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How to Rescue Your Children From Predatory Educators — Live from Amfest

The Charlie Kirk Show / Charlie Kirk
The Truth Network Radio
December 23, 2023 5:00 am

How to Rescue Your Children From Predatory Educators — Live from Amfest

The Charlie Kirk Show / Charlie Kirk

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December 23, 2023 5:00 am

Enjoy Charlie’s speech from a breakout session at AmFest, where he reveals the evils that have taken root within almost all public and even private Christian schools, and the importance of classical education as the weapon to fight back. Charlie weighs whether conservatives should aim at liberating the existing school system, or building a new one from scratch.

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That's Hey everybody, my speech in front of the Turning Point Academy breakout at Amfest. I think you'll really enjoy this. Email me as always, freedom at and get involved with Turning Point Academy at

They're doing a great job. That's And please consider becoming a member of the Charlie Kirk team. That's and click on the members tab, Click on the members tab and you guys get access to amazing content, including our exclusive conversation with Tucker Carlson. And it's affordable for all ages. It's affordable for all people.

And it helps us out, helps us grow and stay uncancellable. Go to and become a member. Email us as always, freedom at Buckle up, everybody.

Here we go. Charlie, what you've done is incredible here. Maybe Charlie Kirk is on the college campus. I want you to know we are lucky to have Charlie Kirk. Charlie Kirk's running the White House, folks. I want to thank Charlie. He's an incredible guy. His spirit, his love of this country. He's done an amazing job building one of the most powerful youth organizations ever created, Turning Point USA. We will not embrace the ideas that have destroyed countries, destroyed lives, and we are going to fight for freedom on campuses across the country. That's why we are here.

Brought to you by the lone experts I trust, Andrew and Todd at Sierra Pacific Mortgage at Well, good morning, everyone. Welcome to Turning Point Academy's breakout session. We're so glad that you're here and so glad that you got here early so you could be here.

We're really looking forward to this time. And I just wanted to let you know that Turning Point Academy is not a school. It's a movement of education to reclaim, revive, and reform education across the country.

And it's happening. After our special guest speaks today, and we're going to have time for a little bit of Q&A after that, we're going to share a little bit more about Turning Point Academy, some things we think you'll be very, very interested in knowing. But first, we want to show you this brief video just to give you a taste of what we're all about.

Watch this. A California kindergarten teacher is facing outrage after discussing gender identity with her students. New test scores show dramatic learning loss. It's called SOGI for sexual orientation and gender identification. We do have a flag in the class that you can pledge your allegiance to.

Oh, that one? There is a right and a wrong way to educate a child. My good friend Charlie Kirk is taking on the left's agenda, launching Turning Point Academy. For 10 years, you've been building a movement. Now you're building schools. I think this is a great opportunity in front of us. Turning Point Academy is committed to reclaiming, reviving, and restoring virtuous, God-centered education through the seeding of 5C schools. Our 5Cs?

Christian, classical, conservative, church-based, and cost-affordable. With the start of schools across the country and with plans of several others in the works, we're also so thankful that we've been able to have educator summits across the country. We're educators from all over the country, we're educators from private, public, and homeschooling environments have joined us in Phoenix and also in Chicago. Turning Point Academy is like that gold seal, that stamp of who we are and what we represent.

It's one of the hardest things I've ever done and already the most rewarding thing that I've ever done. Everything that's going on in public education isn't just bad, it's actually evil and we have to provide a place where Christian families can go that their kids can know what's true. We wanted somebody who was wise enough, who had the road wisdom to walk with us and it was after we prayed that prayer that we got connected to Turning Point Academy and they instantly became the most valuable partner that we've had in our journey and they remain that to this day. My child can read at a really high, high level.

He's reading really big books and he's doing the omnibus classes with his other friends here. It's a blessing and God's gonna bless everyone just as he's blessing Turning Point Academy. We're so grateful that we can make these opportunities available through the generous gifts and donations and contributions of a number of donor friends. Another area is taking advantage of the various curriculum that we have available. We've developed a number of pieces of curriculum that we believe would be very helpful and then we would appreciate and if you would consider being a part of our Turning Point Academy Association, we are bringing together people from across the country as well as schools that share a common vision and desire to make a positive difference in the world of education and so we invite you to participate and be a part of making all of this possible as we seek together to bring reformation to education across our nation. Join Turning Point Academy and Turning Point USA in doing the hard work to save America one school at a time. Turning Point Academy will restore the memory of the greatest nation ever to exist in the history of the world. One of the things Charlie has said is that he's going to work harder in 2024 than he's done previously.

I don't think that's possible. I do know that he's already speaking several times this weekend and we're so grateful that he's willing and able to speak for us at our first breakout here at AMFEST and as I think about Charlie, I think it's only appropriate that he is the first speaker because it was really his vision that launched Turning Point Academy a little over two years ago and we as a division are only about a year and a half old so we're still growing and getting traction but we're excited about what's happening. I just want to say a word for the one person here that may not know Charlie. So I'm going to just tell you very quickly that Charlie as you know is the the founder of Turning Point USA started in the northern suburbs of Chicago 11 years ago and fast forward to the the present Turning Point USA is now the fastest growing and largest student conservative student organization in the country.

I think you know that. I can't believe there'd be many conservative organizations that are larger in Turning Point USA in general but I want to tell you something that you may not know. Charlie's influence extends so much beyond Turning Point USA which we are so grateful for and I know that you are as well.

I just want to give you one or two really quick examples of that. I was talking recently to a man who's very connected in the state of Florida in terms of Florida politics and he said I don't think Charlie gets enough credit for electing getting Ron DeSantis elected in the first election. I share that only as an example of the way that God is actually using Charlie to have influence across the country in so many ways that we don't know but I want to share one other very very quickly before Charlie comes. I know many of you are teachers and educators and I think this story will encourage you. In the northern suburbs of Chicago there was a faithful fifth grade teacher who taught for almost three decades in a Christian school in northern suburbs of Chicago and this teacher Mrs. Cindy Weber would faithfully go up and down the aisles praying over the desk of her students praying for her students and really seeking their spiritual welfare as well as their educational welfare and during the course of her tenure as a teacher there at the school there was a fifth grade boy tall or fifth grade boy who was always carrying a football around with him and always organizing the other students she told me and she said I saw leadership qualities in him during the course of that fifth grade year in God's goodness and mercy really to him but to all of us that fifth grade boy committed his life to the Lord Jesus Christ and that set that set the trajectory of that boy's life and that boy was Charlie Kirk and little did Mrs. Cindy Weber know that her faithful prayers and shepherding of those students would impact literally millions and millions of people through Charlie Kirk and so I share that with you as those of you that are involved in education whether homeschool as a teacher as administrator the impact that you are having and the potential impact you can have when I think of Charlie I think of the words of GK Chesterton just a little over a hundred years ago I think this is so true of Charlie he said the true soldier fights not because he looks what is in front of him not because he hates what is in front of them but because he loves what is behind him the true soldier fights not because he hates what is in front of him but because he loves that which is behind him and for Charlie that's our Lord first and foremost but also our nation and we're so thankful that Charlie is a true soldier and that we have the privilege of hearing him this morning please join me in welcoming Charlie Kirk hello hello hey everybody great to be here all right that was really great hutz give it up for hutz he's doing a great job running Turning Point Academy well just so so honored to see this turnout and so good to be able to see so many of you you know on stage I only can see like a couple hundred and it's just amazing so it's so great to see so many of your faces I'm gonna speak for just a little bit and then let's do some Q&A but I want to make sure a couple things that I emphasize number one you need to learn more and support Turning Point Academy if you have kids in grade school if you have kids in high school in government school you got to get plugged in hutz and Jennifer and the team they're doing unbelievable work guys and it is growing fast we are getting Association schools it's one of the most important things we're doing at Turning Point USA to kind of lead this education revolution so that's number one so say hello afterwards go by the booth especially if you are a parent of a kid right now that you know eighth grade seventh grade that is really where a lot of this stuff is happening and a lot of this indoctrination in this nonsense number two I want to I want to talk about the purpose of education because I think we've really gone awry in this country and even some conservatives by the way don't understand what education is if you ask a everyday kind of run-of-the-mill conservative they'd say oh you know education is about getting skills for the workplace is that what education is and it sounds good right in fact I used to say that I used to say you know we need to get people to be really good and you know prepared for a career now that's helpful but education has never been about that that is a Prussian German honestly totalitarian approach to education what education used to be and it comes from a Latin word which means to lead forth is the development of the soul of the students is to make the student understand what is good true and beautiful education should be to create good people and the skills can always be layered on after instead education is not about wisdom it's about oh you know here's a memorization and just memorize for the test and that's it and you know just here's some skills and some widget stuff how often in education do we ask the question of any young person what is good what is evil what is moral what is holy what is profane and at some point we conservatives and Christians too we said well I just don't want I want a neutral education how often have you heard this right there's no such thing as a neutral education let me say that again it's impossible you might say oh no no I can make it possible okay at some point there will be a teacher that says now no cheating I thought I thought this is a neutral education who are you to say cheating is wrong and they'd say well you know it's obvious no actually it's not obvious that that cheating is wrong but by whose standard what is good and maybe the teacher would say you know don't don't cut in line you know you have a single file or don't don't steal you know your friend's lunch don't interrupt the teacher respect your teacher those are all moral statements there is no such thing as a neutral education and we have fallen for this lie where we say oh you know I I can't stand when parents say you know let's get CRT out of the schools because I just want my kids to learn math science and arithmetic now that sounds good but hold on a second you think that just getting rid of CRT in the schools you're gonna have this like beautiful neutral education at some point a student is going to ask the question well but why do you say this is right and this is wrong and the teacher will say oh it's just common sense no it's actually not common sense I was struck by a new friend of ours at turning point USA and then just unbelievable lunch and this is graphic and I just want to be clear this is a real thing okay and he does mission work in the third world I've never been to Africa I have been to the third world never in Africa and he was telling me about the mission work he was doing and he was talking about how he goes to Uganda especially and he goes to these slums in these villages millions and millions of people right not a Christian area there the gospel is spreading there praise God but largely pagan and just kind of natural and he says yeah you know it's common practice he said this so casually goes there and does emergency surgeries for people that can't afford he says yeah it just happens all the time that if a spouse die or mom dies you just don't want a baby you just leave the baby by the fireplace and you abandon it and people just keep walking by until the baby dies have and we in the West like oh my goodness we gasp have this all the time in Africa all the time people you never hear this right all the time ask any missionary that goes into the third world it's like commonplace because it's not normal it's not natural you have to teach people that that is evil we're so conditioned in the West because we've inherited a Christian morality because we've inherited a biblical morality that when we hear that we gasp because thankfully you've been taught correctly by somebody somewhere to know that is evil in Uganda they're like that's that baby's a parasite just by the way how is that any different than Planned Parenthood just be honest okay how is that any different than what Planned Parenthood does in this country it's not is the answer now what is the point the point is if we don't get education right in this country it is not common sense to preserve the values of the morals that we hold and this is something that I repeat time and time again and I'm sure there's some people here that might be you know not as religious or secular I'm so glad you're here by the way I hope you're moved throughout this weekend to develop your spiritual life and give your life to Christ I really mean that I hope that this weekend pushes you towards that okay and but and I my great friend Frank Turek here by the way this is a great American I love this guy he is such a great Christian thing and I've learned a lot from him so I sometimes you know I'll talk to somebody and I understand the attitude I want I want to meet people halfway because the attitude of a so-called neutral education space is this it comes from a good place but intentions don't mean anything in this okay it comes from a space of I don't want to impose that's where it comes from it comes from well I just don't want to tell other people so I just kind of want everyone to get along and live and let live and we have had that false promise of neutrality and you know who doesn't have neutrality the LGBT people and the DEI people they march into the classroom and groom your children while we're arguing for a neutral public square and even if we get back to neutrality there will be no neutrality because at some point someone's gonna raise their hand like kids love to do in sixth grade I have a question is it okay if I take hormones and I think I'm a boy but what it what is a neutral educator say maybe at best go ask no go go talk to your parents but that's a moral answer that's not that's that's something that is a moral biblical answer go talk to your parents so there's no such thing as neutrality and education at some point you have to make a statement of what is true and so if you're here and you say you know I'm not crazy about the religious thing that's fine then you have to answer what is your instruction manual for life what is the operators manual and I'm open to any answers okay because I do a lot of reading I read 120 books a year okay and I encourage you guys to do it I listen to them two times speed sometimes so just just to make you feel better okay no it's true but it counts okay it counts and I'm open okay here's my operating manual the Bible okay that's my operating them that's it so and but I don't mean this condescendingly anybody you guys can submit your operating manual for what you think a civilization and what you think education should be based on okay maybe it's you know John Locke or maybe it's Machiavelli which would be really weird and you know maybe it's we're so what whatever it is right and at some point this is where their argument collapses they'll say it's just kind of like a combination of common sense and attitudes and community values and no no no no what's the thing that you reference what's the thing that you say that we point at what whatever that might be and what we have allowed our Supreme Court to do which was a terrible decision we've allowed our traditions to do is there's no standard and therefore the worst standard fills the void and government schools they say that they're supposed to be viewpoint neutral and are the opposite of viewpoint neutral now the owner's manual of the country is the Declaration of the Constitution that's the owner's manual and it should be the Constitution is an unbelievable document which by the way is inspired directly and built on biblical principles but when you go into education you're a parent or even if you're in college it's an important question and you might have a different answer you might say Charlie you know the answer to that question my owner's manual the most important book is you know pray eat love or whatever that stupid book is right love eat pray or whatever right or you know it something but it's amazing how people can't answer that question they haven't thought through it it's like by what do you reference to find out how to act I just kind of act how I feel well that's a really bad idea first of all you wonder why you're so unhappy and you have no purpose because you're not referencing anything to get direction from because look life can be very confusing but it's less confusing and easier for those of us that every morning and every night and throughout the day we can kind of go back to our compass back to our navigational tool right and say am I in alignment should I have treated that person that way maybe I was a little rude maybe I was a little prideful maybe I was too aggressive I get too aggressive I'll be honest that's one of my sins um no we all have sins right I tend to be aggressive and also honestly I'm not really tolerant but I that's a separate issue a tolerant of evil for the record okay if you love God you must hate evil um no it's psalm 9710 it's the real thing but what I love about what turning point Academy is doing is in a loving way but a direct and truthful way which is the gospel love and truth is saying that there is going to be a standard of which we base education on that we are not going to fall for the false trap of neutrality and whatever that might be and the danger of falling into this false thing of neutrality that happens time and time again is the outgrowth is you have vulnerable students that then are able to be intercepted by the Marxists because they have nothing of which they have a navigational tool they have no compass they have no map and they go right into college and somebody says oh by the way let me introduce you to a compass in a map it's called the communist manifesto or das Kapital or even worse your map should be your feelings your map should be you because if you have nothing transcendent of which to base your action on then you just say you're the most important thing in the world that's why the self-esteem movement is trash can't stand it and people say people say all the time you know that the self-esteem movement is this wonderful thing hold on a second I'll prove it to you okay I'll prove to you how I go to these schools sometimes and I was out these posters and they say you're perfect the way you are and it sounds good right feels good you know I like the bumper sticker and they'll perfect the way you are so I remember we had one of these in like seventh or eighth grade and I you know it's kind of a brat and I asked the the teacher I said if I'm perfect the way I am why do I have to do homework and why am I in school what is that all of them and then she said well what do you think the sign should say and I said it a little sloppier but I'll give you a better answer you're not all that you yet could be what a much better thing to tell a young person right you got a lot of work to do but one day maybe you can get there that's a lot different than you're perfect the way you are you're perfect the way you are is inward-facing that you have all the actually you don't have the answers you don't you don't I hear all the time they say you know you just have to you know dive deeper within yourself I think that's a lot of trash honestly what does that gotten us transgenderism my feelings matter what does that get us suicide does if you only think about yourself all the time there's nothing external and you don't like the way things are going to kill yourself I know it sounds really brutal but it's a hundred percent the morality or the lack thereof that leads to the most suicidal generation in history the most drug addicted generation of history the least you know let's just say the most fragile generation history because they can't they can't have any other ideas that might violate them and this is what drives me crazy you know some of the trans zealots they say oh you know well I feel unsafe because of words that you say and our answer shouldn't be oh well you know I'm really sorry feel like what why on earth does your personal anxiety dictate my ability to speak the truth like what what where did we ever go wrong where I have to now like accommodate my language because you you collapse into a puddle because I say something that's biologically true so anyway turning point Academy is doing a great job everybody I spent more time on that than I wanted to but I'm glad I did so I talk for a living I'm sorry it's just no they have me on this schedule that's unbelievable I'm like doing like 11 hours of speeches a day it's great I'm telling you I'm gonna work the hardest I've ever worked in 2024 I want you guys to sign that pledge to whatever that is okay guys whatever that is all right just and and and that is the last thing I'll say it's it for those of you that listen to the Charlie Kirk show thank you by the way that listen to the podcast god bless you guys thank you that watch on real America's voice thank you guys you know sometimes when you know God wants to send you a message you just have to be willing to hear and I just kept on one after the other and podcasts and sermons and random opening of Bibles and readings the the Hebrew word high name just kept popping up and I mentioned this in the speech last evening and I want to emphasize this it's this incredible phrase which is here I am is the best English translation but it doesn't do it justice okay it literally means God what are the marching orders and it comes at times of inflection it's not used generously in the Hebrew Bible in the Torah in the Word of God it is not used a lot it's used at high high points of in decision what we would call turning points when Abraham was tested by God at the binding of Isaac and he says here I am when Moses what a great life by the way he got along his father-in-law like what a great thing honestly got away you know that they're not chasing him for murder because he did something he shouldn't have done but that's a separate issue and all of a sudden like he's living a nice life and burning bush here I am Moses his life was very tough from that point forward it was Moses is one of the sadder figures I think he's actually one of the most amazing people in the Bible but he's one of the sadder figures because here's this guy living a great life and he's like okay I am going to lead you I'm gonna have you Moses be my instrument because you're willing here I am makes you think was God waiting for somebody to just say what are the marching orders makes you think why did he choose Moses well we do know that Moses stood up for the vulnerable and stood up for the weak we know a little bit Abraham we have no idea why he was chosen no it's like a random guy looking at his dad like you Abraham what yeah leave your father's home and then you're kind of like a loser like it'd be nice if you showered once in a while and shaved guys a total mess right Moses on the other hand we have some idea of why he is but he's willing and his life changes forever and you say look at Moses's story and God says look I get it the Hebrews the most unimpressive group of people in the history of the planet right by the way you know that that's not my words just read the Bible they're complaining they're they're lying they're cheating this is the words of Dennis Prager right it's like not exactly building like temples and you know conquering lands this is not like the Assyrian Empire okay it's not like God picked you know the Assyrians and said I'm gonna make a great people out of you these people were slaves the lowest of all lows and Moses says here I am and God delivers them from Egypt and you guys know the story and the miracles they go into the desert couple days in desert the Hebrews are like yeah you know we want to go back to slavery because we had better food what yeah like God we had cucumbers lemon you know melons leeks look meat literally it's there in the book of Numbers they're like these are all the food that we had we miss being slaves we hate this freedom thing it's like okay you are very unimpressive but um Moses was faithful and it started with that attitude of here I am Isaiah Samuel you see this repeated throughout the scriptures and I think that needs to be our attitude through this conference and through 2024 which is what are the marching orders God use me no more on the sidelines right and history is made by people who ask God what are the marching orders and they do come at monumental times you know somebody says Charlie what is your prediction for 2024 said I don't do predictions but I will make one prediction 2024 is going to be biblical whatever whatever you think about 2024 there's like all these like different forces combining I've no idea what it's going to look like I can't wait to see I'll tell you whether it's going to be good or not so good or really great or not so great I'm I am insanely thankful that we get to kind of see this whole thing unfold and play a small part um and Turning Point Academy is on the cutting edge of that guys um educating next generation um passing down these values to um to students and doing so uh in a winsome uh persuasive and effective way and I'll uh close with this um yeah look I'm a product of Christian education I'm a product of a single teacher Cindy Weber who did her job and she did her job every day and she had no idea that the desk she was praying over and the students that she was speaking to what was going to happen right and you know here's this again I couldn't sit still still can't um kid who was probably not you know an easy student to teach but she faithfully taught me and she faithfully poured into me and then 19 years later here we are the largest movement in the country period and you kind of go back to that point of origination and for those of you that are losing hope you know I love what Martin Luther said right which is if you think the world is ending plan a tree go plant a tree like go do something that you know will bear fruit tomorrow and yeah you know things looked bad 19 years ago too it always looks bad right it seems that way in the modern era but now look at this beautiful thing of hope and think about if am I going to do my job is that 19 years from now there might be another change maker that is doing something and pushing forward that's the marching order especially for the parents and grandparents here in the room okay let's do some questions for the time we have remaining thanks for sitting through that guys yes let's line up single file guys okay um let's make them questions not statements with inflections okay sorry sorry sorry sorry yes ma'am right here hi thank you so much I was wondering if the Christian academy will also allow for people of other faiths I'm a Zoroastrian which is the oldest monotheistic religion the three wise men who visited from Iran right yes so I was just wondering if that and Judaism and other faiths that are in alignment with Christianity because not they're smaller numbers but they're still in alignment with this whole value system that you're talking about yeah it depends I mean the parents have to sign a statement of faith that's the way it works right so it depends on the school right and I'm happy to talk and dialogue privately but if the parents are willing to sign a statement of faith and willing to kind of go through that process then then yes I know that specifically at Christian Heritage Academy one of the two parents had had to sign a statement of faith but I've actually never met a Zoroastrian so that's really cool um so I'd love to chat with you later okay god bless you thank you thank you hey Charlie are there any plans for TPUSA to help parents and there's yes to help parents and their students who try to start chapters like Downers Grove high school and they reject it because they think TPUSA is radical I know we could start them outside but is there anything that could be done to try to to fight back when they just reject it because they don't like your organization but they have other organizations within the school yeah at that point and we're we're happy to help we have to we have to go to the courts at that point because that that's that's a great example right so you've been fighting like heck I think you're on like a terror watch list or something right yeah um we all are okay I know someone was like oh terror watch list yeah you're on the list too you have no idea walking here they're tracking you you're all getting audited some people aren't laughing and so Terry I want to just he's done a great job he gets patted down at airports he's on the domestic terror watch list and I'm not kidding it's a real thing because he tried to start a turning point group and the whole thing um that's a great example Donners Grove north or south which one is it north north it's uh my kids go to south but south uh yeah south rejected yeah my mom actually went to Donners Grove south so um they say we're neutral but except we don't want turning point we're neutral we don't want to have you know a constitutional club no no they're not neutral you guys know that right and they haven't been neutral for quite some time the the death of modern education is when we bought into the false promise of neutrality by the way Bill Federer over here is another great American love Bill he does a great job yes sir uh good morning Charlie my name is Ludovico uh my friend over there John we started a turning point chapter at a private school with about 500 kids in Los Angeles and so my question to you is how do you feel we could expand our reach not only to members of our school but to neighboring schools who have been indoctrinated for countless of years in the education system well first of all this is why we're going to win everybody we have this high school remnant it's amazing I love it the the bad guys don't know how to deal with this the more they try to stifle and suppress us there's this next generation that is popping open um look here here's what I'll say is uh really uh pray about the word being winsome which is uh nobody wants to associate with you know angry political activists who just always stay joyful and happy um and despite all the opposition and as far as finding other schools social media is a great tool of doing that and reaching out um and encourage debate and encourage dialogue with those that disagree right you should invite it you should seek it out you should try to have those and honestly you know it will strengthen your arguments it's as good for you as it is for them okay and I want you to understand that I I have cut my teeth with plenty of debates as you probably know um and you get better as yours go on and your research and you know your stuff but it's good for you to have your arguments challenged maybe I haven't thought of it that way but by the way I don't know it all when I go to these campuses now I'll say 99 of these kids have no idea they're talking about one percent of the time though one percent of the time they'll say something that they either that either they thought of which maybe they did or they stumbled upon that I have to reconsider so I go back and I and all of a sudden you do that for 11 years and you're you're pretty good at what you know you're pretty good and you know what you believe and why you believe it here's here one of the reasons why we are able to get so many people to leave the left is because they have never had first of all it's very hard to strengthen the argument on the left but they've never had to defend their position against opposition ever and so they just believe it and it's the dominant opinion and the other people are awful and the next thing you know like awful right next thing you know they're 21 or 22 and they see a video of Candace Owens or of Charlie Kirk or Brandon Tatum and it shocks their world and they're like well that makes sense and what do I actually believe and these defections start to really happen right because they've never actually thought deeply about their position but having that happen in high school is super important god bless you man thank you so much good morning Charlie so um myself and my uh chapter from Suffolk University are here and um so I had a question about um you know the work that Turning Point Academy is going to do for like morality and education so we posted um a tweet from Riley Gaines on our chapter Instagram story and we were met with a meeting requiring or a letter requiring us to have a meeting with the office of Title IX because we quote used the club social media account to post a derogatory message relating to transgender females this behavior may violate the Title IX policy and or other university policies end quote so I'd like to know like the kind of work that Turning Point Academy is going to do to sort of oppose the Biden administration's redefinition of the Title IX policy this is so important and I have a very very radical view on this but it is I can defend it and I've thought about it which is we made a huge mistake when we passed the Civil Rights Act in the mid-1960s I know that sounds radical you have no idea what we actually ushered in we ushered in a second American founding you might say oh it's a wonderful thing no it's not the civil rights leviathan that we brought in in the mid-1960s there's a book called Age of Entitlement by Christopher Caldwell is you built a DEI permanent federal bureaucracy they said at the time we're refounding the country so this is a great example we thought we were getting minor adjustments in our laws in the mid-1960s to fix what was of course bad discrimination racism all that stuff what we actually got what we got was a super weapon in the federal government that can be re-accommodated to the coolest newest thing so this is an interesting example Turning Point USA chapter at Suffolk University that receives federal funding so they're under all these guidelines and they post a tweet what was the tweet that Riley gave I mean anything Riley says is obviously you know rooted in reason right this is a real doozy so this this trans activist tweets out trans women are women and then Riley retweets them in quotes and says hot dogs are dogs yeah and we got we had to have a meeting with title 9 for that of all things no no but this is important everybody so that so so then you guys all laugh but they he could get kicked out of school under a title 9 complaint using the civil rights act that we as conservatives worship oh MLK is a great guy actually MLK was awful okay he's not a good person he said one good thing he actually didn't believe I hope you guys understand that and that sounds like a thought crime go research MLK you should go research it okay and we'll be doing more and more shows on that and so we get the civil rights act passed and now you might get kicked out of school I don't think you will be this happens all the time we have dozens of turning point usa kids under active department of education title 9 investigations right now for tweets and social media postings so meetings right and they tear you up in the bureaucracy and I don't think people realize that the federal government is now coming after the speech of students saying biological reality using the mid-1960s civil rights act that was passed with good intentions okay we want to fight racism nobody likes racism that is now this permanent dei type bureaucracy so we so what can we do we have to get the courts to step in here thankfully we still have the supreme court but the courts have been really weak on this honestly the federal courts just yield to the civil rights act as if it's the actual American constitution you read some of these decisions they're like well you know the civil rights act says this and we can't touch it like whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa since where is the civil rights act supposed to protect the feelings of young people in college that are suffering from a mental disorder like where did that come from and you could see they're going to use it now when I say that it was a refounding of the country I mean it they're going to use the civil rights act as they have as a way to get rid of the first amendment think about it your speech is limited because of something passed in the 1960s okay I know that might have been a little too radical for you guys but we're gonna we're gonna keep diving into it all right thank you hello Mr Kirk my name is Dylan Galvan I am from Texas Antonio Texas and we actually started a chapter uh yeah I feel like a month ago it's very small and got like three people but uh we're trying to get everything Matt give it up that that's every cent every cent that all matters and my question for you is if you had friends that used to be Christian but now are starting to get influenced by negative sources starting to go and get misled how can you bring them and redirect them closer to the truth without kind of turning them off and completely lead them astray it's a beautiful question and Dr. Turek is one of the best at this so a young person that was Christian and left Christianity so and I'm going to generalize okay but if a young person was raised Christian and leaves Christianity they're probably leaving um less about the facts and the supportive evidence around Christianity and more about something that they personally might be dealing with and or they just need to be loved on right and and so the answer to the question is going to be more about the heart than the head right um you're not going to win them back to Christianity uh by saying well let me sit down and tell you about how Josephus wrote extensively about why the resurrection was true which by the way is convincing they're going to the fruit of the transformation of the gospel is what you're going to need to see with them right is the is the love on them show them right the grace and the mercy of almighty god right that that's my answer um and it's sad it happens a lot um a majority of what's the number 60 or 70 percent of kids that are raised Christian leave the faith I don't know that Barna what is it it's 70 percent right uh that's a crisis everybody seven zero percent of kids that are raised Christian leave the faith um I blame us I blame us the world is always going to be lost and the world is always going to be doing it we have to do a better job of strengthening and fastening and also I think we have to continue to do a better job of elevating the right Christian voices for our young people to support and to follow you know on social media and in pop culture so love on those people right um because it sounds like that person is probably hurting maybe they have a parent issue maybe they had a breakup and the number one reason young people leave the faith is they will see injustice they will see pain and they will see evil and they have never thought through or been taught correctly how to address evil pain or suffering and it literally Frank does this but Frank travels the country with apologetics and there's like two buckets right Frank it's the people that have never dealt with the evil question or people that think there's no evidence for Christianity it's one of two so but then they might see this and then they get bitter and then they're like oh all these Christians are awful right and so that's really where love can come in and and love hopes all things so thank you appreciate it yes hello my name is Matt Agerdahl I'm here because of my son Liam here he did a victims of communism project and got recognized and got got our we flew out from Florida and we've really been enjoying time here appreciate your testimony and love what you've been saying here even these young men here but what I'd like to ask you if you could share just with us the gospel in a nutshell that would be awesome sweet I'm happy to do that so look everyone has a everyone has a court date coming up so when you leave this earth you're gonna have to be in front of the supreme judge of the world founding fathers wrote that in the declaration of independence by the way and you're gonna have to account for every mistake you ever made and my sentencing is going to be a long long long long sentencing so justice justice is you get exactly what you deserve we all deserve eternal damnation because we're sinners we're self-interested and we continue to sin mercy is getting less of what you deserve so you go in front of an almighty god and you get maybe a reduced prison sentence but grace which is the gospel the gospel in one word is grace is all of a sudden you're about to get that sentencing to go into eternal damnation and somebody says oh no no no I know him and they all of a sudden your place is taken like I've already paid for that because I know him I don't know about you I don't want to have to face an almighty god and hear the words I don't know who that is that they were too interested in social media their own life or the pleasures of this world gospel in four words is Jesus took my place gospel in three words is him for me gospel in two words is substitutionary atonement very wordy gospel in one words is grace you don't earn a spot in heaven you don't do good things to get to heaven you do good things because you're saved it's a big difference it is a free gift free gift that we can't even comprehend what makes Christianity different is that God the Logos took the imperfect form us out of love only love can explain Christianity other religions can be explained other ways and that's fine only Christianity can be explained through love and so I hope everyone makes that decision in their life it and by the fruit you will know then the fruit of Christianity has changed the world for the better and has seen more people break through of addiction and suffering and says in Romans 12 2 do not conform to the ways of this world but be transformed by the renewing of your mind so that's the gospel in the best way I can is this the last one we'll take two more here and there okay and then I gotta go give another six speeches or something I don't know hello Charlie first of all I completely agree with you about the civil rights I believe everyone deserves uh the right to freedom of association thank you so my question is in our libraries and even bookstores I've personally seen an overwhelming amount of woke indoctrination so does Turning Point Academy have a solution to revitalize libraries as places of knowledge and truth for everyone yeah that's such a great question we're gonna try our best one of the tragedies which no one knows about is the American Library Association is so insane like I just hope you like you think that the one place just if you ever have a spare moment go to the American Library Association website it will blow you away it's like you're reading the most radical Marxist pro-lgbt think about it think about how smart these people are right they say okay if we take over the libraries that's a way to kind of create to take over the um the sourcing material for how young people learn so we're going to try our best the problem is the courts are terrible on this um we need a judge to stand up and say that pornography has no place in the hands of children we need a judge to stand up and say that okay it and this is what drives me crazy again I if I could contribute to kind of shaking up the American right I hope I can because I'm pretty good at that which is people say oh that's free speech the founding fathers never intended profanity or desecration or let's just say depravity to be speech speech should point towards a moral good this is this fake viewpoint neutrality nonsense that we've bought into that's why people say well charlie don't you defend you know satanists right to have a you know uh in the iowa state capital no no of course I don't they say well it's not tolerant correct I'm not tolerant of satan I don't know how else I could put that go back to hell satan you have no place in the iowa state capital in the united states of america period okay I don't know why and then some of these lunatics on social media well you know I you know I don't support lawless okay first of all no one was hurt okay and if there was ever a law to violate the law to violate would be slaying satan I'm sorry like I don't know how clear this could be like the evil one has a monument in iowa state capital and we should walk by and be like yeah so glad I live in a country where satanists have rights too the blessings of liberty allow lucifer to be present in the state capital like that's insane if you believe that I'm sorry that's insane that's never the intent of the founding of the country ever tom you know what thomas jefferson would do thomas jefferson ideas he'd go by and burn it that's what he would have done like they wouldn't you think that they if there was a satanic symbol in the white house you think like yeah this is exactly what we had in mind you know free speech for lucifer so thank you last question god bless you charlie I love you 2024 is gonna make the 60s look like the 50s and there's a bad guy that you don't talk enough about I heard you talk about martin luther king but the worst scumbag on earth was j edgar hoover okay I could buy into that so um uh thank you for the question so I don't know if that was a question but I'll take it um love the spirit though uh for those that don't know j edgar hoover he started the fbi the fbi building's named after him he started the domestic police force and probably was a cross dresser okay um we'll get the last question here let's let's end with a student yes but sir I love the question I'm going to do a whole show on j edgar hoover because you prompted me so thank you last question uh my name is uh morgan allen i'm from albecurky and one thing can you spell albecurky it's okay i'm giving you a hard time i can't spell albecurky so either hey anyway so anyway so what things we're going to provide is what's we're done with all this like you know like to fix the border and uh so are we gonna fix the entertainment process from disney in a way well and this is where everyone needs to play a strong role right cancel your hulu subscriptions cancel your disney plus subscriptions you guys have more purchasing power than you would believe right there are so many alternatives out there i'm learning about them daily wire has a great thing sherwood kids has a great thing so find those options and pursue that i love the question i'm giving you a hard time i can't spell albecurky either okay god bless you thanks so much for listening everybody email us as always freedom at thanks so much for listening and god bless for more on many of these stories and news you can trust go to ho ho ho hey what's wrong santa well it's these elves the new ones all feel entitled they don't want to work their way up the ladder in fact they hardly want to work at all then there's those social justice elves they keep pointing out everyone's differences dividing the elves and getting them all riled up and don't get me started about the reindeer right selves the shop floor just isn't a happy little place it used to be we should have used red balloon that's right santa red balloon dot work is america's woke free job board every day we help good companies find reliable motivated job seekers without all the woke nonsense and our new red balloon recruiter service is 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