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Election Recap: America Chooses Trumpism over Marxism

The Christian Worldview / David Wheaton
The Truth Network Radio
November 9, 2024 2:00 am

Election Recap: America Chooses Trumpism over Marxism

The Christian Worldview / David Wheaton

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November 9, 2024 2:00 am

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GUEST: Robert Knight, columnist, The Washington Times

Last week in our program before the election we started by reading Psalm 103:19: “The Lord has established His throne in the heavens and His sovereignty rules over all.”

We said that God’s supreme power and authority is what Christians need to be trusting in now and always, for He controls the past, present, and future, moving people to accomplish His purposes.

On November 5, millions of voters in our nation were moved to elect Republican Donald Trump to a second term as president in a landslide victory over Democrat Kamala Harris. There’s no other way to interpret the results than a sizable majority of the American people rejected the Marxist worldview of Harris and Democrats who seek to overturn traditional American values based on Christianity.

Democrats are very clear that they want the “freedom” to abort babies throughout all nine months of pregnancy. They brought millions of illegal immigrants across our borders to make them into a permanent voting bloc dependent on government. They want to “transition” boys into girls and girls into boys even in the face of parental objection. They even want self-identifying boys to enter girls’ locker room and compete in girls’ sports. They want to tax and spend massively on social programs, despite costs and debt rising, so more people are dependent on and thus will vote for them. They want to shut down dissenting speech as “hate speech” and “inciting violence” and a “threat to democracy”. These are examples of Marxism, the toppling of Christian values and more in favor of big government secularism.

Robert Knight, columnist for The Washington Times, joined us last week to preview the election and he will join us this weekend to analyze various elements of this stunning victory by Trump.

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Election Recap.

America chooses Trumpism over Marxism. That is the topic we'll discuss today, right here on the Christian Real View Radio Program, where the mission is to sharpen the biblical worldview of Christians and to proclaim the good news of Jesus Christ. I'm David Wheaton, the host. The Christian Real View is a listener-supported radio program. Our website is, and the rest of our contact information will be given throughout today's program. Last week in our program before the election, we started by reading Psalm 103 verse 19. The Lord has established His throne in the heavens, and His sovereignty rules over all.

We said that God's sovereignty, His supreme rule and power and authority over the affairs of the world, is what Christians need to be trusting in now and always, for He controls the past, present, and future, moving people to accomplish His purposes. Well, on Tuesday, November 5th, millions of voters in our nation were moved to elect Republican Donald Trump to a second term as president in a landslide victory over Democrat Kamala Harris. There's just no other way to interpret the results than a sizable majority of the American people rejected the Marxist worldview of Harris and the Democrats, who seek to overturn traditional American values, which are based on Christianity. Democrats are very clear that they want the, quote, freedom to abort babies throughout all nine months of pregnancy. They brought millions of illegal immigrants across our borders to make them into a permanent voting bloc dependent on government. They want to, quote, transition boys into girls and girls into boys, which is impossible, even in the face of parental objection.

They even want self-identifying boys to enter girls' locker rooms and compete in girls' sports. They want to tax and spend massively on social programs, despite the increase in debt and cost for the American people, so that more people, again, are dependent on and thus will vote for them. They want to shut down dissenting speech as, quote, hate speech, considering it to, quote, incite violence, and it's a, quote, threat to democracy.

These are just a few examples of what Marxists do in their effort to topple Christian values and mores in favor of big government secularism. Robert Knight, columnist for The Washington Times, joined us last week to preview the election, and he joins us today to analyze various elements of this stunning victory by Donald Trump. We prayed leading up to the election that the candidate with the most God-rejecting policies would not win. We prayed again and throughout election day that this would be the case. Now, as we watched the election returns come in, everything went as expected early on, with Democrats and Republicans winning the usual states that they do. Democrats winning California, New York, Illinois, and the Republicans winning states like Florida and Texas and North and South Dakota and many others that are typically won by Republicans. But the key was what would happen in the states that can swing either way, Democrat or Republican. This year, those states were Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Michigan, North Carolina, Georgia, Arizona, and Nevada. Whoever won a majority of these states, particularly Pennsylvania, would win the election. Trump began to take slight leads in most all of these states. I remember watching Fox News that night that one of their main hosts, Sean Hannity, had been talking to some of his political contacts in these states, hearing that things were looking quite good for Trump, especially because of all the early voting that Republicans had urged their followers to do. Well, it got to be a late night, and if you were watching as we were, I got nervous when we saw these big box trucks arriving in Philadelphia in the middle of the night to deliver ballots. It brought back bad memories of what happened in the dark of night in 2020 when voting stopped and all of a sudden we wake up the next wake up the next day and all of a sudden Biden has millions of more votes in his favor. But in this election, there didn't appear to be nearly as much voting fraud.

There were poll watchers and election lawyers in place that were able to minimize fraud. Finally, at about one in the morning, central time, Trump won Pennsylvania. And then shortly thereafter, Wisconsin, which brought him over the 270 electoral vote threshold to win the election. And we stayed up all the way, not to the end, but pretty close to the end to hear him give his victory speech down in Florida. This second election of Donald Trump has to be the greatest, most unlikely comeback political story in American history.

I'm not the only one saying that. Think of all the false accusations of his collusion with Russia, which were disproved back in the 2016 election. He was impeached twice during his first term by the Democrats. There was constant media slander and misrepresentation of him. He's a fascist. He's Hitler. He's a convicted felon.

He's an insurrectionist. His home was raided by the FBI. There were four different states had lawsuits against him. He even received a felony conviction in New York.

Their intent was to imprison this man, even if he didn't win this election this time around. And of course, who can forget this summer, there were two assassination attempts, one missing, killing him by millimeters. Now Trump has his obvious personal flaws and some policy flaws, which we have pointed out on this program. But this man has proved that he loves this country. He never gives up. He is just relentless. His election may very well have saved this country from becoming a leftist controlled country for the next generation or longer.

He represents a huge speed bump for the Marxist schemes of the left and the globalists. As we talked about coming up to this election, there was a lot at stake. Sometimes we smirk when we hear someone say this is the most important election of our lifetime, but I think that was the case. As the country gets closer and closer to the point of no return on being a constitutional republic, elections that will stop and take a U-turn become more and more important.

Think about it. The Democrats held the presidency for 12 of the last 16 years. If Kamala Harris had won, it would have been 16 of the last 20 for her first term. And possibly if she won a second term, 20 of the last 24.

That's domination. That's one party rule. They would have been able to continue imposing socialism, Marxism on everything. Barack Obama, when he was president, was able to redefine marriage to making it not just between one man and one woman, but between two men or two women. He was able to put in place universal health care, which is just a big government socialism scheme. Those things have never been changed. In this past term, Joe Biden in the deep state brought this country into an authoritarianism, which we've never seen.

Take this vaccine or lose your job. Bring in millions of illegal immigrants so they can become permanent voters. Radically pro-abortion, radically pro perversion, trans surgeries for minors.

Even the persecution of Christians. You either bake this cake for the gay wedding or you're going to be prosecuted and lose your business. It's impossible to know the future, but this country was heading toward one party leftist rule, sort of like a California monopoly over the entire nation. They would have attempted to make Puerto Rico and Washington, DC, US states.

That would be four more Democrat senators. They wanted to add justices to the Supreme Court so that it wouldn't lean conservative as it does right now. They would have pushed through the Equality Act, which would have criminalized Christian descent and conscience. They would have done everything to suppress dissenting media like Twitter and Christian radio. Abortion would have become a federal law, not just a precedent set by Roe v. Wade, but a federal law across the country. They would be unending tax and spending. You think inflation is bad now?

It would have just got only higher, higher prices for everything. The insane push for climate change initiatives. Their goal is a Marxist state.

That's not hyperbole. This is where big government controls and imposes secularism on everyone and everything. This is why vice presidential candidate Tim Walz said one man's socialism is another man's neighborliness.

They're socialists. Not only was there a lot at stake for the country, which I just mentioned, but there was a lot at stake for Donald Trump personally. I mean, they want this man dead or in prison, and that's what they were attempting to do. Now, lots of these legal cases against him are going to be dropped now that he's the president-elect, but he's going to have to constantly be looking over his shoulder for the rest of his life.

That's how much they hate this man. So how did Trump win? Not just win, but how did he win in a landslide? Well, Ken Ham of Answers in Genesis, I think, answered this well in a tweet on X. He said, the USA election, God has spoken, that's sovereignty, people have voted, that's responsibility. Then he quoted Romans 13, one, let every person be subject to the governing authorities, for there is no authority except from God, and those that exist have been instituted by God. And he also quoted Daniel 2, 21, God changes times and seasons, he removes kings, and he sets up kings. And that is exactly what took place. God's sovereignty saw fit that Donald Trump would be president, and yet voters have their own personal responsibility for voting. How that exactly works, I don't think I can explain it to you. It's the same way that God is sovereign in the election of those who come to saving faith, and yet man has responsibility to repent and believe the gospel.

These are two train tracks that end up in the same direction that go parallel to each other. We don't have to understand the mind of God perfectly, but we can trust him that that is what took place, and we can praise him for it. I wrote a post on our Facebook page for the Christian Real View, listing a couple of those same verses, saying it's amazing to know that God is ordering his plan for our country and the future today, on election day, through moving the hearts of people to do his will. Seeing the world, some people are hardening their hearts, or God is hardening their hearts, as God did with Pharaoh, to vote for the candidate in policies that most dishonors God and moves the world to where God has purposed for the end before Christ returns. Others are voting the best way they believe will honor the God of Scripture, and that wouldn't be for Harris and the Democratic Party, which has clearly taken the most God-rejecting stance of all the options. God moving hearts to do his will doesn't remove us from personal responsibility, from our choices.

Now, this is hard for our limited human minds to comprehend. We will all give an account for our actions, including how we vote. And I finish by saying so we pray and think through how to vote in a way that honors the Lord, knowing that he is ultimately in control of the outcome that will accomplish his plan, bring him the most glory, and be most sanctifying for his church, and we can rest in that.

God could have moved to have Harris win. We're not sure why he didn't do that, but it's obvious the Democrats and their policies are way down that Romans 1 road. You know, stage one is where a nation or a people are given over to sexual immorality, heterosexual immorality. Stage two, the next descent down is into homosexual immorality. And then stage three is even further down where they get depraved minds, where they approve of what dishonors God. There's an explosion of wickedness, and that's where the Democrat Party is right now. To be truthful, the Republicans are two steps down that Romans 1 road. They've got to the stage of approving homosexual immorality, but they're not to stage three yet where the Democrats are, and that the more wicked option of the two didn't win is only because of God's mercy, and we praise him for that. It's really not about defeating Democrats. It's about a Christian's duty to push back against evil because it harms people and leads souls away from God, and no Christian should want that.

Let's take a short break to hear about some ministry updates and resources, but when we return, Washington Times columnist Robert Knight will join us to examine several aspects of this election. I'm David Wheaton, and you are listening to the Christian worldview radio program. We didn't want our kids doing all these secular games like Elf on the Shelf. We really wanted to put Christ front and center at Christmas, and they actually engineered a wooden manger that's small enough to hide, and then I wrote a family devotional with 25 devotions for every day in December leading up to Christmas, including Christmas Day, that you can do in about seven minutes, and the devotions are just loaded with the deity of Christ and the gospel. That was Pastor Grant Castleberry describing Manger in Danger, a new daily devotional and game for families with children age 4 to 12.

Manger in Danger retails for $40 plus shipping. We are offering it for a donation of $30 or more to the Christian worldview. To order, go to, call 1-888-646-2233, or write to Box 401, Excelsior, Minnesota, 55331. David Wheaton here, host of the Christian worldview radio program. Listeners are often surprised to learn that we as a ministry pay to broadcast on the radio station, website, or app on which you are listening today. That expense is recouped through listeners like you making a donation or becoming a Christian worldview partner. Our aim is to have each broadcast outlet fully supported by the listeners of that outlet. If you would like to help us in our mission to sharpen the biblical worldview of Christians and to proclaim the good news of Jesus Christ, go to and click on donate.

You can also call toll free 1-888-646-2233 or write to Box 401, Excelsior, Minnesota, 55331. Specify how you listen as that helps us decide whether to continue on a given outlet, and be sure to select one of our resources as a thank you for your support. Welcome back to the Christian Real View. I'm David Wheaton. Be sure to visit our website,, where you can subscribe to our free weekly email and annual print letter, order resources for adults and children, and support the ministry. Our topic today post-election is America chooses Trumpism over Marxism, and our guest now is Robert Knight.

He's a columnist for the Washington Times. Robert, thank you for coming on to the Christian Real View radio program for a post-election analysis. Boy, so much has changed in just one week in our country with this major election that took place. The polls going into the election, the presidential election, showed a very close race, like basically a toss-up.

Why do you think there was a landslide for Donald Trump, and what is the big message that you think the voters sent? I think this was a triumph of reality over fantasy, and let me explain that. We've been told over and over that we can't believe our lying eyes, that inflation's fine now, and you know different when you go to the grocery store or the gas pump. So when they keep telling us it's okay now, we know better.

When they tell us men can be in women's sports, we know better. When they tell us the border is now secure and that Kamala Harris is actually tougher on the border than Donald Trump ever was, we know that's a flat out lie. I think this was an example of the people revolting against the whole democratic worldview that we have to keep a number of fantasies afloat to keep in power, and people are tired of being lied to. And another lie was that Trump is this monster, this evil dictator who's resembling Hitler. You know, when he arrived at a rally in the cab of a garbage truck in an orange vest and just chatted with people and served french fries at a McDonald's, and people saw that by the millions and said, you know, this guy likes people.

He's not the monster the left is making him out to be, or the media, which is the same thing. So this was a giant cry from the American people to restore reality, to restore normalcy, and to reject all the lies we keep being told day after day. One of the other big losers in this election was not just the Democrats, but their media.

Who believes the so-called legacy media anymore? They've been dead wrong about everything for years, but it's never been so clear as this year when they kept vilifying Trump, when they made abortion the single most important issue, even though it was way down on the list for most people. They were living in a different world, a fantasy world, and Americans want to return to normalcy and reality. And I think that's at the bottom of this big Republican triumph last Tuesday. Well, to follow up on that, why are the Democrats pushing those policies that the Americans just completely reject?

I know the media is giving cover for them, but why even push these policies in the first place? They're just insane. They believe in them. They have a different worldview. They are essentially Marxists who believe they have to tear down what is and rebuild from the ashes, a new socialist state in which everything is equal.

And there are no meaningful distinctions between anything, male and female, you name it. They really believe this stuff. And they believe that anybody who opposes it is full of hate and bigotry. And this is what you get when you reject God, because it really is a rejection of God's moral order. And it's the attempted establishment of man as sort of a superman who dictates morality and ignores the natural moral order that God instituted all over the world.

C.S. Lewis wrote so eloquently about the moral law moral law that you find even in other religions up to the point where the religions differ from the gospel. They won't acknowledge Jesus really is who he said he was. But there is a moral thread reflecting natural reality all over the world. And the Democrats and the media have been at war with that moral thread, that natural law for the last several years.

And now they're finally paying a price for it. Robert Knight with us today here on the Christian worldview, a columnist for the Washington Times. People have called this victory by Trump the most momentous or most important election in our lifetime. And that for Trump personally, this was the greatest political comeback in U.S. history. Do you agree with that, Robert? Even liberal commentators are acknowledging it.

Nobody's ever seen anything like this. There's only been one other president who served two nonconsecutive terms. That was Grover Cleveland. But he was not facing indictments in four different jurisdictions. He wasn't facing two impeachments and a Russian collusion hoax and all the lies that were being told about President Trump. So for Trump to overcome all that and come back and win again is just extraordinary.

And the second part of this is why it was so important that he do win. And that is because if Kamala Harris and Tim Walz had taken power, we would see many more judges put on the bench, probably more than 100 who were basically living constitution judges, meaning they make up laws, they go along. They wouldn't be adhering to the Constitution, which limits our government and has divided powers. Liberals don't really believe in that anymore. They believe in raw power.

And so we would lose that safeguard that we have had over the last few years because of appointees of President Bush and President Trump. And the other thing is they have such a radical agenda. They really do believe you can turn little boys into girls and vice versa. And that they, in the name of pursuing that agenda, are willing to suspend freedom of speech, freedom of assembly, freedom of the press. In other words, they will let nothing stop them from enforcing an extremely radical agenda. And it's part of that Marxist worldview that anything natural, normal, and supports the moral order must be uprooted and burned and thrown away. Kamala Harris's campaign slogan about being unburdened by what came before is in perfect line with Marxist thinking that you can't respect anything from the past.

And of course, that includes the Bible, the whole Judeo-Christian value system. It has to be overthrown. And I think people at a gut level said, you know, we're tired of the lies. I think a lot of commentators have missed the importance of those ads that President Trump ran that were so effective.

They ran them during NFL games and during the World Series. And it unmasked the whole transgender agenda and showed how absurd it was. And at the end of the ad, it says Kamala Harris is for they, them, meaning the distorted pronouns. President Trump is for you. I think that hit hard. And I think some of the proof of that is in some of the statistics from the election, 54% of Hispanic men voted for President Trump.

Now we've been told by the media that, oh, minorities should fear Trump because he's a racist. They weren't buying it. They didn't want a world in which they and their children were going to grow up in a sexually confused way with a government pushing this perverse stuff on everybody.

And I think that's been underrated. The cultural issues were very important. Of course, the economy is always important. Inflation just hasn't been tamed because any inflation we get now is on top of that horrible inflation that came earlier.

So everything costs too much. Nobody believed that Kamala Harris would control the border and be tougher than Trump was. The media kept telling us, oh yeah, it's under control, Matt.

No, we didn't buy it. I think the main thing was that people want not to be lied to anymore. They've had it.

Robert Knight with us today here on the Christian worldview radio program. Robert, there's been a graph going around online. I'm sure you've seen it regarding the U.S. presidential election over the last several cycles from 2012 through 2024, those four elections there, and the Democrat popular vote in 2012, 2016, and then this time in 2024 was just around just over 65 million votes for Democrats. The graph clearly shows in 2020 that Joe Biden got 81 million votes. So about 15 more million votes than the two election cycles before that, and then just this recent one. And how Trump got about 73 million votes in 2020 and less than that this time about 71 million votes. In other words, pretty similar to past elections from Republican side. So there's a 15 million vote discrepancy that took place in the presidential election in 2020.

And a lot of people have looked at it and said, well, wait now, how could that possibly be? How could Joe Biden, by the way, get 15, 16 million more votes than Barack Obama did? And how in this election, which was everything on the line, according to the Democrats, that somehow Harris got 15 million less votes than Biden did. How do you explain that particular graph that there were 15 million less votes for Kamala Harris in 2024 than there were for Biden who got 81 million votes in 2020?

And then going back before that, where Obama got about the same as Harris did in this particular election? I think the obvious explanation is something happened that a lot of us have suspected in 2020, which is that Biden's vote totals were inflated. I think there was widespread vote fraud.

Call me an election denier if you want, as the Democrats like to say, even though many of them have denied election results, including Hillary Clinton. But yeah, there's no way I believe Biden could have gotten 81 million votes. He didn't even campaign.

He was mentally deficient even back then in 2020. And Trump was just rolling with huge rallies and a lot of enthusiasm. And if you look in my book, Crooked, What Really Happened in 2020 and How to Stop Vote Fraud, there's plenty of evidence that the election was rigged in many ways.

The control of social media, the suppression by the FBI of the contents of the Hunter Biden laptop, the lying by national security agents who signed a letter, 51 of them, including former directors of the CIA and national security director, saying it was Russian misinformation when they knew for a fact that really was Hunter Biden's laptop. And that probably would have swung the election actually. But still the sheer number of votes, 81 million, that doesn't pass the straight face test. And you know as well as I do, David, that vote counting stopped in the wee hours in 2020 in most of the battleground states. And Trump was way ahead in several.

And when in morning dawned, there'd been a huge ballot drop of Biden votes that defied statistical probability. And yet the media didn't want to look into it. The courts didn't want to look into it.

Many of the cases of vote fraud that were brought to courts were dismissed on procedural grounds, such as a lack of standing. They didn't look at the evidence. And that's one thing that triggered the January 6th riot at the Capitol. They weren't committing an insurrection against the American government. I mean, it wasn't an armed mob trying to overthrow it.

They're there pleading with Congress to stop the electoral vote count until this evidence could be examined. And of course, the media have covered that up, the intent, and just made it out to be something it wasn't. And there are still people languishing in jail over that, even though it was four years ago. And very few people paid a price for the hundreds of riots that occurred in 2020 because of Black Lives Matter and the George Floyd death. But that's another thing that I think turned out the vote this time for the Republicans. They're tired of the double standard of justice. Obviously, the federal government has been weaponized against its perceived opponents in ways that make it not a justice system anymore.

Yeah. It's pretty amazing, Robert, as you think back to what happened on January 6th, how that's been totally framed. And I believe it was aided in part by the federal government. I've done a lot of research into that and videos and so forth. We have actually, for listeners who are interested, we have two articles linked right now on our website to read those. They're extensive about people like Ray Epps telling people, we've got to go into the Capitol and so forth.

Never got arrested on videotape all over the place. And there were others doing the same thing. And how that was framed to be an insurrection. And it was what just you said, people didn't want the election certified until there was a proper vote count and how that was just used to basically be a disqualifier for Donald Trump this time around. Other things they said about him, oh, he's a convicted felon.

You can tell me how many times I've seen that on social media. In other words, you set up a trial and allegations on really flimsy grounds against the former president, go into the right receptive courtroom with the right receptive judge and get a conviction based on basically nothing, just so you can call him a convicted felon. And it's just repeated and repeated.

And it gets into the nation's consciousness. Now, you and I and others probably listening to live outside that left-wing bubble, but it's amazing to see how influential in the way people think when those lies are just repeated to them all the time. Now there's been, of course, a lot of blame going around, Robert, on the Democrat side here as to why they lost and why Harris wasn't the right candidate, or maybe she was the right candidate, and the people are blaming Biden for not dropping out early enough.

He should have dropped out earlier. What do you think the fundamental reasons were that she just was not an attractive candidate that could win this election? Well, she's not articulate the way, say, Barack Obama is.

He can talk to people like he's just a guy in the neighborhood. She could never pull that off. She's a child of elitist parents. Her father was a Marxist or is a Marxist educator.

And she does what people characterize as word salads, where she just keeps emitting words that don't seem to make sense. And she didn't come up into the nomination by any democratic process. She was pulled in. She was the first to drop out when they were vetting candidates back in 2020. Nobody voted for her to speak of. And then they appointed her vice president because they were filling a DEI slot of having a black woman, even in California. She graduated from law school and went right into government service and became Willie Brown's mistress. And he just kept vaulting her higher and higher in office until she became attorney general and then a US Senator from California. She did get votes for that office.

I will say that, but not for being the presumed presidential nominee. They did a coup. They deposed Joe Biden.

They realized he was going to get wiped out because his mental capacities were gone as proved in the debate with President Trump. And so they just put her in there. And she's not particularly likable to a lot of people. Some people love her. I mean, the feminists love her because she was fixated on abortion.

And that's another thing I think that went wrong. They misstepped because they made abortion the single most important issue. For most people, it was way down the list because after Roe v. Wade was overturned, the issue did go back to the states.

And there's been tremendous activity in states. Some states banning it right after six weeks and others having different gestation periods and others passing laws to ensure it goes all the way right up to the process of birth, such as New York state. And by the way, New York just passed a proposition that I don't think people realize how radical it is. It was sold as an abortion measure, but it also brings in the whole transgender agenda and the LGBTQ agenda imposing it so that anybody who questions it could be liable to charges. I mean, that's a very radical law and I think people are going to regret it at some point.

But all that said, a lot of what people say is true. Biden should have dropped out earlier to make it a competitive race among the Democrats. Kamala Harris didn't have the experience in elections that she should have to go for an office this high. Robert Knight is our guest today here on The Christian Real View. A column is for The Washington Times. You can subscribe to his weekly column by going to our website, and click on the link for him. We'll take a short break to tell you about some ministry resources and updates, but stay with us because next we'll discuss the future of the pro-life movement now that Republicans and Trump have wandered away from a strong pro-life position.

I'm David Wheaton. You are listening to the Christian Real View radio program. You have a left wing foundation that realizes it has a problem advancing its political goals because of evangelicals. And so they will think, OK, what we need to do is find some mechanism by which we can change evangelical minds. They will then recruit well-known organizations like the National Association of Evangelicals, the Council for Christian Colleges and Universities and denominational organizations. That was recent guest Megan Basham talking about how evangelical leaders traded the truth for a leftist agenda, which is the subtitle of her best-selling book, Shepherds for Sale.

For a limited time, you can order Shepherds for Sale for 20% off by visiting, calling toll-free 1-888-646-2233 or by writing to Box 401 Excelsior, Minnesota 55331. We didn't want our kids doing all these secular games like Elf on the Shelf. We really wanted to put Christ front and center at Christmas, and they actually engineered a wooden manger that's small enough to hide. And then I wrote a family devotional with 25 devotions for every day in December leading up to Christmas, including Christmas Day, that you can do in about seven minutes.

And the devotions are just loaded with the deity of Christ and the gospel. That was Pastor Grant Castleberry describing Manger in Danger, a new daily devotional in game for families with children aged four to twelve. Manger in Danger retails for $40 plus shipping. We are offering it for a donation of $30 or more to The Christian Real View. To order, go to, call 1-888-646-2233, or write to Box 401 Excelsior, Minnesota 55331. Welcome back to The Christian Real View.

I'm David Wheaton. Be sure to visit our website,, where you can subscribe to our free weekly email and annual print letter, order resources for adults and children, and support the ministry. Our topic post-election today is America chooses Trumpism over Marxism, and our guest is Robert Knight, columnist for The Washington Times. The pro-life cause made some gains in some ballot initiatives in some states, like in Florida and a few others, but also was defeated in more states. So this issue is going to be one that's going to be contested going forward. Now, of course, Donald Trump's Republican platform has become much softer, much more lenient on abortion, and yet Donald Trump just won a landslide victory. So the message to the Republican Party and Donald Trump and those coming in the future is that we really don't need to be strongly pro-life to be able to win elections.

See what we did in 2024. What do you think the future is for those who are anti-abortion in this country when the party they've always been associated with no longer is going to see them as necessary to be able to win elections? Well, I think that what has saved them, the Republicans that is, is that they're the lesser of two eagles on this issue. People, I think, reasonably conclude that, okay, the Republicans aren't as strong on pro-life as they used to be, but they're not going to be aggressively promoting abortion every way possible the way the Democrats are. The Democrats seem utterly obsessed with it, to the point of wanting to force taxpayers to fund it, sending it in U.S. aid overseas, abortion money, getting rid of any laws that restrict abortions in any way, including parental consent for minors and crossing state lines. I mean, they're truly radical on this issue. And I think the way Trump concluded it, he looked at where the American people are and concluded that a majority don't want abortion right to the end like the Democrats do, but they want some access to abortion, as unfortunate and sad as that is.

And that the best thing to do would be leave it to the states, let them fight it out. That's the position right now of the party and of President Trump. It's not a great position because life is the first inalienable right. Without right to life, you have no other rights, speech, religion, assembly, et cetera. It's unfortunate that the Republican Party doesn't feel confident enough to be as pro-life as it was, but going forward, we're going to see lots of abortion battles in the states, and some states are going to protect life and others aren't. I have to think that just as the transgender and LGBTQ agenda became clear to Americans as a threat to reality and that they'd been force-fed acceptance of this, that a lot of Americans will wake up to the evils of abortion and realize it's a human life involved. It isn't just women's choice over their bodies.

There are two people involved. The Democrats won't recognize that, even with a full-term baby. I think that costs them some votes. Certainly the Christians who were informed by their pastors and went to the polls knew how radical the Democrats had been on abortion, and that was a big factor in their voting Republican this time around. It's unfortunate that more Black pastors aren't forthcoming in talking about the realities of abortion and also the anti-God policies of many Democrats. They don't line up at all with God's word, God's natural order, and yet they keep going keep going and voting Democrat. But I will tell you something, David, that the truth keeps coming out.

I think we cannot underestimate the importance of Elon Musk freeing up Twitter and turning it into X and turning it into a super highway of information. Facts that were kept from the American people for years are now being distributed by the millions. If you look at abortion and the reality of it, it doesn't stand up to examination. The only way they get away with it is if people look away and won't see the truth of it. I think that's the hard thing about abortion. It's so obvious when you see the images of a human being inside a mother's womb, or you see even sometimes the graphic images of what takes place in an abortion. It is hard, even if you're very pro-life, to even look at that.

So there's a natural tendency to look away. But I think this is the only way forward for those who are very pro-life. Anti-abortion is that you need to persuade people. The country needs to be persuaded morally just how egregious the killing, the murder of the unborn is. We're not going to be able to rely on necessarily the Republican Party to do that. It's going to have to be on those who are strongly pro-life, who should be every single Christian, knowing when life begins.

Robert, you're with us today here on The Christian Real View. Looking forward to Trump's governing as president coming up here in a couple months, what do you anticipate the impact of people like Elon Musk, who you've mentioned, a billionaire, just an unusual person, eclectic views, not some conservative, probably, but he's obviously for free speech. Robert F. Kennedy Jr., formerly a Democrat or independent. Tulsi Gabbard, another former Democrat.

Vivek Ramaswamy. Lots of really influential people around him likely to end up in his cabinet or different positions in government. What kind of impact is this going to make on not only the way Trump governs, but the Republican Party going forward?

Well, I think Trump learned a lot of lessons from 2020 and before. Right after he was elected, there were people who came in and came in and completely began undermining his administration. There's a federal agency that actually assists in transitioning between administrations. And when Trump was bringing people in, that agency made sure there were people situated that were really there to sabotage the administration. That's a problem for any Republican president because the federal agencies tend to be very liberal and they don't like change and they're good at frustrating change. So you might take over an agency like Betsy DeVos took over the education department under Trump and tried to initiate all sorts of policies.

She actually got some of them done, but many others were frustrated by the bureaucracy. They know how to slow things down and make things not happen. He's going to have more loyalists around him who know how to get things done. He's got some very impressive people, like you say, Elon Musk involved. Even people who don't like Musk respect him for his intellect and his entrepreneurial gifts. The man not just started Tesla and became a billionaire, but he's got SpaceX and it's been used in the Ukraine war when the Russians knocked out communications. I mean, the man is just amazing. He also poured 160 million into Trump's campaign.

He put in all his chips. He knew full well with 10 federal agencies breathing down his neck, since he began sounding more conservative, that Trump had to win this election or Elon Musk would be in deep trouble with a Kamala Harris administration. That's another thing. The impact of this election cannot be minimized. We've seen federal agencies weaponized against conservatives and Christians. I think another four years of it under Kamala Harris, who's supported by some outright Marxists. A lot of people thought it would cost us our freedom and that we could never get it back.

I'm one of those people. I was that worried election night. My wife and I got down on our knees and thank God the next morning for what happened because we said, okay, it's going to be judgment or mercy. God lifts up rulers and he takes them down and he's going to give us one or the other. He gave us another chance and we should be very thankful to him for that.

Completely agree. That's exactly how we felt and what we were praying for going in. You're right, another four years of taking over the government and illegal immigration and changing voting laws. All of it was going to lead this country into being one party leftist rule, just like it is in California. California never votes for a Republican anymore. It's leftism and perpetuity now and that's the way this country may have gone. We don't know, but we're very thankful that God ordained that Donald Trump would be able to win this particular election. Last question for you, Robert. In the last time Trump was in office, there was constant subversion and you just mentioned why people got around him, Anthony Fauci, others, the deep state, so to speak, entrenched bureaucrats to undermine him. He's obviously much wiser this time around, but what can he do to be able to govern in a way that where he's going to be able to really move things forward, be successful and not get dragged down by constant attacks from the left? Oh, there will be. In fact, they were already meeting and plotting about how to slow them down.

They're talking about it as a resistance and so forth. First thing he has to do is clean house at the FBI. They were utterly corrupted and turned into an instrument of control for the Democratic Party and the Biden-Harris administration and Obama before that.

That's got to stop and other federal agencies as well, NSA, CIA. The second thing they have to do is tighten election integrity laws all across the country because it really isn't that hard to commit vote fraud when you have millions of mail-in ballots and registration lists that have not been cleaned up by design, that sort of thing. That's why this had to be too big to rig.

It may not be too big next time around. It might be close and vote fraud could make the difference. So the Republicans have to ensure election integrity. As far as Trump, he has learned a lot of lessons. One of them is being more careful about who he appoints to carry out his agenda. Back when he first became president, you had a lot of establishment Republicans foisting people on him that really didn't believe in his vision. This time around, he has such a mandate that I think he will get the people he needs to do what he needs them to do. You got people like Peter Navarro, who was his trade representative and expert on China, who was jailed by the deep state because he wouldn't betray executive privilege and betray conversations he'd had with the president.

It was utterly unconstitutional what they did to him. He would be a great guy to go in and clean up the FBI because he's been a victim and knows how they did it. He certainly has incentive to clean the stables out. I think Trump will bring in people like that. The Democrats have lost the protection of the press. Nobody believes the press anymore. We have instant fact checking on X and Christian media and conservative talk shows. There's a whole new media that has grown up.

I don't think the Democrats and the Republican establishment, which has gone along with some deep state stuff, is going to get away with what they did in the first Trump administration. Well analyzed, Robert. We so appreciate all the thought and time that you put into clarifying the issues coming into this particular election and for the preview you did before it and now the post-election analysis. We appreciate you, Robert. Thank you for coming on the Christian RealView Radio program today. All of God's best and grace to you. Always great to be around with you, David.

God bless you as well. Again, Robert Knight, columnist for the Washington Times, is our guest. You can subscribe to his column by going to our website, Okay, just one more thing about the election to remember were those professing Christians who actually voted for Kamala Harris.

And I want you to remember their names so you're not deceived the next time they appear about some other issue. There was David and Nancy French. David French is a well-known professing evangelical. He's a columnist for the New York Times.

You remember that name. Russell Moore and Christianity Today. They were very much in favor of Kamala Harris. So don't read Christianity Today thinking you are getting orthodox views. Another one we mentioned last week was Ray Ortlund, a popular pastor. The one who said, never Trump, this time Harris, always Jesus.

Dwight McKissick is another one. He's a black pastor formerly of the Southern Baptist Convention. He and this Evangelicals for Harris organization supported the Democrats in this election. We said all along, you don't have to vote for Trump as a Christian, but you certainly ought not to vote for the party that was well into the third stage of Romans chapter one. Now, there were also the pro-life purists and abolitionists who didn't vote for Trump or voted third party.

I don't think they're wrong, but you have to realize that we have a two-party system. So by not voting for one of the two viable candidates, you're really taking ineffective action against the most evil of the two viable candidates. The final thing I'll say is what does this mean for Christians going forward? Donald Trump will make some things better in this country. Economically, from an energy standpoint, hopefully getting out of wars with anti-wokeness. And he'll do that because some of his policies align with a Christian worldview.

He won't be able to advance righteousness and the gospel, of course. The Republican party is changing. The platform is not pro-life anymore. It's not pro-biblical marriage.

They are stage two of Romans one, as I talked about, and they're likely going to enter stage three in about a decade or so. So I don't expect Trump to govern very conservatively this term as he did in his first term, but he's going to be far better than the alternative. So Christians need to support him on things he's doing right from a biblical perspective, and we need to vociferously oppose when he doesn't. Trump would be wise to put off the careless, demeaning words that he speaks.

Don't be a boaster. Lead with your strong actions. I'm not sure he can do this, though, because he's not controlled by the indwelling Holy Spirit, which every believer gets at the moment of regeneration. There's going to be a lot of headwinds against him. The left isn't just going to disappear. They're going to oppose him at every front. He would be wise to see this second term as a stewardship to be able to hand it off to someone like J.D.

Vance or someone else in the future to keep the movement going so it doesn't just end with him. We as Christians have a stewardship as well. To not make political change our top priority, but to be most of all laser focused on earnestly following the Lord, discipling our families, telling others about the gospel, and being engaged in our local churches.

Trump can help America, but he can't save America spiritually. The Bible says there is one God and one mediator also between God and men, the man Christ Jesus. Thank you for joining us today on The Christian Worldview and for your support of this non-profit radio ministry. Until next time, think biblically, live accordingly, and stand firm. The mission of The Christian Worldview is to sharpen the biblical worldview of Christians and to proclaim the good news of Jesus Christ. We hope today's broadcast encouraged you toward that end. To hear a replay of today's program, order a transcript, or find out what must I do to be saved, go to or call toll-free 1-888-646-2233. The Christian Worldview is a listener-supported non-profit radio ministry furnished by the Overcomer Foundation. To make a donation, become a Christian Worldview partner, order resources, subscribe to our free newsletter, or contact us, visit, call 1-888-646-2233, or write to Box 401, Excelsior, Minnesota, 55331. That's Box 401, Excelsior, Minnesota, 55331. Thanks for listening to The Christian Worldview.
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