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BREAKING: Trouble for Kamala Harris

Sekulow Radio Show / Jay Sekulow & Jordan Sekulow
The Truth Network Radio
August 5, 2024 1:12 pm

BREAKING: Trouble for Kamala Harris

Sekulow Radio Show / Jay Sekulow & Jordan Sekulow

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August 5, 2024 1:12 pm

The stock market is in free fall. This morning, the Dow plunged more than 1,000 points, the S&P 500 slipped over 3%, and the Nasdaq was down almost 4% in early trading. Is the U.S. about to enter a recession amid the global conflicts in the Middle East and Europe? The Sekulow team discusses Wall Street's worst week since 2020, the unrest overseas, the latest 2024 election polls between President Donald Trump and Vice President Kamala Harris, the ACLJ's legal work – and much more.

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With stock markets crashing, what does economic turmoil mean for the Trump-Harris campaigns? Keeping you informed and engaged, now more than ever, this is Sekulow. We want to hear from you.

Share and post your comments or call 1-800-684-3110. And now your host, Logan Sekulow. Welcome to Sekulow. We've got a packed show today. Rick Grenell is joining us later, as well as Harry Hutchinson and C.C.

Heil. Talking about news that are going on in the world of the ACLJ, as well as the news that a lot of us woke up to and sort of anticipated over the weekend, which was the economic downturn showing off in the stock market as things seem to be plummeting this morning. Will's got a degree in finance, so I said, you know what? Will, hang on a second. The producer's going to be joining me in here. He's going to discuss this. Like they all just said, really?

I saw your producers go, really? He's got a degree in finance. We also have Harry Hutchinson joining us to really break down what's happening. I think there is a good contingent of people, and I'm not saying sometimes it's not me included in this, who are not heavily invested in the stock market. And maybe this isn't the first thing that they care about.

They wake up. Sure, they hear an economic downturn. If they hear unemployment is rising, those kind of things. Yeah, those are some alarming moments, but sometimes the immediate effect of the stock market isn't what we're thinking of. But people need to start giving this sort of a global perspective and, of course, a political perspective.

As you saw in our title, we were talking about this. What does this mean for a Trump campaign? What does it mean for a Harris campaign? Obviously, President Trump seizing at the moment, making this a political talking point that he's going to need moving forward. As we've seen, polls start to tighten. Things start to shift in terms of Trump versus Harris. You now have a real moment to seize on the economy is crashing, and that's usually what people vote about.

That's right. Yeah, it's the old adage that people vote with their pocketbooks, meaning that if the economy is doing well, the incumbent typically has an advantage over the challenger. But however, if the economy is not doing so well, sometimes people are looking for change. Now, the Biden Harris team, the administration, as well as now the Harris campaign and formerly the Biden campaign had been touting that this was the greatest economy ever.

This is everyone is doing so much better. And a lot of people on Main Street, as they say, didn't buy it. They weren't saying this is true. But however, we see a litany of bad news for the administration and for the American public as the economy over the end of last week. Right. This isn't something to celebrate. This is this is a very real situation where there was a bunch of earnings reports came out from big tech companies last week.

Those were not as expected. Also, a lot of spending from these companies on A.I. technology actually hurt their stock prices earlier in the week last week. Then we saw a the Federal Reserve decide to not lower rates once again, they're going to maintain again. And then we saw at the end of the week, a jobs report where the unemployment rate is now the highest it's been since September of twenty twenty one. So early in the Biden Harris administration. All of these things mixed together, like beginnings of covid. Well, yes, it was when things were starting to kind of turn around. You're a year and a half in.

In California, they were nowhere near right. So what you're seeing is now an unemployment rate skyrocketing back up under this administration when they've been telling us it's the best economy in the world. Nothing to worry about at a time when Kamala Harris has been enjoying kind of a honeymoon period, a celebratory period from the media as her now being the nominee.

When all this news hit at the end of last week, we saw a huge nosedive on Friday of the stock market and it continued into today. And we'll talk about it more with Harry in the next segment. Absolutely. Phone lines are open right now. I want to hear from you.

One eight hundred six eight four thirty one ten. When you wake up to news of whether the economy is crashing, global unrest, we've seen more war breaking out overseas. What does it mean for you and where you're going to vote?

Is anything going to sway you to vote one way or the other? Or are you locked in? One eight hundred six eight four thirty one ten. A lot of people are joining us right now on Rumble and on YouTube. I see a number spiking on YouTube. I want to say if you're brand new to this broadcast, we do this each and every day from noon to one Eastern. So if you don't mind, hit that subscribe button. Hit that like if you're brand new, because we do this each and every day. Hit the like and comment right now.

Comment again if you don't have anything to comment. Tell me where you're watching from. I like to know, especially when we have these sort of spikes. I like to know where people are watching from. Where is it affecting you the most? Give us a call.

One eight hundred six eight four thirty one ten. We're also kicking off our A.C.L.J. Life and Liberty Drive for the month of August. You can have your gifts doubled. We've extended it. Be a part of it right now. Go to A.C.L.J.

dot org. We'll talk about that a little bit more coming up. Welcome back to Sekula.

Phone lines are open. I want to hear from you. I know this topic, like I said, can get a little heady as we start to really discuss the ins and outs of why the economy is crashing, what it looks like moving forward. But I do want to know, is the economy still the most important thing for you in terms of where you're going to vote? Is that the number one? I know historically, as they say, that is the number one. People look at the economy. I'm not sure about our listeners.

I don't know of our viewers and I don't know if that's where their hearts really are at. Now you can give me a call. Let me know.

1-800-684-3110. Of course, you can put that in the comments as well. Joined by Harry Hutchinson to discuss this a bit further. If you want to get in the weeds, we're going to get in the weeds a little bit about why this is happening and what it could mean in the future. Because like we said, as we started, what this means for a potential Harris run, as we've seen a bit of a cooling. The polls are still trending in her favor in that sense, just purely based on anything on sort of the newness of everything. But when moments like this happen and you have the S&P 500 down three and a half percent almost, the Dow Jones industrial average down 2.7, NASDAQ down four. This is alarming for a lot of people, but maybe we need to break down a bit of why it's alarming and what led to this. Well, I think it's an important pivotal moment in US economic history and it will test Kamala Harris's ability to be agile and nimble in the face of bad economic news. So I think it's clear to virtually everyone that the stock market has fallen sharply, not only in the United States, but in Japan and much of the rest of the world. Now, in part, this follows, of course, a bad jobs report last week. Unemployment shot up to 4.3 percent. Only 114 new jobs were created. But the picture with respect to jobs is actually much worse.

Why? Because most of the new jobs that we've created in the United States since the Biden administration took office have gone to illegal and legal immigrants as opposed to native born Americans. Hence, many native born Americans don't feel very good about the economy. You couple that with high interest rates. So, for instance, the average home price, if you factor in mortgage rates and the price of the house have doubled for many people.

And so those rates have kept a large number of Americans, particularly first time buyers, out of the market. This has fueled worldwide uncertainty. And right now, neither Joe Biden nor Kamala Harris can basically offer a path forward. And I think that is one of the problems. Meanwhile, Donald Trump has suggested that this would, in fact, occur, and it has now occurred. Whether or not it's occurred simply because he suggested it, I'm not going to venture a comment on. But I will say that most people trust Donald Trump's judgment on the economy a little bit more than they trust the Biden administration.

So what's the remedy? Many people are pushing for a Federal Reserve rate cut. That may be exactly the wrong advice because if you go back for the last 30 years in U.S. economic history, a Federal Reserve cut in the face of such bad economic news has generally preceded what? The R word, a recession.

And that means that a rate cut could actually worsen the forecast. I think that is a big concern because I think there are a lot of people, even like me, who are looking at, you know, traditionally, if I looked at my path, I would have probably moved at this point, like from my house. I would have left my house. But there's no way for me to move. I look at it and it's crazy because you go, okay, well, would I like to quadruple my?

I mean, that's not even joking. To me to move to a cup, just the same house, essentially, at this point, it would be my mortgage payment would be four times what it is right now. So my wife and I have these discussions of like, what what happens if you are in that situation where thankfully we love our house, but we've looked at you. You just look after seven, eight years, like, sure, we'll see what else is out there. And you realize it's impossible.

It's impossible for a lot of people right now. And when you say that your rate cuts, those things may not actually help. I think it does send up even more red flags to people going, OK, we have to steady this. Well, and that, to your point, is that for years now, the Biden administration, along with Kamala Harris, have been gaslighting the American public because what we're seeing now is symptoms of what's been going on. You're seeing it hit the top. You're seeing it hit these large companies. You're seeing the world react. You're being burdened by what has been. Right. There's a lot of people who have been feeling this strain when you talk about being able to move houses even laterally because of the rates.

It's impossible for many people. If you get a job in a new city, you have to consider the ramifications of, yeah, you may get, you know, a nice pay raise because you got a new job, but it may actually be making less money because your housing costs are going to go up so much. And so what now we think the American public has been feeling for a while that the Biden administration has been straight up lying to your face about is coming to fruition at the worst period for the Harris campaign.

But I think we should play this bite. This is from January of this year. This is Vice President Kamala Harris in an interview with Katie Couric talking about the economy.

And let's go ahead and play it and get Professor Huscheson's reaction to this by 10. We have historic accomplishments in terms of the economy, what we've done to move forward. It's science, technology and investment in the American workforce, growing the American workforce, rising wages, bringing down prices. Historic work has happened, no question. It is incumbent on us to let people know who brung it to them, frankly. Yeah, I mean, that is coming from, again, Vice President Harris from this past January with Katie Couric, just what is essentially just a lie.

Just lying to your face, telling you everything is fine, like the Wizard of Oz. Absolutely. And so Kamala Harris touts the Biden administration's historic accomplishments. In reality, of course, it's historically bad for many Americans, and that is certainly true for working class Americans. So if you look at, for instance, the metric of inflation, inflation has gone up in part because the Biden-Harris administration has proposed and enacted at least portions of the Green New Deal. So what has that done? It has reduced U.S. independence with respect to energy, thus driving up energy costs.

She doesn't seem to understand that. With respect to the Biden-Harris administration push toward electric vehicles, that has in many respects backfired. The average electric vehicle, however attractive they may be, is something north of $65,000. That is an impossible vehicle for most average American people.

So if you are an investment banker and you're earning north of $2 million, of course an electric vehicle is fine. But for most Americans, this is a troublesome idea. But Kamala Harris doesn't seem to understand that. She doesn't seem to understand the needs of the American people.

So one of the things that I would recommend that she do is go into a grocery store and look at grocery store items now versus two, three, four years ago. I've talked to individuals who are now paying up to $70 for a dinner for four at Five Guys, a fast food restaurant. And so increasingly the costs are astronomical for the American people.

No, it's true. I have a family of five. Let's say sometimes we're feeding another person if they're with us or a friend. I rarely walk out of a kid-friendly family restaurant for under $100.

We just have to go now going, all right, this is going to be at least $100 with temp, maybe more. And that is unfathomable for a lot of people. And again, you go to your local Mexican restaurant, you go to places that historically are where you're going to go and you're going to have a good meal for a good price. And you look at it and go, it's not their fault.

And you look at it and go, wow, this was the cost of half a PlayStation. This is a bizarre time we're living in. Well, and you couple all that with the fact that a senior economic advisor this morning for the Biden administration left the administration to go where? To go work on the Harris campaign, maybe a bad time to leave the real job of advising the sitting U.S. President on the economy to go work on the campaign to try to reelect the vice President. You have that coupled with a looming conflict in the Middle East with Iran and many other things.

It seems like the honeymoon period for Kamala Harris may be over. We'll see how it plays out. Yeah, we absolutely will. Look, we're going to take your phone calls coming up at 1-800-684-3110. And Rick and Nelson join us in the next segment. I'm sure we're going to be talking about them, about all of these topics as well as what's happening around the world.

I need to take a moment, though. Look, if you can imagine when you wake up to news like this and now they say, Logan, go to a fundraising pitch, it becomes harder. The numbers are down.

I told you that last month and it was true. And now we're facing another historic moment in the world in time. And I have to come on here and I'm going to ask you to give us your support.

But please consider it because we are fighting the fight for you. We're facing immense challenges here at the ACLJ. And this is the Life and Liberty Drive for the month of August. We have so many new cases coming in. We have a new one coming in a couple of weeks I cannot wait to share with you. It's really groundbreaking, which is why our Life and Liberty Drive has been extended.

Have your gifts doubled still. Are we great people ready to match? Right now at So we encourage you, we're literally fighting to save lives, but we can't carry out our mission without you. Our ACLJ supporters and ACLJ champions, keep us in the fight. Have your gift doubled right now at

Welcome back to Secular. Rick Reynolds will be joining us in just a moment, so stay tuned for that. We're also taking your phone calls at 1-800-684-3110. We've got three lines open, so this is a good time to call in. You'll get line, we'll get to you coming up, specifically coming up in the last segment here on the broadcast.

We always like to take all the calls we can. And then later on in the broadcast, CC Heil is going to be joining us as well to talk about an important ACLJ case. But Rick's joining us now by phone.

Rick, it has been a crazy time. Obviously, everyone woke up to the news of the stock market crashing, what that means for the economy. And of course, the first thought has got to be, after the sort of Harris honeymoon, as I keep saying it, this is not what the Harris campaign want to wake up to see. Because obviously, if you're looking for who can fix the economy, it's pretty clear. Yeah, look, I think the world market, the world investors, the world knows that Kamala Harris is a very far left progressive. They see what her policies are, right? She has said that she thinks red meat is bad for the environment, and so we should look to ban red meat in America. She has said that more cops on the street are not necessarily a good thing for crime, for crime prevention.

And she's attacked the idea that illegal immigrants are not really illegal and that we shouldn't be punishing people for coming across the border. Those are policies that are disastrous for America. And remember, you know, I'm looking at the German stock market, which is not doing well. And the Germans know firsthand that when you don't enforce immigration laws, you create chaos. And that's why we have a smaller European Union. Brexit happened. The British said, we're out of here because the EU couldn't control the immigration issue.

We have to learn from some of these countries that have tried some of these policies and have failed. People are nervous about this far left Kamala Harris, Joe Biden policies. And I'll finish with this, Logan, is that they see a war that has gone on in Ukraine for years that has gone on in Israel and Gaza for more than 300 days. And it's getting worse. And so they see this weakness as bad for the economy. And when the polls started saying Kamala was up and Kamala could be President, the world markets have reacted.

Rick, you look at what's happening. You see this a lot of times once it starts to be front page news with the stock market crashing. It's indicative of what the American people have been struggling with for much longer. But yet the Biden team and the Harris campaign now have been telling us over and over again that this is the best economy in the world and that the there's never been anything better.

The prices are coming down, even though we knew they had record inflation and that the stock market's doing great under Joe Biden and the housing crisis isn't a crisis. They're gaslighting the American people about this. But yet at the same time, as we know, Americans have felt real pain at home. You bring up the funding of things like Ukraine, where it's over and over again. We are just writing astronomical checks to Ukraine and Zelensky with no oversight.

We know the rampant corruption there. Do you think that this right now, this could be a pivotal moment in America where as the economy is not doing great here and it's everywhere, that we still continue to push these huge paychecks to Zelensky and his crew in Ukraine? Yeah, I would add one more thing over the last couple of days we've seen that the State Department announced that they gave $239 million to the Taliban. That's $239 million of hardworking Americans' money to the Taliban.

I look at this and I think, you took money from my mom, who's on Social Security, to give to the Taliban? This is so incompetent, corrupt, and outrageous that I think there's a clap back. I think there's a pendulum swing back against the media and the propaganda that they put out. Remember, this is the same crew that told us Joe Biden was fine and that we were looking at cheap fakes if you thought that Joe Biden couldn't walk up the stairs or had to be escorted off the stage by Barack Obama. This is literally the same team that told us Joe Biden is fine and now they're telling us the economy is fine.

The world is saying you're wrong, we can't deal with this propaganda, and there is a pendulum swinging back from regular people around the world. And Rick, all of this can't be looked at without also talking about the looming threat from Iran to retaliate against Israel. You see Antony Blinken telling the G7 that it could come within 24 hours.

That was yesterday, Axios reported. We know that Iran has said they're going to retaliate for the killing of the Hamas leader on their soil, but what's your outlook on how the U.S. will respond? Does it create a global crisis, maybe even a bigger war there in the Middle East, all at this time where our economy is down 2% in the Dow just this morning? Look, peace is good for America, it's good for people, and it's very good for the economy.

And this is what Donald Trump brought us. Donald Trump consistently worked to bring more Arab-Israeli peace agreements, no wars in Europe. It's very difficult to avoid war.

I'm going to be honest. It's a lot easier just to let the conflicts slide into military action. And that's what we've seen from this administration, multiple wars. I don't understand the American people who say that they're voting for Kamala Harris. She is so far progressive left.

She's more of this DEI programming. And I honestly, the American people have got to wake up. They cannot keep complaining about wars and killings and an open border and inflation and vote for the people that are giving it to them. To me, what's happening today is just proof of what we've always known is that these weak policies from Biden and Harris are going to make our country less safe and less prosperous.

And of course, I'm sure they'll blame previous administrations, as every President does. So, Rick, thank you so much for joining us. I did want to take a minute here as we head to the next segment of the broadcast. If you don't get us for the full hour, I encourage you to watch us online. We're on, Facebook, or Rumble. Some stations carry the full hour, some only do half hour if you're listening on Terrestrial Radio. Or you can join us live or later on the podcast version of the show on YouTube, on Rumble. Make sure you're engaged in that way, but also support the work of the ACLJ by going to

We have one line open right now, but phone lines will clear up 1-800-684-3110. This is what President Biden said just a few days ago outside the White House. They said, Mr. President, a reporter asked, what do you want your legacy for Gen Z to be?

Obviously, the Gen Z voting block. And he goes, that I cured the economy. And here we are this morning. So you tell me how that makes you feel. How does it feel to be just lied straight to your face from the Biden administration, Joe Biden himself, from Kamala Harris?

They're just lying to you and hoping you take it. You're watching clips. I was at an event yesterday and heard people discussing who they wanted to be the vice Presidential pick. And you've got to remember, this is not a joke when I say this, they were discussing the different social media content being created for each of the potential vice Presidential candidates for the Democrats. And that's how they were decided. That's pretty wild. That should be eye opening to you. Get on the ball here, everybody.

1-800-684-3110 again, the ACLJ. We've extended our life and liberty drive through the month of August because we need it, folks. I would tell you it is the economy is down. Of course, that's hurting everybody right now. But we are dealing with some an ordinary times and some ordinary cases. They are historic. And thanks to your support, we're able to continue these fights of your God given rights and constitutional freedoms. There are things like we're defending your right to go to church in Pennsylvania.

We got defending Israel before the ICC. We have a big one coming up in this next segment you're going to find very interesting. So stay tuned. We're back in just a minute.

Or scan the QR code right now and make your donation. Keeping you informed and engaged. Now more than ever, this is Sekulow. And now your host, Logan Sekulow. Welcome back to Sekulow. We're going to take some phone calls. 1-800-684-3110. Let's go to Kathleen who's calling in Florida who's watching on YouTube. Kathleen, go ahead.

Good afternoon. I look at the entire picture, not just one thing that they've done that this administration has done, but everything that they have done has seeked to weaken everything, our military, our economy. Everything has been weakened and dumbed down. It's like we don't matter. They're the only ones that matter. And even I have a deaf friend that can even tell that this administration is out of here.

I mean, it's just terrible. And I look at who is looking to build up America, who has the values that we respect and that we've held near and dear all of our lives. And the Democrats do not. Their whole agenda is not to strengthen us.

It has nothing to do with American people. We the people. We have no say in it.

But definitely Donald Trump will have my vote. Kathleen, I hate to cut you off. I think we're just running a little low on time. And I appreciate you calling in and giving your point of view of where the economy is. The economy is your number one. We have some calls coming in.

The economy is not the number one. We're going to take some of those coming up. Stay on hold. Give us a phone call.

1-800-684-3110. I think that's true when you have a situation where the economy is plummeting. You have another situation where there's large storms happening and, you know, tropical storms that are that are really disrupting things on the coasts.

That's obviously going to throw a lot off as well. And you even have a looming vice Presidential pick coming tomorrow. There's a lot going on this week. This is not the start of how we wanted to start our week. Talking about the economy falling. The stock market's crashing. War with Iran. War with Iran.

Storms in Florida. This is really a can be a chaotic time. And I don't want to come into this and feel like we're taking this too lightly. You're taking it very seriously. You have to look at what's happening around the world. Whether there's stuff that we can control or stuff we can't and how it's going to affect the future. Because even how you deal with storms, even how you deal with that, that is something you're voting for. You're voting with how you're going to deal with emergency situations.

That's right. And what you're seeing is that many times the Biden administration, instead of rising to the occasion, rises to the talking point. And they spin things. They say things that they did that they didn't do. Or they just tell you you're wrong and what your eyes are telling you aren't true. I mean the case in point is even about the President himself. That when you saw the state that the President was in, they told you it was a cheap fake.

And therefore you shouldn't believe it. I look at this storm happening right now in Florida. A couple of people are dead. 300,000 are without power as the storm hits. And all I can go back to in my head is how are we going to deal with this? Because remember what happened in East Palestine. How easily, quickly we forget these disasters happened and the administration almost ignores them. Pretends they didn't happen.

Tell you nothing's wrong. Don't go to visit the border. All of those situations that are either naturally occurring or are policy controlled, it doesn't matter. It all has the same kind of impact if you're running a certain kind of administration or campaign.

We've got to not forget about that when we're moving forward. Also you had the situation over the weekend where Donald Trump said he wanted to debate and Kamala Harris said no. I'm not going to debate you there because he wants Fox and she wants ABC.

Of course ABC he's currently thinking litigation over right now so that is unlikely. And it's going to be crazy if there is a scenario, and I think it's very likely right now, that we don't get a debate between your two leading candidates. Because we know what happened last time, which was President Trump defeated the Joe Biden campaign in a debate. So now neither of them are wanting to maybe have that debate again. They're going to each put up their rules. I think that I would love to see it.

But I think there is a good chance, being only 90-ish days out until the Presidential election, that we do not get that opportunity as American people. And I think that's real travesty. Give us a call. 1-800-684-3110.

Again, coming up next, C.C. Hiles is going to be joining us, telling you about a very important issue for the ACLJ as we fight for the workers' rights for Christians who just want to simply practice their faith in a legal way. We're there for them so we can be there for you. And of course, there's no way to do that without your financial support. So go to

During this life and liberty drive, all donations are tax deductible and matched. We'll be right back. Welcome back to Sekulow. Some phone lines are open into the next segment. I always like to take as many calls as I can. So go get in line. 1-800-684-3110.

C.C. Hiles joining us, Senior Counsel for the ACLJ. With an ACLJ news story that's happening right now, we're getting involved. And this is, you know, sometimes you think of these cases, they may be really big picture, but sometimes they're very nuanced. Sometimes they're, you don't want to say they're small because the ramifications are gigantic. And the ramifications, by the way, are huge for all of you as well. This is sort of core ACLJ that we have fought for for years successfully. And here we are once again with a situation where an employee simply wants to practice their faith in a way where they just want to go to church on Sunday. And a giant company is saying, no, no, no, we don't do that here. So go ahead. Let's start us in the beginning where we're at.

Sure. So this is a religious accommodation case, just like you said, Logan, where a client of ours who reached out to us has worked at a company, a very large company, for six years. And as a forklift operator and had really no problems because he worked overnight for a majority of that time. But when he switched to the daytime shift, then all of a sudden he's required to work every other weekend. And he has to. It's mandatory from Friday through Sunday. And so, of course, he wants to go to church.

And so he's forced now to miss every other Sunday going to church. And under Title VII, you cannot do that. The law requires just because you are going into a workplace, you don't shed your religious rights when you do that. And so Title VII requires companies to give accommodations, religious accommodations, so that people who do want to go to church on Sundays can actually practice their faith or whatever night it is that you go to church, whatever day you go to church. And actually, where we've actually been helped in this matter is the Supreme Court clarified before it's this, you know, undue hardship, unless it causes undue hardship for the company.

And that was kind of a very low threshold before. But the Supreme Court has clarified that the undue hardship has to substantially interfere with their operations of the employer and or result in excessive costs. So here we have a situation where our client could actually swift shifts, you know, easily to be able to accommodate him. And they just have said basically no originally. And like you said, too, what's really strange is this is a large company.

And they did not have workplace policies in place for religious accommodation. So we shot off a demand letter and we are demanding that they have these accommodations and that they actually accommodate our client. We're getting involved right now. It's happening as we speak. These negotiations and things are happening. And look, I wanted to tell you about this because right now I can see our numbers are spiking and you may be watching because you want to know what that trouble is for the Harris campaign.

We're talking about the economy. Maybe you're joining us right now, but you don't know that this is not just a broadcast. This broadcast is also a key part of the legal arm of the ACLJ, where we take your case, whatever you need, we're there for you at no cost. This employee could probably not have afforded to have the legal representation he does, but we're able to do that because of ACLJ supporters. So I encourage you right now, if you're brand new, you know, for those who support ACLJ long term, great.

Become an ACLJ champion. Make your donation right now. If you are just that new person who is finding us for the first time and look, I know this because I can track the YouTube data. When we have these big days, about 50 percent of the people watching right now, you may have never seen my face before.

So I encourage you to get engaged the easiest way. The first thing to do, hit that subscribe button. We do this show each and every day. Cover the top news of what's going on. Also give you the information of how the ACLJ is fighting for you. If you need legal help.

Also, we're there for you at slash help. But subscribe. Hit that thumbs up. We're over 419,000 strong right now on YouTube.

So if you know 419,000 people can't be that wrong. So join us. Make that. Let's get down to a million.

Wouldn't that be amazing? Be a part of that right now. And if you can't, of course, support the work, support the work well. Because as I said, this is not something that this man probably could have easily jumped in and said he probably would have had to just take it and deal with the fact that this is a job in a bad economy. Don't lose your job over your religious faith, sadly. But now we're able to fight for him because of our ACLJ supporters.

That's right. And in America, you shouldn't have to choose between keeping your job and practicing your faith. And so what we do here is we first send the demand letter. The client comes in.

We send a demand letter because that's the quickest way to resolve it for this client instead of immediately going into litigation, which could drag out for a long time. And therefore, he's still being harmed in the in the meantime. But here we have this.

We have a deadline. And we'll get into that in a minute of them coming back and having a policy that is acceptable to both the client and the company that we can then say he can practice his faith and continue to work here and put food on his table. Like you said, this is a time of economic hardship for many. And so therefore, number one, keep your job, continue working, providing for your family.

But also, you shouldn't have to give up your constitutional right to practice your faith. And so what we do in this demand letter is we outline the law. This is a large company, so they have legal counsel that they, I'm sure, are reviewing it right now. And we will fight, though, if it does have to go to the next step, if it does have to go to litigation to continue to get justice, not just for this employee, but at this large company. Any other employee that maybe didn't have the knowledge or didn't think to go to a place like ACLJ to fight for them.

And the last thing on their mind is in this economy, I want to go hire a lawyer to make sure I can go to church on Sunday and still keep my job. But that's what we're doing here. It's no cost to this employee, but it's going to have an effect on anyone at that company when we prevail in this.

Yeah, that's right. And the economic harm, you know, you might think, OK, well, he's having to use. And I didn't clarify this, but they actually forced him to use his part time off to actually take off a Sunday instead of accommodating him. So he's losing money and income. And somebody might think, well, OK, it's just one Sunday every other week. But that can be groceries on your table.

That can be a rent payment. So it's very important that we stand up for his religious liberty and his rights under the law. And like you said, Will, it's absolutely when we fight and we get this accommodation for our client, it will then have repercussions throughout the whole entire company that everyone who wants a religious accommodation, hopefully they will then put a religious accommodation policy in place. And that's what we're hopeful for. And like you said, a lot of times we can just do the demand letter quickly and we're talking to their legal team.

And maybe they realize, oh, my gosh, we just didn't we didn't realize that we didn't have this policy in place. And here's the law. Right. And you've given us the law and we know it. And it's supported by a very recent Supreme Court decision. So it's a very strong, very strong legal argument for our clients. So we're very hopeful.

Friday's the deadline. And we're hopeful that we will hear back and have a quick resolution for our client and for everyone who works at this company. So I want to encourage everyone, if you hear this story, you go, hey, maybe ACLJ can help me. Well, one, we probably can if it's within our scope. I want you to go to slash help you. You fill out really a really simple form that just says, here's the basis of what's going on.

Does it fit within our sort of scope of the categories that we do here? And if it does, you get immediately signed to an ACLJ attorney. I think many people need to know that, too.

They're not going to just a mass telemarketing group that's just going to take your information. No, this is you're going to be assigned essentially an attorney immediately. And the determination is going to happen whether we can support you or not. So there's no harm in just going to slash help and say, here's the issue I'm having.

Can you guys help? And often we can. And of course, we can't do that. And by the way, we help for zero cost.

There's zero cost to you as the client or any of the clients. Now, obviously, we can't do that without your financial support. And as we report on the economy and it's going to be the next segment, I see a lot of the calls that are lined up. That's what we're going to be talking about. It's hard to say the economy is crumbling. Also, give us money.

That is a tough place to put anyone in. But I'm going to encourage you, even if it seems like meaningless to you, the ACLJ is built on individual donors at a very low level. People that donate $10, $20.

I think the average gives somewhere between $45 and $75. You know, this is not people giving thousands of dollars a month. Collectively, it's amazing because you have things like twenty one thousand ACLJ champions. You have four hundred and twenty thousand people who get to watch this content for free on YouTube alone.

Another couple hundred thousand on Rumble. We're able to provide that without a paywall. Why? Because we are supported by you, the ACLJ supporters. And that is why I encourage you to support the work of the ACLJ at during the Life and Liberty Drive for August. We extended it. That means donations are matched because the people said, hey, I want to keep matching. We're going to keep matching it.

Any donation made is effectively doubled. But also in the next segment, because the ACLJ does not work without your support, I like to hear from you. So I always try to save that last segment for the voices that are most important in the room. You've heard from incredible panel of guests today, whether that was obviously I'm here.

I'm Logan Sekulow. I'm here with Will Haines, executive producer of CCIL Senior Council. We had Harry Hutchinson on, professor and senior counsel. We had on Rick Grenell, former director of national intelligence.

These people all engage in this show, but not just because it's a show, because it has a much bigger mission. So right now, and do that. We are jammed right now on phone lines. But as soon as I take a call, the phone line opens up. If you're hearing someone talk, likely by the time it's being transmitted to you, that phone call is over. There's a line open.

So keep calling 1-800-684-3110. And look, I'm reading some of these comments. Some of them may make you mad and you may disagree with them. But that's OK, because I like to give voices to the people who need to be heard.

And remember, these are American people from around the country and on social media, on YouTube and Rumble, around the world. Wherever you're watching from, put it in the chat. I'd love to hear from you right now. Hit that thumbs up and the subscribe button on Rumble, on YouTube, on Facebook, on X, wherever it is you watch this broadcast.

Get engaged on that platform and all of them. We'll be right back. Welcome back to Sekulow. In this segment, I like to take as many calls as we possibly can.

So we got a full bank rate. Actually, one just opened up. 1-800-684-3110. We'll try to get to all the calls we can. Let's go to Lee, who's calling in for half an hour. Lee's watching on Rumble.

You're on the air. Hey, Kamala Harris posted a request for donations to open field offices in key swing states. What would those offices do and how would the legal voters in those states keep those offices accountable?

Well, that's very common. You open offices in the states that are going to be the most contested. I worked for one. I can tell you, I worked for my brother during the Bush campaign. I worked for one of the Pennsylvania offices, which ended up being not fruitful. But I worked for the Pennsylvania office with that intention. And it was a pretty decent sized office that was running and they had staff specifically for it. And that's going to happen. So how do you keep them accountable?

These are campaign staffs. I was on a phone bank calling people saying, will you vote for President George W. Bush? And then they'd scream and curse at you and you'd hang up. It was a fun afternoon. It was always a good time. It was always fun to be screamed at for hours when people don't like, you're calling me during dinner. I was one of those guys.

I had to deal with it. But there's nothing really, I don't think there's a big take on this. It's just kind of common practice to spend your money where it's going to be used the most. It's like you're not going to see a Harris office other than something very small like here in Tennessee. It's probably not going to happen. You're one of the reddest states in the country. So they're not going to put a ton of money. They're going to waste resources on a state. Right. But they will put it in Pennsylvania and Maryland and some of these states that could go either way or, you know, all over the country. That's right. And as Logan said, normal practice, especially now as we, the convention for the Republicans are over. The convention kind of is almost over because now she's officially the nominee for the virtual vote.

It's a show convention later this month. But now you're going to see them spending those resources to have ground operations field offices in the states they think are the most important. Obviously here, what you're talking about is Pennsylvania. You're talking about Michigan, Wisconsin, Arizona, even Nevada. You're going to see spending there.

Georgia. That's why there was a big event in Georgia. It's not just the money that they spend on advertising and events and traveling. They actually have campaign operations in those states to try to reach as many people as possible and convince them that their candidate is the best candidate. So it's not necessarily a nefarious thing that you're seeing her opening field offices, especially at this point, as really the general election doesn't really start to heat up until after Labor Day.

So they have to get all of those things in place beforehand. Obviously we're talking about if you're just joining us, and a lot of people are just joining us, and I hate that because we're wrapping up the show here. But you may be asking, what is that trouble for the Harris administration, you know, potential Harris administration, Harris campaign? It is the fact the economy is crumbling in front of our eyes. We're seeing that this morning.

All the headlines right now as she's about to pick her VP. We are seeing a huge drop in the stock market. Of course, that affects everyone.

It affects your employment potentially, you know, who you work for and so on. I'm going to continue with these calls because I want to make sure I get to them. But I wanted that to be clear. Let's go to Harry, West Virginia. Watch on Appreciate that.

You're on the air. Okay. I would always think that Harris was too close to Biden on the economy, and that was always going to hurt her. And as long as the lie persisted, Trump was going to have a good fight against her on the economy. With this falling now, I wouldn't be surprised to hear that they're calling Harris to resign and let someone else become the torchbearer for the Democrats. Yeah, I think we're too late for that now.

I will say officially I think that we have gotten off track for that being a thing. And you'll honestly have seen some traction behind Harris. We can't pretend that's not happening. And I think people, their comments are always going, don't look at the polls.

I saw those calls. Don't look at the polls. We remember it happened in 2016. Polls said Trump was going to lose in a landslide, and then look what happened. While true, what the polls start doing, and I think you saw it from the Harris administration today, and I saw this on social media.

I say administration, campaign. It feels like a Harris administration. Is the start of the conversation, just because the polls look good doesn't mean you can't go vote. Because same with Trump.

You start to almost consider it done, and then you get distracted in the day, and all hell breaks loose because you didn't vote, and you were involved in these campaigns. You got something? Yeah, I was going to say to Harry's point as well is that why also it is such trouble for the campaign is that as tomorrow the vice President announces her VP pick, the first questions they're going to get are on the economy. And that's not the first questions they wanted to be getting. Now, once again, as we've talked about, this is a symptom of the broader economy. We have long believed that the Biden administration has not been doing a great job on the economy, but it doesn't mean that this is the end of the world for America. Well, I do want to be clear and offer some hope to people as well is that America is resilient and strong and with the right leadership can have the thriving economy that America deserves.

And so I think when you take that, it is trouble for a campaign that is run on very poor economic policies, and I think that should be scrutinized and probably will be the most important issue heading into November, and so we should all keep an eye on it. All right, I agree. We'll continue on. Let's go to Pete, who's calling in New York. Line 4, listening on the radio.

You're on the air. Hello, everybody. Let me preface by saying I'm a big Trump supporter, but he is going to lose the election, and I will tell you why very succinctly. If Trump were to just stick to the issues, the condition of our country and how it was when he was President versus how it is now, there is no way Biden, Harris or anyone else who was on that ticket would win this election. But sadly, what has happened to Trump is what has always happened to Trump. He's his own worst enemy. He's resorted to the name calling, the insulting again. And unfortunately, he's alienating so many of the moderates that would have now voted for him this time because of the situation of his country. And I'm so sad to say that Trump is letting us all down. He's not the changed man that he said he was. He professed he had a second chance. God was giving it to him. And right away, he's out there insulting crazy Nancy Pelosi, all the other names he's calling, the things he's doing.

And come on, that's not how God would want him to act. Now, I'm a big Trump supporter. Hey, I don't mean to cut you off at all.

We are just running out of time. I will say, I'm looking at the comments right now, and I figured when I took your call, the comments are going to react this way. Remember though, if you're commenting negatively, you think Pete is crazy or he's wrong in this, you need to remember that Pete does represent a voter in New York, but also a voter around the world.

There are a lot around the country. There are a lot of people who feel that way, who feel that if Trump had just stuck to the game plan and really said, I'm a changed man. Here's what I'm going to do. Let's show you the difference. Like I said, stick to the policies. You get to the insults when you do start losing people, at least you don't have their full wholehearted support for a lot of people who are not necessarily in the middle. Like Pete's not in the middle. He's a big Trump supporter, but it is sometimes hard to watch that kind of rhetoric. So you got to be careful. I understand that people like it.

They like the fact that we are in a bad place and they want someone to react in a way that screams sad, essentially, that we are in a bad place. But if you were just to stick to the policies, I don't know if he would be President Trump. I don't know if you would have the traction that you're getting, but I understand his feelings and his frustration. Hey Elizabeth, I'm sorry we're not going to be able to get to you today. Put her on time. She calls back tomorrow. We'll do our best to get her.

Elizabeth apologize for not getting to you. We only have one minute left. And of course that minute, like I said, support the work of the ACLJ.

If you can go to We're facing some pretty big challenges. Obviously the economy being one of the biggest ones right now. And we, we are a organization that is supported by individual donors.

When there's an economic downturn, people start using words like recession. Obviously you're all going to be concerned, but know this work of the ACLJ has to keep going. We have to keep fighting for you and the individual for the big picture projects like Israel, what's going on for the fight for life. We have something for the fight for life coming.

You're going to be shocked by, and we're getting engaged in a really cool way. That's going to be coming in the next couple of weeks. So stay tuned for that. We can't do any of that without your support. So last call, I'm just going to encourage you today. Think about it, pray about it. We are fighting literally to save lives, be a part of it. Go to, become a ACLJ one-time supporter or an ACLJ champion. That's a monthly recurring donor. If you are brand new to this broadcast, what I ask you to do, if you're watching on YouTube or rumble or Facebook or X is follow, subscribe, whatever that is, do it right now. I'd love to see that number spike. We'll talk to you tomorrow.
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