Hey everybody, it's time for The Charlie Kirk Show. Kamala Harris speaks and it does not go well for her. Speaking is not her strong suit.
Then we have Stephen Moore with an economic update and more out of men punching women in the face at the Olympics. Email us as always freedom at charliekirk.com. Subscribe to our podcast, open up your podcast application and type in charliekirkshow. Get involved with Turning Point USA at tpusa.com. That is tpusa.com. Start a high school or college chapter today at tpusa.com.
Become a member to get your mega hat and get to work. It's members.charliekirk.com, that is members.charliekirk.com. Buckle up everybody, here we go. Charlie, what you've done is incredible here. Maybe Charlie Kirk is on the college campus. I want you to know we are lucky to have Charlie Kirk. Charlie Kirk's running the White House folks. I want to thank Charlie, he's an incredible guy. His spirit, his love of this country. He's done an amazing job building one of the most powerful youth organizations ever created Turning Point USA. We will not embrace the ideas that have destroyed countries, destroyed lives, and we are going to fight for freedom on campuses across the country.
That's why we are here. Noble Gold Investments is the official gold sponsor of The Charlie Kirk Show, a company that specializes in gold IRAs and physical delivery of precious metals. Learn how you could protect your wealth with Noble Gold Investments at noblegoldinvestments.com. That is noblegoldinvestments.com. It's where I buy all of my gold.
Go to noblegoldinvestments.com. There was some very troubling economic news today. We're going to go into that with Steve Moore later in the program that could spell doom for this regime. There is something very, very disturbing on the economic horizon. We have been delaying and delaying and delaying the inevitable.
The economic catastrophe has been delayed and it is coming home at the latter end of this election cycle. But first, let's examine our current vice president and the Democrat nominee for president, Kamala Harris speaking. Do you know that since Kamala Harris has become the presumptive nominee or the effective nominee when Joe Biden stepped down, she has not done an interview? And up until late last night, she had not taken a single question.
Not a single question. This is worse than the Joe Biden basement strategy. You see, Kamala Harris speaking is not her strong suit. I really don't know what her strong suit is.
Maybe we can ask Willie Brown. I don't know what her strong suit is. But she's the vice president of the United States. She's objectively not a smart person. People have said that throughout her entire career.
She is woefully unimpressive. And she is a fake hologram that is being temporarily propelled by the momentum of the regime media, Hollywood celebrities. The more that people hear from her, the more they're going to say, Oh, I've been lied to. Again, think about how many things you've been lied to about from COVID to the vaccine, from the origins of COVID, the transmission of COVID, six feet apart, social distancing, shutting down schools, masks, that the vaccine is safe and effective, that early treatments are horse dewormer. We were lied to about the border.
They say the border is safe and secure. Inflation is not here. Inflation is a good thing. Inflation is transitory.
The economy is the best ever. Ukraine we were lied to about. We were lied to about Afghanistan. And you've been lied to about Joe Biden's mental acuity. And yes, you've been lied to about Vice President Kamala Harris. The more that she speaks, the more that it is clear that she is not up for this job. Not only not up for this job, it would be a stretch to try to make her a local district attorney, of which she once was. This is Kamala Harris with her first unscripted remarks. And I want to read the actual transcript here, because it's remarkable. You think you're running for the presidency, you'd have something really powerful to say. You're welcoming home prisoners in a prisoner swap deal, which I'm not going to get into. A lot of presidents do prisoner swaps. I think this is a bad deal. I'm glad to see Evan the reporter home.
That's not my critique here. You should compare, what we're going to do is compare Kamala Harris to JD Vance unscripted. You know, JD Vance did an entire unscripted press gaggle yesterday.
Donald Trump goes into the National Association of Black Journalists and receives the harshest questions that one person could receive. Here is Miss Harris, who is being temporarily propped up by all of this pent up momentum. I think this is going to come crashing down soon. If we continue to get the message out. I saw this this morning.
The first thing I saw when I woke up and I just chuckled, I said, just a matter of time. It's just a matter of time because speaking is so difficult for her. Putting together sentences that make sense is not Kamala Harris's strong suit.
Play cut 146. This is just an extraordinary testament to the importance of having a president who understands the power of diplomacy and understands the strength that rests in understanding the significance of diplomacy and strengthening alliances. This is an incredible day. She's done this before. By the way, this is this is straight out of a movie.
You got Joe Biden just with his mouth open staring in the distance. She did this before once about the passage of time. Can you guys get the passage of time clip where she said this in Louisiana once? She said, the amazing thing about the passage of time is the passage of time leads to the importance of the passage of time. So you got to read this.
This is too good. This is just an extraordinary testament to the importance of having a president who understands the power of diplomacy and understand that strength that rests in understanding the significance of diplomacy. This is your nominee, Democrats. I mean, she speaks at a kindergarten level. And even at the kindergarten level, the sentences don't make sense. This is just an extraordinary testament to the importance of having a president who understands the power of diplomacy and understands the strength that results in understanding the significance of diplomacy.
You see, if diplomacy was on the drinking card game, you'd have to get your stomach pumped. Kamala Harris has a pattern of doing this when she is not reading words that were prepared for her by her staffers. By the way, her staff can't stand her. She has 92% turnover. She is a bitter person. Not to mention her radical policies are destroying the country. Some people say that she gets stuck in logical loops and circular thinking. She's not very bright.
That's why. In fact, Joe Biden's own vetting team, when they were looking to select her as vice president, said, quote, Kamala Harris was neither the candidate who was most greatly impressed by Biden's vice presidential search committee, nor the person his advisors saw as most immediately prepared for the presidency. In focus groups, they found voters asking why Biden had not considered male options. If his ultimate goal was the best person for the job.
But no, she is a DEI hire. She was selected because she fit a specific criteria. Joe Biden made a pledge that he would have a person of color running with him. And it was slim pickings. It was Kamala Harris or Karen Bass. This is Kamala Harris on the passage of time. Play cut 153.
You know, when we talk about our children, I know for this group, we all believe that when we talk about the children of the community, they are a children of the community. We campaign with the plan. Uppercase T, uppercase P, the plan. And then the environment is such that we're expected to defend the plan. Please don't do that. Because I represent the whole of the United States of America. She's so likable. This is Kamala Harris talking about space.
Play cut 154. Space is exciting. It spurs our imaginations. And it forces us to ask big questions.
Space, it affects us all. And it connects us all. So profound. So deep. In the vetting, it says this Harris future, her future running mate had the same intuition.
During the primary, Biden privately asked and repeatedly shared versions of a common observation about Harris. She doesn't seem to know who she wants to be. Because she doesn't know who she is. You see, speaking is really hard for her. President Trump should immediately say we want three town hall debates. The more that we see of her the better. Contrast that with JD Vance at the border yesterday.
Play cut 151. The former president's comments yesterday to the National Association of Black Journalists where he said that Vice President Harris is quote, all of a sudden black as a father of three biracial children. Did those comments give you pause at all?
They don't give me pause at all. Look, all he said is that Kamala Harris is a chameleon. She goes to Georgia two days ago. She was raised in Canada. She puts on a fake southern accent. She is everything to everybody. And she prints students to be somebody different, depending on which audience she's in front of. I think it's totally reasonable for the president to call that out. And that's all he did. I mean, look, she's running as a tough on crime prosecutor, even though she implemented open border policy. She's saying that she wants to support the police, yet she wanted to defund the police just three years ago.
It's totally reasonable to call out the fact that she pretends to be somebody different, depending on the audience she's talking to. Hey, everybody, Charlie Kirk here. Thanks to the team at Hillsdale College. You can now watch an inspiring portrayal of Thomas Jefferson as he reflects on the meaning of the Declaration of Independence in a letter he wrote late in his life. Watch this special short video at charlieforhillsdale.com. Since its founding in 1844, Hillsdale has remained true to its mission of offering the kind of education needed to preserve the blessings of liberty, the blessings that can be traced to the principles of the Declaration signed on July 4th. At a time where the far left rejects the principles of liberty and equality, we must remind ourselves, our children and our fellow citizens, that those principles are the source of America's greatness, and a treasure to be preserved. I invite you today to visit charlieforhillsdale.com to watch Hillsdale's educational and inspiring video, and you'll receive a free commemorative copy of the Declaration of Independence from my friends at Hillsdale. But don't delay, this is a limited time offer.
Go to charlieforhillsdale.com as we forever and always celebrate Independence Day, charlieforhillsdale.com. And understand, even though she is not able to speak in sentences off the cuff very well, she has an entire machine behind her, and it's a very well-funded machine. The month of August is a month that we must get to work. She can win this race. It's very sad, but it is true.
Do not underestimate the power of propaganda, the power of free stuff. Do not underestimate the short election cycle that we are now in. We have compressed into this whole reset of an election cycle, and I'm starting to see some really good fight and some spirit and disciplined messaging from our side. According to data, we're still up 10 points in Ohio, seven points in Florida, and doing pretty well in Arizona.
But this is a—it's tightening, of course it's tightening. The Democrats are gonna have a good month, but let me tell you about what I did this morning. I went for my morning walk, as I like to do when it's only 91 degrees outside. Someone comes up, they say, Hey, I follow you on TikTok.
Love all your stuff. I said, Thanks, man. What's your name? And we started talking. And I said, Where are you from?
I'm from California. I said, Oh, are you registered to vote here in Arizona? He's like, I've been meaning to do that. Now, mind you, he's not apathetic.
He's engaged. He just used to live in California, now lives in Arizona. And right then and there, I registered him to vote. I registered to vote right then and there.
So that is one new Trump voter in Arizona today. It's not hard, everybody. You might say, Well, how do I get people to come up to me?
Wear the MAGA hat, which you can get at members.charliekirk.com. You draw and you become a magnet. And you draw attention, you engage in conversation. You might say, I'm an introvert. I don't care. I'm kind of introvert, too. I prefer to—being around people largely drains me.
I know that's a surprise for people to hear. But I do it for the country. So when you go out to a restaurant this weekend, when you go out to the pool, when you go out to pick up your dry cleaning, when you go out to get your coffee, you wear the MAGA hat. And when people give you a thumbs up, you just say, Hey, I want to make sure you're registered to vote. I want to make sure you're on the voting rolls.
Especially for low propensity voters, especially for voters that are on the fringes, mail-in balloting, it takes three minutes. My greatest fear is that we are going to win the debate, and we are not going to have enough people who actually agree with us end up voting on Election Day. It is a serious fear. And I'm seeing that kind of breakdown of some cynicism, especially with young men. And young men tend to be very disorganized. Young men tend to be very forgetful when young ladies tend to be very organized, very meticulous, incredibly precise.
You could just see it on the Charlie Kirk show. The young ladies that work on the Charlie Kirk show, they are 10 out of 10, as far as remembering what to do and editing things. It's incredible, not an insult to young men. But men have other skill sets that women do not have, and women have skill sets that men do not have. And women are far better at the micro than the macro.
Men tend to be better at the macro than the micro. And that is why when you sit down at a dinner party, if I have a man to my right and a woman to my left, let's just say a woman in her 60s and a man in his 60s, the man in the 60s will inevitably ask me about, Charlie, what do you think about the polls? What do you think about the stock market? What do you think about the economic conditions? It's all macro topics.
What do you think about sports, things that are very big? Whereas the woman next to me will say, well, tell me about your family. She'll start talking about her kids, which is actually way more interesting than me just kind of going through the same sort of macro topics over and over and over again. The future of this election, this 2024 election, will be the battle of the sexes. The battle of the sexes are very clear and very simple, which is that men are favoring the conservative movement far more than young ladies and young women. And women in general are tended to go to the Democrat Party. They think that the Democrat Party is compassionate and is kind which are far more congruent with femininity.
And of course, there's exceptions. Donald Trump has millions and millions of female supporters and millions and millions of the toughest moms and women that you could imagine. Women are more motivated by emotional appeals, regardless of the damage that it might do to society. Men are not as motivated by emotional appeals and far more driven by reason and facts and logic. And I get this all the time, where young women voters on campuses said, well, I don't care about the facts of the border.
I don't care about the economy. The Republicans seem mean. I hear it all the time, all the time, that for them, the Democrat Party resonates more as kind of a therapy session, because they're really over the top in fake compassion. And it's fake compassion, because who's going to protect women from men coming into the locker room? Who's going to protect you from the 88,000 missing children that have come across the southern border?
It is fake theatrical compassion. But it really will be the battle of the sexes. And this is not some sort of profound point. This is what the data shows. And my fear is that young men, being more forgetful, might forget to vote.
We need to make sure that doesn't happen. There is a major stock market selloff happening right now as we speak. The Dow is down 729 points or 1.8%. What is the NASDAQ?
The NASDAQ is down 2.2%. You might be seeing the beginning of an economic collapse, one that we have been talking about that has been foreshadowed for quite some time. Joining us now is Stephen Moore from the Committee to Unleash Prosperity and senior economic contributor for FreedomWorks. Steve, great to see you. What is the latest economic news as we talk right now? Hi, Charlie.
Good to be with you. Well, we got a lousy jobs report today with a very low number of new jobs created. And as you know, you and I have talked about this before on your show, that for the last 12 to 14 months, government has been the biggest additional employer. And that's not where we want the jobs. So you still have a situation where wages are barely keeping pace with inflation.
So it's a pretty ugly picture. Now, I want to be clear. I'm not predicting a recession.
I think that we can get through this. But there's no doubt about it that when you look at manufacturing, construction, business services, the kind of high quality jobs we want, people who make things, those jobs are down. And so many of the jobs are now in healthcare, which is 50% government and other government programs.
So Steve, let's go through some of these numbers here. And it seems as if these job reports are always downgraded after the fact. So it was only 125,000 new jobs, way below hopes and expectations. The market is down significantly. It's the worst Dow Day in two years. Lots of angst that the AI bubble is bursting. Intel is down 20%, is firing 15% of its employees.
Amazon is down 10%. Unemployment is up to 4.3%. We have been living through this artificial sugar high for quite some time. It seems that this is going to get much worse before it gets better.
Do you agree? Well, we'll see. Our American economy, despite Biden throwing everything he has at it, is incredibly resilient. We have great businesses. Can they weather this storm?
I think they probably can. But why don't we have a president who wants to help our businesses rather than hurt them? We have accumulated $7 trillion of additional debt under Biden. These are numbers that are catastrophic, in my opinion.
Even his own budget projects $2 trillion of new debt each year for as far as the eye can see. So there's no way out of this tornado. The lead movie right now is Twisters. We've got Twisters hitting the American economy right now.
But Charlie, let me make another point, if I may. If you look at what's happened with this—I've never seen anything quite like it. I've been in this game for 40 years with this media adoration of Kamala Harris. They act as if she's the next Margaret Thatcher. So she has risen in the polls. Trump's odds of winning were about 61% 10 days ago.
Now they're down to about 52%. That's because of the media portraying Kamala as some kind of superhero. Of course, you and I and most people listening and watching the show know that's just the exact opposite. So my point is, I think someone's sell-off in the market is attributable to investors getting very nervous about the possibility of Kamala Harris actually being president. If you think Biden was bad, she's worse than Biden on all of these issues. And let's go through that. What exactly is the Kamala Harris agenda? Green New Deal, no fracking, major tax increases, taxing unrealized gains.
Walk our audience through that. Well, just look at the things—I find it remarkable, by the way, that what you've got going on right now, Charlie, is Kamala versus Kamala. Kamala, what she's said for the last 15 years, and the Kamala that she's been saying for the last 15 days, and I've never seen such a makeover in my life. People forget that when she ran against Joe Biden four years ago, she was way to the left of even more Biden. Now, if you listen to what she's saying, you'd think that she was a moderate Democrat, which she isn't.
She's an old-school San Francisco liberal Democrat who has endorsed everything from getting rid of the filibuster in the Senate to packing the Supreme Court to a single-payer health care system, which means that government would run our entire health care system. Do you remember, Charlie, when Obama had that famous line where he said, if you like your health insurance, you can keep it? Remember that? Mm-hmm.
I do. Yes, of course. Well, yeah, Kamala, she doesn't care if you like your current health plan or not.
You're going into the government system whether you want to or not. Now, again, she's backtracking from all this stuff. You're quite right. She said she wanted to ban fracking. By the way, Charlie, I want some reporter to go up to Kamala Harris and ask her if she even knows what fracking is. I'll bet you, five to one odds, she doesn't even know what fracking is. 80 percent of the energy, the oil and gas that we're getting today for our country that keeps the lights on and the air conditioning on and our factories running and our schools running, 80 percent of that comes from horizontal drilling and hydraulic fracturing.
It's an incredible technology. She's against that. It would be like saying, I'm against the cure for cancer.
And so this is a stupidity on her part, but it shows how owned she is by the far left groups in America. Hey, everybody, Charlie Kirk here. Did you know that 80 percent of adults take supplements to feel our best, right? Well, one thing your dog can't do without you is improve their diet or health to feel their best. That is why I believe Rough Greens could dramatically help your best friend by adding what is missing to their diet like you do. Rough Greens is helping thousands and thousands of dogs feel better and live longer, including my dog, Mr. Briggs, who loves it. Naturopathic Dr. Dennis Black, who created Rough Greens, is also an airborne ranger and green beret, an amazing background. He loves dogs and is on a mission to help as many as he can. Dog food is dead and Rough Greens supplements your dog's food with existing vitamins and minerals, omega oils, digestive enzymes, probiotics and antioxidants. Dr. Black is offering you a free jumpstart trial bag to fetch your free jumpstart trial bag. Just cover shipping.
Don't change your dog's food. Just go to Rough Greens dot com slash Kirk. R U F F Greens dot com slash Kirk. According to Wall Street Journal piece, it says Wisconsin voters seethe over out of control housing prices. This is a major issue happening in battleground states. What is driving the affordability crisis when it comes to homes in this country? All our problems today in the economy, in my opinion, Charlie, circle back to one thing, and that is the massive spending spree and debt spree.
I mentioned this before that Biden has taken the debt path, which was on a bad path when he came into office, and he's made it seven trillion dollars worse. Almost every CEO, almost every leading economist in the country, everyone agrees this is a catastrophe for our economy. We will have a major financial crisis. I don't know if it's gonna happen in three days or three weeks or three months or three years, but it will happen if we stay on this course. And it will be ugly. It will cause a lot of casualties of lower income and middle income people as their asset values fall and they lose their jobs.
I mean, by the way, I hope I'm wrong about that, but I just don't see how we can avoid it. And Kamala, as far as I know, and maybe you know something, I don't think she has proposed one single program that she would get rid of. One single federal program.
Can you mention any of them? No, no. In fact, she wants to expand federal programs. That's right. She wants to expand the size and scope of the federal government.
That's right. Well beyond even what Biden has done. I mean, I do believe Biden is one of our five worst presidents in American history.
He's not as bad as Woodrow Wilson or Herbert Hoover, but he has been a horrible president when it comes to almost every issue related to national security and our economic security. But I want to make sure your audience has their eyes open because the Democratic strategy here is to reinvent Kamala for at least the next three months. Now, you and I have been in this game a long time, me longer than you. As soon as, if she were to win the election, and God forbid, I guarantee you the next day she's going to be back to the old Kamala, don't you think? Of course, but there's only one Kamala and that is radical Marxist. Everything else is a lie.
Everything else is just trappings on it. We should not even accept her new quote unquote pivot. Her stated position is to ban fracking. Her stated position is green new scam. Her stated position is amnesty for illegals. Her stated position is that free enterprise capitalism is a bad thing. Those are her deeply held beliefs, period. Everything else is just theatrics in the pursuit of power.
But Charlie, it's not just, you're exactly right in what you just said, but it goes beyond that. So ideologically, she is a left winger and those socialist policies always fail. But also, we need to just point to people to her record over and over again. She has had two major missions in her life and two highly appointed positions. She was the attorney general of California. That's a high ranking position. Now, what does the attorney general do? Well, that's the chief law enforcement officer in the state. So what happened to crime when she was attorney general? You know the answer to that.
Crime went through the roof. So she failed in that job. Then she gets to be the vice president of the United States and Joe Biden is trying to think what can I do with this woman because she's pretty incompetent.
He says, well, I'm going to put you in charge of the border. I know that the leftist pretending like that didn't happen, but she was appointed the border czar. And everyone watching and listening to this show knows that she was a complete catastrophe in that position. We had a worse border situation than any time in our history. So can you imagine a woman who's failed at everything she's ever done?
Can you imagine if she's in charge, if she is our commander in chief of our armed forces and our national security? And this race is going to be incredibly tight, Steve. I'll tell you that they're throwing everything they can right now.
New report is that David Plouffe, who is the senior advisor to Obama, wrote the book Audacity to Win is coming on now as the senior campaign advisor for Kamala Harris. But the economy is critical. Final point here, Steve, have we seen any actual year-over-year improvement in grocery prices or in affordability? People are getting crushed with the everyday items that they need. Final thoughts?
Yeah. So on 12 of the major economic measurements, 10 of those Trump beats Biden, whether it's jobs, whether it's inflation, grocery prices, gas prices, poverty rates. I want your listeners and your viewers to go to unleashedprosperitynow.com.
You can pull down our chart book. I just showed it to Donald Trump a few weeks ago. He loved it. It will show you with pictures on how Trump outperformed Biden slash Harris on almost every single economic measurement. Steve Moore, Committee to Unleash Prosperity. Love the emails. Keep them up. Thank you so much, Steve. Thank you, Charlie. So I was texting with a consultant yesterday.
I tried to get a little bit of a testing of the temperature of what's going on. And he says, this whole boxer issue is a distraction. We should only focus on immigration and the inflation.
I could not disagree more. I got this email here from Tim that by the way, that is just your typical Washington DC orthodoxy. Ignore the issue that could actually win the election and focus on, I guess immigration inflation is fine, but this is Tim. Charlie, my wife votes, but is only mildly interested in politics, and he is fired up over the guy boxing women in the Olympics. This is a winning issue for us.
We covered this yesterday, but it is continuing. Just so we are clear that there are other biological men who are competing in female sports. Another man from Taipei, another biological man pummeled a woman and defeated her at the Paris Olympics, leaving her on the verge of tears.
Lin Yuting, who was previously barred from the 2023 boxing championship for having XY male chromosomes. Their idea of a gender check is literally just looking at the passport of whether it says male or female. That is the extent of what they are doing as sex checks.
Gender is not a real thing. They literally just check the passport. President Trump has come out clearly and says, I will not allow men in female sports. Imagine, by the way, if North Korea decided to take advantage of this. If they just have a bunch of biological men say that they are women on their passports and send them in, send in a bunch of linebackers.
Some country, by the way, should call the bluff. They might do this, by the way, in the Los Angeles Olympics in 2028. The Olympics have become a husk of its former self, and I am an Olympic nut.
I still watch it for a couple hours a day on the background. I love so much about the Olympics. I love the pressure. I love the sports that I usually don't watch, from handball to judo to rugby. I find it to be fascinating.
I think it is a wonderful thing. This Olympics from Paris has been a massive humiliation, from feces in the river and swimmers getting poisoned, not a joke, from the opening ceremony being pagan and insultingly anti-Christian, to now biological men, not just in one instance, but in multiple instances beating up on women. The Uzbekistan female boxer refused to shake hands with the Taiwanese competitor, with XY chromosomes, after being humiliated and forced to fight them after previously failing an eligibility test. According to Kamala's policies that are now put into effect here in America, these men can beat up female boxers when they go and shower with them too. This right now, I hope you all understand what Kamala Harris has done. Title IX has changed forever. Using the full force of the Civil Rights Act, using the full force of the Department of Education, every school in the country now has to force men in female showers. Every school in the country now has to force men in female sports. It is a federal government directive in NCAA sports, in high school sports, and if you vote for the Democrat Party, you are allowing for women and men spaces to be the same.
And when I go to college campuses, I'll never forget, there was one guy at the University of Utah, he was defending this. He said, yeah, why wouldn't women want to be around men? What are the differences between men and women? You see, at the core of the Marxist movement that Kamala Harris is now the leader of the American Communist movement, Kamala Harris is now the leader of the American Marxist movement, is the blurring and the deterioration of distinctions between male and female, distinctions between adult and child, distinctions between good and evil.
Those things are just suggestions. There's no right way to live, as they would say. There's nothing wrong with being a pedophile. We should have compassion for them. There's nothing wrong with being an illegal foreign invader. There's nothing wrong with being a murderer.
Who am I to judge? We should have compassion for all people. That is at the core of the American Democrat Party.
At the core of the conservative movement, and the MAGA movement, what Donald Trump is pushing forward, is a much different agenda, that distinctions matter, that distinctions are necessary, that the order keeps us free. A free society cannot remain free if it is not ordered, that women are worthy of protection. We must protect women from creepy perverted mutant men that are trying to beat them up. They say they're not pedophiles. They're minor attracted persons. They're not illegals. They're undocumented people trying to bring them out of the shadows.
And it's on full display in the Paris Olympics. If Kamala Harris is to win the presidency, there will be nothing protecting your daughters or the women of America from creepy, weird men hunting them down. Thanks so much for listening, everybody. Email us as always. Freedom at CharlieKirk.com. Thanks so much for listening, and God bless.
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