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Bible Wonders: Belt of Truth - Another Angle

The Christian Car Guy / Robby Dilmore
The Truth Network Radio
February 1, 2021 11:26 am

Bible Wonders: Belt of Truth - Another Angle

The Christian Car Guy / Robby Dilmore

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February 1, 2021 11:26 am

So many facets to this diamond - here is one I had never thought of..

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Did you ever wonder? Did you ever wonder?

I do. Did you ever wonder? Why the sun always rises, but the stars never fall?

Why dry land is never satisfied by water? And why fire never says enough? We did one last week and he was talking about how an Ephesians 6, if you look closely, according to Oswald Chambers and Charles Spurgeon, that the full armor passage in Ephesians 6 is essentially the gear that you would put on when you go to prayer and since we're to pray without ceasing, I suppose.

This is armor in that idea. And if you're like me, and you love to pray, but obviously, you're like me, and you just don't want to pray. I struggle there, it's really nice to think about these things in terms of just getting to that place in prayer where we really can get to truth, where I am really being authentic to God and He's being authentic to me. And so it seems that this girdle of truth makes all sorts of sense, especially when you think about how many times in the Old Testament they talk about, you know, girding up your loins. In other words, let's get ready, let's engage. And you might even remember that that was my word for this year is to engage. And so I thought, wow, it's really a neat thing to think about this girding on the truth. You know, when I was a kid, my father would always say, pull yourself up by your bootstraps.

That's kind of the idea behind girding up. But what a cool thing to think about, you know, essentially getting ready, preparing yourself to engage. And then the first thing that obviously is talked about is to do that with the truth. And we talked about this in a previous podcast, that that word in Hebrew is ameitz, which starts with the beginning letter of the Hebrew alphabet, ends with the last letter of the Hebrew alphabet, and then in the middle is a mem, which is very much a sign of the messianic, but also the beginning, middle, and end of the story. And so when we think of the truth, it's one of those things that's got so many different facets to it.

It's like this unbelievable diamond. But when we do the Masculine Journey boot camps, we talk a lot about the larger story. In other words, there's so much more going on every day in our life that if we have a tendency to consider our life as being first and predominant, then we're missing the mark of the larger story, right? That it's God's glory that we're talking about.

It's God's kingdom that we're talking about. And by living in the larger story, in other words, the whole story, the beginning, middle, and end of what's really going on is a completely different perspective when you look at any particular thing. So as we begin to pray, it's wonderful, he who will lose his life will gain it, right? And so that's part of your perspective when you put on the larger story, when you belt on this particular facet of the truth. As I was thinking about it, wow, how cool that one way we can put on this belt of truth is to actually put on the larger story and be thinking about, God, as I enter into this day, as I walk through this day with you in prayer, right? This very minute where I'm getting so mad about the guy on my bumper, am I thinking about the small story there or am I thinking about the larger story that I'm headed to Truth Broadcasting where I have a chance to share some light and learn from some wonderful disciples and see what God is doing in the kingdom? Meanwhile, I can pray for that brother behind me that's obviously in a big hurry that's on my bumper. So as you think about this this week, as you are girding up the truth, so to speak, like pulling yourself up by your bootstraps, what a great idea just to pull myself up by the bootstraps by considering, gee, what is the larger story? What is going on here right this minute from a kingdom standpoint? Lord, help us to see things in Your story, in His story.
Whisper: medium.en / 2023-12-29 09:47:40 / 2023-12-29 09:50:39 / 3

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