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Short Take #3: Resistance to God’s Design

The Christian Worldview / David Wheaton
The Truth Network Radio
March 22, 2021 11:27 am

Short Take #3: Resistance to God’s Design

The Christian Worldview / David Wheaton

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March 22, 2021 11:27 am

Short Take from The Christian Worldview program on Transgenderism: The Need for Grace and Truth.

Listen to the entire program here:

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Here is another short take from The Christian Worldview with David Wheaton. In the film, there was this notebook that was shown where a young woman was taking notes and it was that man was created, number one, man was created first. Man was created to work and to keep. This is going all the way back into Genesis. And man was also created, number three, to give spiritual instruction to his wife.

And then woman, woman was created, number one, from the man, taken from the man, and number two, for the man. Now, those are fighting words in today's culture. We know that's why it's resisted by the broader culture because they just, they're unregenerate and they don't reverence God and they reject His word. But that's even rejected within many Christian circles today. Why do you think that is so resisted?

God's perfect design for the fiddedness of a man and a woman together? Well, it's resisted because Satan, our enemy, is crafty and he's deceitful and he feeds us lies and we want to be autonomous. We want to be able to determine our own destiny and we want to be able to, this whole notion of just kind of self-rule and self-reliance and this idea that you are the one who's in charge and the whole, the impact of feminism on Christian thinking I think is something that few people have been able to really highlight with the depth and the weight that it needs to be recognized as this is a demonic ideology that leads, it leads women into bondage to feel like they have to create their own life and they have to sustain themselves in all of these ways and it puts them at odds with men and it invites this rejection of God's authority because the question of authority and even the question of a wife submitting to her own husband is one that God gives the authority to the man in that relationship and God says that this is, it's related to the pre-fall condition that God made Adam first and that God gave the commands to him with the expectation that he would then share them with her and so there's this, this is part of a rejection of God's providence really in our lives that we want to be the ones to determine what's right and what's wrong for us and of course because of sin and the nature of the fall, men do abuse this idea too and there is this chauvinistic mindset and people can act in really wretched ways toward women or toward their own wives or toward the women in their life and that's certainly not what scripture calls us to either but the whole feminist movement and the idea that you have to claim your rights and you have to take this up, this is something that is deserved and this whole patriarchy needs to be dismantled and the whole thing needs to be completely undermined so that you can rise up and acquire what exactly? I mean it's a sad day in which when people start rejecting the fact that God made you a certain way and he made you that way for a purpose and there's a goodness in our ability to accept God's providence in his leading in our life. I mean I didn't choose to be born a man, my wife didn't choose to be born a woman. We didn't have any vote in this process but that's how God made us and so part of our life as believers is to recognize that fundamental fact by nature that God intended for us to live out our life. He intended for me to live out my life as a man and for my wife to live out her life as a woman, that that is good for us to embrace God's design and intention for us in that way. And you know what else it does is it undercuts a lot of things that we would normally, that culture might tell us that we need to seek out or try and acquire for ourselves.

It's able to undercut that kind of restlessness of the human heart that always feels like it has to be filled with something else, something else, something else. And really there's a contentedness that comes when we rest in who God made us to be, what God wants for us, what God plans for us. And once we give up the reigns and we stop fighting God on that, there is a lot of peace that actually comes to us. So yeah, it's something that Christians should recognize, not only the destructive power of it but also the benefit and the good that it offers us when we follow in line with what God intends. This has been a short take from The Christian Worldview with David Wheaton. To find out more about The Christian Worldview, order resources, make a donation, become a monthly partner or contact us, visit You can also call us at toll-free 1-888-646-2233 or write to us at Box 401 Excelsior, Minnesota 55331. That's Box 401 Excelsior, Minnesota 55331.
Whisper: medium.en / 2023-12-12 23:49:17 / 2023-12-12 23:51:37 / 2

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