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Psalms 119:126 - IT IS TIME

The Christian Car Guy / Robby Dilmore
The Truth Network Radio
February 18, 2022 8:37 am

Psalms 119:126 - IT IS TIME

The Christian Car Guy / Robby Dilmore

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February 18, 2022 8:37 am

Psalms 119:126 It is time for thee, LORD, to work: for they have made void thy law.

The fear of the Lord anointing of the letter Ayin - It is time -  the phrase that Noah longed for to get off the boat and Abraham and Sarah Longed for to have a child. In all all lives this word that is called time in hebrew the letters ayin and  tav - God's vision and God's stamp, when He says," it's time". He will work. Robby shares some powerful storys.

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Hidden Treasures of the 119th Psalm. Oh, I love this psalm and I love digging around in it.

So, how fun? We get to do the fear of the Lord, that anointing from Isaiah 11 on the letter Ian today, as we've talked about many times in the 119th Psalm, are the 22 letters of the Hebrew alphabet, and each of those we get eight verses. And those eight verses give us really eight faces of God through that particular expression, with today we're studying again the letter Ian. And so with the idea of the Ian and what we've talked about so far in this whole concept is God's vision.

And so how cool. This verse, I'll read it in English and then we'll dive right in. It's verse 126. It is time for thee, Lord, to work, for they have made void thy law. Well, wow.

Wow. Talk about leaning on the fear of the Lord. And let me just say that the next two verses, they're really connected to this verse, because you can see that he leverages this particular verse to go into the next two verses. And so without stealing the thunder for the next two episodes, we'll just stick with this one, because here we got essentially the psalmist is saying, man, I need you like you can do this, like you're the guy. And it starts out with the word time. And I love that, you know, like it is time. You know, I can hear that from the Lion King movie. But, you know, there's just comes a time when things have got to change, like you feel like this is it.

I can't take it anymore. How that works, what that looks like. And the word time, as you might imagine, is an iron. So that's the way that, you know, again, all the verses are going to start with an iron and that this particular verse that starts with an iron is the word time. So isn't it cool that the word time is this idea of God's vision, which that's the letter iron. And then it ends with the last letter of the Hebrew alphabet, which is a tav, which is essentially God's stamp, which God's stamp is on all time.

But it's also that, you know, this idea of everything's going to be all right in the end. So the neat thing about that word time is you study it in the scriptures. The first time you'll find it's in Genesis 811 and then back in Genesis 18, where the dove came in to the boat at exactly the right time when it had the olive leaf in its mouth. And he also said, you know, when it was time of Sarah's life to have this child. So, you know, there was a time, you know, Abraham had been waiting a long time. When you think about it, Noah had been waiting a long time. Right.

If you think about it, Noah's been sitting in this boat wondering what in the world. And then when it was time, here comes this dove and the same thing with Sarah. Right. That right at this particular time. And so the Psalmist knew this very I mean, King David knew that it's time.

OK, it is time. And so this has so much to do with the understanding that God has this. And then that word work again, it's time for the Lord to work while the word work. Right. As you might imagine, because we've talked about how the iron has to do with that, that let the word do.

So the word work also starts with with an iron and then a shin and a hay. And so it's the idea of actually God's vision being accomplished or God's vision being oxidized as a letter shin will study that here in a in a in a number of episodes. But, you know, it'll be a while before we get there. So it's time for the Lord to work for they make void by law.

In other words, they're breaking the law here. And it's time. It's time. And I can't help but think of where God took me on this this today. I remember so vividly I do a radio show called Land and Rescue, where these amazing Christian men go around the world, rescuing people from sex trafficking. And every once while I get a chance to interview some of the victims and oh, my gosh, I remember this one poor girl. I can't even imagine all that she went through. It was so horrible. And I won't go into all the details, but I will tell you that Land and Rescue is another podcast. Wonderful podcast, if you want to hear it, where you can hear these kind of things of what God is doing when people really need it, when it's time.

Right. And this poor girl, her father was selling her and abusing her with all his friends. It was unbelievable. They lived out in this ranch and they had her out often in a field. They would tie her to a horse, you know, where you would tie up a horse pole that was in this field and just unthinkable. And she said she remembers one night laying there just just totally like, I can't take this anymore. And she looked up at the stars and she said, does anybody care?

Can somebody please help me? Well, God did. I did it when it was time. And he got only God knows, you know, why certain people suffer some unbelievable things. But when it was time, he came to the rescue like there was a teacher at school that noticed something about her.

And then, you know, she did some investigating that when they found out a little bit about what was going on, they actually put her in the foster home of a pastor. Unbelievable. And again, considering the trauma this girl's been through, it's unbelievable how God did work. But it was in his time.

Right. And so, you know, this almost and I'm sure you've been there. And in fact, I heard a testimony this morning of another young man who's struggling through all sorts of he was struggling with all sorts of of addictions. And he says he remembers going to bed at night just saying, help, help.

And one time I interviewed Carter Conlin, who's the pastor at the Times Square Church. And if you hear his testimony, you know, he was struggling with all sorts of things. And his simple prayer was just help.

Right. Because if we really can just get to this place of what this verse says, Lord, you're in charge of all the time. OK. And you know, when it's time and you know, when it's the right time and when is time you are going to do your work, your plan is going to be fulfilled. And and so because we can see clearly these people are they're breaking your law, which is breaking his heart. And, you know, but God is not willing that any would perish. And so he's got all these things figured out and what the right angle is and the right time and all these things as he is continuing to. You know, for the best lack of a better word, refine, you know, the burning fire that's refining, getting off the drawers. And it takes a lot of heat because we got a lot of draws. So I think you can see the fear of the Lord in this verse, that anointing that's on the letter I. And it's time for the Lord to work, for they make void thy law. Thanks for listening.
Whisper: medium.en / 2023-06-03 09:25:15 / 2023-06-03 09:28:40 / 3

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