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Matt Slick Live

Matt Slick Live! / Matt Slick
The Truth Network Radio
March 22, 2022 5:00 pm

Matt Slick Live

Matt Slick Live! / Matt Slick

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March 22, 2022 5:00 pm

Open calls, questions, and discussion with Matt Slick LIVE in the studio. Topics include---1- Matt reads hate-mail.--2- Should you question your salvation if you don't really feel strong conviction of sin---3- What is the right church authority---4- Does the fruit of the Spirit flow from the love of God specifically---5- What are your thoughts on revival as a whole- Do you think national revival could happen---6- Can you explain Romans 16-1- Was Phoebe a deacon-

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The following program is recorded content created by the Truth Network. If you want to give me a call, all you have to do is dial 877-207-2276.

We have five open lines. Give me a call. And today for the podcasters is March 18, 2022. So for those who are listening later on, that's what the date is. Now look, if you want to give me a call, like I said, 877-207-2276. And as often the case with Fridays, I do hate mail at the beginning and then people start calling in. So I'm going to give you the opportunity. This is an email. I haven't even checked them out today.

I want to see what they are. Let's go. Let me just read something here. And because this often brings me to the point of commenting on other things, you know, on what's going on. This person says, too bad you're not so slick with the scriptures. Now, just so you guys know, you know, my last name really is slick.

And that's my birth certificate, et cetera. Anyway, as a Catholic, I came across your silly website. I love when people do that.

I love it. That's silly. I just get a kick out of it. Your silly website. I thought to myself, poor misled little man. Well, this is good stuff.

I like condescension when people are talking to me when they write me stuff like that. Anyway, he goes on. He says he has absolutely no idea what he is rambling on about. I'll try and be charitable and show him the error of his ways. This is awesome.

I love stuff like this. He goes on. Your first premise is that Jesus did not actually mean what he said to be taken literally in reference to the Eucharist. You know what? As a matter of fact, I had a discussion with this topic last night on the Eucharist.

And there's the phone. And so what I did when I was talking to this guy on a thing called Discord and we got talking. And he was telling me that the Eucharist, he said, well, it's the body and blood. It's what Jesus said. He goes, don't you believe what Jesus said?

I said, yeah, I do. He also said he's a door. It doesn't mean he's a door. And he goes, yes, he is a door. And I said, what, he's a literal door? The guy actually said, yes, he's a literal door. I said, so does he have a doorknob and hinges? Anyway, so I was having an interesting time with this guy.

But I brought something up. You see, here's the thing about the Catholic view of the Eucharist is they say that it is actually the body and blood of Christ, a sacrificed body and blood of Christ. They actually drink the blood and eat the body of Christ. That's what they say. Well, here's the problem with that. In Leviticus 17, 14, it is a command that the Jews are not to drink the blood of any flesh.

Real simple. Don't drink the blood of any flesh. So I was asking this guy, I said, look, hey, was Jesus asking the disciples to break the law? And, you know, he didn't... Then finally after a bit of him and hawing and stuff, he came back and he said, well, he goes, look, he said, he's God. He can do whatever he wants. This is a common response I've gotten from Catholics on that.

He can do whatever he wants. Or he'll say, it's the new covenant. I said, no, no, no, no, no. In Hebrews 8, 13, Hebrews 9, 15 through 16, the new covenant is instituted with the death of Christ. So this was under the old covenant. And so therefore, were you saying that Jesus was asking them to violate the law? And he actually had to say yes. I said, wow. So in order for these guys to hold their false views, they have to get Jesus breaking the law of God, which ultimately is sin. And he pointed it out. And then the guy started calling me names. Anyway, the critic in the hate mail here goes on and says, well, since his words are pretty darn straightforward and clear, it appears that the burden of proof is on you to explain otherwise.

Well, I just did. And also I asked this guy incidentally, I asked him, I said, so Jesus is a man, right? When he offered the sacrifice, yes, okay. And so he gave the bread. That bread was his body, yes.

So do you know of any case where a human body is in more than one place at a time? A bit of silence. And, you know, they don't think these things through.

They don't think these things through. He said, well, you just don't believe what he said. He said, do it in remembrance of me. He didn't say eat it as though it's his body, but eat it and do it.

And when you do it, do it in remembrance of what he did, because it represents his body. That's all that's going on. And he says, your weak argument.

This guy in your email, okay. His weak argument that he often spoke in figurative language is certainly not proof that what he had said to the disciples at the last supper was merely symbolic language. And, yes, it was symbolic language because that's what it was.

It was symbolic because he wouldn't be asking the disciples to violate Levitical law. It's simple. All right. And, all right, let's see, let's see, let's see, what else have they got? Because it's a long email, so I'm looking for some more hate mail here. I'll just go away with that one.

Let's try one more. Wow, you post absolute garbage about the Catholic church. As a student of comparative religions, I've researched the RCC patristic writers and none of them oozed with the malice, vindictiveness, and hostility that is evident in your writings against this church. Now, folks, I'm going to tell you, that is good.

See, that's a good one. It is well written. I'm looking at the punctuation. It's perfect. It's good punctuation. He uses commas properly. Yeah, it's well done. So I like this one.

It's a good one. As a student of comparative religions, I've researched the RCC patristic writers and none of them oozed, that's a good word, oozed with the malice, vindictiveness, and hostility that is evident in your writings against the church. Well, no, there's no malice, no vindictiveness, no hostility. He says the Roman Catholic church is not true.

That's all. He says, why this hatred? I hate the Roman Catholic theology because it leads people to eternal damnation. He goes on, who are you to point fingers when God did not appoint you as his divine prophet? You don't have to be a divine prophet in order to read the word and say, hey, that's not what it teaches.

See, that's a misdirection on his part. Well, he was up there on the ladder of excellence, but he just dropped down a whole rung. He says, he goes on, do you have credentials like Moses did to walk on water?

Wow. So Moses had credentials. I didn't know he had credentials. I didn't think he did. Apparently Moses walked on water. So I'm thinking that this Roman Catholic guy or this person who's a student of comparative religion doesn't really study the Bible very much. He goes on, or the gift of infallibility like Peter had. Peter didn't have infallibility. Had to make binding decisions for the early church in his leadership role.

No, it didn't work like that. The guy doesn't know what he's doing. Oh no, you don't and you will try to explain away the papacy and enthrone yourself as an individual pope. I will? You know, I always like it when people tell me this stuff. This is what you're going to try and do.

You're going to try and enthrone yourself. Well, how do they know? I was talking to somebody and I love it when the people I'm debating, impromptu debates and discussions, you know, I'll bring up a point and they'll say, you know, you know what you believe. I know you believe it and you're just lying. Like, what? Wait a minute.

You know what I believe and you know that I'm lying? These people, they get whacked. I mean, gee whiz, you know? It's like they're drinking too much distilled water. It's taking the nutrients out of their cerebellums.

I drink distilled water anyway. Maybe that explains a lot, doesn't it? Let's see, the latest count of individual popes who have established their own Protestant denominations, cults and sects, offshoots and non-denominational churches since the Reformers decided to go solo with their newly minted, invented solas. It's 43,973.

Wow, really? That's how many, let's see, individual popes there are? 43,973 popes. Well, if he calls them popes, he's good.

Which ones are you going to follow? Why do you speak to that? Why don't you speak to that staggering denominational division in your own religion? I do speak about it and it's a shame.

It is. But they unite in the essentials and they're allowed to have divisions in the non-essentials. Anyway, he goes on and says, um, it's in your religious doctoralist chaos that came from each individual interpreting the scripture of their own authority against the Bible's conjunction. The Bible doesn't say that.

This guy couldn't argue with a wet paper bag if he was swinging with a pocket of gloves on. He goes, why don't you address the marks of the church in Acts? I do. And the graphic church fails. Instead of assuming your religion has a true church of Christ, it does. How can it when there is so much denominational squabbling over scriptural interpretation and doctrinal confusion? Remember Paul the Apostle said in Romans 14, we're allowed to have differences of opinions. It doesn't mean we're not Christians. Oops, darn it. Romans 14.

It gets in the way of people when they say things like this. The RCC is the longest surviving oldest and largest Christian institution in the world. No, it's not Christian.

That's a problem. It teaches false doctrines. United in governance, liturgy, and worship, the sacraments doctrine of the apostolic origin, which is not true, and resplendent. Ooh. Not many people use that word. That's a good word. Resplendent in prophetic gifts and the first class miracles in every century.

Wow. There are plenty of news sources, national and international media, and ancient writings from the objective sources that carry stories of such heroic giants of virtue who left all behind to follow Christ. Modern day's examples are Mother Teresa. Well, I believe Mother Teresa's in hell myself.

I do. That's not being mean, but if she followed official Roman Catholic theology, she's not a Christian. Dr. Damien the leper priest, okay, I don't know who that guy is, their astounding work amongst the most forgotten rocked the world and captured the hearts of even the most hardened anti-Catholic. No, they did good stuff in the human level, helping people.

I'm not knocking that. It doesn't mean they go to heaven because of it. Anyway, see, he goes on and he says he, I don't know if it's a he or she, as Mother Teresa said, she didn't have to preach Christ.

Those she rescued from the gutters and, okay, whatever. Perhaps you need to nourish your soul with the things of God instead of the rotten fruit which divided even the reformers. So you mean just believing God's word at what it says and not going down what's written?

Oh, is that what you mean? Oh, that's why I don't believe in the Eucharist. That's why I don't believe in the papacy. That's why I don't believe in the Roman Catholic Church.

That's why I don't believe in any works of salvation. So little time, so much heresy. All right, folks, if you want to give me a call, four open lines, 877-207-2276. Let's get to Mike from Raleigh, North Carolina. Mike, welcome. You're on the air. Hey, Matt, man, I called you about a month ago and asked you to read some hate mail, so I love hearing the hate mail.

But I have a question that's really a question of my wives. Okay, you're hard to understand. Can you get a little closer to the phone or something? Yeah, hold on. Okay.

Is that better? I don't know. We'll see. But keep going.

We'll see what happens. Go ahead. That's better. How about now? That's much better. All right. So what do you got, buddy? Okay, good.

Hey, yeah, so me and my wife, we got married about six months ago. We have very different testimonies. Let me just give you some quick background. So I grew up kind of in the church, walked away to sleep rebellions. Okay. I was addicted to drugs, all types of sins.

Okay. And the Lord first brought me to my knees and changed my life. I'm now a Christian therapist. All right, you're a Christian. All right.

Yeah, so I had a dramatic testimony, whereas on the flip side, my wife, she grew up in the church, never sort of walked away. Okay. She's always faithful. Uh-huh. In any way.

And she lacks the conviction over her sin, like in terms of just the feelings of conviction. And I've tried to advise her. Okay, so what's your question? I need a question there. What's your question, though? Okay.

I mean, she just wants to know if something wrong with her salvation, if she simply chooses to follow Christ, because she knows it's best for her. Okay. I'll tell you what.

I'll tell you what. We had a break. What I'd like you to do, if you don't mind, Mike, is to think about the question and what you want to ask it, and then after the break, ask the question, and we'll jump in and see if we can answer it. Okay?

We got a break there, though. Here's three open lines. If you want to give me a call, 877-207-2276. We'll be right back. It's Matt Slick live, taking your calls at 877-207-2276. Here's Matt Slick. Everybody, welcome back to the show. We have three open lines. Why don't you give me a call eight seven seven two zero seven two two seven six Mike.

Are you still there? I? Am that all right, man, so what's your question?

All right From my wife. He's a little scared to call you, but that's all right Oh You're hard to understand is it wrong to follow Christ and what? You're so hard to understand.

I'm sorry, but for me. It's very difficult Are you asking? About your wife if she's wondering about her Christianity because she's not feeling a conviction of sin is that it Yeah, oh, okay Sorry, yeah, it's breaking up on my end a little bit. That's why it's difficult so Okay, I can't understand you sorry hold on it. Let me just kind of jump in and try and answer this a little bit Because people don't feel conviction of sin that that's a serious concern for a Christian. We should feel a conviction of sin If a Christian is not feeling conviction of sin there could be several reasons one is well They're not really Christian But that's generally not the case when we talk about someone who's worried about it because someone who's not saved Really, it just doesn't make me sense that they're gonna worry about it there's always a possibility that they've committed enough sins that they're hardened by it and So that they're under a kind of a judgment.

That's another thing Another option is well. You know they're just emotionally Fucked all kinds of people so I'm saying this some people are so emotionally involved with Their themselves in life that they kind of turn it off In order for self-protection because there's some people just more emotional than others And they have to kind of hide their emotions and guard themselves that could be one of the ways of not feeling things It could also be that the Holy Spirit is is taking that perlet that person have some things Without feeling that conviction so much so that something greater Can be be taught to the person puts you on hold because there's clicks. I'll get you back on a second Mike that's another possibility and it could be that The person is feeling conviction, but doesn't recognize it because conviction can be in different ways Sometimes people make the mistake of thinking conviction means you feel this horribleness in you Well that is a form of conviction, but another form of conviction is why am I not feeling conviction? That's a conviction He the Holy Spirit convicts us of our sin, and he can be Brings us into righteousness if a Christian is saying you know what I don't feel as much You know the guilt as much as I need to I think I should that's the work of the Holy Spirit Convicting and so what I would recommend I'd recommend is that people In that situation what they do just pray and say Lord, you know I don't know am I not not feeling enough I think maybe I should but am I right or am I making a mountain out of a molehill am I doing something? I think is wrong when it's not really wrong, and I'm not feeling conviction Tell me if I'm doing something that's wrong Let me know so I'll feel a conviction about it that I know is wrong because sometimes people Won't do something wrong, but they think it's wrong. They don't feel conviction. It's not the spirit working on them. It's themselves and So this thing about subjective experience in our conviction is not so easy to deal with so what I say to people in your wife's situation is pray and ask God to give her a more sensitive heart and To know what the truth is about issues and whether or not she should be convicted and also to realize That such a thing in her heart is a form of conviction So she is experiencing it just not in some of the way she thinks she might need to Okay, Mike does that make sense?

Okay, okay, buddy you're welcome. Hope that helps is she they're listening Is she listening okay? Is she smiling? Huh?

Oh? The car all right well, what's her first name, and I'll say hi to her if that's okay Summer is that we said yeah Okay, thank you. Hey summer. I'm waving at you. How you doing?

How you doing? I know you're smiling okay, the Lord loves you, and he will never leave you and Don't worry about what you feel focus on what the truth of God's Word is and You'll find that sometimes in a dry season The Lord is working on you in another way So ask him to reveal what he's doing in your heart, and you're already feeling that conviction. It's true Okay, okay.

There you go summer. Hey Mike. God bless buddy. Hey Thanks, Matt Okay, God bless.

Okay. We'll see you okay. Bye Hey folks we have for open lines if you want to give me a call eight seven seven two zero seven two two Seven six Jose from New York. I mean New York from North Carolina welcome you're on the air Oh, man, okay, I hear you fine.

What do you got buddy? All right So I've been looking through I've been jumping through Christian radio stations a lot both because I Would like to get back to going to church, but I am striking out locally here There seems to be a lot of Of women who have taken on the role as the ecclesiastical leaders around here And So I'm kind of bummed about that I'm tuning in just jumping between radio stations to at least get get something And then there was the reading of Acts chapter 8 concerning a man named Philip and and the eunuch Listen to you know The gospel is by him, and he was baptized My question about all this has to do with I guess I'm not sure what the right word Authority I guess authority yeah Yeah So you want to know what the right? Church authority system is is that it yes?

Yeah, right. It's with a male or males who are in the eldership position not females Women are not supposed to be pastors nor are they supposed to be elders or they supposed to be deacons And I'm just gonna explain some more, but I want to I want to challenge I know that North Carolina get these calls from North Carolina and this kind of topic comes up from that area And so if there's a church out there or a series of churches that would like me to come out and politely Come to the church and have an evening or do a Q&A and I teach on this Maybe have a discussion with someone from an opposing view I'd be very willing and eager to do something like that to get through this issue because this is a very important issue Because women pastors and elders are going to help in the demise and the fall into apostasy of the Christian Church and It that is the case and I can connect the dots on this and I know this topic I would love to be able to teach on it And there's a break so tell you what hold on to say we'll get right back after The message will talk more about biblical church authority how it's supposed to be set up Hey folks, we have for open lines if you want to give me a call eight seven seven two zero seven two two seven six We'll be right back after these messages. Please stay tuned It's Matt slick live taking your calls at eight seven seven two zero seven two two seven six, here's Matt slick Welcome back everybody. We have three open lines. Why don't you give me a call eight seven seven two zero seven two two seven Seven six Jose. Are you still there?

I Am sir. All right, so Yeah, this is a really important topic and I've had a lot of dealings with it in different contexts in different venues Not a single person has ever accepted my challenge to debate on this issue and the reason I believe is because they know I'll just go to Scripture and they don't have any standing apart in Scripture and they don't like that the fact that I will just go to work the Word of God then they Gotta do violence of the Word of God to make their position held. I was on a chat system today I would jumped into a room full of women and it was prophetess so and so and pastor So and so all these women and I wanted to ask questions on the biblical position and authority But I was afraid if I even brought anything up they'd kick me out and I find I think it's very it's very true I remember seeing a video also a bunch of women and a man went in and literally asked him You can't be to the woman said a woman pastor. You're not supposed to be a pastor according to Scripture. They physically hit him They physically have it what you mean? They weren't hurting them, but you know, they were they were smacking them and hitting it, you know and pushing them stuff like this There's a real rebellion going on in women in this area and it's Balanced by the rebellion of men who are allowing it to occur.

This is a serious problem And I can make a strong case for it. But nevertheless what's the proper setup for a church just so you know a Pastor is by default an elder and that's not a first Timothy 5 17 It talks about the elders who will rule well give them double honor, especially those who work hard at preaching and teaching So by default a pastor is an elder Paul says he does not allow a woman to teach or exercise authority Over man and it's in the church context as we're talking about but remain silently and because Adam was first created This is not a cultural thing. It's an authority structure thing.

All right. What is this authority structure? elders are over the congregation and They have deacons who are under the authority of the elders and That's it That's how it works.

The word elder is presbytery and hence you get Presbyterianism presbytery Presbyterianism and that is elder rule in some churches you'll have one elder and some will have more than one elder if you have one elder because it's a small congregation and that can happen it's Presbyterian when it's elder rule, that's the nature of it and we have more than one elder it's just Presbyterian and this elder rule is what it is and Generally, they how we have things here is one elder is kind of the senior one and he's the main pastor and teacher That kind of stuff. That's what you're supposed to look for Okay Yeah, I don't like I said, I don't remember anything in the scriptures. I know there were of women, you know that did a lot of great things that you know, you got us to this point here, but in my case, I've I've been away from from church for a very long time and I'm trying to get back and it seems that I'm just striking out in this area here. I I watch when I went in I heard A little to no mention about Jesus Christ.

I heard more about Deepak Chopra and What mother? Metaphysical thing wait in a Christian so to speak Christian Church in a church Wait, so there was a woman pastor teaching about sheep. Ah dope, but she did whatever his name is that guy Yeah, yeah that guy See there's an example of a part to see it's not No, it's not okay No you talk about Deepak Chopra is an illustration of unbelief as an illustration of failure in the world and Human philosophy and human wisdom you use unbelievers as as an example of what needs to be corrected Normally speaking Yeah, so much Okay, look Yeah Try there are some good Baptist churches around even though some of the Baptists are kind of going south heading that way Stay away from Assemblies of God stay away from the Nazarene group. They're going leftist Calvary Chapel is Is not reformed, but that's okay.

At least you'll get expositional teaching and you won't get this compromised crud. And so you can grow there Evangelical free is still pretty good So you can try stuff like that Yeah, you know it's unfortunate but the Bible prophesies apostasy to come and second Thessalonians to that means that within Protestantism apostasy is coming and the fact is that there are a lot of false teachers there and that women pastors women elders is Part of the apostasy the fact that men are allowing it is part of the apostasy Teaching the idiocy of new-age idiots. Just just I won't say other words, but I can't Being allowed in the pulpit. It should never happen Most people don't know their doctrine most of the pastors and elders in this situation like that don't know they're doing don't know what they're talking about and the Congregation knows even less and they just they just put their finger in the air See which way the wind's blowing and follow that direction And the men in the Christian Church need to stand up and start acting like men Christian men who teach the truth and politely And lovingly correct those in error. That's what needs to be done And they're not doing it So, yeah Great thank you, man. All right, man.

God bless buddy. Wow folks ladies and gentlemen as much as there are women pastors and elders is A representation of how poorly men are doing in the church So the more women pastors there are The worse it is that men are performing in the church Men don't understand you've got spiritual responsibility when I do marriage counseling I tell people tell the men That says whether you like it or not. You're the head of the house you to act like it If you don't like it, that's just too bad That's your responsibility When Adam and Eve were in the garden and they both sinned the pre-incarnate Christ came to the man and said, where are you?

Didn't say Eve. What have you done didn't say you to what have you done? He said the man.

Where are you? he addressed the man first and sin entered the world through one man on Romans 5 12 and Even though she was in the world and Eve sinned for Adam did but sin and the world through Adam this is Proof biblically that the male is the one who has what's called federal headship the leadership position and authority in the spiritual realm It's because of Christ Because Jesus is God in flesh who has an authority and he's male and he's called the last Adam first kind of 15 45 I think it is and so we as the as his representatives in the home are to live as Christ did and were to Overturn the doctrinal tables of the heretics and we are to stand on truth This is why I am politely saying it again I'll be glad to fly out to any church out there in North Carolina and do some Q&A on all kinds of topics And teach and debate on this issue of women pastors and elders from God's Word the debate Does the Bible support women pastors and elders? And the answer is no, it does not the question then becomes Why are women doing this and why are they in rebellion against the Word of God?

Oh I know why because the fruit looked good The fruit seemed like it was good to touch the fruit that she saw looks good That it looks like it's good for them to teach. It was a delight to their eyes Desirable for a position for them to be and so they partake in it And this is what's going on and women need to step down and if the men don't step up, that's their fault ladies Let the church fall let men Stand up if you treat them like children They'll behave like children you treat them like men. They'll behave like men, but it'll take them a while But they'll step up. So don't step in when men won't get a job done. Let it fall. Let it fail I mean within reason of course, but especially in the church And if no one gets up on a Sunday to preach because a woman said I'm not preaching It's men's job and no man gets up and does it then it's a shame to all the men It is That's how it's supposed to be men stand up for truth.

Don't sit Chuck from North Carolina. What do you got buddy? I Yes, Matt. I was curious does mercy forgiveness grace truth Long suffering generalness, you know fruits of the Spirit Blow from the love of God to the center. Yes be mainly the love of God Yeah, it's all of that. Sorry. Yeah, I know I'm just it's fine. We're just close to the break here The it's not fruits a lot of people make this mistake and it's because of our English the word fruit and it's singular and plural But in Greek, it's one fruit the fruit of the Spirit the single fruit of the Spirit is love joy Peace patience kindness. So yeah mercy comes from God grace comes from God.

He's the one who is the standard of all righteousness He not only is the necessary precondition for all intelligibility He's also a source of truth and love and mercy and forgiveness Hold on buddy. We got a break. Yeah. All right, we're gonna bury. Hey folks. We're right back after these messages. Please stay tuned Okay You It's Matt slick live taking your calls at eight seven seven two zero seven two two seven six, here's Matt slick All right. Welcome back everybody to the last segment of the show.

Let's get back on air with Chuck from North Carolina Chuck is still there Yes, sir. All right So I was saying that yeah those things come from God and we only know mercy because God Shows us mercy. We only know love because God knows us love knows love it He's the standard of what these things are and that's how we learn what they are. They come from God. Yeah.

Yeah You got me straightened out on that better I was thinking they all come from the love of God But they come from God because love comes from God mercy comes from God, etc. Yeah, I got it now I got a better map. Sure.

Yeah. All right, buddy. God bless you. Praise the Lord for the work you do You know, it keeps your mind sharp and everything Praise the Lord.

Well, praise the Lord for the work as far as my mind being sharp Let's just say my wife would disagree with you, but that's okay She's got a One of those rollers for you when you get out of line, right? Well Her health is not that good and it's physical So she can't whack me outside the head anymore, which I really like it when she does or gives me arm hits I love those but now she just gives me no look so I get the look. Yeah, look at you That's right. Look from science. I don't care.

Yeah Yeah, well that's she loves you you love her yeah, everything is good Matt. Praise the Lord. All right I'll see you later. Okay. God bless you. Thank you.

All right All right. Let's get to let's see Alex from Florida. Hey Alex.

Welcome. You're on the air Hey Matt, how's it going brother? It's going buddy. I'm hanging in there man.

What do you got? Hey, hey This is Andrew and Chad's friend. It's been a while since I called the show Okay, Andrew Rappin for it Oh Andrew, oh you should have said loser Andrew then I would have known what you meant right away Hey, we got to be easy on him these days you saw You know, his mom just passed away.

Yeah, I know. Yeah, I haven't talked to him. Yeah, we're gonna to be out Yeah, no, he's doing better I talked to him he's doing good right now, you know, I'll probably give him a call tomorrow so he's doing So, okay. What do you think?

Yeah, I got a question. I Want your thoughts on revival like genuine revival to happen in this country like, you know Great awakening revival Welsh revival, you know, like being stirred up especially as we get closer to the end. I just feel the church is so disconnected and fractured that I I'm starting to Not I'm starting to be discouraged from it even happening. What are your thoughts on revival as a whole? You know, I just like to know your thoughts on it. Well, I'm for it I think there's orders of revival that need to be addressed like a personal revival You know in a person's life family and the local church That it expands out but as far as national revival, it certainly can happen If if God ordains it and God sent a spirit But the thing is people need to start with themselves and be humble before God and seek revival Then in the will of God more accurately they will then pray according to God's will It might not be that he desires a revival to happen any particular country now people might say that's not true But it's always possible because God even prevented Paul from going to preach the gospel in a certain area.

He had a reason so that's why I say people need to be in prayer and And say Lord use me and send me and teach me but Lord. Can we have a revival? Can this nation be awakened and it's certainly a biblical prayer and it could happen I think it would happen if people prayed, you know, it could happen, you know yes, so your thoughts are because if there's just such a lack of prayer and not so much the Fracturing of the church and the fighting and fighting and stuff but more the lack of prayer among this nation Yeah, I think that might might be it.

I don't know. I'm just wondering I just think that prayer is something that is the church needs to be doing a lot more and I believe the Christian Church in America has failed miserably because it's going downhill and Christians aren't in politics. They're not in education. They're not in the media Why because Christians have let the unbelievers rule and all these important areas and so that's not Obedience that is disobedience to God because God says that all areas of life are under the lordship of Jesus Christ and so by default all Areas belong to the lordship of Jesus and we as Christians need to step in as his representatives to help Foster and promote that lordship. That's why we need to have Christians as doctors and Christians as politicians Politicians and Christians as movie actors and things like that and they need to be supported. That's what needs to happen and When this happens, yeah, well I'm saying sort of like salt or like light in the world But it's darkness is creeping in because the Christians aren't doing what they're supposed to be doing In one area.

Yeah. Well, my thoughts are you know, I'm reformed you're reformed We believe doctors gracefully five solars, you know, we have our doctrine of sound but in the Reformed Church There's just so much division and fighting, you know You've been a you've been reformed for quite some time has it always been like this has there always been such divisiveness and You know attacking against brothers and you know not united has it always been like this and look, you know I'm what are your thoughts on that? Well, I'm not so sure I know what you mean because for the most part all the people I know who are reformed Or are pretty good pretty pretty stable and of like mind So I'm not exactly sure maybe you're just privy to something. I'm not privy to Well, I mean I just say this because a lot of times I'm on like Twitter, you know a conference isn't stuff and it's a lot of theological You know fighting like oh, this is the way it should be or this is the way it shouldn't be, you know You know, that's that's what I'm talking and I'm not I'm like you I'm not a full cessation It's either some reform, but I'm not a full cessation So I kind of see things more from your perspective, but that that's more what I'm talking about And I feel like that relates to the revival because you've got solid brothers who believe in good doctrines But maybe they're not praying and they're just not uniting and they're having this arrogance and this pride Towards others that might not agree with us Yeah, that's certainly possible I've been known to say periodically that we Calvinists have God in a doctrinal box and don't want to let them out and We have to be careful that we don't elevate our reform theology Which is so biblical and so concise and so in Consistent internally and I've been defending it for 30 years and it's it's wonderful But there are people who don't understand it and stuff like that. That's not our issue But we as if we're gonna be good reformed individuals representing Christ Then shouldn't we also have a sixth point in the five points and it should be the love of God and it should be the love of God we should have that that love of God be part of What we're teaching in patience and kindness and tolerance and things like that Yes, we want doctrinal purity but we need to also have the doctrine of love as something that is included in our Flower or tulip, you know, it needs to happen Yeah, like we need to be focused on first Corinthians 13 we can't ignore that average You know about love because we'll end up becoming like a clean symbol and a noisy, you know, just right Stuff without that's right without being pure That's right And you know Jesus says in John 13 35 by this all men will know that you're my disciples If you have love for one another Another well, you know most brother and I know who are reformed Oh, man, they're great great guys and good gals very loving but sometimes they don't agree and for the most part I've seen it be pretty good, but maybe just know stuff. I don't you know in that area. So yeah, I mean, well, okay So even if yeah if you're yeah, if we're maybe just different circles and stuff, but what would your advice be for me?

I mean at times I just get frustrated at all Um be an example of patience and kindness Be an example of it the best you can you know, I'm doing a lot of debates impromptu discussions in various chat rooms and more and more I try and be as patient and loving as I can I Fail, but I it's definitely been a change in me because I want to represent Christ because I'm representing Jesus If I'm gonna get huffy if I'm gonna get In a bad tone with somebody an impatient But I'm not representing him the way I'm supposed to and we all Christians need to do this This is Colossians 4 5 & 6 2 Timothy 2 24 25 talks about this So it's something we need to do all of us Okay. All right. Yeah. Yeah. No, I appreciate that man.

Yeah. Yeah, I really appreciate thanks for your thoughts Love in the show man always keep fighting the faith fighting. There's a good fight and sharing the gospel. I'm trying Brother, all right.

All right. Let's get to Patrick from Charlotte, North Carolina. Patrick.

Welcome. You're on the air Hello Matt, all right I Have a question about the deacon woman in Romans 16 1 if you read it in the NIV. Yes Uh-huh Yeah, Phoebe. She was a deacon, right?

Well, the word deacon means a servant There's an office of that servant in the church Which is to be held by men not by women just as there are elders who are also females But it doesn't mean that they're elders in a church because the word can be used in different context. That's all that's going on. Okay? Okay on the elders According to Carm you cannot be an You cannot be an elder unless if your children are believers, right?

Is that true? Yes A personal question to you. Have you ever been a elder? I've been a pastor. Yeah Mm-hmm, and it's just a pastor. Yeah So pastors can have children that are unbelievers Well, I don't know what you're asking. The Bible says that they're to have children who believe Now what it's talking about normative conditions because what if you have one child because it says children Aldrin and so is it being literal in the sense of how many no Then what do you do if a pastor has someone who's to do they don't see triplets and they're two years old Are they believers? We can't say they are right can't say they're not so What about that? What do you do if a man's a pastor and Then his children move out of the house go along their their own life and then ten years later They become you know one becomes a non-christian now as he suddenly disqualified because his children who left the house ten years later became unbelievers These are questions that you have to discuss and stuff like that Well children are actually protected aren't they when they're children Protection they're already saved in God's eyes.

No doesn't say that Protection is not the issue. I'm just I'm telling you that that people who say this you've got to think through it What does it mean? What does it mean is it mean children under your household who are believers? Does it mean what about the adult children who make their own choices after they left the home? Now as how many pastors are out there would not be Pastors if they're adult children 30 40 years old say I don't believe in Christ anymore Well, sorry now the pastor father across the country a thousand miles away suddenly has to step down See you can't see well absolutely one thing in every situation Well like you said about Mother Teresa, how do you know that she wasn't a Christian? You know you almost told her I said she's in hell I said if she affirmed official Roman Catholic theology, then she's in hell And in regarding salvation, okay, that's where the truth is how can there be when that's the number one Christian real church In the country in the world is not Christian It's a false religion we're out of time there's the end of the show sorry Elizabeth from North Carolina Zach from Little Rock Arkansas and Gary from Utah they call back Monday by his grace. We're back on the air then have a great weekend everyone God bless my another program powered by the truth Network
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