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Save up to 40% your first year. Visit slash podcast. Terms apply. Good afternoon, everybody, and Merry Christmas, or whatever you celebrate. It doesn't need to be the Merry Christmas.
It's just saying hi. It's good to be with you guys this holiday season. Paul Imig is here. Grant Bills is here. Grant, I like the sweater.
Thank you. It was an ugly sweater day at work, and I don't like ugly sweaters. Why don't I just get a sweater that I can actually wear that leans a little, like Neil's sweaters from the Santa Claus. Neil's sweaters in the Santa Claus are great. Judge Reinhold.
Okay, there's two comments I have to make about your sweater. What a film. Two things I'll say for those... Because Claus has two different meanings. Brilliant.
Legal and otherwise. The name, yeah. Santa Claus.
Scott Calvin. My first thought, Grant, was that I was surprised when Bart said ugly sweater or whatever, because that sweater looks like it's something you'd wear, so that's number one. Oh, I didn't say ugly. I liked the sweater, yeah. But it doesn't look like he was purposely doing something festive. To me, that's like, oh, Grant would wear that. Yeah. And number two, as soon as you said the thing about Judge Reinhold, it was an instant... For those who have seen the Santa Claus a handful of times or more, like I have, then to see the sweater, it was just an instant click. It was pretty cool. I'd like to say another thing about Grant's appearance.
What the fuck is this? I mean, this whole time, this guy's just been pulling off a mustache and nobody says anything. He's a young man with a mustache and it works.
How did you get it to work? You just keep it long enough and people stop wondering why. You know that intro to The Office where they take bets that Stanley has a mustache? Oh, yeah. If you would have said, Grant has a mustache and I wasn't looking at Grant, I think I would have said, but not definitively.
That's good, I feel like for me. That's just part of the look. He kind of looks like my dad's friend from high school that would come over sometimes as an adult. His name was Colin. He still is. But he kind of gave me dad's friend from high school vibes. Did he come over with his friend gallbladder in small intestine? I mean, I'm sure the jokes have been aplenty on this man.
And at some point, I would have just said, actually, it's Colin, but it was Colin and they went with it. Wait, Grant, when did the stash become a part of the ensemble? 22. And the lady friend is neutral too or likes it? She liked it. I had it before I met her. Oh, it's part of the process of wooing. My wife's never seen me without a beard in real life.
For real? She's seen pictures, but I've always had one. I had like really long, during the pandemic, I had really long hair. And then when we came out of the pandemic and we could start going to bar and such again.
Well, OK, stuff it for a sec. When we came out of it, we started doing things again. We kind of had this reinvigorated social scene in La Crosse where I went to college and I met all these people that I didn't really know.
And I would see them a lot, mostly just drinking. And then I cut my hair and they're like, dude, we don't even recognize you. I'm like, this is actually this is this is how I look. Was it long?
Was it long hair in the way that when Rogers was with Shailene Woodley, Rogers had long hair? Like, are we talking like, yeah, it didn't look good. It looked like shit. I'll send you a picture. OK, it didn't look good. I think you can scroll on Grant's social media feeds like a tick tock and see him.
I remember him doing some stuff in his car with that with that nice flow. I wear a hat a lot. Also, regarding the sweater, if I may, as we enter minute four. Yeah, that's right. I know. Well, it's the holidays. What do people expect? But wait, wait a minute. What do people expect when they turn the shit on? Like, yeah, if you if you if you are if you are turning this on, this is what you are not. You are not like disgusted by four minutes of talking about Grant's appearance. In fact, you're like, what took them so long?
Why did they why did they detour out of this as quickly as they did? Yeah. So, you know, I think I invented Blackout Wednesday.
Yeah. I didn't invent ugly sweaters. But I was ahead of my time because what Grant's wearing right now is exactly what I would have wore. That was that was a Tuesday in my senior year of high school. I wore a sweater every day. The best one I had. And I long for this. I mean, oh, my God, I long to even find a picture of it. It was like a sweater where the top was like it was sky.
And then it was a it was a lake and there was a guy fishing on it. It was just the most wonderful piece of apparel I've ever owned. And I wore sweaters every day. And then and then people started wearing ugly sweaters. And it was exactly the kind of stuff that I was wearing in like my normal life. And you were wearing those sweaters every day, ironically, or just you just got you just got into sweaters? Like everything I do, it's serious, but tilt towards I want attention.
So it's like that is where that is. It's good where where I did not want attention last summer, two summers ago, last summer. And I'm still I still you know, there's things that happen throughout your life that shouldn't affect you the way that they do. You shouldn't take personal the way that you do. I really take what happened with the weather at my tailgate. Oh, yeah.
Very personal. Because what happened was there was a forecast and it was like 78 78 78 and then one day 100 and then back to 78 78. And while there had been glitches like this happened a couple months ago where Apple's like 133 but it was like that for an hour. And then it went back. This was like part of the forecast. And we've had that happen before. It's like all of a sudden it's just a hot like something comes through. It's a hot day or it's a lot colder.
Like I didn't I didn't take it out. And, you know, but you have weather people, meteorologists with local stations. And I'm not singling out any one person.
I'm lumping them all together. They you know, because they're trying to promote their app. Why have the app that's already on your phone? Easy. Why not go through a step and get our app, which is bombarded with ads for, you know, whatever truck sale is going on at the local truck shop.
And sign up for our newsletter so you can play our fantasy football picks with our grand prize of $50 to a business that's going under. Jesus Christ. So, so, so then they all like clowned me like they were like quote tweets and clown. And it became part of the don't trust Apple. And then it was 100 degrees. And then the next day it wasn't. So I take that very personally. And now every time the weather is wrong. I get mad. I get mad because of how confident, like with sports predictions.
You know we're confident sure but unless we're like, unless you're like a gambling guy, you're not like me saying oh you know what, I really think the Chiefs are going to win the Super Bowl. How does that affect anybody does. If I say the snow's not coming until six o'clock. That changes the whole way you shape your day.
Yep. Okay, I've got things I need to do. I know I can do those in the day. I got, I got a thing I need to build for my kid in the garage, I can do that during the day because it will be fine.
I got all like, I can do errands. And then when you wake up and there's snow everywhere. And then you tell the weather people, hey, you're wrong and they go well no no no no well, we didn't.
It's a weird defensiveness, but you were wrong. And it just seems like, because the way local news treats weather in 2024 is not how they treated it in 1994. In 2024. Basically weather departments are why people tune into local news, unless something like happens I don't know how many people have the routine of. Oh, fuck it's 10 o'clock, time to find out what's going on in the world.
Pet of the week. I don't, I don't, I mean, there's, I'm not saying that local news shouldn't exist. I love local news, we needed to exist, it would seem local news, sometimes doesn't think local news should exist, or the people who run local news, but the, the, the, the, I guess the finances are the like the reality of the situation is weather is what gets people to tune on their local news more.
And so they are more frontline I think than they've ever been before. And you never hear a weather guy say like, I mean, the name is called forecast they are forecasting it's basically, here are my weather predictions, but they treated as here's what's going to happen. So, yeah, when you're wrong we get upset because of your 100% confidence in every report that you deliver. And so I would it be better whether people are like, I mean, it might snow at six it might snow at noon I don't know what to say. I don't know if that's even better but like they were, I shoveled three fucking times yesterday, and another time this morning, and I didn't expect that got my steps in though.
I'm going to on the air so far. There are two snowstorm was the other one they thought a big snow is coming and then nothing came, no both no they went under on both of these things. Oh, the one a couple weeks ago, see I didn't get any that week Madison got nailed. I didn't get any Madison didn't know it was just where I am. This is just like Jefferson County and was that when your drive to work that took like two and a half hours or whatever it was, yeah, I was making that drive that the weather forecast to me matters because like do I need to sleep at work, which I will, yeah, or I have a friend that lives close work I'll fucking sleep around with couches and stuff I'll just sleep here.
It's fine. I drove home last night because we had to watch survivor we're day behind and we're doing like some Christmas stuff but otherwise I probably just would have slept here or at a friend's house Madison. Did you get through that survivor spoiler free or was it spoiled, I did I didn't go on Twitter, literally the entire day and what a shitty way to live. I woke up my alarm went off and it's like alright time to like a couple of minutes I don't need to get out of bed yet I'm like, well if I can't go on Twitter I might as well just get up, like what am I gonna lay here and look at the ceiling fans so, and then it work it's, you know what I did to make sure I was in the loop, I opened the athletic and went to the front page. And so what are the stories today, let me read them, that's what I did for a whole day I did I did make it spoiler free. Wow.
Yeah, it's hard when you go out of your way like. I try to avoid wrestling spoilers when I'm at work. Yeah.
Online. And then I like, because I don't have Twitter on my phone anymore what a, what a, what a hero I am. Oh, big time. But I still go on, like it at mine, I'm on Twitter I'm on my computer even through a few tweets out there.
I saw that. I just want people to see me like I said, straddle the line for attention. But it's hard, it's hard to, I mean I'm still on my phone on other apps. My big thing right now is trying to make money off of apps. How's that going.
Pretty bad. Six bucks here four bucks there. I mean I got 38 bucks in my PayPal account I don't know where it came from. Sweet.
I got, I got a cash app had a promotion that if you buy $10 a Bitcoin, they'll give you $10 a Bitcoin so I'm up to $20 a Bitcoin. Have you guys been following the hawk to a coin thing. I saw. She tweeted today for the first time in like two weeks people thought she herself out of, for whatever reason. Yeah, the hawk to a hawk to a girl die or hot people got robbed from a hawk to a meme coin. Well, tell anyone, tell anyone, years ago. I just got back, it's like it's 1999, I just got back from the future you guys wouldn't believe what happened.
What happened Bart. The hawk to a meme coin burst. I think you deserve to lose your money on that if you lose your money on that she's supposed to be fiscally responsible for that you're an idiot, respectfully, I would like to know, grant what you're investing friend would say about that big Ron.
Oh, God. Well, first of all, Ramsey would tell you that I don't put my money in anything I don't understand. So maybe he understands hawk to a coin but I didn't understand Bitcoin. I feel like Ramsey's advice is not as solid as it used to be. I think Ramsey's advice is a floor razor for every poor person in the world. I don't know that it's a ceiling for everybody, but I feel pretty confident that if a poor person does what Dave Ramsey says they will, at some point depending on their situation cease to be poor. I'm sure there's better ways to get filthy rich, but I don't know that there are. I don't know that there is a more tried and true way to not be poor, what does it say about our, our education system.
Because I think they teach the wrong things in schools I'll be this guy. I think my booting holes are a financial advisors, they need, they need to they need to teach like life lessons more than what the fuck happened in 1400, Europe, you know, because Dave Ramsey has made millions of dollars by telling people don't accumulate credit card debt if you can't afford it. People should know that. But they never find that out until Dave Ramsey tells them.
Is that kind of insane. Some people just don't have that thing in their head with credit cards and people like that in college like a buddy who would just be maxed out on five of them and never had money to buy pot. Like I mean I got a headache can you just I'm getting paid tomorrow can you just like Jesus Christ. Now I wasn't the one selling but you know you always know a guy who, you know, like some people just aren't wired. Some people need Dave Ramsey and I think to your point that's probably an indictment on our education system. I would, I would feel one.
I mean the greatest piece of financial advice that I could give is look for deals, including the deal that I have for you. Oh, geez. Happy place hemp calm, that is not the jingle, but I am going to make it better.
Good night I'm having a brain malfunction what is happening. This is where I would actually edit if we did that stuff but I don't care so I will keep on going. So happy place amp calm is 25% off every order. I believe you should. I mean, depending if you're listening to this on Christmas Day with the family around the fireplace. You've already opened your presence so the stocking stuffer.
But a New Year's Eve gift that's a thing people, people put presents under the New Year's Eve tree. A lot of big days coming up here in the month of January just who cares just buy it, buy it and use the code, and you'll feel better and you'll sleep better, and you will enjoy life better. Happy place hemp calm the promo is Bart, you get 25% off each and every order gummies tinctures bombs and get on those seltzers that is becoming a booming thing that people are enjoying so they've got them.
So check them out different flavors and different 510 20, whatever you're looking for. Oh, why didn't I take off today. Like my show. If you're like me you're looking for an edge for sports betting. So when I heard masterclass had a new class I'm beating the odds taught by the pros who have made millions. I had to check it out with masterclass you can learn from the best to become your best. Masterclass is the only streaming platform where you can learn and grow with over 200 of the world's best for just $10 a month, an annual membership with masterclass gets you unlimited access to every instructor, and you can access masterclass on your phone, computer, smart TV, or even an audio mode novice betters are at a huge disadvantage, with most losing early and fast before the knowledge needed to level up was hard to come by. Now there's masterclass and the classes really make a difference 88% of members feel that masterclass has made a positive impact on their lives.
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And remember, all sports betting involves risk, and you're responsible for complying with all sports betting laws in your jurisdiction. Oh, God, I always fuck this up. Paul just talked to it out of here. I did not take today off because I'm kind of taking Monday and Thursday and Friday off next week so I feel like I need to well I'm off. I'm, I'm off all next week. And then I'm off Monday Tuesday of the next week. Oh gee, the thing about when you take time off. You can tell yourself why I'm giving opportunities to Carlos or whoever, when I take off it's like, okay, like, put together something to run when you're gone and no one wants to do it man like you don't have anyone.
So, cut something up, edit some audio together to run while you're gone. I'll be back New Year's Day I emailed my boss that I'll take off Christmas week and then Monday Tuesday Wednesday or the following week, but I text him. I'll take off Christmas week and Monday Tuesday. I'm like, Oh, I'm gonna take off tomorrow then sure.
So, so but New Year's Day is going to be the easiest show on its three games of college football playoffs. So tonight's the last show until Jan one. Wow.
Which I, I don't know if people care, I have to go year to year, but I am on the air still. I got it. I got it. I got a text from a friend who's really like keyed in on sports media I think maybe no I think I just sent this to Bart Paul you weren't in on this and he texted me literally out of nowhere is like, I just realized that when the infinity tend to to gig. That's great.
I bet his audience is a bunch of tie hearts. Like what do you mean you just real. It's true. Did you all I sent this. I'll play this. I sent this.
I know what you're gonna. Oh, did I send it to you guys. Yeah, you did. Funny, I mean, not for you but it's generally speaking it's funny it's objectively funny I feel bad but it's funny.
All right, fun with audio. This was an ad, I think I'm serious I don't know who would have made it. I know they're missing in there. And it's not like because some of these publications will say the Infinity Sports Network also has Megan Perloff Zach Gelb or Bill writer Zach Gelb and then they'll stop I mean this is the six to six programming. So Jr Amy and I are just like, you know, whatever but there's at least like, they're the, they're the, they're on those hours, there's a cut off they know they just flat out skipped my ass.
No writer was still on writer than you. Sometimes, is he moving now that Rome is Rome's doing evening drive right or something, so he's not right, the whole schedule is the same except. Rich Eisen's on.
Oh yeah yeah that's right, instead of who's Rome Rome Rome's doing his own thing. Okay. There's another thing I wanted to play you guys. And I don't know if I even showed you guys this.
But it's pretty exciting. You got something while I try to find this. Paul.
Paul Hawk to it out of here. Wait, I got it. I got it.
Maybe I already showed you this. I mean, it's not that big of a surprise. This is Steve Kerr of the Golden State Warriors, and you're listening to the Bart Winkler show on the Infinity Sports Network. So I got all the I got all the warriors except for Stephen Draymond. And I think it's funny because we're going to just run the Warriors we're not going to try to get any other team. It's just it's just going to be, why is it only the Warriors? This is the Anthony Meltzer of the Golden State Warriors and you're listening to the Bart Winkler show on the Infinity Sports Network. What's the funniest player or person that you got? That's all Warriors. I mean, some of these guys are coaches that the common man doesn't even know. This is Ron Adams of the Golden State Warriors and you're listening to the Bart Winkler show on the Infinity Sports Network. I'm just only going to play that one.
I feel like we got away from doing that. Oh, it's great. I know our, our country guy in lacrosse. This is Buddy Hill of the Golden State Warriors. You're listening to the Bart Winkler show on the Infinity Sports Network. He would go up to Vikings camp because our country station lacrosse carries the Vikings. He would go as a fan and then try to get up close. It's like, hey, I work with it. Can you cut a liner?
And they were always really good. Like, I think it's cool. I like it.
Anywho. All right, Paul, 22 minutes in if you want to. OK, I'm going to actually wait on the take thing that we talked about because I want to do a different one first.
Oh, well, you got me on the edge of my seat about that. All right. Paul said I had my greatest take ever.
And he won't tell me what I said. All right, we'll start with it. Yeah, thank you. All right. I think you had your greatest take ever.
I don't even know if you stumbled into it or because it wasn't like you sat on it. You like kind of kept moving. I'm like, I think that's his best take ever. You were I mean, you understand you've had a couple of good ones. Yeah.
This this takes the cake. And the summary of what you were saying was, why do we as NFL fans pay so much money to compete with each other to get seats at a football game or any sporting event, quite frankly? Oh, yes. Rather than just watching it at home. And we're paying these exorbitant prices and then parking and the hassle and the concession prices and all these other things. I've had this thought for a long time where if you go to a TV show taping like a show that taped in front of a live audience like they're like so happy to have you there for free. Yeah.
No one pays to go watch Jimmy Fallon. Right. It's it's free. And they're like super stoked to have you there. And like, you know, they'll give out merchandise and like, have you been to one of those tapings, Paul? One of the late nights? Yeah. Yeah.
That's not surprising. I didn't mean that in any sort of way. Like at some point. No, you know, I don't mean that negatively.
He's just done. Yeah. I would love it. That's a dream of mine. We'll have to talk about that.
And I just want to I want to be in the audience for like Judge Joe Brown or some fucking guy like I just want to be in the courthouse. You mean that? Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.
But but I've had this thought for a long time, which was like, why is there this difference? So we are as sports fans at a crowd extras. Are we not? Yeah. We're part of the TV product. We are enhancing the television product by being there.
Which is clear in 2020. Thank you, Bart. Like it was it was not the same. It sucked. Yeah.
And that was like proof of it. It's like these billion dollar TV contracts. Ultimately, in a lot of ways, come down to like how good was the experience for the home viewer? The live ticket price is a part of an NFL team's revenue, but it's a small piece in the grand scheme of everything. So why would you not just say we need our seventy to eighty thousand most engaged, crazed fans?
OK, we lose what's face value of a good ticket, like one hundred and eighty bucks times whatever. If the TV product is enhanced by that, we are just extras like I don't it's very it's a very odd thing. I say this is someone who's obviously paid to go to events.
But the more you really analyze it and compare it to anything else that exists of a TV show taping, we are paying to be an extra. We are paying to be an enhancer of the TV product in sports when that doesn't exist anywhere else. But then because but the other thing, too, is if the if the team said, all right, we're going to give out because sure, there's face value tickets. But I don't go going to this Vikings game coming up.
I'm not giving the Vikings money. We're going to give a guy who got the ticket and is going to charge three times the face value for the ticket. So even if you gave free tickets out, those tickets are getting sold. You're still going to have to pay your way in. So you're all but it's just that's just that's a transactional part of sports that I think we just have come to accept is that even though they need us there more than we need to be there. We want to be there so bad.
We're going to pay for it. Yeah. So is the same true of concerts? Like what's the difference then between a concert and a football game? So I think the big difference is same with like a Broadway theater production.
It's not on TV. Okay. Okay. Yeah. Okay. That's I needed I needed you to draw that line. That's a good line.
And if it was on TV, nobody in the history of life has ever watched a concert and said, well, it was better. Hold on. Hello. Hello. Hello. Yeah, what's up? You're speaking of who? We just call up random numbers and ask random names.
The fuck was. Well, I'm making calls all day. Somebody called me before and they go, Hello, you're on a recording I want to ask you about.
I go, Whoa, whoa, whoa. I did not consent. And I was like that aggressive.
Now, I think if I play, I have to I have to get that guy's. I don't know. So you were saying that with a concert, no one has ever said no one's ever been like her on TV. And I wish I was I liked it better on TV. Like you want to be at the concert. And if you're not there, you'll never see it. Right. So that's like, I think that's the big difference.
Now, there is like you can. There is something to experiencing like the game day atmosphere. And, you know, there is something to that that you don't get on TV. You do get a feeling when you walk into the bowl of Lambo.
But on the whole, week to week, your experiences typically they've made it so that the TV product. I mean, if you're at the end of if you're in an NFL game, it's like. I mean, this is cool, but there's also nine other games going on and the Wi-Fi is dick in here. So I have to wait until their quarter update to see if I scored or not. When I get home from this game, after hours of driving through the dark, I'm going to have to go watch the highlights and read about a billion things that I basically missed, even though I was there.
You know what I mean? Like you're missing because you're used to watching it on TV and you're you're privy to so many of these details and so many of these stats and things. But is it just football or like because we like to go to baseball games? I feel like I feel like baseball, you're not missing. It's pretty cut and dry with baseball, you know, don't you think? I think, well, baseball is meant to be there in person more than in baseball. There was a thing that like baseball.
I don't know, they were trying to get people. To use an app or something during a baseball and they're like, are people going to watch another screen while they want? Baseball exists to use a second screen like baseball exists so that when I'm trying to make money off my fucking.
Coinbase learning tutorials, I can have a game on in the background. You know, it's wild how much television has programmed the way we consume sports as I stream the Brewers right on. I stream on DirecTV or whatever. So even if you watch my cable, there's a little bit of a delay. So it's a big moment.
I'll be tempted to go refresh Twitter and see how this app that resolves before I see it on my screen. I try not to, but sometimes I do. I will be I will be. That's like that.
That's like the complete opposite of Paul. I know. I know. Come 100 percent. I will be at the Brewer game watching the actual players play the actual game with my own eyes. And in a big moment, pull out my phone and check Twitter, thinking that I'm going to see the fucking result for it's happening. I know.
I felt that I felt that at games, too, like I just don't already know what are you seeing it live? Yeah, this is it. It gets no faster than it's happening right here. That type of thing. You know. Yeah. So our minds really have been warped.
That's an interesting point, Paul. When could fans go on strike? Well, that is actually why, like whatever year that was, 2007 Squad 6, I think really made a lot of sense to me. It for the end, when Andrew Bogut first launched Squad 6 at Bucks games. Bucks were struggling for attendance.
The home atmosphere wasn't much. You just get 40 people free tickets as long as they're willing to just be crazy. Mm hmm. Tell me that. It's no different, to your point. Yeah. Yeah. I don't think it's different.
Squad 6 and every iteration of that, I feel like people have overly shit out when it's not necessary. It's a good thing. It's a I mean, again, like like the wall, the Clippers game. Yeah, the wall. The stick with the wall is that I don't know that they get that filled every night. And certain evening drive shows and things like that happen. It's like, oh, yeah, let's see that get filled up in January, though. It's like, OK, you fucking dick. Like, it's still cool.
Like, why are we I don't know. Yeah. Hey, if you're trying to worry about getting the Clippers wall filled out, why don't you worry about getting a Buffalo Wild Wings filled out before you start criticizing anybody else? I don't even know what that's referencing. I do, but that is example. I mean, it's referencing. That's just that's just a battlefield.
I am not I I only say that because I do evening drive. So I'm just saying, right. Really speaking, other shows. And I'm saying if you can draw five people at a fucking restaurant where you're giving away tickets. I don't know. You just said that the reaction to every Squad 6 thing is everyone's negative about that. And the Clippers wall.
That's the example that came to mind. It's opening night. Oh, that's cool. By the way, I want to go to a game there. That seems like the coolest building. They want to see you want to go to a game there. But you're going to pay for it. You know, the other thing that I want to say before we get to our question, the latest we ever have.
Grant media credential. Clippers. Yeah. I'm going to go road tripping with Jim. Oh, Jim. Oh, we had him on on Tuesday. He was in Vegas before the cup. And he pulled that that song and dance. Oh, Jim, you're out in Vegas.
That's going to be cool. Well, you know, we're working and we've been here. It's been almost a week. And I just I'm tired.
I'm like, OK, that whole song and dance. We are we are trained to say that in beat writer school, just so you know. Oh, is that right? You can't get I mean, if you're just it's beaten to your head.
Is that 101 or does that or do you have to take that? I'm not I'm not entry to I'm not a fan of the team. It's the course you take right before the I'm just here for the stories. OK. Yeah. No, that's that's the first that's. All right. Welcome to beatwriting school.
Remember, you're not a fan of the teams. You're a fan of stories. No, that's later. You don't get that until later.
And then the guest lecturer comes in and says, the only thing we cheer for is no overtime. That's but that's fit into one on one. Although, let me just say this part.
Then you say your thing and then we'll get to a topic. But there were I won't name names, I guess. But there were there were always certain TV people who would be next to like the beat writers. And I was sometimes at the end of the beat writer row and you'd have TV personality from the local stations next to me.
And there's one time where it's like Randall always, always remember Randall Cobb catches a pass and he's trying to. Oh, come on, baby. A beat writer.
No, a TV, a TV reporter who all then the beat writers looked at each other like, what the fuck was that? Well, that was the best part about frames. You sit at a game with him and big at bat is he's like, come on, let's go, let's go, let's go. And he's like, no cheering and press boxes. Come on, baby. Oh, yeah.
My example was not frames, but yes. I don't know what going to a game as a fan with Chuck would be like, but going to a game in the press box with Chuck is a fucking blast. It's just because he's made his mistakes. He thought it's like, hey, there's a guy who looks like he's worked here forever and is eighty five and might die soon. Oh, Chuck. They all know fucking frames.
Man of the people. The other thing I was going to say was about Squad six being an overreaction. I said last night, one of the biggest overreactions in all of sports are when a home crowd boos their team. Because you've seen the reaction from the players afterwards.
And any any reaction. There's only two ways to elicit emotion at a game cheer or boo. And like if a team punts, people go boo. Or if a team's down ten three at the end of the first half and they go into the locker room, people like boo. Then it's like everyone, everyone acts like, oh, my oh, my God. They've completely turned on this organization.
We're at rock bottom here. Just score a fucking touchdown and it will be over. Let me let me add to this, then they're booing because they paid money to be entertained.
Yeah. If they didn't pay money to be and they were there because they were allowed to be there and all they have to do is cheer incessantly for their team. They wouldn't boo and they would be louder because it's like I'm here.
You never see people at a high school football game boo. Right. I mean, maybe they paid four bucks to get in. But yeah, well, it goes to a good cause. It goes to the building of a worse thing that Fonda like ever did was they took eight hundred thousand dollars and they're like, what should we do with this money? Oh, so we could get new books. We could get new buses. We could get new after school food programs. We could do anything we want.
And they built a new entrance for the football field, which they then stopped playing at three years later. Oh, my God. And now. Let's start the show.
Thirty six twenty six market new record. All right. I was going to say I got one more thing, but I guess I'll honor it, please. Let's just not even get to it. I do think I do think I do think we just brainstormed our way through like we did several things there. Do we need to say like the weather people are devils.
This was part to pay to go to a game. Yeah, we just haven't grunted yet. Will you will you at some point, will you test out what we just did with the with the nation? I think I just did that. You heard that on my show. I just breezed past it in like two minutes. It was a passing thought.
I want like two hours from my show. See, great. He didn't.
I don't think. Bart, I mean, if I'm wrong, like you just kind of like said it and then you didn't like. I've said it before, so maybe I didn't think you've never really. The other thing I said last night was that. Season tickets are robbery because they're taking money, your money and making interest off of them. And then I talked about how banks scare me and keep me up at night because we all tried to go get our money tomorrow. They would not have it.
If everyone did. Yeah. All right. You don't have however many dollars you have in your bank account.
You have a number that the bank has assigned you. We all collectively believe in the system. So the system works right for now. All right. I'll let Bart do this one first.
There are too many people trying to. Yes. Go ahead.
Or Bart, you go first on this one. If you saw Giannis at swimming practice the day after the Bucks win the NBA cup, you would approach him with a congrats on the cup comment and then out yourself as a fanboy. Mm hmm.
Or mm hmm. So I did see Giannis at swimming this week. And everybody's been on my. But I don't think he like knows or America, but I've interacted with him. Like I've like if there's somebody that you see at the grocery store once a month by like month 10, you're like, oh, I recognize that person. Sure.
So. I mean, I've seen Giannis been in the locker. I watched Duke UCF with him with Taco Fall.
He remembers that, too, that he watched Taco Fall with Bart. I mean, we had to wait 40 minutes to get a quote because they were busy watching March Madness. We can move past this one.
I just had to give you a hard time. No, it's I mean, it's it's weird because then. So then so then we can we don't have this was sitting at the table where there's also coloring available or kids can color. And at one point it was my son, my son's friend and Giannis, the three of them at a table. So weird because Giannis was sitting next to it and.
And then I should have not fanboyed and come up later and been like, hey, thanks for watching my kid. Mm hmm. But everyone's on me to. Not us.
Who's everyone? We granted I run the opposite of that. We wanted you to hit him with the hey, is the swim schedule still the same over the holiday break? Dad, dad, right. It is that I think was a strong take that I think got ignored before he signed this last contract. I said, guys, because there's there's people there's another guy trying to tell me, no, he's interested in in Miami. And I am I see him exist in real life, unbothered. Like, yeah, everyone gets on their phone and goes, Giannis is here.
Yeah. But recently. He's been there more. He's not he's not actively not trying to be there. He's been there more.
He's comfortable. I honestly wonder how much when you have the amount of money Giannis has, how much is that privacy or relative privacy worth? It's got to be worth a lot, right? Like it's like, hey, you can you can be relatively anonymous ish in Milwaukee for 50 million or constantly everyone hounding you in L.A. for, you know, 60 million. Is that to be able to go to a place and have a couple of people like, say, good job. Mm hmm. But respect the privacy enough not to be like, can I have your autograph and take a picture? Mm hmm. Would you feel that scene, right?
And I won't. Yeah. And I think even like. In I just think even wherever he goes, like he could drop off his kid at school and people like, oh, it's just it's like, yeah, you're excited to see him because.
He's the best player we've ever had. Mm hmm. So I make sure because I. That I have a buck's head on that night, one night I had a buck's head on, but one night I had a warrior's head on.
So I did. Did you throw did you throw it? Oh, no, guys. Oh, boy.
There's a dead squirrel on my head. It does kind of look like that. All right. Grant, any thoughts on this topic or we can move on the Yanis, a swimming thing. It's just every every interview or every anecdote I see or hear from Yanis makes me think, oh, yeah, he's not.
You know what I mean? Like, he's not of course, he's not going anywhere. He has never.
In this whole tenure, if you look back, there's never been anything. Oh, there was one time there was one time he did an interview where he's like, remember that? But then he signed the week later. He said something weird one time.
I do remember that. But other than that. Yeah.
All right. Moving on next to our Packers, and I'm really excited for both and they kind of tie together. Ryan Wood tweeted the following. Watching the Bears break Caleb Williams.
There's no question they would have found a way to break Patrick Mahomes to tie that into this question. Well, go ahead. You can you can comment you don't need my reacting. No, I'm just I'm just reacting.
It is what you would do if you were at a taping of a late night show, by the way, you that way the audience at home of whom the money is actually after the home audience benefits from that. So that's good. First off, I think there's a lot of truth to like what if Patrick Mahomes was a bear?
Would he still be good? Great. Not good.
What do you anyway. The Packers are forced to trade Jordan Love for one of the rookie quarterbacks, you have to do it. Brian good against this offseason, you have to trade Jordan Love for one of Caleb Williams, Jayden Daniels, Drake May, Michael.
Michael panics JJ McCarthy or Bo Nix. Got to do it. One for one deal. It's the deal.
That's what we have to do that one quarterback would be as Packers GM. I would take I would take panics sight unseen. I love panics I fucking love this guy.
I'm a huge believer but this is like, you know, wow. I think, I think he's gonna look the closest to Jordan loves game. I think Caleb is a little more elusive. What's wrong, but he's great with us with a pretty significant head shake there. What do you got Grant, I think the Jordan love 2.0 in this draft is the guy I would take who's Drake may went third overall.
He's Jordan love I think he's the next Jordan love. Am I sweating. How is that even fucking possible is what you do. Tell us more about the panics thing. Yeah, that's an interesting thing. Yeah, this is another one. I thought I thought Williams was QB one I said that and then he's QB two. I don't know, am I scared off by what I've seen from Caleb No, look at. Yes, the bears would have broke Patrick Mahomes. I agree. They like would he be Trubisky.
Uh, he would be Jake Cutler. Wow. Interesting. By the way, I, I completely think that that is like what would Rami say to that I think he would agree. I'll tell you this. What would bears fans, I think the answer is yes, there is no one.
There is no such thing as an enigma documentary. Aaron Rodgers starts right away in the NFL. Because he never becomes good enough to have a documentary or because he. Rogers is probably like has an eight year career and is doing NFL countdown or some shit, do you think he would. There's probably no way in hell he would admit that, but do you think you could get him in a one on one interview to admit that that helped him and then that was super beneficial because he's never going to tell you I probably would have busted out of the league. He would never and nor should he say that, nor should he believe that I say this as someone who knew him well.
From 2011 to 2016, I do. If you saw him at kids swimming today, would you say hi. Yes.
Would he recognize you. Yeah. You know what, you know, documentary. I don't know. I mean, is there footage from more than eight years ago. I think so. Yeah, I think there is even like the last week of Packers centric Wisconsin sports talk radio has been, you know, I might watch it I might not but I do hear that I make an appearance so maybe I'll have to get around to like that's been the entire last week.
The same with making a murder. All these reporters are like, Yeah, I was at that press conference so if you if you pause it at 4327. You can see my face and let me tell you a little bit more about that day and my new book. You know, yeah, you know, I listened to the beginning I don't know if I told you guys this, I listened to beginning of will be in touch the other day, and they were talking about it, and I did not know Paul you can speak to this, I did not know the degree to which like will be in right like they were close families were close. He's talking about how Rogers came to the hospital when one of will these kids was born he would come over and play with the kids like, like, a lot of these Packers reporters and people who talk about the Packers now have come out and said like yeah, it's, it's almost, and maybe this is overdramatic and again you speak to this but it's like it's almost hard to watch him now, because he's so far removed from the Rogers that I once knew, I don't know if they're saying that the man he's become is is bad or it's just they, it's almost like some of these. These folks don't even recognize Rogers anymore, for better or worse that's up for them to decide I don't really have an opinion but that's just an interesting spin that I've had a lot heard a lot of hackers people have over the last week or so.
Yeah, I think I think it goes back to one of our other top five takes which is the chameleon take of Rogers I, I think there's been a few different actions since I last saw him. You know, I mean like I, there was like the Martellus Bennett era of Rogers and then there was like there's it, you know, it's a, it's like, Yeah, you know what I you know what I think should have been paid more attention in the past is the Packers should have been better about who they put Rogers locker next to, like if they would have put Rogers locker next to, you know, just a normal guy that's got three kids. Instead, if you stick them next to Captain Condom David Bach tiari then he's gonna be all fucking nuts. Well, for the record their lockers were across to condoms really good. It was a good is a good line, their lockers were nowhere close to each other. I got these packs of magnums.
Yeah, I need it. I'm big. My wife can't wait to fuck me. Um, uh, you know, so this whole presentation the reaction to enigma from a lot of folks has been like, wow, people are going to see a side of Aaron Rogers that they never knew existed. He's the most misunderstood person in sports, and that's why people don't like him. And I've seen all those comments and I've been reminded of that team from the office when Stanley and Michael have it out. And Michael's like Stanley, maybe you don't like me because you don't because you don't know me very well and Stanley's like, No, I know you. I know you very well and the more I know you the less I like you, and I, and that's kind of how I feel about Roger I don't think it's misunderstood thing.
However, reading the book, who Connor, you know Connor's book, and I have a watch friend of show friend of pod friend of show in reading that book and I've watched Nick me at and I'm probably going to next week. I think the thing that a lot of people actually don't fully grasp and and will appreciate is his family life was pretty darn unique. Right, the, the, like the religious background, right, the approach that his parents took.
I, I don't know that a lot of people fully grasp that. And I, I don't want to say that that made him who he is but I think it's a big part of his story that a lot of people up until recently kind of, at least I didn't really know about I'm a Packers fan so I don't want to speak for anyone else but I was pretty in the dark on that. Well, Grant when you were in the dark.
Sorry, Paul, what were you gonna say, Grant when you were 13 years old and Rogers was beginning his local radio show. And yeah, I think that is the accurate age. He quoted biblical scripture on like non ironic like you just, it was just kind of part of his, you know, and that was 1312 13 years ago when he would know. Yeah, that's about right, isn't it.
1213 years ago. So yeah, I think that that's been an evolution. Like, the thing that's the thing that I wish I could do differently is like probably the two people I enjoy the most interviewing in my journalistic career are now two people who are very very very divisive. Even for me, Rogers and CM Punk, like the my two favorite people in my journalistic days were and like was like the interviews were great. We connected.
We had great rapport. I was like, you know, internally being like especially the CM Punk like, holy shit, I'm interviewing. And now I'm like I fucking hate this guy you know, and I don't want that I just want to like have like the good memory of like, you know, the guy that stole the title from Cena and had a riot on their hands and took it to Wrigley Field and left and was this rebel and you know it's it's you know, Bart you said, actually on your national show this week something about like meet your heroes, you know, with I think you're talking about the Nickelodeon. Yeah, Mark Summers, Mark Summers.
I think it's okay. Yeah, I know him from Food Network. Oh, right. Oh, that's right.
That's right. That's unwrapped was such a such a good. But, but there were some really just incredible experiences and, you know, in that time period with both guys but you know speaking of Rogers it's like, so when he was, I'll share this story I was debating over the past five minutes whether to share it but whatever. I just want to say why don't you whip this stuff out more often Paul, you covered Aaron Rogers closely for a long time and you keep things close to the vest, but you do.
I'll, I'll share this. Paul's real name is actually Rick McDonald. So when we when first thing you think of when my wife and I were in New York and he was dating Olivia Munn we got to we were like on the set of the newsroom and she was filming outside and they did a whole thing and then afterward we were talking to her and you were there with Rogers. No, no, he wasn't there. Okay.
No, sorry. But she was there filming and it was whatever. And we talked to her for a long time and she was awesome.
You talk to me. Well, yeah, whatever and I'm saying it just to say then when I got back to. I think this was right before training camp.
And the first thing he did is opening press conference was Paul how was, how was New York, something like to open his press conference, which I hated because I don't like, you know, I'd rather just be stop. I would. I think my appearance on this, I think, you know, I think you know you believe that. But, like there was yeah it's so anyway, I'll, I'll watch it, and not because I'm obligated to watch it but I think it'll be interesting. But I do think we have a couple days off around Christmas with family, I, it's gonna be perfect to watch next week, all of this to say when we start when we first got this but I think Rogers would tell people now especially maybe not like in the heart of his, you know, 30s, but I think now he would say, Oh, sitting for three years was great. I highly recommend it, I really think that, well he, I think one of the, like the only nice thing I ever say about him is how he didn't use the Packers Jordan drafting love. Well, he may not have liked it he didn't use it against Jordan love. Right, like far views that against Rogers.
And so, you know, he says he wants to help mentor a guy I believe that because, you know, Jordan love. Yeah, so the so maybe there is another. If there's another side to Rogers.
Then why do you choose to show us this one. Right. Like oh if you really knew Aaron Rogers. Rogers has ample opportunity to present the way he wants to be viewed. Well, so I it's what I was like you can't be misrepresented he's on McAfee for an hour every week and now he has his own documentary, you know, you know who he is. We know who he is. He has gone out of his way to show us, but I think this is all some big Andy Kaufman thing.
Yeah. But I think to your point, it's who he is right now and I think that's the whole chameleon part of it. And I do think that there will be a time where he looks back and says man I was fucking weirdo. Don't we all do that to some degree though, you know, well, if we see most of us. Most of us try to grow.
Rogers seems to be digging down. Well, no, but I think, I think he would tell you, like, it's all part of the spiritual journey and the ayahuasca and like it's, you know, finding the divine feminine. Oh that that clip about the butterfly that made me realize why people do drugs. Because he was like, Oh, you know, because we all know we've all learned that a caterpillar becomes a butterfly.
But when you first learn it as a child there's a sense of wonder and wow and magic. So doing drugs gets you back to like feeling that you're finding that out again. I just, my whole thought was, it's like okay, Rogers I think Rogers feels like he's the first one to ever connect caterpillar to butterflies, like he just, it just there's a there's a feeling of he feels like I feel like he's presenting that I'm first. I'm the one who figured this out. Yeah, yeah, I said the other night. There's actual research done on things. You know, do your own research Rogers will do his research, and then tell you what the research says or the study says, as if he's the one who did.
Like he's. I don't know. I think the psychedelics thing is a. I think that's a bigger picture thing like people who do psychedelics and pot to some degree or like you got you gotta like it's it's very overplayed but Pete like the stoner who's like dude you got it. It's great and then you'll tell the stoner like it's not really for me I've done it a couple of times like we haven't found the right strain you sativa or indica like those people like they really want to like push, they're like no it's great and it'll help you grow and but it's not for everyone, but people who do psychedelics especially. And I remember in my gummies at Happy Place promo code. I remember in college. Do you guys know who Michael Pollan is writes about food bald guy, even on Rogan into like three hours about how, like a New York Times, very like food diet researcher did a book on psychedelics, and I remember in college.
You gotta try. And you know this acid or, you know, whatever. I think it's just, it's a psychedelics thing it's just that Rogers is so famous that it's. I think it's more projected, obviously with him. I don't know if he's the only one never pushed drugs is my point.
I have 60 seconds. You gotta trade Jordan love for one of the rookie quarterbacks Bart went with panics grant went with great way. And to me like I know I presented Caleb Williams at the answer because it tied to what Ryan would tweeted. It's Jayden Daniels is QB one right now. Right so, so the two, I mean right now today. The best of the six is today is Jayden Daniels so like, are we disputing that Drake Mays on a pretty bad team he's been pretty good. He has been.
Yeah, absolutely. Jayden Daniels is good deals he has probably been the board, okay I have two minutes How big do you think the NBA Cup will get before it peaks. Are we already there.
No, interesting. Well we look well because this generation is overlapping a little bit Yanis and LeBron have won MVP in the NBA Cup. And, you know, they didn't play the first 1015 years are we going to look back and 30 years and say, Okay, we've got three NBA championships, couple of NBA Cup wins.
We can do that. I think for any of the older players in the league, they're not going to value it. And then a generation, you guys that got the MVP are the two most competitive sickos at the sport and I think it's good for the league, Nick right brought this up I think it's good for the league that the first two cups have gone to Yanis and LeBron. Yeah, that gives it something like oh look these all time greats, this is something that they had on the resume yeah like if it was, if it was the Pacers and then the Hawks know fucking meaningless piece of shit, like if they if they keep having like the right winners right with the right superstar on the right team at the right time, maybe it's rigged. I think today's like eight nine year olds who will be, you know, first round draft picks in 10 years, they might come in having watched LeBron when it in 2023 and the honest when in 2024 and say, I want that. And then the bucks don't celebrate and in fact are in Milwaukee, the next day.
Did you see the parade, I know you light up chairs but did you. I mean, I really am surprised that I can still get mileage out of that bit. It's a good bit it's when you own exclusively, and people are still receptive to it I'm stunned, because it was, I mean it's a memorable strange thing during a peak time of Wisconsin sports fandom. It's true. Even I'm trying to milk it like I had a 60 second cameo and enigma 2021 will be my generation summer of 69.
They will agree. And with that, guys, thank you very much. Bye dudes, as horrible I would say under the chloroform, and I will I think I'm going to jump on Monday night after Packer saints, if anybody's interested, with no tomorrow. All right, and MBS also didn't get to a full hour and I did. Okay, see ya.
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