Hi, I'm Joanne Vickner, Memaw with It's Storytime Memaw, an answered prayer for stories that point children to God on the Truth Network for kids. Your chosen Truth Network Podcast is starting in just a few seconds. Enjoy it, share it. But most of all, thank you for listening to the Truth Podcast Network. This is the Truth Network.
Everyone will follow the rules of the class. First rule, Welcome to the Christian Car Guy radio show. I say this calls for action and now. I put my pole down and floated around. It was just so quiet. And I could hear my old man saying, Son, just be still.
She can't find peace like this in a bottle or a pill. From the barstool to the living room. Sunday morning in a church pew in a distant low hay field.
And then he stayed back to Nashville and Chevrolet with the windows down. Me and him just riding around sometimes. Whether I'm looking for him or not, that's where I find God. The first rule of prayer today on the Christian Car Guys show. And I have Bill here.
He's always smiling at me too. I never know what you guys write. The first rule of prayer. And that just kind of begs the question, what in the world is the first rule of prayer?
Well, I'm not exactly sure, but I know what Jesus told me. He kind of winked at me when he did that. And so we're going to talk about that today. But, you know, just to let you know what's going on there. For the first time ever in the history of the Christian Car Guys show, I was telling Bill that SpongeBob SquarePants got to open the show with his school teacher there talking about the first rule. Right? And then you might have heard Wang Chung talk about everybody having fun. And Larry Fleet. What an amazing song.
I got to admit, that song makes me cry on a lot of levels, especially maybe when you hear my story today. So, as we talked about, the first rule of prayer. And so, along those lines, today's show is brought to you, as always, by Hebrew Letter. And today's Hebrew Letter is the Hebrew letter Ayin, which has to do with vision, which is a really neat thing, Bill.
It looks like a Y. Okay, so if you're picturing a Y in your mind's eye, that's good because it has to do with vision. But your eyes, you have two of them and they get together and they create one image. So I'm looking at you, I don't see two Bills, I see one Bill. And I look at Nick over here, our producer, I only see one Nick. But somehow or another, I got two eyes that are creating the stereo image, but it creates one vision. And in your own way, when you think about it, you know, if you begin to get God's eyes, you get to look at things sharing his vision.
And what an amazing thing that would be to even grow in that and to begin to see things from his point of view where there's no vision, the people perish, right? And so, we are going to talk about that. But, we're also going to talk about some practical car insurance stuff today, since I have Bill. But as my daughter calls it when she has to work on insurance or banking or taxes, she says, I've done all the adulting I can do for a day.
So yes, we're going to do some adulting on the show, but you know me, I can't limit the show to that, but we do have this stuff for Bill to work on. Because I was having a very difficult week of adulting on insurance companies, credit card fraud, broken fishing rod to return, my wife's upcoming knee surgery. And there I was, actually early, early in the morning, trying to pray, and my mind, you know, it was crazy early, Bill, and my mind was going on everything in the world, but God, you know, I couldn't get it to where I could think about Jesus. And so, what happened was, he just kind of, you know how God winks at you, you can feel it in your heart, I don't know how to explain it other than that, but you meet with God in your heart. And there in my heart, I heard him wink at me, and he says to me, Robbie, you know what the first rule of prayer is?
And that's all he had to say to me, because I have a story that I told Bill I would share, since he didn't know what I was talking about, and neither did Nick, by the first rule of prayer. And with this one, my granddaughter, I took her trout fishing in Colorado as I had taken her mother years ago, and we had spent two days trying to catch a trout. And unfortunately, she didn't have much patience, because she was about eight years old at the time, and so every time she would throw, we were using salmon eggs actually, she would throw them in the water, and before the bait ever got close to hitting the bottom of the pool that I was fishing in, she would yell, I got one, I got one, and she would reel it in.
And of course, there was never a fish there. And then she'd cast it into the weeds, and I'd have to straighten out the line, and then she would get it all, you know, they call it a bird's nest in the reel, and you'd have to fix that, and then you do this, that, and I was getting more and more frustrated, Bill. And as I got more and more frustrated, at one point in time, after I'd fixed the line about the 50 dozenth time, I looked at Lila and probably said very harshly, Lila, you've got to leave your bait in the water long enough for the fish to see it. And that's when she announces to me, she says, Papa, you have violated the first rule of fishing. Considering I'm the one that taught Lila to fish, right, the only person she'd ever been fishing with was me, and so somehow or another, I had told her at some point in time what the first rule of fishing was, and at that point in time, I'm sure I gave her a blank stare like, what in the world is the first rule of fishing, even though I should have known, because I'm obviously the teacher in this particular situation. And she shakes her finger at me, and she says, have, I said, Lila, what is the first rule of fishing, and she says, have fun.
Just simply have fun. And so I said, oh my goodness. I said, you know what, I violated the first rule of fishing, but, you know, what we're going to do is we're going to pray and we're going to ask God that, you know, he will help me to have more patience with you if you'll have more patience with the fish, right? And while we're at it, we'll ask him if we can catch a fish, but most of all, let's pray that we have fun. And so we stood there on the bank, there was a beautiful little waterfall, I can take you right to the place in Colorado where we were fishing.
I've caught lots of fish there. That day we prayed. A special moment, really, for me and my granddaughter, and I will tell you that, you know, immediately she casted back out, and I looked up the river, and her mother was now snagged, and I could see by her swinging her pole wildly that I needed to help her. And I took about two steps in Tessa's direction to help her when I heard Lila scream once again, I've got one, I've got one. When I turned, she really did have one. And then she had the pole in her hand, and she was going, I got you, you little dickens. And that fish was all over the river. It was a really nice trout, and what was so cool about that moment is we got that fish in, and she cast it, and a few moments later she had one again, and a few moments later she... She was making positive affirmations.
Oh, man, let me tell you. She caught so many fish that day. My father was just a little bit up the river, and almost immediately he started catching fish, and Tess started catching fish. If you'd have just prayed an hour earlier. So I'm guessing that you may now have surmised that when God winked at me when Jesus winked at me that day, and I had all those crazy things on my mind this week, and he looked at me and he said, Robbie, you do know what the first rule of prayer is?
I knew exactly what he was talking about. And there's more to it. Theologically, I will tell you that when you take Jesus as what I call his last name, which is Christ, or Messiah, Meshiach, that word is very much connected to the idea of joy. And when you think about having fun, it's very much related to the idea of joy, because the anointed one would bring joy, and in his presence is fullness of joy, so of course, of course when you're in prayer, this should be a truly joyful...
Sometimes there's a lament that may lead to the joy, but in his presence is fullness of joy, and so that does not mean there's an absence of sadness or an absence of lament, but there is a fullness of joy because you do know that he completely has that. And so with all that said, and I did want to get all that said, and I got it done in the first segment, I would love to hear your thoughts or your first rule of prayer, or what along those lines of you walking with Jesus, what does that break conjure up in your mind? I would love to hear it.
866-348-7884. Yes, Bill? My inquiring minds want to know if you caught any fish that day, or if the women did all the... Did God bless them more than he blessed you? I like that scene from A River Runs Through Where God's Been Particularly Good to Me. Well actually, I was so busy taking fish off of, and I didn't come there to catch fish, I came there...
Sounds like excuses. Sounds like you didn't have enough fish to get. Well, I actually, as I recall, didn't even take my own pole to the river that morning because I knew that I was going to be quite busy helping my eight-year-old granddaughter and my daughter and my father, who at that point in time was 86, and there was a lot of fish guiding that needed to happen. So anyway, 866-348-7884 is the number to call in and share your vision of prayer. 866-348-7884. We'll be right back. Stroll! The first rule of prayer today on The Christian Car Guy Show.
What's your thoughts about the first rule of prayer? I would love to know. You've got to call us, 866-348-7884, 866-344-TRUTH, and I've got a lot of stories along those lines because I have to tell you that in the time that I've been gone, I've been gone a couple weeks myself, Bill. Thanksgiving week. Talk about an amazing week. Well, actually, that weekend was our masculine journey boot camp, and I got to baptize my little brother, who's not that little.
He's 65 and 6 foot 2. But anyway, I got the baptized mark. That was beyond crazy. And that Tuesday test, my daughter that we just described was married in just an amazing ceremony up in the mountains in West Jefferson, North Carolina. And then, Thanksgiving morning, I got a story along those lines, and then I went steelhead fishing last weekend. And so I was fishing again, and I couldn't help but think about the first rule of fishing as I went most of the time there without catching a fish. So we're going to get into all that, but we've got to do some adulting, Bill. So you may know that Bill has been my Christian insurance agent, oh, for many, many, since I've known him in well over 30 years, but he retired, which was a huge loss to the Robbie insurance world, I can tell you, because all these struggles that I've had over the last, actually, six months would have been so much easier had Bill been my agent, but he wasn't.
So to give you this short story, but I think it's a very helpful learning thing for all of us, because I certainly learned a lot. I had my dad's car that we inherited, and it had progressive insurance on it. And I never bothered to switch it over to nationwide, where Bill had all my stuff.
But Bill had retired by this point in time, and I didn't think much about it. I left it with progressive, and we got in an accident in Florida, which we've talked about on the air before. You do not want to have an accident in Florida, because they have very crazy insurance laws there. And it totally lost the car, and through all the shenanigans that actually that claim has not been settled completely to this moment, even though it happened in May.
I can't believe it. I've still got a Federal Express package that came in Friday with progressive trying to offer some kind of solution. And that all went on. Well, then that left the problem after they've totaled the car, and we decided to keep the car. How do we ensure this car that's been totaled, because it has a salvage title, and a lot of stuff I won't go into. We decided to reinsure that car, and then that car was wrecked again. My wife, unfortunately, was hit by another car in October, and now with this car with a salvage title, and oh my goodness, this threw the insurance company for such a loop, literally. My wife has been driving what would appear to be a somewhat unsafe car, I don't know how unsafe, for over a month, because unfortunately the insurance company involved continued, which was not progressive, continued to drag their feet. Actually, until this week, we began to try to resolve this claim, and what they came back with as far as how to solve this was so ludicrous, but just to say all that, to say wow, if you, you know, a lot of times people get hail damage or something, they'll have a car that's very drivable, a nice looking car, and it's a great car, does all it's supposed to do, but it's a total loss as far as the insurance company is. If you go to insure that car again after you've taken it and kept it after it was a total loss bill, not a good idea to put collision insurance on it, is it?
Well, it depends, you gotta see what the rate is. In this day and time, if you can find an agent that has their own agency that has a great reputation that you can sit down across the table from, I highly recommend that you try to find one of those. You get an 800 number and you got a different person each time you call, it just gets unbelievably complicated, and a great deal of insurance has to do with how you articulate what happened when you call in the claim. It's always told my clients, let's call, let's discuss it, what are you gonna say when you call this claim in, write it down, let me hear what you're gonna say, let's make sure you don't add stuff that's gonna make things complicated. And then you know exactly what was said. Then you always ask, who's gonna call me back and when? And if I don't hear back from them, who do I call?
And you keep good notes. And in most cases, at least in the old world, the insurance companies want to pay you exactly what they owe you, no more, no less. But your agent's job because they get a commission is to pick up the phone and say, how come my clients having a problem here? I don't understand why this hasn't been handled yet.
That's why they get their little piece of the cost. And in most cases, you don't know, I mean, it's the same price, whether you call the 1-800 number, whether you got a local agent, but you've got to put the agent to work. You got to call up and say, this is what happened. How do I explain this? Do you want to report it for me? Or should I?
What should I expect when this happens? And then when it doesn't go the way you expect, you need to call the agent back and say, you know, you make money off what I buy through you, I need a little bit of help. And you expect them to get on the phone and solve the problems. But you got to keep good notes. The worst thing in the world is when somebody calls, I don't know what I said, I don't know what they asked, I don't know who I'm dealing with.
Then it's almost impossible to do much form. The other thing is, if you ever have to end up getting an attorney, if you've got good notes on who you talk to and when and what we see it and what was expected, then the attorneys got something to work with. And a big, great, big highlight this and underline, you never tell the insurance company you're talking to attorney, you never tell them you're going to threaten to get an attorney. If you have to get an attorney, you let the attorney let them know that they're involved. But if you've got a really good agent, the agent should solve most problems at no cost to you.
So find a good agent, make sure it's a good company and keep good notes. So to get back to the question I actually asked you, that was wonderful too, by the way, Bill. It was very helpful and very practical. However, the question I asked you, which I kept in the back of my mind because I take good notes.
Just kidding. But anyway, we'll get back to that question when we come back along with hopefully, come on, somebody call me, 866-348-7884. What's the first rule of prayer in your book? 866-348-7884.
It might be just do it, you know, like Nike. Prayer with partition. That's where I find God, the first rule of prayer today on The Christian Car Guy Show. And we are going to get to Bill's question that he's had all break to think about. But before we do that, we have Miss Jay, which I'm very excited about, to talk about the first rule is thanking Jesus. So Miss Jay, you're on The Christian Car Guy Show. I'm so glad you called in today. I missed you. Good morning to both of you guys that didn't know whoever I was in the studio.
Good morning to you. Did you like that bedroom form, the Miller's Day bedroom one? I did, very much. Okay, but that person starts off with a little poem, then I'll give you a little synopsis of it. When when my father comes to see me, I'll smile my biggest smile. And when when my father comes to visit me, when my father comes to see me, I'll make sure my admiration is dressed at its best.
So when so when my father comes to see me, I'll know that the feelings are mutual. So it took me a minute to get to that point to know that our feelings were mutual that he loved me like he said he did after reading the word. And then I started like, Oh, my God, I would say things to him, he would come around, he wants to answer them, you know, and like, even this morning, like he got me up at five this morning, you know, and, and I was just like, and I know it's him because now I know the presence of him. And it's like, and it was just, he wanted to answer the question that I had been asking him for a period of time. And I was like, I got peace about it. So but that's me when I realized that the communion that he said was real with him was real, really, really real. So that's how that poem came to be. Well, let me just say like, that just that line.
I mean, I can just think about that forever. That if I'm going to have my best on, it's going to be a smile. You know, I, I have the absolute joy. And I do mean, it's a joy of I've done a devotion at a retirement, actually, assisted living place in Mocksville for, again, maybe 30 years, I don't long, long time. And there is no explaining the delight when I walk in there when I have my jokes and all that stuff, and we're gonna laugh. And I see those smiles.
Right? They're all dressed in their best. Because you can see that they're just delighted that you're there. They're delighted to meet with God, however that works. But that smile means all the difference.
And clearly that morning, as I described that Jesus winked at me that I did not have a smile and I was not dressed for success. And I just love that whole concept. It's so beautiful, Miss J. And I, you know, that's that that is just perfect.
What a great what a great poem. It was perfect for me, because it's really so real. I mean, you know, when you really, really realize that God is who he really said he is, and he's there for us. And then, and every time I would meet with him, he would, like, I don't know what you can put it mythically, or how you would put it, I would see a smile through him even through the clearness of you know, who he is. And I knew he was smiling. And he was, he taught me how to smile.
You know, until now, I was like, wow, I'm so excited about that. And that's how the poem came, that little joke poems, and I'm going to give him my best. I'm going to smile my best at him. I'm right.
I'm right. I'm writing that down right now, Miss J. He taught me how to smile. I mean, if we all just take nothing else away from this show today, he taught me how to smile. She did. That's so beautiful.
After so many Martha, Martha, Martha. Because I've been looking at Bill's face for 30 years, and it's... Lucky me. He doesn't naturally, you know, some people don't have a natural smile. And you know, like, every time you see him, he is not smiling. I know you may be shocked to know that. But right now, he's got a great big one on, and I know who taught him how to do it.
And it was Jesus. There's no doubt. Well, yeah, there's some people I smile around a lot more than others. How you doing, Mr. Bill? I'm doing wonderful. It's so nice that you called in when I was here. That's classic right there. Well, thank you, Miss J.
God bless you. I just want him to know that I hear his smile every time when I hear him talking, so I do know that God definitely does smile. Well, sometimes Robbie tries to put you on his spot, so your face looks like... Now, what is it he's trying to lead me down a path to do?
Yeah, yeah, it's a challenge. You know, Robbie has a gift. He has a gift of the smile and hospitality in his whole concept of his voice. That's why more and more people are going to come, because he's like the preacher of that.
And every time you lift the name of word of God up, more and more people are going to be coming to him. He just had that. It was contagious the first time I listened to him. I was like, who is this person? I say that every time I see him.
Every time he tries to figure out what's the topic of the show today, I have no idea, Bill. I just don't. Thank you, Miss J. God bless you, and you have a great weekend.
Getting ready for this season. You too. All right, bye-bye.
You too. So, oh my goodness, like how fun is this topic? So we promised that Bill... And he's going to give this answer with a smile this time.
I am, I am. And I did before. The answer to your question is it gets you a good agent that can figure out in your particular state, with your particular vehicle... Let me repeat the question first so everybody knows what I'm asking. The question is, if you have a total lost vehicle, or it was totaled, then you're going to have to re-insure it, right?
A lot of people don't know what a rec title is. Yeah, okay. Well, let's go into that a minute, all right? So, you go, you know, you have an accident, and your insurance company says, well, this vehicle is going to cost more to repair than the value of the car. And so we are going to deem it, and when I say more to repair, more to repair... That's 75%?
Right. Plus the salvage value is more than the car. So that, you know, any car has some salvage value, plus the cost of the repairs. If that exceeds the value of the car, then they will deem it what they call a total loss. And people say, all right, my car was totaled. That's what they're talking about.
It was a total loss. In that case, what happens usually is the insurance company will give you a check for what they figure the value of the car is, fair market value. And they include taxes and all licensing and all sorts of stuff. And then they'll remove your deductible, if there is one in the situation, and they will give you a cash settlement, and you turn the car back in. It gets turned into a coffee table.
Right. It gets crushed or whatever may happen. That's what normally happens. However, they do give you an option. Like in the case of my car, where it was extremely drivable, where they say, if you want to keep the car, we'll give you this much money, and you keep the car. And they deduct what they feel like is the salvage value of the car. Well, once you have that, then the title now is a different title. It's what they call a salvage title, because the car has been considered a total loss claim by the insurance company.
And so the title is branded, is what they call it in most states. It's branded as a total loss vehicle. And so the value of the car, even if it's completely repaired, is nowhere near the value of a car that has not been total loss. And so it poses a particular difficulty or complication for the insurance company to how am I going to insure this vehicle, because the value of it is no longer just like a regular car. Well, normally when you have collision on a car, they'll use a service that will call four or five different dealers and say, this is the car, this is the condition, this is the mileage. How much would you buy this car from, and how much would you sell this car from, and then they'd average all those figures together to come up with a fair market value of the car. Well, you can't do that with a salvage title. One, nobody will finance it, so that drops the cost.
The only place that you can sell one is between two friends. So it's almost impossible to figure out what a reasonable fair market value is. So in most cases, in most states, most insurance companies don't want to insure a vehicle collision on a salvage car, because there's no way to determine what the fair market value is. But good companies will at least let you put comprehensive on their fire theft, vandalism, storm damage. So there's some money that you've got covered. But until you tell me how much it's going to cost, if you say I've got this eight-year-old car with a salvage title only cost me $10 a month to have collision on it, I'd say I'd put it on there for $10 a month. But if you said they were going to charge $30 a month for collision, I'd say I'm not going to put $30 a month into collision for that car. So it depends.
It's better to have some money, but you know up front that there's going to be a problem with figuring out how much money that they're going to give you. Once again, with many counselors, plans succeed, right? At least one good one.
Yeah. You know, when you've got a complicated issue like that, you know, it's nice to have, and I do have, right? Jerry at Raised Body Shop to talk about what's going on with the repairs. I've got Bill, I've got other insurance people I know well to help me with the other. But most importantly, it gets back to the first rule of prayer, right? I have Jesus and like I need wisdom. And prayer to me is a gigantic, you know, part of what that is. So we've got one more segment for you to call in and share maybe your prayer poem or your first rule of prayer or whatever you're thinking.
I've got a couple stories I was hoping to share, but I would rather hear yours actually. Call 1-866-348-788-4866-34-TRUTH when we come back. The first rule of prayer and a very cool version of the song we've been listening to.
You're listening to the Truth Network and truthnetwork.com We'll be right back. That is Larry Fleet with That's Where I Find God. I love, you know, the crickets sounds like a hymn to me. I love several lines in that. It actually made me cry when I was thinking about it. There's so much in that. And then when I heard Miss J say all that she said, but you know, he taught me how to smile.
I mean, I was just going to take that one to the bank. I just think that's a phenomenal, a phenomenal understanding and the reason why I love people to call into my show. And so I'm going to give you that number again because you may have something to share like that. I would love to hear it. 866-348-788-4866-34-TRUTH. So you may hear him say in a deer stand.
And you may hear him say when he was on the water, right? Well, interestingly, over the last week I had those two experiences. I was in a deer stand Thanksgiving morning. And it turned out I was hunting by myself.
I was supposed to go with somebody. But I was kind of glad at the opportunity because I really wanted to enjoy that experience talking to Jesus. And so we were talking through the whole hunt. And that morning I was just like, Jesus, I only want to harvest the animal that you want me to.
I don't want to take a shot you don't want me to take. And I don't want to, you know, so early that morning, about 715, a whole group of deer came out right where I'd seen them many times. And there was a beautiful four-point buck amongst them. But really I was wanting, I love venison and so that's the reason why I hunt.
And bucks are not as good to eat, honestly. And so, but I was looking for a particular kind of deer and one showed up in that group. And I put the scope on it and I said, is this the one, Jesus? And he said, don't take that shot. I said, okay, I won't take that shot. And I didn't take that shot. Although it was right where the shot would have probably done. But he said, don't take that shot.
So I didn't. And then I started to kick myself because I was like, man, that was a good shot. You know, I had that shot. Jesus was telling you you were going to miss. I don't know what he was saying. You know, that wasn't the animal. I don't know what he was saying.
All I know is he said, don't take that shot. So I didn't. And so a very, not long later, right? I looked to the left and silhouetted by the sun is another deer, which is exactly the size deer that I'm looking for.
And I was like, man, this is the one. And I couldn't get it in the scope because every time, I don't know if you've ever looked through a scope. But again, it was silhouetted by the sun. So if you ever get a scope full of sun, it's magnifying the light and it's quite an experience in your eye. And so I'm trying to get the deer without being, you know, getting the scope full of the sun. Eventually, I get it there.
And interestingly, and I won't go into all the details of this, but it was still beautiful from my point of view, that the crosshairs were where I thought they would be. And I asked again, Jesus, is that the shot? And he said, that's a shot. I said, okay. And I squeezed off the shot and at the same time offered another prayer.
Don't let it suffer, please. And it didn't. Okay, I won't go into a lot more details, but it was a very clean situation as far as those usually go. When I actually saw where the shot was that allowed this deer not to suffer, it was not where I aimed. I was like, okay, you took this bullet because, I mean, this was such a beautiful shot from my perspective that it harmed no meat. And in other words, this animal was one of the cleanest I've ever had a chance to process. And so, oh my goodness, what an amazing, amazing from my point of view experience of being able to have that kind of thing with Jesus through the whole thing and now able to enjoy those.
Because for my family, venison for Christmas is a special treat. And this is exactly what I was looking for along those lines. Well, I left there and the next day went steelhead fishing, right? And I had two days of not catching a fish. But as always, I wanted to catch these fish with Jesus. Very similar situation.
So every cast, I'm trying to, not all that successful, but like is this where we need to cast? You know, let me know when it's time to set the, you know, all those things are going on. So I fished very, very hard for two days in Ohio in the snow and the wind blowing very cold off Lake Erie. I mean, it was quite an experience, Bill, with my good friend Terry, my good friend Jim Graham and nothing, right? And so then they were calling for 14 inches of snow coming in on Monday. And we needed to, like we were going to fish on Monday. But I thought, well, we can fish in the morning and before the snow really compiles, you know, we can get out of Dodge.
And I went to my friend Terry, who was kind of the leader of this expedition. I said, can we fish in the morning? He goes, no, it's not, it rained all night.
The water is going to be like chocolate milk. There was no sense in fishing. I said, well, you know, we drove a long way and I just feel like God's, we're supposed to go fishing. No, we're not going fishing.
I said, please, please, please, please. And eventually I begged him into going fishing Monday morning. When we get down to the river, if you've ever steelhead fished, when they begin to feed, they turn over in the water and they're huge fish. And so it looked like the water's boiling with these fish in there. And I'm like, oh, my goodness, you know, we've hit Shangri-La.
We did. And so there's nothing like the sight, if you're a fisherman, right, of your bobbers out there. And interestingly, with it having rained, it did. We thought, well, we'll put some worms on there, just the traditional fish food. And there's no sight in the world, from my perspective, is to watch a steelhead take a worm and watch what happens to your bobber because it's going to go down because, I mean, that's a serious fish. And what an amazing, and all of us, all three of us, worshipping God as we had a chance to harvest some fish there.
Again, it was just like, oh, my goodness. And that was my earlier part of my week, Bill. I tell you, you live a tough life. I do.
Tough life. But the actual story behind that, I wanted to talk about vision. So I asked God, because he told me my word of the year, this is a little hint for Masculine Journey, was going to be vision for 2024. You might remember my word of the year for 2023 was that we're going to be gathered in great faith, which I had two daughters married this year, which is amazing to me.
But anyway, this year's word is vision. And so I knew that, you know, coming into this weekend and having all this time with God, because I haven't done a show in a couple of weeks, and I had a lot of time with God. I was, give me a vision, give me a vision. Well, that morning, Tuesday morning, I mean, Monday morning, he woke me up at midnight, and, you know, we were going to go fishing or whatever.
And I was like, well, God, you know, I've been asking, I've been asking, what's this vision? And he said, you're not ready to hear it. And I said, oh, no. I was wondering if he wanted me to stop doing, you know, stop being an assistant pastor, stop the devotion here, stop all, because I'm involved in a lot of things. And I thought, oh, no, the reason I'm not willing to hear it is because he wants me to stop doing something.
He goes, no, that's not it. You're just not ready. And so we argued for about a half an hour, actually, about what, you know, I want to be ready. What's your vision?
Give me the vision. What is it that I'm, you know, for 2024? What's new and exciting? And he said, are you sure you're ready? I said, I'm ready. He said, all the stuff that you do, Robbie, flows out of the time that we spend together. So I know you get up at three thirty, I want you to consider getting up earlier to the three thirty. Yeah.
Significantly earlier, I won't go into what may not be ready. And he said, I'll get you up. And in that time, it's just alone, not not talking about what you're going to talk about on the air and not talking about talking about the intimacy time. That's what he wanted more of.
That's the vision for 2024. I hope you can get something similar like that, similar time to where he can, you know, teach you how to smile. Right. And the first rule of prayer is have fun. And so I'm looking forward to having you guys back next week. Thank you so much for listening. And remember, slow down.
Jesus walked everywhere he went, got it all done in 33 years with a smile on his face, by the way. And thank you, Bill, as always. It's a perfect show to have you on. Thanks for listening. This is the Truth Network.
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