This is the Truth Network. Welcome to the Christian Car Guy Radio Show.
I say this calls for action and now nip it in the bud. Now we celebrate today with the instruments we play, on this festive so-called day. To-a-loo-a-loo-a, ta-ta-ta-ta.
Let our voices slowly ring with the songs this gifts we bring. I love counting, counting to the number four. I see four here, I see four there. Four of a kind today on the Christian Car Guy Show.
Four of a kind. Oh, I don't know if you see fours everywhere, but I see fours everywhere. If you look at many cars, you can't help, Jerry, but think about all the fours, right?
Oh, absolutely. And maybe you realize that biblically speaking, that four has to do with the idea of unity, and certainly it has the idea of harmony. But anyway, we just reviewed, obviously a car has four tires, it has four wheels, it has perhaps a four-stroke engine, right?
It has four sets of brakes, many of them have four cylinders, many of them have four seats. Did you ever wonder what's up with all these fours, you know? Well, I really think that God puts things out there to make you wonder, right?
He's saying, hey, wonder about this. And as you begin to wonder, you're going to see that, oh, this has something to do with the church. And he especially loves you to wonder about, you know, the four kinds, and when I said four of a kind, if you are familiar with the Jewish festival of Sukkot, which is the Feast of Tabernacles, it's the last of the feasts, and when we are all gathered, it's the fourth cup of wine, by the way, I talked about another four, and there are four horsemen of the apocalypse, so I could keep going if you want me to. And there are four gospels, and, you know, it goes on and on. If you think, you know, oh my goodness, here comes the end, and we all are going to tabernacle together.
That's the idea. And every year the Jews get together, and they make these what they call sukkots, which are tabernacles, and they're very festive, but there's something that they're required to do in Leviticus 23, 40, that if you were any child and you did this for seven days, you'd be going, what is this all about? Okay, so I'm going to read this. I don't know if you're that familiar with it, and unfortunately the people that translated the King James version of the Bible totally missed it, so this particular translation you're not going to have heard before. That helps a lot to have this translation. So, and this is the way that the Jews translate this verse. It says, You shall take yourself of the first day of the first of the fruit of the Hadar tree, a date palm frond, a branch of a braided tree, and a willow of the brook, and you shall rejoice for the Lord before the Lord God for seven, for seven, for a seven-day period.
So, now if we just isolate these for a minute, and you go, Robbie, what you talking about Willis? Well, I really think, as I have pondered these all week, that there's much to understand about unity in what God is teaching here for every child to ask, why should we take this fruit of the Hadar tree, okay? And most of us have never seen the fruit of the Hadar tree, but what that is, it's a citron, and it looks like a giant lemon. So I think they also call it an etrag, or something along those lines.
I don't see that perhaps, right? You maybe know the fruit I'm talking about. But that's one of the four kinds of fruit, or one of the four kinds that we're talking about today. And this particular one is a fruit, and it's very specific, the kind it needs to be. It's a fruit that has lasted on a tree for four seasons. In other words, most fruits come in, you know, spring, and then you harvest them in the fall. But this particular fruit, it hangs on the tree all year long, and it has two other qualities.
It smells wonderful, and it tastes wonderful. And because of that, the wood of the tree itself both smells and tastes like the fruit. So it's a very unique thing, and they grow wonderfully in Italy.
They also grow in Israel. And so they take one of these big yellow fruits, and they put this in one of their hands. Then they are also to take a palm branch. And a palm branch, as you may know, is very tall, and it's the tallest of the branches that they're going to carry.
And, you know, that is a date palm branch specifically is what it says. And since it's a date palm, if you think about it, if you've ever eaten a date, you'll notice they taste wonderful, but they have no smell. You know what a fig smells like?
I don't. I know what they taste like. They taste wonderful, but there's not a smell involved in it. And then if you think about the next one, which is the myrtle tree, is that many branch, that woven tree that spoke of in that. And the myrtle tree has tons of little leaves on it, and it smells wonderful because, you know, myrtles blossom, but they have no taste.
Right? So here you've got something that tastes but doesn't smell. Now we've got something that smell and no taste. And then you've got a willow, and if you think about it, a willow, and it's of the brook. So that's another descriptive phrase about it.
Here's this willow, and if you've seen a willow, you know, usually they're weeping, right? They're kind of bent over. They have no smell, and they have no taste. Okay? And all this has to do with imagery of different kinds of members of your church, okay, or members of the tabernacle, as it will be when we're there with all the Jews. And the first one, the fruit of the citron, this person smells and tastes good because if you study the Bible, the Bible is food, and the Bible tastes and see the Lord's good.
Right? And so people that study the Bible a lot, when they start telling you about things in the Bible, it tastes good because they're telling you about God. You know, they're essentially sharing, you know, God's Word with you, and that tastes good, man. I mean, it just tastes wonderful.
When you do good deeds, you know, when you do God's will, you're obedient and that kind of thing. Like, with the Jesus-labor love. That smells good. I mean, it offers up a wonderful aroma to the Lord that you helped this person, you helped that person. You helped, you know, the person get to church that can't get a ride, or you helped—that smells good. And see, when you have faith without deeds and deeds without faith, you see people that do these wonderful things, they have a wonderful smell about them, right?
And so when you take the citron, it has both the idea of it tastes good and it smells good, right? So that's the one kind of person that I'm sure you have in your church. Wonderful people that sometimes there's so much fruit, and always in season, any time of the year they have fruit, right?
Have you noticed that? And then you got these folks, they know their Bible, buddy. I mean, they study it and they love it, and they're obedient in their own way, but you won't just get this unbelievable smell, you know, they don't have all these things they're involved in, but yet they stand tall like a palm tree because, right? They have a backbone, they have character because they've got that from their scriptures, right?
And so like the palm branches, you know, they're tall up there, but if you think about a palm, it doesn't have many branches on the way up, and those kind of folks usually are somewhat isolated. You won't see a lot of people, you know, they're not the warm, fuzzy kind of people, they're scholars, right? And they're studying, studying, studying, and they have things that they're doing, you know, giving their tithe and all that kind of stuff, but they don't quite have, you know, all the smell to them that the other people do. That third person, and you know this guy, or you know this lady, I know tons of them, they are always doing, doing, doing, doing, doing. Now they don't have an unbelievable understanding of the scriptures, they read the Bible and they know the Bible, but their real forte is these people are doers, man, and they have deeds, okay? They have lots and lots and lots of deeds, and they smell wonderful, like the myrtle, and they're all woven, they are the warm, fuzzy, I mean, you talk to these people, they've got all kinds of friends, you know, they're woven throughout the church, they're a critical part of the church, right? And they're doing a lot of the work, you know, actually when I think about these people, it's like the people you played volleyball with at that time, just trying to operate in all the positions on the corner, you know? They're out there trying to do everything they can possibly do for the kingdom, I love it, we need these people, right? They're the Marthas, however you want to see that, you know, that's the deal. And then there's this last group that you would think, right, they don't smell good and they don't taste good, they seem to be bent over, and honestly, they usually don't think very highly of themselves. Like this is not the person that thinks they should be out front, they're not the person they think, in fact, they're totally happy to sit back in the very back, and they're totally happy to, and you don't see a lot of those other things, but wait till you hear how cool this person is, when we come back, stay tuned, I hope you're picking out people, because we're going to have people call in and tell them. I love counting, counting to the number four, I see four here, I see four... Four of a kind, today on the Christian Car Guy Show.
We're not playing poker, okay? In a way we are, but you know, the fascinating thing about it is if you'll stay with me, you'll see how critical this is to understanding the frustration so many of us have with other people, certainly other people that are in our church, and why we need to celebrate, we need to rejoice with God that he brought these other people so that we could combine to be what he had in mind as far as the body of Christ. So we all, I shouldn't say we all, many have studied 1 Corinthians chapter 12, which goes into that we're all baptized into the same spirit, and that it's the body of Christ, and so the hand can't say that the foot's not doing anything, and the eye, if you can't see, and clearly if you don't have all the parts of the body, it doesn't work together. And Paul didn't get that in a vacuum, in other words, he'd studied this stuff his whole life, and he went to many of Asuqot, and he waived these four kinds, understanding what it is that he was gonna explain in 1 Corinthians chapter 12.
So getting back to these four kinds, we were just in the middle of the willow, and the willow at first glance, you go, this guy, he doesn't smell all that good, and he doesn't taste all that good, he doesn't talk about the Bible all the time, and he certainly isn't out there doing all the stuff. However, he's definitely one of the kinds, and I don't know, if you really begin to think about the people that you have in your life, then you begin to see these people, and I don't know how much you've been around a church, but if you've been around them much, you'll notice the frustration that these people have with one another. In other words, the people that have all the Bible study knowledge, and they have this, they're frustrated by the people that don't sit at the feet of Jesus, and they think, oh, that's a Martha, they just do, do, do, they don't really get the, they don't have the relationship with Christ, that this is the judgmental side of what's going on. And then the people over there that are doing all the stuff, those people would start, they need to read James, and see that faith without works is dead.
And there's the frustration of what they're feeling, and then the Citrons, the natural situation for those people that have the ability to both study and all the good deeds is that leads to tremendous arrogance. And when you see all these big church leaders falling right now, part of the reason of that is they didn't really unify in the body, because those people desperately need the willows, right? And if you really think about the willows that you know, and I'm very blessed, and I just think of my own Christian business men's committee, I have walked with a man for maybe 35 years that is the ultimate willow. If you listen to him, you wouldn't think he had much Bible knowledge, he has phenomenal, he is the ultimate, he will listen, listen, listen, listen, he'll rarely talk. But he loves God. I mean, he loves God. And you're not gonna, by being around him, you're not gonna see all the things that get done as a result of his ministry, but oh my goodness, the good deeds. But you know, nobody's gonna say, oh, that guy smells really, really good.
He smells phenomenal if you really know him. But he's so humble that he himself has no idea of his value. And unfortunately, the Citrons out there, they think they have way more value than they do. And the willows think, you know, and so by tying these four together, which is what they do in the celebration of Sukkah for seven days, they tie these together with one knot, and they go shake them and bless the tabernacle. In other words, how are you gonna have a congregation that isn't united together with God, because the thing that ties those together, that one knot that ties them together is God.
Right? Like a quarter of three strands is not easy. Well, I can assure you a quarter of four strands is that much better if the Holy Spirit's involved in that. And when you begin to really think about what a blessing it is, Jerry, that the Marthas have Marys, and the overachievers over here have willows, you know, to kind of sit there and look at their own life and go, man, wouldn't it be good to just be that simple person, just that simple, simple person that just lives life for God, enjoys God, loves God, but really has—you don't get a lot of stuff coming out of their ministry. You know, I'm sitting here thinking, because this kind of lights my fire, because I think the unity in the church is so important, and I think we need all of that. We need the people that are the scholars and the ones that do feel. I've sat at the foot of the cross, and I'm in God's Word every waking moment, and I really don't have time to do this. Then you've got that other group that's doing this and just says, I don't have time to really be— and so it's a balance, but then we all—and then the ones that think they have all the answers and the ones that feel like they're not equipped, man, it's just like the—it's a special sauce, I always say. You know, when we can get that through the bond of Jesus Christ, bring it all together. And the focal point, I think, for me, especially in church leadership and people I talk to, is once you realize it's really not about you or anybody else, it's about Jesus Christ and the gospel and making sure that you're bringing people to Christ.
And how do you do that? I'll tell you what, people are not drawn to a church that when you walk through the doors, you feel a discontentment and you feel an uneasiness and stuff. And you know what? People are drawn to joy and joyful people.
When you have a joyful heart is when you are at peace with who you are and what you're doing and what your purpose is. And I think that just draws people in. Why was the first church in Acts—what drew people? It didn't say they went out on the corner and brought people in by the free meals and everything else. People saw the difference in their life, and that was their hope in Jesus Christ and the gospel. It's the same message we have and the same tools we have today. Right. And the opportunity we have to rejoice over the over-producer, but also rejoice over the quiet guy sitting in the corner that we desperately need that guy.
And it's really a beautiful thing, the more you think about it. But of course, I would love you to call in with your idea of somebody that illustrates those people for you. 866-348-7884. 866-34-TRUTH. It's four of a kind today on The Christian Car Guys Show, and if you are just tuning in, you may want to go back and get the podcast to understand what we're talking about. The four kinds that are celebrated in Leviticus 23, 40, and I don't think it's any accident that it's the 40th verse, because the four is the critical understanding of the whole passage, which has to do with these four kinds.
And again, to review them quickly, because we want to speak to this some more, but I would really love for you to call in with somebody you identified as one of these kinds. But there's the citron. This is a fruit, and it both smells good and tastes good. It has Bible knowledge, and it has works to go with it. It has faith and work. Then you've got the palm branch, which is this is the person that's got tremendous Bible. What a backbone because of their understanding of the Scriptures.
However, you're not seeing a lot of activity out there as far as doing good deeds, and so it tastes wonderful from the standpoint of the word tastes good, but it just doesn't have much smell. And then you have those braided trees, the myrtles, and they smell wonderful, but they just don't have quite the Bible understanding that the palm trees have, right? And then that last group that we were ending with, which I think is one that we really have to hone in on, because the world does not celebrate this group. And if there's any organization that ought to celebrate this group, it should be the church, because my view, the more I've studied this, the more I see they're the meek, right? And these are the guys that are in here, and they're just saying they are bent over. They're humble. They don't know how important they are, and they don't appear to have a ton of works, and they don't appear to have a ton of—this is your appearance of it. They don't appear to have this unbelievable walk in the Scriptures and the intimacy with that and all that. But honestly, like we were talking about, Gerry, at the break, they're a quarter of the people that are walking in the doors of your church.
Absolutely. And if you don't have them, you're running on three cylinders, because the Citrons, the people that are having all the Bible study and all the deeds and whatever, they desperately are struggling. And I'll just go ahead and identify with this group. I'm desperately struggling with pride all the time. You know, it's something you've got to beat down, and if you don't have some willows around you, if you're not connected deeply to willows to see what it looks like to truly be humble, you don't stand a chance. I mean, you'll go right down that road of thinking you did anything. Well, God gave you the gifts to begin with. He gave you the Holy Spirit to show you how to find this stuff. He gave you the intellect to see it, and then he gave you, like, he gave me the Jesus-labor love. I mean, it was like, here, Robbie, do this. And you have done it well, obviously, brother.
I mean, he really, really did. In fact, we got another car this week, I'm so excited, that God continues to provide from just out of nowhere. But nonetheless, if that group is going to struggle with pride, and to some extent, the other two groups struggle with pride, too, in their own respective areas, and when, right, we can get together and truly celebrate, because that's what they're doing is they're blessing this tabernacle. They're blessing the unity that God put together, and they're saying, you know, man, these people that are doers, we desperately need these doers, man. I'm so grateful for these doers. And these people over here that have studied the Bible and can teach Sunday school like there's no tomorrow and give you, you know, all these different, man, we desperately need these people.
But here's the group that we really, I mean, you know, of the four, the one that you don't naturally jump all over is the Willows. Yeah, you know, you sit there and you say, there's got to be somebody you're thinking about. As you're talking about, it just made me think there's a guy go to church with Mike and that also goes on mission trips with me. And he's one of the guys that's always in the background with everything. I mean, when it comes time, we're getting ready to pack in for the night, and he's taking all the trash out. He's mopping the floor and stuff, whatever it may be. One day we would had gone to I'd gone to a project and came back and he'd stayed to help with something else there at the Bible college. When I got back, he was out in the field with a push mower because the grass boy, the push mower from somebody, and he's out there push mowing probably about an acre of grass out there in the middle of Jamaica. And it was 95 degrees. And I'm thinking, he goes, well, I just seen it needed to be done. Yeah, that's the guy, right? And there's so many of them.
And he wouldn't think he did anything. You know, and that's the beauty of the Willow and the humility. But when you think about, you know, the idea of four and the idea of harmony, we were talking about it. If you're familiar with cars, if you don't have four wheels, you're really struggling. But if those four wheels aren't four square, that frame is not completely square, right? If you go to pull a frame, Jerry, it's got to be square on all four sides.
Yeah, you can't have, there's no tolerance. It needs to be square or, you know what, you may still get in and be able to drive it, but you're wearing out tires. It's not functioning properly. It's not handling properly.
It's not as safe. Yeah. It doesn't corner properly. There's so many things, like if you're not square, and the idea of four and square, they kind of go together. And when you really begin to see the fours that are out there, there are four seasons, right?
And God inherently put this in to see, is this square? And in my circle of friends, do I have willows? Do I have palm trees? Do I have, you know, myrtles? Do I have citrons? You know, whatever that may be, because I can assure you that citron needs that willow.
He absolutely does. And that palm tree desperately needs that myrtle, and that myrtle needs the palm tree. In other words, it all comes together, and they actually all need each other. It's all sorts of, but in order to be square and to fit into the equation, you know, it's an opportunity. And especially, people like to be celebrated, right?
They don't like to be invisible. It's not a good feeling, because heaven's not going to be like that. God is going to honor all four groups in their own way, right? Absolutely. I mean, it goes back to it. It's got to, God put people on this earth with different personalities, different gifts. But the whole purpose of being here on earth is to be in relationship with our Lord and Savior, and also to bring other people to that knowledge. I mean, so He must have a, obviously has a plan to use all personalities for that purpose. Yeah, and I, you know, we do Masculine Journey, we have that group, and, you know, we do boot camps and all sorts of things. But I know, you know, one of the reasons why so many flock to that ministry is they see everybody being celebrated, right? And not just the people that are superstars in any particular area, but every single person on the team is critical, just like Paul pointed out in Corinthians, right? In order to be a body, you got to have a foot, you got to have a hand. If you got no nose, you ain't smelling nothing.
You know, it takes all those per their original design. You said a minute ago, and you said, you know, a quarter of the people walk through your door of a church is going to be the willows. The other piece of it for those willows, I mean, it's amazing. People will gravitate to people like them. And if they can see the joy in their life and how they're being fed and encouraged by the body, then that's going to bring them closer to it and give them the avenue to get to that point, because we just gravitate to people that are more like us, but also we need to know how important it is for those that aren't like us. Right, right, because, you know, I don't know if you're like this, but in my case, you know, we were talking about that there are morning people and there's evening people.
I mean, absolutely. God had a sense of humor when he put together Tammy and I, because she is completely, I mean, she literally is going to bed when I'm getting up. It's a changing in the guard every night. The lights never completely go out in the Dilmore household, because when I am going to bed, you know, she's staying up, and when she's going to bed, I'm getting up.
But by the same token, she has the thermometer set at 68 degrees, and I'm freezing to death that I have to wear a lot of clothes. In other words, but you have to celebrate that. We adapt.
We know how to adapt. You know, I tend to always want to be on time. Like, I need to be there, you know, 20 minutes early for me to be comfortable.
Tammy is completely comfortable being 20 minutes late. And so, you know, there's this harmony that happens as a result of, you know, we don't show up every place way too early, and we don't show up to every place way too late, because God, you know, kind of put us together. That's kind of how that works.
It's how harmony works, right? And so it's an amazing thing. Well, we would love your stories. When we come back, we actually have Mark Balitz, one amazing Bible scholar and understands end times. We've got a trip to Israel coming up. He's going to be talking about that when we come back.
Stay tuned. I love counting, counting to the number four. I see four here, I see four there.
My favorite number. Four of a kind today on The Christian Car Guy Show. We have really, Jerry and I have just delighted and talk about, you know, Leviticus 23, 40, where in the Feast of Tabernacles, they bless the tabernacle with these four kinds, and how these represent four different people. And maybe you see those people in your life, and maybe you've been celebrating them already, but what a neat thing to know. Wow, God wants us to really, really, really celebrate that, because when we come together in the big tabernacle that is going to happen, that maybe just around the corner, depending on how you want to look at it, we better be ready to celebrate them all, because they're coming. We never know, or I don't know, the second coming of Christ, but I can tell you today we're closer than we've ever been.
I'll say that much. Well, our guest right now studied that particular thing more than anybody that I know, so we are more than blessed to have with us, actually world-renowned End Times scholar Mark Bielitz with us, and Mark, welcome. Well, thank you so much for having me on your program. Oh, it's so exciting, and so I'm wondering, your thoughts is, I know we want to talk about the Israel trip coming up and how fun that's going to be, but as you heard the topic, I know you probably have many thoughts when it comes to the Feast of Sukkot and the four kinds. Oh my goodness, do I ever.
You know what's fascinating? The word Feast is a wrong translation. When we hear the word Feast, we usually think of like food, but it doesn't mean food. It means like God has a day timer, and it means a divine appointment where God is going to intersect with human history. And this is why I can prove biblically that Jesus slash Yeshua was actually born on the Feast of Sukkot the very day, and I can prove it from scripture, which is amazing because the Feast of Sukkot is seven days long. Then there's the eighth day, Shemini Atzeret, and he would have been circumcised on the eighth day. So on the eighth day after his birth, he's in the temple, shedding his blood, confirming the covenant with Abraham.
And they always sing Psalms 118, every Sukkot, and that is where they're singing that God is tabernacling with us. So it's just mind-blowing. And the fourth cup, right? Exactly, exactly.
You're right, and that's where he's going to be with us forever. But oh my goodness, I could talk for hours on all of the festivals. I know you can, Mark.
I know you can. And one of the things that I am personally more than excited about is Mark and I are going to Israel this time. I've had some trips canceled, but this time we're flying on the Israeli airline, and so they're not going to be. But we're going to Israel May 4th, and Mark, you want to give— I've got it all up at, by the way, if somebody wants to see more about the trip or enroll, all that kind of stuff.
But can you give people sort of a highlight, Mark? Oh my goodness, we are going places that are absolutely unbelievable. One of my favorite places we're going is Hebron, where Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob and their wives are buried, and Ruth is there. We go all over. Our tours are really different than most Christian tours.
We even have Orthodox Jewish rabbis come in the evening some of the time and just speak and get to know everybody, and we can see how much they love God. We've been going to help kind of pick up trash around the Sea of Galilee. We're active. You know, we do things. We go on military bases. Oftentimes we jump in tanks because I know a lot of the military personnel as well as people in the Knesset, and they come and read the Bible for us.
But oh my goodness, we're going places that many people have never gone. Yeah, and for such a time as this, right, and begin to understand, you know, the Bible timeline. For those who aren't familiar with Mark, he wrote those books, right, the Bible timeline. He wrote the blood moons.
You know, he wrote America at War just to understand the times we're at in America right now. What's amazing, I just remembered, we're going to go to Shiloh in Hebrew is known as Shiloh, but that's where the tabernacle was for 368 years, and the red heifers are there. We're going to actually be able to see those red heifers that the Temple Institute has right now, which they, you know, could be doing sacrifice this spring with them for the red heifer athletes. But we're going places that are just amazing. Right, but that's where Samuel heard the voice of God.
Exactly. That's right there in Shiloh, and obviously Eli and the boys, there's a whole lot of history right there, Saul and oh my goodness. They found the cave where Eli lived.
Really? And we're going to look at that, yeah. And so for those of you who, you know, have listened to us for a long time, you know my love of Hebrew, you know my love of Jewish culture. And so, you know, here's an opportunity to really see things and dig into the Promised Land. I'm excited about it. Jerry, I wish you could come. Wow, sounds awesome.
I mean, just hearing your excitement and your voice brings excitement to the whole of it. Yeah, all they have to do is go to our website,, and they can find the slider at the very top where they can sign up. Yeah, it's at as well.
Oh good, good, yeah, go there. Yeah, I've got it there as well so that people could see that today. You know, since I got you and we're talking about these four kinds, I'm interested in your input on, you know, what about the citron and the palm branch and the willow and those things? Yes, one of the interesting things is that's why it's called a lulav, and the lulav involves the palm branch, like you said, but it also has the etrog, which looks like a big lemon, but it's not a lemon. And then it has branches of the myrtle tree, and it's just amazing what all it has. But anyway, they're amazing, and they say that they represent different types of things. For example, you also have, yeah, the branches, let's see, the palm trees, and they say the palm trees not only represent people, which I love. See this is the thing, people don't realize, there's like 70 interpretations. There's several correct answers, they can be all kinds of things, but the palm trees represent people who are upright, okay, and you have the willows of the brook, and that kind of speaks of rejoicing, but they say it also speaks of the humility of the Messiah, you know. And the etrog represents where to be fruit bearers, you know, and all of it has amazing meaning. Yeah, and I'm with you, that the idea of any scripture, you know, the number 70, like the number 4 is, there's all sorts of wisdom connected to that number, and obviously it's complete times 10.
If you think about it, 7 is the number of completion, you multiply it by 10, and so the Sanhedrin, right, it's 70 plus 1, am I right? Yes, yes, and there's an amazing man who lived back in the 1800s called Bullinger, and he wrote a book called Numbers in Scripture, which is mind-blowing, and because it was written in the 1800s, anyone could go online and find out all the phenomenal spiritual meanings of numbers in the Bible. It's called Numbers in Scripture by E.W. Bullinger. I'm writing that down, Numbers in Scripture by E.W.
Bullinger. Oh, you'll love it, it's mind-blowing. Then he also wrote a book called Witness of the Stars, and he goes through how the 12 tribes of Israel were represented by the 12 constellations, as well as the 12 months of the year, and he goes through how God, the heavens declared the glory of God, and he shows that. Oh, wow, we've got to end. I'm sorry that the music says that the show's coming to an end. Thank you, Jerry, it's always really fun to talk to you today, and we want to remind you, it's all at, the trip, whatever you want to find, the four kinds, all that information, and we're just so grateful that you are here.
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