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Harris/Walz — The California Communist and the Minnesota Marxist

The Charlie Kirk Show / Charlie Kirk
The Truth Network Radio
August 6, 2024 4:03 pm

Harris/Walz — The California Communist and the Minnesota Marxist

The Charlie Kirk Show / Charlie Kirk

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August 6, 2024 4:03 pm

Kamala Harris looked at her VP options...and she blinked. Rather than select Pennsylvania's Josh Shapiro and risk inflaming the far left, the Kamala campaign chose Minnesota Governor Tim Walz, a radical who happens to be a walking oppo research file. Charlie digs into Walz's appalling record and how Democrats may have talked themselves into a true disaster of a pick.

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Hey everybody, Tim Walz is the vice presidential nominee for the Democrats. Kamala Harris goes straight to the left and picks a Minnesota Minneapolis Marxist.

We go through in great detail what he stands for and the threat that he poses to the United States of America, the most liberal ticket in American history. Email us as always freedom at and subscribe to our podcast. Open up your podcast application and type in charliekirkshow. Get involved with Turning Point USA at Become a member today,

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Go to There's a lot of backstory here about how Kamala Harris came to her selection of Governor Walz. You see, Kamala Harris was going to choose Josh Shapiro. All of the Democrat machinery was heading towards Josh Shapiro. The betting odds had an 80 percent chance that Josh Shapiro was going to be the nominee.

He canceled events in the Hamptons. He was telling his closest friends that he was going to be the vice president selection. It looked as if that no one could disagree. Shapiro won in 2022 by 15 points. He's well-liked in Pennsylvania, even though I don't think he should be. He raises a bunch of money. He's very dynamic, very charismatic. Josh Shapiro seemed to be the no-brainer choice. If you win Pennsylvania, your chances of winning the presidency go upwards of 75 percent.

If you are Donald Trump and you win Pennsylvania, you have an 85 percent chance of winning the presidency. Kamala Harris had everything lined up. It was ready to go with Josh Shapiro and something changed on Friday evening.

There was an advertisement that was dropped by mistake by the Philadelphia mayor, where they announced the Josh Shapiro decision preemptively because everything was almost a signed, sealed and delivered deal. Now, mind you, the media has done almost no coverage of this because they are carrying the water of Kamala Harris. They don't want to try to do the inside story of how Kamala Harris didn't want to have a Jewish person on her ticket. Kamala Harris didn't want a Jew on her ticket. That's the buried lead today.

We'll get into that. So on Friday night, it all changed because it became as if a very certain fact that Josh Shapiro was going to be the VP and the Democrat base lost their mind. The Democrat base took to Twitter. They took to social networks and said, we are not going to put up with a Jewish American who is pro-Israel to be on the ticket.

The Jew hatred and anti-Semitism, the Democrat party unleashed like a volcano. And Josh Shapiro thought he had it done. He says, I'm the governor of Pennsylvania. Pennsylvania is a key state. I'm going to be able to drive turnout. I'm going to be able to win the state. And by the way, Pennsylvania will likely be decided by 100,000 ballots in one direction or 100,000 ballots in another direction.

It'll be between a 200,000 ballot swing. And so Josh Shapiro very well would have helped Kamala Harris at least devise a ground game. He knows the state well. He'd be able to lend a fair amount of support to her campaign. He'd have the power of the incumbency. Remember Josh Shapiro was also attorney general during all the changing of the COVID rules during 2020. He knows every judge. He knows every nook and cranny of Pennsylvania, but something changed over Friday and Saturday. And Kamala Harris second guessed herself.

She blinked. We don't know the full story, but based on reporting, Kamala Harris thought that Josh Shapiro was a little too ambitious. Fetterman went to the media and said, you can't trust this guy. Obama always liked Walls because Walls is a party loyalist.

Walls is someone that will do the bidding of whatever the party tells him. So Kamala Harris blinked. Shapiro was without a doubt the better choice. The Democrats made a major mistake here.

Kamala Harris made a tremendous mistake here. Shapiro would have helped in Pennsylvania. He would have helped the suburban voters. Shapiro would have given an amazing barn burning DNC speech because he is naturally gifted at speaking.

The media momentum and propulsion would have been largely overwhelming. Now there are some negatives with Shapiro. Shapiro would have caused the DNC to be bedlam because the Democrat party can't stand Jews. And so it just would have been a major 1968 convention in Chicago. Shapiro also has some sexual harassment stuff, but more than anything else, reporting shows that Kamala Harris did not trust Josh Shapiro because he was too ambitious.

He wanted it too much. And she went with the safe pick. Now on paper, you'd think that a Midwestern governor like Tim Walls, he's like a folksy Midwesterner, loyal party guy, served as a member of Congress, a former teacher, governor of Minnesota. He's the safe pick. He's the safe pick if you want to now be described as the most liberal ticket in American history. Overall, I would rather bank on attacking a vice president as two left-wing than count on a left-wing Democrats revolting against their VP as two centrists. To be perfectly clear, I think Democrats would have come home even if they would have chosen Shapiro.

I think they would have been able to make that argument. This idea of Democrat-based leakage, I think they blinked far too much. And they said, well, Walls is going to be able to consolidate the ticket because he is a party loyalist. He's a Soviet. It's effectively like choosing Bernie Sanders.

And that is not an exaggeration. So Tim Walls was the backup choice. Now they did not go with Mark Kelly, the Arizona astronaut, as Mark Kelly has not been exactly a great husband to Gabby Giffords. And he also did a lot of contract deals with the Chinese Communist Party. So they discarded him. And Kamala Harris is broadcasting to us and her team that they need to win the blue wall.

They're kind of saying that the sunbelt will be nice, but we have huge concerns about Wisconsin, Michigan, and Pennsylvania. So Josh Shapiro had just got publicly humiliated. You just got punked, Josh Shapiro. You did everything that you could to become VP.

You were loyal. You attacked Trump. You went on TV and tried to rationalize your pro-Israel views. And they still cast you aside because the modern Democrat party cannot stomach a Jew being a vice president.

It is that simple. They cannot stomach that in the modern Democrat party. I wish that was not the case, but Josh Shapiro being Jewish and pro-Israel was the deciding factor here. So now here enters Governor Walls. Governor Walls has almost no name ID. People don't know really anything about him. Oh, but they're learning in real time, large in part thanks to our social media and this program. Tim Walls by background says he served in the military, but his military record is very suspicious.

And we will hit that. Was a member of Congress, former teacher, likes to talk in that folksy Midwestern parlance. Tim Walls is a Minnesota Marxist. Kamala Harris achieved something rather remarkable here. She was able to find one of the seven people in the Democrat party more liberal and less impressive than her.

It really is an accomplishment. There's like seven people that would fit that criteria. Like maybe Cory Booker, Ron Wyden, the guy from Vermont, Peter Welch. She found the one person who will actually make her unlikability even more of a problem because Kamala seems likable when you compare to Tim Walls. What has Tim Walls done as governor?

We are going to go piece by piece, bit by bit, element by element. But it is very clear before we get into the comprehensive takedown of Governor Walls, just facts, no hyperbole, that Kamala Harris is held hostage by the Hamas wing of the Democrat party. That Kamala Harris is very worried about a base revolt and Kamala Harris is worried that they will Joe Biden her. So she wanted someone who was loyal to the party above all, not someone like Josh Shapiro, that is more ambitious than her. Even though Josh Shapiro would have been able to increase her chances in the must win state of Pennsylvania, even though Josh Shapiro would have been able to increase her probability of winning suburban voters, she went with an unimpressive potato who is more liberal than Bernie Sanders in some ways.

And wait till I show you his track record. From sanctuary cities, driver's license for illegals, open borders, amnesty, gun grabbing, trans surgeries, post birth abortions, the record is breathtaking. America is not as liberal as Kamala Harris and Tim Walz. And she has now set herself up for a massive repudiation. America is a center, if not center right country.

And she just chose a Marxist to run alongside her California communist tendencies. A.I. might be the most important new computer technology ever. It's storming every industry and literally billions of dollars are being invested.

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Go to Oracle dot com slash Kirk, Oracle dot com slash Kirk. So Tim Wells is the vice presidential selection for Kamala Harris. I want you to think back to your high school days. I want you to think of the most liberal, obnoxious social studies teacher, the one that would tell you things that have no applicable applicability to reality, someone who's never had to run a business or had to shower before work or after work, someone that lives in the clouds and constant abstractions, someone that would always tell you that communism hasn't been totally tried and that socialism is just about being a neighbor to one another. That is Tim Wells. Tim Wells is that obnoxious social studies teacher. I have nothing against teachers.

Obviously, teachers are amazing and important in society, but certain teachers, as you all know, are ones that will drive you nuts because they've never done anything in their life. And by the way, before I go any further, Tim Wells is military, track record, very, very suspicious and worthy of examination. So Tim Wells is a social studies teacher who has brought these radical left wing ideas into Congress and then into the governor's mansion. So who is Tim Wells?

Well, it's time that we make sure America knows who you are. Tim Wells helped ignite the George Floyd riots, the worst the country had seen in decades. While Minneapolis burned, he stalled on deploying the National Guard for an entire day, blaming the city for not submitting the right paperwork. Tim Wells let his daughter leak the guards deployment plans online so that rioters would know how long they had to loot the city with impunity. Minneapolis is a war zone because of you, and one of the precincts likely would not have fallen if it was not for Tim Wells.

Just days after the attempted murder of Donald Trump, you called him and his supporters fascists, egging on the same rhetoric that led to him being shot in the first place. Tim Wells has overseen some of the most radical youth trans surgery laws in the country. Under Tim Wells' leadership, teenagers can get their breasts chopped off and get sterilized. He calls it health care all without parents consent, permission or notification. Tim Wells has the most radical abortion laws in the country, zero limits. Did you know every year five or six babies are born alive and then murdered legally under the laws that he supports? And then there's immigration. On issue after issue, Tim Wells makes Bernie Sanders look like a moderate from the burning of Minneapolis to the rioting, to the looting, and now to open borders.

And we will play the tape itself going through what Governor Wells has done in Minnesota. He is dangerously liberal. And now you are looking at the most left-wing ticket in American history, Kamala Harris, a California communist, and Tim Walz, a Minnesota Marxist pair up to try to deliver a death blow to the United States of America. Interestingly, Tim Walz puts abortion in a winning position for Republicans. While most Americans are not nearly as pro-life as I am, most Americans believe that there should be some reasonable restrictions against late-term abortion. Even people that would call themselves pro-choice or pro-abortion say late-term abortion is too much. That is when the baby has fully and completely developed, we're talking about 22, 23, 24 weeks. In Minnesota, they are one of the late-term abortion capitals of the country, where according to reporting that is going to come to the surface, even more so in the next coming days, babies are born alive and then legally killed once they are born alive in the state of Minnesota.

About five or six a year. Tim Walz is totally chill with that. So now in a debate, President Trump with Kamala Harris or J.D. Vance with Tim Walz can say, wait a second, we want to bring it back to the states, but in the state of your running mate or in the state of you, Mr. Walz, you're going to make or in the state of you, Mr. Walz, Governor Walz, there are no restrictions whatsoever on abortion. Additionally, Tim Walz is an open border zealot.

He has repeatedly advocated for driver's licenses for foreigners, sanctuary cities. So let's go piece by piece. I'll allow you to be the judge. Kamala Harris could have run to the center. Kamala Harris could have moderated herself, but instead she selected one of the most radical, out of touch people that they could find in the entire Democrat roster.

Let's play cut 39. Should Minnesota be a sanctuary state? If the definition of that is that the federal government enforces immigration law and local law enforcement enforces local law, then yes. Should cities be allowed to be sanctuary cities? Yes.

Local control. Tim Walz also signed into law giving driver's licenses to illegals regardless of their immigration status. He will enshrine Biden's invasion. He will make it permanent.

Play cut 44. It's done. A packed room at the St. Paul armory erupted after the governor's signature made driver's license for all the law of the land.

It is done. Governor Walz signs giving illegals driver's licenses. Tim Walz on CNN saying that he should invest in a ladder factory to help foreigners climb the border wall.

Play cut 42. And I think seeing a plan that's out there talking about it with folks, knowing that he's not going to do anything. He talks about this wall. I always say, let me know how high it is.

If it's 25 feet, then I'll invest in the 30 foot ladder factory. That's not how you stop this. During the BLM riots, Governor Walz was talking about equity, saying that they want fundamental change, not talking against the riots, talking against the against the bedlam that was caused where Minnesota was burned to a crisp.

Play cut 40. A society that does not put equity and inclusion at the center of it is certainly going to eventually come to the places where we're at. This is a moment of inflection. It's a moment of real change. It's a moment that those folks who are out there demanding this are not going to take a commission or a report. They're going to want fundamental change. And that is what I think that's one of the exciting things in the midst of all this.

You can feel a sense of optimism coming back. This is during the riots. The New York Times reports two days after George Floyd died, with protests in Minneapolis turning increasingly violent, the city's mayor, Jacob Freeh, asked Mr. Walz to please deploy the National Guard.

Hours later, the city's police chief submitted a written request for 600 troops. But it was not until the next afternoon that Mr. Walz signed an executive order allowing the Guard to assist cities. It was obvious to me that he froze under pressure, under a calamity as people's properties were being burned down, said state Senator Warren Limmer, a Republican who helped lead a committee that investigated the response to the unrest. Walz's person sympathies towards protesters might have delayed a more muscular response. So here the riots were ongoing. And when riots are happening, an hour is a lifetime.

An hour is a day. And Tim Walz waited and waited while Minneapolis was being incinerated. Under Walz, Minneapolis became an active war zone. He waffled for 20 hours in inexcusable and insane delay, where the National Guard, once they were deployed, they were able to quell the rebellion.

That is Tim Walz. Doesn't just mask pain, helps reduce or even eliminate it. Wherever you're hurting, back, neck, joints or muscles, in three weeks or less, you'll start to feel the difference all day, every day. So whatever you like to do, swimming, pickleball, hanging out in the garden, Relief Factor can help you feel good again and let you enjoy all your favorite outdoor activities all summer long. Go to or call 1-800-4-relief and save on your first order. That is 1-800-4-relief. Fight pain naturally with Relief Factor. Relief Factor can help you feel good again and let you enjoy all your favorite outdoor activities. So go to

That is or call 1-800-4-relief, Let's play Cut 51. JD Vance says, on one side, you have Tim Walz that allowed the riots to happen. On the other side, Kamel Harris donated to get the rioters out of prison. What a one-two combo.

Play Cut 51. This is a guy who's proposed shipping more manufacturing jobs to China, who wants to make the American people more reliant on garbage energy instead of good American energy, and has proposed defunding the police just as Kamala Harris does. I think it's interesting, actually, they make an interesting tag team because, of course, Tim Walz allowed rioters to burn down Minneapolis in the summer of 2020, and then the few who got caught, Kamala Harris helped bail them out of jail.

So it is more instructive for what it says about Kamala Harris that she doesn't care about the border, she doesn't care about crime, she doesn't care about American energy, and most importantly, she doesn't care about the Americans who have been made to suffer under those policies. JD Vance is in tip top shape right now. He's in great form. JD Vance is commanding a national audience right now on Real America's Voice, on Fox, all the major networks, and he should be. Can you imagine now a Walz-JD Vance debate? And just so we are clear, the weird one is that creepy person Tim Walz. Tim Walz gives you very creepy vibes. He's the one that mandated tampons to be in boys' bathrooms at the age of 10.

True story. He's the one that says that a child can get the most aggressive trans surgeries without parental consent or notification. That's weird. That is creepy.

I guess now we can call other people weird. The media has allowed that. The reason why Tim Walz was selected, he was not the first pick, he was the radical kind of, I guess not, is because the Democrat party hates Jews. Van Jones admits that Kamala picking Walz was her caving to some of the darker parts in the party, is appeasing the anti-Jewish bigots that have gotten marbled into this party.

Van Jones knows, and he's saying the quiet part out loud. If you are a Jew in America, just remember this. Democrats hate you. So just to recap, Minnesota governor mandated tampons to be made available to 10-year-old boys in all schools in Minnesota, gave driver's licenses to illegal aliens, wants widespread gun confiscation, is an open border zealot. He believes in taxpayer-funded tuition at all colleges and universities. He wants to get rid of all fossil fuels by 2040. He's a climate change environmentalist and radical. He oversaw all the Floyd riots and sided with the rioters for over 20 hours and refused to deploy the National Guard, which has irreversibly damaged both the aesthetic, the fiber, the backbone, and the soul of Minneapolis. He is responsible for that. Minnesota has the most radical abortion laws in the country with no restrictions whatsoever, where babies are born alive and then are terminated. The trans laws are the most radical in the country, where teenagers can go without their parents permission or consent and get medically mutilated irreversibly and get chemically castrated. He has overseen that. It's not an abstraction for him.

It is a reality. He has bragged that Minnesota is a trans sanctuary state for young people, so extreme that even the United Kingdom has outlawed such measures. 85% of Americans are against medical mutilation for minors. And that's just off the top of my head. He oversaw the single worst fraud of the COVID era, the Feeding Our Future case. Thanks to his ineptitude at the Department of Education, criminals stole $250 million of taxpayer dollars to spend on luxury cars, houses, and vacations.

He also approved a $500 million in hero pay for frontline workers, only have 40% of that money to people who are actually ineligible, or in many cases, literally deceased. In the House, he was a far left-wing Democrat that would ever Pelosi wanted at any time. But he was selected not because he's a good candidate. He was selected because everyone thought it was going to be Shapiro, but the bigots in the Democrat party would not put up with it.

Van Jones says the quiet part out loud. He reveals that it was the darker elements of the Democrat party, the base of the Democrat party, who are Jew haters. That is why Kamala is stuck with a Minnesota Marxist, play cut 53. On the one hand, you have a lot of young people who are concerned about Gaza. You have a lot of Muslims and Arabs and others.

They had not felt seen by the Biden administration. You start hearing that genocide joke that was building, that was building. And so those folks needed to have a candidate that they could feel comfortable with.

This helps them in that regard. But you also have anti-Semitism that has gotten marbled into this party. You can be for the Palestinians without being an anti-Jewish bigot, but there are some anti-Jewish bigots out there. And there's some disquiet now, and there has to be how much of what just happened is caving into some of these darker parts in the party. So that's going to have to get worked out.

It's going to have to get talked through. Shapiro would have been a much better pick for Kamala Harris. There is no two ways about it, but she was worried about a 1968 convention of the DNC.

And her elders say, you cannot tear apart the Democrat party. Just so we're clear, Jews are still going to continue to vote in Democrats in major numbers. It's really sad. It's tragic. And is this not a perfect example of how the base of the Democrat party does not want Jewish Americans?

Doesn't really matter. But that's why Tim Walz is here. It's not like Tim Walz earned it or he's super impressive. He's a communist social studies teacher that was basically thrown into the role.

You go piece by piece. This guy is a walking opposition research file. You almost can't believe it. He created a snitch hotline during COVID to be able to tell on your neighbors. Donald Trump in the campaign is wasting no time whatsoever.

Let's play cut 52. Kamala Harris just doubled down on her radical vision for America by tapping another left wing extremist as her VP nominee. Tim Walz will be a rubber stamp for Kamala's dangerously liberal agenda, like allowing convicted felons to walk free, embracing anti-American Green New Deal policies, and giving up control of our southern border to criminal aliens and violent drug cartels. Kamala Harris and Tim Walz, they're failed, weak, and dangerously liberal.

And that is just a little bit of a taste. Kamala Harris is running to her left flank. She is betting on her ballot chasing, voter registration, and she is betting on their ability to manipulate this election. This is not about persuasion. This is not about winning over the middle. This is about their machine versus our versus our movement. Tim Walz is unimpressive.

He's a communist alongside of his fellow comrade from California. We dodged a bullet. The fact they didn't pick Shapiro, but don't celebrate yet.

They still think they can win by mass manipulation. Thanks so much for listening, everybody. Email us as always freedom at Thanks so much for listening and God bless. For more on many of these stories and news you can trust, go to
Whisper: medium.en / 2024-08-06 16:44:39 / 2024-08-06 16:55:19 / 11

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