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Would a Trump Victory Hold Back the Romans 1 Tidal Wave? Part 2

The Christian Worldview / David Wheaton
The Truth Network Radio
September 14, 2024 2:00 am

Would a Trump Victory Hold Back the Romans 1 Tidal Wave? Part 2

The Christian Worldview / David Wheaton

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September 14, 2024 2:00 am

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GUEST: JAMES WHITE, Alpha and Omega Ministries

Proverbs 28:2 in the The New Living Translation reads this way: “When there is moral rot within a nation, its government topples easily. But wise and knowledgeable leaders bring stability.”

Well, that’s certainly descriptive of our nation.

  • Over 60 million abortions of unborn human beings
  • Celebration of sexual immorality, whether heterosexual, homosexual, or transgender
  • Redefining God-designed one-man one-woman marriage and the male-female fixed binary
  • Multi-billion dollar pornography industry

There’s more to the “moral rot” than this—economic policies that disincentivize work and reward sinful behavior, legalization of recreational drugs, disinformation from government, no or low consequences for criminals. And the list goes on.

It should be stated that Proverbs are general principles and not guarantees. Moral rot within a nation doesn’t always topple the government but sometimes it does. The Roman Empire was marked by moral rot and it collapsed, despite a large geographic scale of rule, military might, educational advancement, and economic prosperity.

It’s the second part of this Proverb that is up for discussion—“wise and knowledgeable leaders bring stability”. We have moral rot but do we have “wise and knowledgeable leaders” to bring stability?

In part 1 last week, guest Dr. James White of Alpha and Omega Ministries, explained the Romans 1 tidal wave in how America has gone from revering God and His Word to rejecting and detesting Him.

This week in part 2, James will explain why an explosion of sexual sin results from suppressing God truth and exchanging it for a lie. We will also discuss whether a Donald Trump victory would change the trajectory of this nation.
Please join us in praying for our annual golf event this coming Monday, Sept 16 at Hazeltine National here in MN.

Also, take part in the online and in-person silent auction of the event. There are many unique items and experiences, including 3-day passes to the Creation Museum / Ark Encounter, a signed NASB MacArthur Study Bible, Rich Ganzel photography, Children’s resource bundle, Women’s bundle, etc.

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Would a Trump victory hold back the Romans 1 tidal wave? Today is part two of that topic with James White right here on the Christian Worldview Radio Program where the mission is to sharpen the biblical worldview of Christians and to proclaim the good news of Jesus Christ. I'm David Wheaton, host. Christian Worldview is a listener supported radio ministry. Thank you for your notes of encouragement, financial support, and lifting us up in prayer.

Our website is and the rest of our contact information will be given throughout today's program. Now before we get to the interview with James White, I just want to briefly ask for your prayer for our annual golf event at Hazeltine National Golf Club here in Minnesota this coming Monday, September 16th. It's called the Overcomer Foundation Cup after the name of the nonprofit organization that directs the Christian Worldview Radio Program. Now this is our annual fundraising event.

This is the ninth year we've done this golf event and so you can pray for the fundraising aspect of it, but even more important is to pray for the hearts of the 90 golfers and club staff who will be there. The mission of the Overcomer Foundation is to help people overcome life's challenges through embracing a Christian worldview and that mission is integrated into all three things the foundation does. Number one, the radio program, the Christian worldview. Number two, the in-person events we do like the Overcomer Course for young adults or speaker series events. Number three, the resources we offer for adults and children.

So the Overcomer Foundation is the umbrella over those three aspects of the foundation. So while golf, especially at Hazeltine, provides a great setting for this event, there will be believers there who need to have their Christian worldview sharpened and unbelievers there who need to repent and believe in the gospel. So you can pray that the biblical worldview and the gospel would come through clearly, especially in the post-golf meal and message on the mission. I may record it and air it in a coming week on the program. Now this event is a major multi-month undertaking for our staff and volunteers. We have participants traveling from Texas and California and North and South Dakota, all outside Minnesota. And as I previously mentioned, you can actually take part in the silent auction of this event.

There are many unique items and experiences available like short-term vacation stays on Lake Superior up in northern Minnesota or at Stonehouse Farm in Jordan, Minnesota, just outside the Twin Cities, where we held the Overcomer Course for young adults back in June. There are lots of other things such as passes to the Creation Museum and Ark Encounter, a signed MacArthur Study Bible and premium goat skin, and lots of resource bundles for men and women and children and students. So to browse the silent auction, go to slash auction, and it's live right now and ends on Monday, September 16th at 4.30 p.m. Central Time.

And all proceeds of the silent auction go to support the Overcomer Foundation and then by extension, the Christian Real View Radio program. Now to our topic of the day, part two on what a Trump victory hold back the Romans 1 tidal wave. Proverbs 28 verse 2 in the New Living translation reads this way, when there is moral rot within a nation, its government topples easily, but wise and knowledgeable leaders bring stability. Well, that's certainly descriptive of our nation today. Over 60 million abortions of unborn human beings since the early 1970s, a celebration of sexual immorality, whether heterosexual, homosexual, or transgender is pervasive in our society, a redefining of God designed one man, one woman marriage and the male female fixed binary, or the multi-billion dollar pornography industry. And there's more to the moral rot as that verse says than those things, economic policies that disincentivize work and reward sinful behavior, the legalization of recreational drugs, disinformation to use that word from government, or no or low consequences for criminals.

And the list goes on. It should be stated that Proverbs are general principles and not necessarily 100% guarantees. Moral rot within a nation doesn't always topple governments, but sometimes it does.

The Roman empire was marked by moral rot and it collapsed despite a large geographic scale of rule, military might, educational advancement, and economic prosperity. But it's the second part of this proverb that is up for discussion today. Wise and knowledgeable leaders bring stability.

We have moral rot, but do we have wise and knowledgeable leaders to bring stability? In part one last week, Dr. James White of Alpha and Omega Ministries explained the Romans one tidal wave and how America has gone from revering God in his word to rejecting and detesting him. This week in part two, James will explain why an explosion of sexual sin results from a society that suppresses God's truth and exchanges the truth for a lie.

We will also discuss whether a Donald Trump victory would change the trajectory of this nation. Let's get to part two of the interview with Dr. James White. James, thanks for coming back for part two. You wrote a post on social media about Romans one and you started out by saying, one of the strongest arguments I know for the inspiration of scripture is Romans chapter one.

Why? You say, because all of mankind in all of his many centuries of writing about himself has never come close to the depth and accuracy of Paul's diagnosis of man, the creature, in rebellion against God, his maker, as is found in these handful of sentences filed with divine wisdom and revelation. I thought that was very interesting before our interview today because we're talking about, can any of these political candidates specifically for our conversation today, Donald Trump, can he, if he wins, hold back the Romans one tidal wave in this country? So my question for you is, James, isn't Romans one, 18 through 32, really descriptive of almost every nation in history that they descend in to this God rejection or why is this passage especially relevant to United States of America? I believe it does apply to every nation at every time in a sense, but obviously at the same time, there's scriptural teaching about God restraining evil. In our day, what we're facing, I believe, is really based upon the explosion of secularism in our day and secularism, despite what a lot of people say, is the negation of everything good that Jesus taught. So it's naturalistic, rather than recognizing there's a creator, that there's order provided by the creator.

Secularism negates the existence of the creator. So you're left with what? Well, something will rush in to fill that void. In most situations, it's the state. That wasn't quite the same thing in the past, but now with technology, communication, that's what we're facing. When you have a creator, you can have male, female, marriage, stability.

The culture can move forward toward a common goal. Secularism destroys all of that. It's a battery acid as far as destroying what makes mankind able to live in peace themselves. The very origin and source of our rights for many people in our society now is the state. It's the Supreme Court.

It's whatever. And up until recently, we recognized that human rights came from the creator. So all of that means that we are in a not totally unique situation. I mean, obviously, there have been the Soviet Union, Communist China. These have been many, many decades where people lived under those kinds of repressive secular regimes. But now we have technology that allows really a form of techno totalitarianism and a suppression of free speech, suppression of information. I haven't heard anyone suggesting that 1984 be added to the New Testament, but it's almost prophetic.

He couldn't have imagined the pervasiveness of technology of our day. But it is that kind of Big Brother type of situation that we're looking at now that just simply couldn't have existed before this period in history. And so it's not surprising to me that when you look at what's happening and then you do that through the lens of God's word, the lens of Romans one, all that does is just clarify things. It just shows you just how clearly men know that they're violating the ordinance of God.

And not only do they do it gladly, but they encourage others to do it along with them. That's just the society that we're living in now. And so the only thing you can stop a Romans one tsunami is the Spirit of God fundamentally changing a large number of hearts and minds in our society. And just looking at church history, the fact of the matter is that almost always happens only as a result of massive societal collapse, war, famine, disease, just massive things that just completely get down to the foundation of a society.

And I don't know what that's going to look like in our situation, but I just honestly believe that eventually we will look back on a number of times on social media, especially some type of trans video or something like that. And I said, this will be playing on repeat in the museum of humanity's foolishness in the future. And children will come and go, no, people could not have possibly believed that. And they'll have to be explained to them. When you allow people to live in constant rebellion against their creator, they will believe foolish things like this.

I believe that'll happen someday. But right now it's what we're having to deal with right in front of us. I think one of the most remarkable things about the situation we're in is that there's a large element of the country pulling us this Romans one direction. And they actually have the chutzpah, the hubris to actually make it seem like those who are saying, no, no, let's put the brakes on here. We're going the wrong way to be the enemies of democracy. It's a gaslighting, it's a shaming of those who would be so regressive as if we're the totalitarians who are against it.

It's an amazing trick they're able to pull. James White with us today here on the Christian Real View radio program. He is the director of Alpha and Omega Ministries. Just one or two more quotes from that post you did, James.

I thought it was very good. You say, all sexual sin, because that's what it's so descriptive in that Romans 1 verses 18 through 32, in all its forms is a reflection of idolatry. For we are seeking to pleasure God's creation outside of His will and against His law. Every June, Pride Month, we see how this is lived out.

And honestly, you're right, it is hard to tell the difference between the dogs in the alley and the humans in the street during those explosions of depravity. What is it about sexual sin that you mentioned there and listed in Romans chapter 1, that it is the judgment of God for suppressing His truth, exchanging His truth for a lie? Why is these sins specifically mentioned, and that's where our society under judgment leads? Well, I think in this particular instance, Paul points to that twisting of the creator-creation relationship, and the illustration of homosexuality, when it says, and a lot of people agree that this may be the only reference to lesbianism, female homosexuality in the Bible, when it says, for even their women exchange the natural use.

That's how I translate it. I think there's really a, even their women, because when you think of the tremendous maternal instinct of women, you have the capacity to give life, to nurture life, and you reject all of that. What it does is it points to how deeply into the very fabric of mankind, womankind, this rebellion and this twisting of the creator-creation relationship goes, is used a number of times in Romans chapter 1, where they exchanged the truth of God for the lie. So they have something, yet they give it away for something significantly less valuable and much more destructive. But that's what mankind does. That's the whole essence of it. And so I think the reason that Paul specifically refers to homosexuality, they're both female and male, and every excuse that's ever been offered, believe me, I've read pretty much every one of them, just completely misses the consistency of Paul's argumentation. But the reason he has it there is not to say this is the worst sin. What he's doing is saying idolatry can be found in so many different expressions in human experience that can even get to the point of fundamentally twisting our very created nature, that which allows us as a species to survive. When you don't have boys marrying girls and having babies, you don't have a society for very long.

It doesn't last very long at all. And there are entire societies where they're discovering that. The Japanese are disappearing. They're going to be a lost race in a matter of decades. Because I think the current number for Japan is like 1.1 or 0.9.

I forget which one it is now. You have to be at 2.2 to even stay even. So anything below 1.5, you're going to disappear.

And once you get down below 1, you've only got a generation or two before there's nobody left. So this is just basic human reality. But idolatry can so twist us deep down inside, as in homosexuality, that those natural drives that God has put there are turned off or turned to a different direction. Just one more question on your poster, because you mentioned the great exchange from Romans 1, for they exchange the truth of God for the lie and worship and serve the creature rather than the Creator who is blessed forever.

Amen. And you write, the lie is the myth of human autonomy and independence from God. All false religions promote the idea. And the greatest religion of our day, secularism, is based upon this lie. But man is an insatiable worshiper.

Man worships the creature and serves the creature as the means of suppressing the knowledge of God. And James, you'll hear the term freedom brought up a lot today by those on the left. As in, the right is trying to take away our freedoms. The freedom to have an abortion. The freedom to marry, quote, who you love.

The freedom for children to read those, quote, banned books, which are inappropriate, sexually explicit books. Could you explain how rebellion against God, as you have talked about in Romans 1, is really the fundamental issue of what's going wrong in our country, and how the word freedom is being used today to justify that rebellion against God? So much of the secular rebellion is an attack upon language. Language is a gift from God. God has used language to reveal himself to mankind. And so, a book just came out, and it's by a father and son team, New Testament scholar Hayes and his son.

I did see it. It's called The Widening of God's Mercy, and it's another of these books that have been coming out for a number of years now that try to argue that we should not be looking to God's Word for a moral and ethical gold standard, but that God's Word should be interpreted in light of what's happening in society. And so words that had meaning get to be redefined on the basis of what's happening in society. So freedom was once understood to be the ability to do, not as you please, but to do what would be good and proper, what would be God-honoring, what would be honoring to you, your family, your community, the society, things like that. Now freedom is primarily sexual freedom. It is, I mean, we can't even meaningfully debate abortion now, because the foundation in the mindset of the vast majority of the people around us, even people in the church anymore, is that sexual activity, married or not, is the greatest good of mankind.

That's the greatest thing you can do. That's your highest calling, is to be sexually satisfied. And if a baby gets in the way as a result of that, well, then we need to have the ability to, you know, we're prioritizing things, and the greatest priority is sexual freedom, sexual fulfillment. And so freedom, justice, all these terms just get completely redefined. What you had mentioned just a moment ago, where you accused the other side of what you yourself are doing, that's called projection. And it is the essence of the left, it's the essence of Pravda, the lying press organ of the Soviet Union, where everybody in the Soviet Union knew that if you read it in Pravda, it's a lie. Pravda still exists in Russia, by the way, and they're still doing their lying this time for somebody else. But they didn't just shut down when the Soviet Union fell, they moved here.

They took over here. We are living in the Pravda age, and almost anything you see coming from the mainstream media, it sounds bad, but look, if a leftist lips are moving, you know they're lying. There is nothing in the Marxist worldview that exalts and makes as a great character trait, truth speaking, especially when it doesn't fit the narrative. And people don't understand that. You know, there was a day when you put your hand up, you put your hand in the Bible, and you swore to tell the truth, and the reason it had meaning is everybody in the room around you believed that someday you would be judged by what was in the book you were putting your hand on. Now it means nothing. It means nothing at all. Our society now exists without any concern whatsoever of the day of judgment.

Now, since people are made in the image of God, I think it's still buried down there somewhere, but we do everything we can to not think about the fact that a day of judgment is coming. When I travel with my fifth wheel, when I get set up in the various RV parks, and I get plugged in, I have a big LED sign in my back window. It's really nice.

They're really cool. I've got one in the back of my truck too. The one in my truck says it's Christ or chaos, and personally I'm tired of the chaos. The sign in the back of my RV has Acts 1731 scrolling on it, where Paul says to the people there in Athens that God has set a day where he is going to judge the world by a man whom he has selected, and he has given proof of this to all by raising him from the dead.

That's really, I think, the most important thing to keep in mind is that there will be a day of judgment, but our society no longer believes it. James White with us today on the Christian Royal View, the director of Alpha and Omega Ministries,, or you can find the links at our website, We'll pause briefly to tell you about some ministry updates and resources.

Stay tuned, much more coming up. I'm David Wheaton, and you are listening to the Christian Royal View Radio Program. You have a left-wing foundation that realizes it has a problem advancing its political goals because of evangelicals. And so they will think, okay, what we need to do is find some mechanism by which we can change evangelical minds. They will then recruit well-known organizations like the National Association of Evangelicals, the Council for Christian Colleges and Universities, and denominational organizations. That was recent guest Megan Basham talking about how evangelical leaders traded the truth for a leftist agenda, which is the subtitle of her best-selling book, Shepherds for Sale.

For a limited time, you can order Shepherds for Sale for 20% off by visiting, calling toll-free 1-888-646-2233, or by writing to Box 401, Excelsior, Minnesota 55331. Theo is a 15-episode animated cartoon series that features high-quality production and sound biblical teaching. Here's an excerpt from the episode on salvation. Salvation is based on what Jesus Christ accomplished on the cross, not something that can be earned. How can we be saved?

Let's take a look at the Romans Road in our Shoebox Bible Theater. Other topics include forgiveness, obedience, and more. You and your children or grandchildren will love the cast of characters and learn the great doctrines of the faith. You can order the 5-DVD set, which contains all 15 Theo episodes for a donation of $50 or more.

Or, you can order one DVD that includes three episodes for a donation of any amount. Order by phone at 1-888-646-2233, by mail at Box 401, Excelsior, Minnesota 55331, or online at Welcome back to The Christian Real View.

I'm David Wheaton. Be sure to visit our website, email, where you can subscribe to our free weekly email and annual print letter, order resources for adults and children, and support the ministry. Our topic today is, would a Trump victory hold back the Romans 1 tidal wave? This is the second part of our two-part series with Dr. James White of Alpha and Omega Ministries. James, I know you lecture and probably have debated on the issue of the sovereignty of God. And Daniel 2, verse 21, there's many passages in Scripture like this that God ordains those who would be an authority over us. Daniel 2 says, it is He, God, who changes the times and the epochs. He removes kings and He establishes kings. He gives wisdom to wise men and knowledge to men of understanding. I think a lot of people, specifically Christians, have difficulty understanding the sovereignty of God with regard to how God puts leaders over us, in power over us, when they are in fact wicked.

Can you explain that? This was sort of a given for the vast majority of the history of our nation, really coming across the history of Europe. When you saw, for example, the Black Plague in the medieval period where in some cities 70% of the people were cut down in a matter of days, people recognized God's sovereignty. This was something that God was accomplishing, and so there was always a question, what are we to learn from this? Where can we go to learn from this? And people didn't always go to the right places during, for example, the Black Plague. Even the church looked to astrology to find answers. Those of us who have the scriptures and believe the scriptures and trust in the scriptures, yeah, we are told, as Daniel says, and Paul puts in Ephesians chapter 1, you know, he's the God who works all things after the counsel of His will.

And people go, well, then why are you complaining about what's going on in the United States? God's sovereignty. And it's like, people don't understand that I can recognize that God is sovereignly judging a nation, but that's His decree, that's His secret will.

I know what the final result down the road is, because He's told me that, but the road that's going to get there, I don't know. What I do know is what has been revealed in God's written will, and that is, as a believer, I am to seek justice, seek goodness, warn against sin, warn my fellow citizens against self-destructive behavior. We are to speak prophetically, even if that results in our suffering, because that's happened down through church history. When God's people have faithfully spoken the truth, they have very often suffered for speaking the truth.

And there are a lot of people that just don't even want to go there any longer. And I think that's impacting some of the ways that Christians are responding to our being pressed into a smaller and smaller portion of the cultural landscape, shall we say, by the rise of the predominance of secular thinking, secular ethics and morality, and there is no such thing. So in other words, it's whatever the state says at this particular point in time. So we're struggling as to how to respond to that, because we haven't looked at how Christians have suffered in the past for being faithful to the message of Christ. I know you watched the recent debate this past week with Donald Trump and Kamala Harris. Only a part of it. I'm a debater, and so after a while, it was like, this is three-on-one, this isn't a debate, this is a food fight, and that's when I wrote my article about the book on homosexuality. Right. Okay, so what were just a couple of your takeaways from the part that you watched, besides the fact that I saw you post about the fact that it wasn't a real debate, but go ahead.

Part of me has to give kudos to Trump for even going into that situation. What percentage of the audience would I say would even recognize the unfairness of how the moderators behaved, who they were fact-checking, and the fact that Harris, again, is just the most incredible example of someone who is simply repeating pious platitudes. There's no answers to questions. There's no actual policy.

It's what you had under Pravda. Everything's great, everything's wonderful, even though everybody knows that they're eating less and less, and they have less and less, and what I would love to see is an actual debate where Kamala Harris is given three minutes, and you have to lay out your position on this subject, and if you haven't gotten to the substance of that within 60 seconds, we're going to interrupt you and remind you of what the actual issue is. She wouldn't survive that for a second at all.

I think Trump could, but she wouldn't, but it wouldn't have the bang and boom and pop that food fights have, but that would be what would be most useful. Last week on the program, you seemed to lack a lot of confidence that Trump would actually be able to win. Is that primarily because of voting integrity? My confidence remains very, very low simply because I don't trust the election system. I live in Maricopa County, and we just had more information come out about the last election in 2022. There is no chain of custody documentation for the vast majority of the ballots in Maricopa County. We don't know who had them, who could have done anything with them. We don't know. It is a mess.

It's about as bad as Chicago. I live in a situation where I have next to zero confidence that my vote will even be counted and not be just washed away by 10 illegal votes or just by a computer doing its thing. That's where I am here, and that may reflect broadly on these things. Owen Strand posted something this morning where he said, my ultra hot take this morning is I think Trump could win this thing.

I really, really wonder if Trump will live to November, and if he wins, whether he'll live to January. I know a lot of Navy Seals. Apologia has a big connection to active and past service Navy Seals.

We help them with the stuff with the vaccines and all the rest of that kind of stuff. I've talked to a lot of folks who know, and they're like, that was as much of an inside job as there's ever been, and I think they're right. I'll be honest with you, I think they're right. But if he lives, if he doesn't have the House of Representatives, if the Republicans do not keep control of the House of Representatives, he'll be impeached five times in the first year. Now, none of them will stick, just like all of them they did last time. But these folks on the left, they don't care if the government of the United States is non-functional.

They will do that. So do I feel like he could accomplish any of the stuff that he said he's going to accomplish? Not really. I don't.

Right now, I just view him as a four year long speed bump. If this was a real election, then I'd be going, yeah, looking pretty good. But I want to be proven wrong here.

I really, really do. But that's where I am. So the topic of this two part series is, would a Trump victory stem the Romans one tidal wave? And it sounds like you don't think it would because it would just be a complete gridlock in government. But even from Trump's policy positions and where he is as a person, that's not going to change anything significant in this country. Sadly, let's be honest, the legislative system that our founders envisioned hasn't been working for at least 20 years. And I can't think of the last time a meaningful piece of legislation actually got bipartisan support. The vast majority of the governing going on right now is being done by executive order. We are electing somewhat of a king because the other people that are supposed to be balancing that out aren't doing anything. So is the Donald Trump of 2024 the same Donald Trump of 2016?

No, he's not. And it's been very sad to see that the Republican Party, ethically and morally, on marriage, LGBTQ abortion is now the Democratic Party of 2004. There's 20 years behind the revolution. That's just a fact and it's sad to see. And I don't see that improving anytime in the future. But that's where we are. So the only stemming of any tide or tsunami or swell or anything else would be all of the executive order stuff that the Biden regime has been doing to undercut morality and ethics and promote these things.

I wouldn't expect that. So there'd be a brief pause, we say. But believe you me, I hate to tell you this, but you're getting older, too. And so as you well know, four years now seems like a real short period of time.

And it would make me go. So who would be up in four years? What will we be facing in four years from now?

I don't know. But right now we have what do we have to 37 trillion in debt? Yeah, we're to the point where 75 percent of all the taxes collected go straight to the interest on the debt.

No one can live that way and no nation can live that way. China is teetering on collapse itself, even with all the money they get from us. I just saw a stunning chart that showed business startups in China. And they have disappeared in the past four years. It's down to basically nothing. And so what impact would a global, not recession, but depression have on the 2028 election?

I don't know. Depends on who's in office when it happens. Let's say Trump gets elected and then the whole house of cards collapses. What happens then?

Who gets blamed? James White with us today in the Christian Real View. I asked Dale Harrison recently about this on the program.

It's something that I haven't seen lots of people talk about. We know what scripture commands regarding leadership in the church and the home. It's supposed to be male leadership in the church and the home. What do you understand scripture to teach about a potential female head of state?

All right. James White will answer that question after we take this short break to tell you about some ministry resources and updates. I'm David Wheaton and you're listening to the Christian Real View radio program. This kind of worldview about identity has exploded where people come along and say, if it's all about you, you need to actually work out who you are. It's actually immunizing a generation against the gospel because the gospel comes into the picture and says, well, who are you? You're actually a sinner.

It's a negative answer to the question. You need a savior. Look the cross of Jesus Christ. Who did he die for if you're so good, if you're so worthy, if you have to pursue yourself as a good foundation for how to live? That was recent guest Martin Iles, executive CEO of Answers in Genesis and author of Who Am I?

Solving the Identity Puzzle. Endorsed by Ken Ham, John McArthur, and Ray Comfort, Who Am I? is a 208-page hardcover that retails for $19.99. For a limited time, you can order it for a donation of any amount to the Christian Real View. Go to, call 1-888-646-2233, or write to Box 401, Excelsior, Minnesota, 55331. David Wheaton here, host of the Christian Real View radio program. Listeners are often surprised to learn that we as a ministry pay to broadcast on the radio station, website, or app on which you are listening today. That expense is recouped through listeners like you making a donation or becoming a Christian Real View partner. Our aim is to have each broadcast outlet fully supported by the listeners of that outlet. If you would like to help us in our mission to sharpen the biblical worldview of Christians and to proclaim the good news of Jesus Christ, go to and click on Donate.

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I'm David Wheaton. Be sure to visit our website where you can subscribe to our free weekly email and annual print letter, order resources for adults and children, and support the ministry. Our topic today is would a Trump victory hold back the Romans 1 tidal wave? This is the second part of our two-part series with Dr. James White of Alpha and Omega Ministries. James, we know what Scripture clearly teaches about leadership in the home and the church, male-only leadership. But what do you understand Scripture to teach with regard to, say, a female head of state?

I know that Scriptures obviously talk about God's judgment when women and children lead them. I think that was specifically in reference to there being a complete lack of—in that context, the nation had been so destroyed and denuded that they didn't have any men left to take positions of leadership. I don't think there's anything necessarily wrong about a woman having political power. I thought Margaret Thatcher, in comparison to the vast majority of men of her day, had a whole lot more testosterone.

She worked very closely with Ronald Reagan, and the two of them together were quite a pair. The issue, I don't think, is the sex. I think the issue is the worldview. And Kamala Harris's worldview is, again, it's Marxist. Her dad was a Marxist economist. I'm not going to sit here and say, oh, she has a really deeply thought-out worldview, because I don't think she has almost anything deeply thought out. And shortly after she was elected, I preached a sermon on Jezebel at Apologia because of her views on sexuality, LGBT. There has never been a more pro-abortion, pro-LGBTQ person running for the office than this woman.

That's the issue. You know, when we're dealing with Biden, we're dealing with someone who's clearly mentally incompetent. And the fact of the matter is, she's known that for four years, and no one's holding her accountable for that.

And no one will, because we don't have anybody to ask questions like that. I would not just simply say it's because it's a woman. It's because it's a woman who holds the worldview that she holds. And if it was a guy that held this, well, Walt, is he somehow less guilty because he's a guy? No, this guy is the guy that repealed Minnesota's Born Alive Act.

I mean, this guy is Marxist evil as they come. So who cares if he's a guy or a gal at that point? It's the worldview that they're bringing. So no, I don't necessarily think that's something that you could really defend long-term exegetically, but well, that means this. No, I think you have to look at the worldview and their morals and ethics first and foremost.

I think that's a good, balanced, accurate answer. James White with us today on the Christian Real View of Alpha and Omega Ministries. Okay, just a question off our topic today, because an unlikely issue has been percolating up on the Crusades, the historic so-called Christian armies that marched across Europe, into Southwest Asia, into Jerusalem, warring as they went. There's been a lot of defense of the Crusades on social media saying they were something aspirational. Could you just offer some historical context for people who have no idea why this would even come up at this point?

Why there's a certain tribe of a younger generation of Christians who really want more Crusades and think they're a good thing? Tell us more about this and what's behind it. What originally caught my attention on my last trip was when I made a comment on the dividing line in support of something Douglas Wilson had said about the rise of, not anti-Semitism because that term has been used, has been so redefined, but a strong anti-Jewish and anti-Jew viewpoint. And I had run into people like this. I had a guy show up at our church last year sometime, wanted to talk to an elder, and I'm standing out there in the foyer, and I love how what you all do, blah blah blah, and I just knew something was coming.

I was like, come on, come on, go ahead and get to it. But you all just need to understand that all this stuff you do with the Mormons, all the stuff that you do with abortion, all this stuff, you got to understand who's behind all this. Yes, it's the Jews. So the Jews are behind porn, the Jews are behind the Mormons somehow, the Jews are behind everything.

And I was just like, oh, okay, thank you very much, there's the door, bye bye. But these people are out there, and I knew they're out there, but what stunned me on this last trip, because I did the dividing line from the RV, and I remember talking about this, and then over the next 48 hours on Twitter, I'm blocking people right, left, and center because they're coming after me, the Jews this, you're controlled by the Jews, blah blah blah, and you know what stunned me? At least half of them in that first run had 1689 in their bio. For people who don't know what 1689 is, that's the London Babs confession of 1689. I mean, I used to have that in my nickname on Twitter. Now, it's not just those, I've had OPC guys and PCA guys and all sorts of reformed guys, and they're all getting into this stuff.

And I'm like, I had no earthly idea that it was this widespread. And then right around the same time, maybe last year, you started seeing all these AI generated guys that look like Arnold Schwarzenegger in armor, with their big old cross on their chest, and they're on their horse, and they got their big old sword, and they're going out to build the kingdom of Christ. And I remember at the time going, guys, have you ever studied the Crusades? Do you know what the Pope called them? And they're offered salvation, indulgences, there was no even trying to win the Muslims to Christ.

I mean, they're just the infidels, and the atrocities that they committed, and the fact they ultimately failed, and in fact hasten the fall of Constantinople. There's all this stuff, and nobody cares because we have young, strong men, they're hitting the gym, they're getting fit, and they need leadership. And I'm like, well, their leadership should be telling them it's perfectly fine to get fit if God's put you in a position to be able to do that, and you've got enough food to do it.

But you know what? A lot of Christians around the world don't have any of those options, and they suffer, and they suffer horribly in Muslim countries and places like that. Are they not as manly as we are? And shouldn't the leadership be to raise up your family in a godly fashion, and to be disciplined in that? Isn't there a spiritual warfare that's more important than the physical warfare? And as soon as I said stuff like that, man, I had people coming back, those crusades just didn't go far enough. And I had one guy say, when Christian nationalism arises, people like you and Doug Wilson will be silenced.

I'm like, there you go, that was my concern from the start. So I think what's going on is, ever since COVID, we question everything now. Every narrative, everything we've ever been told, everything about World War II, Churchill, all the rest of that stuff, that's part of this as well. We're just questioning everything now. And we didn't used to listen to the people who were questioning all this stuff.

But now, why not? What's going to be our standard that we're going to use? And the divisiveness that the left introduces into society, where everybody, you know, remember intersectionality and stuff like that? That has come into the church.

And so now what you have in the church is you're going to divide the church based upon generations. I remember the first time I heard the term Boomer. And I was like, he played for Cleveland, didn't he?

I think. Boomer Esiason, that's all I knew. It's like, no, boomers, as in, you're born before 1964.

Well, I barely slip in there. I was born in 62, late 62. So I guess I'm a boomer. But now everything is, yeah, boomer, right, boomer. And boomer theology and boomer this and boomer that. And all of a sudden in the church where we are supposed to have unity at the Lord's table based upon the same sacrifice, the same imputed righteousness, the same spirit indwelling us, the same basis by which we can have that peace before God, that unity is now being thrown out the window based upon, well, you're that generation, you're that generation, this, that, and the other thing. And I'm like, where did this come from? Why are we even giving into this?

But it's everywhere. And so I've had all sorts of people come to me saying, you've failed the young people, the young generation, they used to follow you. I've had a bunch of people say to me, you introduced me to reform theology, but I'm not going to listen to word you have to say anymore. I just stop and I go, have I changed? And then I go, nope, I've said the same thing about the crusades since the first time I lectured on them in 1990 as scholar in residence at Grand Canyon University teaching church history the first time. I'm saying the same thing now that I said then.

I haven't changed, but they have. And that's what's scary because this movement will burn out of itself. There's only so many sermons and only so many times you can dress up for Halloween as one of the knights going off to crusade in Jerusalem. And then what's going to happen?

What's going to take its place? I don't know, but at least I have tried to warn people and say there's my criticisms were primarily theological. They've been ignored by the other side. And my whole point is if you want young men to channel their energy into something, channel it into godliness, spiritual disciplines, scripture memorization, preparedness to do the battle against evil forces, which does not include swinging a sword. All right, James, final question after two weeks with you on the program, what is your parting exhortation to believers and unbelievers as we live in this Romans one society? The word that I have to unbelievers is the chaos that you see around you is due to the fact that we live in a land that is created by God, runs in God's world and therefore by God's laws and is doing everything it can to not do what God would have us to do. That creates disharmony, it creates strife, hatred, violence, and Jesus Christ rose from the dead. There's an empty tomb in Jerusalem.

The light that comes from that empty tomb is the only light that can possibly dispel the darkness of secularism. To Christian believers, I would say you better be digging your foundations deep because even as a post-millennialist, I believe that the church can go through extremely dark times. I personally believe that eventually we're going to look back at this time and go see what happened there, see what secularism does. It can never happen again because it destroys society and we may have to be the generation that goes through that.

I don't know. For the sake of my own grandchildren and great-grandchildren to be, I hope that's not the case, but we need to be building the foundation firm right now in case that's what happens. Well, that is a very well said exhortation to conclude our interview today. And James, we just so appreciate you, your battle for the truth and the gospel for so many decades, and what you've stood for, and your boldness and your insight. Just appreciate you and coming on the Christian Real View today. We wish all of God's best and grace to you. Well, thank you very much for having me on. I've enjoyed it.

All right. If you missed any part of today's program, which was part two with James White, or missed part one last week, you can go to to listen, and you can also get links to James' ministry, Alpha and Omega. James has been contending for the faith for decades, doing formal debates all over the world, teaching radio podcasts and so forth.

We didn't have time to air a question. I asked him about his post-millennial eschatology or view of the end times. You may have heard him mention that a couple times over the last two weeks, but we will try to get that on air in a future program. The Christian Real View as a ministry is premillennial, which means we understand scripture to teach that Christ will rapture or snatch up living and dead church-age believers, then a seven-year tribulation on earth led by the Antichrist, then the return of Christ to earth to judge and reign for 1,000 literal years, at which point he'll demolish a final rebellion by unbelieving mankind, then the great white throne judgment, which means the judgment of the lake of fire for unbelievers, then the destruction of our present world and creation of a new heavens and new earth where believers will dwell in God's presence for eternity. So in our Romans 1 society, we will stand firm with God's help and look forward to what Jesus says in the last sentences of scripture, Yes, I am coming quickly, to which the response is Amen, come, Lord Jesus. If that is not your desire that Jesus return, I will quote what James said earlier in the program from Acts 17, Therefore, having overlooked the times of ignorance, God is now declaring to men that all people everywhere should repent, because he has fixed a day in which he will judge the world in righteousness through a man, that's Jesus, whom he has appointed, having furnished proof to all men by raising him from the dead. Christ's command is repent and believe in him as your Savior and Lord. You can find out more by going to our website, and clicking on the page, What Must I Do To Be Saved. Thank you for joining us today in the Christian Real View and for your support of this nonprofit radio ministry. Let's remember what scripture says that Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever.

So until next time, think biblically, live accordingly, and stand firm. The mission of the Christian Real View is to sharpen the biblical worldview of Christians and to proclaim the good news of Jesus Christ. We hope today's broadcast encouraged you toward that end. To hear a replay of today's program, order a transcript, or find out What Must I Do To Be Saved, go to or call toll-free 1-888-646-2233. The Christian Real View is a listener-supported nonprofit radio ministry furnished by the Overcomer Foundation. To make a donation, become a Christian Real View partner, order resources, subscribe to our free newsletter, or contact us, visit, call 1-888-646-2233, or write to Box 401, Excelsior, Minnesota 55331. That's Box 401, Excelsior, Minnesota 55331. Thanks for listening to the Christian Real View.
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