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The Wonder of Habakkuk 3:8 The Miracle Verse

The Christian Car Guy / Robby Dilmore
The Truth Network Radio
March 17, 2023 9:16 am

The Wonder of Habakkuk 3:8 The Miracle Verse

The Christian Car Guy / Robby Dilmore

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March 17, 2023 9:16 am

Hab 3: 8 Was the LORD displeased against the rivers? was thine anger against the rivers? was thy wrath against the sea, that thou didst ride upon thine horses and thy chariots of salvation?


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This is the Truth Network. Bible Wonders of Habakkuk. Oh, you must have prayed to open my eyes to behold wondrous things out of thy law this morning, because you're fixing to see the miracle of miracles verses. Wow, I'm telling you, I think I will ponder this verse the rest of my life. When God opened my eyes to what this is, it's unbelievable. I knew that it would be a miracle because it's the eighth verse, and the het has to do with the miracle day, right?

And I think you're going to see this in absolutely remarkable ways, but I don't want to assume anybody is not following along. The eighth letter in the Hebrew alphabet is the letter het, and the letter het has to do with our union with Christ, which itself is a big time miracle. And it reflects, there's a male energy that is coming down on the line on the right, and a female energy, and a Zion on the line on the left, that's above coming down. The line on the left is a Zion going up, which is the sixth, seventh letters. And then that's a reflection of God's energy coming down, and then we reflect it coming back up and across the top is a hetateric, and that's our union.

That is, you know, sort of the Holy Spirit there above us is a sort of a hoopah, or that, you know, canopy of marriage. And that the letter has everything to do with that in so many different ways, and the miracle that we could be united with God, especially after our sin and all that's going on, well, you're going to see, wow, does God show us something here? So I looked at it, and I looked at it, and it just could not make any sense for a long, long time, and studied the words until when God flicked it into my mind, I just, oh, I just burst into tears and was so excited to share with you what I found here.

So I'll read it in English. It says, Was the Lord displeased against the rivers? Was thine anger against the rivers? Was thy wrath against the sea? That thou didst ride upon thine horses and thy chariots of salvation.

Well, just to start off with, I knew certain things. Obviously, it was the eighth verse, so it had to be miraculous. I also knew that that word salvation at the end is the word Yeshua, and it's spelled out perfectly, Yeshua, okay, it's Jesus. And I, but I just couldn't figure out why would, why would Habakkuk ask this question?

And I even studied it to make sure it even was a question. You know, we're looking at all the Hebrew and looking at the letters and studying all the different ways that God was angry, because it mentions his wrath, and it mentions his displeasure and his anger. All these things are mentioned four times, actually, in this verse about both rivers and the sea.

Well, and the idea here was just like, what in the world? And I read Rashi, and it didn't seem to make sense to me. And I read Matthew Henry, and he talked about, well, this was clearly where God, you know, split the Red Sea, and I would agree wholeheartedly. So I decided to go to Exodus 15 and read, you know, the song of Moses again, and began to behold, you know, some wondrous things that these words that Habakkuk had used were clearly taken from the song of Moses. And when God did smite the waters, and blow it with his nostrils, and the interesting word there, nostrils, is translated anger here, because you flare your nostrils when you're angry. But when you get the idea of nostrils, and that blew the Red Sea asunder, then it begins to make sense to you.

And again, I don't want to assume anything. But water in the Bible is living water. It's Jesus, okay? It's like the Sunday school answer. Water is Jesus. And as you begin to think, and at first I kept on thinking, why is God angry at Jesus?

Oh my goodness, why? Because what happened, obviously, on the cross, was anger. All his wrath was poured out against us, right? And when you look at the word Red Sea, it began to just, oh my goodness, it's a sea of blood, right?

It's a Red Sea. And all those forces of evil were drowned in Jesus's blood, right? And his people were saved, you know, through the way that God smote the sea with his nostrils. You see, God's anger was poured out on Jesus on the cross as a result, you got the Red Sea.

What a picture of the horse and the rider thrown into the sea. When you read the Song of Moses with this idea that God was going to slay his son, and look how many times that he talks about the son of his right hand in the Song of Moses, okay? And look at Exodus 15, and don't let me cheat you out of that, because when you read that and then read this, you're going to come to the conclusion, oh my goodness, what a question, what a question Habakkuk had! Because, you know, it's hard to say whether he knew this was Jesus, or he just could see in the Hebrew that clearly God had smote waters, and why would God smite the waters? Again, he's telling the larger story here. He's giving us a picture of something that did happen, and something that would happen again, and something that will happen again and again.

It's something that continues to go on. Even in your life, God smote the waters so that you could take part in the Red Sea, okay? So that you could come up out of those waters of baptism in such a beautiful, amazing way, and I never had seen, and I haven't heard anybody ever talk about how the Red Sea—and by the way, the word red is almost like the word horse. It's that it's that psalmic, that miracle, that idea of this unbelievable force to be reckoned with, and so when he talked about that his horses and his chariots were the salvation, again, that's a psalmic and a yud and a psalmic that is horse, and again, the Red Sea is all about that, okay?

When you look at the word red in Hebrew, I mean, it's a psalmic and a yud and above. I mean, it's like, oh my goodness, look at the connection to how this Red Sea would support in such a unique and beautiful, amazing way that God would pour his wrath out on the waters. And of course, my mind is still reveling in all these things to think, my goodness, what are the ramifications of all this, but the beauty of it is Habakkuk knew. I mean, what an amazing thing he could see that God's anger against the waters is a big part of the larger story, that Jesus took God's anger, he took the cup, which was poured out, right?

Well, you get the idea of water all over the place here. It's just absolutely amazing. And so when you think of the miracle of miracles, like, that God would pour out that anger on his son for me, and that all those forces of evil, all those writers, Pharaoh and all his chariots came after me, right? And they were swallowed and they were drowned in the Red Sea. And once I got on the path, the way, which was Jesus, right? And it's just a remarkable picture. I don't want to spend too much time because I want you to go read Exodus 15. I want you to meditate on this and just let God open your eyes to behold wondrous things in his law. Again, Habakkuk chapter 3 verse 8 is a miracle verse.
Whisper: medium.en / 2023-03-17 10:26:17 / 2023-03-17 10:29:47 / 4

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