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Matt Slick Live

Matt Slick Live! / Matt Slick
The Truth Network Radio
December 13, 2021 4:49 pm

Matt Slick Live

Matt Slick Live! / Matt Slick

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December 13, 2021 4:49 pm

Open calls, questions, and discussion with Matt Slick LIVE in the studio. Questions include---1- Can people go from hell to heaven---2- Is it wrong to call a biblical figure like David -holy----3- Are the rapture and the second coming the same event---4- Is the millenium in Revelation 20 literal or figurative---5- Why did God say that God say that Adam and Eve would die the day they ate the fruit---6- Do all the people who died before Jesus have the chance to hear the gospel after death---7- How do dinosaurs fit into the Bible-

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Matt Slick

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The Truth Network Podcast is produced by the Truth Network Podcast. All right everyone, if you want to give me a call, four open lines, 877-207-2276. All right. You're still there? Yes, sir. All right. So, we had a break. We kind of lost the flow there a little bit, and I was typing some stuff in the room. Yeah, yeah.

That's right. So, you want to ask me a question? We'll kind of get back into it. Yeah.

So, we were talking about millennial, whether that's the literal 1,000 years, whether it's figurative. And if you can address that, and then maybe also, as I said, how do I discern? Let's do one at a time. One thing at a time. Okay. All right?

Please, please. Okay. So, what I'm going to do is go to Revelation 20, where it talks about the 1,000 years. I'm going to ask you questions as we go through. Okay? I'm going to ask you if it's literal or figurative. All right.

You ready? Okay. Then I saw an angel coming down from heaven, literal or figurative. I would say literal.

I would, too. Holding the key of the abyss, literal or figurative? Figurative.

Okay. And a great chain in his hand, literal or figurative? Also figurative.

I would agree. Laid hold of the dragon, literal or figurative? Figurative. The serpent of old, literal or figurative? I guess figurative referring to the devil, maybe? Yeah, that's a tough one. Yeah, it is.

I'd say I'd go with that one literal because it was a serpent in the garden. So I would go a little with that. Yeah, fair enough. Absolutely. Okay.

Who is the devil in Satan, literal or figurative? Literal. Okay. And bound him for 1,000 years, literal or figurative? That's the question.

I would say literal. Okay. All right. And so maybe it is.

Right? Right. And maybe it's not. But the point I'm just trying to make is that in the context, it's figurative and literal usage. And what people will do sometimes is say, it just means literal. And I'll just say, well, how do you know? And if someone were to say, well, it just means figurative, well, how do you know?

Because the question works both ways. We can't say, I think, to be fair, we can't say, oh, it's only this one. But we can say that the 1,000 years is used, in this case, within a figurative context, but doesn't necessitate that it's literally figurative, doesn't necessitate that. Now, when we do look at the phrase 1,000 years, what the heck, how did that happen to that?

That was weird. I just hit a key and never saw this on my Bible program, and I love that little thing right there. All right. Let's talk about that.

It's a new little feature I just like. And so if I'm going to do a back search, 1,000 years, okay, so 2 Peter 3.8 says this. But do not let this one fact escape your notice, beloved, that with the Lord, one day is like 1,000 years, and 1,000 years like a day. Well, that's figurative. It's a figurative usage, okay? And so let's see if I can go back, and even if another man lives 1,000 years twice and does not enjoy good things, that's Ecclesiastes 6.6. So that's a figurative usage also. For 1,000 years in your sight or like yesterday when it passes by is Psalm 90 verse 4.

So those are the only usages I could find. And let's see, 1,000 hills. I think there's one about 1,000 hills. Let's see. Okay.

I can't find it. It doesn't matter. So the point I'm trying to make is that the word, well, the term 1,000 years certainly seems to be used figuratively in the Bible. And that's how I've seen it. And it's like saying, you know, the guy's going to live for a billion years. Well, what does that mean? We don't know.

It just means a large number. Right. Sure. Right. So there's that. Now, also, according to the premillennial view, it says that Satan will be bound during the millennium, the literal 1,000 years, right? Right.

Well, here we go. Now, I'm just throwing this out because I'm not going to die in this hill, you know, if you don't believe like I do, you're not, you know, all that kind of idiocy. But this is what I saw in reading in Matthew 12, 22 through 32. And it talks there about Jesus casting out demons. And he says in verse 29, because the Pharisees are saying, you're doing it by the power of the evil one, Beelzebul, the master of the demons, you know. How can, and Jesus, he says, how can anyone enter the strong man's house and carry off his property, let's talk about exorcisms, unless he first binds the strong man, and then he'll plunder his house.

So it's like, wait a minute. And then he's talking about binding Satan there. Certainly seems to be binding Satan because he's talking about the devil. If Satan, because in verse, in verse 26, if Satan casts out Satan, he's divided against himself. If I, by Beelzebul, cast out demons, by whom do you say, now I need to find out who Beelzebul is if it's another word for Jesus, oh my goodness, oh boy, boy, I could repent of that, slip of the tongue.

I was looking at two things at once, I hate it when I do that, it happens every now and then. Another name for the devil. And so what I'm doing is, so Beelzebul means the prince of the demons. And when I do a little bit of research on it to find out what it is, and it seems to be referring to Satan, lord of the flies or lord of the manure pile. It was used against Jesus and by his enemies in Matthew 10.25 and Beelzebul spoke of. So anyway, okay, there we go.

We've got some research to do on that, but the thing is, if, here's the thing, if during the millennium Satan's bound and it looks like Satan was bound at the time of Christ, then the implication is that the millennium began then. You know, it just makes sense, right? It doesn't mean it's right. Now here's something else to think about, you know, and I like doing this with people messing them up, I like to mess them up, they lose sleep, and then they say, darn, I talked to that mad slick guy on the radio. He made sense and I don't want him to. That's what I like. I like people to get in.

There you go. I'm an educator, so I get it. Oh, okay. So you don't know if they want to slap you or give you a hug, but maybe a little bit of both sometimes.

Oh, I know they want to slap me most of the time. I teach middle and high school, so they're not nearly as open to new information sometimes as us adults can be, maybe, I don't know. Anyway, go on, please. Okay, so there's this phrase, you know, two men in the field, one is taken, one is left, and people say that's the rapture. Right, yeah, I'm with you on that.

No, you've talked about that a few times, and we walked through it together last time I called, so I appreciate you teaching about that. Because that's not the rapture for people who don't know. Now, the thing I'm bringing that up is because the ones who are taken are the wicked, that's what the context says, and then when you go to Matthew 13, here's the thing. Because it says in Matthew 13, 30, the parable of the wheat and the tares, and shall we tear up the tares? And Jesus says, no, wait until the time of the harvest, I'll say to the harvesters, first gather up the tares. The first ones gathered are the wicked, not the good. That's what Jesus says in Matthew 13, 30, and when I first saw this, I'm like, what? That's never what I was taught in any church, on any program, but there it is.

It took two years before I went public with it, I believe it. So when, now here's the reason I'm bringing this up, when he interprets this, he says in verse 40, the tares are gathered up and burned with fire, so shall it be at the end of the age, verse 41, the son of man will send forth his angels, they'll gather out of his kingdom all the stumbling blocks. That means the wicked are taken first out of his kingdom, which means his kingdom is now. You see, hey, hold on, we've got a break. We'll be right back. Folks, isn't that provocative?

Yes, it is provocative. Hey, stay tuned, we'll be right back after these messages. It's Matt Slick live, taking your calls at 877-207-2276.

Here's Matt Slick. Okay, everyone, welcome back to the show. If you want to give me a call, all you got to do is dial 877-207-2276. We have four open lines, give me a call, and just giving you a heads up, that's just the bottom of the hour.

We're doing an end of year matching funds drive through the month of December, so if you want to help us out, anything you donate will be doubled, and you can go to slash donate, and check that out, and if you do that, which I'm going to do right now, I believe that all the information you need right there is there, and also at the bottom of the page is the PO box, you can just set it up in the PO box too, as long as it's postmarked by the 31st. All right, let's see, that was easy, quick and slick, all right, four open lines, 877-207-2276. All right, Dave, welcome back. Thank you. So, quick question, and then hopefully you'll have another caller coming in too, and then I can give somebody else an opportunity.

In the meantime, is there a good rule of thumb that we can use to help determine figurative versus literal? Oh, yeah. Do you understand that? Yeah. It's like my semicolon testament, or stories.

Go ahead. Yeah. If you want to know what's a literal figurative, you send me a $20 bill with a verse attached to it, the paperclip, and say, rule or figurative, so I can help you out that way. No, sometimes it's tough, it is, but then sometimes it's easy, but God will cover us with his wings, that's obviously figurative, and as a mother hen, you know, that's figurative. But... Eye for an eye. An eye for an eye. Now that's actually, you brought that up, that's called the apoditic law, and the context of that is in what's called blood revenge, where, say, I punch you in the nose and break your nose, your brother punches me and knocks out three teeth, my brother comes and breaks his arm, your other brother comes and breaks our legs, and next time you get a war going on. And so, it's called blood revenge, the escalation. So an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth was, you keep it equal. It wasn't that the people were forgiving, because they weren't, but the issue was that it was no more than this, so that was, in a sense, very literal, just so you know, a little bit of... Contextual for the time, though, right?

Not a teaching that if somebody knocks my teeth out, then I can catch an eye, either. Correct, that's correct. Anyway, okay. And what, does it turn the other cheek? We turn the other cheek and we love on them, we love on them, right. But if they come at my family, that's a different story.

You come at my family, we're gonna have words, let's just say polite. So you're based in Nampa, is that correct? Yep, Nampa, Idaho. That's right. That's my dad's birthplace, so I've been through Nampa a few times.

I grew up in Seattle 11th, so like now, so we drive through Idaho often, and it'd be great to catch up with you for coffee, or if you partake in beer occasionally, maybe a beer... No problem. ... or something in moderation, right? Of course, yeah. Anyhow.

She's just first river pool with making wine. Appreciate your feature. So, no problem. There we go. Yeah.

Right? That's right. That's right, buddy. Cheers. No sweat?

Yeah. I really appreciate all you do. Great, great teaching. All right. Thank you so much. Okay.

Well, God bless. All right. Take care. All right. All right. All right.

That's Dave from Salt Lake City. We have no callers waiting right now. So if you wanna give me a call, now's the time, 877-207-2276. And we're talking about this eschatology stuff. You know, I want you to know that a lot of people have taught a lot of things. And I'm not saying I'm right and they're wrong. No. I hope I'm wrong, actually. I really do. And I'm just saying that I really do. I don't wanna be right about this stuff.

Because my view is different than most everybody else's view that I know of. Because we've got no callers, what I wanna do is just explain a little something. Explain a little something. Let's see if I can do this from memory.

And this is 217, I'm gonna tell you something. Now the Bible says in 1 Corinthians 15, 22, in Adam all die. That means Adam represented all people. And Romans 5, 19 says through his transgression, the many were made sinners. So we were made sinners by Adam's transgression. Now when God was talking to Adam, now it doesn't say this specifically, but I lean towards this. That when God was talking to Adam, he was talking to him specifically. But also, I suspect to all mankind who Adam represented.

Because he represented everybody. And I can get into that another time. And God said to Adam, but from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, you shall not eat. For in the day that you eat from it, you will surely die. So I've asked people all the time, well, the day that Adam ate the fruit, did he die? And they say, well, no. And I say, well, are you calling God a liar? And I trick Christians all the time. Well, he didn't die. Well, he said he would.

So what's the problem? And then they try and get them to understand that the issue is their understanding of what it means in that day. In that day you will die. See, Adam and Eve did die that day. They did. It's just that the manifestation of that death took a few hundred years in physical form.

Because their genetics were perfect, well, not perfect, but really good. Now if it's the case that God was talking to Adam in that, in the day that you eat, you shall surely die. Now Romans 6.23 says the wages of sin is death.

All right. So when I was doing some study, let's see, I'm going to find the verse. I think it's in Matthew 24.

It's off the top of my head, so I've got to find stuff. No, let's see, will be saved, let's see. Will be saved, okay. So Matthew 24 is very interesting. And I'm trying to find this where he says it. That's okay.

Just kind of go through it. Because Jesus is talking to the crowd and he's teaching. In Matthew 24 he came out of the temple and we're talking, he said, do you not see these things? Jesus says, truly I say to you, not one stone will here be left upon another which will not be torn down. And they asked him, what's the sign of your coming in the end of the age?

And he talks about false Christs and false prophets and things like that. And then the issue here is that there is, I'm going to find it, a Bible verse that says, no flesh will be saved. And it's in the context of the return of Christ, Matthew 24, 22, I believe it is, unless those days be cut short, no life would have been saved. But for the sake of the elect, those days will be cut short. Unless those days had been cut short, no life would be saved.

I don't believe it's like salvation in the sense of damnation. I think what's going on is that he says in verse 15, I'm going to read this because this is interesting stuff. Therefore when you see the abomination of desolation, which is spoken of through Daniel the prophet standing at the holy place, then let those who are in Judea flee the mountains. Whoever's on the housetop must not go down to get the things that are in his house.

This means it's very fast. You see this, you just run. Jesus is telling you, get out of there.

It is going to hit the fan. He goes on, whoever's in the field must not turn back to get his cloak, but woe to those who are pregnant and those who are nursing babies in those days. But pray that your flight will not be in the winter or in the Sabbath, for then there shall be great tribulation, such as has not occurred since the beginning of the world or until now nor ever will be. Once those days be cut short, no flesh will be saved, no life will be saved, but for the sake of the elect, those days will be cut short.

If anyone says to you, there's Christ, don't believe him, you know, false Christs, false prophets will arise and deceive many. So when I was looking at this verse, Matthew 24, 22, those days be cut short and no life will be saved, I can't help but wonder if there's a connection between Genesis 2, 17, the day that you eat of the fruit, you will die. And Romans 6, 23, the wages and his death, and that at this time mankind will have been working so hard against God that he will bring itself to the place of destruction and that Jesus is going to stop, he's going to come back and stop what's happening. Otherwise there will be complete destruction. So I lean towards the idea that the beginning of the end was when Adam fell and that ever since then the end times have been coming. And that the fruit of Adam's rebellion is death, not only to him, but of all of mankind in physical and spiritual sense.

Now of course the elect are saved out of that, but I suspect that what's going to happen is things are going to get so bad that mankind's going to destroy itself and before that happens Christ comes back in for a gigantic celestial, I told you so. So that's what I'm looking at and that's what I think, that's what I hold to, I lean towards it I should say. What do you think of that? What do you think of that, you can give me a call if you want. Alright let's get to Doug from Indiana, hey Doug welcome you're on the air. Hey how we doing? I was just asking about the, you know what I was saying earlier about. About you there? Hey how are you? Oh we've got a break.

No bad timing there. Okay, okay, okay. Alright we kind of lost you there, but that's okay. Hey folks we'll be right back after these messages, two open lines, 877-207-2276, we'll be right back.

Alright everyone welcome back to the show, let's get back on the air with Doug from Indiana, hey Doug welcome you're on the air buddy. Hey I'm not real good at quoting scripture, I'm terrible at memorizing scripture but I do know the Bible pretty good and my question is like you know we're supposed to be disciples and everybody in the world is supposed to be able to hear the word of the truth which is Jesus Christ. Now in the Old Testament the people that had died and the saints had died in the rain didn't get a chance to meet Jesus until they got into heaven. I didn't know if, I guess my question is the Old Testament saints and the Old Testament people do all those people that died even the ones that went to hell or are they going to get a chance to listen to Jesus and get another chance to be saved by Jesus?

No what probably happened, I'll give you a view that I kind of leaned towards but I wouldn't die in this hell again, the issue is that those who died before Christ looks like they went to paradise, those who died in faith of the coming Messiah trusting in the Lord God with the level of understanding that they had that God had revealed at that time. So it says Abraham was justified by faith after Romans 4-3 but his justification was because of his faith in God but he didn't know who the Messiah was. So was he justified? Yeah. Was he saved?

Yes he was. So one of the theories is referenced by Jesus in Luke 16 19 to 31 with Lazarus and the rich man, it's a story not a parable but a story because there's a first name in there, Lazarus. And they went to this place and there was a good place and bad place, one place had fire and another one wasn't bad at all, it was good, paradise. So the theory that I leaned towards is that those who died in expectation of the coming Messiah, trusting in the true living God, when they died they went to that holding place but they could not ascend into heaven yet because the sacrifice of Christ had not yet occurred. So after Jesus had been sacrificed, as it says in Ephesians 4 I think it is 8, therefore when he ascended on high he led captive a host of captives and he gave gifts to men. So some think that that means that he went to the place of paradise and didn't preach the gospel so they could get saved but informed them about why they're going to be saved, what their position is in Christ and he's the Messiah. And so it says in 1 Peter 3 18, for Christ also died for sins once for all the just for the unjust so that he might bring us to God, having been put to death in the flesh but being made alive in the spirit in which also he went and made proclamation of the spirits now in prison who were once disobedient when the patience of God got waiting in the days of Noah. So it looks like what happened is he went to the bad place and spoke and said this is why you're in bad shape, this is why you're in trouble.

So this is one of the theories that during the three days before his death and resurrection he went to paradise, took those people who had died in faith, sent it into heaven, informed the disobedient in that spiritual prison, this is why you're in trouble and then was resurrected and sent it into heaven later, okay? Okay, yeah that makes sense, I knew it was in there somewhere and I just couldn't pinpoint it and I appreciate your help there. You're welcome man. It's just a theory and I lean towards that but that doesn't mean I'm absolutely correct but that's just letting you know. It sounds correct to me, I mean I'll agree with you on that one. Okay it works for me. Alright, okay hey I appreciate the answer, I appreciate that and God bless you. Alright man, God bless. Alright let's see, let's get to Kevin from Ohio, hey Kevin welcome, you're on the air.

Yes, hey man how are you doing? My question is that, what are, what about, how do dinosaurs relate to life? I've asked other people about dinosaurs and their relationship but they all dance around it.

I just wanted to get a little clarity on that. Well sure no problem at all, just go to Job 41 and it talks about a creature who can strip off his outer armor, who can come within his double mail, who can open the doors of his face, around his teeth there's terror, he sneezes flash forth light, out of his mouth go burning torches, sparks of fire leap forth, out of his nostril goes smoke, out from a boiling pot burning ashes, his breath kindles coals, when he raises himself up the mighty fear because the crashing there bewildered, the sword that reaches him cannot avail, nor the spear, the dart or the javelin, he regards iron as straw, bronze as rotten wood, the arrow cannot make him flee, sling stones are turned into stubble, for him clubs are regarded as stubble, he laughs at the rattling of the javelin, he makes the depths boil like a pot, behind him he makes a wake to shine. That's Job 41 and you can read through that and it looks like a water based creature right there.

Yeah, it's a quiet creature. Probably a dinosaur, I don't see any problem with that. And if you were to go to, let's see, in Job 40, it says behold behemoth, behold now his strength in his loins and his power in the muscles of his belly, he bends his tail like a cedar which is a big tree. The sins of his thighs are knit together, his bones are tubes of bronze, his limbs are like bars of iron. He's first in the ways of God, sure the mountains bring him food and the beasts of the field.

So he goes on and on and on and it looks like he might be a land based dinosaur. So there's no problem with dinosaurs being described in Job. And so they had to exist at around the same time that a lot of these events was taking place, is that correct?

Yes. And that was written in the book of Job, just so you know, is an extremely old book. I think it's the oldest book written because the Hebrew is extremely old. Now just so you know, in biomacular characteristics and protein sequences of the Cambrian Hydrosaur B. Candicis by Science Magazine, they found, quote, scientists have discovered soft, fresh looking tissue in dinosaur remains purportedly at 80 million years old. These protein based tissue structures are not expected to survive more than tens of thousands of years due to the natural breakdown of large molecular chains. So wait a minute, how can they have DNA soft tissue in there, DNA soft tissue in bones 80 million years old? That's another thing, yes sir, the time span, if the world can't be, you know, 80 million years old, so it has to be somewhere around, like you said the other day, 20 to 30,000 years old. At most.

At the most cost. At most, yeah. They also found things that had fossilized over like a thousand years. Absolutely.

Yes sir. Oh yeah, they found boots, you know, man-made boots of the 1700s, 1800s with a human femur in it, a human femur, foot bone in it, fossilized. I remember reading a story about miners down a couple hundred feet or something like that, a hundred feet underground, chipping away with their axes and a rock fell down in their path underground in their tunnel and it broke open and a frog was in it. And after a while the frog started moving.

How's it down there? You know, there's a lot of stuff people just don't know. But here's the thing, scientists have their way of filtering out those things that don't suit their necessity, their preconceived ideas. So why do pastors not clarify or have a clear vision on dinosaurs? Why? Because.

Basically. Because pastors generally are not apologists who study these kinds of things. Pastors generally, and I've been a pastor, you've got this meeting, that meeting, you've got this counseling session, that counseling session, you've got to put out this fire, that fire, you've got to prep for a wedding, you've got to prep for a funeral. And they're busy. And so studying these particular things isn't their priority, they're not knocking them. They've got so much to do. And so, you know, an apologist like myself, I don't have to do those things they have to do so I can answer the questions like that.

And so they generally just don't have time to study. But they need to, you know, and provide answers for the pulpit. And I'm going to tell you, if I were a pastor again, rest assured, I'd be teaching all kinds of stuff for the pulpit. I'd be talking about UFOs, I'd talk about dinosaurs, I'd talk about mathematics, the big bang, when it was appropriate. And I would give them information. And I'd have handouts. I'd say, let's get equipped.

Because the sermon is supposed to be informative, instructional, correctional, and relational. Yes sir. That's right. I'm very totally. Thank you so very much for that. I appreciate you and I appreciate the show, sir.

Alright, well God bless. Thanks a lot. Appreciate it. Have a great weekend, okay? Thank you.

Thank you, you too. Okay. Bye bye. Hey folks, I'm going to let you guys know that the second week, it looks like, of January, I'm going to take an entire week off, and we have the infamous Luke Wayne who works with us. He's going to be subbing for me during that week on the radio. Oh, it'll be good.

So I'll give more on that later. Let's get to Roger, Roger from North Carolina. Roger, welcome. You're on the air. How we doing, Matt? I'm doing okay. More hanging in there, but I'm okay.

What do you got, buddy? My question is this. So in the New Testament, it's pretty clear that men are dead in the flesh. Right. And they can't believe and they can't come to faith until God regenerates them, right? Right. Well, is that the same for the Old Testament?

Yes. The Holy Spirit hasn't come down yet, or how does that? Well, the condition of man is due to the fall. And so the people in the Old Testament, as well as the New Testament, are under Adam. In Adam, all die, 1 Corinthians 15, 22. So they had the same nature that we do, fallen nature. And the New Testament describes more details about the ability and disability of the fallen nature.

And so they had the same issue. Jesus says, you cannot come to him unless it's been granted to you from the Father, John 665. So anybody who comes to Christ, whether prophetically in that they're hoping for the Messiah or looking back at the Messiah, can only do so because God has granted that movement to them. So I go to Ezekiel. That would be like, you know, where God says, removes your heart and gives you a new one.

All that still happens to the people that come to faith, to everybody that comes to faith. Right? Yeah. He does.

Yes. God's the one who gives us a new heart. He causes us to be born again, 1 Peter 1-3. We're not born again of our own will, John 1-13. God's the one who does this. People don't understand the extent and nature of our fallenness and our sinfulness before the infinitely holy God. The way of humanism is to elevate us and say, well, my free will means that I can choose God.

It's up to me and my wisdom and my ability and my sinfulness. This is a humanistic philosophy that's propagated all throughout pulpits across America. And they don't understand if the danger and the severity of sin and its effect, and that reminds me, I heard something on TV, something they preached or they gave something about Jesus is loving, Jesus is this, and it even preached that we're sinners and we need redemption from our sin.

And I pointed out to my wife, I said, this is what they missed. And it's often the case that people don't deal with the issue of our own sinfulness, but it's necessary to discuss the consequences of that sin and the necessity of trusting in Christ with redemptive work and escape from that sinful judgment that's coming from God. Okay? Yeah, I agree with that. I mean, that's the, I believe that's the starting point.

If you don't know that you have a major problem that you can't do anything about it, unless God does something, then you're really, that's right, Roger, Hey, we're out of time, buddy. Call back. Okay. All right. Thank you. Hey, Craig or Greg from North Carolina.

Uh, how is it? Jesus doesn't know. He will return. He does call back Monday and that will explain what that meant in the cultural context of the wedding feast.

And then it'll all make sense. Call back Monday. Okay. Greg, God bless. Thank you. Talk to you on Monday. This is another program powered by the truth network.
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