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The UK Revolts Against The Great Replacement

The Charlie Kirk Show / Charlie Kirk
The Truth Network Radio
August 6, 2024 5:00 am

The UK Revolts Against The Great Replacement

The Charlie Kirk Show / Charlie Kirk

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August 6, 2024 5:00 am

The highest goal of the British government is systematically replacing the British people from their homeland. Now, the public is finally revolting against it. Raheem Kassam joins to explain why the UK is being convulsed in riots and what is likely to happen next. Plus, reporter Megan Brock explains how Harris VP favorite Josh Shapiro has targeted therapists and counselors who oppose the mutilation of Pennsylvania's children.

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Hey, everybody. It's time for The Charlie Kirk Show. Raheem Kassam joins the program as we discuss the United Kingdom. And then who exactly is Josh Shapiro? We dive into the radical background of Josh Shapiro.

He is a trans zealot. Meghan Brock joins the program. Email us, as always, freedom at Subscribe to our podcast. Open up your podcast application and type in CharlieKirkShow. Get involved with Turning Point USA at

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That's why we are here. Raheem, welcome to the program,, is that right? That's right. Second one. Excellent. Raheem, what is going on in the U.K.? There are riots happening across the United Kingdom. What's going on? What's going on, Charlie, is the very, very predictable eventuality of decades and decades of uncontrolled mass migration coupled with a complete and utter ignorance on behalf of the political class, but more like a willful turning of the back of the political class on predominantly white working class neighborhoods where demographics have shifted so drastically over the last 20, 30 years. Integration and assimilation has not occurred, really not in any reasonable part. And where you've got now this bizarre situation where people are protesting. Yes, some of the protests have turned ugly and violent and riotous, but people are protesting and being told, well, look, if you protest against this stuff, you know, you may end up in jail. And against the backdrop of all of that, of course, you've got conversations flowing all over the world about this stuff. Elon Musk has chimed into it, others as well. And it's causing quite the hassle for a brand new Prime Minister, Sir Keir Starmer, the Labour Party, the far, far left Labour Party that had just taken power.

And in amongst all of this, he decided that he was going to announce that he was going on vacation, having just been elected to office just last month. So you can probably you can probably understand a lot of the anger out there. I certainly understand almost all of the anger around there, the visceral anger out there, which really started just about over a week ago when these three children were murdered outside of a dance studio in Southport in the northwest of England. And the response from authorities, the response from police, the response from politicians was effectively, you know, we've heard this kind of meme-ified over the last decade now was the same that London Mayor Sadiq Khan kind of said about terrorism just all those years ago.

He said it's part and parcel of living in a major city. And unfortunately, for him, for Sir Keir Starmer, for the Labour Party, for the proponents of mass migration, the British public are not willing to sit by and allow it to be part and parcel of their day to day lives, certainly not be part and parcel of their children's day to day lives. The risks of getting stabbed and murdered outside a dance studio in Southport of all places should be zero, should be percentage wise zero. But in fact, it has been shown time and time again, and whether you take into account, you know, the Ariana Grande concert where that bombing occurred, whether you look at what's been going on in France, the church is burning down, you know, Europeans now, especially working class Europeans, whose fathers and forefathers built those nations with their bare hands, in many cases, are waking up to this and going, no more, it cannot keep happening. And you set that Charlie against the backdrop of mass migration being about a million people into the United Kingdom every year right now.

Remember, it's a country of about 65 million people. You take into account the fact that so many of these situations that you see across towns and cities, in England especially, are coming from neighbourhoods that have vast Pakistani, Bangladeshi, Muslim populations that really dominate culturally, and assert themselves very dominantly politically as well. You know, I've written two books about this now, No Go Zones back in 2017, which looked at the proliferation of mass migration and the concentration and how, you know, I just seen a new video came out, we've got it up at the National Pulse as well, of that happening here in the US too, in Hamtramck, liberals accepting now that in Hamtramck in Michigan, the Muslim populations, Bangladeshi, Yemeni, Muslim populations are rigging votes and rigging elections.

And you've seen it. And then I did a second one called Enoch Was Right. And that was about Enoch Powell, who was a British parliamentarian from the 50s and 60s. And he said, look, you know, if we do not bring mass migration under control, if we do not force integration upon a small number of people that we are willing to welcome in to the country, then you will have, and the terminology he used was rivers of blood, it was from Virgil's Aeneid. He wasn't being literal, but unfortunately, literally, we have started to see that now in my country. And there's, I know there's so much there, there's so much to unpack, Charlie, but really, the bottom line of all of this, and I know so much of your audience will know this to be a fact, it was eminently foreseeable, eminently predictable. And the response from the globalist left in Downing Street and in Westminster has been typically disgusting.

This is how you kill a civilized society. And so explain to me as an outsider to British politics, when Labour went from a organization that would try to defend the middle class in Britain to a neoliberal one to open up borders, is it similar to the United States? Has it been a long time coming? Help me understand that. Yeah, look, in a lot of ways, in 1997, when Tony Blair took office, he came to power as kind of this third way politician, really inheriting the baton from Bill Clinton in that regard, running on this kind of there is no left, there is no right, we're all centrists now, we're all moderates now, we'll take a little bit from there, a little bit from the other. And really, you know, pulling the wool over the public's eyes, because what they were really describing is unipartyhood, is globalism. And a lot of people kind of welcome this because they were tired in a post-war and post-Cold War world of the swings back and forth politically, and especially in the United Kingdom when you had, I mean, what a day to be talking about it today, but you had that massive market crash in 1992, which was really pushed upon Britain by none other than George Soros.

It put my family into bankruptcy, by the way. I have a direct gripe to have with Soros and his family, by the way, and that is an axe I will never stop grinding. Blair, one of his critical policies was open borders. He said, look, we're moving into the new millennium, we have to have a new approach to the way we deal with the world, a new approach to the way we deal with Europe and the European Union.

And of course, at the time, fantastical ideas were floating out there about a United States of Europe, a United European army, and this kind of, I would say, forward-looking, because that's how they described it, right? But this hyper-progressive, hyper-globalist Tony Blair and his cabinet, they decided that the way to really squash what they perceived to be the dying embers of political conservatism in the United Kingdom, and they were right to think of it like that, Charlie, because people will remember John Major after Margaret Thatcher, the complete fecklessness of the Tory party, the Conservative Party in England. So they decided the way to really stomp all of this out was mass uncontrolled migration. One of Tony Blair's own speech writers, I think at the time, said we will need to open the borders to rub the right's noses in diversity. Well, the right is now rubbing the Labour Party's nose right back in that same diversity, because as you say, the Labour Party used to be the party of the working class, not even the middle class, the working class. That was another thing that Blair had changed, by the way, which was really trying to shift the Labour Party away from its working-class roots and into this kind of middle-of-the-road, middle-class-but-upper-middle-class, globalist party. Hey, this is Charlie Kirk, and I know a lot of you have been suffering under the Biden economy.

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And other banks, by the way, had nothing to do with it, and they crushed it for me. 10 out of 10. So check it out right now, So Rahim, I just want to get one more thought on the United Kingdom here, and then we'll go to my homeland, America, and a country I know you have a great heart for and work for, What lesson can we learn from the UK and bring here to our immediate political reality in the States? Enough is the word.

I hate to put it in such drastic terms, but the best part of President Trump that I ever saw was when he was advocating for the travel ban. He said, we have to figure out what the heck is going on here, and that's right. We still have never got to the bottom of this thing.

You and I know what's going on here. We're mass importing people of, you know, they're not sending their best, let's put it that way. But barbaric types who have zero fealty towards the countries that they are being mass imported into, the overarching impetus for immigration, the corporate impetus for immigration is really no longer there. When you look at the Bank of England, at least for the UK, the Bank of England study that came out ahead of Brexit and showed, OK, mass migration is contributing about one pound in GDP for every citizen in the country. I mean, that is not a price at which you should sell away your culture.

One would argue there is no price at which you should sell away your culture, but certainly not for a pound per citizen. And I think, you know, most Britons, if they were being honest with themselves nowadays, and unfortunately, given the climate we live in, most people are encouraged to not be honest, either publicly or with themselves, nor with themselves, is to say, actually, we need a full, a full moratorium on migration until we can figure out what the heck is going on in our towns and cities. That is what I think lays at the heart of these protests. It hurts so much to watch because not only have we said that this was coming down the pipeline, but I've looked at those people, I've marched with those people who are now being demonized. 20,000 of us outside Downing Street just a couple of years ago marching for Tommy Robinson's freedom, by the way, when he was being imprisoned, illegitimately by the state, when isn't he being imprisoned illegitimately by the state, and heard these people's stories about what's going on in their villages, in their towns, in the suburbs of their cities, and what kind of world their children are being expected to be raised in. You know, the white working class children being bullied for the color of their skin in suburbs of Birmingham and London and Rochdale and Rotherham and so forth.

And of course, the mass grooming gang situation that is still going on to this day in the United Kingdom, but that has been swept under a rug by a political class, by a political establishment that does not want to have to look these issues in the face, doesn't want to have to take responsibility for those issues. So in a word, Charlie, enough. So Rahim, what is your state of the race right now, Trump versus Harris? It seems like it's changing by the day.

It's only been a 15-day race. The honeymoon period is ending. The market collapse seems to be inverting this race completely. What is your analysis as someone who has seen these movements ebb and flow over the last decade? Yeah, I mean, this is really going to be a race to the line. There's not really, I don't perceive a situation when either of these two camps, either of these two candidates really now amasses a massive lead in the polls, or in reality, quite frankly, between now and election day, we have to be ready for that slog every single day.

And it's going to come down to these sorts of things, right? There's going to be push polls. A lot of the stuff that you saw out of CBS and YouGov this weekend was garbage because they've changed one of the ideological methodologies in the waiting, how they come to a certain place. But at the same time, there are plenty of parts of that data set that we should be taking seriously. The voter enthusiasm rate on the left is a great example of that. 20 points up for black voters in terms of enthusiasm for Kamala Harris.

So it's going to be one of those kind of photo finishes, I think, and it's going to come down to who is better at mobilizing their base, who is better at the legal challenges that will necessarily ensue in critical parts of the country, and who is able more effectively, I think, to lay claim to a positive future for America. Now, if you look at today, if you look at the markets, it's going to be very difficult for Kamala over the course of the next few days to make that case, to state that case. And that's why she's not doing any interviews.

She either at the moment doesn't want to have to account for biodynamics, for the border and her parts and all of that. But President Trump also, I mean, he's out there every day. I see him doing a stream with some streamer today. It's got seven or eight hundred thousand live viewers.

It's absolutely crazy. But he also needs a little bit more of that 2016 spirit. Yes, they sort of swum through the primary process and swum through this summer on the back of the indictments and of course the assassination and the bump that he got from that. There's not going to be any more of that to come. So, you know, it's a really hard slog at this point.

Raheem Kassam,, thanks so much. Thank you, Charlie. Hey, everybody. Charlie Kirk here as we gear up for another important election year. Remember that we vote every day with our dollar. One of the best ways to support America is by buying from local farms and ranches. Good Ranchers makes this easy by delivering 100 percent American meat to your door. When you shop with Good Ranchers, you're not just getting the best meat for your family, but also supporting American farmers and ranchers. This year, instead of buying imported meat, cast your vote for American agriculture and local economy. I've used Good Ranchers meat for quite some time and they never disappoint. Whatever your choice of protein, you'll be pleased if you cast a vote for Good Ranchers. Use code KIRK for $25 off your order and your choice of free chicken breasts, ground beef, bacon or wild caught salmon for a year.

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Promo code KIRK. Joining us right now is Megan Brock, who is the author of a wonderful piece from the Daily Caller exclusive. Harris VP shortlister, by the way, shortlister is an operative description, given he is five foot three, collaborated with Trans Lobby to target counselors who don't gender transition kids. Megan, tell us about your story.

Hey, thank you so much for having me. Yeah, this piece is based on some FOIA documents I obtained from the Pennsylvania governor's office outlining how Governor Shapiro's administration pressured state licensing boards to adopt a policy statement that now is going to make it unprofessional conduct for nurses, doctors, therapists to put children on any pathway other than to affirm their so-called gender identity. So Shapiro makes himself seem like he's some sort of a moderate.

Let's go into the details of this. So he worked with the trans zealots to target counselors who don't put them on hormones. Is that right?

Correct. There's a concept called conversion therapy, which has historically meant to describe efforts to change someone's sexual orientation. However, there's been a push to include the word gender identity.

I'm sure you're familiar with that's what's going on with Title nine. They're including gender identity, which is really just an activist term to describe how you feel about your sex. So because the Pennsylvania state legislator is divided, there's been no success in passing a state law to ban this alleged conversion therapy. So instead, Shapiro's administration worked with activists, specifically the Trevor Project, to pressure these boards to adopt a policy statement that specifically says if you're a counselor or a nurse or a doctor and you're trying to help a child resolve their gender distress instead of putting them on a medicalization pathway, you are allegedly converting their gender identity and that is a fence that's punishable by the state board.

And that punishment could include possibly revoking a license. So what is the Trevor Project's involvement in all of this and what is the Trevor Project? They're below the surface, but they're awfully treacherous. Tell us. The Trevor Project is an LGBTQ activist organization. And what they were doing is they were working and meeting with the Shapiro administration to talk about how they could push this idea of banning, again, alleged conversion therapy.

That's something that is on their website. They're very open about this. And so there was a lot of communication.

I have FOIA emails showing they were meeting in person. One email from someone in the Shapiro administration actually said they were working with the Trevor Project to help find ways to amplify how the community could report people, report therapists who are helping children resolve their gender distress. So, I mean, there was a bit of a shocking amount of communication between the Shapiro administration and the Trevor Project. So I want to continue on your piece here at And he didn't just allow it. His office collaborated in conjunction with this. Michael Gere, president of Pennsylvania Family Institute, says, quote, These actions by Governor Shapiro hinders the ability of counselors and therapists to help their patients and threaten to punish those with convictions and sexuality and gender that differ from the governors.

So let me be clear. So Dr. Miriam Grossman, for example, she does not believe in hormones or puberty blockers or surgery for minors that might have gender dysphoria. She goes through a protocol called watchful waiting, which has always been the way to do this, that puberty is the solution, not the problem to such trans issues and kids can grow out of it. What would how would she be treated in Pennsylvania given this new order? Yeah, I think that there's a real potential that she could be reported to her state licensing board. So whether that, I guess that would be the state board of medicine, and they could launch an investigation and possibly hold her license up and possibly revoke it, put a penalty on it. Because she, how these state boards now, according to this policy view, if you're, say, a little girl, think she's a boy, and you're not telling her she's a boy, you're saying no, you're a girl.

Hey, let's watch, we have a watchful wait approach. Let's deal with maybe some other issues that is viewed as, again, you're trying to convert that little girl's gender identity, which is crazy. And in these policies, interestingly enough, it very specifically says gender transition services, so like where you just had mentioned the medical pathway, putting a child on puberty blockers, putting them on hormone therapy, getting them sex change surgeries. That's not viewed as converting a child's gender. It's not conversion therapy, which is really laughable.

It doesn't make any sense at all. So the policies are remarkable. Can we just talk also that this is more binding than law?

You talked about that in the piece as well. Yeah, well, you think about a state law. I mean, other states have passed laws that kind of bring the same effect. I mean, you have the process that our Constitution allows us, and that's where our representative government discusses these things.

And a law that's passed can be passed with amendments, or it could also potentially be overturned. What this is doing, it's actually going right to the heart of the therapist or doctor's whole employment. I mean, the state boards, it's worth noting that in Pennsylvania state boards are actually appointed by the governor and confirmed by the Senate.

So you have these board of six individuals who, if someone reports a license, they do have the power to revoke their license or administer other board disciplines. So that makes people scared. People have livelihoods.

You think about someone who's a doctor or a nurse or a therapist. I mean, they spent so many years to be able to perform that duty. And just the threat alone of potentially losing your ability to work and to provide for your family is going to have a chilling effect on the entire profession.

Without a doubt. And so this seems like classic case of left wing manipulating our institutions to work around the Democratic elected ways that we're supposed to govern our country. Oh, we couldn't pass a law? Then we'll have to have the state ethics board redefine what's ethical.

If you disagree with you're opposed to science, et cetera, et cetera, this is authoritarianism. No one actually voted for this or on this, correct? Correct.

Yeah. And I actually so I went through the meeting minutes. There were five different state boards that adopted an almost identical policy statement. And in one of the meeting minutes, someone brought up that they had tried to get a conversion therapy ban passed through the state legislature, but they found it was too deadlocked. So they had to find other issues. And I think that this is something that is happening very regularly that maybe the average person isn't aware of. But this is how the bureaucratic state, in my opinion, functions. If somebody can't get something through the legislative process to go to other ways to accomplish what they want. More broadly, when it comes to Governor Shapiro, what does your research demonstrate as far as his radical tendencies?

Because I imagine this is just one example of many. Yeah. So I'm born and raised in Pennsylvania. I spent 40 years there. And I unfortunately lived through the COVID mitigation in Pennsylvania, which was some of the most brutal in the entire country. And during that time, Josh Shapiro was the attorney general. So he was really the muscle behind all of these strong mitigation efforts. I think, for example, he took a friend of mine to the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania and lost trying to uphold an illegal mask mandate that mandated all kids through all of 2021 in Pennsylvania were required to wear a mask. So my experience is not one that he's been very radical. I said that he's a moderate, but as I found him to be very radical, he's all in with the trans agenda.

Recently, I mean, I linked to it in my piece. He was recently at a Pride festival where he said he actually was kind of boasting that he had fought in court for trans kids, which I think we know there's no such thing as a trans kid. There are two sexes.

There's male and female. And any child otherwise is really selling them a really horrible lie. Just speaking more broadly, when it comes to Pennsylvania, your reporting shows what do you think will be the determining issues and regions of Pennsylvania? As Pennsylvania is a beast, Erie is a lot different from Scranton and so on and so forth. Just looking at it objectively from an analytical perspective, what issues in areas will be the most consequential? I think that women's rights are a really big issue. I think that a lot of I know most of the people that I know from Pennsylvania have spoken to do not want men and women's sports. In the 2022 governor's election, I can tell you that my friends from Pennsylvania joked it was the abortion election. Not that that's funny, but I think abortion is a really hot topic in Pennsylvania.

And I don't know that I think the messaging and how it's sold is a big thing. So that's probably one of the top issues I think voters, at least in the cities, are going to be voting on. But it is a very diverse state and it's a beautiful state.

And I think that it's a state that deserves better than the radicalism that's coming from its government. Meghan, great reporting. Thank you so much. Thank you for having me. Are you ready to lose weight but not sure where to start? I understand.

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Check it out, We have an open border. Kamala Harris let 99 watchless terrorist suspects out of custody and into the United States to do harm to our country.

We have trans surgery for minors. We have looming war with Iran and Israel. We have a stock market collapse. But, hey, we have the entire media worried about J.D. Vance's comments about childless cat women three years ago. That's the number one news story. CNN is going around to senators and asking them about childless cat women.

Two rockets have been fired at Iraqi An-Al-Assad air base, which houses U.S. security forces. That's according to the Reuters news. This is going to end well. Borders are Kamala Harris oversaw the release of 99 people on the U.S. terror watch list, letting them go free within America's border after they were caught illegally entering America. Let's emphasize this. They didn't send these illegals back home.

They released them back inside America. Kamala Harris literally wants you dead. There is no excuse for this. Lock your doors. Buy guns. Vote Trump.

Let me say it again. Lock your doors. Buy guns. Vote Trump.

In that order. What is the excuse that Kamala Harris could give? By the way, she doesn't do press conferences.

She doesn't talk to the media. So how would we even know? But what excuse would Kamala Harris potentially say of why 99 potential terrorists were released into the homeland? Okay, let's say that half of them were not actually terrorists.

Let's just say that they were basically pretty good people. Okay, so then you released 44 terrorists into the homeland of this country? Let's say less than half were. Let's just say it's 40.

What is the reasoning that they could give for this? Bill Malusion reports, per Department of Homeland Security data between fiscal years 2021 and 2023, at least 99 illegal aliens on the FBI terror watch list were released into the United States after being arrested by Border Patrol at the southern border. Another 34 watch listed aliens are still in DHS custody. Additionally, DHS data provided to the committee reveals how the terror watch list aliens were different from the 36 different countries and have been apprehended at the southern border, including terrorists from Afghanistan, Iraq, Lebanon, Kyrgyzstan, Pakistan, Somalia.

Yeah, they're great. Syria, Tajikistan, Turkey, Uzbekistan, and Yemen. This is Kamala Harris is doing. I'm sure they're mostly peaceful terrorists. I'm sure they're mostly peaceful Mohammedans, mostly peaceful people that mean us harm. So at the very least, there's 50 sleeper cells in the interior of the United States. Are they going after our grid? Are they going to do an EMP? Are they going to blow up a school? Are they going after a hospital? Kamala Harris allowed them into the interior of the country. This is a direct decision made by Border Czar Kamala Harris. Oh, but J.D.

Vance is weird. That's what everyone should be talking about. That's all CNN and NBC are talking about. NBC News right now, I have it on. Today is National Friendship Day. I kid you not. Right now on NBC News, I'm looking at it.

National Friend Trip Day. Meanwhile, the market is down a thousand points. Iran is launching missiles at security forces that might house Americans in the Middle East. We have 99 terrorists that have been released into the interior of the United States. The mainstream media really treats all of you like idiots. This election will really be a test of how many, how powerful the media is, and I think they're waning in influence, but they still have a remarkable amount of power. Kamala Harris oversaw 99 people that were on the terror watch list and just released them into the interior of the United States.

Go ahead. And she did not send them back home. She didn't send them back to Nicaragua. These are just the ones we know about, by the way. There are probably hundreds that have come across the border that we don't know about.

These are the ones that we know about, and basically they say, oh, yes, hello. And they look at the papers. Oh, this is Mohammed Abdul, who is on our watch list because he bombed a village in Pakistan. Welcome to America.

That's how it works. Oh, this is Abdullah Al Shaheef from Kyrgyzstan. Oh, you're on the terror watch list because you killed seven people. Welcome to America. That's Kamala Harris. This should end her candidacy and her as vice president today, but the media won't touch it. That 99 terrorists are now in Cincinnati, maybe Phoenix, maybe Dallas, maybe Cleveland, maybe Chicago, maybe Oceanside. You are not safe in this country right now if Kamala Harris is vice president. Buy guns, lock doors, vote Trump. Thanks so much for listening, everybody. Email us, as always, freedom at Thanks so much for listening and God bless.
Whisper: medium.en / 2024-08-06 06:11:22 / 2024-08-06 06:24:55 / 14

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