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ASE Wrestling will be in Charlotte, NC this December

The Adam Gold Show / Adam Gold
The Truth Network Radio
September 29, 2023 2:54 pm

ASE Wrestling will be in Charlotte, NC this December

The Adam Gold Show / Adam Gold

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September 29, 2023 2:54 pm

Darius Lockhart, Pro Wrestler/ASE Wrestling,

How did ASE come about? Who are some people that are booked for this show? What kind of support has he had in this journey? What’s his purpose?


From I Heart Podcast, Supreme the Battle for Roe tells the story of the unlikely champions behind the landmark case Roe v. Wade, starring Maya Hawke as 26-year-old lead attorney Sarah Weddington. We're challenging the Texas abortion laws in federal court.

And Academy Award nominee William H. Macy as Supreme Court Justice Harry Blackmun. Time is not the most important factor. Getting it right is. Listen to the podcast Supreme the Battle for Roe on the I Heart Radio app or wherever you get your podcasts. Two months from this Sunday, December 1st, right down the road from Bank of America Stadium, head to the Grady Cole Center. Ase Wrestling is going to be put on their inaugural event curated, put together by the man joining us now here on the Adam Gold Show, Dennis Cox, sitting in for Adam Gold today, Darius Lockhart joining us here on the show. All right, Darius, I want to get to you, get your thoughts right now on where the idea of Ase Wrestling came from and what was your your your thoughts on putting this show together and putting this promotion together?

Well, first of all, hey, Dennis, thank you for having me on and want to say hello, everyone listening. When it came to building Ase, I saw a clear divide in the line of who was getting to make calls in the industry, who was getting brought on to be creative heads, to be leads and creative directions for the past 40 to 50 years of professional wrestling. And it was a recycle of the same faces in different places. And I noticed that none of those faces really look like myself or none of those faces really like the people in the ring who were frustrated maybe about positioning or some of the marginalization they had to deal with in professional wrestling.

So to overcome that, I just kind of put the executive hat on myself and said I could do it myself. And I'm just using this as a platform to help people who need to get a chance to be seen for who they are, the really stars, they are despite the size or the look or the aesthetic or anything that everyone deserves a chance to be seen and get a platform. Darius Lockhart, professional wrestler based out of Charlotte, founder of Ase Wrestling, first event taking place at the Grady Cole Center on December 1st, that Friday night before the ACC championship game. Who are some of the, you mentioned some of these stars, these professional wrestlers, people that we might see.

Who are some of these people that you might have booked on the show already? Yeah, well, if you follow professional wrestling, especially independent professional wrestling, some of the names will definitely be notable to you. We have Impact star, former Ring of Honor world champion, Jonathan Gresham.

Nice. We have a current Ring of Honor star and Pan African world champion, Trisha Dora, headlining the show. We also have a Japanese pro wrestling legend, former WWF star, Aja Kong, coming all the way from Japan just to be here in December, her first time in the States in quite a little bit, if I remember correctly.

And plenty more. We have some Hall of Famers making special appearances. And we also have a performer by the name of Lute from Charlotte, North Carolina, and his Grammy nominated Dreamville affiliated.

People are familiar with the label, J. Cole's label Dreamville. Lute is performing. He's currently on tour and he's going to make his way back home just in time for us.

There is Charlotte, North Carolina, December 11th. So I hope that, you know, that can get some people excited by hearing a little bit who's on the card before we reveal everything we have to reveal, because we have a lot of trace of ourselves. By the way, Darius, we bumped back with the song under the song, which features J. Cole and Lute when we were coming back here, because that was, I knew that Lute was going to be part of the show. I actually saw Lute, our good friend Chris Lee, and we actually saw him at a show put on by rapper Big Pooh back in August of last year. Lute made a little cameo appearance.

It was great to see that. Why was it important for you to not only incorporate professional wrestling, but also just entertainment as a whole with this event? Because we see oftentimes now with sporting events and entertainment is that people want a little bit more than just, you know, for example, just a wrestling show or for example, just a hockey game or just a football game. Want to have a little bit more that goes with it. Why was it important to get a young rising star like Lute and have other entertainment besides pro wrestling at an event like this? With SOTIC 2 for moderate to severe plaque psoriasis, you could show off your skin again.

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Get bright sweat resistant coverage that won't quit for up to 24 hours. Maybe she's born with it, maybe it's Maybelline. Well, I believed it was a good way to get new fans into the door. People who don't know that they love wrestling yet. People who love wrestling and forgot that they love wrestling. At the core of this, it is a professional wrestling show, but there is a sense of artistry that I wanted to bring to this that can elevate the game a little bit, change the game, see how wrestling's viewed because ultimately the sport itself is a medium, not really a genre as people like to think it is.

So I wanted to kind of expand what we could do in professional wrestling, what it looks like and how we could get new viewers in. Also, it's a great time to celebrate the city. I'm a hometown guy. I'm born and raised in Charlotte, North Carolina. Lute to Charlotte, North Carolina native. A lot of the artists, our logo person who did our logo, Marcus Kaiser is a Charlotte artist, actually a national renowned artist. Some of the flyer people are artists. Everyone I'm working and I'm bringing you on board are from Charlotte, North Carolina. So I just really wanted this to be a very communal, creative space and also people can really see themselves in their environment and see that we can make this environment something to want to come to rather than always having to reach out for greatness.

It's right here with us. And Charlotte, North Carolina, deep with the history of professional wrestling right there. And again, even at the Grady Cole Center. So the fact that you are incorporating all of that, I think is very special because I know the state of North Carolina as a whole has a deep history of professional wrestling, but obviously there in Charlotte as well. I know you mentioned here, by the way, Darius Lockhart, pro wrestler, founder, curator of Ase Wrestling, first event taking place December 1st at the Grady Cole Center there in Charlotte. You mentioned how there are a lot of wrestlers out there, a lot of people out there that are, might be more marginalized in terms of what they see on screen and the people that are behind the scenes and the constant recycling that we see in the world of professional wrestling and sports is no different.

We constantly see head coaches and coordinators constantly recycled in pro sports all the time. So how difficult is it for, I know a lot of people might have your vision of like, you know what, we can start something of our own to have our own view on this, our own style, our own perspective and how you book shows and put things together. But there's the financial component that comes with this thing as well.

It's like not everyone can do that. What kind of support have you gotten from other people in order to help launch this? Honestly, I just made a lot of mistakes. Smart investments, working with people who are also plugged into the artist world, people who are good at these skills in terms of building a brand, building a thing. Luckily I've befriended a lot of very talented people. So I've always had people to lean on and confide with and also just bounce ideas off of to make this come and happen.

So, you know, we have a whole team behind our shape and although I'm the face, you know, there are people that I work with and before we come to a full decision. So it has been a really a lot of good luck, but at the heart of it, if anyone has the passion to try to do it, no matter how big or small your art is going to touch someone, whether it's 20 years from now or it's 20 seconds from the moment you post it, your art's going to reach someone who needs it. So it's all about being patient and seeing what your vision, if you have passion at the center of it, the finance behind it doesn't, it's not even really mattering as much as your vision. So you could just start small. You used to race started with a handheld camera and a YouTube show and look where she is now.

So I just tried, I kind of brought that energy to this and told myself, no matter how we start, as long as we start, that's, what's going to be the, the, the thing that we need to drive this force. Pro wrestling is a beautiful art and it really is. It's, it's to me, it's, it's theater and it's live and it's, it's a beautiful thing that people can connect with in various ways, shapes and forms. Darius, how can people, if they want to get tickets or find out more about Asha wrestling, where can people find that? Well, thank you for that. Uh, they can find more at Asha Uh, that will lead you to the ticket that will lead you to our merchandise shop. That will lead you to all our social media. We have a Twitter.

We have a Tik TOK. We have an Instagram. We have a YouTube page. The YouTube is crucial. Please subscribe to our YouTube.

That's going to help us really get off the ground and be able to monetize some things early on, especially as we'll be putting original content on the YouTube consistently leading up to the show. And after the show, as the bracket continues to live on. By the way, Asha is spelled A S E by the way, it's not A S E wrestling.

It's pronounced Asha, but it's A S C. That's how you spell Asha to make sure people out there know that. Uh, Darius, uh, I've seen you wrestle before in person, uh, in Greensboro against Matt Hardy. Uh, and that was an absolute blast. I know I've got some of your merch and I wear it quite often. Uh, Darius Lockhart, give him a follow at D lock pro, uh, on Twitter and such Darius truly best of luck to you. I'm hoping I can make that show. Um, anything I could do to help. I'll take photos, whatever you need. Oh, thank you so much, Dennis. And we'd absolutely love to have you send us an email and anyone else who's interested in contributing to the show at any moment, we're looking for sponsors, but looking for talent, send us an email and we would love to have you get you one to work something out.

Thank you so much, Dennis. Absolutely. Great talking to you once again, Darius Lockhart, uh, again, Darius Lockhart joining us here on the Adam gold show, a super cool thing. And, uh, I know a lot of people in the professional, a lot of people will give flack, you know, for people who enjoy professional wrestling, it's an art form and it's deeply rooted in the city of Charlotte. It's deeply rooted here in the state of North Carolina. I mean, gosh, look at some of the best entertainers that we've seen. People have gone mainstream from Matt and Jeff Hardy to hurricane Helms.

I mean, gosh, Rick Flair is larger than life. The four horsemen all rooted right here from here in the state of North Carolina. So it's very cool to see that, uh, Darius is incorporating all those folks that we see from the state of North Carolina into that from I heart podcast Supreme the battle for row tells the story of the unlikely champions behind the landmark case Roe v. Wade, starring Maya Hawk as 26 year old lead attorney, Sarah Weddington. We're challenging the Texas abortion laws in federal court and Academy award nominee William H Macy as Supreme court justice, Harry Blackman. Time is not the most important factor. Getting it right is listen to the podcast Supreme the battle for row on the I heart radio app or wherever you get your podcasts.
Whisper: medium.en / 2023-09-29 17:58:33 / 2023-09-29 18:04:14 / 6

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