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True North, part 2.

Running With Horses / Shirley Weaver Ministries
The Truth Network Radio
January 24, 2023 10:53 am

True North, part 2.

Running With Horses / Shirley Weaver Ministries

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January 24, 2023 10:53 am

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I'm glad you're here. So this episode is part two, is a second part, follow-up part to one we've titled True North. So this is True North part two. And the implication, of course, is navigational so that we want to navigate well in order to arrive at the right place.

Right? Specifically, we're applying this term, True North, to the prophetic voices that we are hearing. It seems there's a lot, maybe more than usual, maybe I'm just hearing more than usual.

And I think that that's good because the need is really great. Evil is on every side in every nation. Corruption and evil released as a part of the time in which we're living causes the people of God to lean even more into what the Spirit of God is saying. And we've got a problem here because lots of inspired messages are coming forth, but there's little corresponding action. Maybe a lot of attention paid to what's being said, but with not a lot of action. In fact, as a whole, the silence is deafening. The silence, how can you be silent in the face of this level of evil and corruption?

How can that be? Well, we're looking at that. And just to recap slightly, in this time, in these days, where we are in time, according to Bible prophecy, we need, as individual believers, to engage. We need to take responsibility, fully take responsibility, for what we hear and our own actions because of, again, the dire conditions all around. And this kind of need, which is elevated then, the need for inspired voices, prophets, yes, but also the voice of each believer, causes us to draw from David's declaration, is there not a cause? And we covered this in the last episode, but two verses from 1 Samuel 17 stand out where David said, who is this pagan Philistine anyway, that he's being allowed to defy the armies of the living God. So David is talking about a pagan influence, and he's saying that the army of God, that's us, is allowing that voice of a pagan to defy what the word of the Lord is, the true word of the Lord. And David said, verse 29, is there not a cause? Because hearing truth is valuable if there's a response to the truth that we've heard with corresponding action that responds to what David said. If there's a pagan thing trying to take over, coming at us from every side, what is the response? What is the voice? And so in this episode, we're going to consider Old and New Testament precedents for the prophet, and also then look at, in conclusion, the silence from believers in the face of the evil we face, looking at the importance of what we hear.

What is my response? And do I think that there is a cause? And if not, why not? So from our history, Old and New Testament, we see that the voice of the prophet is respected, held in honor, that there is a fruit of their word and insights.

Let's look at that. New Testament first, perfect example, favorite example, John the Baptist. And looking at Luke chapter 1, verse 70 makes this reference to, a reference to, the holy prophets of old. Holy prophets of old, that concept, holy prophets, singled out, important. And verse 76 tells us that this child, John the Baptist, will be that kind of a prophet, a prophet of the Most High, whose assignment is to go before the Lord Jesus and to prepare the way for him. Of course, we know that that preparation was the preaching of repentance, so a specific assignment in the pattern of the holy prophets of old. And verse 80 makes this observation, the child, John the Baptist, grew and he became strong in spirit, strong in spirit.

Hold that thought. Okay, Old Testament example, again, a favorite, Samuel. And out of 1 Samuel chapter 9 is the story of how Saul, who would eventually be king, before he was king, was sent by his father with a servant to find the family's donkeys.

And as they went from town to town, region and area looking, but not finding the donkeys, Saul was ready to give up. But the servant said, hey, this town that we're in right now, there's a man of God in this town. And the reference was to Samuel the prophet.

The term man of God was used for the office of the prophet in that day. Verse 6, 1 Samuel 9, the servant is speaking and saying this about the prophet Samuel, that he is a man of God. He is the prophet. And he, Samuel, get this, is an honorable man. All that he says surely comes to pass. Now let us go to him. Maybe he will speak prophetically which way we should go so that we can find your father's donkeys.

And Saul's question, his next question, is a really good one. Because he asked the servant about an offering for the man of God, for Samuel. Because, see, that was the tradition.

That was understood. That if you go to the man of God, you take an offering with you. And this was the servant's reply. Look, I have a quarter of a shekel to give to the man of God so that he will tell us what to do.

So you see the connection? He already had the offering. He already had the quarter of a shekel ready to give to the man of God expecting that the man of God should tell them where the donkeys were. A totally, this was an expectation of how God spoke through the prophet. And then verse 9, or let's say how accurately God spoke through a true prophet of his whom Saul was considered to be.

That was the qualification that was expected of, excuse me, Samuel. So verse 9 is some further explanation. And this wording is from the King James, but it's really good.

Here's the quote referring to Samuel. Before time in Israel, when a man went to inquire of God, he would say, Come, let us go to the seer. For he that is now called a prophet was before time called a seer. And we know that seer means to see. Actually, a prophet in that regard is a seer, can see, because of the anointing and the call of God.

It's a gift, of course. Verse 10, Saul then said to the servant, Well said, let's go. Let's go talk. Let's go appeal to the man of God, Samuel. So old New Testament examples, John the Baptist and Samuel the prophet.

So fast forward to the present day, drawing from those examples. Anyone who is really honest, so that's the qualifier, really honest, must admit that the challenge we're facing right now is to discern the prophetic words that we're hearing, because the ideal is that these messages are clear and that when they are considered all together, when you combine all of the individual words, and again, this would be ideal, that this body of prophetic utterances that is coming forth now would produce for us a true north on target aligned with the Lord, not off, even slightly, so that we arrive at the right place with the right information. And in the first episode of this message about true north, we just looked at strengths and weaknesses, that everybody has them, right?

If you're breathing air on planet earth, you have both. So this is true of the prophetic gift as well, considering every person is a part of the overall picture and understanding that we all see through the glass darkly, so we have a part to play, but hey, it should be understood that the part that I bring is tested so that it's accurate, so that it doesn't corrupt then the body of information that is coming forth. So even though we do see through a glass darkly, the thing is, we do see.

We can. The Holy Spirit on the inside of us is actively working to ensure that that is the case and visualize the prophet Jesus lives on the inside of each and every individual believer, period. That is a fact, which is why in the church, the individual believer is responsible to discern. You and I are responsible to see, and we know this from 1 Thessalonians 5, verse 21, where Paul said to the church in Thessalonia, hey, you need to test all things.

Then hold fast to that which is good, meaning everything that comes is not necessarily good. What you're hearing, test, then hold fast to that which is correct, according to the inner, inward, inspired voice of the prophet Jesus, the Holy Spirit on the inside, the anointing of God on the inside of the believer, because a prophetic word from the Lord and the combination of inspired message that form a body of prophetic words is not just important. As we've seen in the examples of John the Baptist and of Samuel the prophet, a prophetic word is trusted, it's respected, the voice itself is honored, and often rewarded, rewarded. So naturally, we need a standard, and we want to apply the standard of integrity that we see modeled in John the Baptist, in Samuel, others too, the apostle Paul, who, by the way, was both apostle and prophet. So what happens if the standard is weakened? What if the spirit of the prophet, that concept, is watered down? And just for example, think about it. When the Bible standard is lowered to include something that just really on its face is silly or ridiculous, claiming to be true, basically because someone said so, like believe me because I say so, can't I clearly see whether what they're saying is true or not? Can I?

Or another example, when something bizarre or impossible under normal conditions like the force of gravity, you know, when something like that is presented as true, how can you prove whether it is or isn't? Because see, what's implied here is, hey, just wait and you'll see that I'm right on this. But while waiting and not seeing, the hero is left waiting. Well, back up.

Hold on. Shouldn't I be able to see, I mean discern clearly, whether such a claim is true or not? And so the question is, are things like something silly or bizarre or impossible the new Bible definition for inspired insight for the prophetic words and not the standard like our examples that we've mentioned that are trusted, respected, honored, rewarded?

When is regard for the prophetic gift and office affected? And here's the answer. When the trumpet sound is not clear and is not tested, then everything begins to go askew. Because when the trumpet sound is not clear, what is my response? Because you see, the importance of what I hear is directly linked to the way I will respond. And in the case of the overarching body of reaction by the corporate body of Christ, if silence is the fruit of all this prophetic utterance, then should we not back up and question the clarity of the trumpet sound? Again, hearing truth is not only valuable, it's my response to that truth that's valuable. My corresponding action in the face of the evil coming at our culture from every side is up to me.

I mean, my role here is critical. And drawing from the Old and New Testament residents that we've quoted, comparing that to the silence from believers in our day, can you say that we are the tip of the spear? Would you then conclude that the church is the tip of the spear?

So think about this. If the church is the collective body of individual believers, let's say like at least two or more in any given body, because in some places in the world only a few people can gather, but they're still the church, right? The church. And if the standard for the purity of message coming to that body, and again, the local church consists of individual believers, if the standard of purity of that message is not clear, according to 1 Corinthians 14.8, wouldn't you say that the responsibility should be laid at the feet of the individual believer? I'm saying that the responsibility is bottom up, beginning with the individual believer, because you see the individual believer, individual believer, and then the family, we're coming up the chain of command now, and then the leadership of the gathered body, finally becoming a voice, a corporate voice of the whole from the bottom up, not the top down, because we're hearing a lot about the era in the church and the era in leadership, because there's silence on the issues, and even some have departed from the orthodox view of what is okay and what is not.

Let me say it again. If the collective body, the gathered body of individual believers, if the standard for the purity of message that we are leaning into is not clear, 1 Corinthians 14.8 is the responsibility, that of the individual, and then the family, and then the leadership of that voice, of that body, which is the leadership of that voice, but the leadership of that body, because that will be the voice of the whole, good or bad, from the bottom up, not the reverse. So I just want to conclude here with just a few points. If this is true, if the purity of the message that you and I are hearing and leaning into is not clear, is not pure, Psalm 11.3, what can the righteous do? What can the righteous do? And then, as a righteous man or woman, you have to acknowledge that you are responsible for what you hear, what you lean into, and your action and your silence. No one else is responsible.

Also, your silence in the face of evil, because even we partner with evil with our silence, all of that is my responsibility. I'm responsible for me, not someone else. You are responsible for you, not someone else.

I don't care where you live or who you are. You are responsible for you. Again, the Spirit of God on the inside of you is the qualifier. So ask yourself, what is the measure of the message that you are taking in? The Bible says, take heed to what you hear, because this fruit of silence is not the result of a clear trumpet.

It is a muddy horn. It is not right. And didn't we know that? Didn't we already know that?

I mean, being honest. Acts 17, 11, when you hear a word, don't be lazy. Before you receive it, that means to take it into your spirit.

Search the scriptures, whether those things are so. And listen, if it's not in the word, run. Don't walk. Run. Go. Get away.

Don't continue to take in muddy water. And lastly, and then speak up. You got to engage. We've got to do better.

In the face of evil, your silence is your silence. No one else is responsible. We each give an account.

It's on us. And listen, I believe the church is the tip of the spear because that's God's calling on the church. But if the church is going to be the tip of the spear, it's because you are the tip of the spear. You've got to be sure that you are tuned in to the true north. And it couldn't be more critical.

It couldn't. Romans 1, 19. For what can be known about God is plain to you because God has shown it to you. He has.

Isn't that true? Lord, we pray that you, the voice of the prophet on the inside of us, will speak up loudly and cause us to fine tune and realign with the voice, the pure voice of authority coming from your throne where righteousness and justice are the foundations. And Lord, we commit that we will not be silent. But we will clearly hear and clearly respond and represent you well as your body in the earth. In the name of your son, we pray it and declare it. Amen. And Amen. Thanks again, and we'll see you next time.
Whisper: medium.en / 2023-01-24 13:44:33 / 2023-01-24 13:51:54 / 7

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