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Matt Slick Live

Matt Slick Live! / Matt Slick
The Truth Network Radio
October 28, 2023 5:26 pm

Matt Slick Live

Matt Slick Live! / Matt Slick

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October 28, 2023 5:26 pm

The Matt Slick Live daily radio show broadcast is a production of the Christian Apologetics Research Ministry -CARM-. During the show, Matt answers questions on the air, and offers insight on topics like The Bible, Apologetics, Theology, World Religions, Atheism, and other issues-- The show airs live on the Truth Network, Monday through Friday, 6-7 PM, EST -3-4 PM, PST--You can also email questions to Matt using-, Please put -Radio Show Question- in the Subject line--You can also watch a live stream during the live show on RUMBLE---Time stamps are approximate due to commercials being removed for PODCAST. --Topics Include---06- Inseparable operations, Christology, Hypostatic union, Attributes of both Communication of the properties. -10- Is Jesus Omnipresent---21- Are modern day so called apostles and prophets legitimate-34- Hate Mail-37- Charismatic gifts, Gifts of the Spirit, Continuation, cessationist, does OT Prophecy still exist


The following program is recorded content created by the Truth Network. If you want to give me a call, all you have to do is dial 877-207-2276 and you can email me also.

Just send an email to info at Just put in there a radio comment or radio question and we'll get to them. We have several radio questions. We've got some hate mail. Yes, I love hate mail and so hopefully we'll get to that. I do. I get a kick out of hate mail. I think it's wonderful.

I don't know. There's something wrong with me, I know, but I like it so maybe we'll read some of that. Let's see, today's date for the podcasters is October 27, 2023. If you remember on November 1st, give me a call and say, what happened on November 1st, anniversary of me almost being killed by somebody or abducted. That's an interesting story and there you go. It'll perk your interest. All right, let's get to ...

I keep hitting the wrong button. Close that out. There we go. Let's get to Alex from Orlando. Alex, welcome. You're on the show.

Hey, is this Matt Click the pagan? Now, for those who don't know, you and I were talking today on the phone and this is what we call an inane insufficient attempt at humor, but I'm helping you out by a couple of chuckles, so there you go. You didn't get my 15 page letter I sent you?

Yeah, that's right. I got that letter. What did I think? I still have that thing. I'm putting it in the trash. Let's see.

I got to get a copy of that if you still got it. Yeah, somebody sent me a 15 page letter telling me how evil I am and that I'm not a Christian, things like that. It's very traumatizing for him and his wife, but I just bring it up because I'm a good friend. Truth is like that. It's the truth. It upsets people. All right. Yeah, it does. It upsets people. All right.

What do you got, big man? Yeah, I figured I'd call in and ask because I think it's helpful for the audience. So me and my wife were talking about the Trinity and her question is if all persons of the Trinity share all the characteristics of God, then how come Jesus isn't omnipresent? And I'm asking that if someone were to ask her and she was to counteract that question. All right. So there's a doctrine called inseparable operations and what that is is that all the members of the Godhead interact with each other because of their paracordic relationship. And so if you go to John 5 19, for example, Jesus says the son could do nothing of himself unless it is something he sees the father doing. So he's claiming to have connection with God the father and seeing what the father does. There's this, it's inseparable because the Trinity is not separable and they operate together. So that's just one of the doctrines that people need to know about, inseparable operations.

Okay. Now, now let's move into the issue of Christology. So Jesus has two distinct natures, a divine nature and a human nature.

We call it the hypostatic union. The two natures are in the one person of Christ. Now the attributes of both natures are ascribed to the single person.

We call that the communication of the properties. So the properties of the divine and the properties of the human are ascribed to the single person. So Jesus said, I will be with you always, even at the end of the earth.

Okay. Matthew 20 20. And so he is claiming for himself, he's claiming the ability to be everywhere. And he has in John 14 23, he says, uh, he says, for example, uh, the father and I will come and make our abode with you. So he's claiming his ability to be everywhere among people, uh, indwelling them simultaneously all over the world. And for long periods of time, you know, till the end of the age, you know, so we see in that, that the person of Christ is claiming the attributes of omnipresence.

Okay. Now this is a logical necessity because if Jesus is divine, then we're going to have what we call necessary properties. And then there's accidental properties. Necessary properties are, uh, for example, a circle is always round. You know, the, the central point is equidistant to the edge and all directions. And that is, uh, what a circle is. So a necessary property of a circle is it's radial relationship and okay, but a, an accidental property would be the size of that circle. The radius of a circle with a diameter can differ among circles.

So we would say that it is, um, the diameter is not a necessary property, but it's circularity is. You with me? Yeah. Yeah. Okay.

All right. So when you have that kind of a thing, we have to understand that the necessary properties of divinity are such that God is everywhere. All knowing, all powerful can do whatever he wants, has a sea of tea, things like this. So those are necessary properties to what God is. And since Jesus has two natures, those properties are, are in the person.

They're communicated to the one person of Christ, the communicatio idiomatum. So, okay. So you, oh, go ahead. There's a little bit more, but go ahead. So, um, so you could say the same thing.

Jesus is at the right hand of the father right now and he's still omnipresent because he abides in us while he is at the right hand of the father. Yes. Okay. How's that possible? We can, we know that the human nature of Christ cannot be omnipresent because that's just not what humanity is.

So Jesus, interestingly enough, walking around on the sea, near the sea of Galilee was localized, yet the attributes of his divine nature are still part of his, his, uh, necessary properties. Okay. Okay. So if that's the case, I'm trying to find the, make sure I'm using the terms right.

Because there's accidental and necessary properties out of the ontos. No, I think you are because I was reading Bercov, um, the somatic theology last night. And you're saying some of those things that I was reading about. Good.

So I found my notes. Essential property is a property that an object must have. An essential property is a characteristic that is necessary or fundamental to the nature or identity of something. So a circle has to have that equidistant radial measurement from the central point. But accidental properties of an object could have, but not, but it also lack. So a circle could have a diameter of one meter or not.

It could have a diameter of, uh, of a half a meter. So those are accidental properties. So in, um, my chair can be brown or green. So the accidental property would be the brown or the green, but not the central property.

Okay. They're essential properties that belong to the nature of God that cannot be divested of the ontos of the nature. And so therefore Jesus has to have those in his divine nature. Now the question then becomes to what point did he access those?

And that I just can't answer because I don't know. You know, Peter said it before the resurrection. He said, you know, Lord, you know all things. Well, he said after the resurrection, but they also said to Jesus, you know, all things. And Jesus says, the father will come and live in you.

So he's claiming these attributes of divinity as well as humanity and he's claiming them for themselves. So what we have to do is just say, how does it work? And there, that's an easy answer. We just say, I don't know. And then there we go.

Okay. So can we, can we argue from scripture that he used omnipresence while he was alive or is that unclear? I would say, yes, we could infer that. For example, he knew the hearts of people. Now, how's that possible? Some people could say, for example, that the reason he knows the hearts of people, because the Holy Spirit, God's active force, heresy, was in these people and communicated it to the son.

But if the son is omnipresent and being divine in the divine aspect of divine nature, then he would have the attribute to know the hearts of people. Okay. Okay. Yeah, I follow you.

Yeah. So these are, these are biblical doctrines and then there's a logical deductions out of those biblical doctrines as well. And so, we put them together and we don't want to exceed what's written, not like the Mormons and Catholics do, but we want to be as faithful to the scripture as possible. So when we see Jesus walking, talking, sleeping, eating, going to the bathroom, we recognize his human attributes.

When we see him walking on water, knowing the hearts of people, saying he will indwell people constantly in multiple places, then he's claiming the divine attributes. And those are both ascribed to the single person. And this is a critical doctrine. The Unitarians miss. Unitarian heretics miss this.

It's called the doctrine of the communicatio idiomatum. Okay. Yeah. And Burkhoff was writing about that.

I was reading that a little bit last night. Um, but so hypothetically, well, maybe we can infer that while Jesus went to prayer, pray, then he goes to the disciples, he could have been omnipresent, being in them or around them, seeing their hearts. Is that, that's what you're trying to say? What I'm saying is, I don't know if it was the case, but we know that the attributes of both natures must be ascribed and were ascribed to the single person and still are because Jesus is still dual nature.

So the question then becomes, to what extent were they accessed? And with that, uh, I don't hope I'm not introducing something that brilliant theologians have already said. That's not a good thing to say. I haven't been exposed to any correction to that, but the, if there, if it is wrong, I don't know.

But the thing is, uh, he was localized and under the law you had to have someone he would call God because he's under the law so we can see the humanity of Christ, but we can also see the divinity, how that works within his own person to the extent we cannot say we can't say. Okay. Okay. So eventually if you get someone with this question, you can explain everything you just did and then be like, ultimately we don't know how much it was access. We don't know.

And I don't even know if that's a good question to say how much is accessed. It might be a bad question because maybe that infers, Oh, you mean that there, the personhood was able to access omniscience and not access omniscience at different times. I don't know.

Can you turn them off and on? And so you see there's potential problems with what I'm saying. So I'm, I'm trying to just plead a smart level of ignorance and say that there are discussions we could have and try and work through them. I think that would be good for an article if you, if you looked into that and maybe tried to find some clarification on that, that would be helpful. Well, that's the, please have clarification.

Let me try this again in English. If I were to clarify this, I would not do it on my own. I would talk to people like James White. I would talk to Wayne Grudem. I would call up some seminary professors.

I would talk to people who like James White has written a book on the Trinity. And so, and he's a great apologist. I would talk to others, you know, maybe if I could ever get access to William Lane Craig, things like that and say, here's a serious question and we could do this. You know, maybe they say the same thing I do. I don't know. All right. All right, buddy. I appreciate it.

Down from vitamin C in the meantime. This will do, brother. All right. God bless. All right.

Okay. Hey folks, we'll be right back after these messages. Three open lines, 877-207-2276. We'll be right back. It's Matt Slick live, taking your calls at 877-207-2276.

Here's Matt Slick. All right, and welcome back. If you want to give me a call, all you got to do is dial 877-207-2276. We're going to be doing a tour of the footsteps of Paul next year in April. If you're interested in attending, we've got a few open spots.

It is an expensive tour, but it's a 19-day tour in three different countries. And it's going to really be something. We're going to be going to Turkey and seeing the seven churches of Revelation.

Also, the location of the book of Ephesians, where Paul actually was. We'll go to the auditorium where he actually was there. I've been there before. It is awesome.

It really is. It's one of my highlights of all the trips I've taken and done, going to Ephesus. From there, we're going to go to Greece and go to where Act 17 was. And then we're going to go to Italy and see where some of the stuff that Paul was.

So we're going to be going to three different countries. You want to check it out. It's called Bridge Paul Tour. Just the word bridge and then Paul Tour. Check it out. All right. Let's get to, here we go. Let's get to Jay from Memphis, Tennessee. Jay, welcome.

You're on the air. Hey man, how's it going? Oh, it's going man.

It's going. I got a question about the roles of prophets and apostles in the church. And I see it in a lot of the black churches here in Memphis. And I just want to get your, your thought on it. Okay. So I have a problem personally. I'll give you some opinion and then we'll get into some more, more better stuff.

All right. When people start saying, you know, apostles so and so, prophets so and so, and then they go up to a church and then they proclaim certain things. I have a problem with that. It seems to me, to me that such people often, I'm not saying all, often are exalting themselves. I'm not accusing them and I don't know their hearts, but I get that impression. You know, and I've seen different rooms with different people. The apostles so and so is here for a word for you today. And I go in and listen to them and they're not as knowledgeable as they need to be biblically. And yet they call themselves apostles. So you go to another room and chat rooms I've been in and you might have a prophet so and so, and I'll listen to them and they, well, they, they need some instruction on biblical theology sometimes a lot of times. And so, okay, I'm not trying to judge them all and condemn them all. Uh, but, uh, it's, it's problematic. So let's look at it biblically.

Are there, Oh, wow, that's interesting. Are there prophets and apostles today? I would say let's look at the definitions first. They're an apostle simply meant means, uh, to be sent from apostolo and there's at least seven different kinds of apostles. There's a false apostle. Jesus was called an apostle. Barnabas was an apostle who didn't perform any miracles or write any scripture. Paul was an apostle, but he wasn't one of the original apostles.

And I got some other listings, but there's different kinds. So if someone's going to say they're an apostle, what are they defining as an apostle? If you're defining it on the same level as Paul the apostle and, and John and Matthew, then there you've got some serious problems and they need to be politely talked to and corrected. If they say they're an apostle because God is called them to and sent them to speak to churches about stuff, then they need to be cross examined by elders of multiple churches because they're trying to say they're an apostle of different churches. If they say they're an apostle just to one church, well, how is that an apostle? Apostles in the New Testament spoke and were authoritative to multiple churches in different locations, went around and gave instruction. So an apostle today, someone says that they're actually claiming that kind of title. Well, if I'm going to listen to an apostle and I don't know everything, but I can certainly tell you that a lot of them don't know what they're doing and you shouldn't be saying things like this, but it doesn't mean then that they can't be called of God to do various things.

So this is what I'm saying is it's a real problem. And personally, I don't believe in modern day apostles because I believe that the apostolic office is done in the biblical sense. If they're going to redefine it in a modern sense, then this would be a problem because let's see what it is biblically because they're calling themselves an apostle, which is from a biblical context.

I want to see. I could talk to someone who's an apostle who claims to be an apostle and cross examine them lovingly and patiently according to the word and test out what they're saying and get more information from that. Now, when I've done my research on this, I have problems with it. Let's just say, now let's go to prophets. So are there prophets today? Well, some say, yeah, there's prophets today. Well, the new Testament says that you can have someone who prophesies and hence a prophet and that's in first Corinthians 14. If you were to say that there's a, someone who's called the prophet in the sense that they prophesy. Okay.

With reservations, I'm going to say, well, let's, I get it. Let's see, because the office of prophet like that, I certainly don't believe this is here. Now the old Testament style prophets was proclaimed until John that's Luke 16, 16, no more. So the new Testament kind of a prophet is different. They tended to be those who would offer prophecy, the proclamation of God's word. They seem to have the idea of exhortation as well as apostles did. And so if someone says that they or he or she even is an apostle, excuse me, as a prophet, I'm going to say, show me the scriptures that justifies you being called a prophet. Now, what I mean is show me a scripture that says you're a Christian versus let's say if you trust in Christ, you're called Christians, you believe he's God in flesh, et cetera. Show me the biblical position that you have for being called, for justifying the idea of being called a prophet. I'm open to that discussion. Now I've read books on this stuff and some of the arguments that people can raise up are pretty smart, but they're not sufficient because people want their apostles and prophets today.

All right, now let me digress just a little bit further. Now we have apostles and prophets walking around, particularly the new apostolic reformation movement where apostles are above prophets. They're the ones who have the final authority. And so if there's a prophet that comes to your town to give you information or what God wants this church or that church or these churches to do, it must be judged by the apostles. And so the apostles now are in the authority position. Now we have another problem. When you have an individual who's in authority over a church or churches because they claim to be an apostle or a prophet, well, there's a lot of room for abuse there.

Now I'm not saying they're all bad and they want to be abusive, but you can see it's like, oh man, you know, why do we have to have these guys going around? I'm apostle so-and-so, I'm prophet so-and-so. What if I were to say in the radio, I'm apostle Matt Slick? That doesn't sound good. Apostle Slick doesn't sound good. Prophet Slick just doesn't sound good.

But if I were to start saying something like that, well, does that mean I'm boasting? And that's another issue. This is just a big mess. And I don't see the necessity of this today. I don't see it scripturally being mandated. Now if someone has a good biblical argument, call up.

I'm open to being corrected, but I just don't see it today. So in those churches, I have problems with it. Furthermore, a lot of times they are women. Apostles, you know, Janice or whoever she is or prophets, you know, Maddie or whatever. And well, the women are not to be in spiritual authority for men in the church.

If they're apostles or prophets, then by definition they would be. So they're blowing it there. So you see this is a big mess that needs to be examined when we look at this.

And that's just introductory information about it, how we look at it and weigh it is another issue. Now hold on, we've got a break. Okay. Hey folks, we'll be right back after these messages. We open lines 877-207-2276. It's Matt Slick live, taking your calls at 877-207-2276.

Here's Matt Slick. All right, everyone. Welcome back to the show at the bottom of the hour. If you want to give me a call, 877-207-2276.

Jay, you still there? Yes. Now I gave you a lot of info and I probably didn't answer your question except to basically just say, no, not really. Not for today. Yeah, you did.

You did great, man. That's exactly what I was thinking and what I'm pretty much the answers that I've got doing my own research as well. Just wanted to hear your perspective as well.

You gave me a whole lot of clarity on it, man. You know, you mentioned in the black community and believe it or not, that's a concern I've had for many, many years, the black community and the churches. And I've not yet made any real good connections therein. But one of the things I would love to do is to be able to go to that community. And I love the worship. I love that style. I do. I just love it. I wish I could find one that was reformed around my area.

I'd be there in a heartbeat. And I love that. However, there seems to be a lack of doctrinal strength. Now, Vodi Bakken, man, that guy, he's awesome.

And he's great. But I'm really interested in this topic in the black churches because I'm really curious about it. And I know that the reform movement is increasing in there, and I hope it does.

But I also know that like a lot of churches, you know, like the NAR, there's a lot of wacko stuff that goes on too as well. But yeah, you know, anyway. Right. Yeah. So there you go. Hope that helps. Thank you.

I helped a lot, man. Thank you so much. All right, brother.

God bless. Okay. All right. Bye. You too.

You too. All right. Uh, let's see. Let's see. We got nobody waiting right now.

If you want to give me a call, all you gotta do is dial 8772072276. All right. Let's see what I'm gonna do now. I'm hoping, I'm hoping to get some hate mail. So let's see. Hate mail. Uh, let's see. Here's some hate mail.

Uh, this is recent. This is good. You are going away from the truth. May the Holy Spirit shine your mind. Devil is cheating you.

The Bible says in the Gospel of John 10, 10, the thief cometh not, but for to steal and to kill. That's it. That's the whole email. And what's the problem with this email? Well, they just accused me, but they didn't say how they didn't say, well, what did I say? What is it I'm teaching that is so bad? It's of the devil.

What church do you go to cite me something? You know, that's like me giving an email to somebody. You're stupid and wrong.

So they're goodbye. It doesn't do any good. All right. So that's not a very good one.

That's on the lower level. I had to give it, you know, a zero to one to 10. Okay. One to 10, 10 is that's a good insult.

That is really well done. And one being, eh, I'd give this about a two or three, you know, maybe we get some votes from the people in the, uh, in the chat room when I read, uh, an insult and I read some hate mail, maybe you guys could, you know, give me some numbers. That's what I want you to do. You know, one to 10, I wanted you to tell me if it's a good hate mail. Okay. And you can, when I just read, give me what you think is the value from a one to 10, 10 big, really good insult. Okay.

And one being not very good. I say this was about a three. So what do you guys say in there? Okay. All right. Let's see.

Let's get better email. I'll tell you what their numbers are when they start. Could take like 20 seconds. That was a two. We got some twos in there. All right. Here's another one. Here's another one. Um, is Bible God confused after becoming a man? Jesus. Oh, I love punctuation.

Okay. What for one should believe Jesus of heaven is also a perishable object. According to him in Matthew 24, 35 is it not virtually a blasphemy of Bible father? What is the use of going on to another perishable place called heaven like earth?

Is Bible God confused after becoming a man? Jesus think seriously. All right. Now that's wacko mail.

Okay. That wouldn't be hate mail. That's wacko mail because so, you know, I'd give that about a four.

That's pretty good for that's I'm a four on that one. What do you guys think of, you know, give me some of the numbers in there and uh, not very good, you know, and sometimes, you know, uh, you gotta be a professional like me. You know, you read some of these, these run on sentences. You can hurt yourself unless you're a professional.

Don't do this at home and read long run on sentences because you can injure yourself. No, a professional. All right. A one due to grammar. That's right.

Now if you rate that for wacko mail to 10, that's true. You could be reversed one and you're going to figure that out. All right. All right. Let's get on the air with a one from Winston Salem, North Carolina.

One. Welcome. You're on the air. Hey, how's it going? It's going. How you doing?

It's going Friday night. Good time to speak about God and everything concerning God. So, Hey, I have a question. What is your stance on the gifts of the spirit that are mentioned in, you know, the Bible and all of that? I believe in all of the gifts continued for today.

All the charismatic gifts for today. I'm a continuationist. Okay.

Okay. So the reason I ask is because you, you were just, you know, I just kind of tuned in when you were talking about, you know, the titles that are given, especially in the black church about apostles and, you know, prophets and all that. So what about the gift of being able to prophesize, you know, whether it be through dreams or whatever means that God, you know, gives us through the Holy Spirit? I mean, so if, if somebody, I don't know the intricacies as to why, you know, the black church in particular, you know, like to use those titles, but if somebody has the gift of being able to prophesize, you know, I guess it would be okay to call them a prophet, right? I mean, they're prophesizing in the name of the Lord anyways, you know, being revealed in some manner, whatever, you know, they're getting revealed. But we have to be careful how we define things because a prophet in the Old Testament sense is not the same kind of prophet, so to speak, in the New Testament.

So this is why definitions are important. So if we were to go to, for example, let me see if I can hit this right here. My key's working.

Oh, how come it didn't work? Oh, I got to add. There we go. So it says, 1 Corinthians 14, one, pursue love, yet earnestly desire spiritual gifts, but especially that you may prophesy. For one who speaks in a tongue does this or that, but one who prophesies speaks to men for edification and exhortation and consolation. All right.

And he says, you know, he goes, he would that you'd prophesize greater. And so now this, the cessationist will say, well, this is no longer valid. It's an invalid area of scripture. We don't have to worry about it. It's not necessary.

Well, I don't agree with that. You know, it's, it's there and we need to, but we don't want to be wackos about it. We don't want to, you know, order the chandeliers and let's say, okay, we've got the chandeliers. Now what we're going to do is, is learn how to swing from them for our prophecy night. Right.

We don't want to do that. Right. So that's my definition. Well, it's a gift. It's a gift. You know, it's, it's, it goes into action in a particular way. You know, it's not like a, like a something just like you mentioned, mentioned, you know, let's buy a chandelier, swing off of it. And then, you know, we had to prophesize.

I mean, it's a, it's unique and it happens in certain moments. Now, having said that, the other question I had, if it's okay to ask another question was, you know, I, you know, you were talking the other day about, you know, uh, the church and all that. And I thought about, you know, how many that, that it, it, it's very clear to me that, you know, in, in the majority of the churches, the, you know, the people that, that attend churches are lukewarm Christians. You know, they're not, you know, the, I have a burning fire inside for God and do all these things that Christians should do. You know, read the Bible, pray, you know, have a gift and, you know, and serve in the church and, and all these things, you know, some people just like to serve and they're okay with that. Let's say I'm not sure at church, for example, and I'm okay with that, you know, but why is it that the majority are lukewarm?

I mean, I just don't get it. You know, is it a psychological, like an intellectual thing that they do? Like, well, I, I'll go to church because I know that, you know, I, I should kind of do this and God will be happy with me, but you know, like that, that's the extent of that, you know, they don't, they don't evangelize. They don't do all these things that, you know, like, so what's your question? I think that Christians, what's your question there?

What's your question? Well, I mean, you know, like where, where does this come from? Is it, is it a thing about churches being, you know, having, so why are they, so why are they lukewarm?

Why are so many lukewarm? Yeah, yeah, yeah, exactly. Okay. Well, let's, okay. Why are so many Christians lukewarm? I don't know.

I could do a survey and stuff like that and find out, but it seems to me that they're being taught mamby-pamby theology and they're too comfortable in the world and they're not having to rely on God, so they do their duty of going to church, but as persecution comes, that'll change. And we've got a break, so if you want to hold on, okay? Hey folks, you want to give me a call?

877-207-2276. We'll be right back. All right, everybody. Welcome back to the show.

Juan, are you still there? Yes. All right. So yeah, I believe that care is not a gift, but I don't believe that individuals have the gift of whatever.

They could just submit it on demand like the apostles did. Okay. Right. Right. Right.

Well, those were my two basic questions for the night, for Friday night. Okay. Sounds good. All right, man. Thank you, man. Appreciate you. All right.

Thanks a lot, man. God bless. All right. Hey, well, let's get some more hate mail and let's check this out. Let's check this out. All right, here's some hate mail. To whom it may concern, this website, that's, my website, is downright libel in what is said about the Catholic faith, and I urge you to take it down or have a disclaimer that is not true, that it's not true, or you will be sued, period, for libel and you will not win because the last 100 who posted this garbage lost as well, and so I urge you, whoever did this garbage, to take it down because knowingly using false material is immoral and you lose in court for heretical offensive material, and the facts that you withhold is cowardice, offensive, and heretical, and this organization should be ashamed of itself.

Have a nice day. How about that for a hate mail? That's pretty good.

I'd do that about a seven. That's pretty good because the quality of the run on, I mean, you can look at this. Is a hate mail, is it denigrated because the grammar is not very good, or do we want to have the kind of thing where you say, that's a good hate mail, and the hate mail and the lack of grammar just adds to its goodness. We've got to come up with a standard here.

This is a problem now. How do you judge hate mail? We have the different standards because I was pretty good, actually. I liked that hate mail, but see what I meant earlier before the break? I said, I'm a professional. You see, I can do this. I can take a long breath and keep reading the run on sentences and not black out because it's a long run on sentence. Maybe this concept of punctuation, which would be something that they could work on. I don't like punctuation.

I just like to run on sentence. I don't think that could, you know, whatever. I don't know. All right, let's try this one. In this article on the Trinity, Word Trinity is not in the Bible on Carm, you cite references up to, okay, we're going to do this again. In this article, every scripture you cite references up to the number two and then to the number three. Okay, so he says references up two to three entities that you somehow believe is one God. Wow. Even the scriptures in John that says I and the Father are one is still referring to two beings.

Wow, no it's not. It does not say I and the Father are one God, which if they were one God, then stating so would be essential. Let's see, do this. Read the Gospel of John and mark every scripture that defines Christ's relationship with God.

Oh, okay, I'll just do that because you said. A record by John of Christ's ministry certainly would have an accurate description of his relationship with Christ with his Father, yes. He, Christ, describes himself as being the Son of God, doing the work of, yeah, okay.

After you've marked about 100 scriptures, you'll begin to realize the Nicene Creed is wrong fabricated by politicians and scholars for political gain and several thousand people were killed who would not buy into the Christian concept of God as revealed by the prophet Constantine. Yeah, right. That was going to be difficult. You see, look, when you're a professional like me, not only, not only do you have to read long run on sentences, but you have to have your brain not get, you know, um, blurified, stupidified in the failure of proper logic. When you're reading this stuff, this is not easy to do. Good, good for you though. I'm a professional.

I can read hate mail and I could survive it. There's something in my system that appreciates it. I like it. It goes on.

Oh, well, if those who don't believe in the Trinity are not Christian, then I guess Christ, God and all the apostles and prophets, P R O F I T S, whoever lived would not be considered Christians either. So we are in good company. Mar, Marvin says. Yeah. Okay. That was, that was really good. That was, you know, that was okay. I want some, you guys got to rate these. Come on here in rumble. You got to rate that.

What would you rate that one? Oh man. All right. Uh, Hey, look at this. This is a call to all spiritual religious leaders worldwide for urgent action. This message is for all who consider themselves to be true servants of I am the all Allah, Yahweh, the great white spirit, the Supreme being, the almighty, the super consciousness, God guardian of divinity as spiritual and religious leaders in their communities from all systems, sex, creeds, beliefs, and denominations, and from anywhere in the world. You know, I want to meet people like this who write this and believe this stuff. You know, I just want to see how they, you know, like they walk, they walk normally.

Can they, can they chew gum and think and talk at the same time and drive? I don't know. Okay. What's, you know, what kind of, he goes on all people who are yearning for true freedom with living in safety, prosperity, peace, and harmony under perfect divine law should peacefully stand up and be counted as a united front for the declaration of the year of Jubilee of God, the details of which are spelled out in the law of the basic instruction before leaving earth. Wow. That is awesome.

It is awesome. The year of Jubilee of God. There's a, there's a declaration of the year of Jubilee of God, the details of which are spelled out in the law of the basic instruction before leaving earth.

You got to give it, you know, I got to, I got to talk, you know, give the voice thing for the good title of that. Okay. Which Jubilee declaration will take place at various places, will take place at various places in the world on the 5th of November. Oh, this is old from 2012.

The Jubilee year, all debts had to be canceled. So much. Let's go to another one.

Let's see. Dear writer, I've read your articles on gay marriage, harming society. I would like to inform you that your point of view is disgusting. I generally don't pay an attention, any attention to rubbish like this and rarely waste my time with closed minded people.

Don't wait a minute. So I'm closed minded because I analyze homosexuality and yet he's open-minded yet he's closed to my opinion. A little inconsistency.

He goes on. It is a, it is small minded points of view. Now what is a small mind? You see a small mind, a mind is an abstract entity that exists within a brain.

Unless you, you know, have died, you're going to be the Lord and you're disembodied right now. And you, you know, so you know, what would a small mind, how big is a small mind? Is it like two centimeters across? I don't know. Small minded points of view like yours. I guess my mind is small. I wonder who's got big minded views, small minded views like yours that make innocent people take their lives because you don't accept it for what they are. No, I'm not going to accept them for their, their sin. I don't accept murderers as okay. It's small minded people like you and that's going to kill themselves because you don't approve of them. So look at this small mindedness that this person's offering. You have to approve of what we think about stuff.

Otherwise people die from it. He goes on shame on you. Wake up and join the rest of the world in the 21st century.

So what century it is, is what determines truth. This guy could not argue his way out of a white paper bag. Now how about a Ziploc bag? Could someone get a Ziploc bag?

It depends if it's Ziploc or not. Anyway, I digress. He goes on heterosexual marriage is far from perfect and played with problems.

That's correct. It is because there's people in it. Same sex marriage should be person's basic human right.

Why? Why should it be a person's basic human right? Who says so? This guy's saying it.

This is what I like to ask these guys. It's supposed to be a basic right. Who says? Well, we do. And you're the universal standard of basic rightness, right?

Is that what it is? That's right. We do. Okay. Well, you know, if gays want to be just as miserable as conventional families, they should have the choice. They should. So this is deontological issue here. The study of moral obligation. Okay. And so they should, right?

They should be able to. So what justifies, what grounds the moral obligation that you should allow this? He says, we should be allowed to marry split up to divorce, not divorce, but divorce. Have kids. What? How can you have kids if you're homosexual marriage? How's that work? Little problem there.

You're going to see Bob and Frank. You want to have kids? Yeah, let's have kids.

Okay. We've got a problem. What's the problem?

Well, you can't kind of obvious. I don't know what you're talking about. You know, how's that going to work? I don't know. Oh, you mean by adoption, he's got the word adopt in there. Oh, okay. So you admit then homosexual unions don't produce children. Ah, I have to adopt. You have to go to heterosexual, um, unions for that.

So that's interesting. Next time you see an orphan, take pride in knowing that you have denied them a loving, nurturing, and happy family by continuing to deny gays the rights that they are entitled to. I'm going to start crying here.

Oh, it just got me right there. Yeah. When you see an orphan take pride that you're hurting them. How am I hurting an orphan by saying that they shouldn't be in a homosexual family? Yeah, they shouldn't because it's sinful.

It was against God. Yeah. These people who couldn't argue their way out of an open Ziploc bag. How about that one? Or how about a, uh, let's see, argue their way out of what else could it be?

An open box on its side. But I'm getting stupid here. It's getting, it's getting lame, but Hey, that doesn't stop me before for being stupid. All right. Sincerely hoping Jesus still loves you. Even if you don't love yourself or your gay neighbor.

That's awesome. You maybe don't love yourself. Love is under-centered love guts. Love the world he gave his only begotten son.

John three 16 greater love has no man than this day lay his life down for his friend. Love by nature is under-centered. Even if you don't love yourself, I don't love myself. I'll go, I'm so wonderful. I don't do that, man.

You know, the wisdom of the world is foolishness. Even if you don't love yourself or your gay neighbor, who says I don't love my gay neighbor. We have someone who comes over every now and then who was going through transsexual stuff and has since since stopped it, but we've had them over. Sheesh. You know, you can come on over. We don't approve of, of that whole thing, but we love them.

And these people don't know what they're doing. Man, man. Oh man.

Oh man. You know, I like hate mail and I like whacko mail. It really thrills me.

I should just do clips of me doing hate mail. Hey, wait, this is a good one. And then I can talk about it. You know, I wish I could find the atomic body man. That's the classic of all time that I read like 10 years ago. I forgot even where it was in.

The atomic body man. That was good. Oh, that was a great whacko mail. But hey, guess what? We're out of time. The music is going to start any second now. I hope you all have a great weekend. I hope you enjoyed the show today. And by his grace, we'll be back on there on Monday. You can give me a call then.

If you've got questions or comments, you can email info at where you can wait and you can give me a call on Monday. By God's grace, Lord willing. Hey, have a great weekend. We'll talk to you next week. God bless. Bye. Your program powered by the truth network.
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