Hello, this is Will Hardy with ManTalk Radio. We are all about breaking down the walls of race and denomination. Your chosen Truth Network Podcast is starting in just a few minutes. Enjoy it, share it, but most of all, thank you for listening to the Truth Podcast Network. This is the Truth Network. Welcome to the Christian Car Guy Radio Show. I say this calls for action and now. The world on wheels when he built the Model T. Now we celebrate 100 years of Henry and his car.
There's a board in every country, no matter where you are. Mustang and the Maverick Berlin and the Galaxy. All of the names of Henry Ford when he built the Model T. The car of cars today. The car of cars on the Christian Car Guy Show. And we're so blessed to have our good friend Jerry, our Christian body shop with us today. Jerry.
Hey, great to be here this morning. You know what? When that song deleted and I just thought, you know what? How much easier my world would be if you can have it any color as long as it's black. Yeah. Can you imagine?
I mean, really? My hair wouldn't be as gray, I guarantee you. I can't even imagine how much simpler it would still be.
And so much less expensive, which was the idea behind the idea of it just coming in one color because what that did to the manufacturing process as far as making it less expensive is exactly why he kept it there. So you heard the Model T song by Darren Clark and then the ballad of Henry Ford by Thomas Maguire. And yes, you know, from my standpoint, if somebody said Robbie, what is the car of cars? I would have to say beyond a shadow of a doubt my own world.
I would say it was the Model T. We're going to get into that some today. There's for sure going to do that. We got a lot of updates with the Jesus Labor Love is if you're in the world today, I imagine you'd be looking for something simpler too. You know, one of the shows I get to do is called Land and Rescue. And yesterday I interviewed right in the studio, this amazing Afghan fighter, amazing soldier, just that had literally extracted thousands of people out of Afghanistan. And when you heard his heart of what was going on for the people that even even gotten out, they were starving to death because they're, you know, there's no food for them and the other people that are still in the country that still need extracting.
And then you got all the stuff in Ukraine and then you got inflation and the Jesus Labor Love we poured out. Oh, this was a tough week for a lot of folks. Yeah, you know, and Robin, you sit there and you think about that. I mean, just when you just wrap your mind around all the hurt in this world, I mean, you know, we see it in this country. I mean, heck, it hurts going, pulling the gas pump and putting fuel in your vehicle. Hurt would be an understatement. No doubt.
But yeah, just man, just the sin and the hurt. And so, you know, along the ideas of simple and then there we go. I mean, the Model T was a really simple solution and we could all use a little more simple as that's kind of the idea here. But what's what was your car of cars?
You can be thinking about that for you. What's your car of cars? But the Model T, you know, what made it the car of cars from Robbie's point of view? Well, here it is. It's so simple. It was a car that people could afford and it was a good car.
So, you know, essentially, you know, that the wisdom of that is lost. I really think on Henry Ford because it was his passion. It was his song to sing, so to speak, that that Henry Ford wanted to get a car that was affordable for everybody. And so it started out in 1908 as the first Model T. It was $850. But by 1924, with all his innovations and the idea behind the assembly line and all, he got it down to $250.
Okay? $250 in today's dollars, that would be $4,481. Now, I ask you, if any manufacturer could come out with a car that we could purchase for $4,481, it would, and it was a good car, it would take the market by storm. It wouldn't matter all the options. Well, it wouldn't matter if it only came in black, right?
It would just take the market by storm and what amount of people would take to build these cars to put people back to work. I mean, so interestingly, along those same lines, because you know I may be headed somewhere and Jerry knows I am, that somewhere about 3,000 years before that, Solomon, since we're talking about the car of cars, who had written 1,005 songs, by the way, five more than he had wives and concubines, puts it in perspective. But he wrote the song of songs.
And it, too, was affordable to anyone, which is deeper than you may think. And it's a good song. In fact, the best way to illustrate the need that we have for this song, from my perspective, more than we have a need for the Model T, as much as I love it, would be this story. So there was a famous, famous conductor called Arturo Toscanini, I'm probably butchering that, but I believe that was his name, and one of the most acclaimed musicians of the late 19th century and early 20th century. He was renowned for his brilliant intensity and his restless perfectionism, his phenomenal ear for orchestra detail, and his photographic memory.
I mean, this dude was something. And so Toscanini was sitting one day with his biographers together, and they were listening to a recording of a certain overture. And the piece was a complicated one with many movements, complex arrangements, and sophisticated orchestration. The two men listened silently, concentrating on every note and every emotion. And when the recording was finished, the maestro turned to the author and remarked, did you notice anything unusual about what we just heard? And he had not. The rendition had been stirring, perhaps even exceptional.
But the writer could not imagine what the genius was referring to. He said, I have no idea, he confessed, but I'm curious, what was so unusual about that piece of music? To which the maestro said, there should be 14 violins in the orchestra, and I only heard 13. To which Toscanini explained, my familiarity with this overture is great.
Believe me, I know what it's supposed to sound like. There should in fact be exactly 14 violins in that orchestra, but in this particular recording of that overture, I only heard 13. One violin is missing, I am certain. And the biographer knew better than to chuckle in front of the great conductor, but he was mystified. How would it be possible for Toscanini to discern that only one violin was missing, and how could he dare to be so certain it made no sense?
So the next day the man began to do some research, and to his amazement, Toscanini was precisely correct. One of the violinists had indeed been absent when that recording was made due to an emergency they had to go to. So yes, if you think about what I just told you, everyone, now we're talking about a song of songs, everyone has a note. Everyone has a song, right? And if you were going to play God's symphony, he made us all so that he could hear your note. Everybody has that special note that only they can play, and if they don't play it, nobody else can. And the maestro of maestros can tell by the music whether or not our part is missing.
So the root, this is incredible. The idea of the song of songs, if you know me, you know it's my favorite book in the Bible, and you may know I've just started a new podcast study on it, which is amazing. But the root of the word song in Hebrew is the same as the word gift, okay? So if you think about what a gift a song is, and I could give you all the Hebrew that would go underneath that and explain all the reasons why, but you'd have to listen to my podcast to get all that. But the idea is, oh my goodness, our gift is our song. Our gift is our song back to God. It's really amazing when you look at the songs in the Bible, the first of which is notable is Moses' song right after the pharaoh was drowned in the sea. And listen to how he puts it in the song that he sang back to God as a reflection of what he'd done in his life, right? And so as we get into this whole idea of the song of songs, what might be—I mean, I understand what's your car of cars, 866-348-7884, but I would love to know, what's your song of songs? Robert, you know, you sit there and we talk about that, and you just think about it, just take a moment, think, how many times—and I think it breaks my heart as far as Christians go in their walk with Christ is—how many miss what their song is because they don't humble themselves into things that God puts in front of them and where God has the path for them, sort of like Moses, when, you know what, no, don't, not me, plenty of other people to choose from that are a lot better than me. I mean, so many times we do the same thing. And by the way, you notice I'm 80 at the time? Yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah, you're exactly right that, you know, we have got to humble ourselves so that we can get the music, which by the way, Solomon wrote this song so that we all could tune up to play the songs. We're getting in a little of that, but I would love to know what is your song of songs or what is your Car of Cars?
866-348-7884. You're listening to the Truth Network and truthnetwork.com. The car of cars today on the Christian Car Guys show. We're so delighted that you are listening this morning as we're talking about the simplicity of, right, our song of songs or the car of cars. And what might your song of songs or what might be your car of cars? We would love to hear it.
866-348-7884. And clearly, as I feel like God has called us here at the Christian Car Guys show, one of our songs of songs is the Jesus' labor love, which is car repair labor for single moms, widows, and families in crisis. And I got to tell you that it was heavy duty this week, just a whole lot of stuff going on. And Jerry, one of the things that I have learned, one of the many things is hurt people hurt people, right?
Oh, absolutely. And so what I've told anybody who's ever volunteered with the Jesus labor love is, you know, these people are hurt. They are hurting. And sometimes they're difficult.
They just are. Because it's not easy. Like you talked about to humble ourselves and admit we need help. And then there's a lot of lack of trust.
And all sorts of things are going on. So, you know, honestly, I had lots and lots and lots of texts this week from especially one particular applicant that's down in Concord who desperately needs a car. She's literally living in her car. As she's told me numerous times, she has no place to go to the bathroom. She has no place to brush her teeth. And her car won't start to help her to get to work. And so, you know, as much as we've tried to get that car going, it's really just appears, Jerry, that she needs another car.
So if you know somebody in the Concord, North Carolina area or Charlotte area, or even in Lexington or somewhere like that. Jerry Right. That might have a car, then this young lady would be blessed. You know, and you just think, well, what good, you know, just well, just anything you can do is really better than doing nothing.
And just like that Afghan fighter, I was looking in his eyes and I saw the passion that he had to get his fellow fighters out of Afghanistan. Their lives are literally—these people are hiding every day. They have no food.
They have no—which, by the way, God puts it on your heart for that. That's lanternrescue.com. But anyway, there's just a lot of stuff like that out there.
And so if there was ever a time that we needed to be singing, I mean, now is certainly the time. So very cool. We have lots of folks calling in with theirs. First off, we got Mrs. J is in Greensboro. Mrs. J, you're on the Christian Car Guys show.
Good morning, Mrs. J. Are you with me? Is she there?
Christian, can you tell? All right. Keep talking. Mrs. J, are you with us?
Yes, I am. Wonderful, wonderful, wonderful. So Mrs. J, what you got for us this morning?
Well, I got a double blessing. I was one of the recipients that received the car. It was a Ford Explorer.
I'm blessed to be able to have that one, because that's something that was a dream car of mine, which I never even thought I would even get. I remember, I remember. You drive the school bus, right?
In Greensboro, as I recall? Yes, I drive the school bus. And the other blessing is that I have—my Psalms of Psalms is Psalms 91, and I can even sing a little for you. Would you?
Yes, I would. Please, please, please. He that dwells in the secret place of the most high shall abide under the shadows of the Almighty, and I will say of the Lord, He is my refuge and my righteousness, my God, and you will I trust. Oh, my goodness. Oh, yeah, what a blessing, I tell you. What a voice!
Oh, my goodness. And a cappella and everything, just awesome. What a song. And your heart song.
I love that song. It carried me through. It's so much coming from your heart.
You know, we can see that, and that's what songs do, that they come from our hearts from a really deep place. God bless you. Thank you, Miss Jay. I appreciate you calling in so much today.
You have a great day. Did you say Solomon wrote, I have a question. Did you say Solomon wrote a thousand and one, a thousand and five songs?
That is correct. According to, I think it's 1 Kings, second chapter, something like that. It says, you know, I like 900 songs. Yeah, I've got about 800 and something to go before I get to it.
But, you know, if you had a thousand wives. Well, Rob, you've given me a new goal to try to exceed that a little bit more because God has put so many songs in my heart, you know, to go forth and share some with you. You know, so that's a new challenge go for me. There you go. God bless. I appreciate it, Miss Jay. You have a great day. Bye-bye.
Okay, thank you. And so one of the neat, neat things about the Song of Songs is that, as I mentioned, it's for everybody. And I love that in this 119 Psalm, it says, the entrance of thy words giveth light, giving understanding to the simple. In other words, no matter how simply I think, and at whatever level I think, there's a phenomenal understanding with the Song of Songs, which you just think about. The very first verse in the Song of Songs is, let him kiss me with the kisses of his mouth because his love is better than wine. I mean, you get the picture.
It doesn't take a rocket scientist to grab that one. That, you know, this sounds good, man. This sounds really wonderful. And so one of the things I get to do is I work with special needs folks, and my wife and I do that and have for years. And I have one of our students that's been with us forever by the name of Andrew. And Andrew is at a group home in Mocksville, North Carolina.
Andrew, you're on the Christian Car Guys show. Good morning. Good morning, Robbie. How are you? I am absolutely blessed to have you on today of days. And when you get back, wait, can you give us a weather report, Andrew, when we get back?
Sure. I didn't realize I was coming right up against the break, but we come back. Andrew has his song, I can tell you, from listening to Andrew many times. Well, his song to sing is he loves to give the weather. And so when we come back, we'll have a weather report from Andrew and we need your call. 866-348-7884. We got Clay is in Raleigh-Durham too.
You're listening to the Truth Network and truthnetwork.com. The car of cars today on the Christian Car Guys show. And what would be your car of cars?
Maybe what would be your song of songs? Wow. Did we hear one?
We would love to hear yours. 866-348-7884, 86634 Truth. And we left our hero, Andrew. Andrew, you still with me?
Yes. One of my favorite people, actually, just absolutely a wonderful friend. Andrew, I've known you a long time. And so one of the things I know about Andrew is if you're looking for a weather forecast, you've come to the right place.
So Andrew, are you ready? Let it fly, buddy. Okay, we're going to have some sunny skies today up in the 90s. Winston-Salem down to the high country, mostly cloudy with the showers and thunderstorms today. But we're high to 95 up to Stokesville, 78 degrees and high in the hundreds of next week and week and the weekend. The week of June 6th, high in the mid to upper 90s for 97 to 180 degrees down in Stokesville. We are down in a downward twin as it gets warmer from where we are today, 82 degrees in Mocksville, 84 in Winston, 85 in Poftown, 62 in Charlotte and 75 in Danville. We do have the radar that's showing some storms activity for the west and for the Triad. We do see some showers and thunderstorms across the Winston-Salem area. If you are in Stokesville, please take and please make sure to go ahead and drink plenty of fluids and stay in the kitchen room and stay out of the sunshine as the sun is getting ready to be a harmful rays. And if you are in the Triad, please be careful and make sure that Stokesville has plenty of residents to make sure that they keep water inside and keep inside and keep cool for the summer.
Hopefully, we're going to go down a little bit then we'll go back up as temperatures warm in the mid to upper 80s and 90s. So Andrew, Andrew, I hate to jump in on you because you're on a roll, buddy. But I need to help our listeners to understand how cool it is what you just said because Andrew's blind so he wasn't reading anything, I can just tell you. That's all from Andrew's memory and just absolutely spectacular, Andrew. And the reason why he keeps mentioning Stokesdale is because that's where my wife lives with me.
And he loves to talk to Tammy. She is spectacular. She'll be so excited to hear you called in today.
I've got other callers, Andrew, so I better run. But thank you, my friend. As always, you are awesome. Yeah, can you tell her to call me back? I will tell her. I will.
I'll tell her you shared. Thank you, buddy. I love you. Is her mom still living or no?
Oh yeah, her mom's alive and well. Okay, well thank you. Thank you, Andrew. We love you.
Bye-bye. All right, we got Clay. He's in Raleigh-Durham. Clay, you're on the Christian Car Guys show.
Good morning, Clay. We've been trying to contact, been trying to get up with you all week. At least I got you on the air. Yeah. Well, you know, is this the phone call? Is this what it takes to get a hold of you or whatever? You know, when I've been playing phone tag for like, I think I would call you or you would call me and then I would call you and you'd come in. I'm like, okay. So, you know, I find it interesting that you're talking about something like this because I had my very first vehicle was years and years and years ago when I went into the military. It was a 77 Cutlass Supreme and it was a mother of pearl white and it had captain bucket seats and T-tops. Really?
You never told me that. T-tops. Did they leak? Oh yeah.
Well, at some point they did and I had to use a little bit of glue and I'm like, will this affect the car? But, um, you know, yesterday after my counseling session, I was able to listen to this radio station, not truth radio because, um, I get intrigued by certain things. And by the way, I will share, I would like to share with everybody. I will not listen to the idiocracy that is on any other radio station. That's why I listened to truth radio because how the Lord blessed me with being able to find it and being able to have people like brother Robbie and Jerry and everybody else.
And, uh, you know, brother Stu, I'm very thankful to the Lord for that. So I was listening to this and the, and on the air, they came and said that there was this high powered auction and a 19, I think it's either 47 or 52 SLR Mercedes went for $142 million. Wow.
And I'm like, I'm, you know, I wish I had that much money because I would, I mean, I don't think I would go after the car, but I could do more with it. Now my guess is it wasn't black. It was silver. Silver. And there was two of them. Really? It was silver.
One of them is in the Mercedes museum and that was the only one that's owned by publicly owned. Yeah. Brother Jerry, brother Jerry, there's what I'm talking about. Now I first, when I heard you say this, I thought you were talking about song of songs. And I said, you know what I've got, you know, you know, before I found truth ready, you're talking to a guy that had four country stations on preset on the radio dial. And now since I've, you know, Hey brother, guess what? Six years, uh, next week. Have you got a song of songs for me too?
You've said the 77 Cutlass now what? What was the song? Okay, good. Okay. So here's the thing. I, you know, I used to listen to country music, not saying that I still don't, but people would say that country music, when you hear a country artist sing a song, it's about drinking and all that other stuff.
There are several songs that have meaning to them and two that really have meaning to me or, or stand out. And I don't know if you know this, do you remember, um, Greg Craig Morgan? No, but I'm, I'm not the fan that you are, but that's okay. I'm sure a lot of our listeners do play.
Okay. He was in the, he was in the air force and he does a lot of service work, but he's all, he also knows the Lord. Well, his son was in an accident and it was very trying time for him. So he wrote the song called the father, my son and the Holy ghost. If you will Google that song and listen to it, it is very heartfelt and it has a lot of meaning behind it because of, of what he went through.
And I mean, it's just written. And then the other song is I serve a savior. Um, Mr. Josh Turner.
Um, I don't know if many people know out there that he had throat cancer and it was felt that he might not be able to talk anymore, but he, um, you know, he did one black train, but you listen to, I serve a savior by him. See, I, I know in my heart that being able to be digestively fed God's word, but also meaningful songs that are like this. And I just, I tell you, it has a lot of meaning to me, you know, and I, I'm just so thankful for that. Oh, that is awesome. Clay. Wow.
I didn't see that one coming. That's so cool. Thank you, my friend. I'm so glad I got to talk to you.
Well, I mean, I kind of sort of threw a little bit of a curve ball over the corner of the plate. I love it. I love it. You have a great weekend. We will talk next week.
I'll bet. We'll try to connect. Amen brother. Just keep doing what you remember. What I share with you, you know, um, the Lord is blessing you and he's going to continue to do that because of the person that you are. And, uh, you know, I give thanks for you and, uh, give thanks for everybody else there. Uh, because you know, it's, it's helpful. And I mean, you know, I never will forget when I remember the movie, a few good men, you can't handle the truth with a lot of people can't handle it, but you know what truth, God, the father created truth radio. And that's what y'all were there for to do what you're doing. Bring forth God's word. And I'm very thankful for it.
Me too. God bless. Well, Jerry, you know, as I talked about, one of the things that we, you know, God put it, gave us this opportunity, right? To reach out to people that are hurting. And honestly, you know, when you go to the grocery store and it's $4 for a loaf of bread, I'm not kidding you, my wife, and, and, you know, gas is $5 a gallon. There's a lot of stuff going on. And so it puts pressure on the people that are already hurting. And, and unfortunately where they would normally take better care of their cars due to their finances, you know, and realize the significance of change in their oil and whatever. So all this becomes, you know, a pressure cooker.
Yeah. You start, I mean, you start trying to make decisions and choices with every dollar you have. I mean, where are you going to, you know, is it important that I'm able to feed myself or, you know, my car is missing a little bit, but I can, I can just keep going with it and all of a sudden it leads to a bigger problem, to a bigger problem. And man, we're in a tough time right now. And so, you know, it's a fascinating thing that I think part of the reason God gave us this show was just to point out that if you're in that situation and you got something going on with your car, that that old Fran commercial, you can pay me now or you can pay me later. Right. And when you, if you have to pay later, rather than getting some fixed, that old nip it in the bud I used to use always in my show, maybe I should have used it again this morning.
You got something like that going on, man, get it handled before it ends up costing you a fortune. We'll be right back with more on the Car of Cars and the Songs of Songs. You're listening to the Truth Network and truthnetwork.com. We are of cars today on Christian Car Guys show or the Song of Songs as the case may be. We're going to get so many wonderful calls today and they continue because we have Ann is in Honorsville this morning. Good morning, Ann. You're on the Christian Car Guys show.
How are you? Are you with me, Ann? I sure am. Yes, I am indeed. Do you hear me?
I do now. Yes. Good. Can you hear me now?
Yes. How are you guys? So it's been so much fun and I'm going to try to be fast because I know we're ending. I mean, we're getting near to the end of the show, but I just wanted to say about the fact that the entrance of his word lights our path or gives us light, you know, and I was thinking how it lights our path and realizing that the step stops and starts of the Lord.
That's part of his light. That's some of his songs in our lives. And in the old days, I had this fun show of his career and 300 commercials, theater, TV, movies, blah, blah, blah, a lot of fun. But God really opened the door in my heart as one of his kisses was this show called Adventures in Odyssey. But when I went from Burbank to North Carolina in 2010, December, I missed doing Odyssey but I met some fellows by the name of Stu Epperson, Steve Noble at a function. And then ultimately, Robbie Dilmore knew that I had done Adventures in Odyssey and he said, well, maybe we could do a show sometime.
And in 2015, you did your first Christian Caray guy theater show, and I heard it and I called you and I said, excuse me, I thought we were going to do this Christian Caray guy theater show. You know, I'm so brazen. But anyway, I'm so I can't tell you how glad I am. And even like we were trying to get out an episode this week.
I think it's episode 28. Yeah, they're finally coming into Vanity Fair. But there's so many characters that are coming on board.
Yeah, for all the different characters in Vanity Fair, I couldn't get it mixed. But how wonderful is it? And what a song to sing, right? Yes, what a song to sing. And this one that we're doing is a takeoff on Pilgrim's Progress.
This isn't a paid commercial amount announced by the way, folks. But I love it because I had read Pilgrim's Progress by John Bunyan, who wrote Pilgrim's Progress in jail when he was jailed for preaching the word on the street. And the fact it's a brilliant, it was his song, right? And then and then when you think about actors like Jesse Cordy and Alan Johnson and all, and their songs get to play and the harmony of all that, as all these people play their note, and even our producer today, Christian Snyder, is coming up as we're getting to, we're going to start with a new truthful character and he will, you know, what better person than if somebody works for Truth Broadcasting. Anyway, how fun. And I do have to get to something but oh, that is absolutely, I love the thought of it and the harmony that's going into that. Yeah, the steps, the stops, and the starts of our Lord.
He guides his entrance gives light. Okay, bless you guys. It's great fun. Thank you. Oh, thank you for calling in. Bye bye. God bless. Bye bye. So as you might guess, I would at least whet your appetite a little bit for the Song of Songs.
I didn't get into it. I was just, oh, this week I had like the delight of my life because I just love the Song of Songs anyway. But let me just hone in on, I was going to do a couple more verses, but I'll just do verse 3. The verse 3 in English reads, Because of the savor of thy good ointments, thy name is an ointment poured forth. Therefore, do the virgins love thee. And of course, this is the, you know, bride talking to the bridegroom, which is Jesus, which is us.
Okay, this is us talking to Jesus. And what, interestingly, the bride is saying is that your name is a perfume poured forth or an oil poured forth. Well, if you know the word Christ means the anointed one, and obviously Messiah is the Hebrew form of that. So the word Christ is literally an ointment poured forth. Well, as I studied this this week, the root word of the word ointment, or oil in this case, is name.
I'm not kidding you. And so if you think about how your anointing is your name, like it's not just not the case for Jesus, which it is, his anointing is his name. It's Christ, his anointment poured forth. But you too, you out there with a note to sing, okay, your name has to do with your anointing. Thus, he donated Abraham the father, and he named Gideon the mighty warrior.
And obviously, you know, it went on and on throughout, you know, Jesus loved, I mean, God loved to give people special names like, you know, Peter became the rock. Well, your name, right, has to do with the smell that you put off. I'm just telling you that when you hear the name Hitler, it has a smell that comes with that.
All right. And so as people come to know you, your name is poured forth. And it's one thing to smell an ointment. It's another thing to have it poured on you, which is what Jesus does. He pours that little anointing on us with his blood. And then, no wonder the virgins love thee, okay. And if you study that word virgins, which by the way, is totally 100% virgin, the same idea of Mary, and she clearly loved Jesus. But the virgins, this is requiring, we're talking about are the 10 virgins who are waiting for the bridegroom, and that would be me and you.
And you might remember what those virgins had to have. They had to have oil, just saying. Right. And if they didn't have enough oil, specifically good oil, then we're in deep trouble.
All right. You know, like, we don't want to be caught outside without the right amount of oil. Well, let me just share with you that the more you hang out with the giver of oil, all right, the anointed one, the one whose name is a perfume poured out, and the way to hang out with him, yes, through prayer, yes, through dear believers that you love and hang out with. But oh my goodness, if you'll spend time in his word is the way you get the oil for your lamp, because he will pour it out as you go in to find out how much he loves you. So, as I told you at the beginning, my never-ending quest to find out what a statute is, because if you read the 119th Psalm time again, it says you got to learn what these statutes.
Well, when you study this verse, thy name is a perfume poured out, you will find, and if you listen to my podcast to go into great detail of why that is a statute, why this verse is a statute, and it says, you know, my lips will utter praise when I learn your statue. In other words, when we get the idea of this, we can't help but sing like a canary, or even better, like Mrs. J, like Mrs. J did today, right, Jerry? Oh, absolutely.
Yes. And, you know, part of it, we have a responsibility in that. We have to open our heart. We have to humble ourselves, as we talked about earlier. It's just, you know what, be the vessel that receives. I mean, man, Lord, pour it in.
Right. And so, again, I would be remiss if I didn't bring us back to the Jesus labor love and the needs that we have, right, that we can pray, all of us can pray, and those of the Lord puts it on his heart to jump in and take part in that, you know, we need the help. You know, Robbie, this has been a week, and as you talk about labor of love and stuff, and the need with people for an automobile, you know, this past week, one of my driver's house burnt down. At least he got in, five kids got out and stuff. But I saw the community around reach out and there to help them.
You know, it's the same thing. I always say, you know, don't take away from your local church, but if God's put on your heart, you know, go online, look and see Jesus' labor of love. Man, there is so much need there. And as the caller earlier, Sister J called in and she said, you know, what a difference that car made. I mean, we can make a difference in somebody's life than maybe just spending some money fixing a car or getting them another car. So if you have some dollars and you're looking to say, God, where do you want me to put that? Jesus' labor of love, great opportunity.
You've got a car sitting there that's uggling up your driveway. That's fine. Yeah, man, donate it.
Yeah. It's ChristianCarguy.com is where you'll find the Jesus' labor of love. Pretty easy to remember, ChristianCarguy.com. I'm so grateful. I really, really am that y'all joined in the show today, called. And those who are all of you listening out there, we so appreciate you. Remember, slow down. Jesus walked everywhere he went.
Got it all done in 33 years. This is the Truth Network.
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