Dana Loesch Show
Dana Loesch
Dana Loesch Show
Dana Loesch
Faith And Finance
Rob West
CBS Sunday Morning
Jane Pauley
Discerning The Times
Brian Thomas
Our American Stories
Lee Habeeb
Heaven is a place on earth.
Hi, this is Lon Solomon, and that's the name of a hit song by Belinda Carlisle, lead singer of the Go-Go's. Now we all know that heaven is not a place here on this earth. We know that this earth is actually a pretty awful place in a lot of ways. But the Bible says there is a place called heaven, and the Bible says you and I can go there. Jesus did for us on the cross, paying for our sins with his blood. So, want to go to heaven? Hey, who wouldn't want to go there? But you've got to trust Christ to do it. Not a sermon, just a thought.
Whisper: medium.en / 2023-06-10 00:13:21 / 2023-06-10 00:14:07 / 1