to, you've got to put him number one, before mother, before father, before everybody else. Remember, when he hung in your place on that cross, he did it for you. You do that, you put him number one, and you say, ask him to be the Lord of your life, all of your life, without any exceptions, folks, and if you'll do that, then you've got God's Word on it, here's what it says, that you will become a new believer, a child of God, a new creature, and you will become an heir of the kingdom, and folks, listen, you're on the road to eternity, the eternity in glory, it doesn't get any better than that. You know, you think, you've got no idea what heaven has to offer, this world has got nothing to offer compared to what heaven's got to offer, and heaven's going to offer it forever. Well, we're at that place again, where we get to every night. Wendy, I want to thank you for being here, and yeah, and listen, you have a, you have a blessed Mother's Day, young lady. Happy Mother's Day, Wendy. Yeah. All righty, well get ready, Wendy, you can close this with us, we're gonna say, good night, say good night, good night, say God bless you all out there, God bless, and then we say there's always, always, always, ready, KEEP FIGHTING THE FIGHT. It was off too early. FIGHT NOW. Thanks for listening to the voice of the Christian resistance what's right what's left hosted by pastor Ernie Sanders to learn more about our ministry please visit us online at please tune in next time for another edition of what's right what's left the preceding program is sponsored by what's right what's left ministries and is responsible for its content three-star general Michael J Flynn head of the Pentagon Intelligence Agency knew all the government's dirty secrets he was one of the most respected generals in the military Flynn knew what the Intel world had been up to he understood its funding he ordered the first audit of the use of contractors this set off alarm bells the explosive new documentary Flynn deliver the truth whatever the cost and covers the facts behind this scandal Flynn told the truth he was the most dangerous person for Donald Trump to hire I find out the worst enemy that I'm going to face in my life is right here in America they took my assessment and they wanted me to change it I was like not changing it they had to get rid of Flint with in-depth interviews archival footage and never-before-seen personal record to the man behind the headlines I just felt like I was drowning Flynn deliver the truth whatever the cost available now watch it today go to Salem now calm Salem now calm
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