This is Andy Thomas from the Masculine Journey Podcast, where we discover what it means to be a wholehearted man. Your chosen Truth Network Podcast is starting in just seconds. Enjoy it, share it. But most of all, thank you for listening and for choosing the Truth Podcast Network. This is the Truth Network. We had to hurry, from the land we were slaves.
So where come it's free, killing their relief? I'm eating a matzah. And who doesn't love it? A good matzah. What's a matzah? Nothing!
What's a matzah with you? Welcome to the Christian Car Guy radio show. Angel food versus bad gas today on the Christian Car Guy show.
Oh Lord, where are we headed today? So yeah, today's Christian Car Guy show is this idea of angel food, which they talked about, the matzah, versus the bad gas, which is like the opposite. And I don't know if you've ever thought about what yeast does. It creates gas. That's what puffs up the bread to make all those little bubble holes.
Or if you use baking soda, the same concept is that there's gas involved, and that gas creates all sorts of interesting things when you think about that biblically. But in the beginning, what you heard very beginning is the Lion King Passover, which is by 613, sort of a Jewish group. And they're talking about matzah, which is unleavened bread, and that it's hummus-free. Well, hummus is the Hebrew word for leaven or yeast.
And then our friends, Mo and Joe Bandy, they were singing the song Bad Gas, right? So, you know, the first unleavened, have you ever wondered where the first unleavened bread is in the Bible, Bob? No, unleavened, meaning like when you do the Passover, or when you take communion, you know those little wafers? They're supposed to be unleavened bread, like the Passover after they eat unleavened bread, or they have to eat matzah for eight days. I didn't know if manna might have been unleavened. Well, manna actually is really cool bread, but a little different thing. That came down, and I don't know, there must have been unleavened, because I know of no yeast involved in the process. In fact, once it started to ferment, I understand it was not good, so worms, et cetera.
Good question, Bob. And so, as you might guess, today's show is brought to you by some Hebrew letters, and we're going to go with the Hebrew letters that are in the word matzah, right? But the first Hebrew, I mean the first use of the word matzah, or the first use of unleavened bread in the Bible, is when the angels visited Lot, right? They're on their way into Sodom. Not a good idea, you know, for most of us, but the angels could go there, and when Lot, you know, you know, met up with him, he basically says this. This is Genesis 19, 3. It says, but he, meaning Lot, when they visited Sodom, insisted strongly that they turn in with him and entered his house. Then he baked them a feast of unleavened bread.
Huh. In other words, he baked them matzah. So, you could say this was the original angel food cakes. There you go.
So, why would he do that? Well, interestingly, if you're going to make matzah, if you're going to make kosher matzah, and we do Passovers every year, so I like to study this idea. If you're going to make kosher matzah, you have to make absolutely certain that the flour does not begin to ferment, because if it ferments, one least little bit of gas would make it leavened bread, not leavened bread. So, you have 18 minutes from the time the water touches the flour, which all matzah is essentially is water, oil, and flour, and salt if you want to add it, but the original angel food was just wheat, flour, oil, and water. Boom. The second that water touches that, you have 18 minutes to get it in at least 400 degree oven, because that oven will stop the fermenting process, you see.
Ah. Because you don't want that gas. Now, if you were growing up in a Jewish household, and they were celebrating Passover, you would notice that before Passover came, they would spend about three weeks getting rid of all the leaven in the house. They would search for every crumb, any place they'd throw out all the other bread, because there could be no unleavened bread in the house at the time of the Passover, right?
Why? Why is it that you can't have gas in the bread? Why is it, what is all this about?
What is God trying to show us, right? And so, when you study the word leaven, or you study the word that is meant to be yeast, you'll see something amazing in it, and it has to do with being puffed up. Now, maybe you resemble that remark at some point. I have been known to puff up a time or two. Right.
A lot less recently. Right, you might remember Mark 8, 15, Jesus said, be wary of the leaven of the Pharisees and Herod, right? And that idea of being puffed up, right, is, especially leads to self-righteousness. Like, if I begin to think that I really, boy, I'm keeping the law, I'm really, you know, following Jesus, I've got my act together, right?
You get to all these pictures of, right, that's somewhat puffed up. That's pride, right? They're really thinking that you're self-made. That's Herod. He was a self-made man, you know.
He had made himself the way he was, right? But there's another aspect of this leaven that I had discovered in myself this week. And this has a lot to do with, like, when you take communion, I don't know if you thought about that, but Jesus was celebrating the Passover when he did the Last Supper. And so when he broke the bread that night and he said, this is my body, right, then what he was breaking was unleavened bread, bread that had no yeast in it.
And matzah really, at the heart of that word in Hebrew, has to do with very sweet. There is nothing sour in it, okay? And so not only does the gas puff up, but it also makes sour. Because, you know, sourdough bread, you get the picture. The reason it's sour, the reason why sauerkraut is sour is because of the yeast in the cabbage. And so fermentation not only makes things puffed up, but it also makes them sour. Now, I don't know if you've noticed certain back row Baptists, when you look back there, you can see their faces would indicate that they've eaten some fermented food at some time. They look a little sour. Just saying.
When you see a big smile on somebody's face, they must have eaten something sweet. Just saying, I don't know. But what I do know is that in my own case, okay, I don't know about anybody else's sin, but I know about my own. That, you know, you're constantly trying to take the yeast out of the dough so that the lump isn't leavened, right? And that's your heart to some extent. You've got to find your sourness.
And so, you know, this is just my own issue. About two years ago, I worked on a radio program for some people, and I did a whole lot of work. I did some really creative work. I helped them put this together into a great radio program, and then I helped them do a podcast. And unfortunately, they never paid their bill.
And this project went on for like six months. And so not only did Truth Broadcasting not get anything for it, but Christian Kargai never got anything for it, and I'll be honest, I did not necessarily realize that the sourness had begun to grow. It'll faster, won't it? It will.
It'll grow. And recently, very recently, I got a text from them, and we still had the content that I helped them create. Obviously, with Truth Broadcasting's resources. And they wanted me to give it to them for free to create their own podcast with, you know, apart from the Truth Network. And when I saw that email, man, it stuck in my crawbob, and it was just like, ugh. And I realized as I began to pray, you know, it's just a beautiful thing that, you know, every morning when you say the Lord's Prayer, you have this little line in there. You know, it says, forgive us our sins as we forgive those who sin against us. And I, you know, I don't even know if what they did was a sin against me. I just know that I wasn't feeling good about it.
I mean, I knew that there was sourness in there, right? And it actually took me, I'm ashamed to say, but truthfully, it took me like three days of taking this to God. Like every time I, you know, hit that point, like forgive us our sins, I'm like, God, I need your help with this. And, you know, and finally I got to the point where I was like, what's wrong, man? Why can't I let go of this? I'm like, God, I don't understand.
I don't understand why can't I let go of this? And, you know, he said to me, he said, Robby, you don't trust me to handle this situation? You see, pride, right? I thought, I thought, you know, I needed to do something. There was something I was supposed to be responsible rather than just trust. Thought you had to fix it. I thought I had to fix it, but it was God. Like, do you trust me? Like, there was leaven in there. All right, we're going to get to more of this when we come back. We would love your stories.
866-34-TRUTH. The angel food versus bad gas today on a Christian car guy show. And it's so easy. Like, man, when I hear that, you know, that song, the bad gas one, that's hard to listen to it about. The pickled eggs especially. I can't go too far with this.
We are on air. Yeah, but the point is that, man, it doesn't take too much to get that fermentation going on in your soul, whatever that looks like. And as a result, you know, you get to this place where you realize that, you know, I'm really not.
And I never really had put that aspect of unforgiveness into my equation of... It's poison. It is.
It is. And then there's a level of trust like, oh, yeah, God. Like, you have my back completely in this and several other things that, you know, like, if you could really, really trust God with it, then you can, in fact, let go of it and go, okay, God, you're doing something in their life.
You're doing something in my life. You know, I know they're wonderful believing folks. And so it's all good. However it works out, I'm good. But it took that little word from God to say, Robbie, do you trust me?
Like, really? Because if you do, you could let go of this, right? And whether that's, you know, judgmentalness or whether or not that's unforgiveness or whether or not that's... However you're puffed up, and believe me, I'm saying my own story here to give you an opportunity to tell your story.
866-348-7884, 866-348-7884. So, Bob, have you got one in mind? I have dealt with a lot of unforgiveness. And the ones that are so close to me, my worst ones, I can't really share because they involve people in my life that, you know, are no longer close in my life. But, you know, it's just, it's poison. It's poison. And it affects the vessel it's in more than the person it's directed to. I mean, so many people waste so much time hating on somebody when that person is not affected by it.
It's only the one that's carrying the poison around inside. And maybe one will hit me here in a minute that I can share, but it's been a big part of my life. And there's just several things from the past that I struggled to let go of, but now they're not affecting me in the same way. Yeah. I wish I could be more specific.
No, no, no, no, no, no. I understand. Yeah, you know, I can tell you one that's even, you know, that I'll never forget that, you know, I used to run that, or I was the president of Bob Neal, Chrysler, Plymouth, Chief Eagle, that dealership right down the road right there, right there. Now it's called North Point, Chrysler, Plymouth, Chief Eagle. You've done a lot of business with them.
Yeah, me too. And so I was fired from there for years ago, and one of the owners' sons came in to replace me. And when I was fired, Chrysler called me and said, Robbie, you know, we never really sold Chrysler's in Winston-Salem until you came here. Why don't you buy the Chrysler store in Mocksville, North Carolina, which is not terribly far, and we'll help you do that, and we'll get you a Jeep if you do that.
You know the story to some extent. I ended up with that dealership. Well, when I opened that dealership, because I was so bitter about being fired, when they fired me, they changed the name of that store from Bob Neal, Chrysler, Plymouth, Chief Eagle to North Point, Chrysler, Plymouth, Chief Eagle. And so I said, oh, well, if you're going to be North Point, I'm going to call my dealership West Side. That's the bitterness that was inside of Robbie, really.
I mean, it was there, right? And so fast forward 10 years to where, you know, West Side did really well for a while until, unfortunately, my office manager, you know, ended up taking the funds, which that's a whole forgiveness story in and of itself, which interestingly, I didn't have that much trouble forgiving her. But I really had trouble forgiving the man that fired me over there.
I really did. And I was so bitter that I could not drive by that dealership right there and not have it affect me. Like, I hated to come up North Point Boulevard because every time I saw that dealership, something would burn inside my soul. You were adversely affected by it, huh?
Yeah, yeah, yeah. And so the humor of God, you know, anyway, when I ended up losing the dealership and coming to work for Truth Broadcasting, you know where that is? Well, I lived in Pofftown, which is, you know, just on the other side. Had to drive by it every day. And I go home for lunch every day, you know, so there were four times a day I had to drive by that dealership. Seriously, I did.
Lots of opportunity, huh? So at some point in time, you know, I just said, you know, God, I suppose I should deal with this, you know, problem. And I literally called up that man, set up a meeting with him.
He was still in the position he was in when he fired me. And I'll never forget that meeting as long as I live. I said, sir, I, you know, I won't say his name, you know, I just got to tell you, I have held a bitterness against you for, you know, at this point in time.
It's probably been 15 years. And he looked at me and he goes, you what? He was unaffected by it, huh? Oh, completely. You know, you realize the poison that you're drinking is your own. Like, you know, and he said, man, Robbie, and we had a wonderful, wonderful discussion that helped me immensely to trust God, right? But interestingly, God didn't intercede in that particular one to say, Robbie, do you trust me? You know, it was just one of those things that he let me this time go through this to realize that the real underlying problem is that somehow or another, I think I'm in the place of God and I can make judgment over who's done what and who's done that. And when you do that, like, man, you get sour faced, you know?
Well, by the same token, I was turned loose from a job and I'd worked really, really, really hard. Oh, there's the music. I guess we'll come back to this one. But we need your story. We would love to hear your, when they let the air out of your balloon.
Eight, six, three, four, eight, seven, eight, eight, four, eight, six, six, three, four. Truth, angel food versus bad gas. We'll be right back. You're listening to the Truth Network and Now I think I got bad gas Angel food versus bad gas today on the Christian Car Guy show. And I want to just tell you that when they say I'm hummets-free, culinarily, I love that line. The idea of hummets is leaven, OK?
And culinary is what you're eating, right? And whether you realize it or not, if you've got unforgiveness in your life, you're eating hummets. You're eating leaven. You're eating stuff that will cause you to get sour.
You're eating stuff that will cause you to be blowed up. And so the beauty of matzah, the beauty of, when you think about it, when you take communion, Bob, you're always asked to examine yourself. And what you're looking for, essentially, is hummets.
You're looking for leaven. You're looking for something's got you puffed up. You know, unforgiveness, self-righteousness, things of this nature. Where you think you're smarter than God, wherever that may be, unfortunately happens to me all the time. But when we left our hero, Bob, he was in the middle of, you got fired, like me. I got fired. And it was right before Christmas time.
Rob was still small. I was not one to go and buy Christmas presents in June or July like the smart people do. I was a last minute Christmas guy. And I had just worked tremendously hard. And the situation surrounding my termination was really, really, really unjust. But anyhow, it affected me.
It affected my son. And I was very, very, very angry for a really long time. But, you know, God helped me through it. And if I hadn't have been fired from that job, things would not have progressed in the same, you know, situation as they did.
The 109U pullet? 109U pullet would have never been all the people we were able to help and employ and all that. They probably would have been helped and employed, but they were not by me and not by our company. Well, and think how you shared, you know, through your prayers. The same thing with Westside.
If they hadn't fired me from Bob Neal, there never would have been a Westside and all that would not have. And he ended up being a Christian car guy show. So, you know, God is good.
He kind of knew what he was doing. But first we got to get, you know, we got to get the air out of our windbags. Well, I had a lot of air in mine and I was very resentful, you know, not only for how it affected me, but I saw it as a blow against my son. And you know how we are about our kids. Right. I know.
I know. Well, we got Mike is in Dayton, Ohio. He's got a testimony for us. Bob, Mike, you're on the Christian car guy show. Good morning. Good morning, sir. How are you doing? Thank you for taking my call.
Of course. Always love you, Mike. How I'm anxious to hear your story, actually. Well, you know, I've been I'm a cabinet manager. I'm in a cabinet shop and I have a few guys. And this one guy, he's pretty quiet. So I I say a lot to him, but he doesn't talk back.
And then I got this young kid. I mean, he just wants to make me puff up. You know, he just says the wrong things to me all the time.
And I got sour faced a lot with him. And God's been dealing with me about that, you know. And and and I took him I took him home the other day and I met his mom and and I said, hi, and she's a Christian. And I said, you know, and she started talking to me about it. And she goes, you know, all I do is just put my smile on my face. And she I go, boy, that was a word from God from you, because that's what I need to do with him.
I need this. He tries to hear me. I'm just going to put a smile on my face and not let it work. You know, I mean, and and, you know, and try to be in tune with God to understand the circumstances around you. You know, I mean, and what he's going through and try to minister to him more than just giving sourness.
You know, I'm saying so I you know that it's it's it's reaching my heart, I guess. You know, this is and and, you know, the devil comes around wants to put yeast in your bread. He does.
He does. I'm telling you, I, you know, I'm I can't believe how often, you know, this stuff gets it, whether it's just, you know, somebody can cut you off in traffic and immediately, man, it's it's like, you know, we know immediately immediately we got it. And so it's a challenge, Mike, and at some point we just need to be aware that when that phase starts to go sour, it could be that we're taking on a little yeast. So, you know, you're the one that gets me is when they drive slow getting onto the freeway. And I, I need prayer for that one. You know, I just I feel like I'm going to die here because we're going 30 miles an hour on to a 70 mile an hour traffic and I'm like, oh, please, Lord, don't let me get up that you know, I have a friend horn and you know, I do I have a friend that his pet peeve in the world and he you know, it's one of those but I think he's making progress is zipper merging. Right? The idea of one lane is closed ahead. And everybody gets in that lane that's being closed in order to move faster. You know what I'm talking about?
And the idea that somehow or another you're going to zipper in there like the right car, the left car, the right car. You know, that's what's supposed to happen. But of course, whatever side you're on, the other side is always beating you.
I don't care which side you choose. The other one's aggravating you. That's just the yeast inside of Robbie is just in your voice sometimes makes it bubble more I mean.
You were talking about the young man while ago that, you know, seemed like he was trying to get on your nerves trying to get your go. And my mom had to go ahead and have a little chat with me about that one. She was my best advice all the time. And she said, if you know somebody's trying to get your go, keep your goat out of the front yard.
Hide that goat. Don't let them. If somebody gets on my nerves, she instructed me to not let them know that some friends came up with a nickname for me years and years ago that I despised. I despise that nickname and I let them know I didn't like it. Well, that nickname stuck. But later in life, some friends tried to hang a nickname on me and I recalled Mama's lesson. And I didn't let them know that I despise that.
I just went right along, didn't react to it in any way. Well, that nickname came and went. So if you know somebody is trying to get your goat, keep your goat out of the front yard and don't let them get that goat because if they know they got your goat, they're going to come back and ride your goat all the time. Well, thank you, Mike. You have a great weekend, my friend. I appreciate you.
Well, we got one more. I mean, I prayed for a police officer yesterday when I was getting gas and he pulled up and it was a lady police officer. Oh, I want to hear this. Yeah, go ahead.
Yeah. And I was a lady police officer and I says, ma'am, I'm going to pray for you that you keep you safe. And she goes, oh, I thank you. She had a great smile on her face and she says, yes, thank you. And I says, can we do that now?
She says, oh, no, no. And I said, well, you can keep your eyes open. And I said, and she said, okay.
And she reached out her hand and we prayed together. You know, that the Lord would keep her safe and it made my day. You know what I mean?
It really did. And she said, thank you and, you know, and it was led by God. You know what I mean? And that's awesome. So I thought I'd share that.
How creative of you, Mike? Like when she said, no, you can keep your eyes open. What a great – you know, I've never had anybody say no to me.
I haven't either. And that was, no, no, no, and I said, well, you can keep your eyes open. And that's what God said to me, you know, and God said, tell her that. You know, because, you know, she has to be aware of her surroundings all the time, you know, and I knew that. And I said, well, you can keep your eyes open. I did not know that. Okay, great.
Did you know that, Bob? I liked that. I liked it a lot, but I didn't know police officers always had to keep their eyes open. Well, it's probably best.
Especially if they're in uniform, yeah, like that's good. That's quick thinking there, Mike. Good job. Thank you, sir. Thank you. Awesome. Thank you. God bless.
Yep. Bye-bye. God bless. Bye-bye.
But you're one of those. When you say, instead of just saying, I'll pray for you, can we pray now, is the way you say it. And you have prayed for me on the telephone just numerous times, and you affected me by, you know, that gift that you gave me. God gave it to me, obviously, and it is an opportunity, and Mike actually had called in on the show earlier in the week and talked about how he would pray for the police officers, and I asked him, well, why didn't you just do it right now? And so he was telling the story of how that happened. We'll be right back.
If you have any questions, please feel free to call 866-348-7884. You're listening to The Truth Network and Angel food versus bad gas today on the Christian Car Guys show. The idea of being hummots-free, as they talked about, that idea of having no leaven, something to not make you neither puffed up nor sour, and of course as a result, you know, you can, you know, be fruitful, you know, in a good way rather than finding yourself in that situation where you're, you know, aggravated and not thinking clearly, not a lot of love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness. So we looked at the word leaven, and let's take, and I told you the show today was brought to you by the letters in the word matzah, right? And there's only three letters, and the first one is a mem. You hear that em sound, and it's in the middle of the Hebrew alphabet, and it essentially means water. But water, if you think about it biblically, is just synonymous with Jesus, and it's synonymous with the word of God.
Here's why, you know? So Jesus said, I'm living water, right? The woman at the well, you get the picture, he is water.
And also if you get the idea that the word Jesus is also the word, then it also is water. So when it comes to, now we need the ingredients for angel food here, that's what we're gonna make. A little angel food here, Bob. I know you were wondering. Okay, so if you're gonna make angel.
You'll bring it home for me, you always do, every time. So the first ingredient in angel food essentially is Jesus slash the word of God, water, okay? Like the more that you can stay in the word of God, the more you know what the truth is, the more you, when you're a man of the truth, just like Jesus told Pilate, I came to testify to the truth, and those who are of the truth hear my voice. Well, if you wanna hear his voice, then you need to be of the truth, and you got 66 books that are gonna tell you a great deal of how to go about doing that. And so if you wanna get used to hearing his voice, read the Bible, because he's gonna jump off the page at you in lots of different ways. And so you begin to, when the moment comes, when all of a sudden, you know, this happens, and what is it, the word of God's gonna fly in your mind rather than the stuff that will create gas, just saying, okay? And so that mem is the very first ingredient in angel food, right?
And the second letter is azadi, and azadi, if you were to look at it, it looks like a tree, and it does for the very reason that it's almost synonymous with the idea of righteousness. In other words, when something's right, it's sweet, right? Because that told you that the idea of matzah is this incredible sweetness, there's nothing sour about it, because it's completely right. And so when you think about things that are right, it's like Bob was sitting here during the break, and he said, Robbie, do you mind if I disconnect this wire, because it's driving me nuts, because it's all on tank, and he says, you know, I just gotta get this straight. Of course you do.
And as soon as he did, I could see him going, sweet. It's a curse being anal like I am. It actually, whenever you see something that's not right, right, that the idea of righteousness, this is right, this is not right, right? And so when you take righteousness and you mix it with water, then you're in good shape. Things are sweet. That's angel food, okay?
But if you take righteousness and you mix it with self, you get self-righteousness. Now we're eating gassy food, the devil, no, the boiled, what are they called, the pickled eggs and the chicken feet, yeah, yeah, things are not gonna go well. Gotta have a pea and rose sausage in there somewhere.
The greasy turnip greens, yeah, it's all going there. Now, interestingly, the third letter in the word matzah is a hey, and the letter hey in Hebrew has to do with just exactly what it sounds like, hey, hey, Bob. For those of you that are up in the north, you may not recognize it, but down in the south, hey is synonymous with, you know, hi, it's the hey, you know, it's just the way people answer the phone, it's a lot of things, it's hey, okay? But in biblically, it's the same idea. The letter hey has to do with the idea of expression, which is gigantic biblically because God spoke the world into existence, okay?
And so what he's saying in the word matzah is this is, the first two letters are being expressed. In other words, water mixed with or Jesus mixed with or the word of God mixed with righteousness is angel food, right? That's the kind of stuff that you have no problem if you had an angel show up at your house tonight and they were hungry, like you're gonna be thinking now what do I feed them? Now I'm just gonna tell you, leavened bread is not on the menu. No pickled eggs. No chicken feet, not kosher. Again, just the idea of the thing is both, you know, obviously from my perspective, something to ponder, like because it comes into daily practice, like oh my goodness, I can tell that whatever's going on inside of me does not feel like Jesus.
It doesn't feel like love and joy and peace and patience and kindness and goodness and faithfulness and certainly does not feel like self-control. When you go for those pickled eggs, you know, it's what's going on. Well, just one more quick one. When Rob passed, it was my life's mission to find and make sure that the guy that sold him the drugs that killed him perished.
You know, I'd like for him to be there. I remember. I worked it and worked it and worked it. The autopsy and, you know, all the people involved with that, I worried him to death and when it came down to it and we went to court that day for his trial. The guy was first prosecuted that had sold him the drugs?
Yes, oh yes. And they asked me if I had anything to say and, you know, I could have sought a harsher punishment, you know, at that time but I just told them, I said the boy didn't know that Rob was going to die. He didn't sell him those drugs to intentionally kill him or anything and I had, I found some forgiveness and I had been so distraught and so puffed up about it for so long but that day I told him, I said a longer sentence is not going to bring my son back so it's up to you. I don't want to have any, I don't want to lengthen the sentence, whatever you think is fair is fair and you know more about it than I do and it's not going to bring my son back.
So I found some peace and forgiveness right there. What was the sentence? He got like seven and a half years as opposed to could have got a lot more and, you know, I found out kind of through the grapevine that I could have had a huge impact on a sentence but it wasn't going to bring my son back and, you know, Rob dying was not his intention.
It was not premeditated, oh I'm going to kill this boy with this, with these drugs. And you went and visited him, if I'm not mistaken, didn't you go visit him? I did. I went and saw him and I talked to him before, you know, before this sentencing thing came up. And what did he say to you? You know, that's kind of hazy and blurry right now but apparently he said the right things, you know, because he helped me find forgiveness for him. Now if I'd have got a hold of him right after it happened it would have been pretty. Wow.
Well thank you all for listening, thank you Bob for that, that story was, what a great way to end it. Remember where we had the Jesus Labor Love car repair labor for single moms and widows, had another car donated to us from Charlotte this week, very exciting. So we got that one and again if you need help or you've got a car, you've got something you want to help with the Jesus Labor Love you go to as well as an article on this whole thing I explain, yeast and hemets and all that stuff. And of course all my contact information is there as well if you would like to get a hold of me. Again it's all Remember slow down, Jesus walked everywhere he went and got it all done in 33 years. Thank you for listening.
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