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Matt Slick Live

Matt Slick Live! / Matt Slick
The Truth Network Radio
October 21, 2020 4:00 am

Matt Slick Live

Matt Slick Live! / Matt Slick

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October 21, 2020 4:00 am

Open calls, questions, and discussion with Matt Slick LIVE in the studio. Questions include---1- How are Christians pleasing to God- Are some Christians more pleasing than others---2- Matt discusses what the will of God is for every believer.--3- Does Isaiah 9-6 support modalism since it calls the Son the everlasting Father---4- Can Mormonism be refuted by DNA evidence showing that the Native peoples of America were not Israelites---5- What are your concerns about the Assemblies of God denomination---6- How can we tell if someone is guilty of blasphemy of the Holy Spirit---7- How should Christians understand Roman Catholic accounts of apparitions of Mary---8- Can I still talk to a close friend who has died- Not idolatrously, but just casually---9- Is there an occasion for women to teach in a church-

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A previously recorded Matt Slick Show. Matt Slick Show. Matt Slick Show. Matt Slick Show. Matt Slick Show. Matt Slick Show. Matt Slick Show. Matt Slick Show. Matt Slick Show. Matt Slick Show. Matt Slick Show. Matt Slick Show. Matt Slick Show. Matt Slick Show. Matt Slick Show. Matt Slick Show. Matt Slick Show. Matt Slick Show. Matt Slick Show. Matt Slick Show. Matt Slick Show. Matt Slick Show. Matt Slick Show. Matt Slick Show. Matt Slick Show. Matt Slick Show. Matt Slick Show. Matt Slick Show. Matt Slick Show. Matt Slick Show. Matt Slick Show. Matt Slick Show. Matt Slick Show.

Matt Slick Show. Let me help you jump ahead a little bit because ultimately what you want to get them to do is to admit what they actually teach. What they actually teach is that the Spirit of God sent the person of the flesh of God. So it's like saying that the Spirit sent the human body. They won't say it those ways, but it's basically what they're saying. So when Jesus is praying to the Father, then it's the flesh praying to the Spirit.

I've heard them many times say this from different levels of knowledge, people who've said this. I get them to that place, and then the issue here is that it's ultimately denying the true incarnation. Because if the Spirit sent the flesh, how does that work since the flesh didn't exist in the pre-incarnate sense?

It doesn't make any sense at all. So when they say the Spirit sent me, the flesh is talking to the Spirit, well, where's the Spirit in heaven? Well, if it's not in the body inside of him, then there's no incarnation. And there's no incarnation, there's no atonement.

So it's this whole area that it ultimately comes down to, which is one of the reasons why one is Pentecostalism is so dangerous. Okay. Okay. This is good stuff.

I want to rewind back and listen to everything again. Is there anything that you can suggest on your website that I can look up? Yeah, I go to forward slash oneness. I think it's oneness hyphen Pentecostal. Just hyphen oneness on the little box. Yeah, okay.

Well, just search it, and you'll see lots of articles, all right? Okay, buddy? Okay, perfect. Well, thank you, Matt. Appreciate it. Thank you very much.

Give us the good word. Thanks. Bye-bye.

All right. Hey, let's get to Bradley from Salt Lake City. Bradley, welcome.

And he's gone. Let's get to Tom from Virginia. Tom, welcome. You are on the air. Hey, Matt, I want to thank you for your show.

I enjoy it. Good, thank you. My question has to do with Mormonism and possibly a way of reaching them. Okay. So here's my question for you with all the breakthroughs in DNA research. Do you know if anyone's been able to establish the fact that Native Americans are not related to Jews?

Yes. And where can I find that information? Go on the web and look for DNA and the Book of Mormon. Okay, DNA and the Book of Mormon.

And you'll find several instances and stuff there. You're going to find some of them are done by the Mormons. What they're trying to do is preempt a lot of the problems. People don't know this, but what the Mormon Church did was it released a lot of documentation that we, so to speak, anti-Mormons, I'm not anti-Mormon, I'm anti-Mormonism, but they call us anti-Mormons. So we anti-Mormons have been citing their own material for decades. Well, the Mormon Church finally released those documents trying, I believe, trying to get people to be inoculated against the criticisms by using these documents because a lot of times these people don't even know the documents exist. We would use them and it would stumble them. They give up being a Mormon, which is good.

So I think they're doing this. So you can find some information about this even from Mormon sources. But there's videos on this, DNA and the Book of Mormon, DNA versus the Book of Mormon.

You will find information there. And yes, they have done the genetics and they are exactly correct. There isn't a connection there because the Book of Mormon, a lot of people don't know, is that the Book of Mormon is supposed to be a story of the Hebrews that came over here to America around 600 B.C. And they're led by a guy named Lehi. These people developed into two groups, the Lamanites and the Nephites. And they are the ancestors, the Lamanites are the ancestors of the American Indians. Well, if that's the case, the genetics should show a genetic relationship. And guess what?

It doesn't. Period. Not there. So, yeah, it's a good thing, good thing to check out. Well, I appreciate it and thank you again for your show. All right, man. Well, God bless.

All right. If you want to give me a call, folks, we have three open lines, 877-207-2276. Let's talk to Doris from Utah. Doris, welcome.

You are on the air. Hi. Hi. Hi, Matt. It's an honor and pleasure to talk to you today.

I lived here in Utah for about, let's say, almost 25 years. I'm actually Puerto Rican. Okay. But I have a question for you.

I've been listening to you this year. And one day you had mentioned to be aware about the Assemblies of God. Right.

But then the radio station cut off and I could not listen to anything else. Yeah. And I was wondering what was that all about. The Assemblies of God is moving toward liberalism and is ordaining women for one thing. And 80% of the denominations and groups that are doing women within two generations adopt homosexuality. So they're not affirming the necessity and perspicuity, that means clarity and sufficiency, of the Word of God. They're not doing that. Oh, okay.

Yeah. I warn people to stay away from the Assemblies of God. That's not to say that they aren't Christians because they love the Lord. It's just the denomination is going bad, slowly but surely, as is the Nazarene church. The Nazarene is further down the hill slipping into the abyss.

And there are a lot of Christians in these churches. But if you hold on, I'll tell you a little bit of a story about the Nazarene stuff because they're kind of similar. Folks, we'll be right back after these messages.

We have one open line, 877-207-2276. We'll be right back. All right, Boris. Are you still there? I'm still here.

All right. So, during the break, I went and did a little bit more research on Assemblies of God. They do definitely hold to women pastors and elders.

And I've got this document open, and I was scanning through stuff. And I know some of the verses that the called egalitarians will use. And they couldn't exegete their way out of a wet paper bag. They just take verses out of context, make them say things they don't say.

And this kind of a thing is really bad. Let me give one quick example. It says, those who oppose women to hold positions of spiritual leadership place contextual limitations on Galatians 3.28. There's neither Jew nor Greek, slave nor free, male nor female, for we all want in Christ. That verse is frequently used by the egalitarians. Egalitarians are those who believe women can be pastors and elders.

It's used by the egalitarians all the time. But the verse is not about that. The verse is about salvation. It's just simply, that's it. There's neither Jew nor Greek, slave or free, male or female. You're all one in Christ Jesus.

Let's talk about salvation being in Christ Jesus. That's all that's going on. And the fact that they would quote that in such a way just demonstrates they don't know what they're doing. Flat out, they don't know what they're doing. This is not hard. But it's shameful that they would use stuff like this.

I could go through. It's just bad news. So I was mentioning the Nazarene group. Now I'm going to step on some toes here. It's sort of just seven, eight miles from the Northwest Nazarene University. Now I consider the Nazarenes and the assemblers of God to be very similar. Not in their origins necessarily, but they're similar in their doctrinal kind of bent. Their Armenianism, women pastors and elders, and things like that. Some issues. Well, I happened to find out some stuff about them. I could say some things, but we'll go there now. But I have met people who are under theology studies from the Nazarene University, and they don't even know, when I ask them if Jesus is a man right now, they had no idea.

These are people who are, girls too, studying the high theological courses that they have there. There's a guy there, I forgot his name. Oh man, I forgot his name.

It's been so long. He and I were going to have a series of discussions in the local Christian newspaper, go back and forth on biblical theology and things like that. He agreed to my face. He agreed and then later backed out.

I believe because the staff told him not to do this. See, they're weak. The assemblers of God is theologically weak. Nazarenes are theologically weak. Having said that, there are definitely good Christians in there.

There are definitely good Christians in both groups who love the Lord, who preach the Gospel. That's absolutely true. It's just that it's like on a sinking ship.

There are a lot of good people on a sinking ship, but the ship is still sinking. Does that help any? Well, that explains it.

It did. I actually do, I go to an assembly of God. I've been going for about eight years. It wasn't until recently that we don't have a pastor, a female pastor. We did before.

I used to interpret for her for the Spanish church. Something in me just kept questioning to a point that I couldn't even interpret. I talked to my parents about it, and then one day I heard it saying something like that.

I'm like, this is not the order it should be. That's right. I've always had that, but I never really asked, I guess, before. So, thank you. Thank you very much.

See, with a pastor, it says, peligroso, no la verdad. Okay? Simply.

Dangerous and not the truth. All right? Perfect. Thank you so much. You're welcome so much. Okay, God bless.

Bless you, Matt. Bye-bye. Okay. I would be willing to have a debate public with a representative of the assemblies of God and a representative of the Nazarenes and pastors and elders.

I would be glad to have a debate recorded, radio live in front of people. No problem. The challenge is out there, folks. Where's that sound of crickets?

I need that cricket sound. All right. Let's get to Robert from California. Robert, welcome. You're on the air. Hi.

Hello, Matt. My question, often it's said that those who are worried about having committed fascinating the Holy Spirit is evident enough that they haven't done that because they wouldn't feel convicted. However, how would that person know that they really are convicted and not just merely frightful of eternal damnation? We can't read the hearts of other people to say this is how we know what would be in someone else's heart and mind. Well, how would that person know? They would have to know that themselves. It would be an experience that they would have. That's all.

Then subjective, talk about it and stuff like that. Are you there? Yes. Okay. Yes. That's possible. That makes sense? Are you there?

It does, but yes, I am. What could that person work out? What could what? I didn't hear you. What could what?

How would that person? Okay. I don't know what's going on there. All right.

It'll go back. All right. We have three open lines. If you want to give me a call, 877-207-2276. Let's get to Sergio from Raleigh, North Carolina. Sergio, welcome. You're on the air. Matt, good afternoon. First time caller. Enjoy your show so much. Thanks for taking my call. Amen.

No problem. Matt, I wanted to ask you about the Catholic church. I think they are celebrating 100 years of the miracle of Fatima in which they claim 70,000 people saw the apparition of Virgin Mary and the sun hovering in the sky and moving in all kinds of crazy ways.

How do we, Protestant Christians, should assume or take? What should be your take on those stories? What's your take on the miracle of Fatima? Well, it looks like something really did happen. It does look like people saw something that was really occurring. It looks like it was some sort of a manifestation. It looks like that is the case. The question is, was it of God or not?

And that's the issue. One of the unfortunate things about Roman Catholicism is through the centuries that what it has done is not taught biblical theology, but it's taught Roman Catholic theology. And one of the things it's done is gone into cultures and tried to adapt its theology to the culture, so the other way around. And so it has allowed for varying forms of superstition to creep in.

So the Catholicism of South America might be slightly different than the Catholicism of Germany, for example. So in some areas of the world, there are more occult and pagan ideas woven into the Catholic practices. So as far as Fatima goes, in my opinion, it was a demonic manifestation. It was simply demonic. And the reason I say that is because of what the apparitions said. And I can read them to you if you want.

Okay. This is what it says. Fatima occurred in Portugal in 1917. Three children, Jacinto Marto, Lucia Santos, and Francisco Marto, said that the apparition of Mary appeared to them brighter than the sun. This is what the apparition said.

I'm going to read three things. The apparition said, are you willing to offer yourselves to God to bear all the sufferings he wants to send you as an act of reparation for the sins by which he is offended and for the conversion of sinners? Now, that right there is heresy. Are you, the children, willing to bear all the sufferings he wants to send you as an act of reparation for the sins that he's offended by? In other words, you children are going to suffer and make your sins against God right through the suffering of your own self. That's damnable heresy. Because Jesus is the one who paid the price for our sins, not us.

We can't do it. This is demonic doctrine. And I'm going to say it again publicly. It's demonic doctrine. Look at this country of scripture. This is the second quote. I will take Hasinta and Francisco shortly.

And they did die. But you will stay here for some time to come. Jesus wants to use you to make me known and loved. He wishes to establish the devotion to my immaculate heart throughout the world. I promise salvation to whoever embraces it.

Wait a minute. So the apparition is now saying Jesus wants to use you to make me known and loved. In other words, Jesus is going to use his child to make Mary known. No, Jesus has come unto me. I will give you rest. Jesus has come to me. Not to go to Mary.

He doesn't say this in scripture. And we'll be right back after the break and I'll read a little bit more. I'll talk a little bit more about this, okay? Hey folks, we have two open lines. If you want to give me a call, 877-207-2276. We'll be right back. It's Matt Slick live, taking your calls at 877-207-2276.

Here's Matt Slick. All right, welcome back to the show everybody. So Sergio, are you still there? Yeah, I'm here. Okay, so the second quote, there's one more to read.

I'll read it again. Jesus wants to use you to make me known and loved. He wishes to establish the devotion to my Immaculate Heart throughout the world. I promise salvation to whoever embraces it. So this is what this apparition says, that Jesus, now the apparition is speaking for Jesus and saying Jesus wants you to make Mary known. Now, I won't read the scriptural references, like Jesus bears witness of himself, John 18 and 14.6. I've got lots of these like this, but if you want to read this, you can go to my website,, and just do a search for 100 truths about Jesus, and you'll see this list.

I'm going to turn this into a book, but there's so much to do right now. So this is what it says, starting in line 41. Jesus bears witness of himself. Jesus works bear witness of himself. The Father bears witness of Jesus. The Holy Spirit bears witness of Jesus. The multitudes bear witness of Jesus. The prophets bear witness of Jesus.

The scriptures bear witness of Jesus. The Father will honor us if we serve Jesus. The Father wants us to fellowship with Jesus. The Father tells us to listen to Jesus. Everyone who's heard and learned from the Father comes to Jesus. We come to Jesus. The Father draws us to Jesus. The law leads us to Jesus. Now, the quote says Jesus wants to make me known and loved.

He wishes to establish devotion to my Immaculate Heart. Obviously, that's not biblical. It's against scripture. The Spirit, the Father, the Son, the scriptures, the prophets, all bear witness of Christ. It's supposed to be that the Spirit of God among something is supposed to bear witness of Jesus. The fact that the Roman Catholic Church can't tell its head from its tail and doesn't recognize that this is heresy proves that it is an apostate false church teaching false doctrines, because the Roman Catholic Church says that these quotes are official. They really were merry.

Here's a third one. Sacrifice yourselves for sinners and say often to Jesus, especially whenever you make a sacrifice, Oh, Jesus, it is for the love of thee, for the conversion of sinners, and the reparation for the sins committed against the Immaculate Heart of Mary. Now, they're sinning against Mary. So how it works is the kids have to make reparation for the sins by which God's offended. No, that's Jesus' job.

Then the Spirit was aware of the witness of Jesus, but this apparition bears witness of this creature, this apparition called Mary. And then now they're sinning against the Immaculate Heart of Mary. It's idolatry. It's idolatry. The Roman Catholic Church is a false church.

This is only some of the multitudeness amount of stuff. People think the Roman Catholic Church is true. In fact, since I've been studying this for 20 years now, when I see all black and white movies where the priest walks up in the 30s and the 40s, 50s, the priest is not this great man of God, well, I'll tell you, I just get disgusted. And I say, sazzard totalist. Someone who teaches you get grace infused in your soul by participating in sacraments.

The church itself has the authority to give you, and it's in control of your salvation. So much heresy. Matt, I don't know if you heard that last week the Catholic Church announced that they have now a saint for the Internet. He was an Italian boy, 15 years old.

He died of some sort of an accident. I think now 10 years later he did a miracle. He healed a kid in South America of terminal cancer, and now he's going to become the official saint of the Internet. The saint of the Internet. So if your Internet's down, do you pray to this kid? I'm not sure exactly how it works, but my question is, how do we deal with those miraculous healings? It's like the documentation that they were terminal conditions and probably this kid in Brazil or whatever was healed by these saints. How do you deal with that?

Easy. Jesus said, notice I'm going straight to Scripture. Jesus said, Matthew 7, 22 and 23, Many will say to me on that day, the day of judgment, Lord, Lord, do not prophesy in your name, and in your name cast out demons, and in your name perform many miracles. And I'll declare to you, I never knew you'd depart from me.

You practiced lawlessness. So the church, the Mormon Catholic Church prophesies in the name of Christ. What it does is it proclaims to speak for Christ, because they have the authority. They cast out demons. They perform many miracles of all kinds. If someone is raised from the dead, does it prove it's from God? It doesn't prove it's from God. Miracles can occur. This is not to say that everything that occurs is demonic.

No, no, no. The miracles can occur. But when people appeal to salvation based on what they've done as well as their faith, they're lost. The Roman Catholics, when I talk to them, I ask them, if you were to die right now and you go face God, why should I let you into heaven? I've been a good person.

I've been sincere. I believe in Jesus and I was a faithful attender of the church. It's just the same thing. They don't have faith in Christ. They have faith in the church, what the church says about the Christ. This is the problem. So miracles, they do occur.

But so? It doesn't mean it's from God. How do we judge whether that's from God?

We judge the truth of the teachings, for one thing. And so the heretical teachings from the false apparition of Fatima obviously counter to scripture. But yet the Catholic Church doesn't have enough spiritual insights and knowledge because I don't believe the Magisterium is regenerate.

I don't believe the Pope's regenerate. I believe they're just people in a religious system and they wear big robes and have lots of people bowing before them. And then they pontificate. They're not Christians. When they die, they go straight to hell.

And this is what I believe. And the reason is because they teach things that don't agree with the scriptures, that contradict the scriptures. So I have to judge the truth by the word of God. That's all I'm doing. And it doesn't mean they don't have the authority to read the word of God.

You read it. And when Jesus says that on that day, Lord, Lord, do not prophesy in your name. Cast out demons in your name. Perform miracles in your name.

He says, get away from me. Never do you. They're appealing to salvation based on their works and their faith. On that day that they have judgment. So this is what the Roman Catholics do in paragraph 2068 of the Catholic Catechism. It says that you obtain salvation through faith, baptism, and the observance of the commandments. On the day of judgment, they're going to be saying, look what we did.

We believe in you and look what we did. They're condemned. The Roman Catholic Church is leading millions upon millions upon millions of people to eternal damnation with this false gospel. That's why the Protestant Reformation happened. And rightfully so.

But unfortunately, even now in the Protestant Reformation, Protestants are now courting that great horror, that Catholic Church, and starting to side with the issues of the Catholic Church and becoming partners in bed and fornicating with the false Catholic Church as they worship their false gospel. Okay? Thank you, Matt. I appreciate what you do and your comfort tonight. Thank you very much. All right, man. God bless, buddy.

All right. Yes, folks, strong words. But you see the foundation is the Word of God. It's not my opinion. Read the Word of God. Stand on the Word of God and judge things by the Word of God.

That's what has to happen. Jennifer from California, welcome. You're on the air. Hi. Hi. I have a question. So I just lost a loved one. Sorry.

Let's go get you going. And my question is, can I still talk to her? Like, you know, although her time has passed on and went to heaven, is it possible to still talk to her? Like, of course, I can say, hey, how are you, la-di-da, or like, hey, this happened today. Like, not like mentally, but like just this, you know, still have that connection. Is that fine?

Is that difficult? Because I saw her, because I have a friend who's very biblical. He said she will become my idol.

However, I'm not trying to make her my idol. I'm just trying to talk, you know. Well, nothing in the Scripture says that we can talk to the people who passed on. Okay.

It's just not there. So my wife and I lost our son shortly after he was born, and he died in our arms. And I remember sometime afterwards, you know, when I was able to function again, and I wanted to, I wish I could have spoken to him, you know.

His name was Jacob. And so what I did was, is I said, Jesus, if he's there in such a way and condition that you can convey a message to him, then just tell him I love him, I miss him. But if not, Lord, that's okay, because you know what's best.

That was as close as I have ever gotten to anything like that. And even then, my prayers addressed to my Lord and my Savior. And to talk to people who passed on is essentially to pray to them. And I understand, you know, when people, they're hurting, you know, and they want to go to the graveside, they just talk to their loved one. I don't consider that occultic, damnable stuff, you know, I get it. They're hurting and they're grieving, and it helps them to just kind of voice into the air what's going on.

We have to be careful, even within those things, that we don't somehow inadvertently start to believe that they can hear our prayers and the prayers of others, and then move into heresy. So, you know, it's a delicate thing, you know, and I understand. Right.

Okay. Because she used to say, like, the windows of heaven are open, and I'll be watching you, like, it's like from a song, but, like, she used to say that all the time. So in my mind, that's just how I view it as. Like, after her passing, I'm just like, okay, I'm, you know, I just, everything that she's taught me, everything that she's told me, just, like, kind of, like, came up, and it just kept popping in my head, and I remember that. So, like, and I've asked people, you know, who are wishy-washy about, like, believing in God, which, you know, I'm trying to help them understand, but they said, yeah, you can talk to God. Like, you can, I mean, you can talk to God. My Granny Willa, I can talk to my Granny Willa.

You can talk to her. And I'm saying, well, like, I do talk to God, you know, of course, and I pray for my Granny Willa. But now I'm just, like, talking to God and my Granny Willa at the same time.

So, like, I'm, you know, they're different, they're separate. No, I would just talk to God. That's prayer, because if you talk to your, you know, whoever who's passed on, you're praying to them. I mean, it's just not biblical. So I'm trying to be as gentle as possible, but we have to stick with scriptures, and we're just not told to do that at all. It doesn't count.

It doesn't happen. Okay? All right? Okay. Okay. All right, well, God bless. Thank you. You too, Jennifer.

God bless. Okay. Let's get on the phone really fast with Denise from Raleigh, North Carolina. Denise, you're on the air.

You have, like, one minute. Hey, Matt. How are you doing? I'm doing all right. So what do you got? I love your show.

I listen to it on my way from work every day. I have a question for you, though. Oh, good. So I'm a student at Liberty University.

Oh, good. And I have a question for you about scriptures that I read from Joel, chapter 2, verse 28, and then from Luke, I think it's from Acts, with Luke talking in Acts 17 and 17. Is there an occasion for women not to be pastors, because I don't agree with that, but is there an occasion in the church for women to teach, if you look at those two scriptures? Sure.

Yes, there is. Women are not to be in places of spiritual authority in official context in the church. Can a woman missionary come in and give a message about what happened and teach about what the missionary field is going to look like?

Yeah. Can they teach in seminary? I have no problem with that either. And it does say your sons and your daughters will prophesy. To prophesy in the New Testament context out of 1 Corinthians 14 is very important.

So if I were pastoring a church again and a woman got up to prophesy, no problem. And we're out of time. I wish we could talk more about this. Call back tomorrow. All right. Thank you.

Okay. God bless. Have a good day.

You too. Oh, sorry about that. Welcome to Attendant Church of the Female Pastor Kelly. Oh, call back tomorrow about that one.

I love that topic. Hey everybody, may the Lord bless you. By His grace, we'll be back on there tomorrow and we'll talk to you then, okay? God bless. See you. See you.
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