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"The Most Horrific Sex Crime in British History" - How Britain Surrendered to Migrant Monsters

The Charlie Kirk Show / Charlie Kirk
The Truth Network Radio
January 6, 2025 8:00 pm

"The Most Horrific Sex Crime in British History" - How Britain Surrendered to Migrant Monsters

The Charlie Kirk Show / Charlie Kirk

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January 6, 2025 8:00 pm

For decades, British authorities sat silent while predatory immigrants raped and tortured the nation's children. Finally, Elon Musk is giving the story the attention it deserves, and Britain will never be the same. Charlie talks to Winston Marshall about the long-overdue reckoning. Plus, Charlie talks to J6 defendent Timothy Hale the three years he spent in prison before having his lawfare-driven conviction thrown out. Charlie also watches and reacts to Trump's certification as the president-elect.

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Hey everybody, today on The Charlie Kirk Show, we walk through the terrible horror of what is happening in the United Kingdom with Winston Marshall.

The January 6th defendant remembers what happened on January 6th and more. Email us as always, freedom at and subscribe to our podcast. Open up your podcast application and type in charliekirkshow. Get involved with Turning Point USA at That is I want to tell you guys about a very special giveaway.

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So check it out right now. slash inauguration. Buckle up, everybody.

Here we go. Charlie, what you've done is incredible here. Maybe Charlie Kirk is on the college campus. I want you to know we are lucky to have Charlie Kirk. Charlie Kirk's running the White House, folks.

I want to thank Charlie. He's an incredible guy. His spirit, his love of this country. He's done an amazing job building one of the most powerful youth organizations ever created, Turning Point USA. We will not embrace the ideas that have destroyed countries, destroyed lives. And we are going to fight for freedom on campuses across the country.

That's why we are here. Noble Gold Investments is the official gold sponsor of The Charlie Kirk Show, a company that specializes in gold IRAs and physical delivery of precious metals. Learn how you could protect your wealth with Noble Gold Investments at That is It's where I buy all of my gold.

Go to Right now, Congress is meeting to certify the 2020 election results. It'll be very interesting to see whether or not any Democrats object to the proceeding. That will be quite interesting. I don't know if they will.

We shall see. Email us as always, In just a second, we have Timothy Hale coming on. On January 6, Timothy Hale was a 30-year-old army administrator, national security contractor, and Internet satirist.

Tim arrived at the Capitol in a suit and tie and followed the crowd to the building and took selfies with statues. Despite being nonviolent, he served three years in prison. Four years later and three years in prison, 14 months in solitary, and then have to have his conviction vacated. We're going to go through that in just a second as the Congress is meeting to certify the election results. Mike Johnson and Kamala Harris are overseeing these proceedings.

Isn't it just amazing to see Kamala Harris have to certify the election that she lost? We have a special inauguration giveaway coming on The Charlie Kirk Show. If you guys are an annual member, the winner gets a round-trip ticket plus a guest.

Also, tickets to the inaugural ball. So check it out right now. We'd love to have you guys. Email us as always, and subscribe to our podcast. Also, do me a favor, guys, and download the Real America's Voice app. We love being on Real America's Voice. You can download the app and you guys can listen and watch this program 24-hour on demand. So it is the Real America's Voice app. That is the Real America's Voice app. You can also listen to us on the Salem Radio Network. Okay, as we wait for Timothy, let's play some pieces of tape here of just how the media has been setting up this day, how they are framing this day. Let's go to this one.

Play cut two, please. In the aftermath of the violence that occurred on January 6, 2021, Congress took steps to make it harder for Congress to overturn an election result. Back before then, the law allowed for one House member and one Senator to vote to overturn any individual state's election results. They got it by having one member from each chamber actually could force a vote in both chambers of Congress to get rid of that state's certified electoral result. But in the aftermath of 2021, Congress required now one-fifth of both the House and the Senate. That is a threshold for the number of members to actually agree to force a vote to overturn a state election result.

That much higher threshold will make it much harder for anyone to try to get rid of any electoral result that was certified by individual states. Joining us now as they are trying to frame it in that context is Timothy Hale, January 6 defendant who had his conviction overturned. Timothy, welcome to the program. Timothy, tell us your story. Well, first off, thank you so much for having me on, Charlie.

I appreciate the platform. I had a pretty egregious story, though unfortunately with January 6, it's not the most egregious. I was actually incarcerated with dozens of other J-6ers in the D.C. jail, what they call the D.C. gulag. And we were essentially deprived of our civil liberties for quite some time.

On January 6, as you alluded to in the introduction, I was working for the United States government and I was also an Internet comedian. And I was smeared as a domestic terrorist and a far-right extremist. I was denied bail. I was denied due process. I was denied access to religious services, basic medical care and what have you. Everything you hold sacred in the Bill of Rights was deprived of me.

But on January 6, I was in a suit and tie. I went to the Ellipse to hear President Trump speak. I didn't even know there was going to be a protest at the Capitol. Upon going there, the Capitol Police and Metro PD attacked the crowd. They sprayed us through flashbangs into the body of the public and body slammed old women and a myriad of other things. And the crowd reacted. There were agitators and provocateurs who were there to incite conflict with the police. And the police were more than happy to oblige. And so this is how January 6 escalated into a riot. It was not an insurrection.

President Trump did not direct us to commit crimes. I walked into the Capitol building because I followed a crowd and the doors were open. Forty minutes later, the Capitol Police asked me to leave and I left. And so after that, I was hunted down by the FBI and NCIS. And I was sentenced to four years in prison and I ended up doing three years on that bid.

There's a lot to talk about with regard to January 6, and I'm happy to answer any questions and elaborate. How did your life change because of this and go through the personal financial cost and difficulty that you had to go through because of it? Well, I suppose the first most obvious thing is that I—inevitably, I became a convict, though fortunately, my conviction has now been vacated a few weeks ago.

So there's that. Unfortunately, I had to serve three—I had to serve three years in prison before that would happen. So my sentence was front-loaded before I could actually get true justice. So the most obvious thing is that I was lied about, I was smeared, and I was denied due process. I was kept in captivity, and unfortunately, I was smeared. I worked for the United States government. I served my country honorably for 12 years. I served as an army administrator. I worked for the United States military.

I protected our country, and I was rewarded for this by being locked in solitary confinement for over a year. My health diminished. Fortunately, I had a strong mind, but I lost quite a bit. I didn't just lose my career, though. I lost my home.

I had an apartment that was—that's gone. But fortunately, most of the things I lost were material. But the things I am going to have the hardest time recovering is going to be my reputation. And, well, I can't get those three years of my life back.

Really, I can't get the last four years of my life back. And unfortunately, that's true for a lot of other defendants. And I don't—I'm not looking for pity because, as I said, I got off somewhat lucky compared to a lot of the men I was locked up with. They had families, and I did not. So they didn't just lose business opportunities. They didn't just lose homes. They, unfortunately, some of them lost their wives. And they've been kept from their children for many years. So I just—I wanted to be driven home that January 6 was a humanitarian disaster.

None of what they showed you on TV was true. But there are a lot of stories that need to be told about January 6. And mine, unfortunately, is just the tip of the iceberg. What do you think is the greatest thing we have yet to learn or discover regarding January the 6th? I would say the sheer level of infiltration.

The sheer level of infiltration. We know the names of several Antifa members who were there. We have reason to believe that there were hundreds, according to the confessions of some. But we also need to understand that there were plainclothes police officers there, Capitol Police and Metro PD, especially the electronic surveillance units. You had undercover FBI agents who were there. I and others have identified them. We know their names. And there were Defense Intelligence Agency assets there that were there that day.

There were people on satellite phones. And the government is covering this up. And I'm sure you saw the report recently where the government finally admitted in a report that, oh, there might have been 20 or so confidential human sources who were there. But most of them, most of them just happened to be there.

They weren't working. That's nonsense. I'm sure the number is far higher. And when Donald Trump takes office and we finally secure the Department of Justice, the Department of Defense, the Department of Homeland Security and all the other three letter agencies, I think we're going to see that there was a staggering level of infiltration.

And there were quite a few assets deployed there that day who were encouraging violence, who were encouraging breaches of the Capitol perimeter and who were inciting the crowd to go inside the Capitol. And of course, those entities largely face no consequences. If your approach to everyday aches and pains is to mask them, you know, feel better for a few hours only to have the pain return and then repeat the cycle all over again. It's time to try Relief Factor. And the good news is Relief Factor makes it quite easy.

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So don't mask your pain fight naturally with Relief Factor, relief factor dot com. So, Timothy, final question I just want to ask you before we cut into the Congress that is certifying the vote. What would it mean both for you and more broadly for all of the January six defendants to get a pardon on the first day from President Trump? Well, to an extent it would it would mean vindication.

But I you know, there are a lot of different cases with a lot of different factors and we've all had different stories. But I think I could speak for a lot of January six defendants where I where I say that a pardon would be welcomed. But what we really want is exoneration.

We want the world to know that we were innocent and that we were set up and we would like the evidence to finally come out to stop being hidden. And we want those who set us up to be held accountable. So I look forward to President Trump offering clemency to those who were behind bars still. I look forward to my friends from the Gulag being let out and rejoining their families. But more than anything, I want this country to be secure in the future. And I'm hoping that President Trump will ensure that those who held those who entrapped us, those who set us up and those who really tried to destroy our lives, that they're held accountable. I don't want revenge and I don't think most of us want revenge, but I do think we want justice. And that means holding those accountable.

So do you think that final question, a restitution, a payment of some amount to all the defendants for all that you guys had to go through? Is that something that is even on your radar? I mean, it should be. It's not it's not the primary thing that motivates myself.

And I don't think it's the primary thing that motivates most of us. But you have to understand as well, there's no way to get that time back for those of us who spent years behind bars. There's no way to simply snap your fingers and get your reputation back for those who've been smeared. There's no way to get back for many who many who lost their businesses.

These were red blooded, blue collar Americans, business owners. There's no way to undo all this damage. Even a pardon can't do all that.

And so I think restitution is probably appropriate. The question is, to what extent? A lot of people suffered much more. A lot of people were in solitary. Again, there's no way to quantify, as far as I can tell, just how much of a humanitarian disaster this was. I'm grateful for Patriot Freedom Project helping to support the families in the meantime. But there are going to be people who are still it's going to take years for people to recover. People who get out of prison are going to have to rebuild their lives.

And I think it's only appropriate to provide restitution for those people who've really been destroyed. Timothy, thank you so much. I deeply appreciate it. Thank you.

Thank you, sir. OK, let's cut right into Congress right now. Donald J. Trump of the state of Florida received three votes for president and J.D. Vann to the state of Ohio received three votes for vice president. Madam President, the certificate of the electoral vote of the state of Ohio seems to be regular in form and authentic. And it appears therefrom that Donald J. Trump of the state of Florida received 17 votes for president and J.D.

Vance of the state of Ohio received 17 votes for vice president. Madam President, the certificate of the electoral vote of the state of Oklahoma seems to be regular in form and authentic. And it appears therefrom that Donald J. Trump of the state of Florida received seven votes for president and J.D. Vance of the state of Ohio received seven votes for vice president. Madam President, the certificate of the electoral vote of the state of Oregon seems to be regular in form and authentic. And it appears therefrom that Kamala D. Harris of the state of California received eight votes for president and Tim Walz of the state of Minnesota received eight votes for vice president. Madam President, the certificate of the electoral vote of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania seems to be regular in form and authentic. And it appears therefrom that Donald J. Trump of the state of Florida received 19 votes for president and J.D. Vance of the state of Ohio received 19 votes for vice president. Madam President, the certificate of the electoral vote of the state of Rhode Island seems to be regular in form and authentic.

And it appears therefrom that Kamala D. Harris of the state of California received four votes for president and Tim Walz of the state of Minnesota received four votes for vice president. The certification is underway. Hey, everybody, Charlie Kirk here with New Year's resolutions. Many of us will vow to eat healthier, and that's a good thing. But what about your beloved pets and their nutrition? Naturopathic Dr. Dennis Black is on a mission to provide better nutrition for cats and dogs because truthfully, it's not what you are feeding your pet, it's what you are not, which is why he created rough greens and meow greens in the first place. Bring their dead food back to life with live vitamins, minerals, probiotics, enzymes, omega oils, antioxidants and so much more. All in their tasty formula your dog or cat will love. Improve your pet's coat, digestion and energy and have less vet bills.

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So good your pet will ask for it by name, slash Charlie. Okay, this is a very, very important issue here. Before I introduce our guest, let me kind of preface it.

Here's the basics. For decades, in all kinds of British cities, mostly the British equivalent of the Rust Belt and Appalachia, places with deindustrialization and downscale whites, there's been a massive resettlement, legal resettlement of Pakistani migrants. For decades, these Pakistani migrants have collectively groomed young girls, many not even teenagers yet, for abuse and sexual assault. The specific allegations are often really terrible, like women gang raped, burned with cigarettes, tortured in various ways. One girl went missing and was allegedly turned into kebab meat.

Her killers were set free after a jury could not reach a verdict. Now, police knew about this, but routinely did nothing because they feared accusations of racism. So they did not enforce the law. They did not go after this in the way they should have because they didn't want to be called a racist. The press knew about this too, but it wasn't covered much and politicians did nothing. People who talked about it or tweeted about it could end up investigated.

This all blew up because Musk finally started talking about it. And joining us now is Winston Marshall, host of the Winston Marshall Show. Winston, welcome to the program. Winston, educate our audience on what is going on in the United Kingdom with these raping migrant gangs.

Thank you, Charlie, for having me on your show to discuss this difficult topic. Yes, you've outlined it pretty well there for decades now, tens, if not hundreds of thousands of young British girls, predominantly white, but also a lot of Sikh girls picked out because they were kefir. And this was specifically said by some of the perpetrators. They were raped on an industrial scale, some of them even brutally tortured and murdered. You already referenced what happened to Charlene Downs, who was put into kebab meat, but other young girls have been killed. They include Lucy Lowe, Laura Wilson, Becky Watson, Victoria Goglia. There are there are many.

They are not household names, though they should be. This story has been attempted to be brought up by politicians, be they Labour or Tory, and by journalists over the last 25 or so years. Whenever it has come up, those people have been knocked down, vilified as racist. This started with Ann Cryer in the Labour Party back in 2003. But the same can be said for Sarah Champion, who was part of Jeremy Corbyn's Labour team. And she was forced to resign by Jeremy Corbyn when she wrote an article decrying the Pakistani Muslim rape gangs. Not only that, journalists have been called racist every time they've tried to discuss the issue.

Famously, Andrew Norfolk of the Times of London and his 2011 report. These are some of the most horrific murders and crimes. In fact, I would say it is the most horrific, terrible sex crime in British history.

And it was brought to global attention for the first time thanks to Elon Musk, who about a week ago dug up some old or retweeted, reposted some old clippings from transcripts and inquiries. A couple of which were, I think, about 10 years old, describing some of the torture of these young girls. I won't go into too many details, but some of these girls were doused in petrol. One girl, her whole house was set alight with her and her family. That's Lucy Lowe, were killed along the way. She was survived by her daughter, who was also a daughter of her rapist. And that perpetrator has not come to justice or so says the daughter. There are so many horrific details and really we could go on and talk at great length about this. Now, this has exploded again in the news and Elon Musk bringing it up.

Thankfully, and I am so grateful for this, it has made it a national and global story. But quite shockingly, I actually can't believe this, the response from the British left, from progressives, from the Westminster elite has not been to finally decry this wide scale raping of young British underclass girls. Not even working class, by the way, they're below working class.

This is the very poorest and like you described, like the equivalent of the Rust Belt in 50 towns and cities up and down our nation, from Edinburgh down to Bristol and everywhere in between. And the British left, unbelievably, instead of talking about the perpetrators, talking about who of the politicians, of the judiciary, of the police, of the social force, of local councils, they are going after Musk. It's quite astounding.

Now, our Prime Minister, Sakir Starmer, today, after a week, finally gave a press conference. You wouldn't, I couldn't quite believe this and I watched it this morning. Three questions were asked by the mainstream media about Musk before any question was asked about the rape gangs. This is how perverse the mainstream media are in our country. I don't even have the language to describe how perverse, how morally inverted this all is. Starmer's response, well, he tried to claim that his record as director of public prosecutions when he was head of the Crown Prosecutions Service, his record was that he had tried to do something about this.

Well, actually, the truth is rather more tricky. There's one story by the Daily Mail which was published last year. The investigative reporter Guy Adams discovered, and I quote, that during the period that Sakir Starmer was director of public prosecutions, there were, he attended 21 of 23 meetings in which the Sentencing Council formulated new guidelines relating to 50 different sex offenses. The crimes that were looked at during this review range from rape and sexual assault to prostitution, grooming, sex trafficking, voyeurism, exposure and child pornography.

Eventually, the council decided that 20 of these crimes could, in certain circumstances, be punished via community orders rather than prison sentences. Yes, you heard that right. And there's no record that Sakir Starmer objected to this, no written record at least. So not only did he do that, he said that those in Britain who wanted another public inquiry into the wired industrial raping of our children were on the far right bandwagon.

That's right. If you oppose gang rape of children, mass gang rape of children, you are part of the far right. So this is a very complex and big story. Musk immediately hit back on X responding, saying that actually he thinks that it would be Starmer who would be found guilty if there was truly to be an inquiry. Another thing about the inquiry that's worth noting, Jess Phillips, who rather ironically is minister of safeguarding, has rejected appeals from the people of Oldham, one of the towns in which famously these gangs were operating in, because that town had had an inquiry, but the inquiry was taken out by the council who the town said were complicit in this operation.

The inquiry found that although the girls had been let down, that there had been no cover up. Now, I don't know about you, Charlie, but you can't have the alleged perpetrators be involved in an inquiry into their own behaviour. In fact, at least one member of the council of Oldham was found to be part of the operating gangs and one of the rapists. So this is just quite something out. If I could summarise what had happened and tie it all together, it would be that the ideology of mass migration and multiculturalism, combined with a failure of local councils, local police, a fear, as you rightly pointed out, of being called racist, lest you call this out, from everyone, from those people up to the politicians and to the mainstream media, all of these people have this ideology of diversity is our greatest thing. They all have this ideology of mass migration, of multiculturalism, and that it's a good and that there's no downside. And as a consequence, the very most vulnerable in our society have been let down on a scale that is rightly shocking the world.

Winston, phenomenal summary. Thank you for that. We have some certification is by the way, Donald Trump is now certified the winner of the 2024 election.

So praise God for that. Why did this take so long to get covered? Why the indifference?

Why is it just kind of the shrugging? And I need to emphasise something you said towards the beginning. Hundreds of thousands of women.

Is that correct? Ann Cryer claimed that there might be up to a million. There are certainly tens of thousands and some different reports of up to hundreds of thousands.

The scale of it is yet to be totally brought to light. Why exactly has this been covered up? Well, anyone who dared say anything about it was called far right, was called racist. And so they were threatened by losing everything, losing their careers.

Indeed. Jeremy Corbyn, and as I said, sacked Sarah Champion when she brought something up. Gordon Brown, the former prime minister, whilst prime minister in 2008 said to the police, he put a circulation round to the police. He says, do not investigate the grooming gangs things. These children have made a quote. I've got to get this word right. It's absolutely shocking.

Lifestyle choice. This is this is from the Labour. The Tories have not been much better. Remember, they've been in power for 14 years. Rishi Sunak did do a task force in 2023. But little little came of it.

This has not been touched by anyone. Yes, there needs to be a proper inquiry, but there needs to be justice. These people need to be helping. And can I say as a Brit, if you're following this stuff on Twitter, you'll see a lot of the Westminster and the British establishment going after Musk.

Well, can I say as a Brit, thank you to Elon Musk for bringing this atrocity to the light of the world. Amen. Winston, thank you so much. God bless you and see you soon.

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Go to my pillow dot com and enter promo code Kirk. It is just a delicious ending to the story of twenty twenty four because now a new era is beginning. And as we look backwards, you couldn't write it better. It's just poetic. It's Shakespearean.

It has it's full of immense drama. Kamala Harris resides over the counting of the election results to have to declare herself the loser. Have to declare herself that she did not win.

Play cut 26. The votes for president of the United States are as follows. Donald J. Trump of the state of Florida has received three hundred and twelve votes. Kamala D. Harris of the state of California has received two hundred and twenty six votes. This announcement of the state of the vote by the president of the Senate shall be deemed a sufficient declaration of the persons elected president and vice president of the United States.

Each for a term beginning on the 20th day of January two thousand and twenty five. This is huge history, everybody, and I want to congratulate Kamala Harris for making history today. Kamala Harris is the first woman of color to ever certify her own election defeat, but we're not sure exactly what color she is.

It's a little unclear, but she is the first person of color to have to say, I am the loser. Donald Trump won so triumphantly. He won such a landslide. He won so overwhelmingly. You helped deliver the victory. They just they're defeated.

Here is the more operative and curious question. What did Kamala Harris have to drink this morning before having to certify these election results? She did not look good. It's good old mommy's little helper helper Valium. With she seems to me a wine drunk.

Half a bottle at lunch, full bottle at dinner, kind of that nice. In her opinion, measured drunk. She's recently seemingly forgot to know the words of the Pledge of Allegiance. So good riddance to Kamala. Today is a huge setback for the great reset. Today is a dark night of the soul for the globalists. And let us not get too cocky or too prideful. Let us not get too ahead of ourselves. Let us still stay in the humble place that we were when we were in midnight 2021, when they were raiding our homes and they were going after all of our friends and they were going after Bannon.

They were going after Navarro. Got to keep the foot on the gas. We we have 14 days. You know what happens in 14 days? In 14 days, Donald J. Trump says, So help me, God.

In 13 days and 22 hours, to be example, to be exact. Donald Trump says, So help me, God. We have a straight shot and a lesser appreciated little element that I can just say is just awesome. J.D. Vance from Ohio becomes the next vice president of the United States. That is pretty awesome.

I just kind of look at my life and look at how I played a small little role in all these things. We went all in on J.D. early in the Senate primary, not the Senate general in the Senate primary.

We went all in and J.D. Vance is now poised to become the vice president of the United States. The president said he's 14 days away.

Just awesome. Everybody, you can email us freedom at Charlie Kirk dot com. If you want to win a trip to the inauguration, it is for only annual members. It is Charlie Kirk dot com slash inauguration. Charlie Kirk dot com slash inauguration to win a trip to the inauguration. So go to Charlie Kirk dot com slash inauguration.

So. Charlie Kirk dot com slash inauguration. Remember this day, enjoy this day. It's going to kind of culminate in two weeks from now, and I want everyone to celebrate it. I'll be there in D.C. We're going to have a whole thing.

We'd love to have you have a turning point ball. We got a whole party. We got a whole thing. And it's worthy of celebration.

A send off that will be the send off of twenty twenty four. We say goodbye. We won the election and the beginning of a new era. And let us stay in that active posture. Remember the lessons of twenty seventeen. Remember the lessons of Mueller, of Comey, of Flynn, of struck strokes. Remember the lessons of Trimarella. Thanks so much for listening. Everybody email us as always. Freedom at Charlie Kirk dot com. Thanks so much for listening and God bless.
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