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The Delusion Deepens over COVID

The Christian Worldview / David Wheaton
The Truth Network Radio
September 10, 2021 8:00 pm

The Delusion Deepens over COVID

The Christian Worldview / David Wheaton

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September 10, 2021 8:00 pm

GUEST: PETER McCULLOUGH MD, editor, A Guide to Home-Based COVID Treatment

Five months ago in April 2021, Dr. Peter McCullough, a high-profile medical doctor (internist and cardiologist), came on The Christian Worldview to discuss an early treatment protocol for COVID-19 that he and other doctors had innovated rather than get-the-vaccine-and-hope-for-the-best approach of the mainstream medical establishment and government leaders.

A lot has happened in the past five months.

Dr. McCullough, despite being one of the most renown doctors in his field and leader in COVID treatment, was essentially terminated where he practiced medicine in Texas and then sued. Meanwhile, COVID injection coercion and mandates have reached fever pitch, despite the “vaccine” having low efficacy against contracting or spreading COVID and having many adverse health events, including deaths.

No matter, just this week, the Biden Administration has mandated the “vaccine” for businesses with more than 100 workers which will affect as many as 100 million Americans.

Dr. McCullough joins us again this weekend on The Christian Worldview to discuss many issues surrounding the virus, treatment, “vaccine”, and and what is driving the delusion over a treatable virus with a very low lethality rate.


The delusion deepens over COVID. Dr. Peter McCulloch joins us today right here on the Christian Worldview radio program where the mission is to sharpen the biblical worldview of Christians and to proclaim the good news of Jesus Christ. I'm David Wheaton, the host, and our website is

When you go there, be sure to find out more about our national sponsor, Samaritan Ministries, who provide a biblical solution to health care. Five months ago in April 2021 of this year, Dr. Peter McCulloch, a high-profile medical doctor who is an internist and cardiologist, came on the Christian Worldview to discuss an early treatment protocol for COVID-19 that he and other doctors had innovated rather than the get the vaccine and hope for the best approach of the mainstream medical establishment and government leaders. A lot has happened over the past five months. Dr. McCulloch, despite being one of the most renowned doctors in his field and leader in COVID treatment, was essentially terminated where he practiced medicine in Texas and then sued. Meanwhile, COVID injection coercion and mandates have reached fever pitch, despite the so-called vaccine having low efficacy against contracting or spreading the virus and having many adverse health events, including deaths. No matter, just this week the Biden administration has mandated the so-called vaccine for businesses.

This from Fox News. President Joe Biden announced Thursday that all employers with more than 100 workers will be forced to require coronavirus vaccinations or test employees weekly. The mandate is expected to affect as many as 100 million Americans. The article goes on to say the roughly 17 million workers at health facilities that receive federal Medicare or Medicaid also will have to be vaccinated.

There are the strings. If you're attached to government, here comes the coercion. Biden will have OSHA, which is the Occupational Safety and Health Administration of the federal government, make a rule requiring employees of companies to be tested. Companies will have to pay for the testing, but they can pass the cost on to employees. Biden is also signing an executive order to require vaccination for employees of the executive branch and contractors who do business with the federal government with no option to test instead. That covers several million more workers.

According to Forbes, businesses that refuse to comply, government's favorite word, comply with the mandate will open themselves up to hefty fines up to nearly $14,000 per violation. In July, the article concludes, White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki told reporters that a federal vaccine mandate was, quote, not the role of the federal government, unquote. Well, I guess that was a lie. This is why we are having Dr. Peter McCulloch join us again this weekend on The Christian Worldview to discuss many issues surrounding the virus treatment, the so-called vaccine, and what is driving the delusion and really sinister wickedness over a treatable virus with a very low lethality rate.

Now, just in advance of the interview, there's going to be lots of specific medical information given today. And so you might ask, what does this have to do with The Christian Worldview? Well, The Christian Worldview is about truth. When there are lies being told and believed that affect you physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually, economically, or that affect the church and pave the way for the Antichrist, which we believe this is where this is going to this globalized government, which Revelation talks about, we want to bring out the truth.

There has always been a war on truth, but it has become even more intense right now in America. What you're going to hear today is diametrically opposed to the mainstream medical establishment and government, big business, the educational system, and the media. They are all drinking from the same contaminated well of lies coming from Dr. Fauci, the Centers for Disease Control, the CDC, or the National Institutes of Health. All they say is, get vaccinated or else.

It doesn't work, it's dangerous, it's unscientific, and it's evil. So why is Dr. McCulloch to be trusted over them? Well, his credentials are of the highest level, but more important than that, he's had success treating patients with COVID. Many members of my own family have had COVID and used the treatment protocol that he and the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons and Surgeons recommend.

So what he advocates for aligns with reality, which is just another word for the truth. So I would encourage you to take notes on the program today. If you can't write fast enough, hear the program again at

You can download the transcript of the program, that will be up fairly soon. We also have literature linked at It's sad to say that you're largely on your own for COVID treatment.

You have to do your own research about medications, dosages, timing of those medications because your local doctor probably won't help you. He or she is going to conclude that you are some conspiracy theorists not following the CDC. That is the terrible state we are currently in in this country. But that's why we are doing this program today to bring out the truth. Let's get to the first segment of interview with Dr. Peter McCullough. Dr. McCullough, it's been five months.

It doesn't seem like too long of a time since you were last on the program, but a whole lot has happened since then, both with this COVID virus and the mandates and things surrounding that, but also with you personally as a result of being very outspoken and bringing out the truth on so much of what is going on. Let's just start with the virus and you can talk about what's happened to you personally as well. We've had new variants come infecting those who have gotten the COVID injection and those who haven't gotten it. You have injection mandates for a non-effective. People with the so-called vaccine still get the virus. There's a lot of adverse risk, even death with getting this so-called vaccine. Had questionable FDA and very quick approval.

You can talk about that. There's been a ridiculing of the treatment protocol that you brought out. You were the one who were primarily responsible for the early treatment guide for COVID with ivermectin and other medications.

Most doctors, vast majority of doctors won't even prescribe those medications and there's authoritarian mandates both in the U.S. and abroad. So remind us about your medical background, your experience with treating COVID and how you would describe the situation with COVID in the United States right now. Thanks for having me on the show and what you describe sounds pretty grim but it's true over the last five months things have dramatically changed and as introduced I'm an internist and cardiologist in Dallas, Texas. I'm in academic practice. I see patients every week. I also spend time editing the two major journals, Reviews in Cardiovascular Medicine and Cardio-renal Medicine.

I'm the editor-in-chief. I'm the president of the Cardio-renal Society of America, a major multidisciplinary medical society and I've recently taken on the role of chief medical advisor for the Truth for Health Foundation which is very much aligned with what we're talking about now. In the last 18 months I have really thrown myself into the COVID-19 pandemic in terms of service to serve the United States and to serve the world both as a practicing doctor, meaning I've tried to help as many patients as I possibly can but also as an academic physician and an author and an investigator.

I have as a backdrop I have over 650 publications in the National Library of Medicine. I have over 45 now on COVID-19 including the two pivotal documents teaching doctors how to treat COVID-19 before the hospital, the first one in the American Journal of Medicine and the second one in Reviews in Cardiovascular Medicine. These protocols and flow diagrams are the most frequently used and relied upon in the world to treat COVID-19 and our CDC had sketched out for us that we were on target to lose 1.7 to 2.1 million Americans and despite our two big waves in the wintertime and now with the delta wave, we've kept mortalities between 600 and 700,000 and still too many and we know our methods if we treat patients early with all the tools available including the emergency use authorization, monoclonal antibodies and the drugs in sequence, we know we can reduce mortality and hospitalizations by about 85%. Sadly those being hospitalized nearly every single one of them has received no early treatment for COVID-19. Yeah that is just really tragic and as I mentioned earlier this year my parents were when they got COVID elderly in their late 80s got COVID you were very integral in their treatment and recovery from COVID-19 so we thank you so much for that. That was early on when some of these early treatment protocols were just in the last few months before that just coming out and now they've become much more well known since that time in large part because of your early treatment guide with ivermectin or hydroxychloroquine, z-pax, zithromycin, prednisone, different supplements and so forth or others that you can talk about has anything changed with that early treatment protocol that you have found over the last five or six months and why is it being so suppressed and ridiculed?

I mean ivermectin for our listeners contact us you know saying America's frontline doctors other places where they've tried to get it it's been very hard to get. The treatment has advanced I can tell you that we have even more supportive data so let's just start out with a critical update about reducing the viral burden in the nose and the mouth and this is new we've added it to our recent guidance in the truth for health home treatment guide. It's been shown in studies from Singapore and all over the world our American dentists and supported in concept by the American Dental Association that if we use dilute povidone iodine you know betadine the brown solution we use to sterilize wounds just a few drops in a juice glass of water turns the water brown swish it and spit it gargle with it and spit it out q-tip it up in the nose or spray it up in the nose snort it out that kills the virus on contact it's almost like what hand sanitizer would do for the hands and so this povidone iodine is very effective it can be used twice a day to prevent the viral infection especially if one's out in contact with others. Dentists personally and dental assistants have been doing this all year they've been in the mouths of people all year long and there haven't been any dental outbreaks I've been in close communication with Paul Gossett in Chicago he's a leading anti-infective dentist he just let me know that he actually had direct contact with a COVID patient just the other day and what he does is when he has direct contact and patients are very good they'll tell them later on that day they turn positive he increases that povidone iodine oral and nasal program to four times a day to zap the virus he actually did it in the patient themselves so the patient who's acutely sick or just has incipient COVID-19 in fact that really truncated the infection the patient never really developed much in the way of symptoms and the dentist who came in contact he never developed it now there's iodine sensitivity the next in line could be dilute hydrogen peroxide after that can be dilute sodium hypochlorite which is actually dilute bleach you can put a couple drops of bleach in a in a glass of water swish you spit it out that works that doesn't go up the nose however and you certainly don't swallow any of these and then third in line would be Listerine or just a form of a mouthwash regular Listerine or any of the brands of Listerine works but again not up in the nose so povidone iodine the best so that's the first big addition after that for patients acutely treated under age 50 we don't recommend any treatment except for a nutraceutical bundle zinc 50 milligrams vitamin d 5000 international units vitamin c 3000 milligrams and curcetin 500 milligrams twice a day i've worked with some doctors from ireland that have actually used higher vitamin d protocols in acute treatment up to 20 000 international units a day and uh young people they will get through the illness we have a very good our cdc has a return to work policy that 10 days from the onset of illness if they have 48 hours without constitutional symptoms they can return to work no test needed we know that early treatment for those at higher risk can short shorten the turn of viral shedding those over age 50 duny treatment we lead with uh what recently joe rogan had received and governor abbott and former president trump they all get this and americans should demand at high risk seniors should get monoclonal antibodies we have the regeneron compound it's a combination of caricifemab and indium of ev and it's wonderful one hour infusion one hour observation go home after that and then start the sequence multi-drug therapy we can use hydroxychloroquine based protocols 251 supportive studies given early very effective has three mechanisms of action to combat the virus or ivermectin that has 61 supportive studies 31 randomized trials two mechanisms of action that it has against the virus combined with doxycycline azithromycin after that inhaled budesenate oral prednisone oral colchicine aspirin 325 milligrams and then for high risk individuals blood thinners lovenox or oral anticoagulants it sounds like a lot but we have to use a lot of drugs just like we would in the hospital but we do much earlier to avoid hospitalization and death and as you point out in your parents even very high risk seniors we've been able to bring through the illness the doctor makes these decisions a lot of doctors are on the sidelines because it takes really a terrific amount of medical skill to do this this is not for the junior doctor it's mainly senior doctors doing this we need more to develop the skills and competence in treating covet 19 as an outpatient is fully supported by the association of american physician and surgeons frontline critical care consortium american frontline doctors and truth of health foundation we have four major organizations supporting early treatment supporting fully supporting monoclonal antibodies ivermectin hydroxychloroquine all the drugs in sequence and we've heard chilling statements of use you've applied as you've implied from the american medical association from the cdc nih fda and then major media about these drugs and one of the things that we heard that was at this point in time just irresponsible is costing american lives we heard some negative words about ivermectin and those negative words were reprehensible and are costing human lives they called it a horse dewormer is that what you're referring to now can you imagine this this is a drug it's it's a drug used in humans now a lot of drugs we use in animals we use in humans as well as including diuretics lasix steroids other drugs antibiotics but in this case ivermectin human ivermectin comes in three milligram tablets it also can be put in larger capsules by confounding pharmacies it's a human grade product the drug itself has won a nobel prize which is highly unusual and really amazing that a drug would be so effective it's used for stronger loyalties scabies we've treated little children with it those who have parasitic infections it happens to work against covet 19 it's perfectly safe the only confusion or additional discussion about ivermectin is that it's weight based so we have to know the weight of the patient so one of the false storylines that we heard is that poison control centers were being overwhelmed with calls regarding ivermectin you know basically implying that patients were overdosing or being harmed with ivermectin well the trial site news really broke this open they got the data from the national poison control center and they found out the vast majority of the calls were just clarification on the dose based on the weight of the patient there were no deaths there was nothing serious that happened we heard false reports that hospitals were overflowing with ivermectin overdoses and the hospitals themselves had to come out and say no that's not true that there are people who are have bad intentions for the us public and they're trying to harm individuals by confusing them and dissuading them from using ivermectin which is evidence-based so this really came to a head the association of american physicians surgeons fired a letter over to the american medical association basically said stop this that if the ama cdc fda nih if they don't address early treatment get out of the way and they need to basically be silent and let these organizations that have taken the role in early treatment do their job the christian world view with david wheaton returns in just a moment psalm 46 starts god is our refuge and strength a very present help in trouble therefore we will not fear though the earth should change the earth is changing a strong delusion has bewitched the leaders and peoples of this world so what's a christian to do focus on the most important thing god and his perfect and powerful attributes our new featured resource is dr stephen lawson's book show me your glory understanding the majestic splendor of god for a limited time we are offering show me your glory for a donation of any amount to the christian worldview this hardcover book is 278 pages with a retail price of 19 to order go to or call 1-888-646-2233 or write to box 401 excelsior minnesota 55331 that's be sure to take advantage of two free resources that will keep you informed and sharpen your worldview the first is the christian worldview weekly email which comes to your inbox each friday it contains a preview of the upcoming radio program along with need to read articles featured resources special events and audio of the previous program the second is the christian worldview annual print letter which is delivered to your mailbox in november it contains a year-end letter from host david wheaton and a listing of our store items including dvds books children's materials and more you can sign up for the weekly email and annual print letter by visiting or calling 1-888-646-2233 your email and mailing address will never be shared and you can unsubscribe at any time call 1-888-646-2233 or visit welcome back to the christian worldview be sure to visit our website where you can subscribe to our free weekly email and annual print newsletter order resources for adults and children and support the ministry now back to today's program with host david wheaton dr peter mccullough with us today on the christian worldview radio program and academic internist and cardiologist from texas you probably have seen him in media over the last many months he's been on the front line of of treating uh covet 19. i'd like to talk before we get more about the so-called vaccine and so forth dr mccullough i'd like you to describe what has personally happened to you and your practice over the last five months since the last time we talked for your courage in coming forward and and encouraging people to do this early treatment protocol for covid and all the things you've been you've been advocating for you know i maintain my board certifications in internal medicine and cardiology by the american board of internal medicine in fact i just finished renewing my internal medicine boards and i'm in the fourth decade of practice uh that's typically the peak of a doctor's career i'm basically there i'm the most published person in my field in the world in history i now had about 18 months of dedicated study on covet 19 i've reviewed thousands of reports i've led work groups i'm a frequent commentator for the hill last year now i have america out loud talk radio the mccullough report i have a window to america every week through the america out loud platform i'm a frequent contributor to fox news i've had u.s senators as well as individuals across many branches of government and in the private sector reach out to me for my opinions and that's valid doctors are available and should give second opinions we should have second opinions no two doctors agree on anything and medical and clinical and scientific discourse is really the lifeblood of medicine and as i was treating patients with covet 19 from the onset of the pandemic innovating and publishing my observations publishing the evidence refining and bringing america in the world an approach to avoid hospitalization and death which basically has shown that we can reduce hospitalization and death by 85 i received some chilling messages from the health system where i was employed and things moved along and towards the end of january early february my contract was not renewed now i had a stellar performance i was a leading grant getter leading publisher thriving practice all the metrics were excellent and the explanation for the non-renewal of my contract which was tantamount to termination was no explanation none whatsoever so i negotiated a separation agreement and doctors like professional athletes good ones can be picked up by another team i got picked up by a private practice worked very hard over two months to transfer all my insurance contracts all my patient contacts and to a new practice basically an office in the same building downtown complex tremendous amount of work and effort transferred to a new practice i got going and the day the prior health system that i work for announced their unwanted dreaded vaccine mandate that day they were mentioned in a news article that came out actually for me before even there was any court documents that announced that they were suing me they were suing me uh the title of the the newspaper piece was a major health system sues vaccine skeptic the article was clearly defamatory and then court documents came through and we said well really what's the issue and i said the issue is you violated terms of your separation agreement that you were falsely representing yourself as an employee of the health system that you were declaring titles that you no longer held my opinions are always my own but this lawsuit implied that i was putting forward my opinions as those of the health care system and it's just on face value it looked like a frivolous lawsuit and what it turned out is that when i looked on the internet there were 800,000 profiles professional profiles of me kept at other organizations one of the most frequent ones that came up in a google search was from harvard and so it basically was keeping my old profile from when i lectured there two two years ago so many of the media productions post-production would grab an old profile and put it on and it was unbeknownst to me and so i think that was a part of the reason why the lawsuit was generated was this idea you know the media was was playing a role in this the lawsuit hasn't gone too far i think the health system and various stakeholders are trying to silence me they're trying to suppress our scientific interchange is what we're having now this is of course illegal that scientific interchange as long as it's a topic of public health importance as long as we're not talking about someone's personal life or private details we're talking about covid 19 this is what we're doing today we're talking about the pandemic response that is a topic of public health importance all people have a right to interchange on this and no one can sue each other over it subsequently without any explanation i've been stripped of my professorship at texas a and m as well as my professorship at texas christian university university in north texas so i held two professorships and those letters came in again no explanation you're no you're basically stripped of these titles so there is a wave against medical freedom academic freedom scientific excellence and there's no doubt about it and i guess i am at the vanguard of that thank you for sharing that that that is just orwellian is what it is i mean for that they're what are they afraid of i mean what what are you doing that is so dangerous that they think they need to silence you at all costs it really is i think indicative of all what's going on this is a big information war over covid people and we hear from listeners all the time you know where do we get truthful information on this people have lost complete trust in media they've lost trust in cdc nih leading medical authorities they're even their local doctor they asked their doctor about ivermectin they looked it up the nih site no that's never proven to anything that's no good you don't need that in other words there's a complete lack of trust it's like people are on their own who aren't doctors trying to figure out what to do what they should do if they get covid 19 dr peter mccullough joins us today i just want to ask one more question about treatment the hospital treatment that that's being given we've had some listeners contact us who couldn't get the early treatment protocol medication that you've recommended and we've tried to tell them get them in advance because once you get sick it's hard to get them quickly then they have to go into the hospital and i believe they're getting things like remdesivir dexamethasone and anticoagulant and so forth speak specifically about remdesivir i've heard some things that are very negative about that medication that antiviral medication is that a safe medication to take when we when you have covid you're right when patients um are outpatients it's possible for us to give very very comprehensive multi-drug therapy as outpatients in fact we can use oxygen concentrators nebulizers and turn the the house into an icu unit and there's very high quality care and it takes many drugs to treat covid 19 we do that all at home and when patients go into the hospital there is a giant step down in care the hospitals basically follow the national institutes of health and other federal agency guidelines which are very minimalistic well they are offered remdesivir which is a polymerase inhibitor the data are very mixed on it many leading organizations think it has no fundamental effect because it's given too late by the time someone comes in the hospital they've already had the infection for two to four weeks the viral replication phase is long gone and remdesivir is a failed Ebola drug it's patents and revenue ties back to china and it's highly toxic it's toxic to the liver and kidneys we're supposed to give five days of infusion of remdesivir hardly any patients can get through five days of infusion because of its toxicity another drug that's very odd is dexamethasone but the dose is given is six milligrams and that comes from one trial which showed a signal of benefit but the mortality was very high in the dexamethasone group in that clinical trial from england and when we use dexamethasone for anti-inflammatory purposes we use 10 milligrams four times a day for covid-19 you know what the dose is six milligrams a day and it's not a very balanced steroids it's more of a glucocorticoid it raises blood sugar which is the last thing we want to do so i can tell you clinically in practice now we've actually never used dexamethasone as an outpatient it's such an odd dose the pharmacies don't even carry it we use prednisone everybody here knows what prednisone is we use it for asthma and for poison ib we use it for a variety of conditions it works great so patients get remdesivir and dexamethasone in the hospital which offers very little help what they should be getting if they have low oxygen saturation is full dose aspirin 325 milligrams and full dose low microwave heparin lovenox or intravenous heparin and many times they're not adequately anticoagulated when the oxygen saturation goes down it means the lungs are filling up with blood clots and when autopsies are done the lungs are filled with micro blood clots and time and time again we do not see patients adequately anticoagulated so we don't see adequate use of any type of antivirals that work we don't see comprehensive anti-inflammatories you know we would use inhaled budesenide oral prednisone oral colchicine as an outpatient we can use oral montelukast or singular none of those things are done as an inpatient and then for outpatient anticoagulation we do every bit as good as the hospital so for many reasons the only only purpose of hospitalization would be mechanical ventilation dr peter mccullough with us today in the christian worldview i want to just transition quickly over to the the injection or the so-called vaccine with what you know now if someone has not had covid do you recommend they get this injection i don't think anybody had any problems with the vaccines back in december january february we had great hope for them with the older variants they had about 90 vaccine efficacy even though there was very little challenge to anybody in the trials with covid so the rates of covid were way below one percent for active treatment and placebo you know but they look pretty good coming out of registration trials we had a lot of questions regarding their mechanism of action and things really blew wide open by january 22nd we already had 186 deaths that exceeded the 150 we would see typically for all 278 million shots 70 vaccines we were already past the limit of concern and that was only 27 million people getting the covid 19 vaccines and it went from there there was no stopping of this there was no data safety monitoring board no safety reviews no report card on the vaccines it's you know here we are september americans have still yet to see a press briefing on vaccine safety and efficacy from the cdc and nih who are leading the program can you imagine that nine months we have three products there must be a winner there must be a loser there must be somebody in between no mention of any data on the vaccines that see the cdc tells us go to vares go to the vaccine adverse event reporting system if we go there we're alarmed with what we see over 13 000 deaths two separate reports rosa mclaughlin show that 50 of these deaths which is astronomical again you know 150 would be the line we're at 13 000 deaths after people have taken these vaccines the cdc has certified this 50 have occurred within 48 hours 80 within a week tightly related to the administration of vaccine 86 of the cases no other explanation for why they died they walked into a vaccine center and they died a few days later we have a couple hundred thousand hospitalizations er visits office visits 545 000 vaccine injuries and climbing we have fda warnings the fda is trying to tell us these vaccines have safety issues myocarditis or inflammation with pfizer and moderna we have over 5 000 cases of that that's not not a small number at all that's a huge number and now johnson and johnson warnings for paralysis Guillain-Barre syndrome and blood clots in the brain of women across the broad age range so we have a situation where the vaccines have a safety profile that's alarming americans stopped taking the vaccine mid april the rates of vaccination in the united states have been flatlined for months now because the word is out there's an internet survey on officials on twitter but uh 12 of americans knew somebody in their circles who died after the vaccine right there's nothing that's going to cause more vaccine hesitancy than knowing somebody who died after the vaccine the christian world view with david wheaton returns in just a moment i struggled with my identity all the way through my life lived eight years as lord jensen until i found the lord jesus christ the issues are unavoidable they're on the news the white house in rainbow colors they're in our legislation the texas bathroom bill in our schools drag queen story out they're even reaching into our churches let us be the church together we're not just talking about issues we're talking about people the proceeding is from in his image a 103-minute documentary film that biblically and compassionately addresses the issue of transgenderism you can order the dvd for a donation of any amount to the christian world view call 1-888-646-2233 or write to box 401 excelsior minnesota 55331 or visit that's 1-888-646-2233 or when it comes to your health care provider what are some words you would use to describe your experience with them comfort peace confidence well at samaritan ministries those are just some of the words our members use frequently like samaritan member former long-term board member and now staff member jamie piles uses to describe his 24-year relationship with samaritan ministries it's hard to put words into the comfort and the relief and the peace that you have as you've come to terms that samaritan ministries is real it's viable and it's working and it's there we just thank god that he's allowed us to have that kind of peace to be in a situation where i can focus on things that are far more important than what are we going to do about health care want to be part of a growing caring community of christians who faithfully share each other's medical needs each month all without the use of insurance find out more at slash tcw that's slash tcw thanks for joining us on the christian world view just a reminder that today's program and past programs are archived at our website short takes are also available and be sure to share with others now back to today's program with host david wheaton dr peter mccullough with us today on the christian world view there's a idea out there a notion out there it's being asserted that those who have received this covid injection that this is the reason that they're actually more dangerous with so-called shedding this is causing the variants the vaccinated people are causing the variants they'll they'll see what's going on in israel where it's been a highly vaccinated population could you bring some clarity to those particular issues i think the big news after the safety story has uh evolved i think americans know there's giant issues with respect to safety there's nobody in america that thinks these vaccines are safe but what surprised us is what happened so during the registrational trials we heard 90 vaccine efficacy absolute risk reduction is less than one percent meaning the vaccines weren't going to have a population impact but suggesting they did do something beneficial what we've seen is once we get to about 25 of the population vaccinated as shown by nissan and colleagues in the paper from mayo clinic in boston once we hit 25 vaccinated we actually allow a variant or a mutant strain to move forward and be dominant so we've always had the strains the virus replicates it makes mistakes so we've always had alpha beta gamma we can go through the greek alphabet we always have about 12 to 14 different strains but when we vaccinated once we hit more than 25 of the population vaccinated here we go us we're at 48 we allow a dominant strain to move forward in this case it's delta delta went from one or two percent early in the spring to 99.1 percent now we've never had a super dominant strain of virus israel's been three months ahead of us israel now same issue with the delta pandemic the outbreak they have over 80 of their population who has covid 19 they're fully vaccinated they have now data they keep doubling down on this they exclusively use pfizer and in a report from by levine typhin brom from hifa and tel aviv in israel they have a report of people with covet 19 listen to this they have over 11 000 people in this sample the unvaccinated are only 1920 the fully vaccinated are 97 34 and 245 now are people who've received a booster so what do we know we know that the israelis they must be individuals are contracting covet 19 the delta variant they're vaccinated they must be spreading it to each other because they're all vaccinated who are eligible to get it and they are getting sick so the majority people in the hospital are vaccinated the majority people dying are vaccinated same thing is true in iceland and gibraltar singapore and the uk anywhere we look where the delta variant is dominant it looks like now the vaccinated are fully participating in the delta outbreak so a couple important papers one by chow and colleagues from a unit of oxford hoochiman city uh had fully vaccinated health care workers they had received astra zenica oxford vaccine they had an outbreak in june they locked down the hospital they wouldn't let the workers leave their quarters there in the hospital and then they actually studied the workers who were passing delta to one another 69 workers in an outbreak and what they showed is that the viral load in the nose and mouth was 251 times that of patients uh in the unvaccinated era with prior uh variant strains another paper by louis and colleagues from guazhou china same thing delta 1000 fold carriage in the mouth and nose compared to an unvaccinated era with prior uh mutant strains so we have a situation where we're nearly certain now and our cdc directors come on tv and basically told america that those vaccinated can acquire and carry delta and in fact it looks like the vaccinated are super spreaders that they probably uh contract delta they pass it and spread it to younger people and the younger unvaccinated people are bearing the brunt of the delta outbreak but it is a crisis of the vaccinated and there is some fraudulent reporting going on i just made a drive from dallas down to austin i saw a billboard that said over 90 of those in the hospital are unvaccinated now why would a hospital blow money on a billboard uh to to make that announcement that could be true for that hospital our health system but i can tell you nationwide cdc from the covet net data representative data in june 23.4 of those in the hospital are fully or partially vaccinated havers and colleagues published that paper that was june so i can tell you in july and august the proportion of patients in the hospital that are partially and fully vaccinated will continue to grow this is a crisis clearly contributed by the vaccinator wow so the short answer to your question is you do not recommend if someone has not had covid 19 or even if they have had covid 19 of course for sure that you do not recommend they get this covid injection the answer is no you don't recommend it you know i've never either recommended or not recommend you know it's a voluntary program people and they can choose whether or not they want to get the vaccine one thing i can tell people is that the program has always excluded covid recovery patients suspected covid recovered patients those with positive antibodies pregnant women and women at childbearing age it always has because the fda excluded them because they know the vaccine either wouldn't work or cause harm uh and now if they as things have fully evolved it looks like the vaccines clearly pfizer does not cover delta uh vankata krishnan and all have shown that there's what's called antigenic escape the the vaccines don't cover delta uh pfizer the israeli health minister has pfizer at 39 protection pyranac and colleagues from meo clinic in boston have pfizer at 42 protection the react database from the uk has pfizer in less than 40 protection so i can tell you a vaccine that's less than 50 protection and can't last a year both israel and the united states have basically said we have to give boosters now in a time interval shorter than a year pfizer at this point in time is commercially a dead vaccine it's not uh it's not commercially viable and what we saw on august 23rd was one of the greatest examples of regulatory malfeasance i think that'll go down in medical history you know they met the fda met they did not approve pfizer they looked at legacy data they didn't even look at the failing delta data they just looked at legacy data pfizer was not approved it got a continuation of the emergency use authorization bio and tech the german company legally distinct maybe medicinally distinct product doesn't exist in the united states that got a conditional approval but a lot of post-marketing obligations including studies on myocarditis and a lot of disclosures about no data and confidence in use in pregnancy etc so the bio and tech package insert is not a very proud document and what came out of that meeting was a false talking point that pfizer was approved pfizer wasn't approved there is no approved vaccine in the united states it went even up to the president united states with a false talking point this got so bad that two of the fda officials one who signed the letter to bio and tech right in the middle of this big regulatory season for vaccines the head of the vaccine and biologic products division at the fda she resigns dr groober resigns so americans should look at this when we have a big public program on vaccines our stakeholders have not given america a single report or press briefing on vaccine safety and efficacy we have a fraudulent august 23rd meeting with a false talking point that there's a Pfizer approved and it's not it triggers a wave of ill-advised unnecessary vaccine mandates and then a week later our fda officials resign i tell you we have a major problem on our hands we have a crisis in confidence on the covet 19 vaccines americans don't want them we have about half of america taking the vaccine early before we really knew all this the vaccine uptake has come to a screeching halt in mid-spring and now nobody wants these vaccines the mandates none of them are welcome and they are ill-advised and we're coming to a great american showdown are people going to be forced into these vaccines which are don't work well enough for everyone for sure which vaccine are they going to choose that they're going to force into it nobody knows and then what are we going to do about those who will continue to be harmed or die after the vaccine once they're forced into it by their employers which is an overreach the cdc says the program is voluntary so anybody mandating a vaccine is mandating something that's voluntary it's the oddest thing to be forced to take a vaccine but then the consent form says you're recognizing that this you're doing this on your own volition does that apply to companies mandating as well because that's been a big question we've been receiving is what do we do we don't want to take this so-called vaccine i work for a company i'm going to lose my job what do you recommend that person does well no job no student status no social status is worth risking one's life right so if we said listen you got to jump out of an airplane without a parachute to keep your job no one's going to do that over 13 000 americans you know there is a federal lawsuit based on cms data and extrapolation i think the real number a month ago was 45 000 americans have lost their lives due to the vaccine that's like a that that's like the some total casualties for a war yeah no job is worth losing one's life the injuries the cardiac neurologic immunologic and hematologic injuries some of them are permanent and there's no permanent health injury that's worth it worth trying to retain a job over so what we're seeing is a great showdown americans are saying listen we're not going to take the vaccine they're applying for medical and religious exemptions if they're not honored then they are filing disputes they are seeking legal action they're showing up to work anyway and we'll have to see if employers wrongfully terminate employees and what the fallout of this you know one of the concerns is that with the legal justice system there is no fairness that the courts are equally as corrupted as the the board of directors of these various employers that there's a widespread corruption towards forcing an unsafe and ineffective vaccine on the population so it may come down to what's happening outside the united states uh a show of force the mass will of the population to break the back of this vaccine cabal final question for you dr mccullough and thank you so much for coming on the christian real view today taking it all together what you have described today there is a either a widespread delusion amongst those in leadership in this country both political medical and otherwise or there is a purposeful disinformation campaign to have people take this so-called vaccine that can harm them to not tell them about drugs medication protocol that can help them get over it i mean you can go to nefarious ends here pretty quickly is it is it just simply the money for big pharmaceutical companies for their investors for those pushing them in government like dr fauci or is there something even worse something like a depopulation scheme in terms of saving the planet from climate change we have too many people i mean these things seem crazy but everything we've discussed today where does it take you if you add all these things together what is your conclusion to this delusion of this disinformation campaign taking on what is behind it you know when i went on with tucker carlson on tucker carlson today i was in the studio and i started to explain what was going on back in may this is before the mandates and it's at one point time he just threw his hands up in the air he looked at the camera he goes what is going on what is behind us and i said tucker i said i'm just a doctor i'm just trying to explain to you um what i'm seeing and what i'm facing here i'm not making this up but this seems very real and now it is advancing forward now as a menace the vaccine program is absolutely a menace the suppression of early treatment is immoral it's unethical from a civil perspective it's illegal we're seeing malfeasance by multiple officials and agencies in positions of authority we're seeing willful misconduct going on we're seeing quite honestly fraud and fraudulent reporting in the media and intentional misinformation from those in position of authority and then you see the counter weight of people like myself trying to bring truth all i'm doing is citing the data and you see on pinpoint i know that fact checkers follow me around the internet and they're checking to see if i'm going to miss a single citation or a single data and they can never find it but in terms of what's behind it i point your listeners to a book that's coming out in fact if you buy it now you can get the full transcript electronically which is wonderful then get the print book which is at the printers right now it's called covid 19 and the global predators we are the prey the first author is peter bragan he's done it with his wife ginger bragan and i've written one of the introductions or the forwards to the book and it has two thousand references two thousand references on the complicated relationships between what went on how the pandemic was planned where the virus came from the response how all this is coordinated why the vaccine program has taken on the auspices that it has and that book explains a lot the short answer is it's enormously complicated and there are a ton of stakeholders that are profiting from this dr mccullough thank you so much for coming on the christian real view and all of god's best and grace to you and thank you and god bless you and all your listeners we are very thankful for dr mccullough coming on the program again if you missed any of it or couldn't get all the information down listen to the program again at or download the transcript at our website i also followed up with dr mccullough after the program to ask him about someone who has had covid already are they immune from getting covid in the future and including the variants and his response was yes they are immune from the variants and probably for a lifetime now we are not advising you to not get the vaccine let me be clear about that that's your choice it's not a sin if you get the vaccine our point is this the vaccine is actually not a vaccine and quite ineffective it's potentially dangerous it should be your choice not the governments or your employers coercing you to get it and that there is an evil worldview pushing it that is our big point so why why is there this evil worldview pushing it well i think there's only three reasons that i could think of number one profit as dr mccullough mentioned in the interview he said covid is enormously profitable with lots of stakeholders profiting from this if you're a big pharmaceutical company producing a vaccine or an investor in that company or have any sort of financial stake in giving a a medicine a vaccine so-called vaccine to literally hundreds of millions or billions of people around the world this is enormously profitable number two what's pushing this evil worldview is control this is what god rejecting man always wants control authority he wants to impose his godless utopia on the world that's where man always wants to go and as we see in revelation that's where things will go with a globalized government and leader the third reason this is being pushed they think the earth is overpopulated there's too many people they would say they're ruining the environment it's climate change more people means a worse earth so if you keep people from getting treatment that'll save them people die or if the vaccine you give them ruins their ability to have children well you're slowly depopulating the world so i think these are some of the reasons that this evil sinister worldview is being pushed forced on us and i think it's going to get worse wait till they start advocating for internment centers for those who are unvaccinated or taking the children away from parents who are unvaccinated because you're endangering them let's remember what the apostle paul said to the ephigians in chapter 6 our struggle is not against flesh and blood but against the rulers against the powers against the world forces of this darkness against the spiritual forces of wickedness in the heavenly places this is satan inspiring wicked men and women to impose his godless designs on this world but paul goes on to say take up the full armor of god so that you will be able to resist in the evil day and having done everything to stand firm but to stand firm in the lord you must first be in a right relationship with him you can find out how by going to our website and clicking on what must i do to be saved thank you for listening to and supporting the christian real view radio ministry until next time think biblically live accordingly and stand firm the mission of the christian worldview is to sharpen the biblical worldview of christians and proclaim the gospel of jesus christ we hope today's broadcast encouraged you toward that end to hear a replay of today's program or to sign up for our free weekly email or to find out what must i do to be saved go to our website or call us toll free at 1-888-646-2233 the christian worldview is a listener supported ministry and furnished by the overcomer foundation a non-profit organization you can find out more order resources make a donation become a monthly partner and contact us by visiting calling toll free 1-888-646-2233 or writing to box 401 excelsior minnesota 55331 that's box 401 excelsior minnesota 55331 thanks for listening to the christian worldview until next time think biblically and live accordingly
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