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Matt Slick Live

Matt Slick Live! / Matt Slick
The Truth Network Radio
January 3, 2024 5:34 pm

Matt Slick Live

Matt Slick Live! / Matt Slick

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January 3, 2024 5:34 pm

The Matt Slick Live daily radio show broadcast is a production of the Christian Apologetics Research Ministry -CARM-. During the show, Matt answers questions on the air, and offers insight on topics like The Bible, Apologetics, Theology, World Religions, Atheism, and other issues-- The show airs live on the Truth Network, Monday through Friday, 6-7 PM, EST -3-4 PM, PST--You can also email questions to Matt using-, Please put -Radio Show Question- in the Subject line--You can also watch a live stream during the live show on RUMBLE--Time stamps are approximate due to commercials being removed for PODCAST.--Topics Include--12- Debating Muslims-on Surah 4-157-158, Did Muhammad deceive people by faking the crucifixion in the Quran---14- Ezekiel 18-20-24. sins of the father.-28- Is Christmas a pagan holiday, should we celebrate it--


The following program is recorded content created by the Truth Network. I hope you're having a good New Year's Eve and New Year's Day. My wife and I just sat home, watched TV, and relaxed. It was nice. We were very busy for the time of Christmas and had a lot of people over. Just busy.

And so this one we were able to relax. All right. Hey, look.

Who's going to be the first caller of the year? If you want to give me a call, 877-207-2276. If you want, you can listen and or watch.

You can do that in Rumble, just I think if you just want to find out where we're at, you can just go to forward slash radio. It'll have all the information there for whatever it is that you want to talk about. Well, so you watch whatever and you can call me. If you're new to the show, we're a Christian show in that we answer questions and have many debates sometimes and discuss various things about the Bible, truth, all kinds of topics.

You know, anywhere from UFOs to evolution to the false doctrines of Roman Catholicism, Eastern Orthodoxy, you know, all kinds of stuff. We really do have a lot of interesting conversations if your eyebrows just went up from my comments. Well, then keep listening.

And if you don't like what I said, you think I'm just an ignorant person? Well, keep listening and see if it's true, because I have studied these things extensively and love to have discussions on them. In fact, over the weekend, I was involved with some good discussions on Discord and Clubhouse, discussing the issue of God's existence and the truth. In fact, last night, I do this all the time, I went into Oculus, you know, into the virtual world, you know, the metaverse and things like that.

I was in rooms and talking and teaching and answering questions. Love to do it. And how about this? I'm editing my first novel, going through editing it. I've only got about 40 more pages to go. And then I'm going to have someone take a look at it and do their edits. And I'm going to re-release it, and I'm thinking about starting the second novel in the series, The Influence. And I've got some interesting ideas I'm thinking about.

One idea, which I've never heard anybody talk about, anybody ever do, I mean, not to say it hasn't happened, but I'm thinking about introducing a small concept and situation into a second novel, which would be, hopefully, should be really interesting. All right. So, let's see. Why don't you give me a call? 877-207-2276. I want to say thanks to all of you who supported us. Say how much came in, but I will be saying thanks to people and contacting people and stuff like that. And then we have to, because we're a 501c3 ministry, we've got to, by the end of the month, we've got to get out the tax receipts. We're working on that, too, and learning how to do all the reports. It's just a lot of work. I'm not complaining.

It's just what it is, and it takes time. So, we're going to be doing that as well. And I think that is about it. So, why don't you give me a call? 877-207-2276. And if you don't, what I can do, which I often do, is get into questions and comments that people send me an e-mail.

So, you can e-mail me at info at And you can just say radio comment or radio question, and usually I'll get to them. We're getting kind of low on them, actually. We've been going through a little bit of them. And the beginning of the year is often, you know, slow.

At the end of the year, it's all kind of slow. Now, having said all of that, today is January 2nd, 2024, the first day of radio for me for this year. So, January 2nd was the day that I started doing radio five days a week, 19 years ago. So, I started 19 years ago here in the Boise, Idaho area, you know, five days a week show for an hour.

That was 19 years ago. Prior to that, I'd done radio for one day a week for two years. So, I just add them together and say, that's 21 years of radio that I've been involved with. And I really enjoy radio. People tell me I have a voice for radio. They comment about my voice a lot. And then when they see me, they say, hey, you also have a face for radio. And I say, well, thank you very much.

So, it works out perfectly, doesn't it? So, there you go. And if you do want to watch and participate with the other people who join us, you can go to forward slash mattslicklive, all one word, mattslicklive. Matt Slick is my real name. This is a real show, mattslicklive.

And Slick is my real last name. And so, mattslicklive, if you want to do that, you can. And let's see. Okay. We've got a caller coming in.

I don't want you to give me a call, 877-207-2276. And so, I'm working on some plans here either this coming weekend or next weekend. I might be going down to Salt Lake City area, just working on some plans. So, it'll be fun. I'm going to go down and see the new facility that Bill McKeever with Mormonism Research Ministry has established.

He and Eric Johnson worked this up. And I haven't seen it yet. I haven't been down there. But I go down there every now and then. So, we're thinking about going down there.

In fact, Dave Kimball, a friend of mine who's on the board of directors, is thinking about flying here. And then he and I just driving down there for a couple of days, checking things out and stuff like that while we're doing one of those weekends. So, you know, I'm just going through stuff.

Yeah, going through stuff. And I just found out I'm doing one-minute videos. I did like seven of them yesterday or day before.

I forgot what day was yesterday. And then I just found out a lot of them don't have sound. And it's really been a problem. I sound check. I do everything.

Everything's good. Set them up. And then some of them don't have sound. So, I don't know what the problem is. I'm going to work on those. So, I'll redo some of those tonight. And stuff. Oh, man, it's irritating. It's always tough doing ministry work. You know, wah, wah. It's tough. So, those kind of things happen. Hey, what happened to the collar? We were going to get to the collar, I guess, so we lost them. Now, you want to give me a call?

8772072276. The caller I saw was going to ask the question, do all Jews go to heaven? And let me tackle that. The answer is no. Not all Jews go to heaven. There are Jews today who are atheists. There are Jews who are extremely orthodox and believe in keeping the law by which they're then justified. Both of those will mean they don't go to heaven. So, we are not justified by what we do. Now, the Jews reject the New Testament.

And I get that. They do. They reject the New Testament and so they don't have the Messiah. But according to Christianity, without the Messiah, you don't have any hope of going to heaven. So, just because they're Jewish doesn't mean that they have a free pass to get into the realm of God's presence. Just because they're covenant people, they have to have trusted in the Messiah. There aren't two ways to get to heaven. One by Jesus and one by being a Jew and keeps the law. That's just not how it works. The book of Galatians soundly refused that idea. So, we can only get to heaven through Jesus Christ and the lordship of our Savior Jesus.

So, that's the only way. And I hope that if you're not a Christian and if you've heard about Christ and you want to know about him, you can call and you can ask questions. I can tell you about him. And I can tell you about what he did on the cross and who he is, being God in flesh and then dying and rising from the dead and that salvation is only through him.

Only through him. In fact, that reminds me, I was talking to a Muslim last night in the metaverse and it was really interesting because I don't go through a lot of stuff here, jumping around, but I went, it was really interesting, I don't know, I'm just going to talk about this for a little bit, but I went to Surah 1, 4, 57, 4, 157, and it was really interesting. For 15 minutes, I asked this guy the same question and he could not answer it.

Could not. Either because he was possessed or oppressed or his world view was so bad, he just couldn't process the question. But it's out of Surah 4, 157 in the Quran. They said in Bose, we killed Christ Jesus, the son of Mary, the apostle of Allah, but they killed him not nor crucified him, but so it was made to appear to them and those who differ therein are full of doubts. So I asked him, I said, who is the one who made it appear as though Jesus was crucified? And he said, he wasn't crucified.

I said, we got that, that's what you guys believe. Who made it appear that he was? But he wasn't crucified. It was like this, we kept saying, we understand that, but it says it was made to appear.

Who's the one who made it appear to it like that? He goes, we don't believe that. That's what the Quran says.

No, we don't believe he's crucified. It was really interesting to see how this guy could not answer the question because it means that Allah is a deceiver and he knew that's what he was going for and he wouldn't admit it. He says, no, he's not a deceiver.

He says, yeah, yes, and this is where I was going to prove it. I said, so who made it look like us? You know, because Atasfir, which is the commentaries done by Muslim experts, they're Muslims. They write these commentaries and all of them except one that I've read said it was Allah who made it appear. The other one that didn't say it just said it was made to appear, didn't say who. But the other one said, yeah, it was Allah.

I said, do you agree? He wouldn't answer. He goes, we don't believe he's crucified. It's just ridiculous because the whole point was, well, hey, you know, that means that he's a deceiver. So that was interesting.

Some of the stuff that I do and talk about stuff and they are justified the same way as the Jews and the Roman Catholics, by faith and works. And we cannot be saved by works at all. At all. Hey, let's get to Scott from Spokane. Scott, congratulations. You're the first caller of the year. Hey, brother, welcome. You're on the air. Awesome. What a badge of honor that is. Well, I know who you are, so it's not that big a deal. Arguably so.

No, congratulations, buddy. My question, thank you. My question has to do with Ezekiel 18, 20. And I'll just read that verse and then ask my question. So it says, the soul who sins shall die, the son shall not suffer for the iniquity of the father, nor the father suffer the iniquity of the son. And so I just want to know how this squares with the passage that says that I will visit the iniquity of the fathers to the third and fourth generation.

Yeah. So specific sins, like let's say a father steals something. You don't put the son in jail for what that father did. However, on the other hand, if you have a father who moves his family out into the desert, the family suffers if that was a really bad decision. And so we have two different kinds of representation. One, the fathers and the people of Israel, they'll be visited with the iniquities, with the challenges, with the problems that are due to their bad choices and their sins. They're unrepentant, and they're suffering the consequences of what they have. That's different than Ezekiel 18, 20, which deals with the issue of punishment specifically for specific sins. That you don't take the father who sinned, who stole, and you put his son in jail.

That's the difference. And there's a break, so hold on buddy, we'll get back and talk to you after the break, okay? Hey folks, if you want to give me a call, we have three open lines, 877-207-2276. We'll be right back. It's Matt Slick live, taking your calls at 877-207-2276.

Here's Matt Slick. All right, and welcome back to the show. If you want to give me a call, all you got to do is dial 877-207-2276. Scott, you're back on the air. You still there?

Yes, I am. So the gist of it is, tell me if I get this right here. So the father who sins directly accrues punishment for said sin. Now when the father sins and the son gets affected by it, it's more of an indirect coming then.

Okay, so yeah, okay, I get it. So the issue is Exodus 25. You shall not worship them or serve them, for I the Lord your God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers on the children.

What does it mean to visit the iniquity on them? Well, if they're going to serve false gods, that means their children are going to serve false gods. So God's going to visit iniquity upon the fathers on the children.

They're going to suffer too. But Ezekiel 18-20, the son will not bear the punishment of the father's iniquity, nor will the father bear the punishment of the son's iniquity. That deals with specific crimes, and that is a judicial issue. And Exodus 20 is a covenantal issue.

And I'll just have to explain this. A covenant is a pact or an agreement between two or more parties. So covenant has boundaries. So marriage is a covenant.

Till death do you part, you'll keep to your spouse, and no one else provide, protect, et cetera. Well, the Ten Commandments are a covenant document, and it's a single document. It's ten and ten in the two commandments.

I'll explain why. This might be new to you. The Ten Commandments follow what's called the suzerain vassal treaty pattern from the third millennium B.C., which means that the covenant system that they would use a big king and a little king, suzerain and a vassal, big king, little king. And the big king would institute a covenant. So if you go to Exodus 20, he says, I am the Lord your God who brought you out of the land of Egypt. So this is one of the things that would be done in the covenant, is the big king, the suzerain, would say, This is who I am.

This is what I've done. This is why I'm qualified in this area. And then there's stipulation. You shall have no other God before me.

And if you do, here's a penalty. And if you keep the covenant boundaries, you're rewarded. If you break them, you are punished. And that's in those Ten Commandments. And so when Moses came down with the Ten Commandments, it was not a list of five and five or four and six.

It was ten and ten. And the reason is because each party would get a copy of the covenant. So the two covenant documents were put in the Ark of the Covenant, which is in the Ark of the Holy of Holies, which was in possession of the people, the Jews, and also was the presence of God.

So that's what that is. So anyway, that's why you know the Ten Commandments are covenantally ratified. They're covenantally proclaimed. So he will covenantally bring the iniquity and the visit upon the children as well. But Ezekiel 1820 is not about a covenant aspect.

It's simply about individual crimes. And that's why there's a difference. Okay? That makes sense.

Okay. Now with the covenant here, the definition you gave of covenant is what I hear heard mostly. But it makes you wonder about the covenant with Abraham. And in that sense, it almost looks like it's more of a one-sided, God-only type of covenant.

Okay, because, yeah, he was sleeping when God sealed the thing. Yes. So I mean... They're different kinds of covenants. That's the whole thing. Covenant theology is really interesting.

But it's varied. So God made a covenant with Adam. Don't eat of the tree and you'll be fine. One stipulation.

You do it, you're going to die. And the sign of that covenant was the tree. And so the Abrahamic covenant, I'll give you all the land and bless you with you all the nature shall be blessed. And then the covenant sign was circumcision. Noah, for example, skip Noah there. God promised that he would never flood the earth again and kill all. And the covenant sign is the rainbow. And so that covenant sign, that covenant, for example, is one way.

It's unidirectional. God's never going to do it. There's nothing you've got to do to worry about it.

It's not going to happen again. But the covenant of the Ten Commandments has both parties involved. You shall do this, you shall not do that. If you do, you'll be good.

If you don't, you don't. There's different kinds of covenants. Unilateral covenants. There's bilateral covenants. There's blood covenants. There are temporary covenants. There's permanent covenants. There's eternal covenants.

The book of the Hebrews 1320. So that's all. It's just different ones. Okay.

But X is 20? Well, yeah, you're right. Yeah.

It's a suzer and vassal treaty pattern covenant. Okay? All right. Yeah. I was just going to say, you're right when you say these things are interesting.

It's one thing I'm diving into right now. And I guess that would be my last question. What do you think about the guy who deals with this called G.K. Beale? I don't know who it is. Oh, okay. Well, I guess I'll let you know how he is.

Because I'm reading them is all. I'm studying some covenant stuff and he's one of the guys I'm reading about it. Okay. I would focus on Meredith Klein, K-L-I-N-E. This guy was a protege of Klein, actually.

What's that? Beale apparently learned under the guy you just mentioned, Klein. Right. Klein was our professor in seminary. And I remember this very clearly, that Meredith Klein would be walking back and forth in front of the class and he had his Bible open and he's reading out of the Bible. You know, just as fast as I'd read out of my Bible and he's pointing to flipping pages until I saw that he was reading out of the Hebrew.

That's how fast he could do. And he knew it. And he apparently knew other languages. And he's the guy who discovered the suzer and vassal treaty pattern by studying ancient Ugaritic or whatever it was. So he's the main guy and I remember in class him just going to town on covenant and just being dumbfounded by how much he knew. Just amazed, stunned. And my jaw would just ratchet open and I'd say, this guy's incredible. And I can't even repeat even a tenth of a percent of what this guy was teaching. He was that good. So Meredith Klein is the one I would recommend you go to. And you don't have to agree with everything he says, of course.

But he was incredible. And check it out. All right. Last question. Is he still alive? I don't know. I think he passed away.

Because it was 30 years ago that he was our professor, so I think he was in his 50s then. So I don't know. All right. Okay. All right. Well, thank you very much. I appreciate your time. All right, man. God bless, buddy. All right.

That was Scott. And we have three open lines if you want to give me a call. 877-207-2276. Let's get to Max from Ohio. Hey, Max.

Welcome. You're on the air. Hey, how are you doing? Doing all right. That's right. So what do you got, buddy?

What's up? So my question is, is Christmas a pagan holiday? Should Christians observe or celebrate it, and is it forbidden in the Bible?

No, it's not forbidden in the Bible, and its origination was pagan. Because on December 25th, which we get a break here, I'll explain the origins of it and why we are able to celebrate it. Okay, so if you hold on. Hey, folks. We have three open lines.

Watch it. Give me a call. 877-207-2276. We'll be right back. It's Matt Slick live, taking your calls at 877-207-2276.

Here's Matt Slick. All right, everyone. Welcome back to the show. If you want, you can give me a call, 877-207-2276. Let's get back on with Max from Ohio. You still there, buddy? Yes, I am. All right.

So I could ask you questions here, but yes, we can still celebrate Christmas. It's okay. If you believe it's okay, and if you don't, you shouldn't.

I can give you the origins of it if you want. It's up to you. You want to ask anything in relationship to that or what? Are you there? Hello?

Max? I'm not hearing you. I'm sorry. Can you hear me now?

Yeah, there you go. Now I hear you. All right. Sorry about that.

Sorry. Yeah, so I do know about the origins of Christmas. It used to be called Saturnalia, like when the pagan or the Roman Empire celebrated it on December 25th when it was the end of the week of celebrating like the worship of the sun god. And I've just listened to a few podcasts on it, so that's where my suspicions are just my thoughts on the game. So that's kind of my background. Then I also know like Jeremiah 10, 2 through 4, that says, learn not the way the heathens for what they do is in vain when they take down a tree and deck it with silver and gold and then make it something that topples not and that's kind of going back to like the Christmas tree whole thing.

So that's just kind of where I come from. All right. So here's the thing is that we're not under the law anymore because Christians have died with Christ. That's Romans 6, 6, Romans 6, 8, Colossians 3, 3 and Romans 7, 4. If you died with Christ, you're free from the obligations of the law. The stuff in the Old Testament is the obligations of the law. So are we under obligation to follow that law? Well, there's a yes and a no.

Certain aspects of the law were to follow and certain aspects were not. Is this one of the ones we're to follow? If you believe it is, then you ought to. If you believe it's not something to follow, then you're free.

So what is our position in Christ? If you go to 1 Corinthians 10, 23, I'm going to start reading and it says something very interesting, which is related to this. It says, all things are lawful, but not all things are profitable. All things are lawful, but not all things edify.

Let no one seek his own good, but that of his neighbor. Eat anything that is sold in the meat market without asking questions for conscience sake, for the earth is the Lord's and all it contains. If any one of the unbelievers invites you and wants you to go, eat anything that is set before you without asking questions for conscience sake. But if anyone says to you, this meat is sacrificed to idols, don't eat it. For the sake of the one who informed you and for conscience sake. I mean, not your own conscience, but the other man's.

Why is my freedom judged by another's conscience? If I partake with thankfulness, why am I slandered concerning that for which I give thanks? So what Paul is saying here is that Christians could eat meat sacrificed to pagan idols. Back in the day, they would often have pagan worship services. They would sacrifice animals and then they would kill them. The blood would be offered to the pagan gods. And then offering the death would be offered to the pagan gods.

They would take these animals, they would go down to the market and sell it and make some money off of it. The Christians were free to eat it. It may sound counterintuitive, but that is what Paul is teaching.

And why is it they are free? Because it is nothing ultimately and you shouldn't do it if it is going to stumble somebody else, which is why he starts off this whole thing. Don't seek your own good, but you're good to your neighbor. And if you're eating the meat, stumble somebody else, then don't do it.

But you're free. You can take the same principle and apply it to Christmas. Yeah, it had pagan origins with Saturnalia. And yeah, the pagans would do mistletoe and use evergreens because they were symbols of life that stayed green during the winter. What does it mean then? Oh, if I'm celebrating Christmas, it therefore means I'm celebrating a pagan holiday?

Well, of course not. What it means is, hey, we have the work of Christ that we're looking to. So what do you do, hypothetically, if a boy and a girl and mom and dad who are Christians raise them believing in Jesus and the whole bit and they have Christmas? And the kids never learn about the origins of Christmas, that particular day. And they're celebrating, and each December 25th, the family has a dinner and they have a plate with an empty chair. And that's supposed to be representing Jesus.

They're celebrating his birth. Well, would that be pagan? Well, of course not. Does it mean they're in sin?

Well, of course not. You see? Yeah, it kind of does remind me of the end of James 4 where if you know you've done something wrong and it's against your conscience, then you have sinned. There's a lot in that chapter, but there's something like that. And then Romans 14 definitely has a good passage on if you have different viewpoints on a certain day to celebrate or need to eat or something to drink that you don't go against another believer and make them go astray even or go too far with their differences. You just do what your conscience tells you. Right.

Yeah. So Christians are free to celebrate Christmas, but they don't have to. And if they do celebrate it, well, in their hearts, they're intending to celebrate the birth of Christ.

That's fine. And if they want to have a tree, they can have a tree. If someone comes over to my house and says, you shouldn't have a tree. You say, that's not what the scriptures teach. Yes, it is. Go to Jeremiah 10.

Well, you're under the old covenant and have to teach them theology, et cetera. Okay. So you're free to do it.

You're free not to do it. That's what it is. Okay. I think that answers my question.

Yep. So did it help or did it change your view or just confirm your view? I'm just kind of curious. Probably didn't change my view. As long as, like you said, like if I'm convicted and convinced that it's something I shouldn't celebrate, then I'll go with it and, you know, I can do some more research through scriptures for sure.

And another thing I remember, like one scripture I'll end up on is Amos 5 21, where it says, it's the Lord speaking. He says, I hate your holiday. I hate your feast days. I despise them. And that could easily be, you know, the holidays that Satan has made in this world and the ones that he's kind of disguised as an angel of the light, the ones that seem good, but are not.

I really like to observe the feast days that God gives in Leviticus 23 with like the Sabbath, the feast of Tammuz, the feast of Tabernacles, the feast of the atonement and all of those days. So, you know, that's just kind of my view. Okay. I got a question for you. I got a question for you. What do you have to do to have your sins forgiven?

Just curious. You need to repent of your sin and believe in Jesus Christ. Does repentance get you saved? No, Jesus does.

Okay. So repentance is not the thing that gets you saved because is repentance, I'm not saying we shouldn't repent, but I'm just going to ask a more technical question. Isn't repentance compliance with the law? Yes, it is. Don't lie. Don't steal. So I'm not saying don't repent and we ought to.

We ought to. The question is, is our repentance with our faith in Christ that which saves us? That's the question. If you say yes, then you have a false gospel. Because it's not repentance and faith. It's not faith and something. It's not faith in Christ and our repentance. Because then you're saying, I am saved by faith as long as I also stop doing bad things.

That's compliance with the law. Repentance, on the other hand, is something granted by God, 2 Timothy 2.25. He grants we have faith, 2 Timothy 1.29. So repentance is something God grants to us. But it's not causative or maintenance for salvation. It is part and parcel of what God does in his regenerative work of us. So that we are supposed to repent and make sure everybody understands me because sometimes people take me out of context. Matt Slick said, don't repent of your sins to get saved. That's not what I'm saying. I'm saying that repentance is not the thing in combination with faith that saves you. It's faith alone. And repentance is something you do because you're regenerated and it's something that's obligated to all Christians to do. You with me? Yes, so it's more like a fruit and like evidence of your salvation that from your faith you repent? Okay.

Yes. But yet it's also a command. Repent and believe the gospel. Repent from your sins. Because that is what is obligatory. Because God is the standard of righteousness and we are obligated to stop sinning. In 1 Peter 1.16 God says, be holy for I am holy. Well, we're obligated to be holy.

Well, I can't. That's right. But that doesn't mean it's not your duty because God is the standard, not man. So we're obligated to repent. In Acts 17.30 God commands everyone everywhere to repent because that's what they should do. But their repentance doesn't get them salvation.

Their compliance with the law doesn't. We're obligated to repent but that's not a combination thing with our faith. We're justified by faith, Romans 5.1, the faith that God grants to us. Philippians 1.29, that's in Christ.

John 6.28. That's how it works, okay? Got help out? Not at all. Not at all. Alright, man. God bless, buddy.

Alright. Well, that was Max from Ohio and we have nobody waiting. If you want to give me a call, hey, the number is 877-207-2276. We'll be right back. It's Matt Slick live, taking your calls at 877-207-2276. Here's Matt Slick. Alright, everyone. Welcome back to the show.

We have nobody waiting and if you want to give me a call, all you got to do is dial 877-207-2276. Now, I hope that last conversation was informative because I want people to understand something as Christians. We are free in Christ. What we're going to do is read you something in Romans 7 and it's very interesting and theologically, it's really important.

He says this. This is Romans 7, 1 through 4. Or do you not know, brethren, for I'm speaking to those who know the law, that the law has jurisdiction over a person as long as he lives. For the married woman is bound by law to her husband while he is living. But if her husband dies, she is released from the law concerning the husband. So then, if while her husband is living, she is joined to another man, she shall be called an adulteress.

But if her husband dies, she is free from the law so that she is not an adulteress, though she is joined to another man. Verse 4. Therefore, my brethren, you also were made to die to the law through the body of Christ so that you might be joined to another, to him who was raised from the dead in order that we might bear fruit for God.

All right. So you were made to die to the law through the body of Christ. Well, if you were to just go back a chapter and you go back to Romans chapter 6, verse 6, it says, knowing this, that our old self was crucified with him in order that our body of sin might be done away with. And in verse 8, it says now if we have died with Christ, we believe that we shall also live with him.

Now, if I were to go to Colossians chapter 3, it says this in verse 1. Therefore, if you have been raised up with Christ, that means you have died to die to be raised, right? If you have been raised up with Christ, keep seeking the things above where Christ is seated at the right hand of God. Set your mind on the things above, not on the things of the earth.

What are the things of the earth? It's rituals, festivals, obligations, all these things that you've got to do in this sense of righteousness, okay? For you have died and your life is hidden with Christ in God, which I think is a fantastic statement. That's Colossians 3, 3, you have died. Well, when did we die? We died when Christ died. Now, this brings up some interesting theological perspectives. So how is it that we died when Christ died?

Because he died 2,000 years ago. Sometimes, when I ask people, when did you die with Christ? They'll say, when I got baptized. Well, that's not what the Bible says. You died with Christ. Romans 6, 6, okay? That's what it says, knowing that our old self was crucified with him. And Romans 6, 8, you have died with Christ. So we died with him when he was crucified. Whoa, well, what does that mean? Well, now we have to get into what's called federal headship, and then I'm going to irritate you with a logical necessity.

Federal headship is the teaching that the male, not the female, represents in the sentence. Adam and Eve were in the garden. She sinned first. She gave the fruit to Adam, then he sinned. But sin entered the world through Adam, Romans 5, 12, not through her, even though she was in the world, and she sinned first. Furthermore, in Romans 5, 19, it says, through the transgression of the one, the many were made sinners. The transgression of the one is Adam, because the previous verse, Romans 5, 18, says, through the transgression of the one, the result of condemnation to all men. And that transgression of the one, that's Adam. And we know that from Romans 5, 12, where he says sin entered the world through one man. So that's what's going on.

All right. So that's what's interesting is that theologically, it necessitates that Christ represented his people. Now, here's a question.

Did he represent every individual? That's just a good question. Because if we died with Christ and we died 2,000 years ago, what about the people who go to hell? Did they die with Christ 2,000 years ago and thereby die to the law?

I don't see how that's possible. It seems to me the logic necessitates that he died for those given to him by the Father, John 6, 37. All that the Father gives me will come to me. So the Father's given some to the Son. He came to redeem them. He says in John 10, 15, says, I lay my life down for the sheep.

And he says later, 26, you're not my sheep, you're the goats. So this is interesting stuff. How precise is God? Very. How wonderful is he? Very. Does he know what he's doing?

Absolutely. So we who have died with Christ are freed from the obligations of the Old Testament law, which is why Paul also says in Colossians 2, verse 16, he says something really interesting right there. He says, therefore, no one is to act as your judge in regard to food or drink or in respect to a festival or a new moon or a Sabbath day. These are mere shadows of what is to come, but the substance belongs to Christ. So don't let anybody judge you on what festivals you keep, what new moons, what celebrations you have.

No one's to judge you on those things. Because we're no longer under the law, we've died with Christ, are free from the law, and that's it. We're free. We don't have to keep the law to be saved. We don't have to keep the law to maintain our presence with God.

That's by his work, not ours. There you go. Let's get to Xavier from Florida. Xavier, welcome. You're on the air. Hello. Hello.

What do you got, man? Yeah. The Bible contains a passage, it says, Joshua 10, 13, that the sun stood still and the moon stopped. But we know that scientifically, that's not how cosmology works. Like if the sun stops, the day doesn't last longer.

Okay. So what's your point? Because we rotate around the sun. We rotate around the sun, the sun doesn't rotate around us. So I know that. That's a scientific inaccuracy.

What's a scientific inaccuracy? The verse. Joshua 10, 13. Okay. Well, that would be axial. Yeah. And the moon stopped. Well, hold on.

I know more about this than I'm letting on. I'm just asking you, why is that a problem? If the sun stood still, it really means potentially the earth's rotational spin on this axis stopped, right? That's one possibility, right? It's not the orbit around the sun. It's the axial work. It's the actual angular momentum of the earth moving around this axis, okay? But what if the angle of the tilt changed, which has happened several times? It's happened over the eons. There's evidence for this in the magnetic fields that are embedded in the earth. What if, hypothetically, around that time, the axis of the rotational axis just shifted a little bit? Would it then make it look like the sun was staying still in the sky when the earth was shifting?

Is that possible? Sure. Okay. But the verse says the sun stopped in the middle of the sky. Yeah. So if you believe in inspiration, it says the moon stopped also. The Holy Spirit's saying it happened. Yeah. So what's the problem?

If God caused the earth to have an axial tilt, it could certainly mean that the appearance of the moon and the sun stopped in the sky, just for a little while, until the shift had occurred. Right? Right. No. That is correct. But that's not what the verse says.

I know what it says. The moon's sun stopped. Do you actually think that the earth's axis, axial movement, literally stopped? Don't you think? I don't think it happened.

Okay. I don't think it happened. So what does it mean when it says the sun stopped? Well, it means that from the human perspective, looking up, that's what it looked like, right?

Right? Yes. So what really was going on? It looked like it stopped. That's what's going on.

So what could be possible explanations for that? Are you there? Let me ask you. Let me ask you. Do you believe God exists? No.

Okay. So if, from the Christian perspective, that this is true and God exists, then this is not a problem because God, who's the creator of the universe, can do what he wants. And he can certainly make the earth do whatever he wants. So this is called an internal critique. But what you're doing is called an internal critique. You're then presupposing that science is the only way to know truth, which is not true. And you have to then presuppose and embed that or impose that over the biblical narrative and say, well, therefore it's wrong. But I could do the reverse and say, well, the Bible says this, therefore your scientific understanding is called an external critique.

It's not a valid critique. Okay. Are you there? Yeah. Yeah.

Yeah. That's what Muslims say. When we point something out that's unscientific in the Quran, that's exactly what Muslims say. Well, we're not talking about Muslims, okay? So the thing, we're talking about Christianity. Islam is fed up false. I can prove it from the Quran. But this is what we're talking about here. If that can happen, then that can happen. If God exists, then he can do that. That's not an inconsistency in the Christian worldview. And if the sun stood still and the moon stopped, well, then there could be a real physical explanation for it with an axial tilt as it's shifting. And there's some evidence for that.

I've studied this kind of stuff. And if that's the case, then that would explain it. Well, then what?

That would be accurate, wouldn't it? Is that possible? I don't see how. Okay.

You don't see how. Have you studied this? Are you aware that there are two North Poles on the earth? Are you aware of that? Yes. Are you aware?

Okay. What are the two then? What are they? What do you mean?

What are the two North Poles? They're different. What are they? One is? One is what? Okay.

You don't know. North and south. So one is magnetic north and one is geographical north, the axial north. And the magnetic north is shifting.

So it's happening and we're due for a shift. So there's also the issues of continental drift and a lot of theories that go around with this. I don't know if you study science, but I do. I love science. I have no problem with it.

Okay. I mean, I love science. Did you know that the Bible actually has a lot of science in it?

That's very accurate. Did you know? Yeah.

There are many things that are accurate scientifically, but I also see things that are not. Well, you say that, and this one I just gave you a possible explanation for, and you just seem to be dismissive of it. So why is that? Is that because you're an atheist?

No. What are you then? A Buddhist. Oh, you're a Buddhist. Well, Buddhism doesn't work.

And we're almost out of time. So how about this? What if, if you want, you call tomorrow and I'll tell you why Buddhism is self-refuting? We'll go through it.

Would you like to do that? Sure. Just asking. But I found that Christianity is self-refuting also, so I would just lose both of them. No, it's not. I tell you what. I will show you why Buddhism can't be true, why it's self-refuting tomorrow when you call, and you try one at a time.

You give me a reason why Christianity is false, and let's see if I can answer it. Maybe I can't, but let's see. Okay. Does that sound good? Sound fair?

There's the music. All right. And I guess your name is Xavier, so I'm looking forward to you calling tomorrow.

We'll check things out. All right, buddy? All right.

Thanks for calling, too. Sounds good. All right. All right.

That was Xavier and Phil from Florida. Are we in the end times? Oh, please call back tomorrow. That we've got to talk about. We're going to teach you about depressed catology. Hey, folks. We'll be right back. Well, no, you won't. We'll be back on tomorrow, by God's grace. Talk to you then. We'll be right back with another program powered by the Truth Network.
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