This is the best of the Adam Gold Show Podcast brought to you by Coach Pete at Capital Financial Advisory Group.
Visit us at North Carolina NC State game looking ahead to the Duke clash at the end of the week. And we'll all talk about Duke Virginia. Also, what was Wake doing? Well, the real problem for Wake was the loss at Notre Dame in the middle of the week.
Losing at Virginia Tech is not a crime. But we'll talk about the Demon Deacons as well. Connor O'Neill at the bottom of the hour. Right now it's Adam Smith from Inside Carolina on Twitter. At Adam underscore, was it underscore Smith, underscore IC. Yes, he's got two underscores. Two underscores as well. You're just trying to compete. You're just trying to compete with Victoria and I appreciate that.
Adam Smith joins us. Was that a hockey game in the second half or was it a basketball game in the second half? I love playoff hockey.
That was very playoff hockey-ish. It got chippy. I enjoyed it. Got a little feisty, didn't it? Yeah. Love it.
Absolutely love it. And I know just looking at your timeline wasn't necessarily your story, but the way Harrison Ingram elevated his game as the game got more intense. It's what happened in the first two game, right? At the Smith Center when Harrison played so well. Career high 22 more.
Season high 22 points for the Tar Heels. And I mean, he should be licking his chops going to Cameron Indoor. Well, actually, I will take credit for that story, A.G. I have to edit all those and write the headlines.
That's why we make the big bucks over here. I'm just messing with you. Interesting. I wasn't necessarily I didn't necessarily have Harrison Ingram going to Cameron on my mind with with senior night coming for UNC tomorrow night. But yeah, you know, what's what's what's a neat little angle about that is Harrison Ingram's sister plays volleyball. And it's something that's been enjoyable to talk to him about throughout the season. He said that, you know, in the fall, he kind of snuck over there one day to watch her play.
I don't know who they were playing. I really should have asked that because he was telling me the story and I sort of got engrossed in it. And he said he went into Cameron for the volleyball game and they started booing him. And I was like, dang, these kids are really paying attention to the new the friends and family section. You know what I mean?
Like. And so that's what I said to him. And he goes, well, I realized I had a UNC hoodie on.
So I was like, well, that's that's probably going to get you booed. There's there's no question about it. Adam Smith from Inside Carolina is joining us here on the Adam Gold show.
You and I have talked about this before it to me. And this is what I've enjoyed the most out of this team. It has been kind of an atypical and maybe this is like a backhanded compliment, but it's been sort of an atypical North Carolina team for me because it has been, I think, their best basketball. The offense will come. That's what R.J. Davis is there for. And to an extent, Armando backup. But I just I love the way they can get kind of chippy and nasty defensively because I think that's their best quality. And when they do what they did to state in the second half, I don't think there's anybody that's necessarily better than they are.
Adam Gold in studio with my man coach Peter to Capital Financial Advisory Group. Talk about financial termites. I hate termites. Risk fees commissions are all financial termites. If your money can go away without you really realizing what's happened, that's a financial termite eating away.
Your money can't happen. We can exterminate those that and we help people identify and exterminate financial termites every single day. So you would be the financial red ants.
That's right. Get rid of the termites. Sure.
People don't know that red ants get rid of termites. Text Adam to six hundred seven hundred for Coach Peter Ruda. Yeah. The UNC has a bit of a I hope we can say it on the radio, pissed off gear a little bit. Didn't bother me. Well, yeah, I mean, OK, I'll find out. I'll let you know. I'll let you know if that's a problem.
If I had your blessing, we're all good, obviously. But yeah, there's I mean, I think it I think it starts as you and I have talked before with Cormac Ryan and Harrison Ingram. I mean, Cormac Ryan can have a game where he's hitting six threes like he did at UVA a couple Saturdays ago, which were essential in that rock fight.
Or he can have he's had some games where he's gone one for nine from three for six from three. But the attitude and the edge and the intensity, I mean, like like we've talked about, he and Harrison Ingram are the vocal leaders of that team. Now, the UNC UNC looks to Armando Bacot and R.J. Davis for good reason, for many different things. But in terms of like the attitude and the intangibles and in some ways the personality, it's sort of Harrison Ingram and Cormac Ryan, especially when things are getting a little confrontational, like they were against NC State the other day. You saw Cormac and D.J. Horn going chest to chest with each other, like all the way up the court. At one moment. And I'm telling you, like we've talked about before, if there is a dust up, if something happens where somebody is drawing with someone else on the Tar Heels, you better believe.
I don't know if there's a prop bet you can make. Harrison Ingram is going to arrive on the scene very quickly and sort of be like, no, we're not having that. I mean, we saw him do it against Kentucky in Atlanta, Villanova in the Bahamas.
I mean, wherever they are, he doesn't mind that one bit. I said it to Hubert Davis after the game Saturday. I said this was kind of a Harrison Ingram game, wasn't it? And he gave us a nice answer on that because it was.
He he likes it when it gets a little it gets a little firing. Yeah. And I think Cormac Ryan's usually at the center of all of it. And I remember the play that you're talking about with he and D.J. Horn coming up the court. And I was otherwise not really able to, like, spend a lot of time on Twitter during the game. But this is it brought me like, wait a second.
Hold on here. I just want every like I Cormac Ryan to me is like a third line winger that you want on your team in the NHL playoffs. He is such an agitator because whether it gets him going, he's a good basketball player. I love Cormac Ryan's game, but it was that stuff which like he drew the he started drawing that foul as soon as the ball came in bounds. Like, honestly, if I were I forget who the referees were, I would have either called it on both or let it go entirely because it didn't do anything.
I guess you had to call something there. But there wasn't I mean, it was both too. It was Cormac Ryan kind of engaging for the purpose of drawing the foul.
It was beautiful. And I just I love that agitation that he brings. And I think that stuff in many ways, he reminds me of Justice Winslow for Duke back in the day. Justice Winslow played the same way. He it was his goal to get under your skin. And that's the way I think Cormac Ryan plays. It fuels him. I love him as a player. I hope Carolina fans understand and and appreciate the comparison because I think Winslow is a hell of a player. Yeah, he was he was doing that at age 18 and Cormac at age 25.
But yes, Carol, he's got you. It's a uniform on, don't you care? That's right. That's right. I just think I was thinking about the two mentally in my head, the two headshots of these guys. Yeah, I just I just love the way place.
So it's a lot of fun. Elliot Cadeau and how he has grown over the course of the season because he also there was some chippiness that he was involved in as well, which also I appreciate it and I think he handled it really well. But I also think that he has played some very big games. I mean, you could argue that he was one of Carolina's two or three best players in the entire game for his distribution, his ability to take it to the rack. Again, here's a guy who's grown all he's not 25 so we we can celebrate him. But look, I thought he played a great game. Hey, I love the old guys. Okay, I don't mean it to I don't I don't mean to say that I don't all due respect to everyone.
But yeah, you know, I was actually look as you were mentioning. Elliot Cadeau is plumbing for what they officially UNC officially listed met. They officially list Elliot Cadeau at six one one eight. He is small. But this guy, have you ever seen someone at this size? He finishes so well around the cup.
You know, like he no one can stay in front of him, really. You know, that's why you see the teams like Duke and Clemson did where they just back all the way off and sort of say, look, if you want to take the three go ahead there and you know, they invite him to take the three. But calling all North Carolina sports fans soon enough. DraftKings Sportsbook will be live in your state starting March 11th. You'll be able to bet on all your favorite sports from the comfort of your own home with DraftKings. Download the DraftKings Sportsbook app now and sign up with code nine nine nine to get up to three hundred dollars in bonus bets. When you place a five dollar bet once mobile sports betting goes live. Only on DraftKings Sportsbook coming soon to North Carolina on March 11th with code nine nine nine.
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I can't remember who it was someone. I think Marcel maybe had sort of just grabbed him or more or diarrhea, like had sort of just grabbed him out of frustration because he had blown by them, gotten into the paint. And he's like, you know, I don't know if it's a top gun. We were inverted type reference, but he was he was horizontal, you know, and he's flipping it up and flipping it. He has these left handed finishes that I don't know.
He had one at Miami the other day. It's you know, yes, there are. There's a high degree of difficulty on some of these finishes, but completely agree with you. And I would think that we are in a march here, as I'm sure you've noticed many times. You know, this is going to be one of those guys that is sort of like the barometer. Yeah. How far the Tar Heels go because when playing like he's capable of playing there, they're a tough team to beat and they play at a pace that not many people match. I mean, you saw some of the the passes in transition. He really can push it. And he's he's a difference maker, good or bad.
Right. He's sort of a difference maker on this team. It'd be interesting to see what happens with him at Cameron. But I think for the most part, he has answered.
I mean, every single question in difficult situations. Adam Smith inside Carolina at Adam Underscore Smith Underscore. I see, sir. Can't wait to talk to you later in March. It'll be soon. Well, it's here, isn't it? It is. I mean, it is gradually.
It's officially March. We I think we slipped into that on on Friday. We tried to extend February as long as we could. And we ran out.
We ran out of days. My man, I'll talk to you very soon. Thanks. Always great. You guys have a good one.
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