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Insight for Life

Life Path / Pastor Brandon Ware
The Truth Network Radio
January 21, 2021 8:42 am

Insight for Life

Life Path / Pastor Brandon Ware

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January 21, 2021 8:42 am

Proverbs 4:1 says, “Hear, O sons, a father’s instruction, and be attentive, that you may gain insight.” Solomon urges us to receive true wisdom and skill so we can live a life that will bring glory to God.

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You're listening to Life Path, Biblical instruction with practical application.

I'm Brandon Ware and I want to welcome you to my podcast. Today is Thursday, January 21st, 2021. And today's devotional thought comes from Proverbs 4, verse 1, which says, Hear, O sons of fathers instruction, and be attentive that you may gain insight. You know, someone has well said that we're living in the information age, but we most certainly are not living in the age of wisdom. In other words, information is easily at a person's fingertips these days through Google and smartphones.

It's really been this way since we've entered the digital era. However, real wisdom is rare indeed. And I think that's why I love the book of Proverbs so much, because Proverbs is all about godly wisdom.

Where to find it, how to get it, and how to use it. God calls out to us in the book of Proverbs through the wise words of King Solomon, urging us to receive true wisdom and skill, so that we can live a life that will bring glory to God. And it all begins with the fear of the Lord, the proper attitude toward His word. Well, here in Proverbs 4, listen as Solomon pleads with our generation, especially in this first verse. Hear, O sons of fathers' instruction.

Just about every young person at some point has heard these words when I was your age, and in my mind's eye, I can see them now as their eyes begin to roll and they think, well, here comes another lecture. But what Solomon is telling us here is that this is the primary way that God has ordained for His truth to be preserved and invested from one generation to the next. Fathers are to instruct their sons in the ways of the Lord. And that word instruction that he uses there means discipline and correction. It's instruction with the intent of providing direction in life. Not just knowledge for the sake of knowledge, but knowledge for the sake of direction. You know, our problem is that we often all want to go our own way. There's a way that seems right to a man, but it only leads to death and destruction.

And Solomon wants to spare his children of that pain. And that's why he says, be attentive so that you may gain insight. Pay careful attention to this instruction. Don't stop up your ears to it. Don't despise it. Don't ignore it. Instead, hear it carefully.

Listen to it. Receive it so that it may give you insight, perception. You know, God's instruction sheds its light on our pathway in life. It takes us to Christ. It leads us all the way home. The psalmist said that the instruction of God's word is a lamp unto our feet and a light unto our path. That means you don't have to navigate the pathway of life in the dark. So listen to God's instruction. Be attentive to it. And that way, you'll gain insight for life. Well, that's today's devotional thought. If we can minister to you in any way, please contact us. You can email us at connect at Thanks for listening.
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