Hey everybody, are we close to war with Iran? It's a very important topic and then more about Governor Tim Walz. Email us as always freedom at charliekirk.com. Subscribe to our podcast, open up your podcast application and type in charliekirkshow and as always get involved with Turning Point USA at tpusa.com.
That is tpusa.com. Buckle up everybody, here we go. Charlie, what you've done is incredible here. Maybe Charlie Kirk is on the college campuses. I want you to know we are lucky to have Charlie Kirk. Charlie Kirk's running the White House folks. I want to thank Charlie, he's an incredible guy. His spirit, his love of this country, he's done an amazing job building one of the most powerful youth organizations ever created, Turning Point USA. We will not embrace the ideas that have destroyed countries, destroyed lives, and we are going to fight for freedom on campuses across the country.
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Go to noblegoldinvestments.com. Okay, everybody, there's a fair amount of domestic news happening, but we want to take our eye to a looming Middle East war that is just waiting to explode. And we've been covering this for a couple months now, off and on, but this is a hair trigger away. And I do not have faith in the current neoconservatives that are running our government, or I should call them neoliberals, Kamala Harris and Joe Biden, to keep us out of a kinetic war in the Middle East. We are one errant missile away from a permanent war where Joe Biden and Kamala Harris are not equipped to let alone navigate it, win it, what does success even look like?
And why do we have so many bases in the Middle East in the first place? Joining us now is John Gay, Executive Director of the John Quincy Adams Society. John, welcome to the program. John, for our audience that is understandably distracted with domestic news, vice presidential selections and such, what is going on in the Middle East? What is the latest? We are waiting on pins and needles of if and when Iran will respond to Israel. Give us the kind of latest summary of what's happening in the Middle East.
Yes, thank you for having me on, Charlie. It's a really tense situation. Everybody has been waiting for several days now since the killing of Hezbollah big man, Fuad Shuker in Beirut, and the killing of Ismail Haniyeh in Tehran, both apparently at the hands of Israeli assassins or defense teams, we're not quite sure on the case in Tehran. And so we've all been waiting for some kind of response. There are some indicators that it's going to be a bigger response than we saw in April when Iran was retaliating for the strikes on its diplomatic facilities in Damascus. It's not clear if the response will come directly from Iran, from a combination of Iran and its proxies in Iraq, in Syria, and of course, through Hezbollah in Lebanon. There's a whole lot of tension in Israel right now. I would note that there were some orders earlier this morning for people in the northern border areas near Lebanon within the easiest reach of Hezbollah to remain particularly close to bomb shelters. Hassan Nasrallah, the leader of Hezbollah, gave a big speech. In the minutes before that speech, Israeli fighter jets flew at supersonic speed over Beirut to create a big sonic boom as kind of a show of strength.
So everyone, as you said, is waiting on pins and needles. And I would note in the background of this, we've got troops in Syria, we've got troops in Iraq, we have an embassy in Lebanon, so we are very much on the hook if this starts to go sideways. So it seems the last time we went through this a couple months ago, it was somewhat performative where Israel struck Iranian proxies, and then Iran launched a bunch of missiles and basically forecasted it, and the dome intercepted it, and they said, okay, we're good.
And I don't want to call missiles performative, but it seemed orchestrated, it seemed a little bit, you know, we're trying to appease our population that we're still strong, and we responded. Do you think Iran will act or react in a similar fashion? Or are we going to get a far more lethal response from Iran against Israeli proxies or the Israeli nation? Lethal, I think is the key word. That's what I'm expecting is some attempt to actually cause loss of life.
There was one person severely injured in the last attack. But this time, I would note that on Khamenei's own website, the Supreme Leader of Iran, the word that they're using to describe their quest for revenge, I would translate it as something like seeking blood, that this time, they are going to be trying to achieve lethal effects with their military action. How that would look in particular, I think the question is really at what scale they act. They will have to overwhelm or act faster than Israel's defenses and its partners' defenses in order to achieve that effect at all. But I think that they could be more targeted, they could bring better weapons in to use against the Israelis. And the real x factor, the real risk factor for broader conflict is if they involve Hezbollah because Hezbollah is very capable. It's much closer to Israel. There's less reaction time, there's communities very close to the border.
Hezbollah has significantly improved its capabilities since the 2006 war. That's the really concerning situation. So let's pretend we actually had a president right now. What would a president actually be doing in this situation? It seems as if we're just waiting for Iran to respond and allowing this conflict to endlessly escalate. What would the diplomatic approach be in pursuit of peace, not just kinetic confusion in the Middle East?
What would that look like? Yeah, well, I'm not waiting on peace breaking out in the Middle East. I think a president that was focused on this region in a way that's closely aligned with US interests would recognize and would have recognized several years ago that our troop presence in Iraq and Syria is no longer fit for purpose. Right now, those guys are sitting out there on those bases. They're basically hunkering down, waiting for the other shoe to drop. The militias in those regions that are sponsored by Iran have started taking shots at them after several months. Without that, I think the best time to get those troops out would have been a long time ago.
Trump tried to do it during his administration, but got slow rolled by forces within his administration. I mean, if he comes back, I hope he appoints better people who will actually deliver on his agenda on things like that, because those troops are still in Syria, they're still in Iraq, they're in a very vulnerable position. And so that's really where my focus is. Yeah, this is an awfully precarious situation.
I want you to emphasize one other thing. How bloody or how catastrophic would a Southern Lebanon-Israeli war be in contrast to what we just saw in Gaza? It would be extremely significant.
I think in some ways, it could be worse. The reason for that has to do with that strength that Hezbollah has. They have around 150,000 rockets and missiles. They have a huge arsenal of drones.
Those drones have released footage in recent weeks of Israeli sites that they were flying over, including an Israeli Air Force base. They have the ability, despite all the work Israel has been putting into defending itself against the Hezbollah threat, there is still a significant risk in that region for civilian and military people in northern Israel. And so it would put a whole lot of pressure on the Israelis to act very quickly to destroy Hezbollah's capability to attack them. And the Israelis have been clear and have warned for a number of years that this would be a very ugly conflict. It would be very fast paced.
The Israeli Air Force had an exercise that was publicly reported a couple of years ago, where in 24 hours, the Air Force alone hit 3,000 distinct targets, and it was seen as practice for a scenario in Lebanon. They would be trying to destroy launchers as quickly as they could. They would likely be sending troops in over the border. It would be likely bombarding Beirut as well because Hezbollah has a whole lot of presence in southern Beirut.
And so this would get very ugly very quickly. It's why a lot of countries have been telling their nationals to get out of Lebanon on the next flight. It's a very dangerous situation. Iran has warned that they would get involved so there would potentially be ballistic missiles and drones coming in from Iran as well. The proxy militias could be getting involved so it could get really ugly really quickly. And I think the key difference between this and the war in Gaza is that I think the challenge for the Israeli population would be sustained over a longer period of time. I think Israel could experience in a full scale war more damage than it has ever faced in its history on its home front. And that I think is what's really shocking about this.
It's why the Israelis are taking this threat so seriously, but it's also why they haven't invaded Lebanon yet since the October 7th war broke out. John Gay, very quickly, how can people support the work you're doing at the John Quincy Institute and learn more about it? The John Quincy Adams Society, yes.
We're focused on bringing the next generation of foreign policy wonks who believe in a less warlike foreign policy. I'd encourage you to go to our website, JQAS.org. You can also listen to our podcast, Security Dilemma.
Very good. John Gay, thank you so much. Thank you, Charlie. Hey, everybody.
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You would also assume at the very least that everybody in that house is registered to vote. I want to just read an email here, which is remarkable, about the need to go do the work. This is from Jeannie, who is one of our members. I want to send her a signed hat. She's amazing. She sent me two emails that are success stories.
Let me read you the first one. This is how we're going to win. Just because you're flying a flag doesn't mean that everyone there is doing the work. Charlie, I was helping Trump Force 47 as a team captain with Turning Point Action. I registered I registered a 71 year old woman in my neighborhood who never voted before. She didn't know how or where to vote. But seeing our MAGA hats, she approached us and timidly admitted she needs to register and vote for Trump. I immediately had her fill out information on the Turning Point Action app and my phone registered vote. Great app. Thank you.
You're welcome. How about this one? Same activist.
Every single one of you can do this, guys. This is Pennsylvania. This is the most important state.
Hi, Charlie. I knocked on a door with a Trump flag in Lancaster County, Pennsylvania. So this is a house with a Trump flag. So they buy a Trump flag.
And they're obviously in support. Husband is registered, but the wife is not. I use Turning Point Action app to get her registered and gave them a Trump sign. They are voting by mail, they said.
Jeannie. Okay, let me be very clear, guys. If you do not get 100% turnout from your own house, you're doing it wrong. If you are a parent that has 18 or 19 year old kids, you got to get them out to vote. And by the way, if you are paying your 18, 19 or 20 year old kids tuition, and they go vote for Kamala Harris, you should tell them you guys could pay for your own college. You're gonna go vote for Kamala Harris, and our house here is working our tail off, and we're going into debt to help you go through college.
You guys can pay for your own college. Husbands, make sure your wives are registered. Wives who tend to be more organized around the house, make sure your husbands are registered. For all of the MAGA moms out there, make sure that every, just make a list, okay?
Susie, Jeff, Carl, my husband, my uncle, you go through the list. You make sure all of them are first registered. You cannot vote if you are not registered.
Once you are registered, then you can vote. It is a three-step move. Step one, register.
Actually, it's before that. Step one is awareness and agreement, worldview alignment. Step two is registration. Step three is voting, and it is easier than ever because of mail-in voting.
Now, is mail in the most secure way? It's not, but voting by mail is far better than not voting at all. I'm just so incredibly moved by those of you that are out there and doing the work and are actually going and registering new voters, but it's also a little terrifying because it makes me wonder how many millions of people we think are gonna come out to the polls that are not even registered to vote. It's a little bit scary, everybody, and that's why every single day I'm getting the message out. You have to go find the new voters.
You have to have those conversations. Get them on the voting rolls. How do you get them registered to vote? It's tpaction.com slash vote. The old RNC neglected these people. The old RNC did not engage with the grassroots.
The new one is now, thankfully. So you find these voters, you register them, and it increases our likelihood of winning. Great job, Jeannie.
That is plus one, plus three, actually, in Pennsylvania. If every single one of you do that, we could be in a very, very favorable position. Are you worried about the future of the U.S. economy? With so much uncertainty in the air, it's natural to fret about the security of your retirement savings. But there's one asset that stands the test of time, and that is gold. For centuries, gold has been a hedge against market volatility and economic instability. With a gold IRA from Noble Gold Investments, you can harness the power of precious metals to help protect your financial future. By rolling over your existing IRA or 401k into a self-directed gold IRA, you can enjoy the potential for long-term growth and stability. Diversify your portfolio with a tangible asset that has real value. Setting up your gold IRA has never been easier with Noble Gold Investments.
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That is noblegoldinvestments.com, noblegoldinvestments.com. I just love the amount of success stories that are pouring in, emailing us, freedomatcharlykirk.com, all about how you are registering voters. Let me tell you about Tiffany from Nevada.
I'm sending her a signed hat because she is a patriot. Hi, Charlie. I'm out doing the work right now listening to your show.
Knocked on or sent literature at over 40 doors. I just flipped one independent to Republican, and I registered two new voters so far. Let's do this. Let's win Nevada.
Tiffany from Nevada. How great is that? Out there in the streets, talking to people. The force multiplier power of this audience can win the election. Join the citizen force and become a force multiplier for your community and your country. It could be as easy as a bartender, a barista. It could be as easy as a neighbor. One conversation a day. Just one conversation a day. It could be as easy as an Uber driver, a taxi driver, a friend.
Just one text message. Patty says, I have a 33-year-old daughter who has never registered to vote. I've been begging and pleading her to do so. However, she does not want to be called for jury duties as an excuse. She's very engaged in the political fight we're having as Trump support. Honestly, your daughter is not a patriot if she will not just register to vote and fill in a ballot. The rule for life is if everybody did what you did, how would the world look? And if everybody did what your daughter is doing, the world would look like a socialist hellscape. Who cares if you call for jury duty?
It's just part of the game. Figure it out. Sign up and go vote.
Can you please give me advice on how to proceed in getting her registered? I mean, I gotta be honest, Patty. You gotta be more forceful there.
You are not a patriot if you are not voting, period. You're something else. Joining us now is Liz Collin from Alpha News. She also produced The Fall of Minneapolis and she is an expert on Governor Walz. Liz, welcome back to the program. Liz, the media is calling Governor Walz a moderate. What is your take?
Thanks for having me back on, Charlie. I would say the evidence shows he is anything but. We're going to see the media do their part and portray him as something he clearly is not.
We've been covering him for years at Alpha News. Much, I think, is exposed in The Fall of Minneapolis. I know that's when I was last on your show talking about how he handled the riots. I would say mishandled the George Floyd riots and the evidence is all there in that free documentary for people to see for themselves.
The city of Minneapolis was allowed to burn for days before calling in the National Guard. 1,500 businesses either damaged or destroyed. $500 million in damage.
A police force in Minneapolis that has dwindled now to nearly half of what it once was in the beginning of May of 2020. He helped to push this very dangerous and divisive narrative when there was so much evidence that really countered what he was telling the public and nobody was pushing back on this. Those lies were allowed to be told in Minneapolis and spread all across the world. In a way, it seems as if he's almost being rewarded for some of those things that took place in 2020.
But this goes beyond what took place even with the rioting and his anti-police rhetoric that has been documented for years. We've had record fraud in the wake of COVID and very questionable things he did during the pandemic here in Minnesota. We have the most extreme abortion law in the country on the books now. Thanks to Governor Walz, we have a trans refuge state in Minnesota.
You can go ahead and change your gender here as a child without your parents' permission and you're welcome in this state to do so. I could go on and on about his so-called accomplishments in this state, but this by far will be the most extreme ticket in US history. I want to emphasize one of those. There's a lot there. Let's talk about the Floyd Riots. During the Floyd Riots, Governor Walz sat on a request from the National Guard for 20 hours. What is the significance of that?
That is a lifetime. Think of how long 20 hours is when there's a crisis going on. What is the significance of that? Very early on, you had protests. Even that night and such, things were gathering the next day, but nothing to the extent we saw in days two, three, four of all of this. I know my husband was serving as the police union president at the time, so I actually even have a lot of video on my phone from back then with him calling people he knew at the Capitol to say we need the National Guard here. That was the very first day, just to sort of quell some of these tensions they were seeing, but rather than following through. Keep in mind, Walz is a retired National Guardsman himself. I know that there's more to come out that we've covered on Alpha News about his military past as well, how he was using a rank that he did not serve in until many people pushed back.
There's a whole story there on Alpha News that we can talk about as well. But yes, he sat on that request. Not only that, but he made this all about race. He talked about how the protests, the protesters were righteous and encouraged them all to basically continue to be out there. It was just sort of wild. People were questioning, live on the air at the time, where is our governor?
What is he doing? These stories have followed him to this day. This simply did not have to happen. There's been riots in this area before, but never has there been this has there been this movement to do nothing in their wake.
And that was led by Governor Walz. shape all night long so you get the best sleep of your life. But that's not all. Get their six piece kitchen and bath towel set for only $25. The brand new mattress topper for as low as $69.98 and their famous MyPillow bed sheets for as low as $25 and so, so much more. Go to mypillow.com or call 800-875-0425. Use promo code Kirk to get huge discounts on all MyPillow products, including the premium queen size MyPillow for only $19.98.
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Wonderful organization, mypillow.com. So Liz, can we talk, I don't know how caught up to speed you are on the DUI, but the DUI is really something else. He has lied about this repeatedly. Walz was arrested for driving 96 miles per hour in a 55 mile per hour zone, and then blew a 0.128.
That is really bad. But just as bad as that is, he'd lied about it ever since. He's repeatedly claimed that he wasn't drunk and instead blamed it all on being deaf. But the court transcripts tell a different story. This guy pretends that he is kind of this Midwestern dad, but he went 96 in a 55 mile per hour zone.
Can we expect mad the mothers against drunk driving coming against Tim Walz? Yeah, it's interesting that the lies start decades ago with Tim Walz. But you're right, he lied to a police officer, said he was deaf in one ear. And this is actually why he left the state of Nebraska. He was fired from his job back then as a coach and teacher and relocated to Minnesota where his wife is from the area. And he claims to be this, as you said, this Midwesterner, this Minnesota native. I mean, he's anything but.
But our local media does their best. I think giving out his tater tot hot dish recipe was an actual news story I saw a couple days ago. And then there was a list of his top 10 dad jokes.
It's really quite crazy how he's been propped up and put up on this pedestal. But those lies continue, Charlie, certainly with his military service. Basically, it was back in 2005 on April 1st that he was told that he was to deploy to Iraq. He was the highest commissioned ranking officer at that point in his unit. And he was given the title of command sergeant major. But it was about six weeks after that, that he said, you know, nope, I'm not going to do this.
I'm quitting the military. And this is when he ran for Congress. So I spoke at great length to the man who took his place, who eventually became command sergeant major.
Tom Barrens is his name, a farmer in Minnesota who took his place. But there was this feeling among his unit that, you know, why would you do this to us? They had known him for quite some time.
Not only that, but he then takes that command sergeant major title that they gave him only to deploy. That was part of the promotion, certainly. And he was using it in his run for Congress and basically used it up until just a couple of years ago, until many of these men came forward in much of our reporting to call him out for it. But this was a story they tried. You know, stolen valor seems to be newsworthy, that's for sure. But these guys tried to get the attention of our local media in Minnesota. They all agreed, hey, this is a good story, but we're not going to cover it.
So I did a long detailed story about that. It is stolen valor. It is despicable.
He abandoned his unit and then used it to run for Congress. Can you also just give us more detail about what the trans laws that he has championed in Minnesota are? What is legal?
What is allowed? If a 13-year old wanted to get their breasts chopped off, which I'm sure happens frequently in Minnesota, can they do that without parental consent in the state of Minnesota? Yeah, as far as I know, they are the most extreme laws in the country, even more so than, you know, other states that certainly are in the news more, you know, like California or Oregon or whatnot.
But yes, if parental figures are not willing to go ahead and go through, you know, so-called gender-affirming care with their children, they can come to Minnesota and do just that. And that is also on Governor Walz's watch. You know, I know that the fall of Minneapolis is getting a lot of attention. We put this documentary out about eight months ago now, which I'm thankful for.
People do need to wake up and watch this. But even after putting that documentary out, Charlie, there have been five first responders murdered in Minnesota in a 13-month period, four police officers and a fire medic. That doesn't make the news much here either, but that's all under Governor Walz's watch as well. So Liz, can you talk about the feeding our future fraud?
There's just so much here when it comes to Governor Walz. What is the feeding our future fraud? Yeah, Charlie, so this is the highest dollar amount of fraud in the wake of COVID recorded across the country, $250 million. But we have, I think, more than 70 people who were charged in the wake of this. Basically, these different sites were popping up all around Minnesota, mostly the metro area. And people would say that they were serving, you know, thousands of children these meals each and every day and submit to the state for reimbursement and the federal government as well. Well, this was not actually happening. This was all just part of fraudulent checks that were coming in the mail to these people.
Many have been found guilty at this point, but some other cases, I'm not even sure where they will end up going. People bought homes, boats, different things. But the largest fraud perpetuated in Minnesota, not only that, that totaling $250 million also on Governor Walz watch. You have about 250 million more in fraud that has been discovered recently. This is Medicaid fraud, different things that were happening, fake trips that were being reimbursed to different doctors' offices and whatnot. We've done extensive reporting on Alpha News about this fraud as well. It's really shocking that this has all happened just in the last few years. It receives just a bit of attention here locally.
But this state has now become ripe with fraud, again, all under the leadership of Governor Walz. Thanks so much for listening, everybody. Email us, as always, Freedom at CharlieKirk.com. Thanks so much for listening and God bless.
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