Hey, everybody on The Charlie Kirk Show. Rick Grenell joins the program as we discuss looming war in the Middle East.
We discuss Kamala Harris, the election and more. Email us as always. Freedom at Charlie Kirk dot com. Subscribe to our podcast. Open up your podcast application and type in Charlie Kirk show. And as always, you can become a member to listen to all of our episodes advertiser free members dot Charlie Kirk dot com. That is members dot Charlie Kirk dot com.
Buckle up, everybody. Here we go. Charlie, what you've done is incredible here. Maybe Charlie Kirk is on the call. I want you to know we are lucky to have Charlie Kirk. Charlie Kirk's running the White House. I want to thank Charlie. He's an incredible guy. His spirit, his love of this country. He's done an amazing job building one of the most powerful youth organizations ever created. Turning Point USA. We will not embrace the ideas that have destroyed countries, destroyed lives, and we are going to fight for freedom on campuses across the country.
That's why we are here. Noble Gold Investments is the official gold sponsor of The Charlie Kirk Show, a company that specializes in gold IRAs and physical delivery of precious metals. Learn how you could protect your wealth with Noble Gold Investments at Noble Gold Investments dot com. That is Noble Gold Investments dot com. It's where I buy all of my gold. Go to Noble Gold Investments dot com. oil and gas, if you're wondering how to get back to Texas, or get back to Texas, go to Noble Gold Investments dot com.
Go to Noble Gold Investments dot com slash oil and gas for more information on that. There's a link to a blog that we have on the line. And someone who can help us navigate this uncertainty that we're seeing politically, and also makes sense what's happening in the Middle East. It is Ambassador Rick Grinnell and former DNI chief as well. Rick, welcome back to the program. Hello, my friend, Charlie, how are you doing? Great.
Thank you. So, Rick, I want to start with Kamala Harris and Tim Walz. Some people in our audience are beginning to get a little worried. They're starting to see a lot of polls come out for the media that give them some anxiety. What is your take on this and how should we get to the point? we navigate Kamala Harris' now 17-day-old campaign?
Well, the reason why I'm not worried at all is because I'm old, and I've been through this, you know, 25 years now. This is what happens when they pick the VP. There's a collective cheer, especially from the media when it's a Democrat.
There's also, you know, be prepared. They're gonna get a bounce from their campaign. They've got some problems, and we are gonna have to really highlight the problems because we know the media's not gonna do it. We gotta stop asking the media to play fair.
We know they're not going to play fair. We just need to point out their hypocrisies. But at their convention, they've really got a meltdown between the pro-Israel voices, the very few evangelicals, and others that are fighting for pro-Israel issues within the Democratic Party, and the Hamas wing of the party. The Hamas wing of the Democratic Party is loud and strong, and it's growing. And they just knocked out Shapiro in contention for the vice president nomination because he was too pro-Israel for them. And that's really sad.
So I'm not worried about this. As soon as we get through their convention, reality will set in. We've got plenty of time, and we've got plenty of money. It doesn't mean we can't adjust our campaign and really go after her. We need to concentrate on her words. We need to concentrate on Tim's words.
They've got some crazy stuff out there. I mean, Kamala Harris I know well from being here in California, and she wants to end red meat because she thinks it's bad for the environment. That's not gonna work in Wisconsin or Michigan or Pennsylvania. We need to take our time, concentrate on her words. This is the most radical far left ticket ever in my entire lifetime. We've never had this radical left.
America is not this left. And so all we have to do is keep to her words, show the American people exactly who she is, and we will crush her. The last time they picked a vice president from Minnesota, we went 49 and 0 against them. So just remember that.
That's super helpful and comforting. What can you tell us from your time in California about her weaknesses, about the successful attack vectors that we can use now where it's really gonna come down to five or six states? Well, Charlie, I think that you should put one or two people from Turning Point to go through her tenure in California, because here's why. She's never been vetted. We don't have a media in California that ever vetted her time as attorney general or her time in San Francisco. And remember, she is touting that. She, when she comes to the stage and she's talking about her experience, she doesn't talk about being a senator. She doesn't talk about being a vice president.
The reason why is because she was a little more vetted than she ever has been before. But if you're a Democrat in California, you rise fast because of DEI. You have to be Hispanic or gay or Asian.
You have to literally click a box. And at the top of that, handing out all of these plum assignments is a straight white guy, Gavin Newsom. And so this is the game that they play to keep people in boxes. And so if you're a minority, if you have a dissenting voice, you're crushed within the Democratic Party until you toe the line. And so she hasn't been vetted, and all of her work and all of the things that she supported literally are a goldmine for people who want common sense because they're gonna see this explosive attitude that she has towards the border, towards DEI programs, towards businesses, towards law and order.
It's literally a goldmine, and I'll just finish with this. There's a great congressman who used to be our great state senator and our state rep in Sacramento by the name of Kevin Kiley. Kevin is amazing. He's a shining star from California. I wish he was still in Sacramento. But he is, you should follow him on social media because he knows Kamala's record better than anyone.
He served in Sacramento with her, and he is every single day highlighting her record back in Sacramento, and it's atrocious. Don't wait for the LA Times. Don't wait for the Sacramento Bee. Don't wait for the San Francisco Chronicle to do any of this work.
They will never do it. And so just we could do this on air or off air, Rick. What would we be looking for? And just on the surface level, she let violent criminals go free, and you're right. She is bringing this up as the primary thing. The $50 million Future Forward PAC or whatever ad is, she's a tough-on-crime prosecutor, which means, by the way, the country actually wants tough-on-crime policies. She wouldn't be running with that if the tone of the country was that. And it's so fake that the Democrat Party is pretending as if they are legitimate or that they are trustworthy when it comes to cleaning up crime or keeping our streets safe.
It is a remarkable thing. What should we be looking for? Because she had a long career there from relaxing penalties for illegals, for paving the way towards soft amnesty.
What should we be looking for there? Look, she is the queen of sanctuary cities and sanctuary states. She was attorney general, and when this all exploded on the scene, she was the one defending it and trying to find the loopholes. And let's be very clear about sanctuary city. It's a really nice name for a horrible concept. It is literally a idea that you get to go to a city or a state and ignore federal laws because you don't agree with those federal laws. Talk about the beginning of undermining democracy.
That was the foot inside the tent. That was literally the moment where conservatives missed the boat and we should have said, no, I don't care what you call it. I don't care what kind of a nice name you put on ignoring federal law.
But if we decided as conservatives to pick and choose which federal laws we were gonna follow and create safe havens for places to say, you can't prosecute people who ignore the federal law, you just have to go along with it, there would be an explosion from the East Coast newsrooms. We have to be able to hit back hard. She created this DEI woke sensibility. She used her office as attorney general and in San Francisco as the city attorney. And don't forget one other thing. She knew who George Gascon was in San Francisco when he was the prosecutor, district attorney, the law enforcement head there in San Francisco. And he wreaked havoc on common sense. And then he moved to Los Angeles.
After literally creating havoc in San Francisco, he moved to Los Angeles and guess what? Kamala Harris endorsed him, encouraged him, raised money for him. You talk about the poster child of taking on DEI and pushing it forward to go against common sense and to undermine the rule of law. George Gascon has ruined San Francisco and Los Angeles while collecting money and support from Kamala Harris. If you don't think that as president, she's not gonna go through all of our major cities and do the same thing, install a George Gascon type of a law enforcement person, you are crazy. She is going to take the top 50 cities and just pick them off and make sure that we have chaos amongst the laws that she doesn't agree with. Talk about undermining democracy.
She created the system. How can people support you, Rick? Plug Fix California and all your social stuff. Great, I run an organization called Fix California. You can go to FixCalifornia.com and we are doing what Florida did, digitally finding conservatives who are unregistered to vote and we're finding them.
And I'll just give you a little stat here, Charlie. For $22 million, you could flip Los Angeles County by finding enough conservatives sitting on the sideline. Remember, 50% of our community is not even registered to vote.
50% of the people are sitting on the sidelines. We take $22 million to find all of the conservatives in LA County, register them to vote, flip the county, you flip the state, and imagine if California became a red state, even a purple state, what that does to the national map. Can you feel it now? Something even bigger is coming. Your God-given freedoms are up for the taking. Even worse, those doing the taking are the same people who've sworn to defend your freedom. They think they can violate your right to protect your own family. They think they can force their delusions onto your kids. They think they can control the media and hide the truth. But you know what they can't take away?
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That is mypatriotsupply.com. Rick, how do we force Kamala Harris to take a question, let alone questions throughout this campaign? Well, look, we gotta have reporters who are interested in this. So maybe it's just reporters on the right, but they've got to follow her and hound her. And we've gotta highlight the fact to every single mainstream legacy media reporter who is promoting Kamala's messages, whether it's videos or just tweets or campaign events. We have to hound them and tell them that it is unacceptable in America to promote messages from a politician who is hiding from actually back and forth questioning. It is propaganda if you don't push the media to say, wait a minute, I don't want just one way messaging from the campaign.
We're not just gonna push out one way messaging. If you can't look a politician in the eye and ask them legitimate questions, we used to call this speak truth to power. If you can't do that, then you should, we should be hounding these reporters to shut down trumpeting the Harris message. You don't get to promote your message if you aren't willing to defend your message with a reporter face to face. And so we've gotta call these reporters out on the carpet. Remember, these are newsrooms in Washington DC that spent six to seven months telling us Joe Biden was fine and literally trying to wag the dog. And I think that we've gotta push back. We can't take this. We can't allow the New York Times, the Washington Post and CNN and others to push one way messaging because it is totally propaganda and we should call it that.
It is. Rick, can you give us your expert opinion on what is unfolding and developing in the Middle East right now? Look, I think weakness is the entire problem and we have to be very clear eyed about what has happened. The reason why Hezbollah and the Houthis and Hamas weren't launching wars when Donald Trump was in office is because Iran was broke. Their funder, their donor is the Iranian Islamic regime.
Everybody knows that. And so when we came in, when the United States government had a new leader, when Joe Biden and Kamala Harris came in, they did two things, Charlie. They did two things that funded this Islamic regime. One is they dropped sanctions on Iran and between dropping sanctions, doing credit and cash relief, they gave billions of dollars to the Islamic regime in Iran. The second thing they did is remember, the Biden-Harris team spent $6 billion to get five hostages back, five people that were held against their will. This was a hostage exchange for $6 billion. What do you expect when you give 10 to $12 billion to the radical regime in Tehran?
What do you think they're gonna do with it? They fund these proxies. That's why the Houthis, that's why Hamas and that's why Hezbollah is attacking Israel. October 7th happened because Joe Biden and Kamala Harris gave money to the donor that launched that war and that's Iran.
It is really- By the way, if I can add one thing, Charlie. That message, what I just said, is a powerful message to Arab Americans. They know that Iran is the problem. Our friends in the Arab American community throughout Detroit and throughout Phoenix, which are the two cities in America, the two swing states that have the largest cities of Arab Americans, they know that Iran is the problem. When you talk about Donald Trump delivering peace and peace agreements and what do you expect when you fund Iran, those are two powerful messages that we say to the evangelicals in America. We say to the pro-Israel Jewish Americans and we also say that same message, those same two messages, to Arab Americans and they love it. They understand the problem when you say that. We're not trying to be duplicitous and say two different things to evangelicals and Arab Americans. We're saying the same thing.
That's what the Democrats do, that's right. Rick Grenell, excellent. Thank you so much for your time, really appreciate it. Thanks, man. All the best, my friend. Good to see you.
Thank you, you too. Email us, freedom at charliekirk.com. Become a member today, members.charliekirk.com. To get your MAGA hat and to join the citizen force, we are getting lots of emails of people that are out in the streets registering voters, increasing our ranks and our chances of winning.
Let me just read off some dates for you. North Carolina votes in 30 days. Pennsylvania votes in 40 days. Wisconsin votes in 48 days. Arizona votes in 61 days. This election will come down to 100,000 ballots in four states. You have to do the work.
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Check it out right now, promo code KIRK. Joining us now is Tom Behrens, who is a former National Guardsman and you've been telling the story about Walz's military service and the truth there. Tom, welcome to the program. Tom, I have CBS News, ABC News right here, and they say Vance goes after Walz's military service. Tom, what is the truth around Walz's military service? Well, the truth behind his service is he served, you know, I don't know how well he served for 24 years. I wasn't in the same unit with him. I was in the battalion with him. He was a different First Sergeant, but, you know, I don't think he was anything exceptional, but when it came time to deploy, we did deploy to Europe. He was in Italy and I was in England as First Sergeants and we, you know, the soldiers all joked that it was the European vacation, which it was a very easy deployment. I mean, we fell in and did security on air bases there and, you know, we had normal Air Force hours and they treat you like a human in the Air Force.
So we, you know, we more or less worked eight to five or, well, we were around the clock, but I mean, it was still a very, very decent deployment. We came back and then when it came time to, you know, the unit the next spring in 04, March of 04, one of the 125 got notified that they were a warning order to prepare to go to Iraq and Kim Walls was the acting Command Sergeant Major at that time and May rolled around and the rumor was out there that he turned in his paperwork and turned in his equipment and walked out the door and quit on all of the soldiers in the battalion. So he just quit on all the, what was the circumstances? Was there a medical reason he quit? Was there a personal reason? Why did he quit and betray the people closest to him? Well, I would say it might've been medical, it might've been something up here, but for anybody to quit the way he did, it's just absolutely, you know, the first word that comes to my mind is coward because it's like, well, were you scared that you're gonna, you know, get shot or whatever?
And then I was kind of like, well, you know, was he a traitor or, you know, what actually was on his mind? I just didn't, I didn't really, I couldn't fathom that because most people, when they get to that rank, they don't want to give it up. They don't, they wanna prove themselves. They wanna take care of their soldiers. They wanna go to combat with them. They wanna be the father figure and go there and try to make, keep them safe and then bring them all back home alive so they can live in the land of the free and the home of the brave.
They don't wanna be the person that is known for being the coward that when Nepal came to, hey, this is United States, we're going to Iraq. And then the guy's like, oh, screw you, I got better at things than you, which is exactly what he did. So he signed up to be a Sergeant Major Academy, which implied that he agreed to serve at least an additional two years after finishing it. But instead he simply quit the academy and he gave up a promotion that he'd received. Is that a fair summary? It's fair because in the fall of 04, he was conditionally promoted to Command Sergeant Major, which basically says you need to do these conditions and if you do not accomplish these conditions, your promotion is null and void, it goes away. So that is exactly what happened. He was in the academy, the academy for reservists is basically you have two years to accomplish non-resident correspondent forces and you gotta give speeches and different things and then they got it all laid out.
You gotta keep up with it. And he did most of that when he was in Europe. He had lots of time there, so he got it accomplished. But then you go to Fort Bliss for a two week resident phase and then once that's accomplished, then you're a graduate. Once you graduate, you still gotta put two years in, more or less for the army and all the taxpayers to get their money out of you for all the education they gave you for doing that course. I mean, we wasted a year or more of whatever correspondence course time of all the instructors and everything for him and he just pulled the plug and didn't do it. So help me understand what happened to the unit after he left, what was their Iraq tour like? It was long and we ended up, once he quit, about a month later, I got the call to take the position. So I went around to the units, I said, well, he's gone, I'm in now, we're gonna prepare to go to war and we need to get ready to go to Camp Shelby and train. We had six months of training in Camp Shelby and I can honestly say that by the time we were done with that, I think everybody wanted to get the hell out of there and get to Iraq because it's not the nicest place down there either but it prepares you for being in a hostile environment where you're hot and you're sticky and you're miserable and you've got bugs and you ain't getting shot at, you got all the other stuff. And then we went overseas and we were supposed to be in Iraq for a year but we ended up being in there when the sectarian violence hit so we got extended and we were in country for 17 months.
We got extended for six months where they cut it off about a month I think at the end. So you're amongst the other amazing people you served with, what is the general consensus and opinion of Tim Walz as he goes around and brags about his military service and tries to use it to score political points? I would say the general consensus is out there and it's probably, I'd be surprised if it wasn't 99% against what he did. There's a couple out there that, well, he had over 20 years and he could quit. And granted, yeah, I could have quit too.
And I had over 20 years and I actually did retire and I got back in and then I went to Iraq and I'm not through my own warrants. There's a lot of people that did that and that's just what you do. You train up your soldiers and wanna go to war with them, wanna protect them, you wanna be with them, you don't wanna abandon them.
And that's where what he did with, so there's very few that have any time. I talked to a lady yesterday and she said when he was Congressman down here, there was a Vietnam veteran that would see him and he'd go to talk to him and Tim would run away because he was scared of this Vietnam vet because the vet was giving him hell for being a traitor. Do you think it's your reaction to the criticism that he is basically benefiting from stolen valor? Yes, I actually brought that out with it because the rank of Command Sergeant Major is, you're like the 12 point bucket for the deer out there. I mean, you're the big dog and it's a very prestigious thing. I mean, you go and it's like him in a speech now saying he's a Command Sergeant Major when people hear that, they're like, oh wow, you got to be the top person out there. I mean, there's only one out of 500 soldiers in a battalion as an average that gets that rank. I mean, there's usually five first sergeants, they're in charge of 100, but I mean, an E9 Command Sergeant Major is in charge of 500, so it's a big deal.
And that's one of the only reasons I can see that he does what he does because he knows it's a political point for people, and but it's just a huge lie. I mean, I just heard several clips of him saying he was a Command Sergeant Major, he was a retired one. And the sad thing is he should correct anybody that calls him a retired Command Sergeant Major because he is not one, because the order is out there where he got reduced to mass himself. And that is what he is now. He's collecting, he should be collecting his retired pay now that he's 60 years old.
I don't know how, you know, if he's got his paperwork in or not, but he gets E8 pay, he gets an after sergeant retired pay. If you were to summarize it for our audience to digest and the American people, what should the public think about Walls' character? I would say his character is lies and deceit, and he's a very good speaker. He can read a crowd and know what they need to hear almost to a certain point, but he's like a chameleon. He'll be in a crowd of farmers and he'll be blabbing about how I gotta do this for the farmers or whatever. And then he'll turn around and go talk to the medical profession and he'll tell them what he thinks they need to hear.
But, you know, it all ends up being lies and deceit. We went to the Capitol last year when we fought for ETABs in Minnesota for all of the legions and DFWs and everything out there. And, you know, he was like, well, we gotta pass the omnibus bill first and do this and that and then we'll get to your guys' stuff. And when it came down to the vote, they voted against us. And he didn't push for us then, he voted for the casinos and stuff. And what it boils down to, very few veterans are gonna vote for him ever have because they know his character. And he was like, you know, why give the veteran groups money for their gambling when they're not gonna vote for him anyway? I mean, it all boils down to votes for him. I mean, that's the thing. That's just like, you know, he changes his skin color every, you know, not his skin color, but he's like a Camille.
Wherever he's at, that's what he wants to be. Thomas, thank you so much for your courage and for speaking out and very, very telling about who Tim Walz is and how he presents himself in a dishonest and deceitful way. Thank you.
You bet, thank you for having me on. Email us freedom at charliekirk.com. That is Stolen Valor. That is Dick Blumenthal, John Kerry style. Hey, everybody, Charlie Kirk here. What an unbelievable start to 2024. We had last month saving babies with pre-born by providing ultrasounds. And we're doing again this year what we did last year. We're gonna stand for life because remaining silent in the face of the most radically pro-death administration is not an option.
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Go to charliekirk.com, click on the pre-born banner. So Tim Walz is a creep. We know that.
And he mandated that in boys' restrooms that there would be tampons in boys' restrooms. So Hillary Clinton has now tweeted out. Thank you, Hillary Clinton, for making this an even bigger story, by the way. Everything Hillary Clinton touches dies. Get it?
She has the touch of death. She, of course, dodges the question. She says, how nice of Trump camp to help publicize Governor Tim Walz's compassionate and common sense policy of providing free menstrual products to students in Minnesota public schools.
Let's do this everywhere. Okay. So Hillary Clinton is for boys across America to have menstrual products?
Interesting. They can't tell you what a woman is, though. The Democrat party cannot tell you what a woman is. Katanji Brown Jackson cannot tell you what a woman is.
The first question should be for Kamala Harris, what is a woman if she actually ever ends up taking questions? The next question should be for Tim Walz, what is a woman? But definitely not creepy, right?
Tampon Tim is now trending on Twitter. And Tim Walz is a real creepy dude. But he's out there lying and trying to act as if J.D.
Vance is weird. This is not a fight that's gonna end well for them. They're the ones that want to read pornographic material to nine-year-olds. They're the ones that support men in thongs dancing in front of children. They are the ones that wanted to care about our vaccination status.
Let's put cut 80 up on screen. This is Governor Walz tweeting out a picture of genderqueer, which has graphic material of let's just say very intimate sexual behaviors between minors, very graphic. That's very creepy, Tim Walz.
But we did not pick this fight. Tim Walz and the media are happy to continue to say J.D. Vance is weird. Do you know what's weird, Tim Walz?
Shaking hands with your wife, that's weird. The entire media is carrying the water of the narrative of the Harris-Walls cabal. I see right here J.D. Vance taking questions outside of Air Force Two in Eau Claire, Wisconsin. J.D.
Vance, by the way, is a rock star right now. I want to play some tape here, J.D. I think J.D.
was earlier. You know J.D. is doing daily press conferences that are being taken by every single news station? Just dominating.
Let's go to Cut 51. This is a guy who's proposed shipping more manufacturing jobs to China, who wants to make the American people more reliant on garbage energy instead of good American energy, and has proposed defunding the police just as Kamala Harris does. I think it's interesting, actually, they make an interesting tag team because of course Tim Walz allowed rioters to burn down Minneapolis in the summer of 2020, and then the few who got caught, Kamala Harris helped bail them out of jail.
So it is more instructive for what it says about Kamala Harris that she doesn't care about the border, she doesn't care about crime, she doesn't care about American energy, and most importantly, she doesn't care about the Americans who have been made to suffer under those policies. So yes, J.D. Vance landed in Wisconsin and walked over to Air Force Two, and is now doing a press conference in front of Air Force Two. You gotta love that.
That's the energy we need. And he's saying, hey, why won't she take any questions? Mrs. Air Force Two, why won't she take any questions? J.D.
Vance, let's play cut 76. This is a person who said she supports the police, yet she promoted policies to defund the police. This is a person who says that she wants a secure border, but she has been the border czar for three and a half years while it's been wide open. And this is a person who says that she wants secure American communities, yet all of the people who are the police officers who are ensuring that we have safe communities, they don't seem to like Kamala Harris.
And you guys have got to ask her tough questions about why that is. The media honeymoon for a person who runs away from the American people is disgraceful. It's not just disgraceful for Kamala Harris, it's increasingly disgraceful on the part of the media. It has been 17 days since Kamala Harris assumed the Democrat mantle as nominee. And there has not been a single question asked of her.
Not a single question. She doesn't do a press conference. And meanwhile, by the way, I thought she's this big, tough prosecutor. She's a coward, is what she is. Kamala Harris is a coward. Oh, I'm a real tough prosecutor in a pantsuit.
You're nothing. J.D. Vance is out there doing hours of press conferences a week, literally. He's out digging a full gaggle. That's the second time today. Kamala Harris runs afraid of the press. They're going to try to run a basement campaign.
I'd rather have Trump-Vance, two fighters, instead of the coward named Kim. Thanks so much for listening, everybody. Email us, as always, freedom at charliekirk.com. Thanks so much for listening, and God bless. For more on many of these stories and news you can trust, go to charliekirk.com.
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