This is the Truth Network. What a treat. We have a huge treat for you today on Kingdom Pursuits.
We have Mark Billitz with us. He is the author of America at War. He's the author of God's Daytimer and Blood Moons and many, many, many other books. And not to mention that we are going together to Israel in May, and so we get to talk about all those things. But, you know, again, Mark, I just love your love for the Bible, your love for its origins and deeper things, I guess.
Well, thank you so much. I just—he's a dad. What else can I say, you know? He is dead.
He really is. And, you know, he's so amazing that worship is about the only place you can go because you can't help but find yourself in a place like, oh, my goodness, I had no idea. I had no idea.
I had no idea. Oh, yeah, that's the thing. What's amazing, you know, we know as Christians that we see through a glass darkly, we only know in part.
Well, guess what? The Bible says in Romans 11 that Israel was only blinded in part. So both Jews and Christians see partly, and the first group to humble themselves and look at the other one's lens through it, then you see the whole picture, and all of a sudden, the Bible becomes full color, 3D, everything popping out.
It's amazing. Yeah, and, you know, I love what they said about Eugene Peterson, maybe you've heard this, that he had a conversational intimacy with the Bible. And, you know, that to me is you've seen these passages, you've read them, you've read them, you've read them, and they just become so—you just like talking to them again. Like, here I am again in this passage and finding these things. And so when you're writing these books like America at War, right, this is your latest book, am I understanding that right?
Yes, yes. And so I imagine you're revisiting places. How does God, you know, light up your world to go, hey, Mark, we need to write this one? Well, usually it's in prayer and study. I love to pray.
I love to study. And the other thing is I have a very good friend named Danny Ben Gigi, who is the number one Hebrew teacher in the world. He even had to correct the chief rabbi of Israel's Hebrew and something he said to Donald Trump. Well, he's my neighbor. Oh, really? And so I'll spend like two days a week at his house, and, you know, we will just go through the scripture, and it is mind blowing. Oh, my gosh.
To have Danny Ben Gigi by my side, he has a website as well. But oh, my goodness, he and I, as a matter of fact, have just written the entire New Testament in Hebrew with the Hebrew transliteration. So people can learn to read Hebrew easily and then the corrected English, because we're finding a lot of different errors in the New Testament. You know, there's over 900 English translations, and because they're copyrighted, they're all different.
So how do you know which one's right? Yeah, and I love that. You know, I myself, because I love Hebrew, a couple years ago prayerfully God asked me to do my own translation of the book of John, specifically the first chapter. And as I've worked and worked and worked on that, just the things that opened your mind up to, if you guys did that with the whole New Testament, oh, my word.
Yeah. And what I love is people can learn Hebrew so easily. They can read and write Hebrew probably within an hour and a half. It's just some basic phonics.
We may even, but we have it on our website. But what people don't understand is, I don't know if you know another language, but I'm sure you have many listeners that know another language. Whenever you translate something, you're going to lose something, especially if you're from another culture. And the big example I like to give is when the rooster crowed three times when Peter denied Christ. Did you know it's a misunderstanding that never happened? Yes, it happened, but not like we think in our Greek mind, just like the word general or captain or manager is the title. There was a priest who had the title of rooster, and he every morning would call out three times for everyone to begin the morning service. So, yes, it happened, but it was the priest with the title of giver, which is translated as rooster.
And it's even recorded in Jewish history from 2,000 years ago that that's what his name was. They wouldn't allow chickens in Jerusalem. They're not acceptable for sacrifice. And who wants to smell a stinking chicken slaughterhouse next to an outdoor temple? Oh, yeah, and I've heard that before, the controversy over the fact that there wouldn't be roosters in Jerusalem to even crow three times. Exactly. But I had not heard the idea of the priest, but that's beyond cool, right? And it would make sense that like a rooster, he's going to crow, right? Every morning, because they had to do it at sunrise. That's when they had to get ready for the morning service at nine in the morning.
That is really awesome. And again, it's just little details that, like you say, it turns a passage you're very familiar with, and makes it sort of 3D, and helps you get a deeper understanding of the picture that God wants to paint as we dig into getting it. And know him better, and know his culture better, right? And know, as you were talking about in Christian Kargai, that even the word feast really is very much connected to God's day timer, so to speak, that other book that you wrote. But I love that idea that we're headed for a day in destiny. And am I right that when you're looking at the eighth day of the seventh month, it was to be a day of detention, with the idea that a family or a king that would have a bunch of sons over for dinner for seven days would want their company for an extra day?
So like, please hang out with me one more day. Exactly. Exactly. That's what the Feast of Tabernacles was, from the 15th of Tishri to the 22nd.
Yeah, everyone else in the big party would go home, but then those who are closest would hang out for another day. Isn't that beautiful? I love it.
Those little things speak to how much God really wants us to be there, really wants us to hang with him. And Mark, I don't think you know this about this show, but I'm known for my sort of dad jokes. And so the one book that you're quite famous for is Blood Moons. And so I took that topic and kind of had some dad jokes around it that usually I like to play shenanigans and usually would have music along those lines.
But I understand we were hacked and we didn't have that. So speaking of moons, we have some questions for you. So, Nick, are you ready? Are you ready? That would be. Yeah. Oh, there you are. So how do you know?
And you're welcome to answer these too, Mark. How do you know the moon landing was fake? I don't know if you've ever given any thought to that, but, you know, you can just I can verify for sure that the moon landing was fake. You know how I know? The shadow. Oh, it's still up there. It'll come to you in a minute. Yeah, never landed.
I love it. And so how do you know the moon is hairless? Have you wondered about that one, Nick? Hairless moon. My joke music is missing too, but it's OK. Hairless moon, you know why? Because it spends half the month waxing.
I know you'd like that. So why does it look like France was the first to land on the moon? Have you ever taken a look through a telescope and you get a good look at the flag on the moon? Why would it look that France was actually the first land on the moon?
So solar radiation, it bleached the flag white. I bet you know this one, Mark. Most people do.
Why will restaurants struggle on the moon? I don't know. Do tell. Do tell. No atmosphere.
No atmosphere. Oh, I love it. Yes. And we have one more of those. And then we get to the actual riddle.
You can call it and win today. And we got all sorts of books and stuff to give away. So we come back. We have a whole bunch more with Mark. Baritz.
Balitz, I'm sorry. And our trip to Israel, all that's coming up. You can go to and find out all about that. Find out about Mark's books.
It's all there at We'll be right back with a whole lot more. Welcome back to Kingdom Pursuits where we hear how God takes your passion and uses it to build the kingdom. So much fun today with Mark Balitz and his trip that we've got going to Israel here in May that I get to join him. And I'm so excited if you could come with us and we could talk about all these and see these amazing things that God has been preparing for centuries and centuries for us, including the Jordan River and the Dead Sea and all sorts of things I'm dying to see myself that I've never had a chance to see, study all of, but never had a chance to see. So when we actually left, we were just finishing up my shenanigans.
And so I had one more quiz joke for you here, Nick. So why should you never worry when somebody obsesses over the moon? You got any idea? Why should you never worry? Because somebody is obsessing over the moon.
It's usually it's just a phase. Yeah. Last but Mark don't answer this one because I know that you're very prepared to answer this question but for people that call in and win. And again, I'm sorry we don't have our music today because we've had some serious intrusion Yes, they went on so which blood moon is still to circulate. We'll play on words there which blood moon is still to circulate if you know the answer to that.
You call us at 866-348-7884 866-348-7884 which blood moon is still to circulate and if you can guess that, Nick, tell them what they'll win. Yes, you'll be winning a prize from our kingdom pursuits prize ball if you know the answer to Robbie's riddles gives call 866-348-7884. Yeah, and it's loaded with books and all sorts of other calendar cow. Oh man, we have calendars and speaking of calendars. When I had John true talk live mark we talked about these fires and you know, sort of an indication of the calendar that we're at here in America. And can you speak to that a minute? Oh my goodness.
Yes. Well, what's fascinating is we know in Revelation that talks about how God's going to judge the world with fire and you know, who knows it may be something that he does from the heavenlies, but it also very well could be the fact that oftentimes man is their own destruction and we found out these California wildfires were arson started and you know, I think that there's a lot of reasons I can go into why I think and by saying God's judgment, I don't mean it in a bad sense per se. It's just like God says don't put your hand in a blender while it's on and then we stick our hand in the blender and then we get mad at God, you know, it's just that mankind has been running from God. And so this is the the result of that is our behavior. It's just the consequence of man's behaviors what's causing, you know, I jokingly say I definitely believe in climate change. And I believe it in the from the fact that God is the one who changes the climate, you get rain when you're good, you don't get rain when you're bad, and he just like Israel didn't have any rain for like 2000 years until Israel moved back.
And so, and I didn't want anyone to take it over, which is why, but God controls everything that's going on. Yeah, it's interesting. There's a gigantic connection between the word cloud and salvation.
Right? And yeah, go ahead. Well, it Jesus is coming back right in a cloud. We know that.
And, you know, if you lived in that culture at that time, you know of that we're referring to after 200 years or whatever. Like you said that that rain on the horizon, like, you know, Elijah was praying for, you know, that's it. That's salvation. Absolutely, absolutely. It says both in Daniel and in Revelation, he's coming with the clouds and the cloud could mean literally the clouds we know but also clouds of people. Really? Oh, sure.
He's coming with the clouds and when he comes there's going to be all these people riding on the white horses right behind him. Oh, that's right. That's beautiful.
Yeah, they absolutely will be. And it's kind of neat too to me. And I know you that, you know, anywhere you see water in the in the Bible, it's very much connected to the idea of the Word of God, which is connected to Jesus, obviously, since he is the Word. Absolutely. And so, you know, when you're trying to struggle to read the scriptures, you know, praying for rain is a pretty good idea. I love it.
I love it. And since you mentioned it, what I think is so important about what you said, if you consider the water is the Word of God, the big thing is, how close do you want to be? Do you want to just be on the sandy beach and dip your toes in it? Do you want to go out on a boat? Do you want to go swimming, or snorkeling or scuba diving? And so God, everyone is at a different place. And I want to go scuba diving. Matter of fact, I want to get in a submarine.
I want to go really deep in the Word of God. Yeah, and I tried to write it down. It wasn't fast enough. The word of the man that you live next door to, David, was his name? That is the Bible scholar? No, Danny Ben Gigi. Danny Ben Gigi, the son of Gigi, apparently. Exactly. He's a native Israeli.
He fought in the Yom Kippur War. And so I just, again, to me, one of the neat things that Mark has the ability to help us with, and certainly will open up my eyes, open up my eyes tremendously, in the Hebrew language, every single letter has energies to it and understandings to them. And even the paleo way that they were written can give us deeper understanding of just the word truth, right?
Oh, my goodness, you're not kidding. I could give some examples if you want. I do. Well, I'll give just two quick examples. One of them is the word Zion that everybody knows refers to Jerusalem. Well, David is the one who came up with the word Zion a thousand years before Jesus was even born. Well, since every letter in Hebrew is a word, every letter is a picture, every letter is a number, when he wrote the word Zion, in the paleo Hebrew, what the letters meant, picture-wise, we know the Lord said he wanted to make us fishers of men, and he said if he be lifted up, he'll catch all men. Well, in Hebrew, the first letter of Zion was a fishhook, and the last letter is a fish. So the very word Zion means to catch fish. So what's the bait on the hook to catch the fish?
The middle two letters are the yud and the vav, which is a hand and a nail. So here, when he wrote the word Zion, he did a picture of a fishhook, a hand and a nail, and a fist. The nailed hand of the Messiah will be the bait.
Isn't that awesome? I mean, that's just enough to make you, like, and to realize that, you know, anybody that is witnessing or preaching or anything else, that the bait is always the cross, right? Yeah, the very word Torah, we get our letter T from that letter, and that's how the tav used to look, it was a cross. And then the word Torah, the next letter is the vav, which is a nail, then the race, which is a head or the highest person, and then the hei means to behold or reveal. So the very word Torah is revealing the highest one nailed to the cross.
And it, like you say, you could take that same word with, you know, the, you know, Rashi script and do amazing other things with it, because there are 70 different, like we talked about, there are 70 different ways that you can look at it, all of which will lead you. The Sunday school teacher taught me this, and I'll never forget it, they said, anywhere you cut the Bible, it bleeds. And when you were talking about, you know, earlier in the show, you know, that Jesus' blood was shed on the eighth day, you know, I've often thought that was interesting that, you know, the temple was cleansed on the eighth day, right? Exactly, at Passover. Yeah, this was at Passover, it was just before the Passover, right before. And what was amazing about that is when you understand the Jewish tradition, they always had to get the leaven out of the house, and dad, the children would help dad get the leaven out.
Well, this is God's house, and so he's in the house helping dad get all the leaven out before Passover. Exactly, exactly. On the eighth day, and interestingly, again, to me more than interestingly, the 119th Psalm, you may know, has got eight verses on all 22 Hebrew letters. Exactly. And so that eighth verse is always, it appears to me as I read those verses and study them and think about them, that eighth verse is always connected to the cleansing of that particular letter.
Oh, absolutely. Eight is dedication. Eight is new beginnings.
That's why after the 7,000th year, there's a new heaven and a new earth on the eighth day, or 8,000th year. Right, right. And so it's neat when you begin to see the numbers and realize that, oh, those numbers will help me discern some things, especially, you know, King David has just got so many things in the Psalms and so many things, and again, you know, Moses has got them, and all these people, they understood their language, even Adam, they said, when he named the animals. Understood things about the energies that were involved in the words that, you know, when you hear the word, you know, giraffe or dog or something, whatever it is that you hear, in whatever language, they described somewhat the animal itself, right? Exactly. The word dog in Hebrew is calav, and what it means in Hebrew, kol, is all, lev is heart.
So the dog is one who gives you all his heart. Oh, isn't that cool? And they do, don't they, you know? Oh, absolutely. What's amazing is that you mentioned King David in the Psalms.
Did you know God had King David write the funeral hymns for Yeshua a thousand years before he died? Oh, I can hardly wait. We're going to talk about that when we come back. And you can still call in and tell us which blood moon is still to circulate. I bet you Mark's going to tell us that. At the end, if somebody doesn't call, 866-348-7884, 866-34-TRUTH.
We'll be right back. Welcome back to Kingdom Pursuits, where we hear how God takes your passion and uses it to build the kingdom, and we certainly have a poster child for the passion for the Bible, for the original languages, and all sorts of wonderful stuff. Pastor and teacher and author, Mark Billis, and he's got this trip to Israel, but I should tell you that, you know, he preaches every Sunday to an amazing audience on YouTube and on Facebook and all that. And if you just go to El Shaddai, is it It's E-S-M dot U-S. E-S-M, which is El Shaddai Ministries. E-S-M dot U-S. For the United States.
Right, right. Or, again, if you're interested in the trip coming up in May, it's like the 4th through the 14th, something like that, and you can either go to Kingdom Pursuits, you can go to Christian Car Guy, or you can do the same thing. Go to E-S-M dot U-S, and there you can see exactly all the details, and, you know, it's an amazing thing. I'm so excited and would be so excited to have you along and share the insights that we will be getting as we experience this with so many learned folks that have been there, done this, so to speak, to show us things that will help us grow in our study and our relationship with God.
It's going to be a blast. But when we went to the break, you had said that David was writing this funeral hymn, and I'm definitely interested in what that is. Well, if you remember, in the Gospels, it says they, after the Last Supper, it says they sang a hymn and went over to the Mount of Olives. Psalm 118. And I'd like to know if any of your listeners know the words to that song. I actually have some idea, because isn't it Psalm 118?
Exactly. It's Psalm 118. And so they sing it three times a day, every day throughout the Passover. They sing Psalm 118. Now, David wrote this a thousand years before Jesus was born, and so God is inspiring him what to write.
Well, at nine in the morning, the time of the morning sacrifice is the exact moment, it says in Mark, when they were binding Yeshua to the cross. Well, so what is he hearing while they're nailing him to the cross? Josepha says there's over a million Jews in Jerusalem for the Passover.
And so they're surrounding all around. He hears all these people singing, and at the end of Psalm 118, while he's being nailed to the cross, at the very same moment, they're binding the Passover lamb to the horns of the altar, and they're singing bind the sacrifice with cords, even to the horns of the altar. That's what they're singing when they're binding Yeshua to the cross. And then at noon, when all the lights go out, again, they're singing Psalm 118. And what is he hearing while he's suspended between earth and heaven? Verse 16, the right hand of the Lord is lifted up. The right hand of the Lord does valiantly. And then at three, the time of the evening sacrifice, what is he hearing everyone sing when all the lights come back on?
I will pray you, for you have heard me, and you have now become my salvation. Wow. Yeah. It's amazing. It is, and you know, I've done these Passover Seders at churches and different events for years, and I love, love, love to always, you know, as we're coming up to the end, you know, just pointing back to a Seder was what the Last Supper was. And they have on YouTube, and maybe you've heard it, Mark, what they feel like was the original Davidic safer of the actual song in Hebrew singing, in the harmony of the time. And some people say it even sounds like moon people or something. You have to hear it to believe it. But I always stand amazed at the research that people have done into such things, and when you hear that and you see those words, and you're actually experiencing, which I'm sure you've experienced Seders like that, which I've never seen in my life.
But it's just really, really unbelievably cool, isn't it? I love doing Passover Seders. We've had them with fifteen hundred people before a Passover Seder that we do. But we've kept them a little bit smaller, closer to five hundred this last year.
Of course, we couldn't do it during COVID. But I also love showing how the Lord is all four cups. He's in every single one of them. And I'm so glad you do that. I'm so happy that you have this radio program and you're promoting this. Oh, I have loved it for and I can't tell you. And that fourth cup, which we talked about actually in The Christian Car Guy, that cup that we have yet to drink is really connected to the Blood Moons book. So I haven't had a chance. I'm going to read that while I'm gone next week.
I'm very excited about reading it, because I got it from you the other day. But can you give us a sneak peek of what's up with the Blood Moons? Oh, my goodness, it is so heavy. The first thing going back to Genesis 114, why did God create the sun and the moon? You know, the number one reason he says is for signs, right?
Wow. And that's what's amazing. The only sign they make is an eclipse, which no prophet can manipulate, no false prophet. And it speaks to every language. But the problem is the church is on the Gregorian calendar. And so the sun is great. It's perfect mathematically.
But so is the moon. And that's what Islam uses. But God said, let them determine the time. And so no one wants to be a day late for Noah's Ark.
He had paid late. Unless we're on God's calendar, we're not going to know. Yeah, and so is it like every time there's an eclipse, is there some kind of blood moon? Is that associated to that? Only only when they fall on the festivals.
But now here's the thing. You can only have a total lunar eclipse on a full moon, which is the middle of the month. And that's why God put Passover in the coat at a full moon. So a blood moon in the middle of the month is not significant unless it falls on Passover in the coat.
That's what makes it significant is for the appointed time. And now the new moon is the only time you can have a total solar eclipse. And that's always the first of every month that every Jew had to keep. But Rosh Hashanah is the new moon. And when you have a total solar eclipse on Rosh Hashanah, that is what gives us the great significance. And we have total solar lunar eclipses coming up over the next two years, which is why I wrote the book America at War, 2024 through 2026, because the total solar eclipses two years in a row fall on Nissan one and Kishri one, two years in a row. And the blood moons happen on a Dar 15, which is Purim, when Amlek wondered back to Israel. And then Amlel 15 during the month of repentance before Rosh Hashanah. And this happens two years in a row. And beyond that, every tribe is assigned a month. And that's how they traveled when they went to war in number 10.
These eclipses fall in the exact order of how they went to war in numbers 10. Wow. Yeah. Yeah. So there's the signs, right? Right there. Exactly.
Right there where you can find them. And, you know, I had I did not I was not aware, but that is absolutely amazing that I did. And I was just reading this. Well, go ahead.
Go ahead. I only stick with math and science and biblical astronomy. The difference between astrology and astronomy astrology, you make it all about you. Biblical astronomy is all about him.
And as long as you have that balance, there's not a problem. But according to NASA, their website, there's been over 5000, let's say, eclipses over the last 3000 years. Total solar alone. Totally solar.
Right. You can only average you only average one total solar eclipse every year and a half. You only average one total lunar eclipse every year and a half. But there are two total solars, two total lunar in a year and a half.
Here you have four and they fall on the feast days. This is mathematically off the charts. Wow. And so that points to you saying that that America is going to be the one at war. I think so. Well, just like what happened in New Orleans, I see two types of war.
There's going to be a lot of civil uprisings politically between the right and left, religious uprisings between the pro Palestinians and pro Israelis. Oh, wow. I hate we got to go to another break right now, Mark. We got to be right back. You don't want to miss this. Stay tuned. So much more Kingdom Pursuits coming up. And we might even find out which blood moon is still to circulate.
Stay tuned. You're listening to the Truth Network and Welcome back to Kingdom Pursuits, where we hear how God takes your passion and uses it to build the kingdom. And so often we find that speakers and authors and all sorts of different ways that God has just flipped the switch. And I'm sure you can hear that in Mark Beliz.
He's the author of America at War, God's Day timer, blood moons and so many more. And we are going to Israel in May. That would mean Tammy and I and hopefully you. We would love for you to join us.
You can go to Kingdom Pursuits and you can see all that there. Or you can just go to E. S. Say it again one more time, Mark. Yes.
It's for L. T. I. Ministries. E. S. M. Dot. You. Yeah. And I've got to get going here in about five minutes. Yeah, we do, because the show is over, actually.
OK. About six or seven. So we're we're we're in good timing. And so, you know, since we are in a very short segment, what would you like to get said on today's program about the trip or whatever you think that that would really be along the lines of what we talked about today?
Oh, my goodness. This trip is a trip of a lifetime. If you've never been, you got to go, especially all your listeners realize that you're going with us, you and your wife.
And we can hardly wait because I know they'd all love to be with you on this trip. But one of my most favorite things is we're going to go on a boat ride on the Sea of Galilee singing worship and praise songs, which is just mind blowing. We're going to go to Cielo, where Moses Tabernacle or the tabernacle was for three hundred and sixty eight years.
And you can feel God's presence. You literally can walk on the very dirt where the Holy of Holies was for three hundred and sixty eight years. And since God's presence, that's also where the red heifer is going to be that they're going to end up sacrificing for the temple.
You can actually see him. And then we're also going to Hebron, where Abraham, Isaac and Jacob are buried. We'll visit Ruth's tomb.
Oh, my goodness. There are so many wonderful places. We're going to visit the people. You're going to meet the people.
I don't know if any of your listeners know Rabbi Jeremy Gimpel or Aria Bromowitz. We're going to go out to their property, which is south of Hebron. We're going to visit the Herodian where Herod was buried. But we go all over Israel. And I'm telling you, your people will be shocked at everything and how much they'll feel at home when they land.
Well, Jewish Jewish legend says that the cave of Maklava, some of them, that Adam and Eve are actually buried in that cave. Exactly. That's true.
That's right. And, you know, just to think, I mean, I'm so excited. I can't tell you that that actually like, oh, my goodness, is that. You know, there's lots of legends that have to do with why Abraham bought that property and there's so much connected to that property biblically.
It's phenomenal. And to actually step on that property that, you know, these ancient, ancient, I mean, Jacob, you know, Leah. Are we going to Bethlehem as well? Not to Bethlehem. We just have so many things we're doing.
We're running 100 miles an hour, but it's going to be so much fun. People have time to do their shopping in Jerusalem, you know. But we're not only going to the Western Wall, we're going under the Temple Mount in tunnels to see all kinds of things that are mind blowing. And we're even going to go on the Temple Mount itself right by the Dome of the Rock. And we're going to be able to walk that area where the temple actually stood and Yeshua walked. And again, Jewish legend is that the actual arc of the tabernacle is under the Temple Mount.
Yeah. The Jews have never lost it. We always talk about it being lost.
They've never lost it. And I know people who know exactly where it is, and they're just waiting for the right time to bring it out. Now, that's amazing. Wow. Well, thank you, Mark. I can't tell you how much we appreciate your time, your being with us and how excited we are for May. It's around the corner.
So don't hesitate if you want to go get it lined up and get your passports in order and all that stuff, because it's around the corner. And again, you can just go to All the links are there. or You can see it easily. It's a real trip, and there's a wonderful video there. You can see all the details, and go ahead and get signed up. Thank you so much, Mark, for being with us today.
Well, I'm just so thankful for you, and I'm so thankful for your listeners that they get to have you on the radio program promoting everything that the kingdom is coming. Yes. Yes. And, you know, it's really just a chance to, like you said, it's Dad, right? Exactly. And the more we can get to know him and the closer we can get to him, the more that we can help other people that don't know that and don't realize how short time could be. And so time is running out. We got to be about the Father's business, right? Absolutely. And the thing is this, if any of your listeners decide to go to Jerusalem, you know what?
It's not their choice. Their dad is inviting them, and they're hearing their dad's call to come home and visit him. Isn't that beautiful? I couldn't agree with you more that he is calling, and we all get to spend, you know, all sorts of eternity coming up there. And, you know, I'm just, again, so excited to be there and would so love for you to join us and Tammy. Like, if you've heard Tammy on the air from time to time, she's just a light.
The people in my church will tell you that, you know, she's my superpower. Like, that's the part that's really there. Well, again, Mark, thank you so much for being with us and for being part of the show today and for all you listening.
You got so much truth coming at you. You got Encouraging Prayer that's coming up right after this show, followed by Masculine Journey, and then it's time to man up with Nikita Koloff. We thank you all so much. And by the way, the blood moon is still to circulate.
Right, Mark? Absolutely. All right. Thanks for listening. We'll see you next time.
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